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Drowning unconformities and their related strata are important records of key tectonic and environmental events throughout Earth’s history. In the eastern Bird’s Head region of West Papua, Indonesia, Middle Miocene strata record a drowning unconformity present over much of western New Guinea, including several offshore basins. This study records platform carbonate strata overlain by mixed shallow- and deep-water units containing benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in several outcrop locations across the eastern Bird’s Head region. These heterolithic beds are interpreted as drowning successions that are terminated by a drowning unconformity. We define a succession exposed along the Anggrisi River in the eastern Bird’s Head as a stratotype for carbonate platform drowning in the Bird’s Head, analogous to similar faunal turnovers identified in its offshore basins. Detailed facies analyses, biostratigraphic dating, and paleoenvironmental interpretations using larger benthic and planktonic foraminifera collected from the Anggrisi River succession help to constrain the drowning event recorded onshore as beginning in the Burdigalian and ending in the Serravallian. The cause of platform drowning in the Bird’s Head is attributed to a reduction in the rates of carbonate accumulation due to the presence of excess nutrients in the depositional environment. Already foundering carbonate platforms due to environmental deterioration were left vulnerable to submergence and eventually succumbed to drowning. Low rates of carbonate production were outpaced by the rate of relative sea-level rise caused by high-amplitude oscillations in global glacio-eustatic sea-level change and/or regional tectonic subsidence. The duration of the drowning event across the entire Bird’s Head region is interpreted to have lasted a duration of approximately 9.5 My, between 18.0 and 8.58 Ma. This has implications when interpreting timings of sedimentary basin fill across western New Guinea and in other basins where carbonate platform drowning is recorded.  相似文献   

Luigi Spalluto 《Facies》2012,58(1):17-36
The “mid”-Cretaceous carbonate succession of the Apulia Carbonate Platform cropping out in northern Murge area (Apulia, southern Italy) is composed of shallow-water carbonate rocks and is over 400 m in thickness. This paper focuses on the lithofacies analysis of this carbonate succession, its paleoenvironmental interpretation, and its sequence-chronostratigraphic architecture. Lithofacies analysis permitted to identify deposits which can be grouped into the following three facies belts: (1) terrestrial facies belt formed by: intraclast-supported paleosoils; solution-collapse breccias; (2) restricted facies belt made up of lithofacies deposited in protected peritidal environments; (3) normal-marine facies belt made up of lithofacies formed in moderate- to high-energy subtidal environments. The detailed study both in outcrops and in thin-sections revealed that, at the bed scale, lithofacies are cyclically arranged and form shallowing-upward small-scale depositional sequences comparable to parasequences and/or simple sequences. The following three small-scale sequence types have been distinguished: (1) subtidal sequences mostly made up of lithofacies formed in the normal-marine open subtidal domain; (2) peritidal sequences made up of lithofacies formed in the restricted peritidal domain; (3) peritidal sequences showing a cap formed by paleosoils. Small-scale sequences are not randomly arranged in the compiled succession but form discrete packages, or sets, that alternate in the sedimentary record. The repetition of such small-scale sequence packages in the succession has been the key to recognize large-scale sequences comparable to third-order depositional sequences. Although sedimentological data are often fragmentary due to late dolomitization, four large-scale sequences have been distinguished. The data support a generalized landward-backstepping of facies belts during transgression, which implies a gradual gain of accommodation culminating with the deposition of a package of small-scale sequences formed by normal-marine subtidal deposits. These mark periods of maximum accommodation space and form the maximum-flooding zones of large-scale sequences. A gradual seaward progradation of facies belts is recorded during highstand conditions, which implies a gradual loss of accommodation culminating with the deposition of a package of peritidal small-scale sequences capped by paleosoils or by solution-collapse breccias. The occurrence of terrestrial deposits marks periods of minimum accommodation on the platform and determines the sequence boundary of large-scale sequences. The large-scale sequences identified in this study fit with the main transgressive/regressive cycles published in the sequence-chronostratigraphic chart of European basins. As a consequence, it is interpreted that changes of the sea level recorded at the scale of European basins played an important role in determining the sequence-stratigraphic architecture of the studied succession. In spite of this, the occurrence of solution-collapse breccias, which implies a significant gap in carbonate sedimentation in between Early and Middle Cenomanian times, may also have an alternative interpretation. In particular, this deposit may represent the local fingerprint of the well-known tectonic phase which, during Late Albian-Early/Middle Cenomanian times, determined the subaerial exposure of large parts of Periadriatic carbonate platforms producing a marked regional unconformity.  相似文献   

Summary The Dengying Formation exposed at Sansha, Human Province, central South China, comprises unfossiliferous dolomitized platform carbonates and a solution-collapse breccia sequence. Microfacies analysis indicates a cyclic, increasingly restricted lagoonal to oolithic platform marginal facies. Sedimentation was repeatedly interrupted by periods of subaerial exposure as suggested by features of meteoric diagenesis and karstification. During a final regressive phase selective karst-dissolution of strata, interpreted as dolomite-evaporite interbeds, created a solution-residual/collapse breccia sequence. The Dengying Fm. is disconformably overlain by Lower Cambrian transgressive phosphatic conglomerates and fossiliferous black shales. These local facies data add another piece to the puzzle of Proterozoic/Cambrian Yangtze platform sedimentational history and demonstrate the applicability of microfacies analysis to uppermost Proterozoic strata.  相似文献   

Luca Basilone 《Facies》2009,55(1):115-135
The Rocca Busambra ridge in western Sicily is a shallow to pelagic Meso-Cenozoic carbonate structural unit of the Sicilian Chain with a variety of tectono-sedimentary features. Palaeofaults, unconformities (buttress unconformity, onlap, downlap), a network of neptunian dykes with several infilling generations, several large hiatuses, different facies and lateral facies changes, and erosional submarine and subaerial surfaces are observed. Detailed fieldwork and structural analyses have indicated the occurrence of fault planes with different orientations. These data, combined with facies studies and physical-stratigraphy analyses, allow for the distinction of different depositional regions. A lateral change from an open-marine carbonate platform with a stepped fault margin (located in the westernmost sector) to a deeper basinal depositional setting in the east, in the context of an upper slope scalloped margin and base-of-slope systems with talus breccias, is envisaged here. Extensional to transtensional tectonic pulses punctuated the sedimentary evolution during Early Toarcian, Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, and Early Miocene times. The collected data show that most fault planes have preserved their original orientations throughout the reactivation processes. The reconstructed Meso-Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution is closely related to the late syn-rift and post-rift tectonic evolution of the Tethyan continental margin.  相似文献   

Summary Several Waulsortian-type mud mounds nearly 500 m thick and about 5 km long occur in the Middle Paleozoic carbonate section of the Aktur nappe in the mountains on the right bank of Isfara river. These buildups form a well developed barrier system that stretches along the South Ferganian carbonate platform margin and divides the carbonate complex into a fore-reef and a back-reef part. The time of the mounds' most active growth was from the Late Silurian (Ludlow) to the Middle Devonian (Eifel). Three main facies types can be recognized in the mud mounds: 1. micritic core facies, 2. sparitic flank facies and 3. loferitic capping facies. The central massive or crudely bedded part of the mounds consists of white or light grey clotted micrite. Macrofossils are rare. The sparitic flank facies in contrast consists of coarse and densely packed crinoidal wackestone-floatstones with some brachiopod shell debris. Solitary rugose corals, tabulate corals, stromato-poroids and fragments of mollusks are also abundant. The tops of the mounds are usually covered with loferitic pelmicrites or oolitic grainstone caps. Stromatactis-like structures are very rare and poorly developed in the South Ferganian mud mounds. However, almostin all such mounds horizons of calcitic breccias can be found. In order to explain all the features found in the Fergana mounds an ‘atoll-like’ model has been proposed which starts the evolution of the mud mounds with a small nucleus bioherm. The main stage of the evolution corresponds to an atoll-like structure developing on the surface of shallow water platforms. White clotted micrite of the mound core facies is interpreted as a accumulation of fine-grained sediment in an inner lagoon flanked by crinoidal bar deposits. The mound flank facies represents the atoll rim deposits from where the carbonate mud is derived. The capping loferitic facies is considered as tidal flat deposit that developed on top of the buildups during the last stage of its evolution. The knoll shape of the mounds is explained by the retreat of the atoll flanking crinoidal bars back into the inner lagoon during the rise in sea level. Stromatactis-like structures of small cavities filled with sparry calcite owe their existence to burrowing organisms. Calcitic breccias are interpreted as paleokarst collapse breccias. They indicate that the tops of the mud mound became subaerially exposed. Other evidence for a subaerial exposure can be seen in the occurrence of Variscian ‘black and white’ limestone gravel on the tops of some mud mounds. According toWard et al. (1970) these sediments were produced above the sea level at the edge of hypersaline lakes situated on islands.  相似文献   

Epeiric sedimentation and sea level: synthetic ecostratigraphy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carbonate strata from the central parts of epicontinental seas are ideal for detailed biostratigraphic study of eustatic sea level change. Using a model for epeiric seas in which carbonate accumulation rate is depth-dependent, we derive synthetic stratigraphies for sea level histories simulating post-glacial transgression and constant and sinusoidally fluctuating ridge volume increase. These sea level histories give distinctively different trends for water depth as a function of stratigraphic position in sections' bathymetric curves. In general, depth is proportional to the rate of sea level rise. Depth-dependent sedimentation leads to a time lag between sea level fluctuation and corresponding depth fluctuation which, as examples show, can approach 106 years for depth fluctuations of only a few meters – a fundamental consideration in reconstructing sea level curves, time-correlating sections by their bathymetric curves, and attempting to relate bathymetric history on continents to mechanisms driving sea level change. Bathymetric curves based on gradient analysis of fossil assemblages (coenocorrelation curves) for Middle Ordovician sections in New York and the American Midwest approximate patterns for sinusoidally increasing sea level. The model's predictions are tested in an ‘artificial experiment’ that takes advantage of differential subsidence between the craton's middle and its edge to make a difference in the bathymetric histories of sections that otherwise record the same sea level history. Depth fluctuations of no more than a few meters over million year spans are potentially useful in time-correlation to within fractions of a cycle's period. The depth-dependence in sedimentation was that, above wave base, net accumulation per year was very roughly three-millionths the water depth. Association of volcanic ash layers with transitory sea level minima on the craton, and with onset of more rapid subduction in the Taconic are - continent collision zone, suggests interrelationship on a million year scale between sea level and large-scale tectonic phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary Following a phase of predominantly siliciclastic sedimentation in the Early and Middle Jurassic, a large-scale, low-latitude carbonate depositional system was established in the northern part of the Tabas Block, part of the central-east Iranian microplate, during the Callovian and persisted until the latest Oxfordian/Early Kimmeridgian. Running parallel to the present eastern block margin, a NNW/SSE-trending carbonate platform developed in an area characterized by reduced subsidence rates (Shotori Swell). The growth of this rimmed, flat-topped barrier platform strongly influenced the Upper Jurassic facies pattern and sedimentary history of the Tabas Block. The platform sediments, represented by the predominantly fine-grained carbonates of the Esfandiar Limestone Formation, pass eastward into slope to basin sediments of the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation (platform-derived allochthonites, microbialites, and peri-platform muds). Towards the west, they interfinger with bedded limestones and marlstones (Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation), which were deposited in an extensive shelf lagoon. In a N−S direction, the Esfandiar Platform can be traced for about 170 km, in an E-W direction, the platform extended for at least 35–40 km. The width of the eastern slope of the platform is estimated at 10–15 km, the width of the western shelf lagoon varied considerably (>20–80 km). During the Late Callovian to Middle Oxfordian, the Esfandiar Platform flourished under arid climatic conditions and supplied the slope and basinal areas with large amounts of carbonates (suspended peri-platform muds and gravitational sediments). Export pulses of platform material, e.g. ooids and aggregate grains, into the slope and basinal system are interpreted as highstand shedding related to relative sealevel variations. The high-productivity phase was terminated in the Late Oxfordian when the eastern platform areas drowned and homogeneous deep water marls of the Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian Korond Formation onlapped both the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation and the drowned Esfandiar Limestone Formation. Tectonic instability, probably caused by faulting at the margins of the Tabas Block in connection with rotational movements of the east-central Iranian block assemblage, was responsible for the partial drowning of the eastern platform areas. In some areas, relicts of the platform persisted to produce shallow-water sediments into the Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

Summary At the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, major climatic and oceanographic changes influenced sedimentation on carbonate platforms and in peri-platfrom asreas. Three deep-water carbonate successions in Moravia, which were selected to represent different paleotectonic settings, have been studied with the aim of testing the influence of eustatic, climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and conodont paleoecology and taphonomy. On the slopes of the wide carbonate platforms of the Moravian Karst Development (Lesní lom and Grygov sections), an exemplary highstand shedding systems developed in the upper Famennian (expansa Zone), marked by a pronounced thickness of their respective calciturbidite successions and an abundance of shallow-water skeletal grains.Palamatolepis— andBispathodus-dominated conodont assemblages contain an admixture ofPolygnathus representing a transported, near-shore component. The eustatic sea-level fall in the praesulcata Zone and the lowstand conditions at the D/C boundary resulted in a decline of carbonate platform production and condensed deposition or nondeposition. In the Lesní lom section, a condensed sequence of turrbiditic calcarenites and shales (Middle praesulcata—lowermost sulcata Zone) was followed by lime mud calciturbidites (sulcata and duplicata Zones). In the conodont assemblages, the first event in the Lower praesulcata Zone was associated with the reduction of ‘mesopelagic’Palmatopic and a bloom of epipelagicPolygnathus communis. The second event in the Middle praesulcata Zone corresponds to the onset of polygnathidprotogranthodid biofacies, indicating a carbonate slope environment. In the Grygov section, a pronounced thickening and upward-coarsening succession of tubiditic calcilutites through calcarenites and intraclast breccias, with poor palmatolepid-bispathodid connodont assemblages (expansa Zone), indicates a progradation of the calciturbidite system associated with sea-level highstand. After a break in sedimentation, covering the interval from the Lower praseulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, thick-bedded, fine-grained calciturbidites were deposited in the Lower crenulata Zone, and are associated with poor, mixed assemblages where siphonodellids and polygnathids predominate. At the isosticha-Upper crenulata/Lower typicus boundary, coasre grained, turbiditic calcarenites and breccias rich in clastic quartz grains and mixed conodont assemblages with reworked Frasnian and Famennian conodonts indicate a deep erosion of the source area, presumably due totectonic uplift (relative lowstand). In the Jesenec section, on the flanks of the volcanic seamount (the Drahany Development), a deep-water Upper Famennian condensed succession of calciturbidites and presumably winnowed pelagic limestones is marked by conodont assemblages of palmatolepid-bispathodid biofacies. More proximal calciturbidites with mixed deep-water and shallowwater conodonts prograde at the top of the Upper Famennian succession (Middle to Upper expansa Zone). A striking hiatus, covering the interval from the Early preaesulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, resulted from extreme condensation and submarine bottom current erosion due to sea-level lowstand in the late Famennian and early Tournaisian. The renewed middle Tournaisian calciturbidite sedimentation with strong evidence of erosion at the source area indicates global eustatic rise and tectonic uplift of the Drahany Development seamounts (relative lowstand). The earlier occurrence of the uplift in the Jesenec area, relative to the Grygov section, shows the advance of tectonic processes over time in the Moravian-Silesian basin (orogenic polarity) as a consequence of Variscan orogenic movements.  相似文献   

The Early Ordovician bathyurid faunal province includes North America, Greenland, Spitsbergen, Scotland, and western Ireland and Norway. Dominant provincial lithofacies and biofacies include a Dolomite Suite with molluscan-stromatolite fossil content rimmed by Limestone Belts with dominantly trilobite-brachiopod faunas on a platform. Shale Belt rocks bearing graptolites, deposited on the platform slopes, rim the Limestone Belts. Volcanic rock-rich terrain partly borders the Shale Belts. Correlation between the lithofacies indicates that change from an expansion to contraction phase of a proto-Atlantic coincided with uplift of the carbonate platform and with tectonic activity in the Atlantic volcanic rock rich terrain. Brachiopods replaced trilobites as dominant faunal elements in more shallow platform waters at the same time. High trilobite diversity remained in deeper waters near platform margins. The changes took place in Earliest Mohawk-ian (Latest Arenig-Earliest Llanvirn).  相似文献   

The Moravo-Silesian Basin (MSB; eastern Czech Republic and southern Poland) hosted an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform in the Middle Devonian to Frasnian interval. The platform drowned in a stepwise fashion from the Palmatolepis hassi to the Pa. linguiformis zone. Three types of drowning successions were revealed from conodont biostratigraphy, facies, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry data: (A) drowning to periplatform turbidite setting; (B) drowning to (hemi)pelagic seamount setting and (C) drowning associated with the stratigraphical gap. In the lower Pa. hassi zone, rapid subsidence caused the platform to drown locally along the N–S to NW–SE trending faults (type A drowning). In the upper Pa. rhenana to the Pa. linguiformis zone, the drowning accelerated in the western part of the MSB due to locally higher subsidence rates combined with the Late Frasnian biotic crisis (type B). In the southern part of the basin, the platform emerged shortly before the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary and drowned in the Early to Late Famennian (type C). The primary cause of drowning was differential subsidence at the Laurussian passive margin. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations, if any, contributed only to a minor extent to the Late Frasnian drowning, but were effective in type C drowning during the Famennian. The drowning boundaries are associated with increased contents of K and Th, reflecting the deceleration of carbonate production. Uranium contents display isolated peaks that roughly correlate with the drowning boundaries or the stratigraphic gaps associated with the F/F boundary. The uranium contents are considered to reflect local depositional conditions and are not suitable for stratigraphic correlation. On the other hand, from the K and Th contents, we can infer Late Frasnian sea-level fluctuations with duration on the order of 1 Myr. These cyclic variations in K and Th contents proved to be useful in platform-to-basin stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

Two domains of carbonate deposition characterized mid-Tertiary Jamaica. After latest Cretaceous to Paleocene orogeny, submergence of insular paleo-Jamaica accompanied the strike-slip or extensional faulting associated with the formation of the Cayman Trench to the north. Differential subsidence along a series of peripheral subsea escarpments (Duanvale-Wagwater escarpment) produced relief in excess of 2000 m by the Late Eocene. Shoalwater limestones covered the slowly subsiding Cornwall-Middlesex platform, thus ending the supply of clastics to deep-sea bottoms north and east of the escarpment where contemporaneous planktonic-foraminiferal pelagites accumulated. Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene carbonate rocks deposited in the deep-sea represent a distinctive lithogenetic unit termed the Montpelier Group.A preponderance of globigerinacean and radiolarian tests characterizes lower Montpelier microfossil assemblages. Dominant benthonic forms include Melonis pompilioides, Fontbotia wuellerstorfi and species of Stilostomella and Pleurostomella. Available faunal criteria including the assemblage composition, depth preferences of extant species and recurrent morphologic-ecologic patterns suggest abyssal (2000 m) paleo-depths at the site of accumulation on a sediment apron near the base of the Duanvale-Wagwater escarpment. Computed from inferred paleodepth and estimated sedimentary thickness, Middle Eocene to Lower Miocene subsidence totals 2800 m. Biostratigraphic and paleoecologic data do not support the prevalent concept of a regional unconformity within the Montpelier.In the Middle Miocene, regional uplift led to the emergence of the Cornwall-Middlesex platform and to pronounced shoaling of marginal sea bottoms. Here, hemipelagic sedimentation resumed during the later Middle Miocene after the carbonate veneer on the adjacent platform was sufficiently eroded so as to expose noncarbonate rocks. See NAPS document No. 02395 for 67 pages of faunal reference lists, maps of sample locations and tables of foraminiferal occurrences. Order from ASIS/NAPS, c/o Microfiche Publications, 305 East 46th St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 10017. Remit with order $9.05 for photocopies or $5.55 for microfiche. Make checks payable to Microfiche Publications.  相似文献   

In the Julian Alps (Mt. Prisojnik, NW Slovenia) and in the Kamnik–Savinja Alps (Mt. Kri?evnik, N Slovenia), both of which form part of the eastern Southern Alps, several meters of Upper Anisian pelagic red nodular, radiolarian-rich limestone (Loibl Formation) were deposited on the drowned platform carbonates of the Contrin Formation. The time of the platform drowning is dated with radiolarians and conodonts to the Illyrian, more precisely to the upper part of the Paraceratites trinodosus Ammonoid Zone. The red limestone is overlain by pyroclastics and volcanics (rhyolites) or carbonate (mega)breccia (Uggowitz Formation). The following unit consists of thin-bedded limestone, grainstone and subordinate marl (Buchenstein Formation) deposited during the final filling of the basin from the adjacent prograding carbonate platform (Schlern Formation) in the Ladinian. Map-scale geometry, neptunian dykes, the onset of volcanism, the presence of (mega)breccia and related paleo-escarpments, the lateral variations in thickness and the wedge-shaped geometry of the lithological units provide evidence of syn-sedimentary block faulting and the formation of small-scale, relatively shallow half-grabens within the previously uniform Slovenian Carbonate Platform. This analysis indicates a clear tectonic control over the development of the Middle Triassic stratigraphy. The described extensional event is well correlated and genetically connected with the syn-rift formation of the neighboring Slovenian Basin and other Southern Alpine basins that formed in connection with the opening of the Meliata-Maliac branch of the Neotethys Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper traces late Palaeozoic second-order sea-level change based on the stratigraphy of the Akiyoshi Limestone, an accreted Carboniferous-Permian Panthalassan atoll carbonate succession in SW Japan. The estimated subsidence of a volcanic edifice and the variable rate of carbonate accumulation reveal the long-term sea-level history of the late Palaeozoic. During Bashkirian time, just after the lowstand stage at the mid-Carboniferous boundary, a slow progressive long-term sea-level rise began. This sea-level rise then increased greatly during Moscovian time. The following Kasimovian to Asselian interval represents a stable highstand stage. Beginning in the Sakmarian, sea level fell slowly and became stable in the Yakhtashian (= Artinskian). This stable sea level was maintained into the Midian (= Capitanian), although a small-scale sea-level rise of approximately 55–70 m is recognized in the Murgabian (= Wordian). The most noteworthy aspect of this change of sea level is the rapid sea-level rise during the Moscovian that created a very large accommodation space and resulted in accumulation of a thick carbonate succession. The eustatic rise from the earliest Bashkirian lowstand to the latest Moscovian highstand had an amplitude of approximately 230–240 m. Such a large-scale eustatic rise in the long-term sea-level change would most likely be caused by greater uplift of the ocean floor along the mid-oceanic ridges, as a result of an increase in the production of oceanic crust during that time.  相似文献   

Framebuilders of Cenozoic coral reefs are limited by their photic requirements to the contemporaneous sea-level, and therefore shallow water reef facies are reliable paleo sea-level indicators. Sea-level lowstands leave no record on coral reefs in areas subject to tectonic uplift, such as the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea, but are recorded by coral reefs in areas subject to tectonic subsidence. A eustatic sea-level fall which exceeds the rate of subsidence subaeriallyexposes the upper section of the reef complex, creating a meteoric ground water system whose diagenetic imprint on the reef carbonates offers a good indicator of a sea-level stillstand. Cenozoic reef platforms thus may contain records of sea-level fluctuations, whether eustatic and global, or tectonic and local. Those reef platforms which developed on seamounts formed in mid-oceanic plate settings are particularly useful for the study of eustatic sea-level changes because their subsidence history is relatively simple, and the tectonic factor can be accounted for when estimating the eustatic sea-level component. Conventional petrographic and biostratigraphic methods used to delineate erosional unconformities in Cenozoic carbonate sections are often deficient. We demonstrate here that stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of the carbonates can reveal the location of both the exposure surface and the paleo water table with greater confidence on account of the specific imprint of meteoric diagenesis. In addition, the87Sr/86Sr isotope technique offers a promising dating tool of disconformities linked to sea-level lowstands with a resolution superior to the conventional biostratigraphic techniques. Although oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotopes monitor different aspects of global sea-level changes, when used in conjunction they provide deeper insights into the past than either one could achieve alone. Examples from previous and ongoing studies of Pacific mid-oceanic carbonate platforms illustrate the potential of the isotope techniques to unravel sea-level changes. At Midway Atoll, stable carbon and oxygen isotopes along with lithologic and biostratigraphic data suggest a sharp eustatic sealevel fall during the Early Miocene and a series of rapid, brief eustatic fluctuations during the Pliocene-Quaternary. The frequency and timing of the latter is supported by sea-level data from Enewetak Atoll obtained on the basis of detailed strontium isotopes and lithology. The Enewetak data also indicate a series of rapid, brief eustatic fluctuations around the Early-Middle Miocene boundary. At Niue, a carbonate platform about 500 km south of Samoa, oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope records cover the critical interval of the Miocene-Pliocene boundary and show two distinct disconformities. The mid-oceanic carbonate platforms offer a testing ground of Vail-Haq type eustatic sea-level curves derived primarily from sections along passive continental margins and continental interiors. We show that Neogene sea-level data obtained from Midway, Enewetak, and Niue differ from Vail and Hardenbol's contemporaneous sea-level curve and support Haq et al.'s version.  相似文献   

Glacioeustatic sea level fluctuations continually cover and expose reefs, alternately allowing growth or erosion to operate. In a simulation model we examine the simultaneous effects of sea level change, island subsidence, reef growth, subaerial erosion, marine backwearing, and fluvial erosion (from central highlands) on reef development. Using values obtained from the literature, we vary the rates of these processes and compare the reefs produced. Our results indicate that subaerial erosion, subsidence and growth are of comparable importance in determining reef morphology. Fore reef terraces, as developed by the model, are primarily drowned growth features; marine backwearing is of little importance in their development. Reef terraces form readily at depths that never had a stable sea stand, their depth is influenced by growth, subaerial erosion, and subsidence rates. Thus reef terraces often do not indicate former sea stands. We examine the causes of reef drowning and attribute it primarily to rapid subsidence and subaerial erosion, not to truncation through marine backwearing. We propose that reefs deeply submerged today are not necessarily drowned out, but may be vertically stable through many sea level cycles. Fluvial erosion is likely an important agent of lagoon formation on high islands in areas with high erosion rates.  相似文献   

Detailed core observation of the Akiyoshi Limestone, Southwest Japan, reveals a sequence boundary and related sedimentary and diagenetic facies formed on a late Murgabian (Middle Permian) mid-oceanic carbonate platform. The sequence boundary lies upon karstified bioclastic grainstone and is overlain by peritidal lime- and dolo-mudstone. The karstified bioclastic grainstone, which had been affected by subaerial exposure and early diagenetic processes, is characterized by crystal silts, prismatic, bladed and dogtooth cements, blackened limestone features, and alveolar textures. The overlying peritidal lime- and dolo-mudstone is 8 m thick and exhibits fenestrae, fissures, laminations, black pebbles, and low-diversity biota composed exclusively of ostracodes and calcispherids. The sequence boundary almost coincides with a major fusulinoidean biostratigraphic boundary. A sea-level fall in the late Murgabian resulted in a biotic turnover and formed the sequence boundary and the karst textures. The following relatively slow transgression resulted in the deposition of the thick transgressive peritidal unit.  相似文献   

Carbonate sedimentation concurrent with submarine volcanism is very rare in the geologic record but is well displayed in the Early to Middle Miocene Conejo Volcanics of the central Santa Monica Mountains of southern California. Limestone occurs as lenticular deposits on the surface of composite flows units, as matrix within breccia of pebble- to cobble-size volcanic clasts, within primary voids extending down from flow surfaces, as lenses between flows within composite flow units, and as neptunian dikes. The common depositional sequence is of limestone lying on a flow and being overlain by hyaloclastic breccia. Limestone is not deposited on hyaloclastic breccia. Limestone deposition was controlled locally by relief on the sea floor that formed as the volcanic rocks accumulated. The limestone is predominantly skeletal packstone; volcanic clasts ranging in size from silt to boulders are locally common. Major constituent fossils are shallow-water bivalve mollusks, barnacles, serpulids, and regular echinoids; most are epifaunal and hard-substrate taxa in contrast to the soft-substrate and burrowing infaunal biota otherwise dominant in Cenozoic strata along the Pacific Coast of North America. The biota is diagnostic of a non-tropical, warm temperate environment. The limestone was deposited within a local basin that formed along the plate boundary at the western margin of the North American Plate. While volcanic rocks accumulated in the basin at bathyal depth, carbonate sediment accumulated on the outer-shelf margin of the basin and was transported intermittently into the basin by gravity flow. Neogene limestone occurs at only a few other sites in southern California. These have an origin that is similar to those in the Conejo Volcanics but differ in occurring with basin fill of diatomaceous sedimentary rocks rather than of submarine volcanics.  相似文献   

The continuous Upper Ashgill–Sheinwoodian carbonate succession in the most eastern Kozhym River area in the Subpolar Urals comprises the Yaptikshor (Rawtheyan), Kamennaya baba (Hirnantian), Ruchej and Manyuku (Llandovery–?Sheinwoodian) formations. The facies of the deep subtidal Yaptikshor Fm. mark an abrupt sea‐level rise following emergence of the Bad’ya reef (Rawtheyan). Carbonate breccias at the base of the Kamennaya baba Fm. correlate with the beginning of the Hirnantian glaciation and change upwards towards the Ordovician–Silurian boundary with the development of light‐grey massive boundstone/packstone shoal deposits. An abrupt change in facies to the Rhuddanian–Aeronian Ruchej Fm. continental slope environment marked the start of a long‐term sea‐level rise. The uppermost Aeronian–?Sheinwoodian is represented by submarine canyon carbonate conglobreccias of the Manyuku Fm. unconformably underlying the Balban’yu reef. The rapid facies changes at the base of the Hirnantian and at the Ordovician–Silurian boundary were of global eustatic origin. In contrast, the abrupt changes in the Rawtheyan and the formation of the Manyuku Fm. conglobreccias were of local or regional origin associated with tectonics. They were followed by the start of a regional transgression (Yaptikshor Fm.) and a global transgression marked by the initiation of the Balban’yu Reef in the Sheinwoodian.  相似文献   

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