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Eotaxin-3 belongs to the CC chemokine family, and specifically recognizes CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 3 that is expressed on eosinophils, basophils and helper T type 2 cells. The three-dimensional structure of eotaxin-3 determined by nuclear magnetic resonance has revealed that the N-terminal nine residues preceding the first cysteine comprise an unstructured domain, which is also observed in other chemokine molecules. In order to determine the function of the N-terminal domain of eotaxin-3, we constructed various N-terminal-deletion mutants, and then examined their binding and chemotactic activities toward eosinophils in vitro. Competitive binding studies showed that the binding affinity of truncated mutant toward CCR3 was almost the same as that of wild-type eotaxin-3 even though the N-terminal truncation involved the first through to the ninth residues. In contrast, the chemotactic activity gradually decreased with extension of the N-terminal deletion, and when the deletion extended to the eighth residue, the activity was not detected at all. Thus, the N-terminal nine residues are not critical for binding but the N-terminal eight residues are essential for activation of CCR3. The truncated eotaxin-3 proteins lacking the N-terminal eight or nine residues inhibited the chemotactic activity of chemokines that recognize CCR3. The truncated mutants can possibly be used for anti-allergic and anti-HIV-1 therapy.  相似文献   

The three subunits of human splicing factor SF3a are essential for the formation of the functional 17S U2 snRNP and prespliceosome assembly in vitro. RNAi-mediated depletion indicates that each subunit is essential for viability of human cells. Knockdown of single subunits results in a general block in splicing strongly suggesting that SF3a is a constitutive splicing factor in vivo. In contrast, splicing of several endogenous and reporter pre-mRNAs is not affected after knockdown of SF1, which functions at the onset of spliceosome assembly in vitro and is essential for cell viability. Thus, SF1 may only be required for the splicing of a subset of pre-mRNAs. We also observe a reorganization of U2 snRNP components in SF3a-depleted cells, where U2 snRNA and U2-B' are significantly reduced in nuclear speckles and the nucleoplasm, but still present in Cajal bodies. Together with the observation that the 17S U2 snRNP cannot be detected in extracts from SF3a-depleted cells, our results provide further evidence for a function of Cajal bodies in U2 snRNP biogenesis.  相似文献   

The U2 snRNP promotes prespliceosome assembly through interactions that minimally involve the branchpoint binding protein, Mud2p, and the pre-mRNA. We previously showed that seven proteins copurify with the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) SF3b U2 subcomplex that associates with the pre-mRNA branchpoint region: Rse1p, Hsh155p, Hsh49p, Cus1p, and Rds3p and unidentified subunits p10 and p17. Here proteomic and genetic studies identify Rcp10p as p10 and show that it contributes to SF3b stability and is necessary for normal cellular Cus1p accumulation and for U2 snRNP recruitment in splicing. Remarkably, only the final 53 amino acids of Rcp10p are essential. p17 is shown to be composed of two accessory splicing factors, Bud31p and Ist3p, the latter of which independently associates with the RES complex implicated in the nuclear pre-mRNA retention. A directed two-hybrid screen reveals a network of prospective interactions that includes previously unreported intra-SF3b contacts and SF3b interactions with the RES subunit Bud13p, the Prp5p DExD/H-box protein, Mud2p, and the late-acting nineteen complex. These data establish the concordance of yeast and mammalian SF3b complexes, implicate accessory splicing factors in U2 snRNP function, and support SF3b contribution from early pre-mRNP recognition to late steps in splicing.  相似文献   

Essential, protein-protein complexes between the large subunit of the U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor (U2AF65) with the splicing factor 1 (SF1) or the spliceosomal component SF3b155 are exchanged during a critical, ATP-dependent step of pre-mRNA splicing. Both SF1 and the N-terminal domain of SF3b155 interact with a U2AF homology motif (UHM) of U2AF65. SF3b155 contains seven tryptophan-containing sites with sequence similarity to the previously characterized U2AF65-binding domain of SF1. We show that the SF3b155 domain lacks detectable secondary structure using circular dichroism spectroscopy, and demonstrate that five of the tryptophan-containing SF3b155 sites are recognized by the U2AF65-UHM using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence experiments with SF3b155 variants. When compared with SF1, similar spectral shifts and sequence requirements indicate that U2AF65 interactions with each of the SF3b155 sites are similar to the minimal SF1 site. However, thermodynamic comparison of SF1 or SF3b155 proteins with minimal peptides demonstrates that formation the SF1/U2AF65 complex is likely to affect regions of SF1 beyond the previously identified, linear interaction site, in a remarkably distinct manner from the local U2AF65 binding mode of SF3b155. Furthermore, the complex of the SF1/U2AF65 interacting domains is stabilized by 3.3 kcal mol-1 relative to the complex of the SF3b155/U2AF65 interacting domains, consistent with the need for ATP hydrolysis to drive exchange of these partners during pre-mRNA splicing. We propose that the multiple U2AF65 binding sites within SF3b155 regulate conformational rearrangements during spliceosome assembly. Comparison of the SF3b155 sites defines an (R/K)nXRW(DE) consensus sequence for predicting U2AF65-UHM ligands from genomic sequences, where parentheses denote residues that contribute to, but are not required for binding.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the splicing factor SF2/ASF is a proto-oncogene   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Alternative splicing modulates the expression of many oncogene and tumor-suppressor isoforms. We have tested whether some alternative splicing factors are involved in cancer. We found that the splicing factor SF2/ASF is upregulated in various human tumors, in part due to amplification of its gene, SFRS1. Moreover, slight overexpression of SF2/ASF is sufficient to transform immortal rodent fibroblasts, which form sarcomas in nude mice. We further show that SF2/ASF controls alternative splicing of the tumor suppressor BIN1 and the kinases MNK2 and S6K1. The resulting BIN1 isoforms lack tumor-suppressor activity; an isoform of MNK2 promotes MAP kinase-independent eIF4E phosphorylation; and an unusual oncogenic isoform of S6K1 recapitulates the transforming activity of SF2/ASF. Knockdown of either SF2/ASF or isoform-2 of S6K1 is sufficient to reverse transformation caused by the overexpression of SF2/ASF in vitro and in vivo. Thus, SF2/ASF can act as an oncoprotein and is a potential target for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Lysyl-tRNA synthetase from higher eukaryotes possesses a lysine-rich N-terminal polypeptide extension appended to a classical prokaryotic-like LysRS domain. Band shift analysis showed that this extra domain provides LysRS with nonspecific tRNA binding properties. A N-terminally truncated derivative of LysRS, LysRS-DeltaN, displayed a 100-fold lower apparent affinity for tRNA(3)Lys and a 3-fold increase in K(m) for tRNA(3)Lys in the aminoacylation reaction, as compared with the native enzyme. The isolated N-domain of LysRS also displayed weak affinity for tRNA, suggesting that the catalytic and N-domains of LysRS act synergistically to provide a high affinity binding site for tRNA. A more detailed analysis revealed that LysRS binds and specifically aminoacylates an RNA minihelix mimicking the amino acid acceptor stem-loop structure of tRNA(3)Lys, whereas LysRS-DeltaN did not. As a consequence, merging an additional RNA-binding domain into a bacterial-like LysRS increases the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme, especially at the low concentration of deacylated tRNA prevailing in vivo. Our results provide new insights into tRNA(Lys) channeling in eukaryotic cells and shed new light on the possible requirement of native LysRS for triggering tRNA(3)Lys packaging into human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 viral particles.  相似文献   

The p14 subunit of the essential splicing factor 3b (SF3b) can be cross-linked to the branch-point adenosine of pre-mRNA introns within the spliceosome. p14 stably interacts with the SF3b subunit SF3b155, which also binds the 65-kDa subunit of U2 auxiliary splicing factor (U2AF65). We combined biochemical and NMR techniques to study the conformation of p14 either alone or complexed with SF3b155 fragments, as well as an interaction network involving p14, SF3b155, U2AF65, and U2 snRNA/pre-mRNA. p14 comprises a canonical RNA recognition motif (RRM) with an additional C-terminal helix (alphaC) and a beta hairpin insertion. SF3b155 binds to the beta-sheet surface of p14, thereby occupying the canonical RNA-binding site of the p14 RRM. The minimal region of SF3b155 interacting with p14 (i.e., residues 381-424) consists of four alpha-helices, which are partially preformed in isolation. Helices alpha2 and alpha3 (residues 401-415) constitute the core p14-binding epitope. Regions of SF3b155 binding to p14 and U2AF65 are nonoverlapping. This allows for a simultaneous interaction of SF3b155 with both proteins, which may support the stable association of U2 snRNP with the pre-mRNA. p14-RNA interactions are modulated by SF3b155 and the RNA-binding site of the p14-SF3b155 complex involves the noncanonical beta hairpin insertion of the p14 RRM, consistent with the beta-sheet surface being occupied by the helical SF3b155 peptide and p14 helix alphaC. Our data suggest that p14 lacks inherent specificity for recognizing the branch point, but that some specificity may be achieved by scaffolding interactions involving other components of SF3b.  相似文献   

The essential splicing factor ASF/SF2 activates or represses splicing depending on where on the pre-mRNA it binds. We have shown previously that ASF/SF2 inhibits adenovirus IIIa pre-mRNA splicing by binding to an intronic repressor element. Here we used MS2-ASF/SF2 fusion proteins to show that the second RNA binding domain (RBD2) is both necessary and sufficient for the splicing repressor function of ASF/SF2. Furthermore, we show that the completely conserved SWQDLKD motif in ASF/SF2-RBD2 is essential for splicing repression. Importantly, this heptapeptide motif is unlikely to be directly involved in RNA binding given its position within the predicted structure of RBD2. The activity of the ASF/SF2-RBD2 domain in splicing was position-dependent. Thus, tethering RBD2 to the IIIa intron resulted in splicing repression, whereas RBD2 binding at the second exon had no effect on IIIa splicing. The splicing repressor activity of RBD2 was not unique to the IIIa pre-mRNA, as binding of RBD2 at an intronic position in the rabbit beta-globin pre-mRNA also resulted in splicing inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that ASF/SF2 encode distinct domains responsible for its function as a splicing enhancer or splicing repressor protein.  相似文献   

A lesion-mimic phenotype in rice (Oryza sativa L.) spotted leaf 5 (spl5) indicates that wild-type SPL5 negatively regulates cell death and resistance responses. Previously, the spl5 gene was already mapped to the 80-kb region between two markers SSR7 and RM7121 through a map-based cloning approach. Here, we further showed that the spl5 gene was delimitated into a 15.1-kb genomic region by the high-resolution sequence target site (STS) markers. Subsequent sequencing in this region of spl5 mutant revealed that one candidate gene harbored a single-base deletion, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a premature stop codon. Bioinformatic analysis showed that SPL5 gene encodes a putative splicing factor 3b subunit 3 (SF3b3) and might be involved in splicing reactions of pre-mature RNAs participating in the regulation of cell death and resistance responses. Further analysis showed that wild-type SPL5 did functionally complement the spl5 phenotype. The data presented here clearly indicate that the SPL5 negatively regulates cell death and resistance responses via modulating RNA splicing in plants.  相似文献   

NHERF, a 55 kDa PDZ-containing protein, binds receptors and ion transporters to mediate signal transduction at the plasma membrane. Recombinant NHERF demonstrated an apparent size of 150 kDa on gel filtration, which could be reduced to approximately 55 kDa by protein denaturing agents, consistent with the formation of NHERF dimers. Biosensor studies established the time- and concentration-dependent dimerization of NHERF. Overlays of recombinant NHERF fragments suggested that NHERF dimerization was principally mediated by the N-terminal PDZ-I domain. In PS120 cells, reversible protein phosphorylation modulated NHERF dimerization and suggested a role for NHERF dimers in hormonal signaling.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a homodimer of 64 kDa subunits. Previous studies have emphasized the high sensitivity of the N-terminal region to proteolytic cleavage, leading to truncated species that have lost the first 20-70 residues but that retain enzymatic activity and dimeric structure. In this work, we demonstrate that the N-terminal extension in yeast AspRS participates in tRNA binding and we generalize this finding to eukaryotic class IIb aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. By gel retardation studies and footprinting experiments on yeast tRNA(Asp), we show that the extension, connected to the anticodon-binding module of the synthetase, contacts tRNA on the minor groove side of its anticodon stem. Sequence comparison of eukaryotic class IIb synthetases identifies a lysine-rich 11 residue sequence ((29)LSKKALKKLQK(39) in yeast AspRS with the consensus xSKxxLKKxxK in class IIb synthetases) that is important for this binding. Direct proof of the role of this sequence comes from a mutagenesis analysis and from binding studies using the isolated peptide.  相似文献   

Human SAP 49, a subunit of the multimeric splicing factor 3b (SF3b), contains two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and binds another SF3b subunit called SAP 145, whose yeast homologue is CUS1. Here we show that the predicted yeast open reading frame YOR319w (HSH49) encodes an essential yeast splicing factor. Using bacterially expressed proteins, we find that yeast HSH49 binds CUS1. Mutations that alter putative RNA-binding residues of either HSH49 RRM are lethal in vivo, but do not prevent binding to CUS1 in vitro, suggesting that the predicted RNA-binding surfaces of HSH49 are not required for interaction with CUS1. In vivo interaction tests show that HSH49 and CUS1 associate primarily through the N-terminal RRM of HSH49. Recombinant HSH49 protein has a general RNA-binding activity that does not require CUS1. The parallels in structure and interaction between two SF3b subunits from yeast implies that the mechanism of SF3b action is highly conserved.  相似文献   

Cellular activities controlled by signal transduction processes such as cell motility and cell growth depend on the tightly regulated assembly of multiprotein complexes. Adapter proteins that specifically interact with their target proteins are key components required for the formation of these assemblies. Ena/VASP-homology 1 (EVH1) domains are small constituents of large modular proteins involved in microfilament assembly that specifically recognize proline-rich regions. EVH1 domain-containing proteins are present in neuronal cells, like the Homer/Vesl protein family that is involved in memory-generating processes. Here, we describe the crystal structure of the murine EVH1 domain of Vesl 2 at 2.2 A resolution. The small globular protein consists of a seven-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel with a C-terminal alpha-helix packing alongside the barrel. A shallow groove running parallel with beta-strand VI forms an extended peptide-binding site. Using peptide library screenings, we present data that demonstrate the high affinity of the Vesl 2 EVH1 domain towards peptide sequences containing a proline-rich core sequence (PPSPF) that requires additional charged amino acid residues on either side for specific binding. Our functional data, substantiated by structural data, demonstrate that the ligand-binding of the Vesl EVH1 domain differs from the interaction characteristics of the previously examined EVH1 domains of the Evl/Mena proteins. Analogous to the Src homology 3 (SH3) domains that bind their cognate ligands in two distinct directions, we therefore propose the existence of two distinct classes of EVH1 domains.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal protein SF3b49, a component of the splicing factor 3b (SF3b) protein complex in the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, contains two RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains. In yeast, the first RRM domain (RRM1) of Hsh49 protein (yeast orthologue of human SF3b49) reportedly interacts with another component, Cus1 protein (orthologue of human SF3b145). Here, we solved the solution structure of the RRM1 of human SF3b49 and examined its mode of interaction with a fragment of human SF3b145 using NMR methods. Chemical shift mapping showed that the SF3b145 fragment spanning residues 598–631 interacts with SF3b49 RRM1, which adopts a canonical RRM fold with a topology of β1‐α1‐β2‐β3‐α2‐β4. Furthermore, a docking model based on NOESY measurements suggests that residues 607–616 of the SF3b145 fragment adopt a helical structure that binds to RRM1 predominantly via α1, consequently exhibiting a helix–helix interaction in almost antiparallel. This mode of interaction was confirmed by a mutational analysis using GST pull‐down assays. Comparison with structures of all RRM domains when complexed with a peptide found that this helix–helix interaction is unique to SF3b49 RRM1. Additionally, all amino acid residues involved in the interaction are well conserved among eukaryotes, suggesting evolutionary conservation of this interaction mode between SF3b49 RRM1 and SF3b145.  相似文献   

Pladienolide is a naturally occurring macrolide that binds to the SF3b complex to inhibit mRNA splicing. It has not been fully validated whether the splicing impairment is a relevant mechanism for the potent antitumor activity of pladienolide. We established pladienolide-resistant clones from WiDr and DLD1 colorectal cancer cells that were insensitive to the inhibitory action of pladienolide on cell proliferation and splicing. An mRNA-Seq differential analysis revealed that these two cell lines have an identical mutation at Arg1074 in the gene for SF3B1, which encodes a subunit of the SF3b complex. Reverse expression of the mutant protein transferred pladienolide resistance to WiDr cells. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation analysis using a radiolabeled probe showed that the mutation impaired the binding affinity of paldienolide to its target. These results clearly demonstrate that pladienolide exerts its potent activity by targeting SF3b and also suggest that inhibition of SF3b is a promising drug target for anticancer therapy.  相似文献   

The N-terminal domain of p53 is natively unfolded   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
p53 is one of the key molecules regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis and tumor suppression by integrating a wide variety of signals. The structural basis for this function is still poorly understood. p53 appears to exercise its function as a modular protein in which different functions are associated with distinct domains. Presumably, p53 contains both folded and partially structured parts. Here, we have investigated the structure of the isolated N-terminal part of p53 (amino acid residues 1-93) using biophysical techniques. We demonstrate that this domain is devoid of tertiary structure and largely missing secondary structure elements. It exhibits a large hydrodynamic radius, typical for unfolded proteins. These findings suggest strongly that the entire N-terminal part of p53 is natively unfolded under physiological conditions. Furthermore, the binding affinity to its functional antagonist Mdm2 was investigated. A comparison of the binding of human Mdm2 to the N-terminal part of p53 and full-length p53 suggests that unfolded and folded parts of p53 function synergistically.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic lipid droplets (CLD) in mammary epithelial cells undergo secretion by a unique membrane envelopment process to produce milk lipids. Adipophilin (ADPH/Plin2), a member of the perilipin/PAT family of lipid droplet-associated proteins, is hypothesized to mediate CLD secretion through interactions with apical plasma membrane elements. We found that the secretion of CLD coated by truncated ADPH lacking the C-terminal region encoding a putative four-helix bundle structure was impaired relative to that of CLD coated by full-length ADPH. We used homology modeling and analyses of the solution and membrane binding properties of purified recombinant ADPH C terminus to understand how this region possibly mediates CLD secretion. Homology modeling supports the concept that the ADPH C terminus forms a four-helix bundle motif and suggests that this structure can form stable membrane bilayer interactions. Circular dichroism and protease mapping studies confirmed that the ADPH C terminus is an independently folding α-helical structure that is relatively resistant to urea denaturation. Liposome binding studies showed that the purified C terminus binds to phospholipid membranes through electrostatic dependent interactions, and cell culture studies documented that it localizes to the plasma membrane. Collectively, these data provide direct evidence that the ADPH C terminus forms a stable membrane binding helical structure that is important for CLD secretion. We speculate that interactions between the four-helix bundle of ADPH and membrane phospholipids may be an initial step in milk lipid secretion.  相似文献   

The initiator protein RepE of the mini-F plasmid in Escherichia coli plays an essential role in DNA replication, which is regulated by the molecular chaperone-dependent oligomeric state (monomer or dimer). Crosslinking, ultracentrifugation, and gel filtration analyses showed that the solely expressed N-terminal domain (residues 1-144 or 1-152) exists in the dimeric state as in the wild-type RepE protein. This result indicates that the N-terminal domain functions as a dimerization domain of RepE and might be important for the interaction with the molecular chaperones. The N-terminal domain dimer has been crystallized in order to obtain structural insight into the regulation of the monomer/dimer conversion of RepE.  相似文献   

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