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Our study examines the effect of apoptosis on prothymosin alpha, an abundant, nuclear protein intimately involved with proliferation of all mammalian cells. When HeLa cells were treated with actinomycin D, with etoposide, or with staurosporine following synchronization with hydroxyurea, they underwent apoptosis based on several specific criteria, including fragmentation of DNA and activation of specific caspases. Similarly treated NIH3T3 cells arrested and displayed no indicators of apoptosis. In HeLa, but not in NIH3T3 cells, prothymosin alpha levels declined precipitously and a truncated version of the protein was formed. The following observations implicate caspase activity: (1) The truncated polypeptide arose only in the treated HeLa cell cultures. (2) The appearance of the truncated polypeptide coincided with the activation of caspase 3 and the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, a known caspase substrate. (3) Carbobenzoxy-DEVD-fluoromethylketone, a cell-permeable caspase 3 inhibitor, blocked cleavage and degradation of prothymosin alpha. (4) The same inhibitor, when added to mixed extracts of apoptotic and normal cells, prevented cleavage of intact prothymosin alpha. (5) Recombinant caspase 3 and, to a much lesser extent, caspase 7 truncated purified prothymosin alpha. (6) In HeLa cells, cleavage occurred at three overlapping caspase 3-like sites with the consensus sequence D-X-X-D and released 10 to 14 residues from the carboxyl terminus, including the core nuclear localization signal. Two immediate consequences of the cleavage were observed: truncated prothymosin alpha was no longer confined to the nucleus and it was deficient in phosphate. These data suggest that the disabling of prothymosin alpha is a significant event in apoptosis. J. Cell. Physiol. 182:256-268, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of caspase 2 in apoptotic signaling of nonhuman primate male germ cells triggered by mild testicular hyperthermia, testosterone (T(e)) implants, or by combined interventions. Mean incidence of germ cell apoptosis increased significantly by Day 3 in the heat (H(e)) alone group and by Day 8 in the Te alone group but peaked at Day 3 in H(e) + T(e) group. We found activation of caspase 2 in both germ cells and Sertoli cells after induction of apoptosis. Most notably, active caspase 2 immunoreactivity was detected only in those germ cells susceptible to apoptosis compared with controls, where little or no such staining is detected. To further explore the role of caspase 2 in regulating male germ cell death, we next evaluated the efficacy of caspase 2 inhibition in preventing or attenuating heat-induced germ cell apoptosis in rats. Caspase 2 inhibition significantly (P < 0.05) prevented such heat-induced germ cell apoptosis. The protection offered by the caspase 2 inhibitor occurred upstream of mitochondria, involving suppression of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 14 activation and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) induction and, in turn, suppression of cytochrome c-mediated death pathway. Together, our results show that caspase 2 is activated in male germ cells undergoing apoptosis in nonhuman primates after heat stress, hormonal deprivation, or after combined interventions. Blockade of caspase 2 activation prevents heat-induced germ cell apoptosis in rats by suppressing the MAPK14- and NO-mediated intrinsic pathway signaling.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has gained central importance in the study of many biological processes, including neoplasia, neurodegenerative diseases, and development. One of the limitations of many studies is the difficulty of specifically identifying individual apoptotic cells. Of the many specific methods developed to detect apoptotic cells, most are not applicable to histological sections of archival paraffin-embedded tissues. Recently, advances in the understanding of the molecular events in apoptosis have led to the realization that caspase activation is by far the most specific indicator of this cell suicide mechanism. Several publications have reported the development of antibodies directed at neoepitopes that are generated in various substrates through the action of caspases. One of these is that present on activated caspase 3, a ubiquitously distributed caspase that is a main effector caspase of the apoptotic cascade within cells. This study demonstrates the utility of using a recently commercially available antibody to cleaved caspase 3 in archival paraffin sections, suggesting that this may be a highly specific and sensitive method generally applicable to many studies of archival material.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Caspase activation is a critical early step in the onset of apoptosis. Cell-permeable fluorogenic caspase substrates have proven valuable in detecting caspase activation by flow cytometry. Nevertheless, detection of early low-level caspase activation has been difficult using conventional area or peak fluorescence analysis by flow cytometry, despite the apparent presence of these cells as observed by microscopy. We describe a method utilizing maximum fluorescence pixel analysis by laser scanning cytometry (LSC) to detect early apoptotic cells. METHODS: The PhiPhiLux-G(1)D(2) caspase 3/7 substrate was used in combination with DNA dye exclusion and annexin V binding to identify several stages of apoptosis in EL4 murine thymoma cells by both traditional flow and LSC. LSC analysis of maximum pixel brightness in individual cells demonstrated an intermediate caspase-low subpopulation not detectable by flow or LSC integral analysis. LSC analysis of caspase activity was then carried out using the larger UMR-106 rat osteosarcoma cell line to determine if this apparent early caspase activity could be correlated with localized, punctate caspase activity observed by microscopy. RESULTS: The caspase-low subpopulation found in apoptotic EL4 cells was also observable in UMR-106 cells. Relocation to cells with low fluorescence due to caspase activity and subsequent examination by microscopy demonstrated that these latter cells indeed show punctate, highly localized caspase activation foci that might represent an early stage in caspase activation. CONCLUSIONS: Cells with low-level, localized caspase expression can be detected using maximum pixel analysis by LSC. This methodology allows an early step of apoptotic activation to be resolved for further analysis.  相似文献   

A G Fraser  N J McCarthy    G I Evan 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(20):6192-6199
Caspases are involved in the execution of cell death in all multicellular organisms so far studied, including the nematode worm, fruit fly and vertebrates. While Caenorhabditis elegans has only a single identified caspase, CED-3, whose activity is absolutely required for all developmental programmed cell deaths, most mammalian cell types express multiple caspases with varying specificities. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is genetically tractable, less complex than vertebrates and possesses two known caspases, DCP-1 and drICE. The fly may therefore provide a good model system for examining the hierarchy and relative roles of individual caspases in the execution of apoptosis. We have examined the role of drICE in in vitro apoptosis of the D.melanogaster cell line S2. We show that cytoplasmic lysates made from S2 cells undergoing apoptosis induced by either reaper (rpr) expression or cycloheximide treatment contain a caspase activity with DEVD specificity which can cleave p35, lamin DmO, drICE and DCP-1 in vitro, and which can trigger chromatin condensation in isolated nuclei. Using antibodies specific to drICE, we show that immunodepletion of drICE from these lysates is sufficient to remove most measurable in vitro apoptotic activity, and that re-addition of exogenous drICE to such immunodepleted lysates restores apoptotic activity. We conclude that, at least in S2 cells, drICE can be the sole caspase effector of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Caspase malfunction in stem cells often precedes the appearance and progression of multiple types of cancer, including human colorectal cancer. However, the caspase‐dependent regulation of intestinal stem cell properties remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that Dronc, the Drosophila ortholog of caspase‐9/2 in mammals, limits the number of intestinal progenitor cells and their entry into the enterocyte differentiation programme. Strikingly, these unexpected roles for Dronc are non‐apoptotic and have been uncovered under experimental conditions without epithelial replenishment. Supporting the non‐apoptotic nature of these functions, we show that they require the enzymatic activity of Dronc, but are largely independent of the apoptotic pathway. Alternatively, our genetic and functional data suggest that they are linked to the caspase‐mediated regulation of Notch signalling. Our findings provide novel insights into the non‐apoptotic, caspase‐dependent modulation of stem cell properties that could improve our understanding of the origin of intestinal malignancies.  相似文献   

Caspase activation is a component of a number of neurodegenerative disorders, including stroke. In this study, the authors describe a multiplexed assay for caspase 3 activation, nuclear condensation, and cell viability in a neuronal precursor cell line Ntera-2, injured with staurosporine and etoposide. Using a high-content screening approach, cells were identified by staining with the nuclear stain Hoechst 33342; cell viability was measured by staining cells with YoPro-1, which is taken up by damaged cells but excluded from healthy cells; and caspase 3/7 activation was detected using the cell-permeable probe PhiPhi-Lux, which becomes fluorescent when cleaved by active caspase 3 or 7. These 3 dyes were detected simultaneously using a 4-band pass filter set on a Cellomics Array scan. The authors used peptide-fmk inhibitors selective for a variety of caspases, demonstrating that the injury is mediated primarily through caspase 3 or 7, although other caspases or related proteases may play a minor role. The general caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmkwas able to block cell death and caspase activation with the highest potency. The caspase 3 selective inhibitor DEVD-fmkwas almost as potent as zVAD-fmk; other peptide caspase inhibitors displayed only modest inhibition of cell death. This assay was also used as a high-content screening tool for the evaluation of novel caspase 3 inhibitors for the potential treatment of degenerative disorders.  相似文献   



During apoptosis cells become profoundly restructured through concerted cleavage of cellular proteins by caspases. In epithelial tissues, apoptotic cells loose their apical/basal polarity and are extruded from the epithelium. We used the Drosophila embryo as a system to investigate the regulation of components of the zonula adherens during apoptosis. Since Armadillo/beta-catenin (Arm) is a major regulator of cadherin-mediated adhesion, we analyzed the mechanisms of Arm proteolysis in apoptosis.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of cardiac muscle cells contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy. Recent studies showed that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) inhibits apoptosis of cardiac muscle cells and improves myocardial function in experimental heart failure. This study was carried out to elucidate the role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) in the anti-apoptotic actions of IGF-I in cardiomyocytes and to explore whether expression of constitutively active PI 3-kinase can inhibit apoptosis in cardiomyocytes. Apoptosis of primary cardiomyocytes was induced by doxorubicin treatment and serum withdrawal. Transduction of cardiomyocytes with constitutively active PI 3-kinase specifically lead to serine phosphorylation of Akt, whereas phosphorylation of IGF-I receptor, IRS1/2 and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase were not increased. In the cardiomyocytes transduced with constitutively active PI 3-kinase, activation of the pro-apoptotic caspase 3 was attenuated and fragmentation of DNA was reduced. Preincubating cells with PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 was associated with loss of anti-apoptotic actions of IGF-I and PI 3-kinase. Neither IGF-I nor constitutively active PI 3-kinase lead to serine phosphorylation of Bad, suggesting that the anti-apoptotic effects of PI 3-kinase are not mediated through Bad phosphorylation in cardiac muscle cells. To determine whether activation of caspase 3 is sufficient to induce apoptosis in cardiomyocytes, an engineered TAT-caspase 3 protein was introduced to cardiomyocytes. Significant reduction of cell viability occurred in the cardiomyocytes transduced with active caspase 3, indicating that activation of caspase 3 is sufficient to cause cardiomyocyte death. These findings indicate the existence of an IGF-I receptor-PI 3-kinase-caspase 3 pathway in cardiomyocytes that plays an important role in the anti-apoptotic actions of IGF-I in heart. Moreover, these data suggest that modulation of PI 3-kinase activities may represent a potential therapeutic strategy to counteract the occurrence of apoptosis in cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

While caspases play an established role as intracellular executors of apoptosis, little is known about extracellular activities of this ubiquitously expressed family of proteases. We demonstrate here that recombinant caspase-3 retained enzymatic activity in various extracellular fluids. Experiments with cell lines, primary cells, and mice with fulminant CD95-triggered hepatitis showed that significant amounts of DEVD-aminofluoromethylcoumarine-cleaving activity, indicative of active effector caspases, were released into the medium/plasma during apoptosis. Furthermore, caspase activities were detected in liquor samples from human head trauma patients. These findings warrant closer investigation of DEVDase activity as a diagnostic marker, and of potential extracellular substrates for caspases.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) reveals information about the spatiotemporal coincidence of two spectrally well-defined fluorescent molecules in a small observation area at the level of single-molecule sensitivity. To simultaneously evaluate the activities of caspase-3 and caspase-9, we constructed a chimeral protein that consisted of tandemly fused enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), monomeric red fluorescent protein (mCherry) and monomeric yellow fluorescent protein (Venus). In HeLa cell lysates, a combination of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)- and cycloheximide (CHX-)-induced apoptosis was monitored. In this, decreases of cross-correlation amplitudes were observed between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus. Moreover, time-dependent monitoring of single cells revealed decreases in the cross-correlation amplitudes between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus before morphologic changes were observed by laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (LSM). Thus, our method could predict the fate of the cell in the early apoptotic stage.  相似文献   

Febrile hyperthermia enhanced TNF-stimulated apoptosis of MCF-7 cells and overcame resistance in a TNF-resistant, MCF-7 variant (3E9), increasing their TNF-sensitivity by 10- and 100-fold, respectively. In either cell line, the hyperthermic potentiation was attributable to increased apoptosis that was totally quenched by caspase inhibition. In MCF-7 cells, hyperthermic potentiation of apoptosis was associated with sustained activation of upstream caspases in response to TNF and more prominent engagement of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Apoptotic enhancement by hyperthermia was primarily mediated by caspase-8 activation, as the specific inhibitor, Z-IETD, blocked cell death, whereas direct engagement of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway (with doxorubicin) was not affected. In 3E9 cells, hyperthermia alone induced activation of caspase-8, and was further enhanced by TNF. In 3E9 cells, hyperthermia caused TNF-dependent loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and activation of capspase-9 that was initiated and dependent on upstream caspases. MCF-7 and 3E9 cells were equally sensitive to exogenous C(6)-ceramide, but mass spectroscopic analysis of ceramide species indicated that total ceramide content was not enhanced by TNF and/or hyperthermia treatment, and that the combination of TNF and hyperthermia caused only modest elevation of one species (dihydro-palmitoyl ceramide). We conclude that febrile hyperthermia potentiates apoptosis of MCF-7 cells and overcomes TNF-resistance by sustained activation of caspase-8 and engagement of the intrinsic pathway that is independent of ceramide flux. This report provides the first evidence for regulation of caspase-dependent apoptosis by febrile hyperthermia.  相似文献   

R F Huang  S M Huang  B S Lin  J S Wei  T Z Liu 《Life sciences》2001,68(25):2799-2811
The cytotoxicity of homocysteine derivatives on chromosomal damage in somatic cells is not well established. The present study used reactive homocysteine derivative of homocysteine thiolactone (Hcy) to investigate its causal effect on apoptotic DNA injury in human promyeloid HL-60 cells. Our results demonstrated that Hcy induced cell death and features of apoptosis including increased phosphotidylserine exposure on the membrane surface, increased apoptotic cells with hypoploid DNA contents, and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, all of which occurred in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Hcy treatment also significantly increased intracellular reactive oxygen species H2O2, which coincided with the elimination of caspase 3 proenzyme levels and increased caspase 3 activity at the time of the appearance of apoptotic DNA fragmentation. Preincubation of Hcy-treated HL-60 cells with catalase completely scavenged intracellular H2O2, thus inhibiting caspase 3 activity and protecting cells from apoptotic DNA damage. In contrast, superoxide dismutase failed to inhibit Hcy-induced DNA damage. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Hcy exerted its genotoxic effects on HL-60 cells through an apoptotic pathway, which is mediated by the activation of caspase 3 activity induced by an increase in intracellular hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Triggering of the macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 with lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma promoted apoptosis that was prevented by inhibitors of type 2 nitric oxide synthase or caspase. Using (1)H NMR analysis, we have investigated the changes of the intracellular transverse relaxation time (T(2)) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) as parameters reflecting the rotational and translational motions of water in apoptotic macrophages. T(2) values decreased significantly from 287 to 182 ms in cells treated for 18 h with NO-donors. These changes of T(2) were prevented by caspase inhibitors and were not due to mitochondrial depolarization or microtubule depolymerization. The decrease of the intracellular values of T(2) and ADC in apoptotic macrophages was observed after caspase activation, but preceded phosphatidylserine exposure and nucleosomal DNA cleavage. The changes of water motion were accompanied by an enhancement of the hydrophobic properties of the intracellular milieu, as detected by fluorescent probes. These results indicate the occurrence of an alteration in the physicochemical properties of intracellular water during the course of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The role of zinc in caspase activation and apoptotic cell death   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In addition to its diverse role in many physiological systems, zinc (Zn) has now been shown to be an important regulator of apoptosis. The purpose of this review is to integrate previously published knowledge on Zn and apoptosis with current attempts to elucidate the mechanisms of action of this biometal. This paper begins with an introduction to apoptosis and then briefly reviews the evidence relating Zn to apoptosis. The major focus of this review is the mechanistic actions of Zn and its candidate intracellular targets. In particular, we examine the cytoprotective functions of Zn which suppress major pathways leading to apoptosis, as well as the more direct influence of Zn on the apoptotic regulators, especially the caspase family of enzymes. These two mechanisms are closely related since a decline in intracellular Zn below a critical threshold level may not only trigger pathways leading to caspase activation but may also facilitate the process by which the caspases are activated. Studies by our laboratory in airway epithelial cells show that Zn is co-localized with the precursor form of caspase-3, mitochondria and microtubules, suggesting this Zn is critically placed to control apoptosis. Further understanding the different pools of Zn and how they interact with apoptotic pathways should have importance in human disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Procaspase 3 is a constitutive proenzyme that is activated by cleavage during apoptosis. The resulting enzyme is able to cleave several target proteins after the second aspartate of a DEVD sequence common to all the substrates of caspases 3 and 7 (DEVDase). Because active caspase 3 is a common effector in several apoptotic pathways, it may be a good marker to detect (pre-)apoptotic cells by flow cytometry (FCM). Materials and Methods Apoptosis was induced in U937 or bone marrow mononuclear cells by daunorubicin (DNR), idarubicin (IDA), or camptothecin (CAM). Viable and apoptotic cells were sorted by FCM on the basis of either fluorescein isothiocyante (FITC)-annexin V binding or DiOC6(3) accumulation. DEVDase activity was measured in sorted populations by spectrofluorometry. Cleaved caspase 3 was labeled in situ with phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-activated caspase 3 antibodies and analyzed by FCM. RESULTS: DEVDase activity was detected in sorted viable CAM- and DNR-treated U937 cells, demonstrating that a partial caspase activation occurred earlier than phosphatidyl-serine exposure and mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation. The presence of a low amount of active caspase 3 in the treated viable cells was confirmed in situ with PE-conjugated anti-active caspase 3 antibodies. The same antibody was used in combination with FITC-annexin V and CD45-PC5 to study caspase 3 activation in acute leukemia blast cells after in vitro DNR and IDA treatment. Both anthracyclines induced a caspase 3-dependent apoptosis that was more efficient in blast cells than in contaminating lymphocytes. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that anti-active caspase 3 labeling can be an alternative to fluorogenic substrates to efficiently detect early apoptosis by FCM in heterogeneous samples. They also confirm that anthracyclines induce blast cell apoptosis by a caspase 3-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

In Drosophila S2 cells, the apical caspase DRONC undergoes a low level of spontaneous autoprocessing. Unintended apoptosis is prevented by the inhibitor of apoptosis DIAP1, which targets the processed form of DRONC for degradation through its E3 ubiquitin protein ligase activity. Recent reports have demonstrated that shortly after the initiation of apoptosis in S2 cells, DIAP1 is cleaved following aspartate residue Asp-20 by the effector caspase DrICE. Here we report a novel caspase-mediated cleavage of DIAP1 in S2 cells. In both living and dying S2 cells, DIAP1 is cleaved by DRONC after glutamate residue Glu-205, located between the first and second BIR domains. The mutation of Glu-205 prevented the interaction of DIAP1 and processed DRONC but had no effect on the interaction with full-length DRONC. The mutation of Glu-205 also had a negative effect on the ability of overexpressed DIAP1 to prevent apoptosis stimulated by the proapoptotic protein Reaper or by UV light. These results expand our knowledge of the events that occur in the Drosophila apoptosome prior to and after receiving an apoptotic signal.  相似文献   

Activation of caspase 3 in HL-60 cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent studies have suggested that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive compound formed endogenously in the breakdown of superoxide, may mediate the induction of apoptosis in various cell types in response to external stimuli. However, the role of H2O2 in the apoptotic pathway has not been clearly established. The purpose of this study was to determine if H2O2 treatment could induce apoptosis through the activation of caspases. Doses of H2O2 ranging from 10 microM to 100 microM, when added to HL-60 cells, resulted in the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) from its native 113 Kd form to a processed 89 Kd fragment, indicative of cells undergoing apoptosis. PARP was predominantly in the fragmented form when doses of 20 microM and greater were used. A time course study of changes in PARP processing in H2O2-treated cells revealed that 10 and 50 microM H2O2 required 6 and 3 h, respectively, to specifically degrade PARP, suggesting that the H2O2-induced PARP cleavage is both time and concentration dependent. Since PARP is cleaved by CPP32 (caspase-3), we next determined if H2O2 was capable of effecting changes in CPP32 activity. The caspase activity was assayed using a colorimetric substrate, DEVD-pNa. Results of these experiments showed that H2O2 increased caspase activity at 3 h, corresponding to the time of appearance of fragmented PARP. Also, CPP32 activity and PARP processing were both significantly suppressed by caspase-3 inhibitors. Taken together, these results suggest that H2O2 mediates specific cleavage of PARP and possibly apoptosis by activating caspase 3.  相似文献   

Caspases are key intracellular molecules in the control of apoptosis, but little is known concerning their relative contribution to the cascade of events leading to eosinophil apoptosis. We examined caspase-3, -8, and -9 activities in receptor ligation dependent apoptosis induction in the cultured eosinophils (CE). CE cultured alone for 48 hours exhibited constitutive apoptosis (12% ± 1.2). Significant (P < 0.05) enhancement of eosinophil apoptosis was observed following monoclonal antibody (Mab) treatment with CD45 (40% ± 0.7), CD95 (36% ± 1.6), or CD69 (34% ± 0.2). Caspase activity was analysed using the novel CaspaTagTM technique and flow cytometry. CE ligated with CD45 (Bra55), CD95 (Fas) and CD69 Mab resulted in caspase-3 and -9 activation after 16 hours post-ligation. This trend in caspase-3 and -9 activation continued to increase significantly through to the 20 and 24 hours time points when compared to isotype control. Activated up-stream caspase-8 was detected 16 and 20 hours after treatment with CD45, CD95 and CD69 Mab followed by a trend toward basal levels at 24 hours. Ligation of CD95 was followed by mitochondrial permeabilization, as demonstrated by marked increase in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) at all time points. However, ligation with CD45 and CD69 failed to induce a change in ΔΨm at 16 hours post-treatment compared to isotype control even though there was an alteration in mitochondrial downstream-caspase activity following ligation with these Mab(s) at this time point. At 20 and 24 hours post-ligation, CD45 or CD69 induce significantly altered levels of ΔΨm. Thus, the intrinsic and extrinsic caspase pathways are involved in controlling receptor ligation-mediated apoptosis induction in human eosinophils, findings that may aid the development of a more targeted, anti inflammatory therapy for asthma.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are widely used as anti-inflammatory and chemotherapeutic agents. However, prolonged use of glucocorticoids leads to osteoporosis. This study was designed to examine the mechanism of dexamethasone (DEX)-induced apoptosis in murine osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Total RNA was extracted from MC3T3-E1 cells treated with 10(-7) M DEX for 6 h. DEX exerted a variety of effects on apoptotic gene expression in osteoblasts. Ribonuclease protection assays (RPA) revealed that DEX upregulated mRNA levels of caspases-1, -3, -6, -8, -11, -12, and bcl-XL. Western blot analysis showed enhanced processing of these caspases, with the appearance of their activated enzymes 8 h after DEX treatment. In addition, DEX also induced the activation of caspase-9. DEX elevated the levels of cleaved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and lamin A, a caspase-3 and a caspase-6 substrate, respectively. Expression of bcl-XL protein level was upregulated by DEX. Cytochrome c release was detected in the cytosol of DEX-treated cells. Furthermore, caspase-3 enzyme activity was elevated by 2-fold after DEX treatment for 7 h. Finally, early apoptotic cells were detected in cells treated with DEX for 3 h. Our results demonstrate that DEX-induced apoptosis involves gene activation of a number of caspases.  相似文献   

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