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褐藻胶寡糖对豌豆种子萌发和幼苗的某些生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
褐藻胶寡糖(ADO)对豌豆种子萌发和幼苗生长有促进作用,种子发芽率升高,幼苗高度.根长、生物量均有增加;幼苗叶中叶绿素含量增高;叶片净光合速率、胞间CO_2浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率增加;根系活力增强;种子中α和β-淀粉酶活性增强。低浓度ADO的效果明显优于高浓度的ADO,其中以0.125?O的效果最佳。  相似文献   

The effect of damage to the food storage of the seed on theensuing plant was compared in cultivars of two species differingin seed structure, the Greenfeast pea with cotyledons and theGabo wheat with endosperm. Partial removal of storage tissue slightly retarded growth ratein both species and slowed development rate in wheat. Completeremoval lowered the germination rate, drastically slowed thegrowth rate of the survivors for the first 20 d after sowingand lowered the development rate throughout the life cycle. This treatment doubled the time to flower initiation (20 d later)compared with the control, thus indicating the promotive roleof both cotyledon and endosperm in the progress of the shoottowards the reproductive state. The number of vegetative nodes in the pea was lowered by twonodes whereas it was raised by one in the wheat.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glutamine in the leaf and subtended fruit of the aging pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Burpeeana) has been studied in relation to changes in the protein, chlorophyll, and free amino acid content of each organ during ontogenesis. Glutamine synthetase [EC] activity was measured during development and senescence in each organ. Glutamate synthetase [EC] activity was followed in the pod and cotyledon during development and maturation. Maximal glutamine synthetase activity and free amino acid accumulation occurred together in the young leaf. Glutamine synthetase (in vitro) in leaf extracts greatly exceeded the requirement (in vivo) for reduced N in the organ. Glutamine synthetase activity, although declining in the senescing leaf, was sufficient (in vitro) to produce glutamine from all of the N released during protein hydrolysis (in vivo). Maximal glutamine synthetase activity in the pod was recorded 6 days after the peak accumulation of the free amino acids in this organ.

In the young pod, free amino acids accumulated as glutamate synthetase activity increased. Maximal pod glutamate synthetase activity occurred simultaneously with maximal leaf glutamine synthetase activity, but 6 days prior to the corresponding maximum of glutamine synthetase in the pod. Cotyledonary glutamate synthetase activity increased during the assimilatory phase of embryo growth which coincided with the loss of protein and free amino acids from the leaf and pod; maximal activity was recorded simultaneously with maximal pod glutamine synthetase.

We suggest that the activity of glutamine synthetase in the supply organs (leaf, pod) furnishes the translocated amide necessary for the N nutrition of the cotyledon. The subsequent activity of glutamate synthetase could provide a mechanism for the transfer of imported amide N to alpha amino N subsequently used in protein synthesis. In vitro measurements of enzyme activity indicate there was sufficient catalytic potential in vivo to accomplish these proposed roles.


DNA Strand-Transfer Activity in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Chloroplasts   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The occurrence of DNA recombination in plastids of higher plants is well documented. However, little is known at the enzymic level. To begin dissecting the biochemical mechanism(s) involved we focused on a key step: strand transfer between homologous parental DNAs. We detected a RecA-like strand transfer activity in stromal extracts from pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts. Formation of joint molecules requires Mg2+, ATP, and homologous substrates. This activity is inhibited by excess single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), suggesting a necessary stoichiometric relation between enzyme and ssDNA. In a novel assay with Triton X-100-permeabilized chloroplasts, we also detected strand invasion of the endogenous chloroplast DNA by 32P-labeled ssDNA complementary to the 16S rRNA gene. Joint molecules, analyzed by electron microscopy, contained the expected displacement loops.  相似文献   

Harley SM  Beevers L 《Plant physiology》1987,85(4):1118-1122
Four isozymes of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (β-NAHA) from pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) have been separated, with one, designated β-NAHA-II, purified to apparent homogeneity by means of an affinity column constructed by ligating p-aminophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-thioglucosaminide to Affi-Gel 202. The other three isozymes have been separated and purified 500- to 1750-fold by chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose, Zn2+ charged immobilized metal affinity chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography, and ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex. All four isozymes are located in the protein bodies of the cotyledons. The molecular weight of each isozyme is 210,000. β-NAHA-II is composed of two heterogenous subunits. The subunits are not held together by disulfide bonds, but sulfhydryl groups are important for catalysis. All four isozymes release p-nitrophenol from both p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide and p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-galactosaminide. The ratio of activity for hydrolysis of the two substrates is pH dependent. The Km value for the two substrates and pH optima of the isozymes are comparable to β-NAHAs from other plant sources.  相似文献   

A transaminase (aminotransferase, EC 2.6.1) fraction was partially purified from shoot tips of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings. With α-ketoglutarate as co-substrate, the enzyme transaminated the following aromatic amino acids: d,l-tryptophan, d,l-tyrosine, and d,l-phenylalanine, as well as the following aliphatic amino acids: d,l-alanine, d,l-methionine, and d,l-leucine. Of other α-keto acids tested, pyruvate and oxalacetate were more active than α-ketoglutarate with d,l-tryptophan. Stoichiometric yields of indolepyruvate and glutamate were obtained with d,l-tryptophan and α-ketoglutarate as co-substrates. The specific activity was three times higher with d-tryptophan than with l-tryptophan.  相似文献   

The stipule mutant cochleata(coch) and the simple-leaf mutantunifoliata(uni) are utilized to increase understanding of the controlof compound leaf and flower development in pea. The phenotypeof the coch mutant, which affects the basal stipules of thepea leaf, is described in detail. Mutant coch flowers have supernumeraryorgans, abnormal fusing of flower parts, mosaic organs and partialmale and female sterility. The wild-type Coch gene is shownto have a role in inflorescence development, floral organ identityand in the positioning of leaf parts. Changes in meristem sizemay be related to changes in leaf morphology. In the coch mutant,stipule primordia are small and their development is retardedin comparison with that of the first leaflet primordia. Thediameter of the shoot apical meristem of the uni mutant is approx.25% less than that of its wild-type siblings. This is the firsttime that a significant difference in apical meristem size hasbeen observed in a pea leaf mutant. Genetic controls in thebasal part of the leaf are illustrated by interactions betweencoch and other mutants. The mutantcoch gene is shown to changestipules into a more ‘compound leaf-like’ identitywhich is not affected by thestipules reduced mutation. The interactionof coch and tendril-less(tl) genes reveals that the expressionof the wild-type Tl gene is reduced at the base of the leaf,supporting the theories of gradients of gene action. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Pisum sativum, garden pea, leaf morphogenesis, compound leaf, leaf mutants, flower morphology  相似文献   

The excision of cotyledons from two cultivars of peas soon aftergermination resulted in a lowering of the node of first floweringas well as a delay in both flower initiation and flowering,especially in the late cultivar Greenfeast. This is contraryto the usual view that, when cotyledon excision reduces nodeof first flowering, flower initiation and flowering are hastened,and it seems irreconcilable with the colysanthin theory of Barber(1959). An alternative explanation is proposed.  相似文献   

A reproducible transformation system was developed for pea (Pisum sativum L.) using as explants sections from the embryonic axis of immature seeds. A construct containing two chimeric genes, nopaline synthase-phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (bar) and cauliflower mosaic virus 35S-neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII), was introduced into two pea cultivars using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation procedures. Regeneration was via organogenesis, and transformed plants were selected on medium containing 15 mg/L of phosphinothricin. Transgenic peas were raised in the glasshouse to produce flowers and viable seeds. The bar and nptII genes were expressed in both the primary transgenic pea plants and in the next generation progeny, in which they showed a typical 3:1 Mendelian inheritance pattern. Transformation of regenerated plants was confirmed by assays for neomycin phosphotransferase and phosphinothricin acetyl transferase activity and by northern blot analyses. Transformed plants were resistant to the herbicide Basta when sprayed at rates used in field practice.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum) ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) was purified to homogeneity from leaf homogenates in a single-step procedure, using δ-N-(phosphonacetyl)-l-ornithine-Sepharose 6B affinity chromatography. The 1581-fold purified OTC enzyme exhibited a specific activity of 139 micromoles citrulline per minute per milligram of protein at 37°C, pH 8.5. Pea OTC represents approximately 0.05% of the total soluble protein in the leaf. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was approximately 108,200, as estimated by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration chromatography. The purified protein ran as a single molecular weight band of 36,500 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These results suggest that the pea OTC is a trimer of identical subunits. The overall amino acid composition of pea OTC is similar to that found in other eukaryotic and prokaryotic OTCs, but the number of arginine residues is approximately twofold higher. The increased number of arginine residues probably accounts for the observed isoelectric point of 7.6 for the pea enzyme, which is considerably more basic than isoelectric point values that have been reported for other OTCs.  相似文献   

Daniel, P. P. and Bryant, J. A. 1988. DNA ligase in pea (Pisumsativum L.) seedlings: changes in activity during germinationand effects of deoxyribonucleotides.—J. exp. Bot. 39:481–486. Measurable amounts of ‘soluble’ and chromatin-boundDNA bgase are present in the embryo axis at least as early as8 h after the onset of imbibition. Between 8 h and 48 h theactivity of the chromatin-bound form increases nearly 10-fold,whilst the soluble activity increases 6-fold. There is thena slight decline in the chromatin-bound activity between 48h and 72 h, whilst the soluble activity continues to increase. Both forms of ligase arc markedly inhibited by dTTP (but notby other deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates); the soluble formis significantly more sensitive to dTTP than the chromatin-boundform. Key words: Pisum satioum, DNA ligase, germination  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the gibberellin precursor ent-kaurene-14C from mevalonic acid-2-14C was assayed in cell-free extracts of shoot tips of etiolated and light-grown Alaska (normal) and Progress No. 9 (dwarf) peas (Pisum sativum L.). During ontogeny of light-grown Alaska peas, kaurene-synthesizing activity increased from an undectectable level in 3-day-old epicotyls to a maximum in shoot tips of 9-day-old plants and remained relatively constant thereafter until postanthesis. The capacity for kaurene synthesis in extracts from shoot tips of 10-day-old etiolated Alaska seedlings increased approximately exponentially during the first 12 hr of de-etiolation in continuous high intensity white light and remained relatively constant during the succeeding 24 hr of irradiation. Extracts from light-grown Alaska (normal) shoot tips possessed greater capacity for kaurene synthesis than did extracts from light-grown Progress No. 9 (dwarf) shoot tips. Extracts from shoot tips of either light-grown cultivar displayed greater kaurene-synthesizing capacity than was observed in extracts from their dark-grown counterparts. It is concluded that gibberellin biosynthesis in pea shoot tips is subject to partial regulation by factors controlling the rate of biosynthesis of kaurene.  相似文献   

Using ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) treatment of the seeds ofline SGE, a new mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.) with alterationsin root development was obtained. The mutant phenotype dependson the density of the growth substrate: on sand (a high densitysubstrate) the mutant forms a small compact curly root systemwhereas on vermiculite (a low density substrate) differencesbetween the root systems of the mutant and wild type plantsare less pronounced. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutantcarries a mutation in a new pea gene designedcrt (curly roots).Gene crt has been localized in pea linkage group V. The mutantline named SGEcrt showed increased sensitivity to exogenousauxin and an increased concentration of endogenous indole-3-aceticacid (IAA) in comparison with the wild type line SGE. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Pisum sativum L., root development, garden pea mutant, curly roots, auxin, environmental stimulus response  相似文献   

In many species, root system development depends on cultivar and sowing date, with consequences for aerial growth, and seed yield. Most of the peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in France are sown in spring or in mid-November. We analyzed the effect of two sowing periods (November and February) and three pea cultivars (a spring cultivar, a winter cultivar, a winter recombinant inbred line) on root development in field conditions. For all treatments, rooting depth at various dates seemed to be strongly correlated with cumulative radiation since sowing. Maximum root depth varied from 0.88 to 1.06 m, with the roots penetrating to greater depths for February sowing than for November sowing in very cold winters. The earlier the crop was sown, the sooner maximum root depth was reached. No difference in root dynamics between cultivars was observed. In contrast, the winter recombinant inbred line presented the highest root density in the ploughed layer. These findings are discussed in terms of their possible implications for yield stability and environmental impact.  相似文献   

Synthesis of both protein and RNA is initiated very early ingermination in the embryo axes of pea seeds. The early RNA synthesisinvolves all three types, although there is some evidence forpreferential synthesis of mRNA in the first few hours afterthe onset of imbibition. In addition to newly synthesized mRNA,the embryo axis also contains long-lived mRNA. The amount ofthis long-lived mRNA declines markedly during the first 20 hof germination. Synthesis of both protein and RNA is initiated very early ingermination in the embryo axes of pea seeds. The early RNA synthesisinvolves all three types, although there is some evidence forpreferential synthesis of mRNA in the first few hours afterthe onset of imbibition. In addition to newly synthesized mRNA,the embryo axis also contains long-lived mRNA. The amount ofthis long-lived mRNA declines markedly during the first 20 hof germination. Results from in vitro and in vivo protein synthesis experimentsand from studies of polysome formation suggest that much ofthe long-lived mRNA present in the embryo axis does not directprotein synthesis. The increase in the rate of protein synthesisduring germination is thus dependent on recruitment of newlysynthesized mRNA molecules. Pea, Pisum sativum L., germination, mRNA, protein synthesis  相似文献   

Decapitation resulted in the transport of significant amountsof 14C to the axillary buds from either point of application,but pretreatment of the cut internode surface of decapitatedplants with IAA (alone or in combination with unlabelled kinetin)inhibited the transport of label to the axillary buds and resultedin its accumulation in the IAA-treated region of the stem. Inintact plants to which labelled kinetin was applied to the apicalbud there was little movement of 14C beyond the internode subtendingthis bud; when labelled kinetin was applied to the roots ofintact plants, 14C accumulated in the stem and apical bud butwas not transported to the axillary buds. A considerable proportionof the applied radioactivity became incorporated into ethanol-insoluble/NaOH-solublecompounds in the apical bud of intact plants, in internodestreated with IAA, and in axillary buds released from dominanceby removal of the apical bud. The results are discussed in relation to the possible role ofhormone-directed transport of cytokinins m the regulation ofaxillary bud growth.  相似文献   

After the first week of germination the relationship betweenthe amounts of total dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur,and potassium transferred to the axis from the cotyledons inthe intact plant remained approximately constant irrespectiveof the conditions of growth. It is proposed that the ratio inwhich the individual elements are transported is determinedby the proportions in which they are released by the storagecells. Deviation from this ratio during the first week of germination,and over a longer period in deshooted plants is attributed tocompetition for the available nutrients between actively metabolizingcells in the cotyledons and axis. It is demonstrated by steam-girdling that movement of materialsfrom the cotyledons into the shoot probably occurs via the phloem.Calcium is mobile in the phloem during the early stages of germination,possibly because the amount of free calcium in the cotyledonsis high.  相似文献   

Beers EP  Duke SH 《Plant physiology》1988,87(4):799-802
Most of the activity of an α-amylase present in crude pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Laxton's Progress No. 9) leaf preparations cannot be found in isolated pea leaf protoplasts. The same extrachloroplastic α-amylase is present in pea stems, representing approximately 6% of total stem amylolytic activity and virtually all of the α-amylase activity. By a simple infiltration-extraction procedure, the majority (87%) of this α-amylase activity was recovered from the pea stem apoplast without significantly disrupting the symplastic component of the tissue. Only 3% of the β-amylase activity and less than 2% of other cellular marker enzymes were removed during infiltration-extraction.  相似文献   

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