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The behaviour of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in the Scheldtestuary was investigated in the periods 1981 to 1983and 1995. The Hg behaviour was studied between 1992and 1994. A box model was used to establish therelationship between the trace metal inputs and thefate of these pollutants in the Scheldt estuary.Annual budgets were calculated for particulate anddissolved trace metals. For Hg, seasonal budgets ofthe various species (inorganic Hg, methylmercury,Hg °) could also be calculated. These budgetsallow an evaluation of the consistency of eachindividual flux or process, such as the inputs of thevarious metals into the North Sea, the sedimentationflux of particulate metals in the area of highturbidity, the evasional fluxes and the formationrates of Hg °, etc. in relation to the other ones. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have been analysed in suspendedmatter and water samples from the Scheldt estuary,collected during five cruises between May 1982 and May1983. In order to evaluate the overall metal behaviourin the estuary, continuous longitudinal profiles ofthe total, the particulate and the dissolved metalconcentrations are discussed in relation to variousspecific physico-chemical parameters. By means ofcorrelation and multi-regression techniques, severalestuarine processes could be identified which dominateand/or control the behaviour of the individual tracemetals in three distinct areas of the Scheldt estuary. The behaviour of the four selected metals was foundto show some common features, but is besides this alsocharacterised by many individual and specificproperties. The total metal concentrations seem toco-vary well with the turbidity in the maximumturbidity zone between salinities 2 and 10 psu. In thedownstream area a dilution profile is observed for thetotal metal concentrations of Cu and Cd as well as forthe dissolved concentrations of all metals. Dissolved metal production rates are high for Cu andCd, but much lower for Zn and Pb, confirming thedifferent longitudinal dissolved metal profiles. ForCu and Cd these dissolved metal profiles arecharacterised by a broad mobilisation area, coveringthe whole middle estuary. Pb on the other hand, showsa more confined mobilisation area, and for Zn no sucharea was found. During winter the dissolved metalproduction rates seem to be controlled, predominantly,by desorption processes. During summer dissolved metalproduction is correlated mainly to the dissolvedoxygen content, suggesting the domination of redoxprocesses solely or in combination with desorptionprocesses. In some cases, co-existent with nearly zerooxygen concentrations, removal of dissolved metals wasobserved, possibly reflecting precipitation reactions. Longitudinal particulate metal profiles all show anegative deviation versus the dilution profile. Cu andCd provide the higher deviations, characterised by anarrow enrichment zone preceding a broad mobilisationarea. Finally, all particulate metal profiles appearedto correlate well with POC, when expressed involumetric units. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Organometallic complexes conjugated to cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are promising systems for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic applications in human medicine. Recently, we reported on the synthesis of cymantrene(CpMn(CO)3)–CPP conjugates with biological activity on different cancer cell lines. However, the precise mechanism of cytotoxicity remained elusive in these studies. To investigate the role of the metal center and the linker between the CpM(CO)3 moiety and the peptide, a number of derivatives with manganese replaced by rhenium and the keto linker originally used substituted by a methylene group were prepared and fully characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis as well as X-ray structure determination. The organometal–peptide conjugates as well as carboxyfluorescein-labeled derivatives thereof were prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis, purified by high-performance liquid chromatography, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Fluorescence microscopy studies of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells revealed an efficient cellular uptake and pronounced nuclear localization of the bioconjugates with the methylene linker compared with systems with the keto group. In addition, the latter also showed a higher cytotoxicity. In contrast, the variation of the metal center from manganese to rhenium had a negligible effect. The structure–activity relationships determined in the present work will aid in the further tuning of the biological activity of organometal–peptide conjugates.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to compare the alder pollen seasons in the years 1997–2017 in Sosnowiec. The measurements of pollen concentration were taken with the volumetric method using Burkard’s apparatus. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the daily alder pollen grain concentration, the annual totals, and the duration of pollen seasons were studied. The dependency between each meteorological condition and different features of the alder pollen season was determined by using Pearson’s correlation coefficients, variance analysis with multiple comparison tests, and the linear regression model using backward elimination. It was proven that the temperatures directly preceding the pollination, i.e. the January and February temperatures as well as those from the period from 210 to 180 days preceding the beginning of the season, have the greatest impact on the beginning of the alder pollen season. The value of the daily alder pollen concentration in Sosnowiec showed a positive statistically significant correlation with the air temperature and sunshine duration and a negative correlation with the thickness of the snow cover and air relative humidity. The daily concentration also depended on the type of the weather front, direction of air mass inflow, and the type of the inflowing air mass. The season temperatures and the thermal conditions which were present in the summer of the preceding year impacted the annual totals (SPI) of the alder pollen grains.  相似文献   

According to ichthyoplankton surveys of AtlantNIRO and published sources, the data on abundance of eggs and larvae of eastern Baltic cod Gadus morhua callarias at different spawning grounds of the Baltic Sea in 1931–1938, 1949–1956, and 1991–1996 are considered. We show that a similar type of spatial distribution of eggs and larvae of cod with localization of the greatest amount of its early ontogenetic stages in the Bornholm Basin in the southwest of the sea was observed in the 1930s and 1990s. The extension of the area of distribution was accompanied by an increase in the numbers of eggs and larvae of cod in all areas of the sea, and its decline was followed by a decrease in numbers, in the first turn, at northeastern spawning grounds in the Gotland Basin. The period of high numbers of eggs in 1949–1956 coincided with the century maximum of salinity of the near-bottom water layer.  相似文献   

S. W. Evans  H. Bouwman 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):83-86
Evans, S.W. & Bouwman, H. 2000. The influence of mist and rain on the reproductive success of the Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 83–86.

Due to the locality of the Blue Swallow Natural Heritage Site it appears that the birds have no alternative but to forage in the mist. The birds cease foraging as soon as it starts raining. Eight eggs failed to hatch after a week in which rainfall occurred for 60% and mist for 85% of the time. Later in the season a further six eggs failed to hatch after a week in which rainfall occurred for 18% and mist occurred for 65% of the time. The only mortality of two nestling Blue Swallows occurred at the end of a week in which rainfall occurred for 65% and mist was recorded for 85% of the time. At a nest containing three eggs, during the presence of mist (16°C wet/19°C dry) the female Blue Swallow spent a mean of 52 min h?1 foraging and therefore only a mean of 8 min h?1 incubating. In the absence of mist (21°C wet/26°C dry) the female Blue Swallow spent a mean of 25 min h?1 foraging and therefore 35 min h?1 incubating. Rainfall did not occur during the monitoring of this nest. It appears that the mist greatly reduces the foraging efficiency of the birds and that rainfall duration impacts on the birds by limiting the available foraging time.  相似文献   

A preliminary study to compare Poaceae pollen data and to determine possible differences in pollen productivity and/or seasonality was performed at six locations in Catalonia (Spain): Barcelona, Bellaterra, Girona, Lleida, Manresa and Tarragona over a 6-year period (1996–2001). In the study area, Poaceae pollen grains are an important cause of respiratory allergies. Being present in the atmosphere all year round, the grass pollen concentrations are especially significant between May and August. The absolute peak occurs in June, except in Lleida where the peak comes earlier, possibly due to the early flowering of particular steppe species. Even if there are differences between different years, Girona and Lleida (inland locations) usually present the highest annual grass pollen index with, on average, 2177 pollen grains per year. Barcelona and Tarragona (the coastal sites) show the lowest levels, with around 1140 grass pollen grains per year. The respective local climates are very different, and pollen grains may originate in different grass species. A decreasing trend in the Poaceae annual pollen index was found over the period of the present study.  相似文献   

One-third of public school students are racial and/or ethnic minorities. Yet only 14 per cent of teachers represent these groups. Frequently lost in broader debates concerning this disparity is the paradoxical contribution of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Schools were mandated under Brown to desegregate the student body. But the law did not necessarily protect the jobs of black teachers and administrators. Using a unique database of court orders, we examine the impact of mandated desegregation on black teachers. Findings indicate regional differences. Mandated desegregation created conditions that resulted in decreases in the black teaching force in the South. The opposite occurred in the non-south, with mandated desegregation positively associated with increases (although small) in the black teaching force. Our findings suggest that the legacy of mandated desegregation may have created broader institutional conditions in which black and other minority teachers remain underrepresented in the teaching force.  相似文献   

During Italian expeditions, ichthyoplankton was collected in the Ross Sea and Terra Nova Bay, by BIONESS and Hamburg Plankton Net (250-µm and 500-µm mesh, respectively). A total of 394,453 fish larvae representing 46 species, 27 genera and 9 families were collected. Pleuragramma antarcticum dominated during three of the four cruises, whilst in 1994/1995 Trematomus lepidorhinus was also abundant. The most abundant icefish was Chionodraco myersi, which co-occurred with P. antarcticum. Macrouridae, Myctophidae and Bathylagidae were oceanic. Paralepididae occurred in all areas. Notothenioids, nearly 100% of the catch, occurred close to the coast and dominated the shelf ichthyoplankton community.  相似文献   

The native area of gammarids from the so-called ‘Caspian complex’, Pontogammarus robustoides (G.O. Sars, 1894), Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894), Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841) and D. villosus (Sowinsky, 1894), is associated with brackish waters. Over the last several decades they have colonized the European inland waters and part of the brackish Baltic Sea. It is believed that anthropogenic increase in the salinity of inland waters facilitated their expansion. However, the influence of salinity on the dispersal of gammarid species outside their native area is not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that salinity was a major factor in determining distribution, based on the abundance of Gammaridae in three coastal areas of low salinity (brackish Baltic), i.e. 0.3, 3.4 and 7.3 PSU, successfully inhabited by them. Additionally, for the first time, the effect of water salinity on the osmoregulatory capacity of O. crassus was examined under laboratory conditions, for the salinities given above. The experiments showed that similarly as in the case of other Caspian complex species, salinity values of about 7 PSU create better conditions for osmoregulation in O. crassus than lower salinities (i.e. 0.3 and 3.4 PSU). In the environmental part of the study, we observed that only D. villosus achieved a significantly higher abundance in the area of 7.3 PSU. Thus, we concluded that in the range of 0.3–7.3 PSU, salinity is not a key factor governing the distribution of Ponto-Caspian gammarids.  相似文献   

The amphipod fauna of the delta of the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt was re-surveyed 30 years after the detailed inventory ofden hartog (1963; 1964). During these 30 years enormous changes have taken place in the morphology and hydrology of this estuarine system. Many habitats were destructed because of the damming of several sea arms. Tidal influence disappeared from a large part of the area or was reduced in other parts. Nearly all indigenous amphipods of the area have suffered severely under these changes. The only species to profit were the recently introducedGammarus tigrinus andCorophium curvispinum. The main causes for the sharp decline of the amphipod fauna are changes in salinity, tidal movements and dike construction.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles were monthly sampled with pitfall traps in the ancient Pb-Zn mining area of Plombières during one year. Based on the total soil concentrations of lead, zinc, cadmium and copper, it was expected that zinc would probably have the most adverse effects on the populations. Activity and species richness of carabid beetles were, however, not significantly correlated with total zinc concentration nor with the water soluble and the calciumchloride extractable concentration. In fact, despite the high soil concentrations, carabid beetles did not seem to be affected in the study area. The apparent lack of effects at the high observed zinc concentrations is probably caused by the low bioavailability of zinc to the beetles in the litter of the study sites which was also reflected in the low observed water soluble zinc concentrations.  相似文献   

There are over 1.9 million eye injuries per year in the United States, with blunt impacts the cause of approximately one-half of all civilian eye injuries. No previous experimental studies have investigated the effects of the extraocular muscles on the impact response of the eye. A spring-powered blunt impactor was used to determine the effects that the extraocular muscles have on the force–deflection and injury response of the eye to blunt trauma. A total of 10 dynamic impact tests were performed at 8.2±0.1 m/s on five human cadaver heads. With the extraocular muscles left intact, the average peak force was found to be 271±51 N at 7.5±0.9 mm posterior translation; with the muscles transected, the average peak force was 268±26 N at 7.6±1.3 mm of posterior translation. From the data available from this study, the peak impact force and overall amount of translation during the impact are not affected by the extraocular muscles. Additionally, from the data presented in this study, the eyes with the extraocular muscles left intact do not rupture with a different injury pattern or display an increased risk for rupture than the eyes with the extraocular muscles transected. Therefore, it is believed that the effect of the extraocular muscles is not sufficient to drastically alter the response of the eye under dynamic impact. This information is useful to characterize the boundary conditions that dictate the eye response from blunt impact and can be used to define the biofidelity requirements for the impact response of synthetic eyes.  相似文献   

The airborne pollen concentration of the four mostfrequent and most allergenic taxa in Poland; Alnus, Betula, Poaceae, and Artemisia atPozna in the years 1995–1996 has been analyzed,using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. Theappearance of the earliest pollen producing taxa wasobserved as early as January and February, which isrelevant information for people subject to allergiesin the Pozna region, where Spring usually beginsin March. The periods of high and very high pollenconcentration of individual taxa have been comparedfor the two years.  相似文献   

The concentration of airborne spores of Cladosporium and Alternaria has been investigated at five monitoring stations situated in cities from the foot of the Tatra Mountains to central Poland along a south-north transect (Zakopane, Kraków, Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa, Pozna) i.e. from a height of 900 m to 80 m above sea level. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed by means of five Burkard volumetric spore traps.Cladosporium spores were dominant at all the stations. The highest Cladosporium and Alternaria spore concentrations were observed at all the sites in July and August, except at Warszawa in both years and at Pozna in 1995 where the maximum of Cladosporium spores occurred in June and July, and at Ostrowiec witokrzyski in 1995 where the maximum was found in July, August and September.Fungal spore concentrations in Zakopane and Kraków were significantly lower than those in Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa and Pozna and periods of abundant Cladosporium spore occurrence were different in these two groups of monitoring stations.  相似文献   

Longitudinal, disease-level data are used to analyze the impact of pharmaceutical innovation on longevity (mean age at death) and medical expenditure in France during the period 2000–2009. The estimates imply that pharmaceutical innovation increased mean age at death by 0.29 years (3.43 months) during this period—about one-fifth of the total increase in longevity. This estimate is smaller than those obtained in previous studies of Germany and the U.S., but the rate of adoption of new drugs was lower in France. Longevity is much more strongly related to the number of drugs than it is to the number of drug classes.Pharmaceutical innovation during 2000–2009 is estimated to have increased per capita pharmaceutical expenditure by $125 (26%) in 2009, but most (87%) of this increase was offset by a reduction in hospital expenditure. The baseline estimate of the cost per life-year gained from pharmaceutical innovation in France during 2000–2009 is about $8100. This estimate is fairly close to the mean of estimates obtained ($10,800) from U.S., German, and Australian studies.  相似文献   

This article traces the paradoxical impact of Weber's oeuvre on two major scholars of nationalism, Ernest Gellner and Edward Shils. Both these scholars died in 1995, leaving behind a rich corpus of writings on the nation and nationalism, much of which was inspired by Max Weber. The paradox is that although neither scholar accepted Weber's sceptical attitude to the concept of ‘nation’, they both used his other major concepts, such as ‘rationality’, ‘disenchantment’, ‘unintended consequences’, the ‘ethic of responsibility’ and ‘charisma’, in their very analyses of the nation and nationalism. And they both saw, each in his own way, the nation and nationalism as constitutive elements of modern societies. However, the paradox ceases being a paradox if one sees the integration, by Shils and Gellner, of concepts of the nation and of nationalism in the analysis of modernity, as a development of Weber's ideas.  相似文献   

The interaction of two structurally close flavanones: taxifolin and naringenin with copper(I) ions and its effect on the distribution of flavonoids and the corresponding ions in a biphasic system octanol–water have been studied. It has been shown that these polyphenols form complexes with copper ions of different stoichiometric ratio depending on the pH of medium (5.4, 7.4, and 9.0). The interaction of the flavonoids with copper ions leads to an increase in the fraction of polyphenols in the water phase at all pH values examined. The fraction of metal ions in octanol in the presence of both taxifolin and naringenin is maximal in the range of neutral pH values. The parameters obtained in the study, such as the partition coefficient and the coefficient of distribution in a biphasic system octanol–water (logP and logD) form the physicochemical basis necessary for the estimation of the bioavailability of flavonoids and the corresponding metal ions upon their combined consumption.  相似文献   

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