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Melanson JE  Avery SL  Pinto DM 《Proteomics》2006,6(16):4466-4474
Peptide dimethylation with isotopically coded formaldehydes was evaluated as a potential alternative to techniques such as the iTRAQ method for comparative proteomics. The isotopic labeling strategy and custom-designed protein quantitation software were tested using protein standards and then applied to measure proteins levels associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The method provided high accuracy (10% error), precision (14% RSD) and coverage (70%) when applied to the analysis of a standard solution of BSA by LC-MS/MS. The technique was then applied to measure protein abundance levels in brain tissue afflicted with AD relative to normal brain tissue. 2-D LC-MS analysis identified 548 unique proteins (p<0.05). Of these, 349 were quantified with two or more peptides that met the statistical criteria used in this study. Several classes of proteins exhibited significant changes in abundance. For example, elevated levels of antioxidant proteins and decreased levels of mitochondrial electron transport proteins were observed. The results demonstrate the utility of the labeling method for high-throughput quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

Proteomics has come a long way from the initial qualitative analysis of proteins present in a given sample at a given time (“cataloguing”) to large-scale characterization of proteomes, their interactions and dynamic behavior. Originally enabled by breakthroughs in protein separation and visualization (by two-dimensional gels) and protein identification (by mass spectrometry), the discipline now encompasses a large body of protein and peptide separation, labeling, detection and sequencing tools supported by computational data processing. The decisive mass spectrometric developments and most recent instrumentation news are briefly mentioned accompanied by a short review of gel and chromatographic techniques for protein/peptide separation, depletion and enrichment. Special emphasis is placed on quantification techniques: gel-based, and label-free techniques are briefly discussed whereas stable-isotope coding and internal peptide standards are extensively reviewed. Another special chapter is dedicated to software and computing tools for proteomic data processing and validation. A short assessment of the status quo and recommendations for future developments round up this journey through quantitative proteomics.  相似文献   

A major aim of present-day proteomics is to study changes in protein expression levels at a global level, ideally monitoring all proteins present in cells or tissue. Mass spectrometry is a well-respected technology in proteomics that is widely used for the identification of proteins. More recently, methodologies have been introduced showing that mass spectrometry can also be used for protein quantification. This article reviews various mass spectrometry-based technologies in quantitative proteomics, highlighting several interesting applications in areas ranging from cell biology to clinical applications.  相似文献   

Arginase is a manganese metalloenzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of l-arginine to yield l-ornithine and urea. In order to establish a foundation for future neutron diffraction studies that will provide conclusive structural information regarding proton/deuteron positions in enzyme-inhibitor complexes, we have expressed, purified, assayed, and determined the X-ray crystal structure of perdeuterated (i.e., fully deuterated) human arginase I complexed with 2(S)-amino-6-boronohexanoic acid (ABH) at 1.90A resolution. Prior to the neutron diffraction experiment, it is important to establish that perdeuteration does not cause any unanticipated structural or functional changes. Accordingly, we find that perdeuterated human arginase I exhibits catalytic activity essentially identical to that of the unlabeled enzyme. Additionally, the structure of the perdeuterated human arginase I-ABH complex is identical to that of the corresponding complex with the unlabeled enzyme. Therefore, we conclude that crystals of the perdeuterated human arginase I-ABH complex are suitable for neutron crystallographic study.  相似文献   

Quantitative proteomics based on isotopic labeling has become the method of choice to accurately determine changes in protein abundance in highly complex mixtures. Isotope‐coded protein labeling (ICPL), which is based on the nicotinoylation of proteins at lysine residues and free N‐termini was used as a simple, reliable and fast method for the comparative analysis of three different cellular states of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum through pairwise comparison. The labeled proteins were subjected to SDS‐PAGE, in‐gel digested and the proteolytic peptides were separated by LC and analyzed by MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS. Automated quantitation was performed by comparing the MS peptide signals of 12C and 13C nicotinoylated isotopic peptide pairs. The transitions between (i) aerobic growth in complex versus synthetic medium and (ii) aerobic versus anaerobic/phototrophic growth, both in complex medium, provide a wide span in nutrient and energy supply for the cell and thus allowed optimal studies of proteome changes. In these two studies, 559 and 643 proteins, respectively, could be quantified allowing a detailed analysis of the adaptation of H. salinarum to changes of its living conditions. The subtle cellular response to a wide variation of nutrient and energy supply demonstrates a fine tuning of the cellular protein inventory.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics has become increasingly applied to a wide range of biological applications due to growing capabilities for broad proteome coverage and good accuracy and precision in quantification. Herein, we review the current LC-MS-based quantification methods with respect to their advantages and limitations and highlight their potential applications.  相似文献   

Kota U  Goshe MB 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(10):1040-1060
The membrane proteome consists of integral and membrane-associated proteins that are involved in various physiological and biochemical functions critical for cellular function. It is also dynamic in nature, where many proteins are only expressed during certain developmental stages or in response to environmental stress. These proteins can undergo post-translational modifications in response to these different conditions, allowing them to transiently associate with the membrane or other membrane proteins. Along with their increased size, hydrophobicity, and the additional organelle and cellular features of plant cells relative to mammalian systems, the characterization of the plant membrane proteome presents unique challenges for effective qualitative and quantitative analysis using mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Here, we present the latest advancements developed for the isolation and fractionation of plant organelles and their membrane components amenable to MS analysis. Separations of membrane proteins from these enriched preparations that have proven effective are discussed for both gel- and liquid chromatography-based MS analysis. In this context, quantitative membrane proteomic analyses using both isotope-coded and label-free approaches are presented and reveal the potential to establish a wider-biological interpretation of the function of plant membrane proteins that will ultimately lead to a more comprehensive understanding of plant physiology and their response mechanisms.  相似文献   

Absolute protein concentration determination is becoming increasingly important in a number of fields including diagnostics, biomarker discovery and systems biology modeling. The recently introduced quantification concatamer methodology provides a novel approach to performing such determinations, and it has been applied to both microbial and mammalian systems. While a number of software tools exist for performing analyses of quantitative data generated by related methodologies such as SILAC, there is currently no analysis package dedicated to the quantification concatamer approach. Furthermore, most tools that are currently available in the field of quantitative proteomics do not manage storage and dissemination of such data sets.  相似文献   

This paper describes methods to produce an isotopically labeled 23 kDa viral membrane protein with purified yield of 20 mg/L of Escherichia coli shake flask culture. This yield is sufficient for NMR structural studies and the protein production methods are simple, straightforward, and rapid and likely applicable to other recombinant membrane proteins expressed in E. coli. The target FHA2 protein is the full ectodomain construct of the influenza virus hemagglutinin protein which catalyzes fusion between the viral and the cellular endosomal membranes during infection. The high yield of FHA2 was achieved by: (1) initial growth in rich medium to A600  8 followed by a switch to minimal medium and induction of protein expression; and (2) obtaining protein both from purification of the detergent-soluble lysate and from solubilization, purification, and refolding of inclusion bodies. The high cell density was achieved after optimization of pH, oxygenation, and carbon source and concentration, and the refolding protocol was optimized using circular dichroism spectroscopy. For a single residue of membrane-associated FHA2 that was obtained from purification and refolding of inclusion bodies, native conformation was verified by the 13CO chemical shifts measured using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Labeling‐based proteomics is a powerful method for detection of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). The current data analysis platform typically relies on protein‐level ratios, which is obtained by summarizing peptide‐level ratios for each protein. In shotgun proteomics, however, some proteins are quantified with more peptides than others, and this reproducibility information is not incorporated into the differential expression (DE) analysis. Here, we propose a novel probabilistic framework EBprot that directly models the peptide‐protein hierarchy and rewards the proteins with reproducible evidence of DE over multiple peptides. To evaluate its performance with known DE states, we conducted a simulation study to show that the peptide‐level analysis of EBprot provides better receiver‐operating characteristic and more accurate estimation of the false discovery rates than the methods based on protein‐level ratios. We also demonstrate superior classification performance of peptide‐level EBprot analysis in a spike‐in dataset. To illustrate the wide applicability of EBprot in different experimental designs, we applied EBprot to a dataset for lung cancer subtype analysis with biological replicates and another dataset for time course phosphoproteome analysis of EGF‐stimulated HeLa cells with multiplexed labeling. Through these examples, we show that the peptide‐level analysis of EBprot is a robust alternative to the existing statistical methods for the DE analysis of labeling‐based quantitative datasets. The software suite is freely available on the Sourceforge website http://ebprot.sourceforge.net/ . All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001426 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001426/ ).  相似文献   

Proenkephalin (PE) represents the precursor protein of the active peptide neurotransmitter enkephalin. Quantitative analysis of peptides and proteins is an objective of mass spectrometry-based studies of biological systems and will be important for studying the proteolytic conversion of proproteins to active enkephalin and neuropeptides. The goal of this study was to define and optimize quantitation of different amounts of tryptic peptides derived from PE using light (H4, 4 hydrogens) and heavy (D4, 4 deuteriums) succinic anhydride for isotopic labeling of peptides analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Comparisons were made between PE-derived peptides with and without internal standards. Importantly, incorporation of internal standards of known amounts of heavy isotope-labeled tryptic peptides of PE provided linear calibration plots with accurate quantitation. In contrast, comparison of light and heavy isotope-labeled peptides without internal standards produced variable and inaccurate nonlinear isotopic ratio comparisons of PE-derived peptides. These results demonstrate that use of internal standards composed of a defined amount(s) of standard peptides (PE-derived tryptic peptides) is necessary for high-quality linear quantitation of peptides by isotopic labeling and MS/MS.  相似文献   

Multiheme proteins play major roles in various biological systems. Structural information on these systems in solution is crucial to understand their functional mechanisms. However, the presence of numerous proton-containing groups in the heme cofactors and the magnetic properties of the heme iron, in particular in the oxidised state, complicates significantly the assignment of the NMR signals. Consequently, the multiheme proteins superfamily is extremely under-represented in structural databases, which constitutes a severe bottleneck in the elucidation of their structural-functional relationships. In this work, we present a strategy that simplifies the assignment of the NMR signals in multiheme proteins and, concomitantly, their solution structure determination, using the triheme cytochrome PpcA from the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens as a model. Cost-effective isotopic labeling was used to double label (13C/15N) the protein in its polypeptide chain, with the correct folding and heme post-translational modifications. The combined analysis of 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectra obtained for labeled and unlabeled samples of PpcA allowed a straight discrimination between the heme cofactors and the polypeptide chain signals and their confident assignment. The results presented here will be the foundations to assist solution structure determination of multiheme proteins, which are still very scarce in the literature.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein expression plays an important role in biochemical research. However, only recent developments led to new methods to rapidly synthesize preparative amounts of protein that make cell-free protein expression an attractive alternative to cell-based methods. In particular the wheat germ system provides the highest translation efficiency among eukaryotic cell-free protein expression approaches and has a very high success rate for the expression of soluble proteins of good quality. As an open in vitro method, the wheat germ system is a preferable choice for many applications in protein research including options for protein labeling and the expression of difficult-to-express proteins like membrane proteins and multiple protein complexes. Here I describe wheat germ cell-free protein expression systems and give examples how they have been used in genome-wide expression studies, preparation of labeled proteins for structural genomics and protein mass spectroscopy, automated protein synthesis, and screening of enzymatic activities. Future directions for the use of cell-free expression methods are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a cloning and expression system which is based on the Escherichia coli T7 expression system and Gateway recombination technology. We have produced numerous destination vectors with selected fusion tags and an additional set of entry vectors containing the gene of interest and optional labeling tags. This powerful system enables us to transfer a cDNA to several expression vectors in parallel and combine them with various labeling tags. To remove the attached amino terminal tags along with the unwanted attB1 site, we inserted PreScission protease cleavage sites. In contrast to the commercially available destination vectors, our plasmids provide kanamycin resistance, which can be an advantage when expressing toxic proteins in E. coli. Some small-scale protein expression experiments are shown to demonstrate the usefulness of these novel Gateway vectors. In summary, this system has some benefits over the widely used and commercially available Gateway standard system, and it enables many different combinations for expression constructs from a single gene of interest.  相似文献   

The nucleolus is a dynamic subnuclear compartment involved in ribosome subunit biogenesis, regulation of cell stress and modulation of cellular growth and the cell cycle, among other functions. The nucleolus is composed of complex protein/protein and protein/RNA interactions. It is a target of virus infection with many viral proteins being shown to localize to the nucleolus during infection. Perturbations to the structure of the nucleolus and its proteome have been predicted to play a role in both cellular and infectious disease. Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture coupled to LC‐MS/MS with bioinformatic analysis using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis was used to investigate whether the nucleolar proteome altered in virus‐infected cells. In this study, the avian nucleolar proteome was defined in the absence and presence of virus, in this case the positive strand RNA virus, avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Data sets, potential protein changes and the functional consequences of virus infection were validated using independent assays. These demonstrated that specific rather than generic changes occurred in the nucleolar proteome in infectious bronchitis virus‐infected cells.  相似文献   

通过 RT- PCR,从人肝组织中扩增出血管形成抑制素 ( angiostatin) c DNA的 K1片段 ,经DNA序列分析证实其正确性 ;将 K1与 GST融合并带上 1 7个氨基酸的 PKA底物磷酸化基序 ,IPTG诱导表达 ,以还原型谷胱甘肽偶联的琼脂糖凝胶亲合层析直接从细菌裂解上清中纯化融合蛋白 ;以 PKA催化单位将 3 2 P通过磷酸化作用标记至纯化的蛋白 ,再用凝血酶切去 GST,进行SDS- PAGE.放射自显影结果显示 ,GSTag- K1和 Tag- K1分别在 40 k D和 1 7k D处有信号强而特异的显影条带 ,表明带有磷酸化序列的蛋白能够被 PKA特异地磷酸化标记  相似文献   

Extensive X-ray crystallographic studies carried out on the catalytic-subunit of protein kinase A (PKA-C) enabled the atomic characterization of inhibitor and/or substrate peptide analogues trapped at its active site. Yet, the structural and dynamic transitions of these peptides from the free to the bound state are missing. These conformational transitions are central to understanding molecular recognition and the enzymatic cycle. NMR spectroscopy allows one to study these phenomena under functionally relevant conditions. However, the amounts of isotopically labeled peptides required for this technique present prohibitive costs for solid-phase peptide synthesis. To enable NMR studies, we have optimized both expression and purification of isotopically enriched substrate/inhibitor peptides using a recombinant fusion protein system. Three of these peptides correspond to the cytoplasmic regions of the wild-type and lethal mutants of the membrane protein phospholamban, while the fourth peptide correspond to the binding epitope of the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor (PKI5–24). The target peptides were fused to the maltose binding protein (MBP), which is further purified using a His6 tag approach. This convenient protocol allows for the purification of milligram amounts of peptides necessary for NMR analysis.  相似文献   

Cancer metabolism has emerged as an indispensable part of contemporary cancer research. During the past 10 years, the use of stable isotopic tracers and network analysis have unveiled a number of metabolic pathways activated in cancer cells. Here, we review such pathways along with the particular tracers and labeling observations that led to the discovery of their rewiring in cancer cells. The list of such pathways comprises the reductive metabolism of glutamine, altered glycolysis, serine and glycine metabolism, mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) induced reprogramming and the onset of acetate metabolism. Additionally, we demonstrate the critical role of isotopic labeling and network analysis in identifying these pathways. The alterations described in this review do not constitute a complete list, and future research using these powerful tools is likely to discover other cancer-related pathways and new metabolic targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Summary 15N-C and15N-C J couplings were measured for the backbone of staphylococcal nuclease, uniformly enriched with15N and13C. It is found that theIJC'N coupling is similar for -sheet, J=14.8 ± 0.5 and for -helix, J = 14.8 ± 0.4 but tends to be larger for the unstructured N- and C-terminal ends of the protein (J=15.6 ± 0.5). On average,1JNC are smaller for -helical residues (J=9.6 ± 0.3 Hz) compared to -sheet (J=10.9 ± 0.8 Hz) and a substantial difference is observed for2JNC in -helices (J=6.4 ± 0.4 Hz) and -sheets (J=8.3 ± 0.8 Hz).Dedicated to the memory of Professor V.F. Bystrov  相似文献   

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