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Receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) have been demonstrated in renal mesangial cells as well as other cell types in the glomerulus. The biochemical basis for the effects of ANP on glomerular hemodynamics remains undefined. Using cultured rat glomerular mesangial cells, we demonstrated a concentration-dependent stimulation of cGMP production in intact cells, and of guanylate cyclase in membranes. Despite the presence of a guanylate cyclase response, ANP had no inhibitory effect on basal inositol trisphosphate production nor on basal cytosolic calcium. Arginine vasopressin stimulated IP3 production, caused a rise in cytosolic calcium as measured using the calcium-sensitive fluorescent probe Indo-1, and caused mesangial cell contraction. ANP caused a slight but significant enhancement of vasopressin-stimulated IP3 production, but had no effect on the cytosolic calcium response nor on the contractile response. 8-Bromo-cGMP likewise had no effect on the generation of the calcium signal. These results indicate that the effects of ANP on glomerular hemodynamics are not mediated by an alteration in the generation of the calcium signal in mesangial cells. In contrast, addition of calcium inhibited ANP stimulated guanylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

Guanylyl imidodiphosphate (GMP-PNP) hydrolyzing enzyme activity as a means of detecting plasma membrane guanylate cyclase was demonstrated in osteoblasts of chicken tibial metaphysis using a lead citrate histochemical method at the electron microscopic level. Activity was not discerned in osteoclasts or osteocytes. The reaction product development was completely abolished when the sections were incubated with substrate-free or MnCl2-free medium. Guanylate-(beta, gamma-methylene) diphosphate (GMP-PCP) was a less effective substrate than GMP-PNP, and Mn++ was a stronger stimulator than Mg++. No reaction product was observed on the plasma membrane of osteoblasts when beta-glycerophosphate or p-nitrophenylphosphate was used as substrate instead of GMP-PNP. The results implicate guanylate cyclase as a significant effector of osteoblast regulation at the site of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Adenylate cyclase activity was localized in various tissues of the early chick embryo using an ultrastructural histochemical technique. Reaction product was deposited on the lateral plasma membrane of all cells, but with a preferential localization at the apical terminal complex in the epiblast. There was no activity associated with the free surfaces of these or other cells in the embryo. Intracellular deposits were found in all cells associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope and Golgi bodies. In the last organelle, the deposit was sometimes observed to be distributed through the stack in a non-uniform way, with the heaviest deposits occurring at the forming face. No clear difference could be detected between the cytochemical activity associated with cells in various regions of the embryo, or with embryos at different stages of early development.  相似文献   

A 23 amino acid synthetic peptide fragment of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) stimulated guanylate cyclase activity in isolated human glomeruli in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. ANF activated particulate guanylate cyclase whereas it had no effect on soluble guanylate cyclase. These results demonstrate that the glomerulus is a target structure for ANF in humans. They also suggest that ANF-induced increase in glomerular filtration rate is due to a direct effect of this peptide on the glomerular cells mediated by activation of glomerular guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The natriuretic agent amiloride induces a shift of the dose-response curve of particulate guanylate cyclase to atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) to the left. The ANF concentration for half-maximal activation of guanylate cyclase is shifted from 20 to 3 nM in the presence of 100 microM amiloride. This effect is observed with GTP*Mn2+, but not with GTP*Mg2+ as substrate. Amiloride derivatives, which inhibit a specific Na+-channel, also shift the dose-response curve to the left. These data suggest that some of the effects of amiloride may be mediated by an increased sensitivity of particulate guanylate cyclase to ANF.  相似文献   

Summary The putative second messenger of certain atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) signal transductions is cyclic GMP. Recently, we purified a 180-kDa protein, apparently containing both ANF receptor and guanylate cyclase activities, and hypothesized that this is one of the cyclic GMP transmembrane signal transducers. The enzyme is ubiquitous and appears to be conserved. Utilizing the 180-kDa membrane guanylate cyclase, we now show that the 180-kDa guanylate cyclase is regulated in opposing fashions by two receptor signals—ANF stimulating it and protein kinase C inhibiting it. Furthermore, protein kinase C phosphorylates the 180-kDa enzyme. This suggests a novel switch on and switch off mechanism of the cyclic GMP signal transduction. Switch off represents the phosphorylation while switch on the dephosphorylation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have prepared an atrial natriuretic peptide analog, ANP[13-27][1-12], in which the connectivity of the disulfide-linked ring has been reversed by formally cleaving the ring and cyclizing the N- and C-terminal tails. This analog, which retains many of the spatial relationships of the native molecule, binds to both ANP-A and ANP-C receptor subtypes, and triggers the production of cyclic-GMP by ANP-A. ANP-C binding of ANP[13-27][1- 12] is roughly equipotent to that of ANP itself, although the ring cleavage falls within the putative ANP-C binding domain. ANP[13-27][1-8], a truncated analog in which much of this binding domain has been removed, surprisingly maintains a high affinity for ANP-C; however, this peptide has lost the ability to activate the ANP-A-linked guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

In this study on the excretory apparatus of the Bufo bufo larvae, the ultrastructural features and the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-system were examined using cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The early embryonic kidney, the pronephros, is replaced by a later stage, the mesonephros. The pronephros degenerates at the time of metamorphosis and the mesonephros becomes the functional kidney in the adult. Both these organs are targets for ANP, demonstrated by the presence of the specific receptors, indirectly highlighted by the cytochemical localization of the guanylate cyclase in the presence of exogenous atrial natriuretic peptide. This study concluded that the mesonephros produces ANP and thus clusters of cells containing ANP-like granules, positive to the anti-α ANP immunolocalization, were present along the mesonephric proximal tubule. The atrial natriuretic peptide system carries out an important osmoregulatory role in the excretory apparatus.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) receptor guanylate cyclase (ANF-RGC) is a single transmembrane spanning modular protein. It binds ANF to its extracellular module and activates its intracellular catalytic module located at its carboxyl end. This results in the accelerated production of cyclic GMP, which acts as a critical second messenger in decreasing blood pressure. Two mechanistic models have been proposed for the ANF signaling of ANF-RGC. One is ATP-dependent and the other ATP-independent. In the former, ATP works through the ARM (ATP-regulated transduction module) of ANF-RGC. This model has recently been challenged [Antos et al. (2005) J Biol Chem 280:26928-26932] in support of the ATP-independent model. The present in-depth study analyzes the major principles of this challenge and concludes that the challenge lacks merit. The study then moves on to dissect the ATP mechanism of ANF signaling of ANF-RGC. It shows that the ATP photoaffinity probe, [gamma(32)P]-8-azido-ATP, reacts with Cys(634) residue in the ATP-binding pocket of ARM, and also signals the ANF-dependent activation of ANF-RGC. The target site of the 8-azido (nitrene) group is between the Cys(634) and Val(635) bond of the ATP-binding pocket. Thus, the study experimentally validates the ARM model-predicted role of Val(635) in the folding pattern of the ATP-binding pocket. And, it also identifies another residue Cys(634) that along with eight already identified residues is a part of the fold around the adenine ring of the ATP pocket. This information establishes the direct role of ATP in ANF signal transduction model of ANF-RGC, and provides a significant advancement on the mechanism by which the ATP-dependent transduction model operates.  相似文献   

The potent diuretic and natriuretic peptide hormone atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), with vasodilatory activity also stimulates steroidogenic responsiveness in Leydig cells. The actions of ANF are mediated by its interaction with specific cell surface receptors and the membrane-bound form of guanylate cyclase represents an atrial natriuretic factor receptor (ANF-R). To understand the mechanism of ANF action in testicular steroidogenesis and to identify guanylate cyclase/ANF-R that is expressed in the Leydig cells, the primary structure of murine guanylate cyclase/ANF-R has been deduced from its cDNA sequence. A cDNA library constructed from poly(A+) RNA of murine Leydig tumor (MA-10) cell line was screened for the membrane-bound form of ANF-R/guanylate cyclase sequences by hybridization with a rat brain guanylate cyclase/ANF-R cDNA probe. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA shows that murine guanylate cyclase/ANF-R cDNA consists of 1057 amino acids with 21 amino acids comprising the transmembrane domain which separates an extracellular ligand-binding domain (469 amino acid residues) and an intracellular guanylate cyclase domain (567 amino acid residues). Upon transfection of the murine guanylate cyclase/ANF-R cDNA in COS-7 cells, the expressed protein showed specific binding to 125I-ANF, stimulation of guanylate cyclase activity and production of intracellular cGMP in response to ANF. The expression of guanylate cyclase/ANF-R cDNA transfected in rat Leydig tumor cells stimulated the production of testosterone and intracellular cGMP after treatment with ANF. The results presented herein directly show that ANF can regulate the testicular steroidogenic responsiveness in addition to its known regulatory role in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis.  相似文献   

ATP is an obligatory agent for the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and the type C natriuretic peptide (CNP) signaling of their respective receptor guanylate cyclases, ANF-RGC and CNP-RGC. Through a common mechanism, it binds to a defined ARM domain of the cyclase, activates the cyclase and transduces the signal into generation of the second messenger cyclic GMP. In this presentation, the authors review the ATP-regulated transduction mechanism and refine the previously simulated three-dimensional ARM model (Duda T, Yadav P, Jankowska A, Venkataraman V, Sharma RK. Three dimensional atomic model and experimental validation for the ATP-regulated module (ARM) of the atrial natriuretic factor receptor guanylate cyclase. Mol Cell Biochem 2000;214:7-14; reviewed in: Sharma RK, Yadav P, Duda T. Allosteric regulatory step and configuration of the ATP-binding pocket in atrial natriuretic factor receptor guanylate cyclase transduction mechanism. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2001;79: 682-91; Sharma RK. Evolution of the membrane guanylate cyclase transduction system. Mol Cell Biochem 2002;230:3-30). The model depicts the ATP-binding dependent configurational changes in the ARM and supports the concept that in the first step, ATP partially activates the cyclase and primes it for the subsequent transduction steps, resulting in full activation of the cyclase.  相似文献   

An atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) receptor from rat lung was solubilized with Lubrol-PX and purified by sequential chromatographic steps on GTP-agarose, DEAE-Sephacel, phenyl-agarose, and wheat germ agglutinin-agarose. The ANF receptor was enriched 19,000-fold. The purified receptor has a binding profile and properties that correspond to the affinity and specificity found in membranes and crude detergent extracts. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified preparation in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol showed the presence of one major protein band with a molecular mass of 120,000 daltons. When purified preparations were incubated with 125I-ANF, then cross-linked with disuccinimidyl suberate, the 120,000-dalton protein was specifically radiolabeled. This high affinity binding site for ANF co-purified with particulate guanylate cyclase. Particulate guanylate cyclase was purified to a specific activity of 19 mumol cyclic GMP produced/min/mg of protein utilizing Mn-GTP as substrate. This represented a 15,000-fold purification compared to the initial lung membrane preparation with Lubrol-PX. Gel permeation high performance liquid chromatography and glycerol density gradient sedimentation studies of the purified preparation also resulted in co-migration of specific ANF binding and guanylate cyclase activities. The co-purification of these activities suggests that both ANF binding and guanylate cyclase activities reside in the same macromolecular complex. Presumably ANF binding occurs at the external membrane surface and cyclic GMP synthesis at the internal membrane surface of this transmembrane glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The interaction between the receptor (Rc) for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and the effector enzyme particulate guanylate cyclase (GC) has been studied by radiation inactivation. Irradiation of bovine lung membranes produced an increase in GC activity at low radiation doses followed by a dose-dependent reduction at higher doses. This deviation from linearity in the inactivation curve disappeared when lung membranes were pretreated with ANP. Essentially identical results were also obtained with adrenal membranes. Based on these radiation inactivation data, the following dissociative mechanism of activation of particulate guanylate cyclase by ANP has been proposed: Rc.GC(inactive) + ANP----Rc.ANP + GC(active).  相似文献   

Electron histochemical investigation of the rat gastric mucous membrane has demonstrated that an abundant amount of thyroxine administered increases adenylate cyclase (AC) activity in the basal part of plasmolemma of parietal glandulocytes. As a result of the increased AC activity, the level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate cyclic guanylate monophosphate (c GMPh) level decrease. Ultrastructural and biochemical analyses have demonstrated that when hydrocortison is administered on the background of hyperthyroidism, localization of AC and GC activity in glandulocytes, as well as c AMPh and c GMPh contents change towards opposite direction comparing to the case when thyroxine alone is administered.  相似文献   

The elution profile of solubilized rat glomerular membranes from a gel filtration column showed two peaks of 125I-ANF (atrial natriuretic factor) binding (367 +/- 21, 156 +/- 12 KDa). Over 85% of the total binding for the extract was in the 367 KDa peak. Guanylate cyclase activity was correlated with 125I-ANF specific binding. ANF activation of guanylate cyclase was also observed. As observed previously with particulate membrane, Scatchard-analysis of ANF binding data with the solubilized extract was consistent with a two-site model. Both affinities (Kd's), 4 pM and 1 nM, are within the range of blood concentrations reported for ANF. These observations suggest that most rat glomerular ANF receptors are large molecular complexes coupled with guanylate cyclase in the 300-350 KDa size range.  相似文献   

Summary A line of kidney cells (PK,) which does not possess measurable ANP binding but has an active particulate guanylate cyclase has been identified. The physical characteristics of this enzyme were compared with those of particulate guanylate cyclase and ANP receptors isolated from rat lung. Although receptor and enzyme appear to reside on the same protein in the lung while the cyclase from PK1 cells does not possess ANP binding activity, these proteins exhibit identical physical characteristics. Guanylate cyclase from PK1 cells and rat lung and ANP receptor from lung co-eluted during gel filtration chromatography, with a Stokes radius of 6.1 nm. Also, these activities co-migrated through sucrose density gradients with S20,w values of 10.4 to 10.9. Using these parameters, a molecular weight of about 270 kD was estimated for all three activities. Furthermore, these enzyme activities exhibited similar mobilities in isoelectric focusing gels, with a pI of 6.1. Thus, although particulate guanylate cyclase from lung presumably possesses receptor binding activity, it is physically identical to a form of this enzyme associated with no measurable binding activity. Possible explanations for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultracytochemical localization of particulate guanylate cyclase has been studied in lamb olfactory mucosa after activation with rat atrial natriuretic factor (rANF), porcine brain natriuretic peptide (pBNP), porcine C-type natriuretic peptide (pCNP) or rat brain natriuretic peptide (rBNP). Particulate guanylate cyclase is the receptor for these peptides and recently two subtypes of the cyclase have been identified. These isoforms are stimulated differently by ANF, BNP and CNP. Under our experimental conditions, rANF, pCNP and pBNP were strong activators of particulate guanylate cyclase in lamb olfactory mucosa, as demonstrated by the presence of reaction product. Samples incubated in basal conditions without rANF, pCNP or pBNP, or samples incubated in presence of rBNP did not reveal any cyclase activity. The rANF-stimulated cyclase activity was localized in the apical portion of olfactory epithelium. pCNP-stimulated guanylate cyclase was detected to the lamina propria in association with secretory cells of Bowman's glands and with cells in close relation with Bowman's glands (elongated cells and myoepithelial cells). The cyclase activity stimulated by pBNP was limited to cells of Bowman's glands. The present data indicate that ANF and CNP are recognized by different receptors and that BNP and CNP bind to the same receptor.  相似文献   

Endosulfan sprayed on agricultural fields accumulates in temporary pools due to surface runoff or sediment transport and may result in high water concentrations in spring and summer, coinciding with breeding and crucial stages of amphibian larval development. In the present study, Bufo bufo tadpoles were exposed to three different concentrations of endosulfan (0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 mg/L) until they reached complete metamorphosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of endosulfan, at environmentally relevant concentrations on gill morphology and ultrastructure. Modifications in ultrastructure and cell composition were observed at all concentrations after 96 h. The main gill effects recorded in treated animals were: mucous secretion, the appearance of tubular vesicles cells (TVC) and a degeneration phenomenon. Comparing these results with our previous findings in which we used growth, developmental rate and behaviour as endpoints, we also demonstrated that the first effect of endosulfan on Bufo bufo was gill alteration, thus supporting the role of a morphological approach in toxicological studies. This study provides additional information on the role of morphological studies in demonstrating the effects of exposure to environmental pollutants. In this context, the use of amphibian gills, as effective biomarkers, is a valuable approach in evaluating exposure to agrochemicals.  相似文献   

CaCl2 inhibited ATP-stimulated guanylate cyclase activity, but had little effect on basal and atrial natriuretic factor-stimulated guanylate cyclase activity in rat lung membranes. LaCl3 had similar effects as CaCl2 on basal and stimulated guanylate cyclase activity. LiCl and other monovalent salts inhibited ATP-stimulated guanylate cyclase activity more than basal enzyme activity. However, atrial natriuretic factor somehow stabilized the enzyme against the inhibitory effect of LiCl. These results suggest that ATP and atrial natriuretic factor activate the enzyme through different mechanisms. Since the effect of calcium on guanylate cyclase activity is different from that of monovalent salts and can be mimicked by lanthanum, it may be mediated by a specific calcium binding site or binding protein.  相似文献   

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