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Summary Epithelial cells can be cultured from the urine of newborn infants, providing a simple, noninvasive biopsy method. We established such cultures by standard techniques from 44% of uncontaminated, specimens obtained from newborn infants up to 1 week of age. There was an average of three colonies per milliliter of urine. Many cultures accomplished 15 to 25 population doublings in as many as five subcultures and yielded total potential culture sizes of 104 to 6×108 cells. Plating efficiency was high at each passage. The cultures displayed two morphologically distinct epithelial cell types. Immunofluorescent staining of keratin fibers in most of these cells further, identified them as epithelial. This work was supported by NIH grants, CA16754 (J. S. F., J. W. L.) and EY02472, AM25140, AM21358, and a Research Career Development Award (EY00125) to T.-T. S.  相似文献   

J S Felix  T T Sun  J W Littlefield 《In vitro》1980,16(10):866-874
Epithelial cells can be cultured from the urine of newborn infants, providing a simple, noninvasive biopsy method. We established such cultures by standard techniques from 44% of uncontaminated specimens obtained from newborn infants up to 1 week of age. There was an average of three colonies per milliliter of urine. Many cultures accomplished 15 to 25 population doublings in as many as five subcultures and yielded total potential culture sizes of 10(4) to 6 x 10(8) cells. Plating efficiency was high at each passage. The cultures displayed two morphologically distinct epithelial cell types. Immunofluorescent staining of keratin fibers in most of these cells further identified them as epithelial.  相似文献   

Antibody against non-histone chromosomal protein-DNA complex of C-6 cells derived from human lymphoblastoid cells were prepared. By immunofluorescent studies using the antibody, nuclear fluorescence, which was speckled or clumped in appearance, was observed in cultured human lymphoblastoid cell lines, cultured human epithelial cell lines and human peripheral lymphocytes. In the human peripheral lymphocytes, there was a distinct variation in intensity of the nuclear fluorescence among the cell population. On the contrary, no nuclear fluorescence was observed in cultured animal cell lines.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy were used to study the organization of actin, myosin and α-actinin in the “sarcomeric” units of the stress fibers of a selected non-muscle cell type. The results of indirect immunofluorescence confirm that myosin and α-actinin are periodically distributed in discrete units along stress fibers and demonstrate that they are alternately spaced. This relationship is required by a sarcomere model of stress fiber construction. A comparison between immunofluorescent and EM images of stress fibers confirms that α-actinin is confined to Z line-like dense bodies, myosin to the spaces in between. The most intriguing result is that by immunofluorescence a periodic distribution of actin can be detected in some fibers. This may indicate that even actin is periodically distributed in non-muscle “sarcomeres”.  相似文献   

Man-Chiu Poon  S. W. Epstein  H. Sepp 《CMAJ》1973,108(6):734-739
There is a group of lung diseases, as yet of unknown cause, which are characterized by a pathologic picture of alveolar wall fibrosis with an intra-alveolar exudate containing large cells. A case is reported with this clinicopathological picture in which immunofluorescent studies of the biopsied lung tissue revealed no tissue-bound immunoglobulins, complement component (β1 C) or fibrinogen. The literature on the immunofluorescent studies of biopsied lung tissue in this group of lung diseases is reviewed. The reports are scant and varied, making it impossible to conclude that autoallergic mechanisms are solely responsible as the pathogenetic mechanism in this group of lung diseases.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescent procedure for the localization of histaminase in human tissue sections has been developed by using a specific antiserum against human placental histaminase. For localization of this enzyme in placental sections, fixation in equal volumes mixture of absolute ethanol and acetone provided the optimum visualization of this enzyme in both frozen sections and paraffin-embedded sections. The immunofluorescent staining of this enzyme in placenta is found to be localized in areas within the maternal decidua, both within the cytoplasm of the decidual cells and in tissue space between the cells. The chorionic villi are completely void of the immunofluorescent stain. Variations in patterns of histaminase localization have been found between term and premature placentas, with the former showing a predominantly intercellular localization and the latter a predominantly intracellular localization. The intercellular localization of this enzyme in the decidua may represent a nonspecific diffusion of the enzyme associated with delivery of the placenta or may reflex a specific functional role of the enzyme in the intercellular space during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Plasticity of the resilient keratin intermediate filament cytoskeleton is an important prerequisite for epithelial tissue homeostasis. Here, the contribution of stress-activated p38 MAPK to keratin network organization was examined in cultured cells. It was observed that phosphorylated p38 colocalized with keratin granules that were rapidly formed in response to orthovanadate. The same p38(p) recruitment was noted during mitosis, in various stress situations and in cells producing mutant keratins. In all these situations keratin 8 became phosphorylated on S73, a well-known p38 target site. To demonstrate that p38-dependent keratin phosphorylation determines keratin organization, p38 activity was pharmacologically and genetically modulated: up-regulation induced keratin granule formation, whereas down-regulation prevented keratin filament network disassembly. Furthermore, transient p38 inhibition also inhibited keratin filament precursor formation and mutant keratin granule dissolution. Collectively, the rapid and reversible effects of p38 activity on keratin phosphorylation and organization in diverse physiological, stress, and pathological situations identify p38-dependent signalling as a major intermediate filament-regulating pathway.  相似文献   

Elaine Fuchs  Howard Green 《Cell》1978,15(3):887-897
Cultured human epidermal cells and human stratum corneum (callus) contain a number of keratins of different molecular size, but the size distribution is not the same in the two cases. To characterize these keratins in more detail, we compared them by amino acid analysis, immunological reactivity and one-dimensional peptide mapping (Cleveland et al., 1977). No differences in amino acid composition could be detected among keratins of stratum corneum differing in molecular size by as much as 50%, suggesting that some repeating structure may be present in these molecules. Examination of polypeptide fragments produced by partial enzymatic hydrolysis showed strong similarities among all the keratins of stratum corneum and of cultured epidermal cells, even extending to the keratins of rodents; but the keratins of similar size, whether of stratum corneum or cultured cells, were more closely related than keratins of different size. This conclusion was supported by studies of the immunological reactivity of the keratins.How the epidermal cell generates a family of keratins is a problem of considerable interest. The differences in size and structure between the keratins of stratum corneum and cultured epidermal cells suggest that the epidermal cell can modify the expression of its keratin genes.  相似文献   

A standard immunofluorescent method was modified for the staining of leptospires in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. Routine histologic sections were deparaffinized and treated with pepsin prior to staining. Pepsin treatment greatly enhanced subsequent staining of leptospires in naturally infected bovine and porcine tissues as well as in artificially infected tissues. Leptospires in naturally infected bovine tissues were usually undetectable in untreated sections but clearly visible in stained pepsin-treated sections. Naturally infected porcine kidney usually contained high levels of leptospiral antigen which could be stained without prior pepsin treatment. However, pepsin treatment of porcine tissues greatly increased the amount of leptospiral antigen detectable and made individual leptospires more conspicuous. The staining method could employ a single antiserum for the staining of leptospires from 13 serogroups. Also, leptospires could be stained in tissues stored in formalin for more than 14 months and in 26-year-old paraffin embedded tissues.  相似文献   

The architecture of desmin intermediate filament arrangements in cultured cardiomyocytes from heart of normal and cardiomyopathic hamsters was studied by immunofluorescent light microscopy and immunogold replica electron microscopy. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antidesmin antibodies were used in a biotin-streptavidin system. Immunofluorescent staining of normal and cardiomyopathic myocytes for desmin at 5 days in culture exhibited filamentous staining patterns with polyclonal antidesmin and a coarse punctate staining pattern with the monoclonal antibody. At 9 days in culture, most normal myocytes showed filamentous staining with the polyclonal antibody; many of the stained filaments were associated with Z lines. With the monoclonal antidesmin, these same cells exhibited a very fine 'spotty' staining pattern. These results suggest that the arrangements and immunoreactivities of intermediate filaments change during normal cardiac myocyte development. In cardiomyopathic cells, this pattern of rearrangement and immunoreactivity appears to be delayed or possibly nonexistent. The three-dimensional electron-microscopic observation of immunogold localization of desmin achieved by a deep-etching replica technique is made on both normal and cardiomyopathic cultured heart cells. Abnormalities of desmin filament arrangements in cardiomyopathic cells are confirmed.  相似文献   

Certain cultured epithelial cells contain separate vimentin and keratin-type intermediate filament networks. The intracellular injection of monoclonal antibodies directed against either vimentin or keratin filaments into PtK2 cultured epithelial cells specifically disrupted the organization of both filament types. Neither antibody had any effect when injected into cells which, while containing vimentin or keratin filaments, lacked the specific filament type which that antibody recognized. These experiments suggest that keratin and vimentin filament networks are associated in some way with one another.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent study of chromatin proteins in cultured fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antibodies against chromatin from 3T6 mouse fibroblasts and WI-38 human diploid fibroblasts were prepared by immunization of rabbits. Immunofluorescent studies showed species-specificity of these antichromatin antibodies. Furthermore, using anti-3T6 chromatin antibodies against 3T6 cells and anti-WI-38 chromatin antibodies against WI-38 cells, we observed, by immuno-fluorescent techniques, granular fluorescence in the diffusely stained nucleus and diffuse fluorescence in the cytoplasm. These results raise the possibility of the presence of a cytoplasmic pool of chromatin proteins.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to localize hormones in cytocentrifuge-prepared cultured cells of small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCCL), various modifications of the immunoperoxidase (PAP) procedure (Sternberger, 1979) were tested. When using glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, orp-benzoquinone fixation (Pearse & Polak, 1975) and rabbit antibodies in primary or bridging steps of the PAP procedure, nonspecific staining (false positives) could be elicited with the majority of rabbit antibodies tested, but not with antibodies from other animal sources. This problem could be eliminated by fixation of cells either with formalin-acetone (Masonet al., 1975) or, when using antibodies from a source other than rabbit, glutaraldehyde. It was not possible to localize ACTH in DMS-79, a human SCCL line known to produce this hormone. However, calcitonin was localized in the calcitonin-producing SCCL line DMS-53. Failure to localize ACTH in DMS-79 may be due to the lower levels of this hormone in DMS-79, as compared to the levels of calcitonin in DMS-53. This study emphasizes the importance of proper controls before concluding successful localization in a given immunocytochemical preparation of cultured cells.  相似文献   

This note describes an immunofluorescent staining method for cells in the S-phase which have been allowed to take up bromodeoxyuridine into their DNA in place of thymine. The technique involves the use of fluorescinated monoclonal antibodies against bromodeoxyuridine and allows rapid and accurate estimation of cells in the S-phase, the technique does not require interpretation by skilled technicians.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate binding proteins, known as lectins, bind to specific sugar groups on most membranes. We used fluorescent and light microscopy to study the interaction of various lectins with the membranes of microglia cultured from neonatal rat or fetal mouse cerebral cortices. Microglia stained intensely with GS-1, RCA, WGA, and ConA and slightly with DBA, UEA, BPA, and SBA. No staining was seen with GS-2, MPA, or PNA. Staining was specific for microglia in the mixed glial cultures and was dose dependent. In addition, microglial lectin binding could be reduced or blocked by competitive inhibition using specific sugars. Treatment of the microglia with agents such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), interleukin-1 (IL-1), interferon (IFN), or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) did not eliminate lectin staining, although the degree of staining was altered. Positive staining of the microglia was also associated with a functional change for at least one lectin, i.e., ConA. Superoxide anion production by microglia was increased in the presence of ConA. Overall, binding of the lectins GS-1, RCA, WGA, and ConA can be used as an identifying tool for microglia in glial cultures, but intensity of staining varies depending on their functional state.  相似文献   

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