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Data on the species composition and abundance of the ichthyoplankton obtained in 2012, 2014, and 2015 in the waters of northeast Sakhalin are presented; these data were collected during the standard accounting surveys to estimate the egg concentration and breeders of Alaska pollock Theragra chalcogramma. The areas of the main concentrations of eggs and larvae of a number of commercial fish species have been determined, interannual variations in their abundance have been analyzed, and the distribution of ichthyoplankton with some parameters of the environment, such as depth, temperature, and main currents, has been linked. During the study period, 30 species representing 11 families were recorded in the ichthyoplankton. The average concentration of ichthyoplankton varies within the range of 113–201 ind./m2. The pollock eggs absolutely dominated by 78–89%; followed by the eggs of the Bering flounder Hippoglossoides robustus (5–8%). It was found that the number of eggs and larvae of flounders and of a number of the other fish species in the northern part of the study area increases during the years characterized by a large volume of runoff of Amur River.  相似文献   

At present 8 species of Alexandrium genus have been found in seas and adjacent waters of Russia: A. acatenella, A. catenella, A. insuetum, A. margalefii, A. ostenfeldii, A. pseudogonyaulax, A. tamarense, and A. tamutum. The distribution and population density of Alexandrium species varied within the surveyed area of the Pacific: in the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk, 7 species were recorded; 3 species were recorded along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka; and 2 species were found in the Bering Sea. A. tamarense was the most widespread and abundant species over the area. A. insuetum was recorded only in the Sea of Japan, and A. catenella, in the Sea of Okhotsk (Terpeniya Bay). The highest concentration of Alexandrium spp. (2–7 million cells/l) was recorded along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka and in the Bering Sea; in the Sea of Okhotsk, a rather high concentration (51000 cells/l) was registered in Aniva Bay; in the Sea of Japan, the highest concentration was recorded in Peter the Great Bay (6000 cells/l). The distribution of cysts (spores) in surface sediments of the Pacific coast of Russia as a whole reflected the pattern of distribution of vegetative cells of Alexandrium. Cysts of Alexandrium cf. tamarense prevailed all over the area, with the maximum concentration along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka. Beyond that type of cysts, insignificant numbers of cysts of Alexandrium cf. minutum were recorded in Peter the Great Bay and Aniva Bay. Analysis of seasonal dynamics revealed that cells of Alexandrium spp. occurred in Peter the Great Bay from June up to September, and along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka from April to October. In the first region, the maximum density was recorded in August; it was provided by A. pseudogonyaulax (59% of the total density of Alexandrium), A. tamarense (35%), and A. insuetum (6%). In the second region, it was recorded in July, thanks only to development of A. tamarense.  相似文献   

崔兴勇  安明态  施金竹  刘锋 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1379-1386
荨麻科(Urticaceae)楼梯草属(Elatostema)植物种类繁多、形态相似、关系密切,是植物分类学界公认的疑难分类群之一。贵州省地理位置特殊,水热条件较好,喀斯特地貌复杂多变,是我国楼梯草属植物的重要分布区,但一直以来种类不清,分类不明。为进一步理清资源本底及分布特征,该文通过近年调查和查阅资料形成贵州楼梯草属植物名录,分析其物种组成,并基于分布地及海拔数据分析空间分布特征,以期为贵州植物多样性保护以及区系研究提供进一步的基础资料。结果表明:全省赤车类群植物有1组1系7种,楼梯草类群有5组20系69种,分别占全国种类的17.94%、20.78%。楼梯草属植物共76种,其中13种为贵州楼梯草属特有种。在地理分布上,赤车类群主要见于黔北-黔东-黔南部分地区,沿赤水、桐梓、习水、正安-江口、印江-剑河-都匀、荔波-望谟一线,总体分布反呈“C”状; 楼梯草类群植物主要分布在黔北-黔东-黔南-黔西南大部分地区,沿赤水、正安、江口-七星关、开阳、施秉、黄平-兴义、兴仁、安龙、贞丰、望谟、独山、荔波一带分布较多,总体分布呈“三”字状; 楼梯草属特有植物总体呈点状、不均匀分布。该属植物主要分布在海拔600~1 000 m的范围内。  相似文献   

Analysis of the composition and quantitative distribution of foraminifers in bathyal sediments collected at 14 stations in the Deryugin Basin and at 11 stations in other regions of the Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, and North Pacific demonstrated specific foraminifer complex in the basin at depths from 1650 to 1800 m associated with cold barite/methane seeps. Oligomixed biocenosis with prevailing agglutinated foraminifers and Saccorhiza ramosa as the dominant was shown to develop in these zones.  相似文献   

At the end of the first half of the 20th century, 61 species and subspecies of fish, including one invader (bleak Alburnus alburnus) and 17 species—endemics of Baikal—were reported for Siberia (Berg, 1933, 1949). At the present time, in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs of Siberia, 96 fish species and subspecies are described, of which 80 are aboriginal and 16 are invaders; 33 species are endemics of Baikal. Each landscapegeographic zone of Siberia has its specific ichthyofauna: in rivers and lakes of the south of Siberia, species of boreal piedmont complex dominate; in water bodies of the steppe, forest-steppe, taiga, and southern parts of the forest-steppe zone boreal plain dominates; in the zone of tundra, arctic freshwater dominates; and in Baikal, the most part (35) of species belongs to the Baikal autochtonous complex. Most researchers, as before, distinguish in Siberia two ichthyogeographic sites—West Siberian and East Siberian—that enter the Arctic Province of the Circumpolar subregion of the Holarctic region. Baikal is considered in the rank of the suboblast of the Holarctic.  相似文献   

Silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus, were collected by fishing with drift gillnets on one spawning ground in Kuwait waters during 1998–2000. Fish size frequency, sex ratio, maturation cycle, spawning frequency, fecundity and egg weight were assessed. The length–weight relationship differed between sexes whereby females were significantly bigger than males. Spawning started in mid‐May and continued until early October. During this time the water temperature ranged from 26.0 to 32.8°C, salinity was ? 39.0‰ and water depth ranged between 5 and 12 m. Large females spawned earlier than young spawners and the overall percentage of males during the spawning period was 70.3%. Spawning occurred after 13.00 h, with peak spawning between 15.00 and 18.00 hours during outgoing tide. Mean daily spawning frequency amounted to 63.2%. Spawning activity was found to be associated with the lunar cycle and spawnings were concentrated during the first and third quarters of the moon period, indicating a semilunar reproduction cycle. It was concluded that a female would spawn at least six times during the season. No change was observed in relative fecundity during the peak spawning season (June–August). Average relative batch fecundity was 176.3 eggs g?1 somatic weight (SW), corresponding to a relative total fecundity of 1058 eggs g?1 SW, which is 1.5 times higher than estimates obtained from counting the standing stock of oocytes. Bigger fish produced heavier eggs and the egg weight decreased as the spawning season progressed. Based on gonadal cycles, oocyte size frequency distribution and total fecundity, we concluded that silver pomfret is a multiple batch spawner with indeterminate fecundity.  相似文献   

Species composition and distributional patterns among nymphs of five baetid genera (Ephemeroptera), Baetis, Tenuibaetis, Labiobaetis, Nigrobaetis and Alainites were investigated in Yura Stream, Kyoto Prefecture. I collected 13 species: B. sahoensis, B. thermicus, B. sp. F, B. sp. J, B. sp. M1, B. sp. S1, T. sp. E, T. sp. H, L. sp. G, N. chocoratus, N. sp. D, N. sp. I and A. yoshinensis, among which B. thermicus, B. sp. S1 and T. sp. E were dominant, whereas B. sahoensis, B. sp. F, B. sp. M1 and N.sp. I were scarce. Based on their longitudinal distribution patterns, the 13 species were classified into upper species, upper-middle species, middle species, middle-lower species and lower species. Baetis thermicusand A. yoshinensis showed long downstream tails. Baetis sp. J and N. sp. D extended their longitudinal distribution upstream in summer. With regard to habitat preference, Alainites and Labiobaetis were restricted to riffle and vegetated zones, respectively. Tenuibaetis consisted of riffle-vegetated zone species, whereas Baetis and Nigrobaetiscontained both riffle species and ubiquitous species. Habitat partitioning (`sumiwake') along the watercourse (macro-sumiwake) was evident in Tenuibaetis, and that between habitat types (micro-sumiwake) in Labiobaetis vs. Baetis (rhodanigroup species) and Labiobaetis vs. Alainites.  相似文献   

On the basis of ichthyoplankton surveys performed in July 2002 and June 2004–2005 in Chupa Estuary and adjacent waters of Kandalaksha Bay, species composition and distribution of eggs and larvae of fish were studied. Early stages of development of seven fish species were found in the composition of ichthyoplankton. The bulk of abundance of ichthyoplankton was formed of Clupea pallasii marisalbi larvae. It was shown that the sites of aggregation of larval C. pallasii marisalbi from June to July are constant and located in the central and preestuarine areas of Chupa Estuary. Possible routes of their passive migrations within Chupa Estuary and the adjacent water area of Kandalaksha Bay are considered. It is suggested that the drift of larvae beyond the estuary proceeds slowly, and after hatching they can long stay in the estuary concentrating in its central and preestuarine areas.  相似文献   

The benthic fauna of ostracods of the order Myodocopida of Antarctic waters is characterized by high diversity, relative species abundance, and a complicated taxonomic and ecological structure, with a simplified biogeographical structure. This fauna, which is distinguished by a high level of endemicity, although at a low taxonomic rank, includes a great share of deep-sea and subtidal elements. Ostracod populations of High and Low-Antarctic subzones differ qualitatively and quantitatively. A distinct impoverishment of fauna is observed in the region of the Antarctic divergence compared to the more northern areas. The number of species increases with depth to reach its maximum in the lower subtidal zone and on the upper continental slope at depths of 200–500 m. The number of species decreases with increasing depth. Myodocopida have not been yet found in the Antarctic waters deeper than 5000 m.  相似文献   

兰州五泉山的藻类及其分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以兰州五泉山为该地藻种资源库,对其中水生、陆生生境中藻类的种类多样性、群落结构、分布特点进行了研究。结果发现该地藻类植物65种(含4变种),包括蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和红藻,其中硅藻种类最多(29种),其它依次为蓝藻(24种)、绿藻(11种)和红藻(1种)。水体中共42种,硅藻最多,有26种,其次蓝藻8种,绿藻7种,红藻1种,不同水体中优势种和亚优势种不同。土壤生境中发现20种,蓝藻13种,绿藻4种,硅藻3种,且非洲席藻和小球藻分为优势种和亚优势种。7个种类在水、陆两大生境都有分布,而且它们主要是丝状蓝藻。  相似文献   

A list of 30 species of the family Tabanidae recorded in Belgorod Province is provided, and data on the landscape-zonal distribution, typical biotopes, and dates of flight in the region are given for each species. The greatest number of horsefly species (24) was recorded in the southern forest-steppe subzone, and smaller numbers, in the central forest-steppe subzone (18) and the steppe zone (16). Half of the forest and forest-steppe species extend into the steppe zone while some southern species penetrate into the forest-steppe zone. The pattern of horsefly distribution is determined by the biotopic conditions. The boundaries of distribution of individual species do not distinctly correspond to those of the landscape subzones.  相似文献   

根据2007年披山岛海区春季和夏季2个季度浮游动物调查资料,分析和研究了浙江省玉环县披山岛海区浮游动物种类组成和数量分布特点.结果表明:浮游动物共有18种,属3门12属,其中桡足类的种类最多,占总种数的72.22%;主要优势种为中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、瘦拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus gracilis)、针刺拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus aculeatus)和红小毛猛水蚤(Microsetella rosea).浮游动物的平均丰度及生物量均为春季比夏季高,春季的平均丰度为6.55×103个/m3,夏季为6.13×103个/m3;春季的平均生物量为216.49 mg/m3,夏季为98.26 mg/m3.桡足类的生物量占浮游动物总量的75.97%~97.55%,是决定披山岛浮游动物数量分布和变动的主要成分.与历史资料和邻近海域相比较,披山岛海区生物量与其接近或大于东海各海域.春、夏两季生物多样性(H′)有显著性差异(P<0.05),春季具有较高的生物多样性,且远海的生物多样性大于近海.  相似文献   

半荒漠藻结皮中藻类的种类组成和分布   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
对宁夏沙坡头半荒漠藻结皮中22种藻(其中蓝藻10种,绿藻4种,硅藻6种,裸藻2种)进行了分离、鉴定;利用土壤磨片和电子探针揭示了藻体与基质间的结合方式;通过光镜、扫描电镜观察,从8个层次研究了藻类在结皮中的分布,并发现它们在微米间也呈“层片”分布规律,藻结皮由表及里依次为无机矿物质保护层(ca.0.02mm)、富藻层(ca.0.02~2.5mm)及疏藻层(2.5~5.0mm);藻丝皮由表及里依次为  相似文献   

横岗水库浮游植物种类组成与时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林娴  陈绵润  韩博平 《生态科学》2007,26(4):303-310
于2005年5月和11月调查了横岗水库的水质和浮游植物,对浮游植物群落结构进行了分析.两次采样期间,浮游植物群落数量组成与种类结构发生明显变化.5月份浮游植物平均细胞数量高达275.41×106cells·L-1,平均生物量为31.07mg·L-1;其中优美平裂藻(Oscillatoria.elegans)和银灰平列藻(Oscillatoria.glauca)为绝对优势种,占总细胞数的90%;平裂藻的大量出现导致浮游植物生物量由球体等效半径在10~20μm的种类占主导,但0~5μm区间的小型藻类仍维持较高的生物量.11月份,浮游植物平均细胞数量降低到12.69×106cells·L-1,平均生物量为20.78mg·L-1.蓝藻门有16种,优美平裂藻、银灰平列藻的优势度明显下降;绿藻种类数量增加到48种,在新出现的25个种类中,鼓藻科(Desmidiaceae)、盘星藻属(Pediastrum)和栅藻属(Scenedesmus)有较高的细胞数;优势种类没有变化;大细胞种类的生物量明显增加,特别是等效半径大于20μm的种类.整体上看,浮游植物数量和生物量从河流入水口到大坝处有递减趋势,这种趋势在11月份更为明显,这与采样时期水库水动力过程的梯度相一致.  相似文献   

Molecular identification of Pampus fishes (Perciformes, Stromateidae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concerning the nomenclature, most problems arise from the great confusion due to the morphological similarities in Pampus. Twenty-five individuals in Pampus were sampled from different localities about 2,000 km apart along the coast of China covering the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S) genes of the mitogenomes were determined. Combined with the morphological characteristics, five Pampus species, P. minor, P. punctatissimus, P. chinensis, P. cinereus and Pampus sp., were identified. The genetic distance of intraspecies ranged from 0.000 to 0.004, while it varied from 0.012 to 0.133 for interspecies based on the 16S sequences. For COI sequence data analysis, the genetic distance of intraspecies ranged from 0.000 to 0.005, while it varied from 0.057 to 0.162 for interspecies. Phylogenetic trees showed that all Pampus fishes reciprocally constituted a monophyletic group with strong support. The sister-group relationships between P. minor and Pampus sp. and between P. chinensis and P. punctatissimus were revealed respectively. In the current GenBank data, P. minor is considered P. cinereus or P. argenteus by mistake. For the lack of a P. echinogaster specimen, we cannot decide on the name of Pampus sp. as P. argenteus or P. echinogaster.  相似文献   

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