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The binding of colchicine to tubulin, purified by two cycles of assembly-disassembly, has been studied. Equilibrium studies indicated a dissociation constant which declined during incubation approaching a minimum value of approximately 0.30 times 10- minus 6 M after 13 hours of incubation. Because tubulin is unstable during prolonged incubation (t1/2 of 5.2 hours for free tubulin, t1/2 of 12.5 hours for tubulin bound to colchicine), the equilibrium Kd was felt to be an overestimation of the true Kd. The rate constant of dissociation (k-1 equal to 0.009 hour- minus 1 hour- minus 1) and the rate constant of association (k1 equal to 0.37 times 10-6 M-minus 1) were measured under conditions designed to circumvent or correct for tubulin instability. The dissociation constant determined by the ratio k-1/k1 was 0.024 times -minus 6 M. To determine whether the discrepancy between the "equilibrium" and "kinetic" determined dissociation constants could be accounted for on the basis of tubulin instability, the binding reaction was computer-simulated using the measured association and dissociation rate constants and the rate constants for decay of bound and free tubulin. Computer simulation was in close agreement with the experimentally determined behavior of the reaction during a 13-hour incubation. It is concluded that the Kd determined by equilibrium methodology results in a considerable overestimation due to the instability of tubulin, and that the best estimate for the Kd of the colchicine-tubulin equilibrium is the value determined by the ratio of the rate constants.  相似文献   

Tubulin is detected among the DNA-binding proteins when an extract from fibroblasts is chromatographed on DNA-cellulose. Further purification of the colchicine-binding activity shows that purified tubulin from fibroblasts does not bind to DNA. Depolymerized brain microtubule proteins show a high affinity for DNA. The fraction bound is composed of tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins. Experiments with fractionated microtubule proteins indicate that tubulin-free microtubule associated proteins bind to DNA, while tubulin free of microtubule-associated proteins does not. Microtubule-associated proteins bind better to eukaryotic than to phage DNA suggesting a specificity of the interaction.  相似文献   

When microtubules are purified by polymerization and depolymerization in a buffer containing glycerol, some glycerol becomes bound to the microtubule protein and is not removable by gel filtration or by prolonged dialysis. Both 6s tubulin and larger aggregates containing tubulin and accessory proteins bind glycerol. The 6s fraction has associated with it about 5 moles of glycerol per mole of tubulin dimer; 3 moles are exchangeable upon polymerization-depolymerization and 2 moles are not. The aggregate fraction has associated with it about 22 moles of glycerol per mole of tubulin dimer; approximately 11 moles are exchangeable and 11 moles are not.  相似文献   

The accessibility of five specific DNA sequences to six different single site restriction endonucleases was evaluated in replicating and mature simian virus 40 chromosomes isolated by three different methods. Electron microscopic and gel electrophoretic analysis of the DNA digestion products demonstrated that DNA accessibility in chromatin was established within 400 base pairs of replication forks and remained essentially unchanged during production of mature chromosomes and their subsequent re-entry into the replication pool. Saturating amounts of each enzyme reproducibly cut a fraction of the chromosomes, ranging from 13 to 49%. This is consistent with a nearly random phasing of chromatin structure. Examples in which all chromosomes were either cleaved or intact were never observed. Although variation in the accessibility of DNA sites near the origin of replication could be interpreted as preferred phasing in about 25% of the chromosomes, the finding that two isoschizomers, Hpa II and Msp I, did not cut chromosomes to the same extent precludes an unambiguous interpretation of the extents of cleavage of individual restriction enzymes. Since the extent of DNA cleavage observed at each restriction site was essentially indistinguishable in replicating as compared to mature chromosomes, the accessibility of DNA sequences near the origin is not obviously related to replication. Furthermore, the accessibility of DNA sites on one arm of a single replication fork was the same as the homologous sites on the other arm, consistent with a nearly random phasing of chromatin structure on both arms. This suggests that chromatin assembly occurs independently on the 2 sibling molecules of a single replicating chromosome.  相似文献   

Alterations in chromatin structure dynamically occur during germline development in Drosophila and are essential for the production of functional gametes. We had previously reported that the maternal factor Mamo, which contains both a BTB/POZ domain and C2H2 zinc-finger domains and is enriched in primordial germ cells (PGCs), is required for the regulation of meiotic chromatin structure and the production of functional gametes. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Mamo regulates germline development remained unclear. To evaluate the molecular function of Mamo protein, we have investigated the binding of Mamo to chromatin and DNA sequences. Our data show that Mamo binds to chromatin and specific DNA sequences, particularly the polytene chromosomes of salivary gland cells. Overexpression of Mamo affected the organization of polytene chromosomes. Reduction in maternal Mamo levels impaired the formation of germline-specific chromatin structures in PGCs. Furthermore, we found that the zinc-finger domains of Mamo directly bind to specific DNA sequences. Our results suggest that Mamo plays a role in regulating chromatin structure in PGCs.  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight peptides involved in gene expression and cell growth have been isolated from DNA preparation from eukaryotic cells. After phosphorylation with protein kinase CKII (pCKII) these peptides are able to bind to DNA in presence of divalent cations and salt/ethanol. This finding may explain the mechanism by which the peptides exert their activity.  相似文献   

Hansen JC  Ghosh RP  Woodcock CL 《IUBMB life》2010,62(10):732-738
Methylated CpG Binding Protein 2 (MeCP2) is a nuclear protein named for its ability to selectively recognize methylated DNA. Much attention has been focused on understanding MeCP2 structure and function in the context of its role in Rett syndrome, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder that afflicts one in 10,000-15,000 girls. Early studies suggested a connection between DNA methylation, MeCP2, and establishment of a repressive chromatin structure at specific gene promoters. However, it is now recognized that MeCP2 can both activate and repress specific genes depending on the context. Likewise, in the cell, MeCP2 is bound to unmethylated DNA and chromatin in addition to methylated DNA. Thus, to understand the molecular basis of MeCP2 functionality, it is necessary to unravel the complex interrelationships between MeCP2 binding to unmethylated and methylated regions of the genome. MeCP2 is unusual and interesting in that it is an intrinsically disordered protein, that is, much of its primary sequence fails to fold into secondary structure and yet is functional. The unique structure of MeCP2 is the subject of the first section of this article. We then discuss recent investigations of the in vitro binding of MeCP2 to unmethylated and methylated DNA, and the potential ramifications of this work for in vivo function. We close by focusing on mechanistic studies indicating that the binding of MeCP2 to chromatin results in compaction into local (secondary) and global (tertiary) higher order structures. MeCP2 also competes with histone H1 for nucleosomal binding sites. The recent finding that MeCP2 is found at near stoichiometric levels with nucleosomes in neuronal cells underscores the multiple modes of engagement of MeCP2 with the genome, which include the cooperative tracking of methylation density.  相似文献   

Receptor-chromatin complexes were recovered from prostatic chromatin digested with micrococcal nuclease. The fragments of chromatin were separated on linear 7.6 to 76% (v/v) glycerol density gradients. With extensive digestion of DNA, receptor labeled with [1,2-3H]dihydrotestosterone was released from the chromatin. After 5% digestion of DNA to acid-soluble products, only a trace amount of labeled receptor was detected in the unbound form. In the latter instance, most of the labeled receptor was recovered from the gradients in association with five A260 peaks representing oligomeric and monomeric nucleosomes with a repeat length of 182 +/- 14 (mean +/- S.D.) base pairs. The concentration of receptors was highest in the A260 peaks, which contained large oligomers of nucleosomes, and lowest in fractions containing primarily monomer structures. Hence, the extent to which receptors remained bound to chromatin was dependent on the relative amount of intact, linker DNA present.  相似文献   

The structure and assembly of active chromatin   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Much effort has been expended towards understanding the details of how nucleosomes are established on newly replicated DNA. More recently it has begun to be possible to study the binding of both trans-acting factors and histones to DNA. This review is concerned with an assessment of the current status of this work. In addition, we discuss some of the questions that still need to be addressed in order to understand how trans-acting factors can establish extensive interactions with the DNA of active genes while they are excluded from inactive genes.  相似文献   

Two photoaffinity analogs of ethidium, 8-azido-3-amino, and 3-azido-8-amino-5-ethyl-6-phenylphenanthridinium chloride, have been used to probe the structure of mammalian chromatin and its interactions with the ethidium moiety. The monoazido analogs were established as suitable probes by comparing their interactions with chromatin and pure DNA prepared from chromatin to those of the parent ethidium bromide. Scatchard analysis of the binding data determined from spectrophotometric titrations showed that the analogs interacted with both nucleic acids in a manner similar to the parent compound. The effect of chromatin proteins on the interaction of the ethidium moiety with intact chromatin was investigated directly. By exposing the noncovalent complex to visible light, the monoazido analog was attached covalently in its interaction sites within chromatin, and the amount of drug bound covalently to DNA was determined for both protein-free DNA and chromatin. Using saturating concentrations of drug, DNA within intact chromatin was found to be associated with only half as much drug as DNA extracted from its protein prior to drug exposure. The distribution of drug bound within chromatin was determined following the attachment of the monoazido analog (by photoactivation) to chromatin that had undergone limited nuclease digestion. Several distinct populations isolated by size fractionation and quantitative measurements revealed that (1) both the core particles and the spacer-containing particles contained bound drug, reflecting high-affinity binding sites; and (2) chromatin particles containing 150 DNA base pairs (putatively nucleosome core structures) contained less total bound drug at high drug concentrations than those particles having intact spacer DNA.  相似文献   

The influence of reversible protein phosphorylation on nucleosome assembly during DNA replication was analyzed in extracts from human cells. Inhibitor studies and add-back experiments indicated requirements of cyclin A/Cdk2, cyclin E/Cdk2, and protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) activities for nucleosome assembly during DNA synthesis by chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1). The p60 subunit of CAF-1 is a molecular target for reversible phosphorylation by cyclin/Cdk complexes and PP1 during nucleosome assembly and DNA synthesis in vitro. Purified p60 can be directly phosphorylated by purified cyclin A/Cdk2, cyclin E/Cdk2, and cyclin B1/Cdk1, but not by cyclin D/Cdk4 complexes in vitro. Cyclin B1/Cdk1 triggers hyperphosphorylation of p60 in the presence of additional cytosolic factors. CAF-1 containing hyperphosphorylated p60 prepared from mitotic cells is inactive in nucleosome assembly and becomes activated by dephosphorylation in vitro. These data provide functional evidence for a requirement of the cell cycle machinery for nucleosome assembly by CAF-1 during DNA replication.  相似文献   

A variety of biochemical and histochemical techniques have been used to compare the composition of chromatin in sperm nuclei isolated from the epididymides of five mouse strains. The DNA content was determined by phosphorus analysis, deoxyribose analysis, absorption spectroscopy at 260 nm, and cytomorphometry following gallocyanine chrome alum staining. All four methods indicate that the mouse sperm nucleus contains approx. 3.3 pg DNA and that the DNA content does not vary significantly among the strains tested. Three different techniques, quantitative amino acid analysis, absorption spectroscopy at 230 nm, and sperm head density analysis in cesium chloride, were used to determine the protein content. Sperm nuclei from each strain of mouse were found to have a protein to DNA ratio of 0.9 and a chromatin protein content of 3 pg/nucleus. Comparisons of the basic proteins by disc gel electrophoresis demonstrate that the sperm nuclei contain only protamine and lack significant levels of somatic histones or transition proteins. The sperm from each strain contained both mouse protamine variants and the relative distribution of the two proteins did not appear to differ among strains. Using this information, we have been able to draw certain conclusions regarding DNA-protamine interactions and the mode of DNA packaging in the sperm nucleus. The most important of these is that the DNA in the mouse sperm nucleus cannot be packaged in nucleosomes. The protamines in sperm chromatin do not function as structural proteins, providing a subunit core around which the DNA is wrapped, but appear to completely neutralize the phosphodiester backbone of the DNA molecule, thereby minimizing the repulsion between neighboring segments of DNA and allowing it to be condensed into a biochemically inactive particle of genetic information.  相似文献   

Stepwise assembly of chromatin during DNA replication in vitro.   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
A cell free system that supports replication-dependent chromatin assembly has been used to determine the mechanism of histone deposition during DNA replication. CAF-I, a human cell nuclear factor, promotes chromatin assembly on replicating SV40 DNA in the presence of a crude cytosol replication extract. Biochemical fractionation of the cytosol extract has allowed separation of the chromatin assembly reaction into two steps. During the first step, CAF-I targets the deposition of newly synthesized histones H3 and H4 to the replicating DNA. This reaction is dependent upon and coupled with DNA replication, and utilizes the newly synthesized forms of histones H3 and H4, which unlike bulk histone found in chromatin, do not bind to DNA by themselves. The H3/H4-replicated DNA complex is a stable intermediate which exhibits a micrococcal nuclease resistant structure and can be isolated by sucrose gradient sedimentation. In the second step, this replicated precursor is converted to mature chromatin by the addition of histones H2A and H2B in a reaction that can occur after DNA replication. The requirement for CAF-I in at least the first step of the reaction suggests a level of cellular control for this fundamental process.  相似文献   

Kahn JD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(13):3520-3524
DNA ring closure experiments on short restriction fragments ( approximately 160 bp) bound by the TATA box binding protein (TBP) have demonstrated the formation of negative topoisomers, consistent with crystallographically observed TBP-induced DNA untwisting but in contrast to most previous results on topological effects in plasmid DNA. The difference may be due to the high free energy cost of substantial writhe in minicircles. A speculative mechanism for the loss of TBP-induced writhe suggests that TBP is capable of inducing DeltaTw between 0 and -0.3 in minicircles, via loss of out-of-plane bending upon retraction of intercalating Phe stirrups, and that TBP can thus act as a "supercoil shock absorber". The proposed biological relevance of these observations is that they may model the behavior of DNA in constrained chromatin environments. Irrespective of the detailed mechanism of TBP-induced supercoiling, its existence suggests that chromatin remodeling and enhanced TBP binding are thermodynamically linked. Remodeling ATPases or histone acetylases release some of the negative supercoiling previously restrained by the nucleosome. When TBP takes up the supercoiling, its binding should be enhanced transiently until the unrestrained supercoiling is removed by diffusion or topoisomerases. The effect is predicted to be independent of local remodeling-induced changes in TATA box accessibility.  相似文献   

DNA chain flexibility and the structure of chromatin nu-bodies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The persistence length of high-molecular-weight, monodisperse-bihelical DNA has been evaluated from low-shear flow birefingence and viscosity data at several temperatures in 2.0 M Nacl neutral pH buffer. At these solvent conditions, both the DNA and histone components of chromatin nu-bodies have structural features similar to those in the intact nucleohistone complex at low ionic strength. The theory of Landau and Lifshitz is used to relate the experimental result to the thermodynamic functions for bending 140 nucleotide pairs of DNA into a plausible model structure: per nu-body, delta Gb=43.8 +/- 5.3 kcal/mole, delta Hb= 45.7 +/- 3.7 kcal/mole, and delta Sb = 6.2 +/- 12.4 entropy units. This bending free energy is comparable to or less than that estimated to be required for a kinked DNA configuration and appears to be well within the range of estimated electrostatic free energies available from DNA-histone interactions in a nu-body assembly.  相似文献   

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