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Summary Palmitate uptake by isolated, calcium-resistant cardiomyocytes was measured by using a stimulation chamber in which cell contraction can be evoked electrically. Experiments were performed in a medium containing physiological interstitial concentration of albumin (2%) and palmitate/albumin (P/A) ratios ranging from 0.03 to 2.5, and were compared to experiments with fixed P/A ratio (– 1).Initial rate of uptake (Vi) was calculated from fitted uptake vs. time curves as measured by accumulation of radioactivity in the cells from 14C-labelled palmitate. Vi-vs.-concentration curves exhibited a saturable component, if albumin concentration was kept constant. Almost no change in Vi was observed in experiments performed at constant P/A. This is in contrast to the albumin receptor hypothesis.The 14C-palmitate content of the myocytes as estimated by thin-layer-chromatography did reach a plateau at 30 s and had the same value at 30 min after administration. The cellular content of labelled palmitate could be attributed to the membrane compartment as calculated from partition coefficient (Kc) of fatty acids (FA) between albumin and membranes. With electrical stimulation Vi-vs.-palmitate concentration kinetics showed a shift in apparent Km from 62 µM (P/A – 0.22) to 23 µM (P/A = 0.08), and presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol increases Vi.Our results suggest that FA-transfer across the sarcolemmal membranes is determined by a physicochemical equilibrium between the compartments of extracellular FA-albumin complex, the membrane lipid phase, intracellular FA binding proteins and the respective aqueous phases. Consequently in cell suspensions the rate of palmitate uptake is controlled by a step of fatty acid metabolism possibly the formation of Fa CoA by the enzyme FA acyl CoA synthetase which is localized in membranes of endoplasmatic reticulum and mitochondria. This step is influenced by the metabolic state of the cells and by FA concentration in membranes.  相似文献   

Seedbanks are expected to buffer populations against disturbances, such as fire, thatcould alter the genetic composition of smaller, ephemeral adult populations. However,seedling genotypes may be influenced by the spatially heterogeneous nature of both theseedbank and the disturbance (for example, germination may vary with local disturbance)and also by selection acting on germination and post-germination performance. We usedmicrosatellite-DNA surveys of seedlings emerging from the soil-stored seedbanks ofGrevillea macleayana after wildfire to compare diversity and spatial structurein seedlings and adults, and through resampling of the seedling data set, to determinewhether the resultant adult population reflected the effects of selection or randomseedling mortality. The large post-fire seedling cohorts captured the full allelicdiversity of the pre-fire adult population. However, we found a mismatch in the genotypicstructure of adults and seedlings. Seedlings displayed larger heterozygous deficits thanadults; however, over the ensuing 11 years, seedling heterozygosity eventually matchedvalues for the pre-fire adults. Increasing heterozygosity among adults has generally beenattributed to heterosis and/or reduction in Wahlund effects via self-thinning.Resampling of early post-fire seedlings to generate samples of equivalent size tosurvivors at 11 years showed that increases in heterozygosity must be driven by selectionfavouring outcrossed seed. This finding is important in an evolutionary context but alsohas implications for the restoration of natural or managed populations where a seedbank isa viable source of recruits.  相似文献   

Voigt  Hanno  Hülsmann  Stephan 《Hydrobiologia》2001,449(1-3):253-259
Ovaries from mature giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea were investigated histochemically and ultrastructurally. Four growing stages of the oocytes were distinguished: premeiosis stage, previtellogenetic stage, early vitellogenic stage and late vitellogenic stage. In addition, occasional resorptive oocytes were found. Oogonia and premeiotic oocytes were found in germinative zones. Previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes were localized in maturative zones. As vitellogenesis proceeded, oocytes showed a progressive development in the number of lipid droplets as well as in the extension of RER, constituted of dilated cisternae, uniformely scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The RER produced yolk granules and a lampbrush-like substance. The latter was released under the oolemma and constituted a characteristic cortical zone. The oolemma did not develop microvilli or micropinocytotic vesicles to incorporate yolk precursors. Thus, the protein yolk appeared to be of endogenous origin. Few somatic cells were found around the oocytes, but they never gave place to a continuous epithelial layer around oocytes, thus it is not possible to speak of ovarian follicle. The cytoplasm of these mesodermal-oocyte associated cells (MOAC) was characterized by a typical steroidogenic apparatus. Few resorptive immature oocytes were found inside late vitellogenic oocytes. Since the ovaries were packed with late vitellogenic oocytes and the few immature oocytes were hardly detectable, oocyte maturation occurred in a synchronous way.  相似文献   

Food irradiation is a form of food processing to extend the shelf life and reduce spoilage of food. We examined the effects of γ radiation on the fatty acid composition, lipid peroxidation level, and antioxidative activity of soybean and soybean oil which both contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Irradiation at 10 to 80 kGy under aerobic conditions did not markedly change the fatty acid composition of soybean. While 10-kGy irradiation did not markedly affect the fatty acid composition of soybean oil under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions, 40-kGy irradiation considerably altered the fatty acid composition of soybean oil under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Moreover, 40-kGy irradiation produced a significant amount of trans fatty acids under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Irradiating soybean oil induced lipid peroxidation and reduced the radical scavenging activity under aerobic conditions, but had no effect under anaerobic conditions. These results indicate that the fatty acid composition of soybean was not markedly affected by radiation at 10 kGy, and that anaerobic conditions reduced the degradation of soybean oil that occurred with high doses of γ radiation.  相似文献   

Food intake in Chile has changed markedly in the last decades, showing an increase in fat consumption and presently a small fruit and vegetables intake. A parallel is made between the Chilean and Mediterranean diet (mainly the one from Spain, Italy, and Greece), both currently and from 50 years ago. The main differences and similarities are based on food availability. Although Chilean diet seems to be approaching the traditional Mediterranean diet of the 60's, there is concern about changes that are moving away from Chilean traditional diet and towards a western one. A new food pyramid for Chile is proposed based on the traditional Mediterranean-type diet.  相似文献   

Spaak  Piet 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):127-133
Within the species complex of Daphnia galeata,D. cucullata and D. hyalina variouscombinations of hybrids and parental taxa occur inlakes throughout Europe. Since daphnids are cyclicparthenogens and mostly reproduce asexually, hybridpopulations can be maintained by asexual reproductionand without recurrent hybridization events. Therefore,it is possible that hybridization events have beenrare, with range expansion occurring by dispersal ofhybrids.Allozyme data from seven European populations wereused to compare genetic variation within and betweenhybrid and parental taxa. An UPGMA cluster analysis ofgenetic distances showed that D. cucullata × galeatahybrids from different lakes grouped indifferent clusters according to the lake from whichthey were isolated, suggesting multiple hybridizationevents. Clonal diversity within hybrid taxa wascomparable to parental taxa. Furthermore, evidence wasfound for introgression of the Pgi-S allele fromD. cucullata to D. galeata in three lakes.These results indicate that multiple hybridizationevents within this species complex are likely, andthat hybrid taxa can reproduce sexually.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of microsomal lipids and the activities of Δ9- and Δ6-desaturases in liver microsomes of rats fed diets supplemented with β-carotene and two levels of 13-cis-retinoic acid were studied. Four groups of male, weanling rats were fed semipurified diets containing 0 or 100 mg β-carotene per kg diet, and 20 or 100 mg 13-cis-retinoic acid per kg diet. After 11 weeks of feeding, the rats were killed, liver microsomes were prepared and assayed for Δ9-desaturase and Δ6-desaturase activities. The activity of Δ9-desaturase was lower in liver microsomes of rats fed β-carotene-supplemented diet or the diet supplemented with the higher level of 13-cis-retinoic acid. Microsomal Δ6-desaturase activity was, however, higher in liver of rats fed 13-cis-retinoic acid; there was no effect of β-carotene on Δ6-desaturase activity. The fatty acid compositional data on total lipids of liver microsomes were consistent with the diet-induced changes in fatty acid desaturases. Phospholipid composition of liver microsomes was also altered as a result of feeding β-carotene or 13-cis-retinoic acid-containing diets. The proportions of phosphatidylethanolamine were generally higher, whereas those of phosphatidylcholine were lower in the experimental groups as compared with the control.  相似文献   

Biotin synthesis requires the C7 α,ω-dicarboxylic acid, pimelic acid. Although pimelic acid was known to be primarily synthesized by a head to tail incorporation of acetate units, the synthetic mechanism was unknown. It has recently been demonstrated that in most bacteria the biotin pimelate moiety is synthesized by a modified fatty acid synthetic pathway in which the biotin synthetic intermediates are O-methyl esters disguised to resemble the canonical intermediates of the fatty acid synthetic pathway. Upon completion of the pimelate moiety, the methyl ester is cleaved. A very restricted set of bacteria have a different pathway in which the pimelate moiety is formed by cleavage of fatty acid synthetic intermediates by BioI, a member of the cytochrome P450 family.  相似文献   

A number of Crabtree-positive and Crabtree-negative yeasts were tested for their ability to yield respiratory-deficient (petite) mutants on treatment with acriflavine. Crabtree-positive species produced petite mutants but did not contain the polyunsaturated linoleic (C 18.2) and linolenic (C 18.3) fatty acids. Crabtree-negative species contained these fatty acids and were resistant to acriflavine. This work was supported in part by grant B/SR/5780 from the Science Research Council. We are grateful to the Brewer's Society for a Research Scholarship to Mr. B. Johnson. We thank Mr. A. Bradley for competent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Knowledge of predator diets, including how diets might change through time or differ among predators, provides essential insights into their ecology. Diet estimation therefore remains an active area of research within quantitative ecology. Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) is an increasingly common method of diet estimation. QFASA is based on a data library of prey signatures, which are vectors of proportions summarizing the fatty acid composition of lipids, and diet is estimated as the mixture of prey signatures that most closely approximates a predator’s signature. Diets are typically estimated using proportions from a subset of all fatty acids that are known to be solely or largely influenced by diet. Given the subset of fatty acids selected, the current practice is to scale their proportions to sum to 1.0. However, scaling signature proportions has the potential to distort the structural relationships within a prey library and between predators and prey. To investigate that possibility, we compared the practice of scaling proportions with two alternatives and found that the traditional scaling can meaningfully bias diet estimators under some conditions. Two aspects of the prey types that contributed to a predator’s diet influenced the magnitude of the bias: the degree to which the sums of unscaled proportions differed among prey types and the identifiability of prey types within the prey library. We caution investigators against the routine scaling of signature proportions in QFASA.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of streptozotocin diabetes and insulin treatment on adrenic acid Δ4 desaturation and fatty acid composition of liver microsomes in Wistar rats fed a fat free semi-synthetic basal diet supplemented with 10% EPA-rich marine oil. Results showed that, in liver microsomes of hyperglycemic rats, the ratio in total lipids was elevated and desaturation of adrenic acid to n-6 docosapentaenoic acid was enhanced. Insulin treatment with 2.0 I.U./100 g body weight−1 twice a day for 3 days resulted in hypoglycemia and suppressed both the increased Δ4 n-6 desaturation and ratio. It is concluded that the Δ4 desaturation enzyme system, which is activated by experimental diabetes, is regulated by mechanisms different from those regulating Δ6 and Δ5 desaturations.  相似文献   

Males of the midge Chironomus plumosus fly solely to mate. They maintain station for long periods in moving air. Females patrol in search of males and, after receiving a spermatophore, fly to oviposition sites. The requirements of flight in males and females are therefore fundamentally different. Females are larger than males, on average, so these differences could stem from scaling rules governing the geometry of space. The same explanation might apply to flight differences within the sexes and even to peculiarities of flight architecture in C. plumosus compared to other flying animals. In other words, might flight design be accounted for entirely by mechanical constraints without recourse to natural selection?
To test this hypothesis, the power output of C. plumosu was measured as size-specific muscle mass. Contrary to expectation, little evidence was found of scaling effects in this measure of power. Despite its being among the smallest of animals to fly, C. plumosus turns out to have the largest mass of flight muscle, relative to body size, yet found among animals. Differences both between C. plumosus and other species and within C. plumosus are, in general, more readily accounted for by the requirements of the mating system within the viscous universe encountered by small flying animals. We conclude that it is natural selection rather than mechanical constraint that is the primary influence determining the architecture of flight in this small animal.  相似文献   

Barley biotypes from the world collection differ in their storage protein content even till 200 %. This is the first report including results of the research, in which the structure of grains containing different amount of protein was tested to explain this difference. The endosperm was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The structure of the aleurone layer, storing large quantities of protein, did not differ between the high- and low-protein forms of barley. It has been proven that the large quantities of kernel protein may be stored in some cells of the zone adjacent to the aleurone layer, defined as the subaleurone cells. It has been shown that morphologically uniform kernels of the same plant and even of the same ear can vary greatly with respect to the number of these subaleurone cells. The purpose of the study was an examination of variation in protein structure in single kernels of a fodder, a brewery and in an extra high-protein form of barley as well. Moreover the studies were aimed to detect qualitative differences in the subaleurone protein. Application of mass spectrometry made possible the identification of several kinds of proteins which were present in subaleurne layer of kernels. In the granule-bound protein fraction isolated from the subaleurone type kernels, a much stronger representation of some protein was found, with the molecular mass between 29 and 45 kDa, in comparison with the low-protein kernels. It is supposed, that these protein are isoforms of z-type serpin and B3-hordein.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are involved in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Stress is known to increase the incidence of CVD and the present study was realised to evaluate some physiological and biochemical effects of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in male Wistar rats subjected to a psycho social stress. Rats were fed for 8 weeks a semi-purified diet containing 10% of either sunflower seed oil or the same oil supplemented with DHA. This food supply represented 50% of their daily requirement. The remaining 50% were supplied as 45 mg food pellets designed to induce stress in rats by an intermittent-feeding schedule process. The control group (n = 12) was fed the equivalent food ration as a single daily feeding. The physiological cardiovascular parameters were recorded by telemetry through a transmitter introduced in the abdomen. At the end of the experimentation, the heart and adrenals were withdrawn and the fatty acid composition and the catecholamine store were determined. Dietary DHA induced a pronounced alteration of the fatty acid profile of cardiac phospholipids (PL). The level of all the n-6 PUFAs was reduced while 22:6 n-3 was increased. The stress induced a significant increase in heart rate which was not observed in DHA-fed group. The time evolution of the systolic blood pressure was not affected by the stress and was roughly similar in the stressed rats of either dietary group. Conversely, the systolic blood pressure decreased in the unstressed rats fed DHA. Similar data were obtained for the diastolic blood pressure. The beneficial effect of DHA was also observed on cardiac contractility, since the dP/dtmax increase was prevented in the DHA-fed rats. The stress-induced modifications were associated with an increase in cardiac noradrenaline level which was not observed in DHA-fed rats. The fatty acid composition of adrenals was significantly related to the fatty acid intake particularly the neutral lipid fraction (NL) which incorporated a large amount of DHA. Conversely, n-3 PUFAs were poorly incorporated in adrenal phospholipids. Moreover the NL/PL ratio was significantly increased in the DHA fed rats. The amount of adrenal catecholamines did not differ significantly between the groups. These results show that a supplementation of the diet with DHA induced cardiovascular alterations which could be detected in conscious animals within a few weeks. These alterations were elicited by a reduced heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were transformed with the desA gene encoding Δ12 acyl-lipid desaturase in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. To evaluate the efficiency of this gene expression in the plant, its sequence was translationally fused with the sequence of the reporter gene encoding thermostable lichenase. A comparison of native and hybrid gene expression showed that lichenase retained its activity and thermostability within the hybrid protein, whereas desaturase retained its capability of inserting the double bond in fatty acid (FA) chains and, thus, to modify their composition in membrane lipids. In most transformed plants, shoots contained higher amounts of polyunsaturated FAs, linoleic and linolenic (by 39–73 and 12–41%, respectively). The total absolute content of unsaturated FAs was also higher in transformants by 20–42% as compared to wild-type plants. When transformed plants were severely cooled (to ?7°C), the rate of their membrane lipid peroxidation was not enhanced, whereas in wild-type plants, it increased substantially (by 25%) under such conditions. These results could indicate a higher tolerance of transformed plants to low temperatures and the oxidative stress induced by hypothermia.  相似文献   

Is the Western diet adequate in copper?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copper has been known to be essential for health for more than three quarters of a century. Myriad experiments with animals reveal that the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems are most sensitive to deficiency. Copper in the Western diet has been decreasing at least since the 1930s; half of the adult population consumes less than the amount recommended in the European Communities and the United Kingdom. At least one fourth of adults consume less than the estimated average requirement published for the United States and Canada. Hundreds of people have been reported in journals about medicine and neurology rather than nutrition to have impaired copper nutriture based on the criteria of low copper concentrations and low activities of enzymes dependent on copper in various fluids and tissues. In contrast, only 46 people have participated in depletion/repletion experiments needed to define requirements. Almost 1000 people have benefited from supplements containing copper in controlled trials. People deficient in copper are being identified increasingly; it is unknown if unusually high requirements or unusually low diets are causal. Alzheimer's disease, ischemic heart disease and osteoporosis are the most likely human illnesses from low copper intakes.  相似文献   

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