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Ecological restoration是现代生态学最活跃的关键行动之一, 在我国被译为“生态恢复”。经查验其英语涵义和演变过程, 建议正名为“生态重建”, 指在人为辅助下的生态活动。而“生态恢复”(recovery)在国际文献中指没有人直接干预的自然发生过程, 二者不容混淆。作者强调自然恢复和生态重建的三类时间尺度, 即地质年代尺度(千、万、亿年)自然生态系统世代交替和演替尺度(十、百、千年)和生态建设时间尺度(一、十、百年)。前二者为自然恢复尺度。三者相差2-3个数量级或更多。人类不能超尺度地依赖自然恢复能力, 自然与人为时间尺度的不匹配是自然恢复难以满足人类社会生态需求的根本原因。作者质疑“以自然恢复为主”和“从人工建设转向自然恢复为主的转变”提法。认为把生态重建的责任推诿给自然去旷日持久地恢复, 是不负责任和不作为的逻辑和有悖于“谁破坏, 谁补偿; 谁污染, 谁治理; 谁享用, 谁埋单”的全球环保公理和生态伦理观念。除恢复重建自然的生态系统外, 还要发展人工设计生态方案等未来生态重建途径。  相似文献   

“再野化”:山水林田湖草生态保护修复的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨锐  曹越 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8763-8770
作为一种新兴的生态保护修复方法,“再野化”(rewilding)是指特定区域中荒野程度的提升过程,尤其强调提升生态系统韧性和维持生物多样性。再野化实践的核心要素包括保护核心荒野地、增加荒野地的连通性、保护和重引入关键种(包括大型食肉动物)、适度允许自然干扰的发生、降低人类干扰和管理程度、拆除部分人工基础设施等。评述了北美洲和欧洲的再野化实践。通过比较研究,提出基于再野化的我国山水林田湖草生态保护修复的新思路,包括战略层面的5项转变和行动层面的5项建议。5项战略转变,包括从还原论思维转向整体思维、从工程性修复转向保护优先和自然恢复为主、从项目尺度转向景观尺度、从短期试点转向长期实践、从政府主导转向多方参与;5项行动建议,包括开展荒野和再野化基础调查、保护仅存的高价值荒野地、探索“城-乡-野”系统性再野化途径、以荒野保护区和再野化区域为核心建立大尺度景观保护网络、开展基于再野化的生态体验和自然教育。  相似文献   

李国强  马克明  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4127-4134
退化生态系统恢复是保障区域生态安全的重要途径之一。在生态系统结构功能严重受损,威胁到区域生态安全时,通过引入物种进行主动的植被恢复可以有效地加速生态系统恢复进程,维护区域生态安全。但是区域尺度的植被恢复是一项规模浩大的工程,其效果和影响难以立即显现。为了评估区域植被恢复的生态风险,根据岷江上游干旱河谷区域植被恢复格局的设计结果,预测了区域植被恢复对生态安全的影响。通过对比分析现状植被盖度及生物多样性与植被恢复格局预测结果的差异,对区域植被恢复的效果进行评价,认为尽管植被恢复格局设计使部分区域生物多样性下降,但它整体提高了地表植被覆盖度,增强了抵御土壤侵蚀的能力。对保障区域生态安全具有积极的效果。  相似文献   

森林多目标经营是我国林业发展的重要趋势,而森林本身的特性以及国内外的众多研究证明,森林多目标经营需要考虑多个时空尺度,以满足其生态、经济和社会效益的综合发挥。在界定多功能林业和森林多目标经营的概念及基础上,系统地分析了传统森林经营时空尺度和现代森林多目标经营时空尺度的联系与区别,提出现代森林多目标经营单元空间尺度上应该满足区域、景观和林分多尺度的需要,而在时间尺度上则要综合考虑短期、中期和长期,并以露水河林业局为例给出具体的研究思路,以期为我国开展森林多目标经营提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Determining the relative importance of environmental forces on population dynamics is a fundamental question for ecologists. Growing concern over the ecological effects of climate change emphasizes the importance of defining whether broad-scale environmental forces uniformly act upon local populations (hierarchy theory) or cross-scale interactions influence local responses (multiscale theory). This study analyses 13 years of data on species abundances at six sites within a large harbour to determine the effect of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Environmental variables both directly and indirectly related to ENSO were observed to be important predictors of the temporal dynamics of abundance in many species, but the observed effects were not consistent across sites or species. While nearly all species were affected by large temporal and spatial scale variability, smaller temporal scale, location-specific environmental variables (such as wind-generated wave exposure and turbidity) were also generally important, increasing the variability explained by our models by up to 25%. As with many other broad-scale variables, generality of response to ENSO is affected by interactions across time and space with smaller scale heterogeneity. This study therefore suggests that the degree of interaction between broad-scale climatic factors, such as ENSO, with smaller scale variability, will determine the consistency of responses over large spatial scales, and control our ability to predict effects of climate change on coastal and estuarine communities.  相似文献   

Natural capital degradation worldwide signals the growing need for larger investments in both nature conservation and ecosystem services provision and management. The role of large‐scale ecological restoration is a vital part of the work that is needed. One important way to advance the science, practice, and policy on ecological restoration is to develop and promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation among and within countries. In this article, we explore prospects for south–south cooperation for large‐scale ecological restoration. Emphasis is given to experience and expertise sharing, cofinancing, and codevelopment of new knowledge and know‐how for more effective policy and practice worldwide, especially in developing and newly industrialized countries.  相似文献   

陈家兴  王姝 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2280-2289
极端气候导致的干旱和水淹事件频发,影响了外来植物和本地植物的生长。为了解外来种和本地种植物对干旱和水淹事件发生顺序的响应,探讨草本植物适应水分时间异质性的策略,该文以美国蒙大拿州西部4种本地植物和4种外来植物为研究对象,将所有植物分别进行持续湿润(对照,CK)、水淹-干旱(I-D)和干旱-水淹(D-I)处理,并观测一系列形态和生物量特征的变化。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,D-I和I-D处理均显著降低了外来种的总生物量(P<0.05)。(2)D-I显著降低了本地种早期总生物量、后期地下生物量和根冠比,但显著提高了其后期的相对生长(P<0.05)。(3)D-I处理显著降低了所有植物的地下-地上生物量关系的异速指数,外来种异速指数显著高于本地种(P<0.05)。综上认为,极端事件(水淹和干旱)的发生顺序能改变外来植物和本地植物的生物量分配,早期干旱比后期干旱更容易减少植物生物量的积累,但能促进本地种后期的生长;本地种在环境胁迫下不被降低的总生物量表现说明维持表型稳定的能力较强;D-I处理下本地种和外来种地上和地下生物量关系的分配方式不同。  相似文献   

Landscape scale restoration is a common management intervention used around the world to combat ecological degradation. For wilderness managers in the United States, the decision to intervene is complicated by the Wilderness Act's legal mandate to preserve wilderness character and demonstrate managerial restraint (16 U.S.C. § 1131–1136). We assessed the frequency and type of management interventions, specifically actions to manage ecosystems, that have occurred in the National Wilderness Preservation System between 2011 and 2015, including the specific type of intervention, the methods used, the project proponent, and the factors that influenced the decision to act. We sent an online survey to staff members at 527 wilderness units from four federal agencies that manage wilderness and found that management interventions occurred in 37% of wildernesses sampled (n = 210). The greatest frequency of interventions occurred in the National Park Service (75%), and the three most common interventions were vegetation treatments (46%), wildfire (35%), and wildlife restoration projects (18%). Our findings point to a need for greater transparency about information on management interventions. We recommend creating an interagency database to track information on management interventions in wilderness to better understand which actions are occurring and why; such a database could help inform wilderness stewardship decisions while demonstrating best practices for ecological restorations implemented within the constraints of the Wilderness Act.  相似文献   

Much of the practice of restoration is conducted by businesses—contractors, consultants, designers, engineers. Restoration businesses interact with a variety of stakeholders to complete projects on time and on budget, and to achieve ecological and business objectives. Our research explores the business perspective in restoration; it is based on data collected from businesses (contractors, consultants, design engineers), agencies, and nongovernmental organizations involved in a Superfund cleanup project in Montana, one of the largest river restoration efforts ever. Our findings highlight several areas restoration businesses must navigate. First, restoration businesses must juggle potentially competing goals, maintaining ecological integrity while achieving profitability objectives. Second, these businesses must manage the risk that arises from variability in the natural environment as well as individuals' risk tolerances. Third, they must navigate the disconnect between “science” and “practice,” including how to best monitor restoration projects. Fourth, they must make decisions about new techniques and innovations. Fifth, on‐the‐ground implementation must acknowledge that personnels' motives and expertise might conflict with original plans. We discuss these findings in relation to relevant scholarly research, offering implications for theory and practice. For example, the business of ecological restoration requires learning over time to be profitable while achieving the desired ecological and social outcomes; restoration businesses leverage monitoring in pursuit of adaptive management and engage “frontline personnel” as important voices in the restoration process. Understanding the business of restoration adds an important perspective in the complex dynamics of social‐ecological systems.  相似文献   

理解植物群落组成结构的演化对于阐明荒漠化的过程与驱动机制、制定有效的干旱区生态系统恢复措施具有重要价值。研究干旱区植物群落的空间格局的演化过程有助于深入理解荒漠化和生态恢复的过程与机理。目前大量研究关注于植被退化过程中的群落组成结构变化,而对于生态恢复过程中的植物群落空间格局演化的研究尚不多见。干旱区生态系统中植物通常较为稀疏且个体较小,准确提取植物的分布往往需要分辨率极高的遥感数据。近年来,低空无人机遥感技术的快速发展为精细尺度上植被空间格局的研究提供重要技术支持。利用2 cm空间分辨率的低空无人机遥感数据结合地面群落调查,在精细尺度上研究了宁夏沙坡头草方格生态恢复区内植物群落的空间格局变化。研究结果表明,沙坡头地区草方格生态恢复工程实验区域,相对于未实施生态恢复工程的裸露沙丘区域,植物物种多样性和植被盖度显著提高。恢复工程实施4年后,平均植被盖度增加3倍,物种丰富度增加1倍。在植被恢复过程中,随着植被盖度的增加,植被斑块表现出规模上升、破碎化程度下降、形状复杂化、空间自相关减弱等格局特征变化。这些空间格局特征的变化表明大型植被斑块趋于恢复,整体微环境的改善有利于单独生长的植物个体存活,整体上生态系统退化为裸地的风险降低。利用低空无人机遥感手段,对草方格生态恢复工程的植被恢复过程进行了详细、高分辨率的空间格局调查及分析,结合地面群落调查,从多个方面证明了草方格生态恢复措施的有效性。基于无人机的系统格局连续长期监测有助于深入理解干旱区生态恢复机理,对于科学开展荒漠化生态恢复措施也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

海洋生物礁是由具有造礁能力的海洋生物聚集而成的一种三维礁体结构,其形成改变了海底地貌、增加了不同尺度上的地形复杂性,为其他海洋生物提供了栖息地并维持了生物多样性。近年来,由于自然因素和人为因素影响,海洋生物礁受到了严重威胁,已成为海洋生态保护和修复领域的重要研究对象。综述了海洋生物礁的类型、生态功能及其生态修复的研究进展。根据形成海洋生物礁的优势造礁生物种类,将海洋生物礁分为海藻礁、海绵礁、刺胞动物礁、贝类礁和多毛类礁,其优势造礁生物分别是珊瑚藻和仙掌藻、钙质海绵和硅质海绵、造礁珊瑚、牡蛎、龙介虫。目前国内对海洋生物礁的全面了解相对较少,主要集中在珊瑚礁和牡蛎礁。海洋生物礁的生态功能主要有海岸防护、提供栖息地、净化水体、固碳作用和能量耦合等。全球变暖和海洋酸化等全球气候变化以及海洋污染、破坏性渔业捕捞、海岸工程、水产养殖和敌害生物等自然和人为因素对海洋生物礁构成了严重威胁。海洋生物礁的生态修复方法分为两类:在退化生物礁区投放造礁生物逐渐成礁,投放人工礁体补充造礁生物逐渐成礁。针对海洋生物礁保护和修复的需要,提出下一步应加强海洋造礁生物生态特征、海洋造礁生物种群丧失因素和海洋生物礁保护与...  相似文献   

Background and Aims Clonal plants can plastically modify their traits in response to competition, but little is known regarding the spatio-temporal scale at which a competitive neighbourhood determines the variability in species traits. This study tests the hypothesis that the local neighbourhood can be expected to influence the processes that are involved in competition tolerance and avoidance, and that this effect depends on organ lifespan.Methods Fragments of the rhizomatous Elytrigia repens (Poaceae) were sampled in 2012 in experimental plant communities that varied in species identity and abundance. These communities had been cultivated since 2009 in mesocosms in a common garden. Fragment performance, shoot and clonal traits were measured, and the effects of past and present local neighbourhoods of five different radius sizes (5–25 cm) were examined. Past and present local neighbourhood compositions were assessed in 2011 and 2012, respectively.Key Results Most of the measured traits of E. repens responded to the local neighbourhood (5–10 cm radius), with an additional effect of the larger neighbourhood (20–25 cm radius) on ramet height, leaf dry matter content, maximal internode length and specific rhizome mass. Contrary to the expectation of the hypothesis, the temporal influence was not due to the organ lifespan. Indeed, five of the eight traits studied responded to both the past and present neighbourhoods. With the exception of specific rhizome mass, all trait responses were explained by the abundance of specific species.Conclusions This study demonstrates that the traits of a single clonal individual can respond to different competitive environments in space and time. The results thus contribute to the understanding of competition mechanisms.  相似文献   

To test whether ithomiine butterfly species within Miillerian mimetic classes are associated in space and time, we sampled a community of ithomiine butterflies at monthly intervals with traps in the canopy and the understory of four forest habitats: primary, higrade, secondary and edge. A species accumulation curve reached an asymptote at 22 species, suggesting that these species have a greater preference for feeding on fruit juices than other ithomiines known to occur at the study site. Species richness and individual abundance showed marked temporal variation, and there were slight differences in the distribution of species richness and individual abundance among the four habitats. The 22 species sampled in this study were not stratified vertically. The five mimetic colour classes of these butterflies were unequally distributed among the four habitats and over the course of the twelve months. There is suggestive evidence that co-mimic species occurred in the same habitats, and strong evidence that they occurred at the same times. Habitat and temporal effects each contributed approximately 10% to the total mimetic class diversity, with the temporal effect being slightly larger than that of habitat. This study demonstrates that Müllerian co-mimic associations can be measured on a much smaller scale than has been done previously.  相似文献   

Every year, the four federal agencies that manage designated wilderness in the United States receive proposals to implement small‐ and large‐scale ecological restorations within the National Wilderness Preservation System. The combination of climate change with other landscape stressors is driving ecological restoration to be one of the single most important, challenging, and potentially litigious wilderness stewardship issues. In addition, different stakeholders may have strongly divergent views about what the right decision should be, and decisions need to go beyond routine technical and scientific analyses to incorporate a broader range of legal and ethical considerations. We present a framework based on a comprehensive, structured set of scientific, legal, and ethical questions to guide the evaluation of proposals for ecological restoration and other types of ecological intervention in wilderness. This framework of questions is a voluntary tool designed to increase communication and transparency among scientists, managers, and interested publics regarding the trade‐offs and uncertainties of ecological restoration, and promote informed public deliberation in managing the public resource of wilderness.  相似文献   

Summary For the 70% of New Zealand under private ownership, native biodiversity conservation has to occur within a landscape that must also provide a productive return to land owners. Recent New Zealand legislation, especially the Resource Management Act 1991, promotes sustainable management on private land by allowing for the economic and cultural well-being of local communities while providing for the protection of natural resources including native biodiversity. We suggest that, to effectively conserve native biodiversity in rural landscapes, we need to consider four key issues: (i) what might be realistic goals for native biodiversity conservation; (ii) how might we better arrange different land uses to meet both native biodiversity and production goals; (iii) what is the optimum arrangement of native biodiversity; and (iv) how native biodiversity conservation can improve productive returns to land managers. Options to enhance native biodiversity conservation include a variety of incentives (e.g. management agreements, financial incentives and regulatory systems) and onsite management options (e.g. remnant management, restoration plantings, weed and pest control, use of native species for commercial and amenity purposes, use of exotic species to facilitate native biodiversity). The importance of taking a landscape-based rather than a paddock-based approach to management is emphasized.  相似文献   

高寒湿地植物群落的物种多样性保护及生态恢复对策   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
以物种组成较为复杂的青藏高原东部地区玛曲县高寒湿地为背景.从恢复生态学角度,系统地探讨了影响湿地植物群落物种多样性与生产力变化的主要因素,从不同的时间和空间尺度研究了典型样区植物群落中物种多样性与生产力的恢复机理与过程,以及生境异质性对其的影响。结果表明:在导致湿地植被退化的人类干扰诸因素中.超载放牧是主要因素。该地区超载量高达24%;其次.气候变化对湿地物种多样性与生产力也有较大影响。典型样区的恢复试验结果表明:实行围栏轮牧、控制载畜量、鼠虫害防治和建植人工草地等人工综合措施,能使样区植被得以卓有成效的恢复与保护。其中.黄河滩地的植物群落中.物种丰富度从23种/m^2上升到29种/m^2;Shannon多样性指数从3.82上升到4.62;草场生产力(地上生物量)从729.2g/m^2上升到935.38g/m^2。阳坡和阴坡样地植被也有类同的恢复效果。在以上三类样地中.以滩地的生态恢复效果最为显著。据此,我们提出了相应的湿地物种多样性保护和生态恢复对策.即:加强自然保护区建设、协调人类活动与物种多样性保护的关系、严格控制载畜量、发展人工草地等主要措施与建设。  相似文献   

李晓晖  萧敬豪  王建军  吴婕  龙闹 《生态学报》2022,42(3):1192-1202
生态修复是国土空间治理的重要内容。做好生态受损、功能退化地区的辨识并因地施策,是科学编制国土空间规划、实施生态修复重大工程的优先任务。基于自然资源资产评估方法,探索提出一种面向生态保护与修复规划的应用路径。在自然资源资产理念与方法评估辨析基础上,以广州为例,构建在地化的自然资源实物核算、生态系统服务功能价值评估框架,开展生态修复空间辨识,提出空间规划应对策略。主要研究结论:(1)2009年广州市自然资源资产总值约8334亿元,2019年为12025亿元;(2)自然资源资产价值总体呈上升趋势;剔除价格上涨因素后,调节与支持服务价值有所下降,生态保护与修复工作仍待强化;(3)提出自然资源资产评估在国土空间规划生态重要性地区识别、生态空间主导功能分区、生态治理重点研判等规划应用。最后,就如何提高自然资源资产评估的合理性与准确性,自然资源资产评估方法在不同层次国土空间生态修复规划中的适应性,如何基于自然资产评估推动生态修复规划实施等方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

自然生态空间分区管制是国土空间管制的重要组成部分,也是国内外生态环境研究的热点。针对国内自然生态空间用途管制暂处于试点阶段,有关管制的方法有待进一步探究的情况下,旨在通过江西省自然生态空间管制分区,为实现合理保护自然生态资源,促进自然生态系统健康有序发展提供参考。以江西省为研究对象,借助GIS空间分析技术,通过生态系统服务功能重要性和生态敏感性评价,构建二维关联判断矩阵,进行自然生态空间管制分区,并以此提出相关的管制建议。结果表明:江西省自然生态空间总面积为117924.67 km2,约占全省总面积的70.66%,从空间上可划分为高重要高敏感区、中度重要敏感区和低重要低敏感区3种类型区;其中,高重要高敏感区以生态保护和生态修复为主,实施严格的区域准入措施;中度重要敏感区可依托区域生态资源优势,合理开展以维护、改善生态系统服务功能为主要目的生态经营活动;低重要低敏感区允许在不破坏生态系统结构和功能的前提下,适度开展一定规模的生产建设活动,减少污染排放,增强区域生态功能。全省16个国家自然保护区基本位于高重要高敏感范围内。基于生态系统服务功能与生态敏感性的自然生态空间...  相似文献   

甄霖  谢永生 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5747-5754
全球经济发展和日益增强的人类活动给业已脆弱的生态系统带来了巨大挑战,寻求尊重自然规律、环境友好的生态治理与恢复技术成为实现联合国可持续发展目标的重要组成部分。近年来,国内外科学家和生态治理机构研发出了一系列技术体系和技术模式,对脆弱生态区退化生态系统展开了全面的治理和恢复。然而,缺乏对这些治理技术的评价和优选方法的研发和应用在很大程度上限制了优良技术的筛选和推广应用,造成了资金和人力的浪费和损失。针对这些问题,科技部在2016年启动了国家重点研发计划项目"生态技术评价方法、指标体系与全球生态治理技术评价",其中重要的任务之一是对生态技术进行梳理、评价和优选。本文旨在对已有的评价方法和指标体系的研究进展进行系统梳理,对生态技术的特征、生态技术评价的基本步骤和原则、生态技术的三阶段评估方法等进行了界定和深入分析,对本专题收录的14篇学术文章所涵盖的评价方法和模型研发、案例应用等进行了介绍,以期为筛选优良技术、提高生态技术应用效果、促进优良技术的输出和引进提供参考。  相似文献   

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