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We analyzed the Chordin requirement in Xenopus development. Targeting of both chordin Xenopus laevis pseudoalleles with morpholino antisense oligomers (Chd-MO) markedly decreased Chordin production. Embryos developed with moderately reduced dorsoanterior structures and expanded ventroposterior tissues, phenocopying the zebrafish chordino mutant. A strong requirement for Chordin in dorsal development was revealed by experimental manipulations. First, dorsalization by lithium chloride treatment was completely blocked by Chd-MO. Second, Chd-MO inhibited elongation and muscle differentiation in Activin-treated animal caps. Third, Chd-MO completely blocked the induction of the central nervous system (CNS), somites, and notochord by organizer tissue transplanted to the ventral side of host embryos. Unexpectedly, transplantations into the dorsal side revealed a cell-autonomous requirement of Chordin for neural plate differentiation.  相似文献   

In a companion paper (Shih, J. and Keller, R. (1992) Development 116, 901-914), we described a sequence of cell behaviors, called mediolateral intercalation behavior (MIB), that produces mediolateral cell intercalation, the process that drives convergence and extension of the axial and paraxial mesoderm of Xenopus. In this paper, we describe the pattern of expression of MIB in the mesoderm during gastrulation, using video image processing and recording of cell behavior in 'shaved', open-faced explants of the marginal zone. At midgastrula stage (10.5), MIB begins at two dorsolateral sites in the prospective anterior mesoderm and progresses medially along two arcs that lengthen toward and meet at the midline to form a single arc of cells expressing MIB, called the vegetal alignment zone (VgAZ). The notochordal-somitic mesodermal boundary forms within the VgAZ at stage 11, and then progresses animally and laterally, along the prospective anterior-posterior axis, eventually bounding a trapezoidal area the shape of the fate-mapped notochord. Meanwhile, from its origin in the VgAZ, MIB spreads in the prospective posterior direction along the lateral boundaries of both the notochordal and somitic mesoderm. From there it spreads medially in both tissues. Subsequently, vacuolation of notochord cells, and segmentation and expression of a somite-specific marker repeat the progression of mediolateral intercalation behavior. Thus cells in the posterior, medial regions of the notochordal and the somitic territories are the last to express mediolateral intercalation behavior and subsequent tissue differentiations. In explants that do not converge, these cells neither express mediolateral intercalation behavior nor differentiate. These facts suggest that progressions of MIB in the anterior-posterior and lateral-medial directions may be organized by signals emanating from the lateral somitic and notochordal boundaries. These signals may have limited range and may be dependent on convergence, driven by mediolateral cell intercalation, to bring cells within their range. In the embryo, the posterior progression of MIB results in arcs of convergence, anchored in the vegetal endoderm at each end, acting on the inside of the blastoporal lip to produce involution of the IMZ.  相似文献   

The Spemann organizer can be subdivided into head- and trunk-inducing tissues along the anteroposterior axis (Mangold, 1933. Naturwiisenschaften 43, 761-766; Spemann, 1931. Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Org. 123, 389-517). Recent studies have suggested that head formation is brought about by repression of both Wnt and BMP signalling (Glinka et al., 1998. Nature 391, 357-362; Glinka et al., 1997. Nature 389, 517-519). Several Wnt inhibitors secreted from the head organizer region have been identified in Xenopus, such as Cerberus (Bouwmeester et al., 1996. Nature 382, 595-601), Frzb-1 (Leyns et al., 1997. Cell 88, 747-756; Lin et al., 1997. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 11196-11200), and Dkk-1 (Glinka et al., 1998. Nature 391, 357-362), supporting this two-inhibitor model. To isolate genes expressed in the head organizer, we screened a prechordal plate cDNA library by sequencing and expression pattern, and isolated the Xenopus ortholog of chick crescent encoding a Frizzled-like domain that is related to Wnt-binding regions of the Frizzled-family proteins. Expression of Xenopus crescent was first detected in the Spemann organizer region at the early gastrula stage and later in prechordal plate cells lining the boundary of mesoderm and ectoderm layers and in the anterior endoderm. At tailbud stages, the expression in the endomesoderm region was diminished, while expression in the pronephros became detectable. In animal cap assays, crescent gene was synergistically upregulated by coexpression of Xlim1, Ldb1, and Siamois, but not by Activin treatment.  相似文献   

We show here that a secreted EGF-Discoidin-domain protein, Xenopus Del1 (xDel1), is an essential factor for dorsal development in the early Xenopus embryo. Knockdown of the xDel1 function causes obvious ventralization of the embryo. Conversely, overexpression of xDel1 expands dorsal-marker expression and suppresses ventral-marker expression in the gastrula embryo. Forced expression of xDel1 dorsalizes ventral marginal zone explants, whereas it weakly induces neural differentiation but not mesodermal differentiation in animal caps. The dorsalizing activity of xDel1 is dependent on the Discoidin domains and not on the RGD motif (which is implicated in its angiogenic activity) or EGF repeats. Luciferase assays show that xDel1 attenuates BMP-signaling reporter activity by interfering with the pathway downstream of the BMP receptor. Thus, xDel1 functions as a unique extracellular regulatory factor of DV patterning in early vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract The Dickkopf (Dkk) family is composed of four main members (Dkk1–4), which typically regulate Wnt/β-catenin signaling. An exception is Dkk3, which does not affect Wnt/β-catenin signaling and whose function is poorly characterized. Here, we describe the Xenopus dkk3 homolog and characterize its expression and function during embryogenesis. Dkk3 is maternally expressed and zygotically in the cement gland, head mesenchyme, and heart. We show that depletion of Dkk3 in Xenopus embryos by Morpholino antisense oligonucleotides induces axial defects as a result of Spemann organizer and mesoderm inhibition. Dkk3 depletion leads to down-regulation of Activin/Nodal signaling by reducing levels of Smad4 protein. Dkk3 overexpression can rescue phenotypic effects resulting from overexpression of the Smad4 ubiquitin ligase Ectodermin. Furthermore, depletion of Dkk3 up-regulates FGF signaling, while Dkk3 overexpression reduces it. These results indicate that Dkk3 modulates FGF and Activin/Nodal signaling to regulate mesoderm induction during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

In early vertebrate development, mesoderm induction is a crucial event regulated by several factors including the activin, BMP and FGF signaling pathways. While the requirement of FGF in Nodal/activin-induced mesoderm formation has been reported, the fate of the tissue modulated by these signals is not fully understood. Here, we examined the fate of tissues when exogenous activin was added and FGF signaling was inhibited in animal cap explants of Xenopus embryos. Activin-induced dorsal mesoderm was converted to ventral mesoderm by inhibition of FGF signaling. We also found that inhibiting FGF signaling in the dorsal marginal zone, in vegetal-animal cap conjugates or in the presence of the activin signaling component Smad2, converted dorsal mesoderm to ventral mesoderm. The expression and promoter activities of a BMP responsive molecule, PV.1 and a Spemann organizer, noggin, were investigated while FGF signaling was inhibited. PV.1 expression increased, while noggin decreased. In addition, inhibiting BMP-4 signaling abolished ventral mesoderm formation induced by exogenous activin and FGF inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that the formation of dorso-ventral mesoderm in early Xenopus embryos is regulated by a combination of FGF, activin and BMP signaling.  相似文献   

The Spemann organizer secretes several antagonists of growth factors during gastrulation. We describe a novel secreted protein, Mig30, which is expressed in the anterior endomesoderm of the Spemann organizer. Mixer-inducible gene 30 (Mig30) was isolated as a target of Mixer, a homeobox gene required for endoderm development. The Mig30 gene encodes a secreted protein containing a cysteine-rich domain and an immunoglobulin-like domain that belongs to the insulin-like growth factor-binding protein family. Overexpression of Mig30 in the dorsal region results in the retardation of morphogenetic movements during gastrulation and leads to microcephalic embryos. Overexpression of Mig30 also inhibits activin-induced elongation of ectodermal explants without affecting gene expression patterns in mesoderm and endoderm. These results suggest that Mig30 is involved in the regulation of morphogenetic movements during gastrulation in the extracellular space of the Spemann organizer.  相似文献   

Formation of the dorsal organizer (Spemann organizer) is an important process in early vertebrate development. In zebrafish, two molecular cascades—Bozozok/Dharma (Boz) and Nodal signaling—act in parallel to induce the dorsal organizer. However, the complete molecular mechanism regulating this event remains unclear. Here we report that zebrafish cell lines derived from various developmental stages can induce a secondary axis when they are implanted into the mid-blastula but not the early gastrula. The implanted cellsthemselves did not differentiate, but instead induced ectopic expression of dorsal organizer markers incells around the implanted cells and induced notochord formation in the secondary axis. These results indicate that cultured cell lines have the ability to induce a secondary axis through the initiation of dorsal organizer activity. However, ectopic expression of boz and sqt were not observed in cultured cells. In addition, implanted cell lines could induce the dorsal organizer even in maternal-zygotic one-eyed pinhead mutants, which are not responsive to Nodal signaling. Finally, the Nodal signaling pathway was not activatedfollowing implantation of cultured cells. Collectively, these data suggest that zebrafish cell lines induce the dorsal organizer independent of the boz and Nodal signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The pattern of mediolateral cell intercalation in mesodermal tissues during gastrulation and neurulation of Xenopus laevis was determined by tracing cells labeled with fluorescein dextran amine (FDA). Patches of the involuting marginal zone (IMZ) of early gastrula stage embryos, labeled by injection of FDA at the one-cell stage, were grafted to the corresponding regions of unlabeled host embryos. The host embryos were fixed at several stages, serially sectioned, and examined with fluorescence microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction. Patterns of mixing of labeled and unlabeled cells show that mediolateral cell intercalation occurs in the posterior, dorsal mesoderm as this region undergoes convergent extension and differentiates into somites and notochord. In contrast, it does not occur in any dorsoventral sector of the anterior, leading edge of the mesodermal mantle. These results, taken with other evidence, suggest that the mesoderm of Xenopus consists of two subpopulations, each with a characteristic morphogenetic movement, cell behavior, and tissue fate. The migrating mesoderm (1) does not show convergent extension; (2) migrates and spreads on the blastocoel roof; (3) is dependent on this substratum for its morphogenesis; (4) shows little mediolateral intercalation; (5) consists of the anterior, early-involuting region of the mesodermal mantle; and (6) differentiates into head, heart, blood island, and lateral body wall mesoderm. The extending mesoderm (1) shows convergent extension; (2) is independent of the blastocoel roof in its morphogenesis; (3) shows extensive mediolateral intercalation; (4) consists of the posterior, late-involuting parts of the mesodermal mantle; and (5) differentiates into somite and notochord.  相似文献   

Genes involved in differentiation of notochord or muscle are expressed in specific regions of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula Xenopus embryo. The presumptive notochord or the presomitic mesoderm have been cultured either in isolation or recombination to investigate whether these tissues have been determined. Cell differentiation was checked by specific markers of notochord (Shh) or muscle cell (desmin, myosin). The results show that the presumptive notochord can differentiate into vacuolated notochord with a weak expression of Shh, while the presomitic mesoderm differentiate into muscle cells with a normal expression of desmin and myosin in vitro. The same result was obtained when the two tissues have been cocultured. These data suggest that the cell fate of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula has been determined, cells can differentiate according to their fates without further signals from the adjacent tissues, but no functional structures can be formed by these tissues in vitro.  相似文献   

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