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Plant molybdoenzymes and their response to stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Molybdenum-containing enzymes catalyse basic reactions in the nitrogen, sulphur and carbon metabolism. Mo-enzymes contain at their catalytic sites an organometallic structure termed the molybdenum cofactor or Moco. In higher plants, Moco is incorporated into the apoproteins of four enzymes: nitrate reductase (EC; NR), xanthine dehydrogenase (EC; XDH), aldehyde oxidase (EC; AO) and sulphite oxidase (EC1.8.3.1; SO). Molybdoenzymes in plants are key enzymes in nitrate assimilation, purine metabolism, hormone biosynthesis, and most probably in sulphite detoxification. They are considered to be involved in stress acclimation processes and, therefore, elucidation of the mechanisms of their response to environmental stress conditions is of agricultural importance for the improvement of plant stress tolerance. Here we would like to give a brief functional and biochemical characteristic of the four plant molybdoenzymes and to focus mainly on their sensitivity to environmental stress factors.  相似文献   

Oxygen is a diradical and because of its unique electronic configuration, it has the potential to form strong oxidants (e.g. superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical) called oxygen free radicals or partially reduced forms of oxygen (PRFO). These highly reactive oxygen species can cause cellular injury by oxidizing lipids and proteins as well as by causing strand breaks in nucleic acids. PRFO are produced in the cell during normal redox reactions including respiration and there are various antioxidants in the cell which scavenge these radicals. Thus in order to maintain a normal cell structure and function, a proper balance between free radical production and antioxidant levels is absolutely essential. Production of PRFO in the myocardium is increased during variousin vivo as well asin vitro pathological conditions and these toxic radicals are responsible for causing functional, biochemical and ultrastructural changes in cardiac myocytes. Indirect evidence of free radical involvement in myocardial injury is provided by studies in which protection against these alterations is seen in the presence of exogenous administration of antioxidants. Endogenous myocardial antioxidants have also been reported to change under various physiological as well as pathophysiological conditions. It appears that endogenous antioxidants respond and adjust to different stress conditions and failure of these compensatory changes may also contribute in cardiac dysfunction. Thus endogenous and/or exogenous increase in antioxidants might have a therapeutic potential in various pathological conditions which result from increased free radical production.  相似文献   

The effect of prenatal stress on the time course of the corticosterone response to acute and chronic stress and on hematological and immunological parameters in the offspring were analized in the present study. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were stressed daily for 2 hours during the last week of gestation, and female and male off-spring were studied during adulthood. Corticosterone response to acute immobilization stress was not significantly different in either control or prenatally stressed rats. However, after 10 days of immobilization stress the corticosterone response completely disappeared in the control animals but not in the prenatally stressed group: high levels of corticosterone were found during the first hour of stress, although they were lower than those found in acutely stressed rats. Adrenal hypertrophy in response to prenatal stress was observed in females but not in male offspring, and chronic stress only increased adrenal weights in the male control group. Prenatal stress decreased the total peripheral leukocyte count, altered its diferential count decreasing lymphocytes and increasing neutrophil and eosinhophil counts, and significantly reduced the percentage of peripheral lymphocyte T CD8+ subset in male offspring. Chronic stress also reduced the percentage of the peripheral T CD8+ lymphocyte subset in the control group but not in the prenatally stressed group. These results suggest that the exposure to stress during pregnancy alters the adaptative response of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis to chronic stress and presumably the immune competence in the offspring.  相似文献   

Exposure of rats to simulated altitude (15,000 ft) for 1 day and 3 and 9 wk produced progressive polycythemia, elevated 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels and raised P50 values; the latter two parameters decreased toward control values after 9 wk. Carbon monoxide (38-43% HbCO) exposure produced polycythemia after 3- and 9-wk exposure, no change in 2,3-DPG and a fall in P50 value. Ten days' treatment with sodium cyanate produced a large decrease in 2,3-DPG and P50. Survival during 90 min of acute hypobaria (0.3 atm) under Nembutal anesthesia was highest with NaOCN (75%), intermediate with 3- and 9-wk exposure to altitude and CO (56-58%) lower in 1-day altitude exposure (44%) and lowest in controls (5%). Heart and ventilation rate was monitored during this hypobaric test and response patterns established for each exposure/treatment. In states of extreme oxygen deprivation the results suggest, in order of importance, the survival value of 1) increased oxygen-hemoglobin affinity, and 2) polycythemia.  相似文献   

Hematological and serum biochemical changes in response to hemorrhagic stress were determined in both sexes of juvenile and adult Coturnix coturnix japonica over 3 day period following a mechanical hemorrhage of 30% of the calculated total blood volume. There was an initial shift posthemorrhage towards greater numbers of more mature erythrocytes and fewer circulating reticulocytes. Reticulocytosis was indicated 48-72 hr posthemorrhage. Glucose and lactic acid dehydrogenase levels increased after hemorrhage. Serum beta-glucuronidase was elevated only in adults. Japanese quail seemed to recover from hemorrhage more rapidly than had been reported for chickens, other birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The psychobiological concept of stress built up over the years since the 1930s. The understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms involved has progressed remarkably during the past years. This article provides an overview of the recent data opposing acute and chronic stress. The former is an adaptative response of the organism to cope with the fluctuations of the environment and thereby is essential for survival. By contrast, chronic stress is deleterious and leads to various disease states in vulnerable individuals. Its adverse effects on the brain and the body result from a dysregulation of the stress system with various origins and mechanisms which we will discuss in this review.  相似文献   

We used captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test whether corticosterone responses differed in birds held under normal laboratory conditions or conditions of chronic stress. Surprisingly, both basal corticosterone concentrations and corticosterone responses to acute stress were significantly reduced when birds were chronically stressed. To determine the mechanism underlying this reduced response, animals under both conditions were injected with lactated Ringer's solution (control), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), arginine vasotocin (AVT), or dexamethasone (DEX). ACTH increased corticosterone concentrations above stress-induced levels in both cases, although maximum responses were lower in chronically stressed birds. AVT did not augment the corticosterone response under nonchronically stressed conditions, but it did under chronically stressed conditions. DEX reduced maximal corticosterone concentrations in both cases. Neither ovine nor rat corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) altered normal stress responses. These data indicate that changes in responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to ACTH and AVT serve to downregulate corticosterone responses during chronic stress. Furthermore, these data lead to the following hypothesis: ACTH output from the pituitary limits maximum corticosterone concentrations under normal conditions, but reduced AVT release from the hypothalamus regulates lower corticosterone concentrations under chronic stress conditions.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to stressors increases HPA axis activity and concomitantly reduces HPG axis activity. This antagonistic relationship between both these axes has been proposed to underlie the inhibition of reproductive function due to stress. Sexual behavior in males may be the most vulnerable aspect of male reproduction to acute and chronic stress and it has been suggested that alterations in sexual behavior during stress are due to the antagonistic relationship between testosterone and corticosteroids. However, only in a few studies has a correlation between the levels of testosterone and corticosterone, and sexual behavior been made. In this study, we evaluated the effects of different stressors, applied both acute and chronically, on masculine sexual behavior and whether or not these effects on sexual behavior are accompanied by changes in plasma levels of corticosterone and testosterone. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of testosterone treatment on the effects of stress on sexual behavior. Sexually experienced male rats were exposed to one of the following stressors: immobilization (IMB), electric foot shocks (EFS) or immersion in cold water (ICW). Sexual behavior and plasma levels of testosterone and corticosterone were assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 of stress. In a second experiment, males were castrated, treated with 3 different doses of testosterone propionate (TP) and exposed to ICW for 20 consecutive days. Sexual behavior was assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 and steroids were evaluated on day 20. Parameters of masculine sexual behavior were modified depending on the characteristics of each stressor. Mount, intromission and ejaculation latencies increased significantly, the number of mounts increased, and ejaculations decreased significantly in males exposed to EFS and to ICW but not in males exposed to IMB. Associated with these effects, testosterone decreased in the EFS and ICW groups on days 1, 15, and 20. However, corticosterone increased only in males exposed to ICW. In castrated males, TP treatment failed to block the effects of stress by ICW on sexual behavior and corticosterone. These results indicate that the effects of stress on sexual behavior depend on the characteristics of each stressor, and these effects, as well as the decrease in testosterone are not necessarily associated with the increase in corticosterone. The fact that testosterone treatment did not prevent the effects of stress on sexual behavior suggests that other mediators could be involved in the alterations of sexual behavior caused by stress.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess whether, and to what extent prior handling, restraint or social crowding stress during 3-10 days affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) response to an acute short-lasting restraint stress. Also the effect of a feedback inhibitory mechanism of corticosterone in the impairment of HPA axis by these stressors was investigated. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with handling 1 min/day for 3-10 days, restraint 2 times daily for 3-7 days and crowding stress for 7 days before exposure to acute restraint stress in metal tubes for 10 min. Some group of rats received exogenous s.c. corticosterone either once 25 mg/kg or 2 times daily 10 mg/kg for 3-10 days before restraint stress. After the last restraint the rats were decapitated and their trunk blood was collected for the measurement of plasma ACTH and serum corticosterone levels. Handling for 3-7 days, restraint for 3-7 days, and crowding for 7 days and a single pretreatment with corticosterone--all significantly and to a similar extent inhibited the restraint stress-induced increase in ACTH and corticosterone secretion. Chronic pretreatment with corticosterone blunted the restraint stress-induced increase in HPA axis activity. These results indicate that repeated short-lasting stress induced by handling, restraint, or crowding potently attenuates the acute restraint stress-induced stimulatory action of the HPA axis. They also indicate adaptive action of moderate stress on the HPA axis response to acute stress. The results also suggest that a short-lasting hypersecretion of corticosterone during psychological stress may induce a prolonged feedback inhibition of the HPA axis activity. The attenuation of HPA axis response by prior handling has also obvious methodological implications.  相似文献   

Autophagy regulates cell survival and cell death upon various cellular stresses, yet the molecular signaling events involved are not well defined. Here, we established the function of a proteolytic Cyclin E fragment (p18-CycE) in DNA damage-induced autophagy, apoptosis, and senescence. p18-CycE was identified in hematopoietic cells undergoing DNA damage-induced apoptosis. In epithelial cells exposed to DNA damage, chronic but not transient expression of p18-CycE leads to higher turnover of LC3 I/II and increased emergence of autophagosomes and autolysosomes. Levels of p18-CycE, which was generated by proteolytic cleavage of endogenous Cyclin E, were greatly increased by chloroquine and correlated with LC 3II conversion. Preventing p18-CycE genesis blocked conversion of LC3 I to LC3 II. Upon DNA damage, cytoplasmic ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) was phosphorylated in p18-CycE-expressing cells resulting in sustained activation of the adenosine-mono-phosphate-dependent kinase (AMPK). These lead to sustained activation of mammalian autophagy-initiating kinase ULK1, which was abrogated upon inhibiting ATM and AMPK phosphorylation. Moreover, p18-CycE was degraded via autophagy followed by induction of senescence. Both autophagy and senescence were prevented by inhibiting autophagy, which leads to increased apoptosis in p18-CycE-expressing cells by stabilizing p18-CycE expression. Senescence was further associated with cytoplasmic co-localization and degradation of p18-CycE and Ku70. In brief, chronic p18-CycE expression-induced autophagy leads to clearance of p18-CycE following DNA damage and induction of senescence. Autophagy inhibition stabilized the cytoplasmic p18-CycE-Ku70 complex leading to apoptosis. Thus, our findings define how chronic apoptotic stress and DNA damage initiate autophagy and regulate cell survival through senescence and/or apoptosis.  相似文献   

Within studies of acute stress physiology an increase in glucocorticoid secretion is thought to be the primary mediator of tissue response to stress. Corticosteroid-binding globulin may regulate tissue availability of steroids, but has not been considered a dynamic component of the acute stress response. Here, we examined CBG level over the common 60-minute time frame in an acute capture and handling protocol to investigate whether CBG capacity is dynamic or static over short stressors. Using a comparative approach, we measured CBG response to capture and handling stress in nine species of birds, representing five orders and nine families. CBG capacity significantly declined within 30 - 60 minutes of capture in five of the nine species examined. This decline may serve to significantly increase the level of corticosterone reaching tissues during acute stress.  相似文献   

The wheat cultivar Shanrong no. 3 (cv. SR3) tolerates both salinity and drought stress more effectively than does its progenitor cultivar Jinan 177 (cv. JN177). When the cultivars are subjected to stress, a number of genes encoding methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSRs) are known to be upregulated in SR3. Here, a set of 12 full length Triticum aestivum MSR (TaMSR) cDNAs have been isolated from cv. SR3. The genes were transcribed in the wheat root, stem, and leaf in plants sampled at various developmental stages. Those induced by salinity and drought harbored known stress-responsive cis elements in their promoter region. The constitutive expression in Arabidopsis thaliana of four MSRs which were induced by salt and drought in microarray assay showed that the product of one (TaMSRA2) heightened the plant’s tolerance to NaCl, methylviologen (MV), and abscisic acid, that of the second (TaMSRA5) enhanced salinity tolerance, that of the third (TaMSRB1.1) increased tolerance to salinity, MV and H2O2, and that of the fourth (TaMSRB5.1) increased tolerance to both salinity and mannitol. The effect of the presence in A. thaliana of TaMSRB1.1 was to suppress the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and to increase the intracellular content of soluble sugars.  相似文献   

The influence of dexamethasone treatment on the basal values of corticosterone, GH, prolactin (PRL), LH and FSH, as well as on the adenohypophyseal hormone response to chronic stress was studied in female rats. Dexamethasone acetate (25 micrograms/100 b.w.), given by gavage twice daily for 10 days, decreased the resting plasma levels of corticosterone, GH, LH and PRL, whereas the FSH titers remained normal. The secretion of ACTH (evaluated indirectly through corticosterone concentrations) and of GH appeared to be most sensitive to the suppressive effect of dexamethasone. The same hormonal response pattern was induced by 8 h of daily immobilization for 10 days, except that ACTH release was enhanced and the plasma LH titers dropped more drastically. Dexamethasone administration in combination with restraint did not alter the characteristic hormonal profile of chronic stress, despite the fact that ACTH secretion was completely blocked. These data suggest that the inhibition of PRL, LH and GH secretion following severe, chronic stress is not causally related to the sustained elevation of plasma ACTH.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a blunted chronotropic response of cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors in altitude hypoxia was tested in nine subjects at sea level (SL) by infusion of isoproterenol. Observations were made at SL, in acute hypoxia (2 days at 4,350 m, condition H1), in more prolonged hypoxia [13 days between 850 and 4,800 m, condition H2] and in chronic hypoxia [21 days at 4,800 m, condition H3]. Resting heart rate was higher in all hypoxic conditions. Resting norepinephrine concentrations were found to be significantly higher in conditions H2 (1.64 +/- 0.59) and H3 (1.74 +/- 0.76) than at SL (0.77 +/- 0.18 ng/ml). Isoproterenol, diluted in saline, was infused at increasing doses of 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06 micrograms.kg-1.min-1. For the highest dose, there was a significantly smaller increase in heart rate in conditions H1 (35 +/- 9), H2 (33 +/- 11), and H3 (31 +/- 11) than at SL (45 +/- 8 min-1). The increase in pulse (systolic/diastolic) pressure, considered as the vascular response to isoproterenol infusion, was smaller in condition H3 (29 +/- 16) than at SL (51 +/- 24 mmHg). There was a significant increase in the dose of isoproterenol required to increase heart rate by 25 min-1 and decrease in slope of heart rate increase vs. log(dose) relationship in conditions H2 and H3. Thus an hypoxia-related attenuated response of beta-adrenergic receptors to exogenous stimulation was found in humans.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent advances in lymphocyte technology allow production of large amounts of homogenous T cells which create immunoregulatory peptides. This means that it is now possible to define and purify nontoxic peptides that either specifically turn off or turn on immune responses. For example, monoclonal peptides synthesized by inducer cells each activates a different target cell to divide or differentiate. One activates stem cells to differentiate into red cells and white cells [27], another stimulates B cells to secrete antibody [21], and another induces mast cells to divide [26] and perhaps to differentiate. More recent work has shown that some inducer peptides may "fine tune" the immune response: Certain types of inducer clones, for example, selectively stimulate production of IgA. Peptides that mediate the activity of these clones are the subject of intense analysis of because these monoclonal substances offer the possibility of stimulating rapid induction of IgA after infection by microbes that enter through mucosal of the gut, bladder or lungs. This type of antibody (IgA) is the body's key defense against infections by these microbes: Development of a rapid and specific IgA response is the most important factor in the outcome of infections by viruses such as genital herpes type II and infections by intracellular bacterial pathogens that are currently resistant to treatment by antibiotics. Perhaps the most informative point that has come from these studies is that each peptide that has been isolated from T cell clones exerts powerful regulatory effects on either the intensity or type of the immune response. The hope is that some of these immunoregulatory molecules or their analogs can be used as potent therapeutic agents for some chronic diseases. Since purified inducer and suppressive peptides will be available in large amounts within the next several years, it will not be long before this strategy can be thoroughly evaluated.  相似文献   

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