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The cellulolytic activity of the contents of the intestinal tract of populations of roach and rudd in four Tyrolean lakes was studied. Much of the activity was taken up with the diet. In fish feeding on plants and detritus a lower cellulolytic activity was found than in fish feeding on zooplankton or on arthropods. A seasonal pattern of cellulolytic activity was demonstrated with a peak in the autumn. It is assumed that the cellulolytic activity found in the intestinal contents of cyprinids is insufficient for the digestion of fibre, but that is suffices—particularly in omnivorous species—to support the breakdown of cell walls.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of the amylolytic activity in the gut content of roach and rudd in four Tyrolean lakes and the adaptation of the amylase to four acclimation temperatures and to different natural foods were studied. In roach amylolytic activity varied with the environmental temperature. Between September and October, however, enzyme activity shifted to a higher level where it remained for the entire cold season. In rudd, which has almost the same seasonal pattern of amylolytic activity as the roach, the activity of the enzyme is independent of environmental temperature. This suggests an endogenous rhythm of enzyme activity. Under natural conditions the roach, but not the rudd, has a higher amylolytic activity when feeding on animals and a lower activity when feeding on detritus. The laboratory experiments revealed no significant differences in amylase activity between fish feeding on animals and those feeding on plants, although in both species the enzymatic activity was lowest when Chara served as food.  相似文献   

The haemoglobins and globins of the roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) and the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) have been studied by starch gel electrophoresis. At all stages of development studied, the roach and rudd haemoglobins give a similar electrophoretic pattern, the young fish of about 2 cm standard length possessing three separate haemoglobins, of which two bands only persist in the adult. The evolutionary significance of multiple haemoglobins in fishes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Rudd, roach and their hybrids from an interbreeding population at Norwich were examined electrophoretically for seven enzymes; an examination of pharyngeal teeth supplemented the data. The rudd were compared to rudd from Lake Trawsfynydd, Wales, a lake free from roach. No differences were observed between the rudd from the two localities and no evidence was found of introgression within the fish from Norwich.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In liver and muscle the concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) are highest in fish maintained at low temperature and fed mealworms. These effects are more pronounced in roach than in rudd.
  • 2.2. In the liver alanine, glycine and glutamate are the dominant FAA but proline increases in mealworm-fed animals.
  • 3.3. In muscle, histidine and glycine dominate, except that a mealworm diet leads to an increase in the concentration of proline and to a concomitant decrease in the concentration of glycine.
  • 4.4. Starvation leads to a reduction of total FAA content but to relative increases of lysine and histidine. These two FAA can serve as indicators of the general state of nutrition of roach and rudd.
  • 5.5. The molar ratio [gly]/[his] is strongly correlated with temperature, decreasing with an increase in the temperature to which the animals had been exposed prior to capture.
  • 6.6. The patterns of free and bound amino acids diverge more widely in these species than in mammals which reflects the greater dependence of the FAA pools of fish on intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
  • 7.7. The concentrations of histidine in the FAA pools of muscle and in food proteins are strongly correlated.

Hybridization between roach Rutilus rutilus , bream Abramis brama and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus was investigated using morphological and genetic analysis employing both nuclear (ITS1) and mitochondrial (cytochrome b ) markers. Allele-specific amplification (ASA) reactions for both markers were developed and ITS1 sequence data for all three species are presented. Sequencing detected two ITS1 haplotypes within both roach and bream which most likely evolved in isolation and were subsequently brought together as a result of restocking by anglers. Analysis of cloned hybrid nuclear ribosomal DNA revealed evidence of recombination between parental ITS1 sequences. ASA proved to be an effective method for identifying hybrids and detected multiple ITS1 copies in fishes identified as purebred by morphological analysis. In addition this suggests post-F1 hybridization and introgression may be occurring between roach and bream, and rudd and bream, although some barriers appear to be suppressing backcrosses within the hybrid population. Analysis of the hybrid population demonstrated that hybridization has occurred in both directions.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments showed that, of zooplanktivorous roach, rudd and perch, in the absence of any environmental structure roach were the most efficient feeders, but high densities of simulated submerged marcrophytes elevated perch to this position; rudd matched the performances of perch and roach only at intermediate structure densities. These changes in efficiency rankings with increased structure were the result of overall decreases in the performances of roach and rudd. Simulated water lilies and emergent reeds had their own influences on consumption rate. These effects were largely mediated through relationships between structure density and swimming speed; roach and rudd, not perch, showed reduced swimming speeds in the more structured environments. Observations of the routine behaviour of the fish suggest that their assessment of predation risk may be an important factor in determining their activity level and hence foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Samples of cyprinid fishes from Esthwaite Water, Westmorland, have been examined and identified as roach ( Rutilus rutilus ), rudd ( Scardinius erythrophthalmus ), with a high degree (37%) of hybridization between these species. The distinguishing features of roach and rudd are discussed in the light of the difficulty of distinguishing the roach x rudd hybrid from the roach. It is concluded that the only reliable characters are the number and external morphology of the pharyngeal teeth.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the hybrid Abramis brama × Scardinius erythrophthalmus and a single specimen of the hybrid A. brama × Rutilus rutilus are reported and described from Lake Volvi, Macedonia, Greece. This is the first occurrence of either hybrid in Greek fresh waters.  相似文献   

Roach, rudd, bream and their natural hybrids of 2 cm standard length or larger can be definitively identified by their enzyme electrophoretic patterns. Zymograms of lactate dehydrogenase and esterases as produced by vertical starch gel electrophoretic analysis of whole fry or adult eye extracts are the most useful in this respect. The lactate dehydrogenase isozymes, containing B sub-units, migrate more anodally in rudd and bream than in roach. Due to the tetrameric structure of lactate dehydrogenase, in hybrid rudd x roach and roach x bream, eleven isozymes can be observed as compared with six in the parental patterns. Esterases show unique patterns for all species and hybrids. With the exception of one fraction in rudd x bream, the esterase patterns of hybrids show summations of the parental phenotypes.  相似文献   

Synopsis This paper reviews investigations on the ecophysiology of a population of roach, Rutilus rutilus, from a subalpine oligotrophic lake in the Austrian Tirol. Metabolic responses to season and temperature were studied in whole animals, tissues and selected enzymes. The exponent of the relationship between body mass and three levels of the metabolic rate of acclimated fish was 0.82 ± 0.02, 0.60 ± 0.15, and 0.75 ± 0.01 at 4, 12, and 20° C respectively. Various combinations of long-term acclimation to constant or seasonally fluctuating temperatures and long-term (up to 14 days) monitoring of O2 at the acclimation temperature led to the conclusion that the aerobic power of fish swimming in the routine mode does not show any sign of being temperature compensated. On the other hand, there are several indications that the energy expenditure of spontaneously swimming fish is adjusted to the seasonal pattern of environmental change and that these responses of metabolism and behaviour are controlled by both endogenous and exogenous factors. The rate of oxygen consumption of gill and muscle tissue brei from fish caught during a seasonal cycle and measured at 15° C appears to follow closely the reproductive and gonadal cycle of the living fish. The same holds for the activities of phosphofructokinase, acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, and cytochrome oxidase. On the other hand, the Na+, K+-ATPase of the kidney shows near perfect temperature compensation when fish acclimated to 5 and 25° C are compared, whereas an equally pronounced case of inverse temperature acclimation has been reported for the activity of digestive enzymes in the gut. Summarizing these data it is pointed out that the temperature relationship of a poikilothermic organism is the sum of often very diverse temperature relationships of specific metabolic and behavioural functions. In the case of the roach, strong effects of acclimation temperature on the molecular level, sometimes in the opposite direction, combine with seasonal effects on enzyme activities and tissue respiration. However, on the whole animal level the fish behave as strictly non-compensating poikilotherms, the reproductive cycle being the only detectable influence capable of modulating the basic temperature relationship of energy expenditure.  相似文献   

The histopathology and ultrastructure of a skin neoplasm in rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) are described and the neoplasm is diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. In the early stage, tumour cells appear singly or in clusters close to the epidermis; then tumour cells are seen in the dermis as epithelial pearls/nests, cords or sheets with central keratin; and with further development of the neoplasm, tumour cells appear as large sheets and masses, enclosing extensive keratinous formations and foci of necrotic cells, infiltrating deeper into the dermis and penetrating the muscle layers. Increasing vascularity and inflammation are associated with all stages of progression. In some cases metastases are observed in the viscera. Electron microscopic examination shows that the neoplastic cells are joined by desmosomes; the cytoplasm contains abundant mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The neoplasm was successfully transmitted experimentally to healthy rudd when tumour cells were inoculated subcutaneously. Eight of 19 surviving test fish developed tumour growth at the site of tumour cell injection and/or in a corresponding site on the opposite of the body. One of these 8 fish, which developed a neoplasm, also showed a microscopic internal tumour in the viscera. One of the 19 test fish showed a microscopic tumour in the spleen, even though no skin tumour was visible in this fish. No tumours were found in control fish. In contrast, intraperitoneal injection of tumour cells into healthy rudd did not result in transmission of the neoplasm.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of starvation and refeeding on digestive enzyme activities in juvenile roach, Rutilus rutilus caspicus. Fish were divided into four feeding groups (mean mass 1.68 ± 0.12 g). The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment with formulated diet (SFK). The other three groups were deprived of feed for 1(S1), 2(S2), and 3(S3) weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the refeeding period. The results showed that trypsin specific activity was not affected significantly either by starvation or refeeding, in all experimental groups. Chymotrypsin specific activity did not change significantly in S1 fish during the experimental period. In S2 and S3 fish no significant changes were observed during the starvation period. Upon refeeding, the activity increased in S2 fish, while it decreased in S3 fish. Amylase specific activity decreased significantly during the starvation period in all experimental groups. Upon refeeding, the activity increased. Alkaline phosphatase specific activity did not change significantly during the experiment period in S3 fish, while it showed significant changes during the starvation and refeeding period in the S1 and S2 fish. Starvation also had a significant effect on the structure of the intestine.  相似文献   

Dactylogyrid species (Monogenea) communities were studied in roach, Rutilus rutilus, collected from two localities in the basin of Morava river, Czech Republic, during the period from April to November 1997 and March to September 1998 to determine the effect of water temperature on parasite abundance, species richness and diversity. Dactylogyrid species were found to co-occur on the gills of roach with up to six species found on the same host individual. Nine dactylogyrid species were identified with the abundance of each reaching a very low level. Niche size was considered to increase with species abundance even when water temperature was high. There was a strong effect of water temperature on abundance of the common dactylogyrid species (D. crucifer, D. nanus, D. rutili and D. suecicus) as well as of the rare species D. rarissimus. The temporary occurrence of the rare species was found without any temperature effect. Water temperature did not affect the relationship between abundance and niche size. Niche size increased with abundance, even when the water temperature was high, which suggests that negative interspecific interactions are not important within dactylogyrid communities.  相似文献   

Synopsis The present study tests the precision of repeat homing of roach, Rutilus rutilus, to two tributaries of a small Norwegian Lake, Årungen. A sample of 19 959 spawners was tagged or marked in the spawning area. After spawning the roach intermingled with other spawning demes in the lake. The year after marking, 2515 (12.6%) roach were recaptured during spawning in the five tributaries, 340 (13.5) of these were strayers. This straying is considerably larger than found in comparable autumn spawning species, but approximately the same as reported for other spring spawning species. The recapture rate was lower for females than for males, probably due to increased female mortality induced by the tagging manipulation.  相似文献   

Fed and starved yearling roach, Rutilus rutilus . were subjected to a sublethal copper contamination of 80 μg Cu × l−1 for 7 days. Copper accumulation was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. In both fed and starved fishes, the gill tissues showed significant uptake of copper, while the liver tissues of only starved specimens showed significant accumulation. Refeeding roach after 7 days of starvation and contamination resulted in a significant decrease of liver copper content. No copper release from the liver occurred if, after cessation of exposure, starvation was continued. Analysis of liver ultrastructure demonstrated no pathological lesions or copperspecific alterations. Cellular changes represented combined influences of nutrition and of copper. Qualitative as well as quantitative results provide evidence that the nutritional status of a fish is of great importance in modifying its response to sublethal copper contamination.  相似文献   

A reciprocal transplant of marked roach between two spatially separated (3.3 km) spawning grounds is described. The recapture rates on the'home grounds'were higher than those obtained elsewhere in the lake, which suggests that the roach exhibit a degree of fidelity to specific spawning grounds.  相似文献   

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