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As the understanding of variation is the key to a good process and product quality one should pay attention to dynamics on the single-cell level. The basic idea of this approach was to qualify and quantify variations on the single-cell level during bioreactor cultivations by monitoring the expression of an eGFP tagged target protein (human membrane protein) using fully automated real-time, flow injection flow cytometry (FI-FCM). The FI-FCM system consists of a sampling- and defoaming- as well as of a dilution-section. It allows a very short monitoring interval (5 min) and is able to dilute the reactor sample by a factor ranging up to more than 10,000.In bioreactor cultivations of recombinant Pichia pastoris expressing the eGFP tagged target protein, high correlations (R2 ≥ 0.97) between the FI-FCM fluorescent signal and other, however, population-averaged fluorescence signals (off-line fluorescence, in situ fluorescence probe) were obtained. FI-FCM is the only method able to distinguish between few cells with high fluorescence and many cells with low fluorescence intensity and proved that cells differ significantly from each other within the population during bioreactor cultivations. Single-cell fluorescence was distributed over a broad range within the cell population. These distributions strongly suggest that (a) the AOX-I promoter is leaky and (b) a fraction of the population is able to express more protein of interest within shorter time and (c) a fraction of the population does not express the fusion protein at all. These findings can help in the selection of high producing, stable strains. To show the platform-independency of the system, it has successfully been tested during bioreactor cultivations of three different strains (P. pastoris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli).Along with its applications in PAT, the FI-FCM could be used as a platform-independent (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) method in various other applications; for example in the closed-loop-control of bioprocesses using different kinds of fluorescent reporters, (waste- and drinking-) water analysis, clone selection in combination with FACS or even for surgery applications.  相似文献   

The process analytical technology (PAT) initiative is now 10 years old. This has resulted in the development of many tools and software packages dedicated to PAT application on pharmaceutical processes. However, most applications are restricted to small molecule drugs, mainly for the relatively simple process steps like drying or tableting where only a limited number of parameters need to be controlled. A big challenge for PAT still lies in applications for biopharmaceuticals and then especially in the cultivation process step, where the quality of a biopharmaceutical product is largely determined. This review gives an overview of the currently available tools for monitoring and controlling the biopharmaceutical cultivation step and of the main challenges for the most common cell platforms (i.e. Escherichia coli, yeast, and mammalian cells) used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. The real challenge is to understand how intracellular mechanisms (from synthesis to excretion) influence the quality of biopharmaceuticals and how these mechanisms can be monitored and controlled to yield the desired end product quality. Modern “omics” tools and advanced process analyzers have opened up the way for PAT applications for the biopharmaceutical cultivation process step.  相似文献   

The implementation of continuous processing in the biopharmaceutical industry is hindered by the scarcity of process analytical technologies (PAT). To monitor and control a continuous process, PAT tools will be crucial to measure real-time product quality attributes such as protein aggregation. Miniaturizing these analytical techniques can increase measurement speed and enable faster decision-making. A fluorescent dye (FD)-based miniaturized sensor has previously been developed: a zigzag microchannel which mixes two streams under 30 s. Bis-ANS and CCVJ, two established FDs, were employed in this micromixer to detect aggregation of the biopharmaceutical monoclonal antibody (mAb). Both FDs were able to robustly detect aggregation levels starting at 2.5%. However, the real-time measurement provided by the microfluidic sensor still needs to be implemented and assessed in an integrated continuous downstream process. In this work, the micromixer is implemented in a lab-scale integrated system for the purification of mAbs, established in an ÄKTA™ unit. A viral inactivation and two polishing steps were reproduced, sending a sample of the product pool after each phase directly to the microfluidic sensor for aggregate detection. An additional UV sensor was connected after the micromixer and an increase in its signal would indicate that aggregates were present in the sample. The at-line miniaturized PAT tool provides a fast aggregation measurement, under 10 min, enabling better process understanding and control.  相似文献   

Process analytical technology (PAT) is an initiative from the US FDA combining analytical and statistical tools to improve manufacturing operations and ensure regulatory compliance. This work describes the use of a continuous monitoring system for a protein refolding reaction to provide consistency in product quality and process performance across batches. A small‐scale bioreactor (3 L) is used to understand the impact of aeration for refolding recombinant human vascular endothelial growth factor (rhVEGF) in a reducing environment. A reverse‐phase HPLC assay is used to assess product quality. The goal in understanding the oxygen needs of the reaction and its impact to quality, is to make a product that is efficiently refolded to its native and active form with minimum oxidative degradation from batch to batch. Because this refolding process is heavily dependent on oxygen, the % dissolved oxygen (DO) profile is explored as a PAT tool to regulate process performance at commercial manufacturing scale. A dynamic gassing out approach using constant mass transfer (kLa) is used for scale‐up of the aeration parameters to manufacturing scale tanks (2,000 L, 15,000 L). The resulting DO profiles of the refolding reaction show similar trends across scales and these are analyzed using rpHPLC. The desired product quality attributes are then achieved through alternating air and nitrogen sparging triggered by changes in the monitored DO profile. This approach mitigates the impact of differences in equipment or feedstock components between runs, and is directly inline with the key goal of PAT to “actively manage process variability using a knowledge‐based approach.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 340–351 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research was performed to test the hypothesis that acoustic-resonance spectrometry (ARS) is able to rapidly and accurately differentiate tablets of similar size and shape. The US Food and Drug Administration frequently orders recalls of tablets because of labeling problems (eg, the wrong tablet appears in a bottle). A high-throughput, nondestructive method of online analysis and label comparison before shipping could obviate the need for recall or disposal of a batch of mislabeled drugs, thus saving a company considerable expense and preventing a major safety risk. ARS is accurate and precise as well as inexpensive and nondestructive, and the sensor, is constructed from readily available parts, suggesting utility as a process analytical technology (PAT). To test the classification ability of ARS, 5 common household tablets of similar size and shape were chosen for analysis (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, vitamin C, and vitamin B12). The measures of successful tablet identification were intertablet distances in nonparametric multidimensional standard deviations (MSDs) greater than, 3 and intratablet MSDs less than 3, as calculated from an extended bootstrap erroradjusted single sample technique. The average intertablet MSD was 65.64, while the average intratablet MSD from cross-validation was 1.91. Tablet mass (r2=0.977), thickness (r2=0.977), and density (r2=0.900) were measured very accurately from the AR spectra, each with less than 10% error. Tablets were identified correctly with only 250 ms data collection time. These results demonstrate that ARS effectively identified and characterized the 5 types of tablets and could potentially serve as a rapid high-throughput online pharmaceutical sensor. Published: March 17, 2006  相似文献   

Cell culture process development requires the screening of large numbers of cell lines and process conditions. The development of miniature bioreactor systems has increased the throughput of such studies; however, there are limitations with their use. One important constraint is the limited number of offline samples that can be taken compared to those taken for monitoring cultures in large‐scale bioreactors. The small volume of miniature bioreactor cultures (15 mL) is incompatible with the large sample volume (600 µL) required for bioanalysers routinely used. Spectroscopy technologies may be used to resolve this limitation. The purpose of this study was to compare the use of NIR, Raman, and 2D‐fluorescence to measure multiple analytes simultaneously in volumes suitable for daily monitoring of a miniature bioreactor system. A novel design‐of‐experiment approach is described that utilizes previously analyzed cell culture supernatant to assess metabolite concentrations under various conditions while providing optimal coverage of the desired design space. Multivariate data analysis techniques were used to develop predictive models. Model performance was compared to determine which technology is more suitable for this application. 2D‐fluorescence could more accurately measure ammonium concentration (RMSECV 0.031 g L?1) than Raman and NIR. Raman spectroscopy, however, was more robust at measuring lactate and glucose concentrations (RMSECV 1.11 and 0.92 g L?1, respectively) than the other two techniques. The findings suggest that Raman spectroscopy is more suited for this application than NIR and 2D‐fluorescence. The implementation of Raman spectroscopy increases at‐line measuring capabilities, enabling daily monitoring of key cell culture components within miniature bioreactor cultures. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:337–346, 2017  相似文献   

This is the third of a series of articles detailing the development of near-infrared spectroscopy methods for solid dosage form analysis. Experiments were conducted at the Duquesne University Center for Pharmaceutical Technology to develop a system for continuous calibration monitoring and formulate an appropriate strategy for calibration transfer. Indcators of high-flux noise (noise factor level) and wave-length uncertainty were developed. These measurements, in combination with Hotelling’s T2 and Q residual, are used to continuously monitor instrument performance and model relevance. Four calibration transfer techniques were compared. Three established techniques, finite impulse response filtering, generalized least squares weighting, and piecewise direct standardization were evaluated. A fourth technique, baseline subtraction, was the most effective for calibration transfer. Using as few as 15 transfer samples, predictive capability of the analytical method was maintained across multiple instruments and major instrument maintenance.  相似文献   

The dissolved oxygen concentration is a crucial parameter in aerobic bioprocesses due to the low solubility of oxygen in water. The present study describes a new method for determining the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) in shaken-culture systems based on the sodium sulfite method in combination with an electrochemical oxygen sensor. The method replaces the laborious titration of the remaining sulfite by an on-line detection of the end point of the reaction. This method is a two-step procedure that can be applied in arbitrary flasks that do not allow the insertion of electrodes. The method does not therefore depend on the type of vessel in which the OTR is detected. The concept is demonstrated by determination of the OTR for standard baffled 1-L shake flasks and for opaque Ultra Yield™ flasks. Under typical shaking conditions, kLa values in the standard baffled flasks reached values up to 220 h-1, whereas the kLa values of the Ultra Yield flasks were significantly higher (up to 422 h-1).  相似文献   

Glucose control is vital to ensure consistent growth and protein production in mammalian cell cultures. The typical fed‐batch glucose control strategy involving bolus glucose additions based on infrequent off‐line daily samples results in cells experiencing significant glucose concentration fluctuations that can influence product quality and growth. This study proposes an on‐line method to control and manipulate glucose utilizing readily available process measurements. The method generates a correlation between the cumulative oxygen transfer rate and the cumulative glucose consumed. This correlation generates an on‐line prediction of glucose that has been successfully incorporated into a control algorithm manipulating the glucose feed‐rate. This advanced process control (APC) strategy enables the glucose concentration to be maintained at an adjustable set‐point and has been found to significantly reduce the deviation in glucose concentration in comparison to conventional operation. This method has been validated to produce various therapeutic proteins across cell lines with different glucose consumption demands and is successfully demonstrated on micro (15 mL), laboratory (7 L), and pilot (50 L) scale systems. This novel APC strategy is simple to implement and offers the potential to significantly enhance the glucose control strategy for scales spanning micro‐scale systems through to full scale industrial bioreactors.  相似文献   

Implementing real‐time product quality control meets one or both of the key goals outlined in FDA's PAT guidance: “variability is managed by the process” and “product quality attributes can be accurately and reliably predicted over the design space established for materials used, process parameters, manufacturing, environmental, and other conditions.” The first part of the paper presented an overview of PAT concepts and applications in the areas of upstream and downstream processing. In this second part, we present principles and case studies to illustrate implementation of PAT for drug product manufacturing, rapid microbiology, and chemometrics. We further present our thoughts on how PAT will be applied to biotech processes going forward. The role of PAT as an enabling component of the Quality by Design framework is highlighted. Integration of PAT with the principles stated in the ICH Q8, Q9, and Q10 guidance documents is also discussed. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 105: 285–295. Published 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A study of NIR as a tool for process monitoring of thermophilic anaerobic digestion boosted by glycerol has been carried out, aiming at developing simple and robust Process Analytical Technology modalities for on-line surveillance in full scale biogas plants. Three 5 L laboratory fermenters equipped with on-line NIR sensor and special sampling stations were used as a basis for chemometric multivariate calibration. NIR characterisation using Transflexive Embedded Near Infra-Red Sensor (TENIRS) equipment integrated into an external recurrent loop on the fermentation reactors, allows for representative sampling, of the highly heterogeneous fermentation bio slurries. Glycerol is an important by-product from the increasing European bio-diesel production. Glycerol addition can boost biogas yields, if not exceeding a limiting 5-7 g L(-1) concentration inside the fermenter-further increase can cause strong imbalance in the anaerobic digestion process. A secondary objective was to evaluate the effect of addition of glycerol, in a spiking experiment which introduced increasing organic overloading as monitored by volatile fatty acids (VFA) levels. High correlation between on-line NIR determinations of glycerol and VFA contents has been documented. Chemometric regression models (PLS) between glycerol and NIR spectra needed no outlier removals and only one PLS-component was required. Test set validation resulted in excellent measures of prediction performance, precision: r(2) = 0.96 and accuracy = 1.04, slope of predicted versus reference fitting. Similar prediction statistics for acetic acid, iso-butanoic acid and total VFA proves that process NIR spectroscopy is able to quantify all pertinent levels of both volatile fatty acids and glycerol.  相似文献   

In the process analytical technology (PAT) initiative, the application of sensors technology and modeling methods is promoted. The emphasis is on Quality by Design, online monitoring, and closed-loop control with the general aim of building in product quality into manufacturing operations. As a result, online high-throughput process analyzers find increasing application and therewith high amounts of highly correlated data become available online. In this study, an hybrid chemometric/mathematical modeling method is adopted for data analysis, which is shown to be advantageous over the commonly used chemometric techniques in PAT applications. This methodology was applied to the analysis of process data of Bordetella pertussis cultivations, namely online data of near-infrared, (NIR), pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen, and off-line data of biomass, glutamate, and lactate concentrations. The hybrid model structure consisted of macroscopic material balance equations in which the specific reactions rates are modeled by nonlinear partial least square (PLS). This methodology revealed a significant higher statistical confidence in comparison to PLSs, translated in a reduction of mean squared prediction errors (e.g., individual root mean squared prediction errors calibration/validation obtained through the hybrid model for the concentrations of lactate: 0.8699/0.7190 mmol/L; glutamate: 0.6057/0.2917 mmol/L; and biomass: 0.0520/0.0283 OD; and obtained through the PLS model for the concentrations of lactate: 1.3549/1.0087 mmol/L; glutamate: 0.7628/0.3504 mmol/L; and biomass: 0.0949/0.0412 OD). Moreover, the analysis of loadings and scores in the hybrid approach revealed that process features can, as for PLS, be extracted by the hybrid method.  相似文献   

Process analytical technology (PAT) has been gaining momentum in the biotech community due to the potential for continuous real‐time quality assurance resulting in improved operational control and compliance. In this two part series, we address PAT as it applies to processes that produce biotech therapeutic products. In the first part, we address evolution of the underlying concepts and applications in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. We also present a literature review of applications in the areas of upstream and downstream processing to illustrate how implementation of PAT can help realize advanced approaches to ensuring product quality in real time. In the second part, we will explore similar applications in the areas of drug product manufacturing, rapid microbiology, and chemometrics as well as evolution of PAT in biotech processing. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 105: 276–284. Published 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Advanced control strategies are well established in chemical, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries. Over the past decade, the application of these strategies is being explored for control of bioreactors for manufacturing of biotherapeutics. Most of the industrial bioreactor control strategies apply classical control techniques, with the control system designed for the facility at hand. However, with the recent progress in sensors, machinery, and industrial internet of things, and advancements in deeper understanding of the biological processes, coupled with the requirement of flexible production, the need to develop a robust and advanced process control system that can ease process intensification has emerged. This has further fuelled the development of advanced monitoring approaches, modeling techniques, process analytical technologies, and soft sensors. It is seen that proper application of these concepts can significantly improve bioreactor process performance, productivity, and reproducibility. This review is on the recent advancements in bioreactor control and its related aspects along with the associated challenges. This study also offers an insight into the future prospects for development of control strategies that can be designed for industrial-scale production of biotherapeutic products.  相似文献   

The biopharmaceutical industry is moving toward a more quality by design (QbD) approach that seeks to increase product and process understanding and process control. Miniature bioreactor systems offer a high-throughput method enabling the assessment of numerous process variables in a controlled environment. However, the number of off/at-line samples that can be taken is restricted due to the small working volume of each vessel. This limitation may be resolved through the use of Raman spectroscopy due to its ability to obtain multianalyte data from small sample volumes fast. It can, however, be challenging to implement this technique for this application due to the complexity of the sample matrix and that analytes are often present in low concentration. Here, we present a design of experiments (DOE) approach to generate samples for calibrating robust multivariate predictive models measuring glucose, lactate, ammonium, viable cell concentration (VCC) and product concentration, for unclarified cell culture that improves the daily monitoring of each miniature bioreactor vessel. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the output of the glucose and VCC models can be used to control the glucose and main nutrient feed rate within miniature bioreactor cultures to within qualified critical limits set for larger scale vessels. The DOE approach used to generate the calibration sample set is shown to result in models more robust to process changes than by simply using samples taken from the “typical” process. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2740, 2019.  相似文献   

Ejector loop reactors (ELR) are successfully used in industrial chemical processes for gas/liquid reactions. They achieve higher mass transfer rates compared to the stirred‐tank reactor (STR) at comparable specific power input. Insufficient oxygen transport and shear stress induced growth inhibition are limiting parameters during microbial fermentation. Due to its better mass transfer characteristics, the ELR was expected to have beneficial effects on biomass and recombinant protein production. One concern, however, was whether the ELR's shear stress characteristics would have a negative effect. This study evaluated the suitability of using the Buss‐Loop® Reactor (BLR), one of the most advanced ELR technologies, as a bioreactor. The well‐studied STR was used as a reference. A lab scale BLR was adapted for microbial fermentation. Mass transfer rates and specific power inputs were within the same order of magnitude in the ELR and the reference STR. Maximum values of 207 and 205 h?1 at power inputs of 6.9 and 9.7 W/L were measured in the ELR and STR, respectively. During batch fermentation of Escherichia coli K12 MG1655, maximum cell densities were higher in the ELR (OD600 of 22) than in the STR (OD600 of 18). Green fluorescence protein (GFP) production with pGS1 was comparable; however, more GFP was released into the media in the ELR. This indicates higher cell disruption compared to the STR. Despite this drawback of the first prototype, our work clearly demonstrates the potential of the ELR as a system for microbial fermentations.  相似文献   

Copper ranks among the most important metal ions in living organism, owing to its key catalytic effect in a range of biochemical processes. Dysregulation of in vivo copper(I) metabolism is extremely toxic and would cause serious diseases in human, such as Wilson’s and Menkes. Thus, it would be highly valuable to have a proper approach to monitor the dynamics of copper(I) in vivo, as it is directly related to the onset of human copper(I)-related diseases. Under these circumstance, developing fluorescent protein based copper(I) sensors is highly demanded. However, these established sensors are mostly based on green or yellow FPs. Fluorescent copper(I) sensors with a spectra in the red range are more desirable due to lower phototoxicity, less auto-fluorescent noise and better penetration of red light. In the present work, we grafted a special red FP into three different location of a copper(I) binding protein, and generate a series of red fluorescent copper(I) sensors. Despite their limited in vivo sensitivity toward copper(I), these sensors are viable for cellular copper(I) imaging. Furthermore, these red fluorescent copper(I) sensors are a good starting point to develop superior copper(I) biosensors capable of imaging copper(I) fluctuations within a truly biologically relevant concentration, and further effort to realize this endeavor is under way.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in proteasome inhibitors as a novel class of anticancer drugs. We report that fenbendazole (FZ) (methyl N-(6-phenylsulfanyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)carbamate) exhibits a potent growth-inhibitory activity against cancer cell lines but not normal cells. We show here, using fluorogenic substrates, that FZ treatment leads to the inhibition of proteasomal activity in the cells. Succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-methylcoumarinamide (MCA), benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-Leu-Glu-7-amido-4-MCA, and t-butoxycarbonyl-Gln-Ala-Arg-7-amido-4-MCA fluorescent derivatives were used to assess chymotrypsin-like, post-glutamyl peptidyl-hydrolyzing, and trypsin-like protease activities, respectively. Non-small cell lung cancer cells transiently transfected with an expression plasmid encoding pd1EGFP and treated with FZ showed an accumulation of the green fluorescent protein in the cells due to an increase in its half-life. A number of apoptosis regulatory proteins that are normally degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway like cyclins, p53, and IκBα were found to be accumulated in FZ-treated cells. In addition, FZ induced distinct ER stress-associated genes like GRP78, GADD153, ATF3, IRE1α, and NOXA in these cells. Thus, treatment of human NSCLC cells with fenbendazole induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, reactive oxygen species production, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, and cytochrome c release that eventually led to cancer cell death. This is the first report to demonstrate the inhibition of proteasome function and induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress/reactive oxygen species-dependent apoptosis in human lung cancer cell lines by fenbendazole, which may represent a new class of anticancer agents showing selective toxicity against cancer cells.  相似文献   

Intensified and continuous processes require fast and robust methods and technologies to monitor product titer for faster analytical turnaround time, process monitoring, and process control. The current titer measurements are mostly offline chromatography-based methods which may take hours or even days to get the results back from the analytical labs. Thus, offline methods will not meet the requirement of real time titer measurements for continuous production and capture processes. FTIR and chemometric based multivariate modeling are promising tools for real time titer monitoring in clarified bulk (CB) harvests and perfusate lines. However, empirical models are known to be vulnerable to unseen variability, specifically a FTIR chemometric titer model trained on a given biological molecule and process conditions often fails to provide accurate predictions of titer in another molecule under different process conditions. In this study, we developed an adaptive modeling strategy: the model was initially built using a calibration set of available perfusate and CB samples and then updated by augmenting spiking samples of the new molecules to the calibration set to make the model robust against perfusate or CB harvest of the new molecule. This strategy substantially improved the model performance and significantly reduced the modeling effort for new molecules.  相似文献   

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