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惊飞距离(FID)是指捕食者(包括人类)接近目标个体并导致其逃避时,捕食者与目标个体之间的距离。惊飞距离能很好地衡量动物个体在特定环境下的恐惧反应和风险权衡,是研究动物逃避行为的常用指标,并为物种保护提供科学依据。鸟类是研究逃避行为的理想对象,本文综述了影响鸟类惊飞距离的各种因素,可分为3类:栖息地因素(距隐蔽处的距离和生境开阔度等)、鸟类自身因素(生活史、体型和群体大小等)以及与捕食者相关的因素(捕食者的接近方向和速度等)。城市化也会影响鸟类的惊飞距离,导致城市中的鸟类通常比乡村生境的同种鸟类拥有更短的惊飞距离。习惯化、适应和生境选择是解释惊飞距离城乡差异的3种假说。研究鸟类的惊飞距离及其影响因素,有助于理解鸟类的逃避行为及其风险权衡机制,为物种保护中设立合理的缓冲区域及制定有效的保护管理措施提供科学依据。目前国内有关鸟类惊飞距离的研究多为行为观察和单一因素的影响,有待从不同因素的交互作用角度探讨鸟类的逃避行为并用于物种保护。  相似文献   

逃逸是鸟类常用的反捕食手段。自然选择会优化鸟类的逃逸距离,以便在躲避被捕食风险和保持能量之间做出权衡。理论模型预测动物个体可依据期望寿命来调整自身的行为:期望寿命短的个体倾向于风险偏好,即逃逸距离短;而期望寿命长的个体倾向于风险回避,即逃逸距离长。同时,逃逸距离还受到外部因素(如人为干扰强度、鸟类群体大小)的影响。本研究在北京城区收集了麻雀(Passer montanus)145只成鸟和75只幼鸟的逃逸距离数据,发现麻雀成鸟比幼鸟有着更长的逃逸距离,且成鸟更可能是群体中首先逃逸的个体。此外,研究发现麻雀的逃逸距离随着人为干扰强度的增加而降低,随着群体大小增加而增加。本研究结果符合理论预期:存活率高的类群(成鸟)有着更长的逃逸距离。  相似文献   

邓文洪  高玮 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2804-2810
边缘效应对动物的分布及行为会产生一定的影响,在鸟类生态学研究中已证实某些鸟类在森林内部和森林边缘区域存在着物种丰富度和个体多度的差异。于1999至2001年的春夏季,在吉林省左家自然保护区对阔叶林/农田边缘、阔叶林/灌丛边缘及阔叶林/针叶林边缘3种不同类型边缘地带的鸟类物种丰富度及个体多度进行了比较研究。结果表明,不同年间鸟类物种丰富度无显著变化,但个体多度存在着一定的波动。不同类型森林边缘的鸟类物种丰富度存在着一定的差异,阔叶林/灌丛边缘的鸟类物种丰富度最高,而阔叶林/针叶林边缘的鸟类物种丰富度最低。鸟类个体多度的总体趋势在3种不同类型的边缘差异不显著,但存在种间差异,灰椋鸟、灰头啄木鸟和喜鹊在阔叶林/农田边缘的个体多度最高,斑啄木鸟、黄胸、三道眉草和日本树莺在阔叶林/灌丛边缘的个体多度最高,而沼泽山雀、冕柳莺和山在阔叶林/针叶林边缘的个体多度最高。  相似文献   

2005-2006年的1月、4月、7月和10月,利用样带法对广州市新垦红树林湿地和周边农田进行鸟类物种多样性研究。利用Shannon-Wiener指数分析了生境类型的鸟类群落种数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数等特征。结果表明,新垦红树林湿地1月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地2倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地9倍;红树林湿地4月和7月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地1.5倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地4倍;红树林湿地10月鸟类种数高于周边农田湿地1.5倍,鸟类群落个体数量高于农田湿地6.8倍;新垦红树林湿地和周边农田湿地鸟类物种多样性表现出明显的季节性变化。  相似文献   

本研究通过社会网络分析网捕环志的数据,来调查河南董寨国家级自然保护区的鸟类物种多样性以及鸟类物种的集群特征。在2021年10月连续5.5 d的网捕环志中,总共环志12科33种鸟类,其中环志最多的鸟类物种为棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)、红胁绣眼鸟(Zosterops erythropleurus)和强脚树莺(Horornis fortipes)。33个物种中树栖食虫鸟类最多,共12个物种,其次是地表食虫鸟类(共8个物种)和杂食鸟类(共6个物种);留鸟17种和迁徙鸟类16种。通过社会网络分析,发现种群数量多的物种处于社会拓扑网络的中心位置,而且相同食性生态位的物种连结强度很高,如树栖食虫鸟类。结果表明,物种种群数量、食性生态位对鸟类物种社会网络关系的影响较大,而物种迁徙特征对鸟类物种社会网络关系则几乎没有影响。本文在国内尝试了采用社会网络分析来调查当地鸟类物种群落的多样性,并揭示了鸟类多物种集群的关键驱动因子。对比传统的鸟类群落调查方法,多物种社会网络分析可获取该集群的时空分布以及物种之间的相互联系。由于社会网络分析可以分析和研究不同生物水平包括个体、种群、物种等的社会行为,从而使之成为近年来很多生物研究领域的常用和热点工具。  相似文献   

曾晨  刘阳 《生物多样性》2022,30(11):22219-161
长期以来, 学者普遍认为大多数鸟类的嗅觉能力较弱或丧失。早期实验未能得到统一而清晰的结果, 进一步扩大了这一认知误区。随着研究手段和技术的发展, 解剖学、电生理学、分子生物学和行为生态学等学科提供了鸟类嗅觉存在的证据。目前, 相关研究在鸟类14目33科中发现了嗅觉通讯的证据。与视觉和听觉一样, 这一感觉通路可能在鸟类的觅食、导航、防御、隐蔽、警戒和交流等社会行为中发挥着重要作用。本文着重于嗅觉通讯在鸟类社会行为中的功能, 通过回顾近十年的相关研究, 综述鸟类嗅觉在物种和个体识别、繁殖行为、亲缘识别、配偶选择与竞争等方面发挥的作用。我们也指出: 研究手段的创新将揭示更多鸟类物种在社会行为中对于嗅觉通讯的运用。此外, 当前研究多聚焦于少数物种和单一层面(如生理、生态和环境等), 使用分子生物学、解剖与生理学、行为学和神经生物学手段的整合研究较为缺乏; 而后者更有可能全面地揭示鸟类嗅觉通讯的复杂机理及其在社会行为中发挥的多种功能。  相似文献   

陕西省黄河湿地冬季鸟类群落初步研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
1998~2008年,采用直接计数法对陕西省黄河湿地冬季鸟类群落组成、鸟类物种多样性及数量变化进行了调查.在预先设置的5条调查样带中共记录到鸟类14目33科117种.观察结果表明,该地区鸟类多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为4.497和0.654.栖息地可分为人工渔塘、芦苇沼泽、滩涂湿地、农田和人工林5种类型.这些生境中鸟类组成及物种多样性差异均较大,其鸟类多样性指数分别为2.826、3.571、3.202、1.205、2.496,以芦苇沼泽中的鸟类多样性指数最高,滩涂湿地中鸟类数量最多,农田中鸟类优势度最高.通过对该地区鸟类群落组成及多样性分析研究以及黄河湿地冬季鸟类栖息地现状评价,为湿地鸟类资源的保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

暂时与群体分离的个体藏马鸡的反捕食警戒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢欣 《动物学报》2004,50(1):32-36
通过与同伴分担捕食风险 ,生活在稳定群体中的个体动物可以获得长期的适合度利益 ,但同时它们不得不承担食物竞争所带来的潜在代价。这种代价常常取决于食物资源的类型。当好的食物资源出现时 ,一些个体可以离开群体而独享这种资源。了解这些临时游离者如何组织其反捕食行为 ,在进化生态学上是有意义的。藏马鸡 (Crossoptilonharmani)是西藏雅鲁藏布江中游高山灌丛植被的一种典型的非繁殖季节集群鸟类。野外观察表明 ,为了独享好的食物资源 ,一些个体常常远离当前群体的活动范围。分离事件更可能发生于大的群体 ,但其发生率与参与者的数量呈负相关 ;而参与分离的个体愈多 ,分离持续的时间就愈长。分离者的个体警惕水平随着临时群体大小的增加而下降 ,遵从在其它自然大小鸟类群体所发现的一般性规律。分离行为的发生和持续时间被认为是个体对当前食物回报和捕食风险进行权衡的结果。这种利益 -代价权衡也可以解释藏马鸡所具有的强烈集群行为  相似文献   

西双版纳部分地区鸟类多样性初步考察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
1992年12月,1993年11月及1994年4~5月,对西双版纳自然保护区内外的数个工作点进行了鸟类物种多样性的调查,共记录鸟类190种。分析表明雀形目鸟类物种多样性状态尚佳,而非雀形目鸟类类群(科种)多样性及物种多样性状态均恶化趋势,保护区内鸟类物种多样性状态明显较好,傣族墓葬地之龙山因依傍村落,农田及其他多种生境而具有相当丰富的鸟类物种多样性,是保护鸟类物种多样性不可忽视的一个方面,研究表明  相似文献   

世界范围急剧的城市化进程所带来的生态问题,尤其是城市化对鸟类的影响引起了生态学家越来越多的关注。关注点从最初的群落水平,逐渐向种群水平和个体水平深入。在群落水平上,现有的研究展示了城市化对鸟类群落组成、物种的丰富度、多度、生物量和多样性等多方面存在的不同程度的影响;而物种水平的研究探讨了城市化影响鸟类群落格局的内在原因:不同的鸟类物种对城市化具有不同的反应;而个体水平的研究,更是进一步从鸟类行为、生活史特征等方面揭示城市化压力和鸟类的适应对策。大量的证据说明,城市化所带来的土地使用的改变、人为干扰、热岛效应、食物资源改变、巢捕食、夜间灯光等,不同程度地对城市鸟类产生了影响。  相似文献   

The extension of road networks is considered one of the major factors affecting fauna survival. Roadkill has been documented widely and affects all taxonomic groups. Although roadkill is associated mainly with traffic density, some life-history traits of species and the area surrounding roads are expected to modify number of roadkills both taxonomically and geographically. Here we studied the number of roadkills of vertebrates in an extensive region in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. We surveyed 820?km of 41 roads in two different seasons (spring and autumn), that differ in traffic intensity. In addition, we covered zones with distinct climatic characteristics and levels of protection of the surrounding habitats. Amphibians showed the highest number of roadkills whereas reptiles, birds and mammals had similar rates. General Linear Model tests showed no differences in roadkills by climatic region; however, differences in number of roadkills were linked to protection status, with the highest number of casualties in highly protected areas. Redundancy Analysis demonstrated that the number of amphibians and reptiles killed was associated with roads in highly protected areas whereas that of mammals and birds was linked to unprotected areas. Protected areas often receive many visitors, which in turn may increase wildlife casualties as a result of greater traffic density. We recommend that correction measures be taken to reduce the high number of vertebrate fauna killed along roads that cross protected areas.  相似文献   

Roads as barriers to animal movement in fragmented landscapes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Roads can act as barriers to animal movement through mortality during crossing attempts or behavioral avoidance. This barrier effect has negative demographic and genetic consequences that can ultimately result in local or regional extinction. Here we use radio-telemetry data on three terrestrial vertebrates (eastern massasauga Sistrurus catenatus , eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina and ornate box turtle Terrapene ornata ) to test whether roads acted as barriers to movement. Specifically, we test whether individuals avoided crossing roads by comparing the number of observed crossings with the number of road crossings predicted by randomizations of individual movement paths. All species crossed roads significantly less often than predicted by chance, indicating strong road avoidance. Results of this study showing behavioral avoidance and previous studies on road mortality indicate that roads are strong barriers to these species. High mortality during crossing attempts would select for road avoidance, reducing the number of individuals killed on roads over time but leading to genetically partitioned subpopulations due to a lack of gene flow. In species that are long-lived and late-maturing, negative genetic effects might not be observable over short time-scales, thus placing populations at high risk of extinction because of a failure to detect an incrementally worsening problem. Formulating successful management strategies for many species in decline will require integrating data on road mortality, animal behavior and population genetics in order to understand more clearly the barrier effect of roads.  相似文献   

We assessed the magnitude, composition, and spatial and temporal patterns of road mortality of native vertebrates on two highways in southern Brazil from 18 January 2003 to 26 January 2004. The highways cross remnants of the Atlantic Rainforest, a global biodiversity hotspot, and differ in vehicle traffic and surrounding landscape. We compared the road-kill magnitude and composition of birds, mammals, and reptiles between roads and seasons. We used a modified K statistic to depict the spatial patterns of roadkills of these groups and tested the association between vehicle traffic and road mortality through linear regression. We recorded 869 kills of 92 species. The two roads differed regarding the abundance and composition of roadkills. Reptile road mortality was higher in summer than winter, but all other groups did not show significant difference in the magnitude of mortality between seasons. The composition of killed assemblages differed significantly for some of the taxonomic groups among seasons. We found only one positive association between roadkills and vehicle traffic (reptiles on one of the roads), suggesting that vehicle flow does not explain the road-kill temporal variation on these roads. Total vertebrate, bird, and mammal roadkills showed significant spatial aggregations possibly due to variation in vehicle traffic, highway design, and local landscape condition and arrangement. With expected expansion of the road network, mitigation measures for multi-species assemblages should include habitat protection, soil use regulation, road crossing structures, speed reducers, and campaigns to raise people’s awareness about road impacts on wildlife.  相似文献   

Several conceptual models describing patterns of prey selection by predators have been proposed, but such models rarely have been tested empirically, particularly with terrestrial carnivores. We examined patterns of prey selection by sympatric wolves ( Canis lupus ) and cougars ( Puma concolor ) to determine i) if both predators selected disadvantaged prey disproportionately from the prey population, and ii) if the specific nature and intensity of prey selection differed according to disparity in hunting behavior between predator species. We documented prey characteristics and kill site attributes of predator kills during winters 1999–2001 in Idaho, and located 120 wolf-killed and 98 cougar-killed ungulates on our study site. Elk ( Cervus elephus ) were the primary prey for both predators, followed by mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ). Both predators preyed disproportionately on elk calves and old individuals; among mule deer, wolves appeared to select for fawns, whereas cougars killed primarily adults. Nutritional status of prey, as determined by percent femur marrow fat, was consistently poorer in wolf-killed prey. We found that wolf kills occurred in habitat that was more reflective of the entire study area than cougar kills, suggesting that the coursing hunting behavior of wolves likely operated on a larger spatial scale than did the ambush hunting strategy of cougars. We concluded that the disparity in prey selection and hunting habitat between predators probably was a function of predator-specific hunting behavior and capture success, where the longer prey chases and lower capture success of wolf packs mandated a stronger selection for disadvantaged prey. For cougars, prey selection seemed to be limited primarily by prey size, which could be a function of the solitary hunting behavior of this species and the risks associated with capturing prime-aged prey.  相似文献   

National parks are an important tool for conserving biodiversity, particularly in areas of high biodiversity and endemism such as the tropical Andes. However, national parks often face a variety of stressors related to recreation, road construction and illegal extraction of natural resources. Unfortunately, the influence of these stressors for biodiversity is rarely well documented. Cajas National Park in Ecuador is no exception. Despite being traversed by the Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal road, effects of the road construction on biodiversity have not been determined. We therefore assessed the influence of road proximity on bird species richness and abundance as well as composition of bird habitat groups in Cajas National Park using transect walks at 25 m and 250 m distance to the road (overall 18 transects, each 1 km length). In total, we recorded 1110 individuals of 28 páramo bird species. Overall species richness did not differ between transects near and far from the road. Nevertheless, the average abundance of shrubby páramo species was significantly higher far from the road than near the road (Far = 36, Near = 25). Moreover, we found a tendency towards differences in the composition of bird habitat groups between transects near and far from the road. One aspect potentially driving the observed patterns was the increasing proportion of planted non-native woody tree species within páramo grassland near the road, which may have caused reduced abundances of shrubby páramo bird species there. While roads represented a clear impact on the composition of bird species in the páramo, the major effect seems to be driven by the introduction of non-native plant species along the roadside. In order to reduce the impact of roads to a minimum, we suggest that park managers should control the introduction of such plant species.  相似文献   

Roads are responsible for different negative effects on wildlife, including the isolation of populations and the direct reduction of biodiversity. Millions of animals are killed in traffic every year. Despite that, the influence of animal behaviour on the probability of animal-vehicle collisions has been overlooked by the literature. The blue-black grassquit (Volatinia jacarina) is a small, migratory, dichromatic species. During the breeding period, males vigorously defend small, clustered territories. Here, we investigated how the number of roadkills varied spatially and temporally in relation to the breeding activity, density, and sex of grassquits. We demonstrated that the variation in the movement dynamics and reproductive behaviour of the grassquits are associated with a great number of casualties. Road mortality is higher during the breeding period but is not associated with juvenile dispersion. As expected, males have a higher probability of being road-killed than females, suggesting that territory defence and mate searching may increase the risk of mortality. On the other hand, the clustering of individuals may not increase the risk of road fatalities, suggesting that other environmental attributes may influence the probability of being killed on roads.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, roads are the most common causes of forest fragmentation. We know roads can affect wildlife, but understand little the extent to which these effects depend on road type and use. We compared the effects of several road types upon a diverse, carrion frequenting beetle assemblage in rural New York State. We found no consistent effects of distance from road on the diversity, abundance or species density of beetles across road types. However, forests near highways and two-lane paved roads were significantly less diverse than were forests near dirt roads. The reduced diversity of beetles near roads was at least in part due to lower species turnover in space near dirt roads than near either type of paved roads. Our data suggest that all roads are not created equal and that comparably sized minimum-use paved roads have a substantially greater affect on fauna than dirt roads. Highways and two-lane paved roads appear to depress biodiversity even among relatively vagile animals like beetles.  相似文献   

Brown hare populations (Lepus europaeus) are in decline throughout Europe since the 1960s, and numerous impact factors have been discussed in the literature. Although landscape fragmentation by roads is assumed to be one potential factor, the effects of roads on brown hare populations are poorly understood. We studied three potential effects of roads on brown hares asking: (1) Do roads affect the spatial distribution of hares due to disturbance effects? (2) Does road network density affect hare abundance due to barrier effects? (3) Does road network density affect road mortality rates in hare populations? The study is based on harvest statistics and spotlight taxations in Canton Aargau, Switzerland and was conducted at three different spatial scales. Spatial distribution was studied in plots established in varying distances parallel to roads, effects on abundance were analysed on the basis of raster grids, and road mortality was studied on the level of hunting districts. We show that (1) hares avoid the proximity to roads and prefer large non-fragmented areas over small isolated patches. (2) The density of freeways, federal and main roads has a negative effect on hare abundance. The density of unpaved field tracks has a positive effect probably because vegetation at field tracks contributes to the diet spectrum. (3) Effects of road network density on road mortality rates could not be shown, although road mortality has increased since the 1990s. We conclude that in debilitated populations, roads act as threatening factor for brown hare. We recommend establishing large un-dissected areas as a new category of wildlife refuge and to protect these areas from being further fragmented.  相似文献   

The increasing development of road infrastructure considerably contributes to bear habitat fragmentation. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between brown bear movements and secondary roads. The 1463-km2 study area in the north-central Slovakia was defined by the composite home ranges (minimum convex polygon (MCP) 100%) of 21 bears studied by GPS telemetry from 2008 to 2016. Additionally, we used the data of 35 bears struck by cars and trucks across all of Slovakia during 2007–2015. We found that a traffic volume exceeding 5000 vehicles per 24 h completely restricted the movement of bears. Bears were more likely to cross during periods of low- rather than high-traffic volumes, and crossings occurred primarily at night. Males were able to cross roads with annual average daily traffic up to 5000 vehicles per 24 h, whereas females were only able to cross roads with less than 4000 vehicles per 24 h. Bears, regardless of age and gender, crossed roads more frequently during hyperphagia (August to November) than during the mating season (April to July). This was additionally confirmed by the comparison of annual patterns of crossings and road kills, which both peaked in August. The movement of these bears across roads was particularly motivated by the search for attractive crops in fields. Road crossings and road kills mainly occurred around midnight. Understanding the temporal and spatial use of roads by brown bears should provide valuable information for land use planners to effectively minimise the negative impacts of roads on bears.  相似文献   

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