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In experiments on CBA and BALB/c male mice (3 months of age) and F1(CBA X C57BL/6) hybrids (at the age of 3, 12, and 24 months) a difference was noted in the radiosensitivity of spermatogenic epithelium stem cells displayed by the changes in their colony-forming ability in testicular tubules 42 days following local 60Co-gamma-irradiation. The older the hybrid mice the smaller was the number of spermatogenic epithelium stem cells.  相似文献   

The variable effect of excessive vitamin A intake on alimentary cholesterolemia was investigated in cockerels of strains of White Leghorns and New Hampshires. With the New Hampshire cockerels, the feeding of 0.5% of dietary cholesterol resulted in greater cholesterolemia when the diet contained 1700 I.U. of vitamin A per kilogram than when it contained 22000 I.U. of vitamin A per kilogram. With the White Leghorn cockerels, on the other hand, cholesterolemia was enhanced with the higher level of dietary vitamin A. Absorption of a single oral dose of cholesterol was increased in birds of both breeds when vitamin A had been given previously by injection. In the White Leghorn cockerels the percentage of newly absorbed cholesterol in the hepatic pool was reduced by vitamin A administration, whereas in the New Hampshire cockerels the percentage was increased. It was concluded that excess vitamin A may have divergent effects on alimentary cholesterolemia in chickens of different genetic backgrounds as a result of opposite effects on the liver-blood ratio of a large load of cholesterol.  相似文献   

ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins are organizers of apical actin cortical layer in general. We previously reported that the knockout of radixin resulted in Rdx(-/-) mice with displacement/loss of the canalicular transporter Mrp2, giving rise to Dubin-Johnson syndrome-like conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in the mixed genetic background (C57BL/6-129/Sv) (Kikuchi, et al. (2002) Nature Genetics 31, 320-325). However, when these mice were kept under mixed genetic background for years (late mixed backgrounds; LMB), the conjugated hyperbilirubinemia gradually became inconspicuous, while evidence of liver injury increased. We examined the effect of genetic background by backcrossing LMB Rdx(-/-) mice to C57BL/6 and 129/Sv wild type mice with the result that the Rdx(-/-) congenic mice regained hyperbilirubinemia with reduced hepatocellular damage. As revealed by immunofluorescence and western blots, the localization/expression of apical transporters, Mrp2, CD26, P-gps, and Bsep were not influenced by backcrossing, though those of a basolateral transporter, Mrp3, were strikingly increased by backcrossing.  相似文献   

Mice, 7–8-mo old, of the C57BL/KsJ-db strain and homozygotic for the mutant gene db, exhibited marked hyperglycemia and moderately elevated serum insulin levels. Light and electron microscopy provided evidence of a slightly decreased proportion of β cells in the pancreatic islets, irregular islet architecture with intraislet ducts, and degenerative as well as hypertrophic changes in the individual β cells. As a rule, islets microdissected from these mice did not release insulin in response to glucose, theophylline, iodoacetamide, or chloromercuribenzene-p-sulphonic acid. The absence of secretory responses was not simply due to lack of insulin. Although the islet content of insulin was decreased in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice, the remaining amount was severalfold larger than that released from stimulated islets of normal controls. Another mutation, db2J, an allele of db with identical phenotypic expressions in the C57BL/KsJ strain, was studied on the genetic background C57BL/6J. In contrast to the severely diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db/db animals, the C57BL/6J-db2J/db2J mice were characterized by highly elevated serum insulin levels and only moderate hyperglycemia. Their endocrine pancreas was enlarged and showed an increased proportion of β cells. Like the islets of normal mice, those of C57BL/6J-db2J/db2J mice responded to glucose and chloromercuribenzene-p-sulphonic acid, the glucose-induced responses being potentiated by theophylline or iodoacetamide. C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice should provide a valuable model for studying defects in insulin secretion in relation to diabetes mellitus. Mice of the C57BL/6J strain offer a control material that may help to elucidate the dependence of the insulin secretory defect on the background genome.  相似文献   

Antibody prevalence studies in laboratory mice indicate that murine norovirus (MNV) infections are common, but the natural history of these viruses has not been fully established. This study examined the extent of genetic diversity of murine noroviruses isolated from healthy laboratory mice housed in multiple animal facilities within a single, large research institute- the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIAID-NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S. Ten distinct murine norovirus strains were isolated from various tissues and feces of asymptomatic wild type sentinel mice as well as asymptomatic immunodeficient (RAG 2(-/-)) mice. The NIH MNV isolates showed little cytopathic effect in permissive RAW264.7 cells in early passages, but all isolates examined could be adapted to efficient growth in cell culture by serial passage. The viruses, although closely related in genome sequence, were distinguishable from each other according to facility location, likely due to the introduction of new viruses into each facility from separate sources or vendors at different times. Our study indicates that the murine noroviruses are widespread in these animal facilities, despite rigorous guidelines for animal care and maintenance.  相似文献   

The unit chains of amylopectin are organized into clusters. In this study, the cluster structure was analysed in detail in four different genotypes of barley, of which two possessed the amo1 genetic background. Amylose content of the barley starches differed from 0 to 32.6%. Isolated amylopectin was hydrolysed with α-amylase from Bacillus subtilis into domains, defined as groups of clusters, which were size-fractionated by methanol. The domain fractions were further treated with α-amylase to release single clusters. Amylopectin, domains and clusters were subsequently treated with phosphorylase and β-amylase to produce φ,β-limit dextrins and the detailed internal structures of these different structure levels were investigated. Analysis was performed with gel-permeation and anion-exchange chromatography. Equal amount of A-chains were detected in all barleys, but the distribution of B-chains differed. At least two types of domain structures were identified in all four barley varieties. Large domains were built up by large clusters and small domains by small clusters. In all four barley samples the number of long chains was small suggesting that shorter chains with a degree of polymerization of 25-35 also are involved in the interconnection of clusters. The cluster structure of the amylopectin correlated with the genetic background. The two barley samples with amo1 genetic background possessed a more dense structure. Internal chain lengths in these two barleys were shorter resulting in larger domains built up by larger clusters.  相似文献   

Campylobacter coli VC167 has been shown to undergo a reversible flagellar antigenic variation between antigenic type 1 (T1) and antigenic type 2 (T2). VC167 contains two flagellin genes, and the products of both genes are incorporated into a complex flagellar filament in both antigenic types. Although there are only minor amino acid changes in the flagellins expressed by T1 and T2 cells, the two antigenic types of flagellins can be distinguished by differences in apparent M(r) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and by immunoreactivity with T1-specific (LAH1) or T2-specific (LAH2) antiserum. The isolation of stable variants of T1 and T2 has allowed for the transfer via natural transformation of the flagellin structural genes from the T1 background into the T2 background and from the T2 background into the T1 background. In addition, the flagellin genes from VC167 T1 and T2 have been transferred into strains of Campylobacter jejuni. The results indicate that the observed antigenic variations of VC167 flagellins are dependent on the host genetic background and independent of the primary amino acid sequence. These data provide evidence that posttranslational modifications are responsible for the antigenic variation seen in VC167 flagellins.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms in the triggering of thymus-independent lymphocytes (B cells) for development into antibody-forming cells (AFC), genesis of IgM AFC elicited polyclonally by nonspecific stimulation with B-cell mitogen, such as nystatin and bacterial lipopolysaccharide, was compared with that of IgM AFC specifically elicited by antigenic stimulation, using mouse spleen cell cultures as an experimental system and sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) as a test antigen. Considering that differentiation and proliferation are necessary cellular events for precursor B cells to develop into AFC, the effect of different antimetabolic agents on the generation of each type of AFC in spleen cell cultures was examined. The generation of anti-SRBC IgM hemolysin plaque-forming cells (PFC) in B-cell mitogen-stimulated spleen cell cultures was found to be less susceptible to X-irradiation or mitomycin C than that in the SRBC-stimulated cultures. These apparently paradoxical results were affiirmed using colcemid as an inhibitor of cell mitosis and hydroxyurea (HU) as an inhibitor of cellular DNA synthesis. Thus, when spleen cell cultures responding to either SRBC or B-cell mitogen were exposed to colcemid or HU during a period from 2 days to 3 days after the stimulation, the exponential generation of anti-SRBC IgM PFC in the cultures responding to SRBC was completely halted, whereas that in the cultures responding to B-cell mitogen was not. Furthermore, N6, O2′ -dibutyryl adenosine 3′, 5′ -cyclic monophosphoric acid was found to halt the exponential generation of antigen-induced anti-SRBC IgM PFC but not that of the B-cell mitogen-induced anti-SRBC IgM PFC. From these results it was suggested that B-cell mitogen might stimulate precursor Bμ cells at a late stage in the differentiative pathway to develop into AFC without cell division, and that antigenic stimulation might stimulate relatively primitive precursor Bμ cells to proliferate and then differentiate into AFC. Based on this idea, mechanisms in the triggering of B-cell activation are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of a phenotype plays a critical role in determining phenotypic evolution through its effects on patterns of genetic variation. Genetic architecture is often considered to be constant in evolutionary quantitative genetic models. However, genetic architecture may be variable and itself evolve when there are dominance and epistatic interactions among alleles at the same and different loci, respectively. The evolution of genetic architecture by genetic drift is examined here by testing the breeding value of four standard inbred mouse strains mated across a set of 26 related recombinant quasi-inbred (RqI) lines generated from the intercross of the Large (LG/J) and Small (SM/J) inbred mouse strains. Phenotypes of interest include age-specific body weights, growth, and adult body composition. If the genetic architecture of these traits has differentiated by genetic drift during the production of the RqI strains, we should observe interactions between tester strain and RqI strain. The breeding values of the tester strains will change relative to one another depending on which RqI strain they are crossed to. The study included an average of 15.1 offspring per cross, over a total of 100 different crosses. Multivariate and univariate analyses of variance indicate that there is strongly significant interaction for all traits. Interaction is more pronounced in males than in females and accounted for an average of about 40% of the explained variation in males and 30% in females. These results indicate that the genetic architecture of these traits has differentiated by genetic drift in the RqI strains since their isolation from a common founder population. Further analysis indicates that this differentiation results in changes in the order of tester strain effects so that common patterns of selection in these differentiated populations could result in the fixation of different alleles.  相似文献   

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