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Protease roles in cancer progression have been demonstrated and their inhibitors display antitumor effects. Cathepsins are lysosomal cysteine proteases that have increased expression in tumor cells, and tellurium compounds were described as potent cysteine protease inhibitors and also assayed in several animal models. In this work, the two enantiomeric forms of 1-[Butyl(dichloro)-λ4-tellanyl]-2-[1S-methoxyethyl]benzene (organotelluranes RF-13R and RF-13S) were evaluated as inhibitors of cathepsins B and L, showing significant enantiodiscrimination. We observed their cytotoxic effects on a murine melanoma model, effectively inhibiting tumor progression in vivo. The enantiomers were able to inhibit melanoma cell viability, migration and invasion in vitro. Besides, RF-13S and RF-13R were able to inhibit endothelial cell angiogenesis using a tube formation assay in vitro, in a stereodependent manner. These organotelluranes affected cell morphology, showing disassembling of the actin cytoskeleton. These results suggest organotelluranes as potential antitumor agents, acting directly on tumor cell proliferation, migration and invasion, and on endothelial cells, disrupting angiogenesis, showing low toxicity and high efficiency. Taken together our results suggest that this class of compounds should be further studied to reveal their potential as antitumoral agents.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the effect of intratumoral administration of dendritic cells (DCs) with inducible expression of different cytokines, using the novel Rheoswitch Therapeutic System on the experimental models of renal cell cancer (RENCA) and MethA sarcoma. Intratumoral injection of DCs, engineered to express IL-12, IL-21, or IFN-α, showed potent therapeutic effect against established tumor. This effect was associated with the induction of potent tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses, as well as the infiltration of tumors with CD4+ and CD8+ T cells but not with the cytotoxic activity of DCs. Combination of i.t. administration of DCs, producing different cytokines, did not enhance the antitumor effect of therapy with single cytokine. These results indicate that RTS can be a potent tool for conditional topical cytokine delivery, in combination with DC administration. However, combination of different cytokines may not necessarily improve the outcome of treatment.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) act as APCs in the airway and play a critical role in allergy. Cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) synthesized from arachidonic acid are primary mediators of immediate asthmatic reaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cysLTs on Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f)-pulsed mouse myeloid DCs in inducing allergic airway inflammation in vitro and in vivo. Control DC (medium-pulsed), Der f-pulsed DC, cysLT-pulsed DC, Der f- and cysLT-pulsed DC, and Der f-pulsed and cysLT receptor antagonist (LTRA)-treated DC were prepared from murine bone marrow, and the production of cytokines ws compared. Subsequently, these DCs were intranasally instilled into another group of naive mice, followed by intranasal Der f challenge to induce allergic airway inflammation in vivo. Der f-pulsed DC produced significantly higher amounts of IL-10 and IL-12 compared with control DC. Der f- and cysLT-pulsed DC further increased IL-10 production compared with Der f-pulsed DC. In contrast, treatment of Der f-pulsed DC with LTRA increased IL-12 and decreased IL-10. Intranasal instillation of Der f-pulsed DC resulted in airway eosinophilia associated with a significant rise in IL-5 levels in the airway compared with control DC. Pulmonary eosinophilia and excess IL-5 were further enhanced in Der f- and cysLT-pulsed DC-harboring mice. In contrast, Der f-pulsed and LTRA-treated DC significantly inhibited airway eosinophilia, reduced IL-5, and increased IFN-gamma in the airway. Our results suggest that cysLTs play an important role in the development of allergic airway inflammation by regulating the immunomodulatory functions of DCs.  相似文献   

The in vivo antitumour activity of the natural photosensitizer hypericin was evaluated. C3H/DiSn mice inoculated with fibrosarcoma G5:1:13 cells were intraperitoneally or intratumourally injected with hypericin (5 mg/kg) and 2 hours later the mice were locally irradiated with laser light (488 nm, 150 mW/cm2, 180 J/cm2) when the tumour reached volume of 40-80 mm3 (approximately 17 days after inoculation). Tumours treated with hypericin alone as well as those irradiated with laser light alone have similar growth rates and none of these tumours regressed spontaneously. The mean tumour volume in hypericin-PDT treated groups was significantly lower in comparison to that found in the control group 3-5 weeks after the therapy. A higher proportion of animals with tumour volume less than 5-fold of the initial volume has been observed in both hypericin-PDT treated groups. Complete response to PDT has been observed for 44.4% of the animals with intraperitoneally administered hypericin and for 33.3% of the animals with intratumourally administered hypericin. Complete remission occurred in treated lesions with 3 mm or less in height. Hypericin-PDT significantly increased survival. However, no statistically significant difference in survival rate of animals has been found between the intratumoural and the intraperitoneal schedule of administration of hypericin.  相似文献   

Vaccination of dendritic cells (DC) combined with GM-CSF secreting tumor cells has shown good therapeutic efficacy in several tumor models. Nevertheless, the engineering of GM-CSF secreting tumor cell line could represent a tedious step limiting its application for treatment in patients. We therefore developed in rats, an “all in vivo” strategy of combined vaccination using an in vivo local irradiation of the tumor as a source of tumor antigens for DC vaccines and an exogenous source of GM-CSF. We report here that supplying recombinant mGM-CSF by local injections or surgical implantation of osmotic pumps did not allow reproducing the therapeutic efficacy observed with in vitro prepared combined vaccines. To bypass this limitation possibly due to the short half-life of recombinant GM-CSF, we have generated adeno-associated virus coding for mGM-CSF and tested their efficacy to transduce tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. The in vivo vaccines combining local irradiation and AAV2/1-mGM-CSF vectors showed high therapeutic efficacy allowing to cure 60% of the rats with pre-implanted tumors, as previously observed with in vitro prepared vaccines. Same efficacy has been observed with a second generation of vaccines combining DC, local tumor irradiation, and the controlled supply of recombinant mGM-CSF in poloxamer 407, a biocompatible thermoreversible hydrogel. By generating a successful “all in vivo” vaccination protocol combining tumor radiotherapy with DC vaccines and a straightforward supply of GM-CSF, we have developed a therapeutic strategy easily translatable to clinic that could become accessible to a much bigger number of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family. Gliomas and many other tumors express survivin at high levels; whereas, normal fully differentiated cells generally do not. Therefore, survivin represents a tumor-specific target for cancer vaccine therapy. It has been shown that it is possible to produce a MHC-I-restricted cellular immunologic response to survivin vaccines. To study differences in immunogenicity between murine and human survivin proteins, we vaccinated C57BL/6 mice with bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDC) transfected with expression vectors containing the murine and human survivin genes. Mice vaccinated with BMDCs expressing a truncated human survivin protein developed cytotoxic T lymphocyte to subcutaneous GL261 glioma cells and exhibited prolonged tumor-free survival compared to mice vaccinated with BMDCs transfected with vector alone (P<0.01). While mice challenged with intracerebral GL261 cells had increased survival, no cures were observed. In contrast, vaccinated mice that fully resisted subcutaneous tumor challenge were rendered resistant to intracerebral GL261 re-challenge. BMDCs transfected with the full-length human survivin molecule were significantly more effective at prolonging survival than BMDCs expressing the full-length murine survivin gene (P=0.0175). Therefore, xenogeneic differences between human and murine sequences might be exploited to develop more immunogenic tumor vaccines.  相似文献   

Summary The antitumor effects of the streptococcal preparation OK-432 were analyzed in a murine ovarian teratocarcinoma (MOT) model. Administration of OK-432 i.p. prevented tumor outgrowth in 75% of mice challenged with 103 MOT cells i.p. 24 h previously. Treatment was less successful in mice challenged with 104 or 105 cells, preventing tumor growth in 25% of the former and only 5% of the latter group. Tumor-challenged mice cured by injections of OK-432 were not rendered resistant to a subsequent challenge with 103 MOT cells 75 days after initial treatment. Only the i.p. route of administration was effective as i.v. OK-432 did not prolong survival of tumor-challenged mice. An antitumor response was detected as early as 24 h after i.p. treatment. This correlated temporally with an influx of neutrophils into the peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal cells obtained between 6 and 24 h after treatment were capable of lysing MOT targets in vitro. A single cell cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that peritoneal neutrophils, elicited by i.p. injection of OK-432, could bind to and lyse MOT targets. These data indicate that OK-432 is effective against small tumor cell inocula in this murine model of ovarian cancer and, furthermore, that the neutrophilic response into the peritoneal cavity plays a role in tumor rejection.  相似文献   

Because 5-year survival rates for patients with metastatic melanoma remain below 25%, there is continued need for new therapeutic approaches. For some tumors, pharmacologic ascorbate treatment may have a beneficial antitumor effect and may work synergistically with standard chemotherapeutics. To investigate this possibility in melanoma, we examined the effect of pharmacologic ascorbate on B16-F10 cells. Murine models were employed to compare tumor size following treatment with ascorbate, and the chemotherapeutic agents dacarbazine or valproic acid, alone or in combination with ascorbate. Results indicated that nearly all melanoma cell lines were susceptible to ascorbate-mediated cytotoxicity. Compared to saline controls, pharmacologic ascorbate decreased tumor size in both C57BL/6 (P<0.0001) and NOD-scid tumor bearing mice (P<0.0001). Pharmacologic ascorbate was superior or equivalent to dacarbazine as an antitumor agent. Synergy was not apparent when ascorbate was combined with either dacarbazine or valproic acid; the latter combination may have additional toxicities. Pharmacologic ascorbate induced DNA damage in melanoma cells, as evidenced by increased phosphorylation of the histone variant, H2A.X. Differences were not evident in tumor samples from C57BL/6 mice treated with pharmacologic ascorbate compared to tumors from saline-treated controls. Together, these results suggest that pharmacologic ascorbate has a cytotoxic effect against melanoma that is largely independent of lymphocytic immune functions and that continued investigation of pharmacologic ascorbate in cancer treatment is warranted.  相似文献   

There is a continuous search for more efficient treatment of malignant cerebral gliomas. The work of Penn and Croin demonstrates clearly that survival of rats having experimental gliomas is significantly increased by intratumoral chemotherapy. It has been shown that chronic depth electrodes for the investigation of epileptic patients is a reliable and safe method. Using this proven technology originally developed by Talairach, Szikla and co-workers we have developed catheters for intratumoral chemotherapy. Three patients have been treated. It is premature to pretend that this is a treatment which will lengthen the patient's life. Nevertheless, the feasibility of the technique, its precision and safety are assured. Following this course of treatment, we have seen no deteriorations, no side effects, no bone marrow depressions, and no sign of toxicity. Chemical analysis has shown that cisplatin was delivered to the tumor.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is an extremely aggressive malignancy with a dismal prognosis. Cancer patients and tumor-bearing mice have multiple immunoregulatory subsets including regulatory T cells (Tregs) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) that may limit the effectiveness of anti-tumor immunotherapies for pancreatic cancer. It is possible that modulating these subsets will enhance anti-tumor immunity. The goal of this study was to explore depletion of immunoregulatory cells to enhance dendritic cell (DC)-based cancer immunotherapy in a murine model of pancreatic cancer. Flow cytometry results showed an increase in both Tregs and MDSC in untreated pancreatic cancer–bearing mice compared with control. Elimination of Tregs alone or in combination with DC-based vaccination had no effect on pancreatic tumor growth or survival. Gemcitabine (Gem) is a chemotherapeutic drug routinely used for the treatment for pancreatic cancer patients. Treatment with Gem led to a significant decrease in MDSC percentages in the spleens of tumor-bearing mice, but did not enhance overall survival. However, combination therapy with DC vaccination followed by Gem treatment led to a significant delay in tumor growth and improved survival in pancreatic cancer–bearing mice. Increased MDSC were measured in the peripheral blood of patients with pancreatic cancer. Treatment with Gem also led to a decrease of this population in pancreatic cancer patients, suggesting that combination therapy with DC-based cancer vaccination and Gem may lead to improved treatments for patients with pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Echitamine chloride a plant alkaloid from Alstonia scholaris has been used to examine the anticancer effects on methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma. Echitamine chloride dissolved in saline (10 mg/kg body weight) and injected subcutaneously for 20 days in fibrosarcoma rats has exhibited significant regression in tumor growth. The altered activities of plasma and liver transaminases and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and lipid peroxidation in fibrosarcoma have been corrected to near normal after echitamine chloride treatment. The decreased liver glutathione content and the lowered activities of glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase have also been reversed to near normals after echitamine chloride treatment.  相似文献   

A piece of lymph node containing polyclonally-activated lymphocytes when transplanted in the anterior eye chamber of mouse along with solid piece of fibrosarcoma from syngeneic Swiss mice, dramatically inhibited the tumour-induced-vasodilatation and neo-vascularization. If the tumour explants were incubated in vitro with activated lymphocytes prior to transplantation, such angiogenic reactions was significantly reduced. These explants were incapable of incorporating radioactive thymidine in vitro. Furthermore, the cytotoxic ability of activated lymphocytes towards 51Cr labelled tumour target cells was of significant level indicating the possible mechanism of immunological reactiveness of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes to 3'-methylcholanthrene-induced tumour cells of syngeneic origin.  相似文献   

Summary The antitumor activity of levamisole (LMS) used in combination with anaerobic Corynebacterium liquefaciens (CL), OK-432 (OK), or anticancer chemotherapy was investigated in ascitic tumor-bearing mice. With the combination of CL and LMS or OK and LMS, the best result was observed when LMS was given after CL or OK. In the combination of CL and LMS with mitomycin-C (MMC) or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), a significant increase in mean survival time and number of 50-day survivors was seen when LMS was given after CL. Finally, with combinations of MMC and two of these three immunostimulants, the best inhibitory effect on tumor growth was observed with the combination of CL and LMS or that of CL and OK. It was also clearly demonstrated that LMS should be administered after CL, and CL after OK. The reverse order of administration significantly depressed the antitumor activity.  相似文献   

We used affinity chromatography to isolate a specific laminin-binding protein from murine fibrosarcoma cells. These cells bind exogenous laminin to their surface with high affinity (Kd = 2 X 10(-9)M for laminin) with approximately 5 X 10(4) sites per cell. Laminin affinity chromatography of [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts produced two distinct proteins. One was identified as Type IV (basement membrane) collagen based on its migration pattern on SDS gels and bacterial collagenase sensitivity. The other protein, which migrates as a single band or closely spaced doublet on reduced SDS gels, has a reduced molecular weight of 69,000. Using a nitrocellulose filter disk assay, we found that the latter protein specifically bound 125I-laminin with the same high affinity (Kd = 2 X 10(-9)M for laminin) as did intact fibrosarcoma cells. By iodinating intact cells, we demonstrated that this laminin-binding protein is on the cell surface. We conclude that this protein with reduced molecular weight of 69,000 is a subunit or component of a larger cell surface receptor protein for laminin in this fibrosarcoma model. This laminin receptor may mediate the interaction of the cell with its extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Summary The age-associated decline in immune function may be an important factor in both the pathogenesis of neoplastic diseases and the response to immunopharmacological therapies. With the increased efforts to develop immunotherapy with such agents as interferon and interleukin-2 (IL-2), the question of the effect of host age upon response is of practical importance. Phase I and phase II clinical trials of IL-2 have included primarily young patients, and toxicity and efficacy have not been reported with specific reference to host age. In this study, we examined young and old mice with regard to in vitro natural killer and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell functions. We also assessed the effects of exogenously administered recombinant human IL-2 in tumor-bearing mice of various ages. We found that natural killer cell function was demonstrably lower in old mice but that LAK cell function was comparable (young versus old). Furthermore, IL-2 treatment was successful in increasing survival time in old mice, similar to results in young mice. Our observations allow the prediction that immune senescenceper se does not preclude successful anti-neoplastic treatment with IL-2.Supported by VA Merit Award (WBE) and a grant from the University of Wisconsin Graduate School  相似文献   

Development of murine plasmacytoid dendritic cell subsets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In order to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of intratumoral chemotherapy, brain tumors in rats were treated by direct infusion of cisplatin or fluorouracil. Each animal was initially implanted in the midline cerebellum with a chronic stainless-steel cannula, and 2 weeks later 1 X 10(5) 9L cells were injected through the cannula. 8 days after tumor cell transplantation, a small implantable pump containing drug, or saline as a control, was connected up to the same cannula, and the solution was pumped into the tumor region for 7 days. The results showed that both drugs produced statistically significant increases in survival as compared to the controls.  相似文献   

PurposeThe clinical efficacy of cancer peptide vaccine therapy is insufficient. To enhance the anti-tumor effect of peptide vaccine therapy, we combined this therapy with an anti-CD4 mAb (GK1.5), which is known to deplete CD4+ cells, including regulatory T cells (Tregs).MethodsTo determine the treatment schedule, the number of lymphocyte subsets in the peripheral blood of mice was traced by flow cytometry after administration of anti-CD4 mAb. The ovalbumin (OVA)257–264 peptide vaccine was injected intradermally and anti-CD4 mAb was administered intraperitoneally into C57BL/6 mice at different schedules. We evaluated the enhancement of OVA peptide-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) induction in the combination therapy using the ELISPOT assay, CD107a assay, and cytokine assay. We then examined the in vivo metastasis inhibitory effect by OVA peptide vaccine therapy in combination with anti-CD4 mAb against OVA-expressing thymoma (EG7) in a murine liver metastatic model.ResultsWe showed that peptide-specific CTL induction was enhanced by the peptide vaccine in combination with anti-CD4 mAb and that the optimized treatment schedule had the strongest induction effect of peptide-specific CTLs using an IFN-γ ELISPOT assay. We also confirmed that the CD107a+ cells secreted perforin and granzyme B and the amount of IL-2 and TNF produced by these CTLs increased when the peptide vaccine was combined with anti-CD4 mAb. Furthermore, metastasis was inhibited by peptide vaccines in combination with anti-CD4 mAb compared to peptide vaccine alone in a murine liver metastatic model.ConclusionThe use of anti-CD4 mAb in combination with the OVA peptide vaccine therapy increased the number of peptide-specific CTLs and showed a higher therapeutic effect against OVA-expressing tumors. The combination with anti-CD4 mAb may provide a new cancer vaccine strategy.  相似文献   

We investigate antitumor efficacy and 2D and 3D intratumoral distribution of 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38) from polymeric depots inside U-87MG xenograft tumor model in nude mice. Results showed that polymeric depots could be used to administer and controlled release of a large amount of SN-38 directly to the brain tumor model. SN-38 released from depots suppressed tumor growth, where the extent of suppression greatly depended on doses and the number of depot injections. Tumor suppression of SN-38 from depots was three-fold higher in animals which received double injections of depots at high dose (9.7 mg of SN-38) compared to single injection (2.2 mg). H&E staining of tumor sections showed that the area of tumor cell death/survival of the former group was two-fold higher than those of the latter group. Fluorescence imaging based on self-fluorescent property of SN-38 was used to evaluate the intratumoral distribution of this drug compared to histological results. The linear correlation between fluorescence intensity and the amount of SN-38 allowed quantitative determination of SN-38 in tumor tissues. Results clearly showed direct correlation between the amount of SN-38 in tumor sections and cancer cell death. Moreover, 3D reconstruction representing the distribution of SN-38 in tumors was obtained. Results from this study suggest the rationale for intratumoral drug administration and release of drugs inside tumor, which is necessary to design drug delivery systems with efficient antitumor activity.  相似文献   

The effect of radiation therapy combined with lymphoid cells against spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma (FSa-II) was investigated bothin vivo andin vitro. In thein vivo experiment, syngeneic C3H mice were divided into 3 groups. Animals in the first group were injected with 1 x 105 tumor cells into the right hind leg. Animals in the second and third groups were injected with 1 x 105 tumor cells mixed with 1 x 107 normal lymphoid cells (NLC) or effector lymphoid cells (ELC), respectively. ELC were obtained from spleen and lymph nodes of FSa-II-bearing mice and incubatedin vitro for 40 hr to eliminate suppressor T cell function. NLC were obtained from normal mice and incubated in the same way. Irradiation was given using137Cs unit 3 days after cell inoculation. 12 out of 14 mice (85.7%) inoculated with tumor cells mixed with NLC did not show any tumor growth at 60 Gy local irradiation. 12 out of 21 mice (57.1 %) inoculated with tumor cells alone and 6 out of 10 (60%) with tumor cells mixed with ELC rejected tumors at the same radiation dose. This synergistic effect with NLC was not observed when NLC was inoculated after irradiation, indicating that lymphoid cells should be in contact with tumor cells before irradiation. In the51Cr release assay, lymphoid cells obtained from whole body irradiated (WBI) mice showed 17.8% lysis without irradiation and 28.8% lysis at 5 Gy irradiation. Untreated NLC showed almost no cytotoxic effect at the same radiation dose. This synergistic effect disappeared when WBI lymphoid cells were treated with anti asialo GM1 and complement. These results suggested that NK cells might be important in this synergistic effect with irradiation. To obtain a sufficient level of synergistic effect by in vitro combined treatment of mixed tumor cell - NLC culture and irradiation - incubation for more than 12 hrs and 8 hrs appeared to be necessary before and after irradiation, respectively.  相似文献   

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