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Ubisemiquinone in membranes from Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  

Temperature adaptation of biological membranes was examined by comparing the fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum preparation of goldfish acclimated to different temperatures. Membrane fluidity was estimated using the fluorescence polarization technique. There was considerable variation between preparations, but no consistent differences in fluidity were observed between 5- and 25°C-acclimated goldfish, fish species adapted over an evolutionary period to arctic or desert temperatures, and rat. The fatty acid composition of the sarcoplasmic reticulum preparations of differently acclimated goldfish showed differences in the proportion of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids while the proportion of saturated fatty acids remained relatively constant. However, the fatty acid composition of sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphoglycerides became more unsaturated in the order rat, desert pupfish, arctic sculpin, which correlates with their respective environmental or body temperature. It is concluded that differences in membrane components other than fatty acids are important in determining membrane dynamic structure. The inability to demonstrate homeoviscous adaptation in sarcoplasmic reticulum is supported by other evidence suggesting that functions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that are measured in vitro are not affected by such modifications of their phosphoglyceride fatty acid composition as occur during thermal acclimation.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic membranes in Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  

The validity of the principle of homeoviscous adaptation for Bacillus subtilis was tested by comparing fluorescence anisotropy (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene) and electron-spin resonance (16-doxylstearate) measurements carried out in isolated plasma membranes and in phospholipid fractions. The physical measurements were supplemented by fatty-acid analysis. The results support our previous findings on intact cells. The thermoadaptive mechanism of B. subtilis manifested as an increase in relative proportion of branched anteiso-C15 and anteiso-C17 fatty acids, are not strong enough to compensate for the marked physical change of membrane fluidity induced by temperature decrease.  相似文献   

The bulk membrane fluidity of brain synaptosomes and kidney cortex microsomes of hibernating and active mammals have been compared using the steady-state fluorescence polarization technique. No consistent differences were observed indicating that homeoviscous adaptation may not be an important strategy during hibernation.  相似文献   

A porin preparation from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 consisting of Omp F and Omp C (with Omp F in excess) was purified by salt extraction procedures and investigated in bilayer lipid membranes formed according to the Montal-Mueller technique. The porin preparation was added to the KCl electrolyte compartment of the Montal-Mueller cell which was connected to the voltage source. As the porin incorporated into the membrane, asymmetric, voltage-gated ion channels were formed. Transmembrane voltages greater than +50 mV (measured with respect to the side of porin addition) caused channel closing, while negative voltages, on the other hand, had no effect on channel behaviour but did increase the rate of porin incorporation at higher voltages. With porin added to both compartments voltage gating no longer occurred. Single-channel conductances corresponded to effective pore diameters of 1.5 nm for opening events and 1.18 nm for channel closing events. The number of charges involved in gating was approximately 2.  相似文献   

To investigate compensatory adaptation (CA), we used genotypes of Escherichia coli which were identical except for one or two deleterious mutations. We compared CA for (i) deleterious mutations with large versus small effects, (ii) genotypes carrying one versus two mutations, and (iii) pairs of deleterious mutations which interact in a multiplicative versus synergistic fashion. In all, we studied 14 different genotypes, plus a control strain which was not mutated. Most genotypes showed CA during 200 generations of experimental evolution, where we define CA as a fitness increase which is disproportionately large relative to that in evolving control lines, coupled with retention of the original deleterious mutation(s). We observed greater CA for mutations of large effect than for those of small effect, which can be explained by the greater benefit to recovery in severely handicapped genotypes given the dynamics of selection. The rates of CA were similar for double and single mutants whose initial fitnesses were approximately equal. CA was faster for synergistic than for multiplicative pairs, presumably because the marginal gain which results from CA for one of the component mutations is greater in that case. The most surprising result in our view, is that compensation should be so readily achieved in an organism which is haploid and has little genetic redundancy This finding suggests a degree of versatility in the E. coil genome which demands further study from both genetic and physiological perspectives.  相似文献   

Extraction of Escherichiacoli ML 308-225 membrane vesicles with cholate yields a particulate fraction containing 10 to 15% of the phospholipid and about 70% of the protein of intact vesicles. Addition of phospholipid to the particulate fraction in the presence of cholate, followed by sonication and removal of detergent by gel filtration yields a vesicular preparation that exhibits lac carrier function as judged by transient increases in 6′-(N-dansyl)aminohexyl-1-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside fluorescence in the presence of either a lactose diffusion gradient or an artificially-generated membrane potential (interior negative). Activity is not observed in the absence of phospholipid, in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide or in analogous preparations from ML 30 vesicles that do not contain the β-galactoside transport system.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous form of nitrate reductase released from the membrane fraction of Escherichia coli by heat treatment was converted to a new electrophoretic form by incubation with trypsin. As a result of the trypsin treatment, the heat-released enzyme was converted from an associating-dissociating system to a nonassociating monomer (Mr approximately 200,000) which retained full enzymatic activity. Several distinct subunits in the 47,000- to 59,000-dalton range were converted to a single 43,000-dalton subunit during the trypsin treatment, while the other major subunit (155,000 daltons) was unaffected. Nitrate reductase extracted from the membrane fraction with deoxycholate and ammonium sulfate was composed of two apparently homogeneous subunits (155,000 and 59,000 daltons). The detergent-extracted enzyme preparation was converted by trypsin to an electrophoretic form very similar to the product of trypsin treatment of the heat-released enzyme with an identical subunit composition (155,000 and 43,000 daltons). These results demonstrate that the heterogeneous subunits present in the heat-released enzyme are produced during heat treatment by proteolytic cleavage of a single 59,000-dalton subunit. The fragments removed by trypsin treatment are implicated in the self-associating properties of the heat-released enzyme.  相似文献   

Lateral phase separations in Escherichia coli membranes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

Internal membranes in cells of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The opening and closing of the ompF porin from Escherichia coli JF 701 was investigated by reconstituting the purified protein into planar bilayer membranes. The electrical conductance changes across the membranes at constant potential were used to analyze the size and aggregate nature of the porin channel complexes and the relative number of opening and closing events. We found that, when measured at pH 5.5, the channel conductance diminished and the number of closing events increased when the voltage was greater than 100 mV. The results suggest that the number of smaller sized conductance channels increases above this potential. There was also an increase in the smaller subunits and in the closing events when the pH was lowered to 3.5, and these changes were further enhanced by increasing the voltage. We propose that both lowering the pH and elevating the potential across the membrane stabilize the porin in a conformation in which the subunits are less tightly associated and the subunits open in a non-cooperative manner. These same conditions also appear to stabilize the closed state of the pore.  相似文献   

The specificity of the action of polymyxin B was studied using liposomes as a model membrane system. Liposomes prepared from total lipids of Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, a mixture of purified E. coli phosphatidylethanolamine and cardiolipin and a mixture of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol, were extemely sensitive to polymyxin while those prepared from lipids of Gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus sanguis, lipids of sheep erythrocyte membranes, mixtures of egg lecithin and negatively charged amphiphatic molecules, were less sensitive to the action of the antibiotic. Cholesterol was shown to suppress the polymyxin-induced response in liposomes.  相似文献   

A phospholipid-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) complex was solubilized and partially purified from membrane particles of Escherichia coli ML308-225. The complex was of large molecular size and contained 16 polypeptides, five of which were subunits of the F1-type ATPase of E. coli. Components of the respiratory chain were absent. Enzyme activity was stimulated by lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, and cardiolipin but not by phosphatidylethanolamine. The ATPase activity of the complex was inhibited by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and by Dio-9 at lower inhibitor:protein ratios than required for inhibition of the F1-type ATPase of E. coli. However, the ATPase complex was less sensitive than the membrane-bound enzyme to inhibition by these compounds.  相似文献   

Fifteen populations of Escherichia coli were propagated for 150 freeze-thaw-growth (FTG) cycles in order to study the phenotypic and genetic changes that evolve under these stressful conditions. Here we present the phenotypic differences between the evolved lines and their progenitors as measured by competition experiments and growth curves. Three FTG lines evolved from an ancestral strain that was previously used to start a long-term evolution experiment, while the other 12 FTG lines are derived from clones that had previously evolved for 20,000 generations at constant 37 degrees C. Competition experiments indicate that the former FTG group improved their mean fitness under the FTG regime by about 90% relative to their progenitor, while the latter FTG group gained on average about 60% relative to their own progenitors. These increases in fitness result from both improved survival during freezing and thawing and more rapid recovery to initiate exponential growth after thawing. This shorter lag phase is specific to recovery after freezing and thawing. Future work will seek to identify the mutations responsible for evolutionary adaptation to the FTG environment and use them to explore the physiological mechanisms that allow increased survival and more rapid recovery.  相似文献   

Indole has many, diverse roles in bacterial signaling. It regulates the transition from exponential to stationary phase, it is involved in the control of plasmid stability, and it influences biofilm formation, virulence, and stress responses (including antibiotic resistance). Its role is not restricted to bacteria, and recently it has been shown to include mutually beneficial signaling between enteric bacteria and their mammalian hosts. In many respects indole behaves like the signaling component of a quorum-sensing system. Indole synthesized within the producer bacterium is exported into the surroundings where its accumulation is detected by sensitive cells. A view often repeated in the literature is that in Escherichia coli the AcrEF-TolC and Mtr transporter proteins are involved in the export and import, respectively, of indole. However, the evidence for their involvement is indirect, and it has been known for a long time that indole can pass directly through a lipid bilayer. We have combined in vivo and in vitro approaches to examine the relative importance of protein-mediated transport and direct passage across the E. coli membrane. We conclude that the movement of indole across the E. coli membrane under normal physiological conditions is independent of AcrEF-TolC and Mtr. Furthermore, direct observation of individual liposomes shows that indole can rapidly cross an E. coli lipid membrane without the aid of any proteinaceous transporter. These observations not only enhance our understanding of indole signaling in bacteria but also provide a simple explanation for the ability of indole to signal between biological kingdoms.  相似文献   

The receptor protein for bacteriophage λ was purified to homogeneity from a mutant strain of Escherichia coli K-12 producing reduced amounts of porin. In the reconstituted vesicle membranes the λ-receptor formed permeability channels that allowed the diffusion of maltose, lactose, sucrose, raffinose, amino acids, and nucleosides, but essentially not of stachyose. The permeability channels made of λ-receptor thus had a relatively low specificity for solute molecules. The active form of the protein seemed to be an oligomer of λ-receptor proteins.  相似文献   

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