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Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based technologies offer an unprecedented opportunity to perform high-throughput screening of novel drugs for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Such screenings require a robust and scalable method for generating large numbers of mature, differentiated neuronal cells. Currently available methods based on differentiation of embryoid bodies (EBs) or directed differentiation of adherent culture systems are either expensive or are not scalable. We developed a protocol for large-scale generation of neuronal stem cells (NSCs)/early neural progenitor cells (eNPCs) and their differentiation into neurons. Our scalable protocol allows robust and cost-effective generation of NSCs/eNPCs from iPSCs. Following culture in neurobasal medium supplemented with B27 and BDNF, NSCs/eNPCs differentiate predominantly into vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) positive neurons. Targeted mass spectrometry analysis demonstrates that iPSC-derived neurons express ligand-gated channels and other synaptic proteins and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments indicate that these channels are functional. The robust and cost-effective differentiation protocol described here for large-scale generation of NSCs/eNPCs and their differentiation into neurons paves the way for automated high-throughput screening of drugs for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Neurovascular interactions are crucial for the normal development of the central nervous system. To study suchinteractions in primary cultures, we developed a procedure to simultaneously isolate neural progenitor and endothelialcell fractions from embryonic mouse brains. Depending on the culture conditions endothelial cells were found to favormaintenance of the neuroprogenitor phenotype through the production of soluble factors, or to promote neuronal differ-entiation of neural progenitors through direct contact. These apparently opposing effects could reflect differential cellularinteractions needed for the proper development of the brain.  相似文献   

Derivation of human neural progenitors (hNP) from human embryonic stem (hES) cells in culture has been reported with the use of feeder cells or conditioned media. This introduces undefined components into the system, limiting the ability to precisely investigate the requirement for factors that control the process. Also, the use of feeder cells of non-human origin introduces the potential for zoonotic transmission, limiting its clinical usefulness. Here we report a feeder-free system to produce hNP from hES cells and test the effects of various media components involved in the process. Five protocols using defined media components were compared for efficiency of hNP generation. Based on this analysis, we discuss the role of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), N2 supplement, non-essential amino acids (NEAA), and knock-out serum replacement (KSR) on the process of hNP generation. All protocols led to down-regulation of Oct4/POU5F1 expression (from 90.5% to <3%), and up-regulation of neural progenitor markers to varying degrees. Media with N2 but not KSR and NEAA produced cultures with significantly higher (p<0.05) expression of the neural progenitor marker Musashi 1 (MSI1). Approximately 89% of these cells were Nestin (NES)+ after 3 weeks, but they did not proliferate. In contrast, differentiation media supplemented with KSR and NEAA produced fewer NES+ (75%) cells, but these cells were proliferative, and by five passages the culture consisted of >97% NES+ cells. This suggests that KSR and NEAA supplements did not enhance early differentiation but did promote proliferating of hNP cell cultures. This resulted in an efficient, robust, repeatable differentiation system suitable for generating large populations of hNP cells. This will facilitate further study of molecular and biochemical mechanisms in early human neural differentiation and potentially produce uniform neuronal cells for therapeutic uses without concern of zoonotic transmission from feeder layers.  相似文献   

GABA(A) receptor function is involved in regulating proliferation, migration, and differentiation of rodent neural progenitor cells (NPCs). However, little is known about the molecular composition and functional relevance of GABA(A) receptors in human neural progenitors. Here, we investigated human fetal midbrain-derived NPCs in respect to their GABA(A) receptor function and subunit expression using electrophysiology, calcium imaging, and quantitative real-time PCR. Whole-cell recordings of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels demonstrate the ability of NPCs to generate action potentials and to express functional GABA(A) receptors after differentiation for 3 weeks in vitro. Pharmacological and molecular characterizations indicate a predominance of GABA(A) receptor heteromers containing subunits alpha2, beta1, and/or beta3, and gamma. Intracellular Ca(2+) measurements and the expression profile of the Na(+)-K(+)-Cl(-) co-transporter 1 and the K(+)-Cl(-) co-transporter 2 in differentiated NPCs suggest that GABA evokes depolarizations mediated by GABA(A) receptors. These data indicate that NPCs derived from human fetal midbrain tissue acquire essential GABA(A) receptor properties during neuronal maturation in vitro.  相似文献   

目的:探讨川芎嗪(TMP)在体外神经干细胞(NSCs)增殖与分化中的作用。方法:原代提取孕14 d雌性大鼠的胎鼠大脑皮层分离培养,并作免疫荧光染色鉴定,取传代培养第3代的NSCs进行实验。实验分为对照组、β-巯基乙醇阳性对照组、TMP诱导组和TMP+EGTA组(n=4)。采用BrdU法和MTT法观察川芎嗪对NSCs增殖数量的影响,采用蛋白免疫印迹法检测NSCs的分化表达情况。结果:实验成功分离纯化原代NSCs,培养3~5 d可见部分神经球形成,具备典型的NSCs形态并表达NSCs特异抗原巢蛋白;BrdU法和MTT法结果均显示,与对照组和β-巯基乙醇阳性对照组相比,TMP组NSCs增殖数量明显增多(P<0.05);蛋白免疫印迹结果显示,TMP组和TMP+EGTA组NSCs的神经元分化率明显增高,TMP+EGTA组分化率增高更明显(P<0.05)。结论:TMP能显著增强NSCs的增殖和神经元分化率。减少细胞外Ca2+可促进TMP诱导NSCs向神经元分化,Ca2+信号在TMP诱导NSCs向神经元分化过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are immature precursors of the central nervous system (CNS), with self‐renewal and multipotential differentiation abilities. Their proliferation and differentiation are dynamically regulated by hormonal and local factors. Alteration in neurogenesis is associated with many neurological disorders. Increasing evidence suggests that modulation of NSCs can be a promising therapeutic approach for neural injury and neurodegenerative disorders. Melatonin, a pineal gland‐derived hormone, regulates the neuroimmuno‐endocrine axis and is functionally important to the circadian rhythm, tumour suppression and immunity. In the CNS, melatonin exerts neuroprotective effects in many diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and ischaemic brain injury. Emerging evidence suggests that it might also mediate such protective action by influencing proliferation and differentiation of NSCs. In this article, we review the current literature concerned with effects of melatonin on NSCs in different physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present report was to investigate whether, in the mammalian spinal cord, cell death induced by transient excitotoxic stress could trigger activation and proliferation of endogenous neuroprogenitor cells as a potential source of a lesion repair process and the underlying time course. Because it is difficult to address these issues in vivo, we used a validated model of spinal injury based on rat organotypic slice cultures that retain the fundamental tissue cytoarchitecture and replicate the main characteristics of experimental damage to the whole spinal cord. Excitotoxicity evoked by 1 h kainate application produced delayed neuronal death (40%) peaking after 1 day without further losses or destruction of white matter cells for up to 2 weeks. After 10 days, cultures released a significantly larger concentration of endogenous glutamate, suggesting functional network plasticity. Indeed, after 1 week the total number of cells had returned to untreated control level, indicating substantial cell proliferation. Activation of progenitor cells started early as they spread outside the central area, and persisted for 2 weeks. Although expression of the neuronal progenitor phenotype was observed at day 3, peaked at 1 week and tapered off at 2 weeks, very few cells matured to neurons. Astroglia precursors started proliferating later and matured at 2 weeks. These data show insult-related proliferation of endogenous spinal neuroprogenitors over a relatively brief time course, and delineate a narrow temporal window for future experimental attempts to drive neuronal maturation and for identifying the factors regulating this process.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common form of inherited mental retardation and is caused by the loss of function for Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), a selective RNA-binding protein with a demonstrated role in the localized translation of target mRNAs at synapses. Several recent studies provide compelling evidence for a new role of FMRP in the development of the nervous system, during neurogenesis. Using a multi-faceted approach and a variety of model systems ranging from cultured neurospheres and progenitor cells to in vivo Drosophila and mouse models these reports indicate that FMRP is required for neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, as well as regulation of gene expression. Here we compare and contrast these recent reports and discuss the implications of FMRP's new role in embryonic and adult neurogenesis, including the development of novel therapeutic approaches to FXS and related neurological disorders such as autism.  相似文献   

神经干细胞研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
神经干细胞研究是当今生命科学研究的热点之一。神经干细胞是神经系统发育过程中保留下来的具有自我更新和多分化潜能的原始细胞。随着对神经干细胞认识的不断深入,其临床应用前景与价值得到了越来越多研究者的肯定。从神经干细胞的生物学特征、来源、培养鉴定、分化及应用等几个方面对目前的研究做一概述。  相似文献   

Neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) proliferation and self‐renewal, as well as insult‐induced differentiation, decrease markedly with age. The molecular mechanisms responsible for these declines remain unclear. Here, we show that levels of NAD+ and nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt), the rate‐limiting enzyme in mammalian NAD+ biosynthesis, decrease with age in the hippocampus. Ablation of Nampt in adult NSPCs reduced their pool and proliferation in vivo. The decrease in the NSPC pool during aging can be rescued by enhancing hippocampal NAD+ levels. Nampt is the main source of NSPC NAD+ levels and required for G1/S progression of the NSPC cell cycle. Nampt is also critical in oligodendrocytic lineage fate decisions through a mechanism mediated redundantly by Sirt1 and Sirt2. Ablation of Nampt in the adult NSPCs in vivo reduced NSPC‐mediated oligodendrogenesis upon insult. These phenotypes recapitulate defects in NSPCs during aging, giving rise to the possibility that Nampt‐mediated NAD+ biosynthesis is a mediator of age‐associated functional declines in NSPCs.  相似文献   

Living organisms are exposed to the geomagnetic field (GMF) throughout their lifespan. Elimination of the GMF, resulting in a hypogeomagnetic field (HMF), leads to central nervous system dysfunction and abnormal development in animals. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying these effects have not been identified so far. Here, we show that exposure to an HMF (<200 nT), produced by a magnetic field shielding chamber, promotes the proliferation of neural progenitor/stem cells (NPCs/NSCs) from C57BL/6 mice. Following seven-day HMF-exposure, the primary neurospheres (NSs) were significantly larger in size, and twice more NPCs/NSCs were harvested from neonatal NSs, when compared to the GMF controls. The self-renewal capacity and multipotency of the NSs were maintained, as HMF-exposed NSs were positive for NSC markers (Nestin and Sox2), and could differentiate into neurons and astrocyte/glial cells and be passaged continuously. In addition, adult mice exposed to the HMF for one month were observed to have a greater number of proliferative cells in the subventricular zone. These findings indicate that continuous HMF-exposure increases the proliferation of NPCs/NSCs,in vitro and in vivo. HMF-disturbed NPCs/ NSCs production probably Affects brain development and function, which provides a novel clue for elucidating the cellular mechanisms of the bio-HMF response.  相似文献   

Cell death and survival of neural progenitor (NP) cells are determined by signals that are largely unknown. We have analyzed pro-apoptotic signaling in individual NP cells that have been derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. NP formation was concomitant with elevated apoptosis and increased expression of ceramide and prostate apoptosis response 4 (PAR-4). Morpholino oligonucleotide-mediated antisense knockdown of PAR-4 or inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis reduced stem cell apoptosis, whereas PAR-4 overexpression and treatment with ceramide analogs elevated apoptosis. Apoptotic cells also stained for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (a nuclear mitosis marker protein), but not for nestin (a marker for NP cells). In mitotic cells, asymmetric distribution of PAR-4 and nestin resulted in one nestin(-)/PAR-4(+) daughter cell, in which ceramide elevation induced apoptosis. The other cell was nestin(+), but PAR-4(-), and was not apoptotic. Asymmetric distribution of PAR-4 and simultaneous elevation of endogenous ceramide provides a possible mechanism underlying asymmetric differentiation and apoptosis of neuronal stem cells in the developing brain.  相似文献   

To find a promising alternative to neurons or schwann cells (SCs) for peripheral nerve repair applications, this study sought to isolate stem cells from fetal rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explants. Molecular expression analysis confirmed neural stem cell characteristics of DRG-derived neurospheres in terms of expressing neural stem cell-specific genes and a set of well-defined genes related to stem cell niches and glial fate decision. Under the influence of neurotrophic factors, bFGF and NGF, the neurospheres gave rise to neurofilament-expressing neurons and S100-expressing Schwann cell-like cells by different pathways. This study suggests that a subpopulation of stem cells that reside in DRGs is the progenitor of neurons and glia, which could directly induce the differentiation toward neurons, or SCs.  相似文献   

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