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Seedlings of Ricinus communis L. cultivated in quartz sand weresupplied with a nutrient solution containing either 1 mol m–3NO3 or 1 mol m–3 NH+4 as the nitrogen source. Duringthe period between 41 and 51 d after sowing, the flows of N,C and inorganic ions between root and shoot were modelled andexpressed on a fresh weight basis. Plant growth was clearlyinhibited in the presence of NH+4. In the xylem sap the majornitrogenous solutes were nitrate (74%) or glutamine (78%) innitrate or ammonium-fed plants, respectively. The pattern ofamino acids was not markedly influenced by nitrogen nutrition;glutamine was the dominant compound in both cases. NH+4 wasnot transported in significant amounts in both treatments. Inthe phloem, nitrogen was transported almost exclusively in organicform, glutamine being the dominant nitrogenous solute, but theN-source affected the amino acids transported. Uptake of nitrogenand carbon per unit fresh weight was only slightly decreasedby ammonium. The partitioning of nitrogen was independent ofthe form of N-nutrition, although the flow of nitrogen and carbonin the phloem was enhanced in ammonium-fed plants. Cation uptakerates were halved in the presence of ammonium and lower quantitiesof K+, Na+ and Ca2+ but not of Mg2+ were transported to theshoot. As NH+4 was balanced by a 30-fold increase in chloride in thesolution, chloride uptake was increased 6-fold under ammoniumnutrition. We concluded that ammonium was predominantly assimilated inthe root. Nitrate reduction and assimilation occurred in bothshoot and root. The assimilation of ammonium in roots of ammonium-fedplants was associated with a higher respiration rate. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrogen nutrition (nitrate/ammonium), phloem, xylem, transport, partitioning, nitrogen, carbon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride  相似文献   

Plants of Lupinus albus were grown for 51 d under control (1.1mol m–3 NaCl) and saline (40 mol m–3 NaCl) conditions.Plants were harvested and changes of carbon, nitrogen and abscisicacid (ABA) contents of individual organs were determined 41d and 51 d after germination. In the period between the twoharvests xylem and phloem saps were collected and respirationand photosynthesis of individual organs were measured. Usingflows of carbon, C/ABA ratios and increments of ABA flows ofABA in phloem and xylem and rates of biosynthesis and degradationof ABA were calculated. Both under control and saline conditionsnet biosynthesis occurred in the root, the basal strata of leavesand in the inflorescence. Metabolic degradation of ABA tookplace in the stem internodes and apical leaf strata. Salt stress increased xylem transport of ABA up to 10-fold andphloem transport to the root up to 5-fold relative to that ofthe controls. A considerable amount of ABA in the xylem saporiginated from biosynthesis in the roots, i.e. 55% in salt-treatedand smaller than 28% in control plants. The remaining part ofABA in the xylem sap originated from the shoot: it was translocatedin the phloem from fully differentiated leaves towards the rootand from there it was recirculated back to the aerial partsof the plant. The data suggest that ABA may serve as a hormonalstress signal from the root system. Key words: Lupinus albus, salt stress, abscisic acid, long distance transport  相似文献   

Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout was established in sandculture at two different NaCl concentrations (0.5 mol m–3‘control’ and 100 mol m–3) in the presenceof 6.5 mol m–3 K +. Between 16 and 31 d after germination,before stem elongation started, xylem sap was collected by useof a pressure chamber. Collections were made at three differentsites on leaves 1 and 3: at the base of the sheath, at the baseof the blade, i.e. above the ligule, and at the tip of the blade.Phloem sap was collected from leaf 3 at similar sites throughaphid stylets. The concentrations of K +, Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+were measured. Ion concentrations in xylem sap collected at the base of leaves1 and 3 were identical, indicating there was no preferentialdelivery of specific ions to older leaves. All ion concentrationsin the xylem decreased from the base of the leaf towards thetip; these gradients were remarkably steep for young leaves,indicating high rates of ion uptake from the xylem. The gradientsdecreased with leaf age, but did not disappear completely. In phloem sap, concentrations of K+ and total osmolality declinedslightly from the tip to the base of leaves of both controland salt-treated plants. By contrast, Na+ concentrations inphloem sap collected from salt-treated plants decreased drasticallyfrom 21 mol m–3 at the tip to 7.5 mol m–3 at thebase. Data of K/Na ratios in xylem and phloem sap were used to constructan empirical model of Na+ and K+ flows within xylem and phloemduring the life cycle of a leaf, indicating recirculation ofNa+ within the leaf. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, xylem transport, phloem transport, NaCl-stress  相似文献   

An experimentally-based modelling technique was developed todescribe quantitatively the uptake, flow, storage and utilizationof NO3-N over a 9 d period in mid-vegetative growth of sandcultured castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) fed 12 mol m–3nitrate and exposed to a mean salinity stress of 128 mol m–3NaCl. Model construction used information on increments or lossesof NO3-N or total reduced N in plant parts over the study periodand concentration data for NO3-N and reduced (amino acid) Nin phloem sap and pressure-induced xylem exudates obtained fromstem, petiole and leaf lamina tissue at various levels up ashoot. The resulting models indicated that the bulk (87%) of incomingnitrate was reduced, 51% of this in the root, the remainderprincipally in the laminae of leaves. The shoot was 60% autotrophicfor N through its own nitrate assimilation, but was oversuppliedwith surplus reduced N generated by the root and fed to theshoot through the xylem. The equivalent of over half (53%) ofthis N returned to the root as phloem translocate and, mostly,then cycled back to the shoot via xylem. Nitrate comprised almosthalf of the N of most xylem samples, but less than 1% of phloemsap N. Laminae of leaves of different age varied greatly inN balance. The fully grown lower three leaves generated a surplusof reduced N by nitrate assimilation and this, accompanied byreduced N cycling by xylem to phloem exchange, was exportedfrom the leaf. Leaf 4 was gauged to be just self-sufficientin terms of nitrate reduction, while also cycling reduced N.The three upper leaves (5–7) met their N balance to varyingextents by xylem import, phloem import (leaves 6 and 7 only)and assimilation of nitrate. Petioles and stem tissue generallyshowed low reductase activities, but obtained most of theirN by abstraction from xylem and phloem streams. The models predictedthat nodal tissue of lower parts of the stem abstracted reducedN from the departing leaf traces and transferred this, but notnitrate, to xylem streams passing further up the shoot. As aresult, xylem sap was predicted to become more concentratedin N as it passed up the shoot, and to decrease the ratio ofNO3-N to reduced N from 0·45 to 0·21 from thebase to the top of the shoot. These changes were reflected inthe measured N values for pressure-induced xylem exudates fromdifferent sites on the shoot. Transfer cells, observed in thexylem of leaf traces exiting from nodal tissue, were suggestedto be involved in the abstraction process. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrate reduction, partitioning, phloem, xylem, flow models  相似文献   

Changes in net photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration andcontents of total C, NO3-N and reduced N were followed throughoutthe life of leaf 6 of nitrate-dependent plants of castor beanexposed to moderate salinity stress (71 mol m–3 NaCl).Salt treatment was applied for measuring mineral flows in aparallel study (Jeschke and Pate, 1991b). Concurrent measurementswere made of solute composition and C: N molar ratios and concentrationsof reduced N and collected NO3-N in phloem sap bleeding fromshallow incisions in the top and at the base of petioles andin xylem exudates from flaps of proximal leaf midribs followingpressurization of the root system. The resulting data were usedto construct empirical models of the respective economies ofC, total N, NO3 and reduced N for a sequence of defined phasesof leaf life. Water use efficiency increased 3-fold from emergenceto a maximum of 1·5 mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O before decliningto 0·5 mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O at senescence. Xylemmolar ratios of C:N varied from 1·2–2·8,with nitrate always a smaller component than reduced N. Phloemsap C:N increased from 10–40 with leaf expansion and wasthen maintained in the range of 40–50 until falling steeplyto 20 at leaf senescence. Nitrate comprised less than 1% oftotal N in all phloem sap samples. The models of C uptake, flow,and utilization showed a major role of phloem import and thenincreasingly of laminar photosynthesis in providing C for leafgrowth. The carbon budget was thereafter characterized by ratesof phloem export closely matched to net rates of CO2 fixationby the lamina. Corresponding data for total N depicted an earlymajor role of both xylem and phloem import, but the eventualdominance of xylem import as the N source for leaf growth. Cyclingof N by xylem to phloem exchange commenced before the leaf hadachieved maximum N content, and was the major contributor tophloem export until leaf senescence when mobilized N providedmost exported N. The nitrate economy of the leaf was characterizedby early establishment of tissue pools of the ion in the petioleand to a lesser extent in the lamina, continued high rates ofnitrate reduction in the lamina but negligible assimilationin the petiole, and a release through xylem of previously accumulatedNO3 from petiole to lamina. Related data for reduced N illustratedthe much greater importance of this form of N than nitrate intransport, storage and cycling of N at all stages of leaf andpetiole life. Xylem to phloem interchanges of reduced N in petiolewere minimal in comparison with cycling through the lamina.The ratio of CO2 reduction to NO3 reduction in the lamina wasat first low (57 mol mol–1) increasing to a peak valueof 294 during mature leaf functioning before declining to 190during the presenescence phase of leaf development. This patternreflected age-related effects on water use efficiency, changesin NO3 levels in the xylem stream entering the lamina, and therelatively low photosynthetic performances of very young andsenescent laminae. Key words: Ricinus communis, leaf development, phloem transport, xylem transport, carbon, nitrogen, nitrate, reduced nitrogen, nitrate reduction, partitioning  相似文献   

Uptake and partitioning through the xylem and phloem of K+,Na+, Mg2+ , Ca2+ and Cl were studied over a 9 d intervalduring late vegetative growth of castor bean (Ricinus communisL.) plants exposed to a mean salinity stress of 128 mol m–3NaCl. Empirically based models of flow and utilization of eachion within the whole plant were constructed using informationon ion increments of plant parts, molar ratios of ions to carbonin phloem sap sampled from petioles and stem internodes andpreviously derived information on carbon flow between plantsparts in xylem and phloem in identical plant material. Salientfeatures of the plant budget for K+ were prominent depositionin leaves, high mobility of K+ in phloem, high rates of cyclingthrough leaves and downward translocation of K+ providing theroot with a large excess of K+ . Corresponding data for Na+showed marked retention in the root, lateral uptake from xylemby hypocotyl, stem internodes and petioles leading to low intakeby young leaf laminae and substantial cycling from older leavesback to the root. The partitioning of the anionic componentof NaCl salinity, Cl, contrasted to that of Na+ in thatit was not substantially retained in the root, but depositedmore or less uniformly in stem, petiole and leaf lamina tissues.The flow pattern for Mg2+ showed relatively even depositionthrough the plant but some preferential uptake by young leaves,generally lesser export than import by leaf laminae, and a returnflow of Mg2+ from shoot to root considerably less than the recordedincrement of the root. Ca2+ partitioning contrasted with thatof the other ions in showing extremely poor phloem mobility,leading to progressive preferential accumulation in leaf laminaeand negligible cycling of the element through leaves or root.Features of the response of Ricinus to salinity shown in thepresent study were discussed with data from similar modellingstudies on white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) Key words: Ricinus communis L, potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phloem, xylem, transport, partitioning, salinity  相似文献   

Ricinus plants were supplied with nutrient solutions containingdifferent N-sources or different nitrate concentrations andwere also exposed to mild salinity. Between 41 and 51 d aftersowing, the ratio of inorganic to total nitrogen in xylem andphloem saps, the content of inorganic nitrogen and malate intissues, and nitrate reductase activities were determined. Theflows of nitrate, ammonium, and malate between root and shootwere modelled to identify the site(s) of inorganic nitrogenassimilation and to show the possible role of malate in a pH-statmechanism. Only in the xylem of nitrate-fed plants did inorganicnitrogen, in the form of nitrate, play a role as the transportsolute. The nitrate percentage of total nitrogen in the xylemsap generally increased in parallel with the external nitrateconcentration. The contribution of the shoot to nitrate reductionincreased with higher nitrate supply. Under salt treatment relativelymore nitrate was reduced in the root as compared with non-treatedplants. Ammonium was almost totally assimilated in the root,with only a minor recycling via the phloem. Nitrate reductaseactivities measured in vitro roughly matched, or were somewhatlower than, calculated rates of nitrate reduction. From therates of nitrate reduction (OH -production) and rates of malatesynthesis (2H+-production) it was calculated that malate accumulationcontributed 76, 45, or 39% to the pH-stat system during nitratereduction in plants fed with 0.2, 1.0 or 4.0 mM nitrate, malateflow in the phloem played no role. In tissues of ammonium-fedplants no malate accumulation was found and malate flows inxylem and phloem were also relative low. Key words: Ammonium, Ricinus communis, phloem, xylem, transport, nitrate, nitrate reductase, nitrogen assimilation, malate  相似文献   

Ion (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Cl) flows and partitioning in thepetiole and lamina of leaf 6 of castor bean {Ricinus communisL.) plants growing in the presence of a mean of 71 mol m–3NaCl were described by an empirical modelling technique. Thiscombined data on changes in ion contents of petiole and lamina,ion: carbon molar ratios of phloem bleeding sap and pressure-inducedxylem exudates of the leaf with previously described informationon the economies of C and N in identical leaf material. Datawere expressed as daily exchanges of ions in xylem and phloem,or depicted as models of ion balance and transport activityof petiole and lamina during four consecutive phases of leaflife. The early import phase was characterized by high intakeof K and Mg through phloem, and of Ca mainly through xylem,but only limited intake of Na and Cl. The next phase up to fullleaf expansion showed similar relative differences in xylemintake between ions and the onset of rapid phloem export fromthe lamina of K and Mg, some export of Na and Cl but scarcelyany of Ca. The next mature phase, marked by maximal photosynthesisand transpiration by the leaf, showed high xylem intake of allions in xylem. This was more than matched by phloem export ofMg and K, but by only fractional re-export of Na and Cl andagain very limited cycling through the leaf of Ca. The finalpre-senescence phase exhibited similar behaviour, but with generallygreater contribution to phloem transport from mobilization ofion reserves of the lamina. The petiole retained particularlylarge amounts of Na and Cl in its early growth, thereby protectingthe lamina from excessive entry of salt, but these petiolarpools, together with those or other nutrient ions, were laterpartially mobilized to the lamina via the xylem stream. Datawere discussed in relation to the relatively high salt toleranceexhibited by the species. Key words: Ricinus communis, xylem and phloem transport, ion balance, K+ economy, Na+ exclusion, NaCl-stress, salt tolerance, leaf development  相似文献   

Plants of Lupinus albus L., cv. Ultra, were grown hydroponicallywith NO3-nutrition for 51 d under control (0.05 mol m–3Na+ and 10 mol m–3 Cl) and saline (40 mol m–3NaCI) conditions. Plants were harvested 41 and 51 d after germinationand analysed for content and net increment of C, N and the mineralcations K+, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ and the anions Cl, NOJ,malate, phosphate, and SO42–. Roots, stem interaodes,petioles and leaflets were analysed separately. During the studyperiod net photosynthesis, respiratory losses of CO2 from shootand root and the composition of the spontaneously bleeding phloemsap and the root pressure xylem exudate were also determined.Using molar ratios of C over N in the transport fluids, incrementsof C and N, and photosynthetic gains as well as respiratorylosses of C, the net flows of C and N in the xylem and phloemwere then calculated as in earlier studies (Pate, Layzell andMcNeill, 1979a). Knowing the carbon flows, the ratios of ionto carbon in the phloem sap, and ion increments in individualorgans, net flows of K+, Na+, and Cl over the study periodwere also calculated. Salt stress led to a general decrease of all partial componentsof C and N partitioning indicating that inhibitions were notdue to specific effects of NaCI salinity on photosynthesis oron NO3 uptake. However, there were differences between variouslyaged organs, and net phloem export of nitrogenous compoundsfrom ageing leaves was substantially enhanced under saline conditions.In addition, NO3reduction in the roots was specificallyinhibited. Uptake and xylem transport of K+ was more severelyinhibited than photosynthetic carbon gain or NO3 uptakeby the root. K+ transport in the phloem was even more severelyrestricted under saline conditions. Na+ and Cl flowsand uptake, on the other hand, were substantially increasedin the presence of salt and, in particular, there were thenmassive flows of Na in the phloem. The results are discussedin relation to the causes of salt sensitivity of Lupinus albus.The data suggest that both a restriction of K+ supply and astrongly increased phloem translocation of Na+ contribute tothe adverse effects of salt in this species. Restriction ofK+ supply occurs by diminished K+ uptake and even more by reducedK+ cycling within the plant. Key words: Lupinus albus, salt stress, phloem transport, xylem transport, partitioning, carbon, nitrogen, K+, Na+, CI  相似文献   

Leaf growth responses to ABA are temperature dependent   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The robustness of a leaf elongation bioassay was evaluated byconducting trials with detached shoots of wheat at several differenttemperatures. Leaf elongation rate (LER) was monitored for shootsfed either an artificial xylem solution or xylem solution plus10–3mol m–3 abscisic acid (ABA). Consistent resultswere obtained when periodic ruler measurements of many shootswere made and compared with simultaneous measurements on a singleshoot made with a linearly variable displacement transducer(LVDT). ABA treatment consistently inhibited leaf growth; however,the magnitude of the inhibition was dependent on the temperatureat which the assay was conducted. Interpretation of resultsfrom such bioas-says in terms of ABA concentration suppliedto the detached shoots is complicated by this observation sincethere is no unique relationship between leaf growth inhibitionand ABA concentration. The results are discussed in terms ofchemical signalling affecting the growth rate of plants in dryingsoil. Key words: ABA, leaf growth, temperature, leaf elongation bioassay  相似文献   

Allen, S. and Smith, J A. C. 1986. Ammonium nutrition in Ricinuscommunis: its effect on plantgrowth and the chemical compositionof the whole plant, xylem and phloem saps.—J. exp. Bot.37: 1599–1610. The growth and chemical composition of Ricinus communis cultivatedhydroponically on 12 mol m – 3 NO3-N were comparedwith plants raised on a range of NH4+-N concentrations. At NH4+-Nconcentrations between 0·5 and 4·0 mol m–3,fresh- and dry-weight yields of 62-d-old plants were not significantlydifferent from those of the NO3-N controls. Growth wasreduced at 0·2 mol m–3 NH4+-N and was associatedwith increased root. shoot and C: organic N ratios, suggestingthat the plants were N-limited. At 8·0 mol m–3NH4+-N, growth was greatly restricted and the plants exhibitedsymptoms of severe ‘NH4+ toxicity’. Plants growingon NH4+-N showed marked acidification of the rooting medium,this effect being greatest on media supporting the highest growthrates. Shoot carboxylate content per unit dry weight was lower at mostNH4+-N concentrations than in the NO3-N controls, althoughit increased at the lowest NH4+-N levels. Root carboxylate contentwas comparable on the two N sources, but also increased substantiallyat the lowest NH4+-N levels. N source had little effect on inorganic-cationcontent at the whole-plant level, while NO3 and carboxylatewere replaced by Cl as the dominant anion in the NH4+-N plants.This was reflected in the ionic composition of the xylem andleaf-cell saps, the latter containing about 100 mol m–3Cl in plants on 8·0 mol m–3 NH4+. Xylem-saporganic-N concentration increased more than threefold with NH4+-N(with glutamine being the dominant compound irrespective ofN source) while in leaf-cell sap it increased more than 12-foldon NH4+-N media (with arginine becoming the dominant species).In the phloem, N source had little or no effect on inorganic-cation,sucrose or organic-N concentrations or sap pH, but sap fromNH4+-N plants contained high levels of Cl and serine. Collectively, the results suggested that the toxic effects ofhigh NH4+ concentrations were not the result of medium acidification,reduced inorganic-cation or carboxylate levels, or restrictedcarbohydrate availability, as is commonly supposed. Rather,NH4+ toxicity in R. communis is probably the result of changesin protein N turnover and impairment of the photorespiratoryN cycle. Key words: Ricinus, ammonium nutrition, nitrate, whole-plant composition, xylem, Phloem, amino acids, carboxylate  相似文献   

The ion relations of the halophytc Suaeda maritima are described.When plants grew in 340 mol m–3 sodium chloride (—1•76MPa) leaf solute potentials decreased, and were sustained around—2•5 MPa Inorganic ion concentration (mostly of sodiumchloride) accounted for this. Comparable shoot ion concentrationsof potassium, nitrate and sulphate occurred when plants grewon different salinity types characterized by these ions. Netsodium transport and shoot sodium concentration increased dramaticallywith increases in external sodium chloride concentration upto 85 mol m–3; thereafter, further increases in externalsodium chloride concentration had relatively little effect uponeither shoot sodium concentration or upon net transport of sodiumto the shoot. The net transport of sodium plus potassium onlydoubled when the external concentration of sodium plus potassiumincreased from 24 to 687 mol m–3 Shoot ion concentrationswere remarkably constant with time, external concentration andsalinity type. The membrane flux rates and symplasmic ion concentrations neededto sustain the observed net transport of sodium (of some 10mmol g–1 dry wt. of roots d–1) are calculated fromanatomical and stereological data for the root system of thisspecies. The minimum net sodium chloride flux to load the symplasmwould be 260 nmol m–2s–1 if the whole cortical andepidermal plasmalemmal surface area were used uniformly, butthe flux rate required would be 3000 nmol m–2s–1if uptake took place only at the root surface. A flux rate ofat least 1000 nmol m–2s–1 is needed between symplasmand xylem. The symplasmic concentration of NaCl would be atleast 80 mol m–3. It is argued (1), that both symplasmicand xylem loading are likely to be passive processes mediatedby ion channels rather than active carriers, (2), that net iontransport at 340 mol m–3 sodium chloride is close to themaximum which is physiologically sustainable and (3), that growthof this halophyte is limited by NaCl supply from the root. Key words: Suaeda maritima, halophyte, salinity, roots, radial ion transport  相似文献   

Peoples, M. B., Sudin, M. N. and Herridge, D. F. 1987. Translocationof nitrogenous compounds insymbiotic and nitrate-fed amide-exportinglegumes.–J. exp. Bot. 38: 567–579. The transport of nitrogen from the roots and nodules of chickpea(Cicer anetinum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic), faba bean(Vicia faba L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) was examined in glasshouse-grownplants supplied either with nitrate-free nutrients or with nutrientssupplemented with 1,2,4 or 8 mol m-3153N-nitrate. A sixth treatmentcomprised uninoculated plants supplied with 8–0 mol m-31513N-nitrate. For each species, more than 75% of the nitrogenwas exported from the nodules as the amides, asparagine andglutamine. In fully symbiotic plants, the amides also dominatednitrogen transport to the shoot When N2 fixation activity wasdecreased by the addition of nitrate to the rooting medium,the N-composition of xylem exudate and stem solutes changedconsiderably. The relative concentrations of asparagine tendedto increase in the xylem whilst those of glutamine were reduced;the levels of nitrate increased in both xylem exudate and thesoluble nitrogen pool of the stem with a rise in nitrate supply.The changes in relative nitrate contents reflected generallythe contributions of root and shoot to overall nitrate reductaseactivity at the different levels of nitrate used. The relationshipsbetween the relative contents of xylary or stem nitrate andamino nitrogen and the plants' reliance on N2 fixation (determinedby the 15N isotope dilution procedure) were examined. Data suggestthat compositional relationships based on nitrate may be reasonableindicators of symbiotic dependence for all species under studyexcept faba bean when greater than 25% of plant nitrogen wasderived from N2 fixation. Key words: Nitrogen, translocation, legumes  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in quartz sand culture eitherwith a normal root system (controls) or with seminal roots only(‘single-rooted’). Development of adventitious rootswas prevented by using plants with an etiolated mesocotyl andthe stem base was positioned 5–8 cm above the sand. Eventhough the roots of the single-rooted plants were sufficientlysupplied with water and nutrients, the leaves experienced waterdeficits and showed decreased transpiration as trans plrationalwater flow was restricted by the constant number of xylem vesselspresent in the mesocotyl. As a consequence of this restriction,transpirational water flow velocities in the metaxylem vesselsreached mean values of 270 m h–1 and phloem transportvelocities of 5.2 m h–1. Despite limited xylem transportmineral nutrient concentrations in leaf tissues were not decreasedin single-rooted plants, but shoot and particularly stem developmentwas somewhat inhibited. Due to the lack of adventitious rootsthe shoot:root ratio was strongly increased in the single-rootedplants, but the seminal roots showed compensatory growth comparedto those in control plants. Consistent with decreased leaf conductance,ABA concentrations in leaves of single-rooted plants were elevatedup to 10-fold, but xylem sap ABA concentrations in these plantswere lower than in controls, in good agreement with the well-wateredconditions experienced by the seminal roots. Surprisingly, however,ABA concentrations in tissues of the seminal roots of the single-rooted plants were clearly increased compared to the controls,presumably due to increased ABA import via phloem from the water-stressedleaves. The results are discussed in relation to the role ofABA as a shoot to root signal. Key words: Zea mays, seminal roots, plant development, xylem transport, mineral nutrition, ABA, shoot-to-root signal  相似文献   

Cultures of nine potato genotypes (seven Solanum tuberosum oneS. sparsipilum and one S. oplocense genotypes) were examinedfor their response to growing on medium containing either 60mol m–3, 40 mol m–3 or 20 mol m–3 nitrogen.Genotypes differed in their response to nitrogen. Reducing thenitrogen regime tended to produce taller plants with longerinternodes, shoots had larger leaves but contained less chlorophyll.No change in fresh weight or number of nodes was observed. Genotypex nitrogen interactions were significant for chlorophyll content,shoot length and internode length. Results suggest that thechanges observed were as a result of changes in the total nitrogenlevel rather than changes in the ammonium : nitrate ratio. Thisstudy suggests that for certain potato genotypes, nitrogen levelsin MS medium are too high for producing desirable microplantsin terms of leaf area and shoot length Key words: Solanum tuberosum, S. sparsipilum, S. oplocense, micropropagation, morphogenesis  相似文献   

Low temperature (6 C) growth was examined in two cultivarsof Vicia faba L. supplied with 4 and 20 mol m–3 N as nitrateor urea. Both cultivars showed similar growth responses to increasedapplied-N concentration regardless of N-form. Total leaf areaincreased, as did root, stem and leaf dry weight, total carboncontent and total nitrogen content. In contrast to findingsat higher growth temperatures, 20 mol m–3 urea-N gavesubstantially greater growth (all parameters measured) than20 mol m–3 nitrate-N. The increased carbon content per plant associated with increasedapplied nitrate or urea concentration, or with urea in comparisonto nitrate, was due to a greater leaf area per plant for CO2uptake and not an increased CO2, uptake per unit area, carbon,chlorophyll or dry weight, all of which either remained constantor decreased. Nitrate reductase activity was substantial inplants given nitrate but negligible in plants given urea. Neitherfree nitrate nor free urea contributed greatly to nitrogen levelsin plant tissues. It is concluded that there is no evidence for a restrictionin nitrate reduction at 6 C, and it is likely that urea givesgreater growth than nitrate because of greater rates of uptake. Vicia faba, broad bean, low temperature growth, carbon assimilation, nitrogen assimilation  相似文献   

Rapid, Reversible Inhibition of Nitrate Influx in Barley by Ammonium   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
The rate of influx of nitrate into the roots of intact barleyplants was measured over a period of 3–5 min from externalnitrate concentrations of 1–150 mmol m–3, using13N-labelled nitrate as tracer. Ammonium at external concentrationsof 0.005–50 mol m–3 inhibited nitrate influx ina manner which did not conform to a simple kinetic model butincreased approximately as the logarithm of the ammonium concentration.At any particular ammonium concentration, inhibition of nitrateinflux reached its full extent within 3 min of the ammoniumbeing supplied and was not made more severe by up to 17 minpre-treatment with ammonium. On removing the external ammonium,nitrate influx returned to its original rate within about 3min. Potassium at 0.005–50 mol m–3 did not reproducethe rapid effect of ammonium on nitrate influx. Net uptake of nitrate also decreased when ammonium was supplied,over a similar timescale and to a similar extent as nitrateinflux. The decrease in nitrate influx caused by ammonium wassufficient to account for the observed reduction in net uptake,without necessitating any acceleration of nitrate efflux. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, roots, ion transport, short-lived isotopes, 13N  相似文献   

Rhizobium-inoculatcd plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were grownwith different N-sources (nitrate, ammonium, urea) and differentconcentrations of urea. The distribution of growth between plantparts varied with N-sources. Nitrate and ammonium were moreinhibitory to nodulation than urea, which at 40 mol m–3N had no effect. Urease activity varied in amount and locationover a range of urea concentrations. At higher concentrations,more urea was transported to and increased urease activity wasfound in the shoot Lower levels of activity in plants relianton N2-fixation were consistent with a ureide-degradation pathwaynot involving urea. Moderate doses of urea could be assimilatedconcomitantly with N2-fixation. At higher levels of appliedurea, nodulation and ureide transport to the shoots were reduced,although increased growth could not be maintained at concentrationsof applied urea greater than 6.0 mol m–3 urea N. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, growth, nitrogen source, urease  相似文献   

Various nitrate concentrations (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 50 mol m–3)were applied at weekly intervals for 10 weeks to the caesalpinioidlegume Chamaecrista fasciculata. Microscopic techniques andgeneral growth studies showed that nitrate affected both theplant and its rhizobial symbiosis. As the nitrate concentrationwas increased, nodule structure became increasingly disruptedeven though nitrate remained limiting to plant growth until8 mol m–3. Poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was observedusing transmission electron microscopy; as nitrate increasedfrom 0 to 2 mol m–3, the PHB stores were utilized Key words: Chamaecrista fasciculata, poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate, nitrogen fixation  相似文献   

Ricinus communis L. (castor bean) plants were grown in the absence(control) and in the presence of 100molm–3NaCl with areciprocal split-root system, in which K+ was supplied to oneand NO3 to the other part of the root system. In theseplants shoot and, to a lesser extent, total root growth wereinhibited compared to plants with non-split roots. Without andwith NaCl, growth of roots receiving NO3 but noK+ (‘minusK/plus N-roots’) was substantially more vigorous thanunder the reverse conditions (‘plus K/minus N-roots1).100mol m–3 NaCl inhibited growth of minus K/plus N-roots1to the same extent as that of non-split roots, indicating thatexternally supplied K+ was not required for root growth undersaline conditions. In growth media without added K+ the rootdepleted the external low K + levels resulting from chemicalsdown to a minimum value Cmln (1.0 to 1.4 mmol m–3); inthe presence of 100 mol m–3 NaCl, Cmin, was higher (10–18mmol m–3) and resulted from an initial net loss of K +.Cmin, was pH-dependent The distribution of K+, Na+ and Mg2+along the root was measured. In meristematic root tissues, K+ concentrations were scarcely affected by external K+ or byNaCl, where Na + concentrations were low, but somewhat elevatedat low external K+ and/or high NaCl. In differentiated, vacuolatedtissues K + concentrations were low and Na+ concentrations high,if K + was not supplied externally and/or NaCl was present.The longitudinal distribution of ions within the root was usedto estimate cytoplasmic and vacuolar ion concentrations. Thesedata showed a narrow homoeostasis of cytoplasmic K+ concentrations(100–140 mol m–3) independent of external K + supplyeven in the presence of 100 mol m –3 NaCl. CytoplasmicNa + concentrations were maintained at remarkably low levels.Hence, external K+ concentrations above Cmin, were not requiredfor maintaining K/Na selectivity, i.e. for controlling Na+ entry.The results are discussed with regard to mechanisms of K/Naselectivity and to the importance of phloem import of K+ forsalt tolerance of roots and for cytoplasmic K+ homoeostasis. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrate, potassium, root (split-root), salt tolerance, phloem transport  相似文献   

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