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分析植物应答环境因子的一种有效平台--DNA微阵列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王珍  种康  许智宏 《遗传学报》2005,32(2):210-218
随着植物基因组测序工程的迅速发展,大量的DNA序列不断地快速对外公布。如何把这庞大的核苷酸序列信息与植物的生命活动有机地联系起来?高通量的DNA微阵列技术是连接植物基因组序列信息和植物功能基因组的桥梁;而且,这一技术在分析基因表达谱和基因的功能上已经得到了应用。通过简要叙述DNA微阵列技术的几个特点,着重分析近几年来该技术在研究植物对环境胁迫的响应机制以及环境信号间相互作用方面的应用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着测序技术的不断发展,基因组测序技术渐趋成熟并在动物和植物基因组上获得了越来越多的成功,大量植物的基因组的草图和精细图不断地被公布出来。比较和分析了三代测序技术各自的特点,对测序前的准备、基因组组装、注释和比较基因组学等方面的研究进展进行了详细的评述,阐明了植物基因组研究的特点和难点。通过植物的全基因组测序,研究者不仅可以获得该植物基因组和重要功能基因的序列信息,为从分子水平研究植物的分子进化、基因组成和基因调控等提供了一定的依据,而且还对即将测序的植物基因组研究具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着高通量DNA测序技术的飞速发展,越来越多的物种完成了基因组测序.定位编码基因、确定编码基因结构是基因组注释的基本任务,然而以往的基因组注释方法主要依赖于DNA及RNA序列信息.为了更加精确地解读完成测序的基因组,我们需要整合多种类型的组学数据进行基因组注释.近年来,基于串联质谱技术的蛋白质组学已经发展成熟,实现了对蛋白质组的高覆盖,使得利用串联质谱数据进行基因组注释成为可能.串联质谱数据一方面可以对已注释的基因进行表达验证,另一方面还可以校正原注释基因,进而发现新基因,实现对基因组序列的重新注释.这正是当前进展较快的蛋白质基因组学的研究内容.利用该方法系统地注释已完成测序的基因组已成为解读基因组的一个重要补充.本文综述了蛋白质基因组学的主要研究内容和研究方法,并展望了该研究方向未来的发展.  相似文献   

后基因组时代的生命科学研究对每一位林业科学工作者来说都充满了挑战。随着“后基因组时代”的到来,国际学术界已经认识到发展低成本、高效率的测序技术的重要,陛。在这样的背景下,高通量测序技术应运而生,成为DNA测序发展历程的一个新的里程碑,为现代生命科学领域的研究提供了前所未有的机遇。其代表性技术平台有Roche的454N序技术、Illumina的Solexa测序技术、microRNA微阵列芯片技术及降解组高通量测序技术。目前,此系列技术在模式植物中挖掘关键基因的研究已经非常成熟。在林木领域,尤其是在尚无参考基因组和基因组信息庞大的裸子植物中的应用逐渐成为研究热点,并已经取得了很大的进展。  相似文献   

转座元件是指在基因组中能够移动、复制并重新整合到基因组新位点的DNA片段。在植物中,多种类型的转座元件,特别是占比较高的LTR类逆转录转座元件,可以通过产生新基因和转录本、提供调节元件、改变基因结构等多种途径广泛调控基因表达,最终多维度有效推动基因组进化。同时,基因组测序组装技术的快速发展也为转座元件的检测、注释提供了良好契机。本文从结构分类、全基因组检测、功能研究、基因组进化4个方面对当前植物转座元件的研究进展进行综述,同时对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是真核生物基因组最重要的修饰方式之一。就植物DNA甲基化模式、建立、维持机制及其特征进行了综述,并且着重解释了植物DNA甲基化影响基因表达的机制。总结了在胁迫环境下单基因甲基化状态发生改变对于基因表达的影响,并对当前利用高通量测序技术分析植物全基因组范围内DNA甲基化与基因表达的关联分析研究进行综述。  相似文献   

随着人类基因组和一些模式生物、重要经济生物以及大量微生物基因组测序的完成,生物学整体研究业已进入基因组时代.最近5~10年以来,利用基因组结构信息进行系统发育推断的研究形成了分类学和进化生物学中的前沿领域之一.相对于核苷酸或氨基酸序列中的突变而言,基因组的结构变化--内含子的插入/缺失、反转录子的整合、签名序列、基因重复以及基因排序等--是更大空间(或者时间空间)尺度上的相对稀缺的系统发育信息,一般用于科和科以上阶元间的亲缘关系研究.基因组全序列的获得和其中各基因位置的确定有利于将基因组中不同层次的系统发育信息综合起来,利用全面分子证据(total molecular evidence;包括基因组信息,DNA、RNA、蛋白质的序列信息,RNA和蛋白质的高级结构等)进行分子系统学研究.  相似文献   

<正>中国农科院蔬菜花卉研究所王晓武团队和美国科学院院士迈克·菲林领导的团队合作,对植物基因组多倍化进化过程中基因分化和多基因组分化机理进行了研究。相关成果日前在线发表于美国《国家科学院院刊》。植物在进化过程中通过基因组加倍(多倍化)的扩增方式,进行自我进化和适应自然环境。随着DNA测序技术的快速发展,越来越多的植物基因组被公布,这使得通过比较基因组学阐明植物多倍化进化机制成为可能。  相似文献   

重离子辐射诱变具有诱变率高、诱变谱宽、突变体易稳定等优势,在微生物育种实践中已得到广泛应用。随着测序技术的发展,对重离子辐射诱变效应的研究可以实现较为全面地了解突变体在基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和代谢组等多个层面的生物学信息。本文综述了利用重离子辐射诱变技术进行微生物育种的研究进展,以及联合高通量测序技术探究重离子诱变产生的生物学效应机理。在此基础上,进一步探讨利用组学方法研究重离子诱变微生物的新思路,旨为重离子诱变微生物育种技术提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

TILLING技术在植物功能基因组及育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪得凯  孙宗修  陶跃之 《遗传学报》2006,33(11):957-964
随着拟南芥、水稻等模式植物基因组测序计划的全面完成,数据库中大量的DNA序列需要进行功能注释,而用传统的正向遗传学进行基因克隆和近年来发展的反向遗传学(如插入突变、反义RNA、RNAi等技术)方法已不能适应基因组学的发展需求,因此,研发大规模、高通量的基因功能分析方法成为当务之急。TILLING技术(Targeting induced local lesions in genomes)就是在基因组生物学大背景下出现的一种全新的反向遗传学技术。TILLING技术的基本步骤是通过化学诱变方法产生一系列点突变,经过PCR扩增放大和变性复性过程产生异源双链DNA分子,再通过特异性酶切和双色电泳分析识别异源双链中错配碱基,从而检测出突变发生的准确位置。由于具有高通量、大规模、高灵敏度和自动化等特点,能够适应植物功能基因组学研究的要求,TILLING技术已经和即将在功能基因组领域发挥越来越重要的作用。TILLING技术应用于已测序完成的拟南芥和水稻中的突变位点检测并取得了巨大成功;TILLING技术应用于农作物的品种改良,可以帮助实现快速、定向改良作物的品种,同时由于TILLING采用的化学诱变技术与传统诱变育种并无二致,因此在作物改良中采用TILLING技术不存在外源基因转入引发的转基因作物(GMO)争论;由TILLING技术发展来的EcoTILLING技术,具有通量高、成本低、定位准确等优点,可以很好地进行多态性检测和研究基因的功能,已成为开展物种DNA多态性检测和不同物种演替进化研究的有力工具。本文简要介绍了TILLING的原理及操作步骤,讨论了TILLING技术的特点和优点及TILLING技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

During the last ten years, Arabidopsis thaliana has become the most favoured plant system for the study of many aspects of development and adaptation to adverse conditions and diseases. The sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome is nearly completed with more than 90% of the sequence being released in public databases. This is the first plant genome to be analysed and it has revealed a tremendous amount of information about the nature of the genes it contains and its largely duplicated organisation. French groups have been involved in Arabidopsis genomics at several steps: EST (expressed sequence tags) sequencing, construction and ordering (physical mapping of chromosomes) of a YAC (yeast artificial chromosomes) library, genomic sequencing. In parallel an extensive programme of functional genomics is being undertaken through the systematic analysis of insertional mutants. This information provides a support for analysing other more economically important plant genomes such as the rice genome and constitutes the beginning of a systematic investigation on plant gene functions and will promote new strategies for plant improvement.  相似文献   

As soon as whole-genome sequencing entered the scene in the mid-1990s and demonstrated its use in revealing the entire genetic potential of any given microbial organism, this technique immediately revolutionized the way pathogen (and many other fields of) research was carried out. The ability to perform whole-genome comparisons further transformed the field and allowed scientists to obtain information linking phenotypic dissimilarities among closely related organisms and their underlying genetic mechanisms. Such comparisons have become commonplace in examining strain-to-strain variability, as well as comparing pathogens to less, or nonpathogenic near neighbors. In recent years, a bloom in novel sequencing technologies along with continuous increases in throughput has occurred, inundating the field with various types of massively parallel sequencing data and further transforming comparative genomics research. Here, we review the evolution of comparative genomics, its impact in understanding pathogen evolution and physiology and the opportunities and challenges presented by next-generation sequencing as applied to pathogen genome comparisons.  相似文献   

Plants are the world’s most consumed goods. They are of high economic value and bring many health benefits. In most countries in Africa, the supply and quality of food will rise to meet the growing population’s increasing demand. Genomics and other biotechnology tools offer the opportunity to improve subsistence crops and medicinal herbs in the continent. Significant advances have been made in plant genomics, which have enhanced our knowledge of the molecular processes underlying both plant quality and yield. The sequencing of complex genomes of African plant species, facilitated by the continuously evolving next-generation sequencing technologies and advanced bioinformatics approaches, has provided new opportunities for crop improvement. This review summarizes the achievements of genome sequencing projects of endemic African plants in the last two decades. We also present perspectives and challenges for future plant genomic studies that will accelerate important plant breeding programs for African communities. These challenges include a lack of basic facilities, a lack of sequencing and bioinformatics facilities, and a lack of skills to design genomics studies. However, it is imperative to state that African countries have become key players in the plant genome revolution and genome derived-biotechnology. Therefore, African governments should invest in public plant genomics research and applications, establish bioinformatics platforms and training programs, and stimulate university and industry partnerships to fully deploy plant genomics, particularly in the fields of agriculture and medicine.  相似文献   

高通量测序技术在动植物研究领域中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
高通量测序是核酸测序研究的一次革命性技术创新, 该技术以极低的单碱基测序成本和超高的数据产出量为特征, 为基因组学和后基因组学研究带来了新的科研方法和解决方案. 在动植物研究领域, 高通量测序引领了一次具有里程碑意义的科学研究模式革新, 科研人员可利用该技术在基因组、转录组和表观基因组等领域展开多层次多方面多水平研究. 本文就高通量测序技术应用于动植物基因组学和功能基因组学研究进展进行了系统阐述, 并对当前高通量测序技术的现状和热点及未来的发展趋势作了深入剖析和讨论.  相似文献   

Mutagenized populations have become indispensable resources for introducing variation and studying gene function in plant genomics research. In this study, fast neutron (FN) radiation was used to induce deletion mutations in the soybean (Glycine max) genome. Approximately 120,000 soybean seeds were exposed to FN radiation doses of up to 32 Gray units to develop over 23,000 independent M2 lines. Here, we demonstrate the utility of this population for phenotypic screening and associated genomic characterization of striking and agronomically important traits. Plant variation was cataloged for seed composition, maturity, morphology, pigmentation, and nodulation traits. Mutants that showed significant increases or decreases in seed protein and oil content across multiple generations and environments were identified. The application of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to lesion-induced mutants for deletion mapping was validated on a midoleate x-ray mutant, M23, with a known FAD2-1A (for fatty acid desaturase) gene deletion. Using CGH, a subset of mutants was characterized, revealing deletion regions and candidate genes associated with phenotypes of interest. Exome resequencing and sequencing of PCR products confirmed FN-induced deletions detected by CGH. Beyond characterization of soybean FN mutants, this study demonstrates the utility of CGH, exome sequence capture, and next-generation sequencing approaches for analyses of mutant plant genomes. We present this FN mutant soybean population as a valuable public resource for future genetic screens and functional genomics research.  相似文献   

A transgenic perspective on plant functional genomics   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Transgenic crops are very much in the news due to the increasing public debate on their acceptance. In the scientific community though, transgenic plants are proving to be powerful tools to study various aspects of plant sciences. The emerging scientific revolution sparked by genomics based technologies is producing enormous amounts of DNA sequence information that, together with plant transformation methodology, is opening up new experimental opportunities for functional genomics analysis. An overview is provided here on the use of transgenic technology for the functional analysis of plant genes in model plants and a link made to their utilization in transgenic crops. In transgenic plants, insertional mutagenesis using heterologous maize transposons or Agrobacterium mediated T-DNA insertions, have been valuable tools for the identification and isolation of genes that display a mutant phenotype. To discover functions of genes that do not display phenotypes when mutated, insertion sequences have been engineered to monitor or change the expression pattern of adjacent genes. These gene detector insertions can detect adjacent promoters, enhancers or gene exons and precisely reflect the expression pattern of the tagged gene. Activation tag insertions can mis-express the adjacent gene and confer dominant phenotypes that help bridge the phenotype gap. Employment of various forms of gene silencing technology broadens the scope of recovering knockout phenotypes for genes with redundant function. All these transgenic strategies describing gene-phenotype relationships can be addressed by high throughput reverse genetics methods that will help provide functions to the genes discovered by genome sequencing. The gene functions discovered by insertional mutagenesis and silencing strategies along with expression pattern analysis will provide an integrated functional genomics perspective and offer unique applications in transgenic crops. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

王云生 《遗传》2016,38(8):688-699
作为群体遗传学一种新的表现形式,群体基因组学是将基因组概念和技术与群体遗传学理论体系相结合,通过覆盖全基因组范围内的多态位点的分布式样推测位点特异性效应和全基因组效应,从而提升人们对微进化的理解。近年来,随着第二代高通量测序技术的出现和改进,完成基因组测序的植物种类迅速增加,大规模的重测序也随之开展。与此同时,在一些尚未完成基因组测序的植物物种中,也开展了一些平行测序。这些重测序和平行测序极大地促进了群体基因组学的发展,加深了人们对相关植物种群在基因组水平上的遗传多样性、连锁不平衡水平、选择作用、群体历史及复杂性状的分子机理等群体基因组学方面的认识。本文简要介绍了群体基因组学的概念、研究方法等,重点综述了基于高通量测序的植物群体基因组学的研究动态,展望了植物群体基因组学的发展前景并讨论了存在的问题,以期为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

With the arrival of low-cost, next-generation sequencing, a multitude of new plant genomes are being publicly released, providing unseen opportunities and challenges for comparative genomics studies. Here, we present PLAZA 2.5, a user-friendly online research environment to explore genomic information from different plants. This new release features updates to previous genome annotations and a substantial number of newly available plant genomes as well as various new interactive tools and visualizations. Currently, PLAZA hosts 25 organisms covering a broad taxonomic range, including 13 eudicots, five monocots, one lycopod, one moss, and five algae. The available data consist of structural and functional gene annotations, homologous gene families, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees, and colinear regions within and between species. A new Integrative Orthology Viewer, combining information from different orthology prediction methodologies, was developed to efficiently investigate complex orthology relationships. Cross-species expression analysis revealed that the integration of complementary data types extended the scope of complex orthology relationships, especially between more distantly related species. Finally, based on phylogenetic profiling, we propose a set of core gene families within the green plant lineage that will be instrumental to assess the gene space of draft or newly sequenced plant genomes during the assembly or annotation phase.  相似文献   

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