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The prey selection of the phytoseiid miteTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten was studied by using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to analyse the diet of field-collected predators. The predators were obtained from an orchard where the phytophagous prey mitesPanonychus ulmi (Koch) andAculus schlechtendali (Nalepa) were present in various density ratios.Esterases of both prey species were identified in the predators, but on all sampling datesP. ulmi esterases were discovered much more frequently than those ofA. schlechtendali. The data show thatT. pyri hardly fed onA. schlechtendali over a range of prey density ratios. It is therefore concluded thatT. pyri prefersP. ulmi toA. schlechtendali.  相似文献   

A photoperiod of 8L/16D for two weeks was used to distinguish between diapausing and non-diapausingTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten. A diet ofPanonychus ulmi orTetranychus urticae, or pollen ofVicia faba did not influence preovipositional periods of diapausing mites. In mid-September, 88% ofT. pyri collected from an insectary were in diapause. The critical day-length appeared to be between 12.5 and 13.5 h. Diapause duration was greatest in mites collected in September–November, becoming progressively less in mites collected later in the winter. By mid-April, ca. 50% of mites collected from the orchard and insectary oviposited promptly when cultured in the laboratory.Typhlodromus pyri eggs and larvae were present on leaves in early May. At this time, only 4% ofP. ulmi winter eggs had hatched. Diapause terminated most quickly inT. pyri kept in an 18L/6D photoperiod, followed by 24L/0D and 0L/24D. Longest preoviposition periods were recorded for mites kept in 8L/16D photoperiods.  相似文献   

The cause of parathion and propoxur resistance inTyphlodromus pyri was studied in a Dutch strain in which resistance was dependent on a semi-dominant gene. Activity of glutathione S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase and reaction rate of acetylcholinesterase with paraoxon and propoxur were measured in this resistant (R) and in a susceptible (S) strain. The R strain was 100-fold resistant to parathion and 2300-fold resistant to propoxur. A 36-fold reduction was found in rate of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in the R strain for paraoxon, and a 14-fold reduction for propoxur. In combination with the monogenic nature of the resistance, this proves that the insensitivity of acetylcholinesterase is the cause of resistance. The rate constant of acetylcholinesterase inhibition at 25°C in the S and R strains was 1.5×105 and 4.2×103 M –1 min–1 respectively for paraoxon, and 5.1×104 and 3.6×103 M –1 min–1 for propoxur. There was no significant difference between the R and S strains in glutathione S-transferase activity. The R strain had a somewhat lower acetylcholinesterase activity than the S strain.  相似文献   

Typhlodromus pyri, reared on plate cultures and fed on pollen of Vicia faba, were bioassayed using a taped-slide technique. Mite stocks from isolated unsprayed orchards were used to establish base-line susceptibility to azinphos-methyl, parathion, carbaryl and permethrin. Stocks from English orchards with a spray history of organophosphates and carbaryl showed resistance of 4 to 6x to azinphos-methyl, c 50 x to parathion, >20x to carbaryl, and no resistance to permethrin. An orchard population derived from T. pyri imported from New Zealand in 1977 responded similarly. In other tests, mites exposed to spray residues on glass and on apple leaves were killed by lower concentrations than in taped-slide tests (glass < apple leaf < taped-slide technique); but for all three assay techniques the resistance factors to azinophos-methyl and carbaryl, comparing two stocks, were similar. All stocks from sprayed orchards were resistant to both azinphos-methyl and carbaryl, suggesting cross-resistance; and resistance to both these pesticides appeared to be stable in the field when selection pressure was relaxed. The results are discussed in relation to earlier work on T. pyri and two other resistant orchard-inhabiting phytoseiid species.  相似文献   

1. The freshwater leech, Erpobdella octoculata , is a generalist predator feeding on prey organisms such as Tubifex spp., Chironomus spp. and Asellus aquaticus. Using different experimental designs, we studied the use of foraging kairomones by the leeches for prey location.
2. Leeches were attracted to living as well as to freshly killed larvae of Chironomus sp., to Tubifex sp., and to A. aquaticus offered in Petri dishes covered with gauze. The leeches also reacted to an extract of macerated Tubifex sp. presented in agar.
3. Using ion exchange chromatography, the presence of histidine and glutamic acid was demonstrated in water contaminated by living larvae of Chironomus sp. and Tubifex sp. Agar blocks containing a synthetic mixture of these compounds at concentrations above 5 mg mL−1 were attractive to the leeches.
4. Choice tests showed that leeches preferred chemical signals from Tubifex sp. over larvae of Chironomus sp. No difference was found between chemicals from Tubifex sp. and A. aquaticus , and A. aquaticus and larvae of Chironomus sp.
5. The results demonstrate that E. octoculata uses specific foraging kairomones in searching for prey and indicate that amino acids serve as foraging kairomones.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz & Neiva (Diptera: Psychodidae) is the vector of Leishmania chagasi, the aetiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. In the present study, the response of female sandflies from Jacobina, Brazil, to human odours from six different volunteers was investigated. Glass Petri dishes were handled by different volunteers and then exposed to female sandflies. There was a significant difference between subjects in that some individuals were more attractive or less repellent to sandflies. Response of flies to handled Petri dishes was higher during the first minutes of observation, suggesting the presence of volatile compounds in hand odours. Extracts of glass Petri dishes that had been handled by the volunteers were made with organic solvents such as acetone, methanol, pentane and ether. These were then concentrated and tested for sandfly response. Only extracts carried out with non-polar solvents such as pentane and ether were able to transfer odours from handled glass Petri dishes onto clean dishes. The attractivity of male and female human subjects was monitored for 80 days, and minor fluctuations in attractiveness were observed.  相似文献   

Success of counter-attack by the spider mite,Schizotetranychus celarius (Banks), against its specific phytoseiid predator,Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara, was examined under experimental conditions. The success of counter-attack by prey females (mothers) against a predaceous larva depended upon the former's density per nest. About 30% of the predaceous larvae were killed when they intruded into a nest containing eight females and their offspring. On the other hand, the prey males (fathers) effectively killed the predators, i.e. one male in the nest killed ca. 40% of the predators while two or three males destroyed up to 80%.The presence of prey parents in a nest considerably enhanced the success of the counter-attack. One male and two young females could kill 70% of the predator's larvae, while two males and two females killed 90% of such larvae. This suggests a kind of cooperative brood defence amongstS. celarius parents.Although more robust, protonymphs of the predator also suffered damage by the prey's counter-attack. However, prey male and female could not destroy the predator's eggs and adult females, whilst the latter often killed spider mite adults.From these as well as previous experiments, it is concluded thatS. celarius has evolved some kind of biparental care for its offspring. It is further proposed that the predator—prey interactions observed in this study provide a unique contribution towards understanding predator—prey coevolution.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the production of diapausing eggs in Daphnia can be induced by fish kairomones. A population of Daphnia could survive severe predation using this predator avoidance strategy. However, in changing environments, diapausing eggs experience various temperature conditions, and hatchlings at emergence may be exposed to the same predation risks as their mothers. Therefore, staying in diapause or an immediate response upon hatching to available environmental information could be important for hatchling survival. For this study, we investigated the impact of water temperature (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) in the presence and absence of fish kairomones (Lepomis macrochirus) on the hatching success of resting eggs (D. galeata). Results show that no diapausing eggs hatched at the lowest temperature (10°C), and the highest hatch percentage occurred at 15°C. Although higher water temperatures reduced hatching success, diapausing eggs hatched more quickly. The number of hatchlings was significantly higher after exposure to fish kairomones, and this was more noticeable at higher temperatures (20 and 25°C). The present results suggest that the diapausing eggs were produced as a predator avoidance strategy in Daphnia; however, the presence of fish works as a positive signal to increase hatchlings when the diapausing stage is terminated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Trapping brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis; BTS) with live-mouse (Mus domesticus) lures is the principal control technique for this invasive species on Guam. Lure-based trapping is also used on other islands as a precaution against undetected arrivals and in response to verified BTS sightings. However, the effectiveness of lure-based trapping on other islands is questionable, as it has yielded no BTS despite other evidence of their presence. Some evidence suggests that high rodent numbers may interfere with BTS control. To test the relationship between rodent abundance and snake trappability, we conducted a controlled, replicated field experiment incorporating a rodenticide treatment during a BTS mark-recapture study. Using open population modeling in Program MARK, we estimated BTS apparent survival and recapture probabilities. Rodent reduction increased BTS recapture probabilities by 52–65% in 2002 and 22–36% in 2003, and it decreased apparent survival by < 1% both years. This appears to be the first published instance of manipulating wild prey to influence snake behavior. Rodent reduction may enhance detection and control of BTS with traps on Guam and other islands. It may also amplify the effectiveness of oral toxicants against BTS.  相似文献   

The Banks grass mite, Oligonychus pratensis (Banks) (Acari: Tetranychidae), is a serious pest in dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in the New World. Currently O. pratensis is managed using the miticide, Savey, and alternative strategies are necessary to remove pressure from a single control method due to the risk of resistance evolution. For this purpose, studies are underway to develop biological control strategies using the predatory mite, Galendromus flumenis (Chant) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The current study determined the consumption rate of G. flumenis at constant densities of O. pratensis eggs, larvae, protonymphs and deutonymphs, and defined the functional response of predator females. The predator consumed significantly more eggs than other prey stages, and displayed a type II functional response on all prey stages. The highest attack rate and shortest handling time were obtained for predators feeding on prey larvae and eggs, respectively. The proportions of prey consumed by G. flumenis were higher at lower densities for all stages of Banks grass mite, implying that G. flumenis should be more effective at suppressing Banks grass mite populations at lower densities. Therefore, in an augmentative release program, G. flumenis would need to be released early in the infestation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ingestion rate of Paraphysomonas imperforata was found to be a hyperbolic function of prey density. But the same flagellate clone had multiple ingestion responses to prey density, depending on its physiological state and physical stress it suffers. The flagellates in a physiological state of higher growth tended to have higher maximum ingestion and clearance rates than ones in a physiological state of lower growth. The same trend was observed for volume-specific maximum ingestion and volume-specific clearance rate. In response to changing prey density, the growth rate did not change as quickly as the ingestion rate, suggesting imbalance between the two. The tested physical stresses, including shaking, centrifugation, and filtration, also resulted in reduction of ingestion parameters of the flagellates. But half-saturation constants did not show any trend in response to either physiological state or physical stress. In light of the dynamic nature of protistan ingestion response to prey abundance, short incubation, which minimizes the physiological change, and careful handling, which prevents the possible physical stress, should be employed in order to avoid underestimation of in situ ingestion rates. Previously reported ingestion parameters of lab-cultured protists, which are thought to be unrealistic in natural conditions, may represent only one of multiple ingestion responses, probably prey-rich condition.  相似文献   

The flatworm Platydemus manokwari (Tricladida: Rhynchodemidae) preys on various species of land snail, and its introduction to areas outside of its native range is thought to have caused the extinction of native land snails on several Pacific islands. Platydemus manokwari occurs in areas where land snails have been absent since its invasion, suggesting that the flatworm can prey on animals other than land snails. To identify the alternative prey and prey preferences of P. manokwari, I examined the feeding ecology of P. manokwari under field and laboratory conditions. Individuals were observed attacking live earthworms in a forest where land snails are already extinct, on Chichijima, Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan. I also observed them attacking earthworms and a species of isopod and land snail in the lab. To prey on the worm, similar to other earthworm-eating flatworms, P. manokwari wrapped itself around the prey and fed on it by inserting its pharynx into the earthworm’s body. Large earthworms were able to escape P. manokwari attacks by autotomy, but the autotomized body parts were eaten. Several P. manokwari individuals together attacked earthworms that were larger than themselves. The laboratory experiments showed that such gregarious attacks increased predation success on both large earthworms and land snails. The flatworms also attacked the isopods, although the predation rate was low. These results demonstrate that P. manokwari is a polyphagous predator of slow-moving soil invertebrates (land snails, slugs, earthworms, and isopods) and that invasion by P. manokwari may directly and indirectly impact native soil fauna.  相似文献   

Prey preference and egg production of the carabid beetleAgonum dorsale   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to elucidate whether the aphidRhopalosiphum padi is low quality food for the carabid beetleAgonum dorsale, as it has previously been found to be for cereal spiders, we performed a series of experiments using fruit fliesDrosophila melanogaster as a standard alternative prey (‘control prey’): 1) Prey preference, 2) Aphid consumption for satiated and starved beetles, 3) Egg production on different diets and 4) Preference experiments with fruit flies coated with a taste of different prey types. Other alternative prey types used were earthworms and sciarid midges, all potential prey in the field.A. dorsale has a low preference for aphids compared to fruit flies. Apparently there is an upper limit to the consumption of aphids independent of hunger and much below the beetles' total food demand. Egg production on a pure diet of aphids is lower than on a pure diet of fruit flies; it is extremely low on a pure diet of earthworms; the highest fecundity is found on a mixed diet. As fruit flies coated with a taste of aphids or sciarid midges are less prefered than flies covered with a taste of fruit flies there may be a chemical factor, acting through taste, involved in determining prey preference.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and the mechanisms underpinning the food web stability, have been intensively investigated in ecological research. The ubiquities of generalists in natural food webs and its important role in dictating these ecosystem properties have been generally recognized. However, how competition between multiple top predators shape these ecosystem properties and determine the success of invasive predators remain largely unexplored. Here, we use a well-developed food web model to investigate the effects of prey preference of top predators on ecosystem functioning and food web stability in both local and invasive conditions. We design several modeling scenarios to mimic combinations of different types of top predators (specialist/generalist) and their origins (local/invasive). Our model theoretically shows that lower exploitation competition for prey between top predators (with distinct prey preferences featured by higher attack rates) would be beneficial for the ecosystem functioning and food web stability. We also demonstrate that the success of top predator invasion depends on the prey preference of both local and invasive top predators. Sensitivity analysis on the model further supports our findings. Our results highlight the importance of prey preference of multiple top predators in manipulating the properties of multi-trophic ecosystems. Our findings may have important implications because the current ongoing global changes profoundly change the phenology of many biological systems and create trophic mismatch, which may manipulate prey preference of top predators and in turn deteriorate ecosystem functioning and food web stability.  相似文献   

Development periods were determined for eggs and juvenile stages of the predatory phytoseiid mite Typhlodromus pyri at four constant temperatures and three feeding levels. For the non-feeding stages (eggs and larvae) power curve functions were fitted to development rate in terms of temperature. The results are compared to the general arthropod response to temperature. A non-linear model was fitted to nymphal development rate in terns of temperature and food, in which the weight gain over an instar is assumed to be a linear function of daily food consumption. Examples of the same shape development rate—food relationship are given for two more phytoseiid mites and for other arthropods. The results are discussed with respect to T. pyri as an integrated control agent.  相似文献   

Prey preference in stoneflies: a comparative analysis of prey vulnerability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Laboratory feeding trials were conducted with the predaceous stonefly Hesperoperla pacifica and a number of mayfly and dipteran prey species to investigate the effects of predator size, and prey size and morphology, on the predator's success. Observations under dim red light permitted estimation of encounter rate (E/min), attack propensity (A/E), capture success (C/A) and handling time (HT). For prey of a particular species and size, HT decreased log-linearly with increasing predator size. Across all prey categories, HT increased log-linearly with increasing values of the ratio prey dry wt/predator dry wt, and differences among species appeared to be small. Overall, capture success was low, but C/A was higher for dipterans than for mayflies, especially with large H. pacifica. Predator size affected C/A when prey fell within a certain size range, but was not a detectable influence with very small or very large prey. Values of A/E of near 10% typified many predatorprey combinations; however, ephemerellid mayflies suffered markedly fewer attacks, and values of A/E up to 30% were obtained with some species-size combinations. We estimated benefit to the predator first as prey wt ingested per unit time (dry wt/HT), and second by mutliplying the former term by capture success. Values increased with increasing size of the predator, and inclusion of the C/A term indicated that predators would obtain greater reward from small relative to large prey, and from dipterans relative to mayflies. Howerver, there was little evidence that attacks were biased toward more profitable prey. We compare the relative contributions of E/min, A/E and C/A to prey choice, and discuss their applicability to predation events in nature.  相似文献   

Prey preferences of large carnivores (tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus) and dhole (Cuon alpinus)) in the tropical forest of Anamalai Tiger Reserve (ATR) were evaluated. This was the first study in ATR to estimate the density of prey and the food habits of these large carnivores. The 958-km2 intensive study area was found to have a high mammalian prey density (72.1 animals per square kilometre) with wild boar (20.61 animals per square kilometre) and chital (20.54 animals per square kilometre) being the most common species, followed by nilgiri tahr (13.6 animals per square kilometre). When the density figures were multiplied by the average weight of each prey species, a high biomass density of 14,204 kg km−2 was obtained for the intensive study area. Scat analysis and incidental kill observation were used to determine the dietary composition of these predators. During the study from the period of March 2001 to April 2004, 1,145 tiger scats, 595 leopard scats and 2,074 dhole scats were collected and analysed. Kill data were based on direct observation of 66 tiger kills and 39 leopard kills. Sambar, with a density of 6.54 kg km−2 was the preferred prey for these carnivores. Sambar constitutes 35% of the overall diet of tiger, whereas it constitutes 17% and 25% in leopard and dhole diets, respectively. Chital was utilized less than sambar in the range of about 7%, 11% and 15% by tiger, leopard and dhole, respectively. Predator diet was estimated more accurately by scat analysis, which reveals 30% of smaller prey species in leopard’s diet, which was not observed by kill data. This study reveals that ATR harbours high prey density, and these large carnivores seem mostly dependent on the wild prey rather than on domestic livestock as in some other areas in the subcontinent. These factors make ATR a potential area for long-term conservation of these endangered carnivores.  相似文献   

狼蛛的化学感受器在寻觅定位猎物中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明蜘蛛的化学感受器在寻觅定位猎物中的作用,本研究以拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata为捕食者、以果蝇为猎物,将蜘蛛饲养在室温23℃±1℃下,使其适应于当前的生长环境。以果蝇成虫饲养狼蛛,使其熟悉猎物气味。实验前,停止供给猎物,使狼蛛处于饥饿状态。一个星期后进行实验,采用Y型嗅觉仪法在黑暗条件下研究了狼蛛对猎物体液气味和体表气味的灵敏度反应。结果表明在实验距离内,狼蛛均能够正确选择有果蝇体液气味端,选择指数显著高于无果蝇体液气味端(P0.05),停留时间显著高于无果蝇体液气味端(P0.05),但当狼蛛与有果蝇体液气味端距离增大后,狼蛛对气味敏感程度下降,当狼蛛与气味源距离达到11 cm后,虽然狼蛛仍然能够正确选择有果蝇体液气味端,但选择指数显著下降(P0.05),回归分析显示,狼蛛对有果蝇体液气味端选择指数与狼蛛和气味源间距离呈高度负相关。同时,研究结果发现狼蛛对果蝇体液气味比果蝇体表气味的反应更敏感。  相似文献   

The ‘Mikulov’ strain of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten from south Moravian vineyards was released on cultivated strawberries infested with the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. The strawberries were grown in field plantations and under glass. Typhlodromus pyri on vine shoots were successfully introduced into the field strawberry plantation but they produced no demonstrable control of the spider mites and they eventually declined in density with their prey. In contrast, T. pyri gave good control of spider mites in the glasshouse despite the occurrence of low humidity and water stress of the plants.  相似文献   

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