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Beech seed physiology, including the effect of stress proteins like late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and small heat shock proteins (sHSP) on viability during storage, is not fully understood. Four lots of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds have been stored for 1, 4, 6 and 8 years at −10 °C and 8–9% moisture content (MC). Under these conditions, the germination capacity ranges from 81.5% to 100% in the youngest seeds. However, the seeds decrease in vigour with prolonged time of storage. Dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins were identified both in cotyledons and embryonic axes of the dry stored seeds. In general, decreased contents of LEA proteins as well as reduced content of total soluble protein were detected during prolonged storage. The contents of soluble proteins in embryonic axes and nearly all detected dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins were correlated with germination capacity. Moreover a sHSP with molecular mass of approximately 22 kDa was identified. The largest content of this protein was observed in the oldest seeds, especially in embryonic axes. The proteins identified may play a protective role during water deficit and storage.  相似文献   

This study shows that beech leaves adapt to their light environment by inducing dramatic changes to antioxidant systems and pigment composition. Thus, ascorbate, tocopherol, glutathione, β-carotene and xanthophyll cycle pigments are much more concentrated in sun leaves, while α-carotene is much less concentrated than in shade leaves. These characteristics were used to identify the inherent potential of beech cotyledons from three contrasting climatic origins to tolerate light stress. The antioxidant content was initially different in the three provenances tested, but these initial differences tended to reduce with leaf ageing. The higher antioxidant and de-epoxidized xanthophyll content found in developing cotyledons indicated a superior potential for tolerance to photo-oxidative damage in those plants collected from the stressful climate of the Pyrenees. Nevertheless under an experimental high irradiation treatment no differences in light stress tolerance were observed between provenances. Received: 31 May 1999 / Accepted: 16 November 1999  相似文献   

The distribution of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variations in Greek beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) populations was studied using chloroplast microsatellite markers. Thirteen haplotypes were identified from 40 populations by combining three different primers. Most of the cpDNA variation was distributed among populations, but a considerable variation was also observed within populations. The total diversity was very high for all regions. The Nst/Gst comparison was significant, indicating phylogenetic subdivision, but no strong spatial structure was detected, suggesting complex post-glacial migration patterns. Possible scenarios explaining this diversity pattern include the existence of several separated refugia in the region, the recolonisation of mountains by different beech lineages and the formation of an introgression zone between two different beech subspecies in the eastern part of the country.  相似文献   

The consistent correlation between desiccation tolerance in orthodox seed tissue and an accumulation of certain "late embryogenesis abundant" (LEA) proteins suggests that these proteins reduce desiccation-induced cellular damage. The aim of the present work was to test this hypothesis. Exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) was used to elevate the level of heal-soluble LEA-like proteins in axes from immature (30 days after flowering: mid-development) seeds of soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merrill cv. Chippewa 64). As the LEA-like proteins accumulated in response to ABA, the leakage of all elements after desiccation and subsequent rehydration markedly declined. Both LEA-like protein accumulation and the decline in desiccation-induced electrolyte leakage were apparently dependent on the presence of ABA. Both effects of ABA were inhibited by cycloheximide. Light microscopy revealed a marked effect of the ABA on cellular integrity following desiccation. Osmotic stress also caused a decrease in desiccation-induced electrolyte leakage and stimulated the accumulation of LEA-like proteins. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that the LEA-like proteins contribute to the increase in desiccation tolerance in response to ABA, and are consistent with a general protective role for these proteins in desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

 Shoot hydraulic conductance was measured in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) that had previously been exposed to high levels of nitrogen input. Whole-shoot hydraulic conductance, conductance per unit pressure gradient and leaf specific conductance were negatively correlated with the number of bud scars per unit length, a morphological parameter of tree decline. We propose a negative feedback mechanism by which stress induced alterations in shoot morphology can cause a lasting reduction of tree vigour. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal variation in the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap of the lower trunk section was investigated for two middle aged beech tree stands in northern Hessen each containing 130 trees. In addition seasonal changes in the percentage of nitrate in the total nitrogen content are described. The median values of the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap during the spring mobilization period reached 175 and 250 mg/l. During the summer about 35% of the total nitrogen in the xylem sap is in the form of nitrate. Finally, the distribution of NO3 in the xylem sap along the trunk height was studied for two sample trees for each of the four seasons (n = 8).  相似文献   

The vessel areas of ten beech trees growing on a dry site were measured separately for all tree rings using automatic image analysis. These data were correlated with the monthly amount of precipitation from the July prior to the growing season until the August of the current growing season. It is evident that vessel formation at the beginning of cambial activity is mainly controlled by internal factors. The rainfall in the previous summer and autumn and in the contemporary May had only a slight influence. Vessel formation towards the end of the cambial activity is strongly influenced by the July rainfall and is thus determined to a greater degree by external factors. These results are discussed on the basis of hypotheses of tree physiology.  相似文献   

玉米种子萌发能力和耐脱水能力的形成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以玉米品种“粤单9117”为材料,研究了种子发育过程中萌发能力和耐脱水能力的获得。玉米种子的生理成熟期约为43DAP(授粉后天数)。胚萌发能力的获得是在14-21DAP、耐脱水能力的获得出现在25-28DAP。胚的耐脱水能力在28DAP后仍不断得到加强。耐脱水能力的获得与细胞膜的发育及受保护的程度密切相关。脱水有利于不同发育时期的胚和种子的萌发。  相似文献   

Macro and Micro cation content, concentration of water soluble cations and anions, as well as nitrogen content in beech leaves from a variety of forest stands in the eastern part of Austria have been determined. Special attention has been focused on the highly air polluted Vienna Woods. A broad natural variability in total content of minerals, as well as in nitrogen content could be observed. In general, cation nourishment has been found to be adequate on all stands. The pattern of water soluble i.e. physiologically active cations, especially with regard to divalent cations, varies broadly among beeches from different provenances: Mg/Mn ratios differ within three orders of magnitude between dolomite and highly acidic, nutrient poor stands over silicate rock. The term mineral deficiency limit should, therefore, be used very carefully with respect to single nutrients. Organic anions (quinate, malate, citrate) clearly dominate over inorganic anions. The relative amount of the latter increased from NO3, Cl, inorganic phosphate to SO4. A concentration of SO4 is markedly in leaves within the direct reach of SO2 sources, its level, however, remaining well below the organic anions. Slight evidence of an antagonistic behavior between SO4 and organic acids could be found. Total nitrogen as well as the ratio insoluble:soluble nitrogen were tendencially higher in Vienna Wood beeches, indicating an additional use of the airborne nitrogen. The high flexibility of beech with respect to mineral content and ionic balance is discussed with regard to the ecological distribution of beech and the susceptibility to air pollution.  相似文献   

Three-year-old beech trees were fed 35S-sulphate in August 1993 via a flap in a mature leaf of an upper branch. Harvest of beech trees was performed 24 h after feeding 35S-sulphate, before leaf senescence, after leaf abscission, in early winter (January 1994). in late winter (March 1994). before bud break and after bud break. Twenty-four h after feeding 35S-sulphate, 0.7 ± 0.5% of the 35S-radioactivity taken up was exported out of the fed leaf. When trees were analysed 2 months later, i.e., before leaf senescence, this value had increased to 22 ± 7%. The exported 35S-radioactivity was located in the branch containing the fed leaf (2.8 ± 13%). in basipetal parts of the trunk (41 ± 77%) and in the main rool (21 ± 6%). Leaves and apical parts of the trunk were no sink organs for the exported sulphur. Along the tree axis the main proportion of the radiolabel was located in the wood, predominantly in the acid soluble fraction. In the bark the greater portion of the radiolabel was found in the acid insoluble fraction. In both tissues the bulk of the 35S of the soluble fraction was sulphate together with small amounts of glutathione. This pattern did not change until bud break. After bud break, basipetal parts of the trunk lost part of its 35S-radioactivity. Of the 35S-radioactivity which had been exported out of the fed leaf during the previous autumn, 16 ± 2% remained in the trunk, whereas 47 ± 7% of the 35S was found in branches, mainly in the newly developed leaves. The present results show that sulphur, mainly in the form of sulphate, is stored along the tree axis in both bark and wood of beech trees and is re-mobilised during leaf development in spring.  相似文献   


Key message

Carbonylation of proteins associated with a stress response may contribute to the lowered viability of naturally aged beech seeds, especially the desiccation tolerance-associated proteins and USP-like protein.


Proteins are modified by a large number of reactions that involve reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidation. The direct oxidation of amino acids produces 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-detectable protein products. Carbonylation is irreversible, and carbonylated proteins are marked for proteolysis or can escape degradation and form high molecular weight aggregates, which accumulate with age. Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds stored under optimal conditions for different periods of time, ranging from 2 to 13 years, were analyzed. Protein carbonylation was examined as a potential cause for the loss of viability of beech seeds, and the characteristic spots of protein carbonyls were identified. Here, we present and discuss the role of carbonylation in the proteome of beech seeds that contribute to the loss of seed viability during natural aging. The long-term storage of beech seeds is intricate because their germination capacity decreases with age and is negatively correlated with the level of protein carbonyls that accumulate in the seeds. We establish that protein synthesis, folding and degradation are the most affected biochemical traits in long-term stored beech seeds. In addition, we suggest that proteins associated with the stress response may have contributed to the lowered viability of beech seeds, especially the desiccation tolerance-associated proteins that include T-complex protein 1 and the universal stress protein (USP)-like protein, which is identified as carbonylated for first time here.  相似文献   

Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds indicate intermediate storage behaviour. Properties of water in seed tissues were studied to understand their requirements during storage conditions. Water sorption isotherms showed that at the same relative humidity (RH) the water content is significantly higher in embryo axes than cotyledons. This tendency maintains also after recalculating the water content for zero amount of lipids in tissues. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) indicated water crystallization exotherms in the embryo axes at moisture content (MC) higher than 29% and 16% in the cotyledons. In order to examine the occurrence of glassy state in the cytoplasm of beech embryos as a function of water content, isolated embryo axes were examined using electron spin resonance (ESR) of nitroxide TEMPO probe located inside axes cells. TEMPO molecules undergo fast reorientations with correlation time varied from 2 x 10(-9) s at 180 K to 2 x 10(-11) s at 315 K. Although the TEMPO molecules label mainly the lipid bilayers of cell membranes, they are sensitive to the dynamics and phase transformation of the cytoplasmic cell interior. The label motion is clearly affected by a transition between liquid and glassy state of the cytoplasm. The glass transition temperature (T(g)) raises from 253 to 293 K when water content decreases from 18% to 8%. Far from T(g) the motion is described by Arrhenius equation with very small activation energy E(a) in the liquid state and is relatively small in the glassy state where E(a)=1.5 kJ/mol for 28% H(2)O and E(a)=4.7 kJ/mol for 8% H(2)O or less. The optimal storage conditions of beech seeds are proposed in the range from 255 K for 15% H(2)O to 280 K for 9% H(2)O.  相似文献   

The effects of highly and moderately acid soils on total biomass, biomass partitioning, fine root characteristics and nutritional status of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were studied in a growth chamber experiment. In Haplic Arenosols seedlings grew slowly but equally well without damage symptoms in a highly acid and a moderately acid soil horizon. The moderately acid Ah+Bw-horizon of a Eutric Cambisol was favourable to seedling growth. The fine root development was reduced in the highly acid A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol and in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol, the latter of which also caused increased mortality. Seedling growth in the B2-horizon of the Haplic Podzol was vigorous, in spite of a higher level of extractable Al and lower base saturation as compared with the Ah+E-horizon. These results are interpreted in relation to soil acidity, soil Al and nutritional status of the seedlings. We conclude that neither Al-toxicity nor nutrient deficiency cause the damage symptoms observed in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol and the fine root reduction in the A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol. The damage symptoms of the PZhA treatment seems to be more the result of H-toxicity or H-related factors other than nutrient shortage or Al-toxicity. Other pH-related toxic factors are discussed.  相似文献   

假槟榔种子脱水耐性的发育变化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对假槟榔(Archontophoenix alexandrae)种子和胚发育过程中脱水耐性的变化、不同脱水速率对脱水耐性的影响及种子的萌发和贮藏特性进行了研究。种子含水量在花后55~70d逐步降低,随后不再变化,并保持在较高水平(37%);花后90d的种子获得最大干重。花后60d后种子获得萌发能力,花后70d达到最大值。在交替光照下(14h光照,10h黑暗,12μnmol m^-2s^-1),种子在15℃~40℃下均能萌发,其萌发的适宜温度范围为30℃~35℃;但光照对种子的萌发有较大的抑制作用。种子和胚在花后55~90d,脱水耐性逐渐增强;花后90d种子和胚的脱水耐性最强,此时种子和胚的半致死含水量分别为0.18g/g和0.3g/g。脱水至相同含水量,快速脱水的种子的存活率明显高于慢速脱水。无论是否进行脱水处理,-18℃下贮藏1个月后,种子均丧失萌发能力;在4℃,10℃和15℃下,适度脱水能延长种子的贮藏寿命。假槟榔种子不耐脱水,不适合在低温、低含水量条件下长期贮藏,属顽拗性种子。  相似文献   

Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. is a ubiquitous epilithic crustose lichen of the temperate climate. It is well studied in terms of diel and annual carbon budget and productivity with continuous long-term observations in the field in 1995/96 by Otto L. Lange, Würzburg, and collaborators. However, these earlier studies left open the question to which extent the lichen is desiccation tolerant and if desiccation tolerance might possibly limit photosynthetic activity. In present study measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were performed to assess photosynthetic activity under various daily weather conditions throughout the year and recovery from desiccation after various periods of dryness in ambient air. Under any weather conditions, including strong frost for several days with night-temperatures around −15 °C and strong heat of several days with day-temperatures around 35 °C, the lichen was fully photosynthetically competent after wetting the samples for 15 min by submersion in water when they were dry in the field in the absence of actual incident precipitation. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were identical under all weather conditions sampled. A sample kept dry in ambient air for 37 days showed full recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters after wetting for 30 min. Samples desiccated for longer periods up to 155 days took longer wetting times of about 300 min and recovered only partially but nevertheless showed active photosynthetic electron transport. Of 17 samples desiccated for 177–178 days only three recovered after rewetting for several days. It is concluded that the desiccation tolerance of L. muralis is sufficient to overcome dry spells of duration as it normally occurs in its natural environment. Desiccation tolerance is not likely to limit carbon budget and productivity.  相似文献   

An exposure — response study with proportionalto-ambient ozone levels was conducted in closed chambers on 3-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) of montane origin. The fumigation started in April 1990 and lasted for a single growing season. Climate data and ozone concentrations monitored at an experimental station of the Institute for Applied Plant Biology, Schönenbuch, Switzerland were simulated in the exposure chambers 12 days later (1*O3). To test exposure-response relations three additional treatments were applied, subambient (0.2*O3) and two proportionally increased ozone treatments (1.5*O3 and 2*O3). The photosynthetic behaviour of the trees in August revealed the light reactions to be less affected than parameters which are related to the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Assimilation (A350), apparent carboxylation efficiency (CE), and maximum photosynthetic capacity (A2500) were reduced with increasing ozone concentration. For the ozone response of CE and A2500 Critical Levels were calculated.  相似文献   

Over large areas of Europe, coniferous monocultures are being transformed into mixed forests by the re-introduction of broadleaf tree species belonging to the potential natural vegetation. One important species of interest in this changing forest policy is European beech (Fagus sylvatica). However, at present, this forest management directive has ignored potential adverse effects of global climate change on wide-spread re-introduction of beech to these areas. Average global surface temperatures have risen by approx. 0.8°C in the period between 1861 and 2005 and are expected to continue to increase until the end of this century by 1.5–5.8°C above the 1990 value. To estimate the climate change in the southern part of central Europe in future, we reviewed calculations from regional climate models. Temperature increase for the southern part of central Europe is projected to be up to 2°C within the next 40 years. In contrast, the annual precipitation will most likely remain constant over the same time period, but will experience significant changes in seasonal patterns. Rising intensities of individual precipitation events may result in increasing number and intensities of flooding events and reduced precipitation during the growing season in a higher frequency of summer droughts. Growth and competitive ability of European beech will not, necessarily, respond to increasing CO2 concentrations but may be strongly impacted by intensive drought that occurs during the growing season. Seedlings as well as adult trees may suffer from xylem embolism, restricted nutrient uptake capacity and reduced growth under limited water availability. However, it remains uncertain to what extent other environmental factors (e.g. soil properties, competitive interactions) may modify the drought response of beech, thus either enhancing susceptibility or increasing drought tolerance and resilience potential. Water-logged soils, predicted during the spring for several regions due to higher than average precipitation, could negatively impact nutrient uptake and growth of beech. Whereas other dominant species as, e.g. oak are well adapted to that environmental stress, beech is known to be sensitive to water-logging and flooding. Thus, the competitive capacity of beech might—depending on the other environmental conditions—be reduced under the expected future climate conditions. Silvicultural practices must be aware today of the potential risks which a changing climate may impose on sustainable forest development.  相似文献   

To study the incorporation of carbon and nitrogen in different plant fractions, 3‐year‐old‐beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings were exposed in microcosms to a dual‐labelling experiment employing 13C and 15N throughout one season. Leaves, stems, coarse and fine roots were harvested 6, 12 and 18 weeks after bud break (June to September) and used to isolate acid‐detergent fibre lignins (ADF lignin) for the determination of carbon and nitrogen and their isotope ratios. Lignin concentrations were also determined with the thioglycolic acid method. The highest lignin concentrations were found in fine roots. ADF lignins of all tissues analysed, especially those of leaves, also contained significant concentrations of nitrogen. This suggests that lignin‐bound proteins constitute an important cell wall fraction and shows that the ADF method is not suitable to determine genuine lignin. ADF lignin should be re‐named as ligno‐protein fraction. Whole‐leaf biomass was composed of 50 to 70% newly assimilated carbon and about 7% newly assimilated nitrogen; net changes in the isotope ratios were not observed during the experimental period. In the other tissues analysed, the fraction of new carbon and nitrogen was initially low and increased significantly during the time‐course of the experiment, whereas the total tissue concentrations of carbon remained almost unaffected and nitrogen declined. At the end of the experiment, the whole‐tissue biomass and ADF lignins of fine roots contained about 65 and 50% new carbon and about 50 and 40% new nitrogen, respectively. These results indicate that significant metabolic activity was related to the formation of structural biopolymers after leaf growth, especially below‐ground and that this activity also led to a substantial binding of nitrogen to structural compounds.  相似文献   

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