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In our previous study, the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex was demonstrated to further enhance the foam cell formation and migration of VSMC, as well as the expression of inflammatory cytokines, via the TLR4/NF-κB pathway. However, sparse information is available on other pro-atherogenic pathogenic effects of the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex, such as effects on proliferation and apoptosis. In the present study, we focused on the biphasic effects and underlying mechanisms of the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex on VSMC survival. The data showed that short exposure to the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex could activate NF-κB and ERK1/2 pathways and stimulate cell proliferation in VSMC. In contrast, longer exposure increased the level of p38 pathway activation and cell apoptosis. Additionally, the promotion effect of the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex on both proliferation and apoptosis, as well as signaling pathway activation, was stronger than that of the other control groups. The use of selective blockers showed that TLR4/NF-κB and ERK1/2 partly mediated oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex-induced proliferation and had an inhibitory effect on complex-stimulated apoptosis. Conversely, TLR2/p38 partly mediated oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex-induced apoptosis and had a negative effect on complex-stimulated proliferation. Specific inhibitors of NF-κB and ERK1/2 activation could augment the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex-induced phosphorylation of p38 and vice versa. Under pretreatment with NADPH oxidase inhibitors, intracellular ROS generation was confirmed to participate in oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex-induced proliferation and apoptosis, as well as the phosphorylation of NF-κB and MAPKs. Taken together, our data clearly revealed that the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex had biphasic effects on VSMC survival, partly mediated by ROS-induced NF-κB and MAPKs activation. The TLR4/NF-κB and TLR2/p38 pathways played supporting roles in this dual effects-initiated signal network, and there is a trade-off relationship between the phosphorylation of NF-κB, ERK1/2 and p38. The dual effects of the oxLDL/β2GPI/anti-β2GPI complex on VSMC survival contribute to the development of the structure typical of atherosclerotic lesions, particularly focal excessive growth alternating with necrosis.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the important structural features of ceramide required for proper regulation, binding and identification by both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins. The C-4=C-5 trans-double bond has little influence on the ability of Bax and Bcl-xL to identify and bind to these channels. The stereochemistry of the headgroup and access to the amide group of ceramide is indispensible for Bax binding, indicating that Bax may interact with the polar portion of the ceramide channel facing the bulk phase. In contrast, Bcl-xL binding to ceramide channels is tolerant of stereochemical changes in the headgroup. The present study also revealed that Bcl-xL has an optimal interaction with long-chain ceramides that are elevated early in apoptosis, whereas short-chain ceramides are not well regulated. Inhibitors specific for the hydrophobic groove of Bcl-xL, including 2-methoxyantimycin A3, ABT-737 and ABT-263 provide insights into the region of Bcl-xL involved in binding to ceramide channels. Molecular docking simulations of the lowest-energy binding poses of ceramides and Bcl-xL inhibitors to Bcl-xL were consistent with the results of our functional studies and propose potential binding modes.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) has been recognized as a potent stimulus for the synthesis of prostaglandin (PG), which has been implicated in inflammatory responses of the airways. However, the mechanisms underlying IL-1-induced cyclooxygenase (COX) expression and PGE2 synthesis via activation of p42/p44 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in human tracheal smooth muscle cells (HTSMCs) are not completely understood. We found that IL-1 increased COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis in time- and concentration-dependent manners. Both specific phosphatidylcholine-phospholipase C inhibitor (D609) and protein kinase C inhibitor (GF109203X) attenuated IL-1-induced responses in HTSMCs. IL-1-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis were also inhibited by an inhibitor of MEK1/2 (PD98059) and inhibitors of p38 MAPK (SB203580 and SB202190), respectively, suggesting the involvement of p42/p44 and p38 MAPKs in these responses. This hypothesis was further supported by the transient activation of p42/p44 and p38 MAPKs induced by IL-1. Furthermore, IL-1-induced activation of nuclear factor-B (NF-B) was inversely correlated with the degradation of IB- in HTSMCs. IL-1-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis were inhibited by the NF-B inhibitor pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate. These findings suggest that the expression of COX-2 is correlated with the release of PGE2 from IL-1-challenged HTSMCs, which is mediated, at least in part, through p42/p44 and p38 MAPKs and NF-B signaling pathways in HTSMCs.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized pathologically by the abnormal deposition of extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers. However, the nature and precise mechanism of the toxicity of Aβ oligomers are not clearly understood. Aβ oligomers have been previously shown to cause a major loss of EphB2, a member of the EphB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. To determine the effect of EphB2 on Aβ oligomer-induced neurotoxicity and the underlying molecular mechanisms, we examined the EphB2 gene in cultured hippocampal neurons. Using a cellular model of AD, Aβ1–42 oligomers were confirmed to induce neurotoxicity in a time-dependent manner and result in a major decrease of EphB2. EphB2 overexpression could prevent the neurotoxicity of hippocampal neurons from exposure to Aβ1–42 oligomers for 1 h. Further analysis revealed that EphB2 overexpression increased synaptic NR1 and NR2B expression in Aβ1–42 oligomer-treated neurons. Moreover, EphB2 overexpression prevented Aβ1–42 oligomer-induced downregulation of dephosphorylated p38 MAPK and phosphorylated CREB. Together, these results suggest that EphB2 is a factor which protects hippocampal neurons against the toxicity of Aβ1–42 oligomers, and we infer that the protection of EphB2 is achieved by increasing the synaptic NMDA receptor level and downstream p38 MAPK and CREB signaling in hippocampal neurons. This study provides new molecular insights into the neuroprotective effect of EphB2 and highlights its potential therapeutic role in the management of AD.  相似文献   

In pigs the endogenously produced compound androstenone is metabolised in the liver in two steps by 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) and sulphotransferase 2A1 (SULT2A1). The present study investigated the effect of selected sex-steroids (0.01–1 μM androstenone, testosterone and estradiol), skatole (1–100 μM) and secondary plant metabolites (1–100 μM) on the expression of 3β-HSD and SULT2A1 mRNA. Additionally the effect of a global methanolic extract of dried chicory root was investigated and compared to previous obtained in vivo effects. Primary hepatocytes were isolated from the livers of piglets (crossbreed: Landrace × Yorkshire and Duroc) and cultured for 24 h before treatment for an additionally 24 h. RNA was isolated from the hepatocytes and specific gene expression determined by RT-PCR using TaqMan probes. The investigated sex-steroids had no effect on the mRNA expression of 3β-HSD and SULT2A1, while skatole decreased the content of SULT2A1 30% compared to control. Of the investigated secondary plant metabolites artemisinin and scoparone (found in Artemisia sp.) lowered the content of SULT2A1 by 20 and 30% compared to control, respectively. Moreover, we tested three secondary plant metabolites (lactucin, esculetin and esculin) found in chicory root. Lactucin increased the mRNA content of both 3β-HSD and SULT2A1 by 200% compared to control. An extract of chicory root was shown to decrease the expression of both 3β-HSD and SULT2A1. It is concluded that the gene expression of enzymes with importance for androstenone metabolism is regulated by secondary plant metabolites in a complex manner.  相似文献   

LJP 993, a tetravalent conjugate of the amino-terminal domain (domain 1) of beta2GPI, was synthesized, and studies were carried out to explore the ability of LJP 993 to bind anti-beta2GPI antibodies and to function as a B cell toleragen. Domain 1 was expressed in Pichia pastoris, and the N-terminus was site-specifically modified by a transamination reaction converting the N-terminal glycine to a glyoxyl group. A tetravalent platform was synthesized with linkers that terminate in aminooxy groups. This was accomplished by preparing an ethylene glycol-based heterobifunctional linker that contains both a Boc-protected aminooxy group and a free primary amine. The linker was used to modify a tetravalent platform molecule by reacting the amino groups on the linker with 4-nitrophenyl carbonate esters on the platform to provide a linker-modified platform, and the Boc protecting groups were removed to provide a tetravalent aminooxy platform. Glyoxylated domain 1 was attached to the platform to provide LJP 993 by formation of oxime bonds. The protein domains of LJP 993 retain activity as evidenced by the ability of LJP 993 to bind to anti-beta2GPI antibodies. Dissociation constants (Kd) for domain 1 and LJP 993 bound to immobilized affinity-purified anti-beta2GPI antibodies from autoimmune thrombosis patients were determined using surface plasmon resonance. An immunized mouse model was developed to test the ability of LJP 993 to act as a toleragen. A thiol containing domain 1 analogue was expressed in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system, and it was used to prepare an immunogenic conjugate of domain 1 and maleimide-derivatized keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Mice were immunized with the KLH conjugate, and spleen cells were harvested from the immunized mice. The cells were incubated with various concentrations of LJP 993 and transferred to mice whose immune systems had been compromised by irradiation. The hosts were then boosted with the KLH-domain 1 conjugate, and after 7 days their antibody levels were measured. Host mice receiving cells that were treated with LJP 993 produced significantly lower amounts of anti-domain 1 antibodies than controls which received untreated cells, indicative of B cell tolerance.  相似文献   

Beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) is a glycoprotein of unknown physiological function. It is the main target antigen for antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). beta2GPI binds with high affinity to the atherogenic lipoprotein Lp(a) which shares structural homology with plasminogen, a key molecule in the fibrinolytic system. Impaired fibrinolysis has been described in APS. The present work reports the interaction between beta2GPI and Glu-Plasminogen which may explain the recently described proteolytic effect of plasmin on beta2GPI. In the process of Glu-Plasminogen activation, we found an increase in plasmin generation both at fibrin and cellular surface level as a function of the concentration of beta2GPI added, suggesting an important role as a cofactor in the trimolecular complex beta2GPI-Plasminogen-tPA. This phenomenon represents a novel regulatory step both in the positive feedback mechanism for extrinsic fibrinolysis and in antithrombotic regulation. IgG anti-beta2GPI antibodies recognized the beta2GPI at the endothelial surface inducing its activation with an increase of ICAM-I and a decrease in the expression of thrombomodulin favoring a pro-thrombotic state in the vascular endothelium. The interference in the plasmin conversion by anti-beta2GPI antibodies could generate thrombosis as observed in APS.  相似文献   



β2GPI is a major antigen for autoantibodies associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), an autoimmune disease characterized by thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Only the dimeric form of β2GPI generated by anti-β2GPI antibodies is pathologically important, in contrast to monomeric β2GPI which is abundant in plasma.

Principal Findings

We created a dimeric inhibitor, A1-A1, to selectively target β2GPI in β2GPI/antibody complexes. To make this inhibitor, we isolated the first ligand-binding module from ApoER2 (A1) and connected two A1 modules with a flexible linker. A1-A1 interferes with two pathologically important interactions in APS, the binding of β2GPI/antibody complexes with anionic phospholipids and ApoER2. We compared the efficiency of A1-A1 to monomeric A1 for inhibition of the binding of β2GPI/antibody complexes to anionic phospholipids. We tested the inhibition of β2GPI present in human serum, β2GPI purified from human plasma and the individual domain V of β2GPI. We demonstrated that when β2GPI/antibody complexes are formed, A1-A1 is much more effective than A1 in inhibition of the binding of β2GPI to cardiolipin, regardless of the source of β2GPI. Similarly, A1-A1 strongly inhibits the binding of dimerized domain V of β2GPI to cardiolipin compared to the monomeric A1 inhibitor. In the absence of anti-β2GPI antibodies, both A1-A1 and A1 only weakly inhibit the binding of pathologically inactive monomeric β2GPI to cardiolipin.


Our results suggest that the approach of using a dimeric inhibitor to block β2GPI in the pathological multivalent β2GPI/antibody complexes holds significant promise. The novel inhibitor A1-A1 may be a starting point in the development of an effective therapeutic for antiphospholipid syndrome.  相似文献   

Human monocytes cultured in a specially prepared medium free of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) constitutively produced a small, though significant, amount of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Upon addition of LPS, the amount produced remained constant until the LPS concentration reached 1-10 ng/ml, whereupon the production of TNF dramatically increased, eventually becoming 100-fold greater than when the LPS concentration was below 1 ng/ml. Priming the monocytes with recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma) before LPS exposure resulted in a 2- to 10-fold increase in TNF production, the highest relative increase being obtained at lower LPS concentrations and in the absence of LPS. Monocyte-produced TNF appears to be the effector molecule in monocyte-mediated killing of some target cell types, since antiserum against recombinant TNF inhibited killing of both actinomycin D-treated and untreated WEHI 164 cells by human monocytes. However, it also appears that TNF may not in all cases be an effector molecule in monocyte-mediated killing, since cytolysis of K562 cells mediated by IFN-gamma/LPS-activated monocytes was not inhibited by antiserum against recombinant TNF. Antiserum which was raised against a monocyte-derived cytotoxic factor and which neutralized recombinant TNF did, however, inhibit monocyte-mediated cytolysis of K562 cells, suggesting that an extracellular factor, perhaps related to TNF, was also involved in monocyte-mediated killing of K562 cells. A TNF-like activity was associated with the monocyte surface membrane, since paraformaldehyde-fixed monocytes expressed cytotoxic activity which was neutralized by antiserum against recombinant TNF. Fixed monocytes activated with rIFN-gamma in addition to LPS before fixation were generally more cytotoxic than those exposed to LPS alone, and those exposed to LPS were much more cytotoxic than those not exposed to LPS. Thus it is possible that high local TNF concentrations may be generated near the target cell upon direct contact between effector and target cells, and that also monocyte-associated TNF may in this way be involved in monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Annexin A7 is a member of the family of annexins, which are thought to function in the regulation of calcium homeostasis and the fusion of vesicles. Refractory epilepsy may be related to the imbalance of calcium homeostasis. Our aims are to investigate the expression of Annexin A7 in epileptic brains in comparison with human controls and to explore Annexin A7's possible role in refractory epilepsy. We examined the expression of Annexin A7 via immunohistochemistry, double-label immunofluorescence and western blot. The expression of Annexin A7 was shown to be significantly increased in patients with refractory epilepsy. Double-label immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy disclosed Annexin A7 immunoreactivity in the neurons, which were recognized by the antibody of neuron specific enolase (NSE). The result showed that Annexin A7 may be involved in the pathophysiology of refractory epilepsy and may play a role in developing and maintaining the epilepsy.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) mediates various responses to stress through CRF receptors 1 and 2. CRF receptor 2 has two forms, 2alpha and 2beta each of which appears to have distinct roles. Here we used dopaminergic neuron-derived MN9D cells to investigate the function of CRF receptor 2 in dopamine neurons. We found that n-butyrate, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, induced MN9D cell differentiation and increased gene expression of all CRF receptors. CRF receptor 2beta was minimally expressed in MN9D cells; however, its expression dramatically increased during differentiation. CRF receptor 2beta expression levels appeared to correlate with neurite outgrowth, suggesting CRF receptor 2beta involvement in neuronal differentiation. To validate this statement, we made a CRF receptor 2beta-overexpressing MN9D/CRFR2 beta stable cell line. This cell line showed robust neurite outgrowth and GAP43 overexpression, together with MEK and ERK activation, suggesting MN9D cell neuronal differentiation. From these results, we conclude that CRF receptor 2beta plays an important role in MN9D cell differentiation by activating the MEK/ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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