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RET is a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) superfamily, which can transduce signalling by glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin (NTN) in cultured cells. In order to determine whether in addition to being sufficient, RET is also necessary for signalling by these growth factors, we studied the response to GDNF and NTN of primary neuronal cultures (peripheral sensory and central dopaminergic neurons) derived from wild-type and RET-deficient mice. Our experiments show that absence of a functional RET receptor abrogates the biological responses of neuronal cells to both GDNF and NTN. Despite the established role of the RET signal transduction pathway in the development of the mammalian enteric nervous system (ENS), very little is known regarding its cellular mechanism(s) of action. Here, we have studied the effects of GDNF and NTN on cultures of neural crest (NC)-derived cells isolated from the gut of rat embryos. Our findings suggest that GDNF and NTN promote the survival of enteric neurons as well as the survival, proliferation and differentiation of multipotential ENS progenitors present in the gut of E12.5-13.5 rat embryos. However, the effects of these growth factors are stage-specific, since similar ENS cultures established from later stage embryos (E14. 5-15.5), show markedly diminished response to GDNF and NTN. To examine whether the in vitro effects of RET activation reflect the in vivo function(s) of this receptor, the extent of programmed cell death was examined in the gut of wild-type and RET-deficient mouse embryos by TUNEL histochemistry. Our experiments show that a subpopulation of enteric NC undergoes apoptotic cell death specifically in the foregut of embryos lacking the RET receptor. We suggest that normal function of the RET RTK is required in vivo during early stages of ENS histogenesis for the survival of undifferentiated enteric NC and their derivatives.  相似文献   

Barlow A  de Graaff E  Pachnis V 《Neuron》2003,40(5):905-916
The enteric nervous system (ENS) in vertebrates is derived mainly from vagal neural crest cells that enter the foregut and colonize the entire wall of the gastrointestinal tract. Failure to completely colonize the gut results in the absence of enteric ganglia (Hirschsprung's disease). Two signaling systems mediated by RET and EDNRB have been identified as critical players in enteric neurogenesis. We demonstrate that interaction between these signaling pathways controls ENS development throughout the intestine. Activation of EDNRB specifically enhances the effect of RET signaling on the proliferation of uncommitted ENS progenitors. In addition, we reveal novel antagonistic roles of these pathways on the migration of ENS progenitors. Protein kinase A is a key component of the molecular mechanisms that integrate signaling by the two receptors. Our data provide strong evidence that the coordinate and balanced interaction between receptor tyrosine kinases and G protein-coupled receptors controls the development of the nervous system in mammals.  相似文献   

Putative neural stem cells have been identified within the enteric nervous system (ENS) of adult rodents and cultured from human myenteric plexus. We conducted studies to identify neural stem cells or progenitor cells within the submucosa of adult human ENS. Jejunum tissue was removed from adult human subjects undergoing gastric bypass surgery. The tissue was immunostained, and confocal images of ganglia in the submucosal plexus were collected to identify protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) - immunoractive neurons and neuronal progenitor cells that coexpress PGP 9.5 and nestin. In addition to PGP-9.5-positive/nestin-negative neuronal cells within ganglia, we observed two other types of cells: (1) cells in which PGP 9.5 and nestin were co-localized, (2) cells negative for both PGP 9.5 and nestin. These observations suggest that the latter two types of cells are related to a progenitor cell population and are consistent with the concept that the submucosa of human adult ENS contains stem cells capable of maintenance and repair within the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is formed from vagal and sacral neural crest cells (NCC). Vagal NCC give rise to most of the ENS along the entire gut, whereas the contribution of sacral NCC is mainly limited to the hindgut. This, and data from heterotopic quail-chick grafting studies, suggests that vagal and sacral NCC have intrinsic differences in their ability to colonize the gut, and/or to respond to signalling cues within the gut environment. To better understand the molecular basis of these differences, we studied the expression of genes known to be essential for ENS formation, in sacral NCC within the chick hindgut. Our results demonstrate that, as in vagal NCC, Sox10, EdnrB, and Ret are expressed in sacral NCC within the gut. Since we did not detect a qualitative difference in expression of these ENS genes we performed DNA microarray analysis of vagal and sacral NCC. Of 11 key ENS genes examined from the total data set, Ret was the only gene identified as being highly differentially expressed, with a fourfold increase in expression in vagal versus sacral NCC. We also found that over-expression of RET in sacral NCC increased their ENS developmental potential such that larger numbers of cells entered the gut earlier in development, thus promoting the fate of sacral NCC towards that of vagal NCC.  相似文献   

Development of the mammalian enteric nervous system.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mammalian enteric nervous system is derived from neural crest cells which invade the foregut and hindgut mesenchyme. It has been established that signalling molecules produced by the mesenchyme of the gut wall play a critical role in the development of the mammalian enteric nervous system. Recent studies have characterised further the role of such molecules and have identified novel extracellular and intracellular signals that are critical for enteric ganglia formation.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system is thought to originate solely from the neural crest. Transgenic lineage tracing revealed a novel population of clonal pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 (Pdx1)-Cre lineage progenitor cells in the tunica muscularis of the gut that produced pancreatic descendants as well as neurons upon differentiation in vitro. Additionally, an in vivo subpopulation of endoderm lineage enteric neurons, but not glial cells, was seen especially in the proximal gut. Analysis of early transgenic embryos revealed Pdx1-Cre progeny (as well as Sox-17-Cre and Foxa2-Cre progeny) migrating from the developing pancreas and duodenum at E11.5 and contributing to the enteric nervous system. These results show that the mammalian enteric nervous system arises from both the neural crest and the endoderm. Moreover, in adult mice there are separate Wnt1-Cre neural crest stem cells and Pdx1-Cre pancreatic progenitors within the muscle layer of the gut.  相似文献   

RON is a receptor tyrosine kinase that mediates cell scattering, migration, and tubular formation. This study focused on the function of two tyrosines, Y1330 and Y1337, in the C-terminus of RON in regulating epithelial cell scattering and migration. Substitution of both tyrosine residues with phenylalanine causes complete loss of cell scattering and migration in kidney 293 cells. In contrast, single mutation of either tyrosine residue has no effect. We found that mutation at Y1330 or Y1337 alone does not significantly affect the association of RON with PI-3 kinase, whereas a double mutation abolishes the recruitment of substrates. RON-mediated cell migration was inhibited by PI-3 kinase inhibitor wortmannin. This effect was also achieved by a dominant inhibitory p85 of PI-3 kinase. We conclude that Y1330 and Y1337 are required for RON-mediated cell motility. By associating with PI-3 kinase, the Y1330-Y1337 docking site plays a critical role in transducing motile signals of RON.  相似文献   

c-Abl is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase which is localized both in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and is involved in the regulation of cell growth, survival and morphogenesis. Although c-Abl nuclear function has been extensively studied, recent data also indicate an important role in cytoplasmic signalling through mitogenic and adhesive receptors. Here, we review the mechanisms by which growth factors promote cytoplasmic c-Abl activation and signalling and its function in the induction of DNA synthesis, changes in cell morphology and receptor endocytosis. The importance of de-regulated c-Abl cytoplasmic signalling in solid tumours is also discussed.  相似文献   

The RET receptor tyrosine kinase plays a critical role in the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) and the kidney. Upon glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) stimulation, RET can activate a variety of intracellular signals, including the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT, and RAC1/JUN NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. We recently demonstrated that the RAC1/JNK pathway is regulated by serine phosphorylation at the juxtamembrane region of RET in a cAMP-dependent manner. To determine the importance of cAMP-dependent modification of the RET signal in vivo, we generated mutant mice in which serine residue 697, a putative protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site, was replaced with alanine (designated S697A mice). Homozygous S697A mutant mice lacked the ENS in the distal colon, resulting from a migration defect of enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs). In vitro organ culture showed an impaired chemoattractant response of the mutant ENCCs to GDNF. JNK activation by GDNF but not ERK, AKT and SRC activation was markedly reduced in neurons derived from the mutant mice. The JNK inhibitor SP600125 and the PKA inhibitor KT5720 suppressed migration of the ENCCs in cultured guts from wild-type mice to comparable degrees. Thus, these findings indicated that cAMP-dependent modification of RET function regulates the JNK signaling responsible for proper migration of the ENCCs in the developing gut.  相似文献   

We have prepared site-specific antibodies toward human insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I, and epidermal growth factor receptors with chemically synthesized peptides derived from the cDNA-predicted amino acid sequences of these receptors. Two classes of antibodies were produced toward each receptor: one toward the carboxyl termini and the other against the kinase domains containing sequences homologous to the tyrosyl phosphorylation site of the product of src gene (pp60v-src). Both classes of antibodies specifically immunoprecipitated the appropriate 125I-ligand-receptor complexes and [35S]methionine-labeled receptors with almost equal potencies. Antibodies toward the kinase domains inhibited both autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activity of the corresponding receptors in a cell-free system, whereas antibodies toward the carboxyl termini did not. Microinjection of the kinase-inhibitory antibodies into the cytoplasm of human epidermoid carcinoma KB cells blocked the ability of the corresponding ligand to induce membrane ruffling. In contrast, these inhibitory antibodies did not block the ability of noncorresponding ligands to induce the same response. Furthermore, control immunoglobulin and antibodies toward the carboxyl termini did not block this biological response. These results support a role for the tyrosine-specific protein kinase activities of these growth factor receptors in mediating their biological effects and suggest that the regions homologous to the tyrosyl phosphorylation site of pp60v-src are important for these kinase activities both in cell-free and intact cell systems.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins are expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) in complex and developmentally regulated patterns. The ECM provides a number of critical functions in the CNS, contributing both to the overall structural organization of the CNS and to control of individual cells. At the cellular level, the ECM affects its functions by a wide range of mechanisms, including providing structural support to cells, regulating the activity of second messenger systems, and controlling the distribution and local concentration of growth and differentiation factors. Perhaps the most well known role of the ECM is as a substrate on which motile cells can migrate. Genetic, cell biological, and biochemical studies provide strong evidence that ECM glycoproteins such as laminins, tenascins, and proteoglycans control neuronal migration and positioning in several regions of the developing and adult brain. Recent findings have also shed important new insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which reelin regulates migration. Here we will summarize these findings, emphasizing the emerging concept that ECM glycoproteins promote different modes of neuronal migration such as radial, tangential, and chain migration. We also discuss several studies demonstrating that mutations in ECM glycoproteins can alter neuronal positioning by cell nonautonomous mechanisms that secondarily affect migrating neurons.  相似文献   

Bacterial toxins such as cholera toxin induce diarrhea by both direct epithelial cell generation of cyclic nucleotides as well as stimulation of the enteric nervous system (ENS). Agonists of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) can reduce toxin-stimulated fluid secretion in ENS-absent colonic epithelial crypts by increasing phosphodiesterase-dependent cyclic-nucleotide degradation. Here we show that the CaSR is also highly expressed in tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive neurons comprising the ENS, suggesting that CaSR agonists might also function through neuronal pathways. To test this hypothesis, rat colon segments containing intact ENS were isolated and mounted on Ussing chambers. Basal and cyclic nucleotide-stimulated electrolyte secretions were monitored by measuring changes in short-circuit current (I(sc)). CaSR was activated by R-568 and its effects were compared in the presence and absence of TTX. Consistent with active regulation of anion secretion by the ENS, a significant proportion of I(sc) in the proximal and distal colon was inhibited by serosal TTX, both at basal and under cyclic AMP-stimulated conditions. In the absence of TTX, activation of CaSR with R-568 significantly reduced basal I(sc) and cyclic AMP-stimulated I(sc); it also completely reversed the cAMP-stimulated secretory responses if the drug was applied after the forskolin stimulation. Such inhibitory effects of R-568 were either absent or significantly reduced when serosal TTX was present, suggesting that this agonist exerts its antisecretory effect on the intestine by inhibiting ENS. The present results suggest a new model for regulating intestinal fluid transport in which neuronal and nonneuronal secretagogue actions are modulated by the inhibitory effects of CaSR on the ENS. The ability of a CaSR agonist to reduce secretagogue-stimulated Cl(-) secretion might provide a new therapeutic approach for secretory and other ENS-mediated diarrheal conditions.  相似文献   

L-arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) that may be involved in neuronal activity in the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that NO is formed from L-arginine by NO synthase which is localized in neurons in the enteric nervous system. The present study demonstrated that significant L-arginine immunoreactivity was present in the enteric ganglia. Ultrastructural examination showed that L-arginine immunoreactivity was present in the ganglionic glial cells but not in neurons. These findings suggest that enteric glial cells may represent the main reservoir of L-arginine, which may possibly be transferred to neurons when used.  相似文献   

A directed screen of a relatively small number of compounds, selected for kinase ATP pocket binding potential, yielded a novel series of hit compounds (1). Hit explosion on two binding residues identified compounds 27 and 43 as the best leads for an optimization program having reduced secondary metabolism, as measured by in vitro rat hepatocytes incubation, leading to oral bio-availability. Structure-activity relationships and molecular modeling have suggested a binding mode for the most potent inhibitor 12.  相似文献   

Chemokines are critical in controlling lymphocyte traffic and migration. The CXC chemokine CXCL12/SDF-1alpha interacts with its receptor CXCR4 to induce the migration of a number of different cell types. Although an understanding of the physiological functions of this chemokine is emerging, the mechanism by which it regulates T cell migration is still unclear. We show here that the Tec family kinase ITK is activated rapidly following CXCL12/SDF-1alpha stimulation, and this requires Src and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activities. ITK regulates the ability of CXCL12/SDF-1alpha to induce T cell migration as overexpression of wild-type ITK-enhanced migration, and T cells lacking ITK exhibit reduced migration as well as adhesion in response to CXCL12/SDF-1alpha. Further analysis suggests that ITK may regulate CXCR4-mediated migration and adhesion by altering the actin cytoskeleton, as ITK null T cells were significantly defective in CXCL12/SDF-1a-mediated actin polymerization. Our data suggest that ITK may regulate the ability of CXCR4 to induce T cell migration.  相似文献   

Activated Cdc42-associated kinase (ACK) has been shown to be an important effector molecule for the small GTPase Cdc42. We have shown previously an essential role for Cdc42 in the transduction of Ras signals for the transformation of mammalian cells. In this report, we show that the ACK-1 isoform of ACK plays a critical role in transducing Ras-Cdc42 signals in the NIH 3T3 cells. Overexpression of a dominant-negative (K214R) mutant of ACK-1 inhibits Ras-induced up-regulation of c-fos and inhibits the growth of v-Ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells. Using small interfering RNA, we knocked down the expression of ACK-1 in both v-Ha-Ras-transformed and parental NIH 3T3 cells and found that down-regulation of ACK-1 inhibited cell growth by inducing apoptosis only in v-Ha-Ras-transformed but not parental NIH 3T3 cells. In addition, we studied the effect of several tyrosine kinase inhibitors and found that PD158780 inhibits the kinase activity of ACK-1 in vitro. We also found that PD158780 inhibits the growth of v-Ha-Ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells. Taken together, our results suggest that ACK-1 kinase plays an important role in the survival of v-Ha-Ras-transformed cells, suggesting that ACK-1 is a novel target for therapies directed at Ras-induced cancer.  相似文献   

Although autonomic gastrointestinal reflex movements, which occur in all mammalian species, have been described almost a century ago, little was known on the mechanisms underlying this behaviour. Recently, however, intrinsic primary afferent neurones, functioning as the first relay in the reflex arches embedded in the intestinal wall, have been identified in the guinea pig ileum. In guinea pig, such neurones display a Dogiel type II morphology and behave electrophysiologically as slow AHP neurones. In other gastrointestinal regions, in both guinea pig and rat, Dogiel type II cells are also encountered, but the strong correlation with slow AHP neuronal features seems less strict. In large mammals, a correlation of the cellular morphology with intracellular el ectrophysiological recordings has only been obtained in the pig small intestine. Surprisingly, in these experiments aberrant electrophysiological behaviour of Dogiel type II neurones is even more striking since the majority of these cells display electrophysiological features considered typical of S neurones. Furthermore, in those rare cases in which a slow afterhyperpolarization (AHP) could be recorded in porcine Dogiel type II cells, its amplitudes were negligible. This has led us to the conclusion that the differences in electrophysiological behaviour of neurones with comparable morphology in different species are most probably due to the modulating influence of the neurotransmitter substances present. This seems to be the most likely hypothesis in view of the considerable differences in neurotransmitter content of neurones with comparable functions throughout the species.  相似文献   

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