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Mediterranean monk seals (MMS) are among the most endangered marine mammals on Earth. We screened mitochondrial variability (control region [CR1] and mitogenomes) of the species through a 180‐yr timeframe and extended by 20% (n = 205) the number of samples from a previous investigation, including historical specimens from 1833 to 1975. Although we detected two new, rare CR1 haplotypes, genetic diversity remained extremely low. Fully resolved haplotype median network and rarefaction analysis both suggested low probability for further unscreened haplotypes. There was no clear phylogeographic structure across the 12 marine subdivisions covered by the species’ range. Haplotypes previously considered diagnostic of the extant North Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean populations had their distributions extended into the western Mediterranean and the North Atlantic, respectively, by both historical and recent samples. Our study suggests that MMS have been genetically depauperate since at least the mid‐19th century, and that the massive 1997 die‐off in Western Sahara (North Atlantic) could have caused local haplotype extinctions. Our results support the hypothesis of past metapopulation dynamics across the species range, where the current segregation into geographically distant and genetically depauperate breeding populations (i.e., North Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean Sea) derives from the combined effects of historical extinctions, genetic drift on small breeding groups, and persistently low levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus , is a critically-endangered species of which only two populations, separated by c . 4000 km, remain: the eastern Mediterranean (150–300 individuals) and the Atlantic/western Sahara populations (100–130 individuals). We measured current levels of nuclear genetic variation at 24 microsatellite loci in 12 seals from the eastern Mediterranean and 98 seals from the western Sahara population and assessed differences between them. In both populations, genetic variation was found to be low, with mean allelic richness for the loci polymorphic in the species of 2.09 and 1.96, respectively. For most loci, the observed allele frequency distributions in both populations were discontinuous and the size ranges similar. The eastern Mediterranean population had 14 private alleles and the western Sahara had 18, but with a much larger sample size. Highly significant differences in allele frequencies between the two populations were found for 14 out of 17 loci. F ST between the two populations was 0.578 and the estimated number of migrants per generation was 0.046, both clearly indicating substantial genetic differentiation. From a conservation perspective, these results suggest that each population may act as a source for introducing additional genetic variation into the other population.  相似文献   

The present Atlantic range of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus), a critically endangered species, comprises two populations in the Desertas Islands and Cape Blanco region. The species is currently the subject of an action plan that encourages the recolonization of its former range. I investigated their causes of its disappearance using species records from paleo‐archeological sites and historical sightings/toponyms. I hypothesize that the species' prehistoric range extended from the continental coasts of North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, an area larger than its current known range. It is further hypothesized that the historic range included at least 13 colonies, seven more than the present number; and that the original optimal breeding habitat was open beaches, while sea caves were a suboptimal, marginal habitat. It is suggested that hunting and the disappearance of two islands due to a historical tsunami event explain the disappearance of the other populations, leaving only those at the Desertas Islands and Cape Blanco that were sheltered in sea caves. Furthermore, the use of sea caves, in conjunction with effective legal protection in the 20th century, explains the present‐day survival of these Atlantic colonies of M. monachus.  相似文献   

The mating system of the Mediterranean monk seal was studied combining the use of diverse technologies. Sexual dimorphism in size was limited. Sexual activity was only observed to occur in the water. The different segments of the population segregated spatially: females, pups, and juveniles aggregated inside two main caves, whose entrances were controlled by a small number (2–3) of territorial males that defended aquatic territories situated at the very mouth of the caves. Other territorial males defended aquatic territories located further away (5–30 km). The tenure of aquatic territories was nonseasonal and spanned several years. Relatedness among pups belonging to the same cohort was low or null, indicating a low level of polygyny, which is not surprising for an aquatically mating phocid with a protracted reproductive season. However, in addition, genetic relatedness showed a remarkable temporal periodicity. These results in combination point to the existence of a complex social structure in this species.  相似文献   

I analyzed the frequencies of wounds inflicted by sharks to the endangered Hawaiian monk seal Monachus schauinslandi at three colonies in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands between 1990 and 2000. I applied specific criteria typical of shark bites to all injuries to avoid bias. Pooling data from all years and the three colonies revealed several patterns. Sharks injured more pups (nursing and weaned) and juveniles (1–2 years old) than adults and subadults. More female pups and male juveniles than any other size classes were injured by sharks. Almost all (97%) of the injured pups were from French Frigate Shoals. More juveniles than expected were wounded at Laysan Island and Lisianski Island. Most shark wounds were between the diaphragm and the pelvic girdle, but pups were bitten most often just behind the pelvis compared with adults who were bitten more often near the head and neck.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the demographic structure and to identify some aspects of the biology of an exploited population of Medorippe lanata (Brachyura: Dorippidae) in the eastern Ligurian Sea, western Mediterranean. 1364 specimens (639 males and 725 females) of M. lanata were collected on a monthly basis from January to December 2001, in a wide area of the eastern Ligurian Sea usually exploited by the Viareggio ‘rapido’ trawl fleet. M. lanata represented an important fraction of the discard, both in weight and in number of individuals. Maximum abundance of this species occurred in late summer-early autumn (up to 3369 ind. km−2 and 50.6 kg km−2 in August). The overall females:males sex-ratio was 1.13:1, while the monthly sex-ratio did not differ statistically from 1:1 in all months, except in September and October, when females significantly outnumbered males. The sampled population was composed of two cohorts from November to April. Sizes ranged from 10 to 29 mm carapace length (CL) for females and from 9 to 29 mm CL for males. The von Bertalanffy growth curve, computed for both sexes, gave a higher growth rate in males than in females. Recently moulted males and females were observed throughout the year, except in summer, when the highest number of ovigerous females was present. Females with external eggs were collected from March to November, with peaks in August and September. The monthly evolution of the ovarian maturity stages showed no clear temporal trend. At 21 mm CL, 50% of females were ovigerous or showed macroscopically mature ovaries. According to the dimorphism in chelae size, the presence of adult males (post-puberty stage) was observed all year round, from 18 to 29 mm CL, without evident temporal trends.  相似文献   

Diet composition in pinnipeds is widely estimated using hard prey remains recovered from feces. To estimate the size and number of prey represented in fecal samples accurately, digestion correction factors (DCFs) must be applied to measurements and counts of fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks. In this study, 101 whole prey feeding trials were conducted with six harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and 18 prey species. We derived species‐ and grade‐specific estimates of digestion coefficients (DCs) and species‐specific recovery rates (RRs) to account for partial and complete digestion, respectively. Greater than 98% of otoliths were passed within three days of consumption. RRs were smallest for Atlantic salmon smolts (RR = 0.306, SE = 0.031) and increasingly larger for sandeels (RR = 0.494, SE = 0.017), flatfish (RR = 0.789, SE = 0.033), and large gadoids (RR = 0.944, SE = 0.034). Species‐specific otolith width DCs were smallest for Trisopterus species (DC = 1.14, SE = 0.015) and increasingly larger for flatfish (DC = 1.27, SE = 0.045), large gadoids (DC = 1.32, SE = 0.067) and sandeels (DC = 1.57, SE = 0.035). RRs were similar to those from gray seals (Halichoerus grypus), but harbor seal species‐ and grade‐specific DCs were generally smaller. Differences in partial and complete digestion rates among prey species and between seal species highlight the importance of applying DCFs when reconstructing diet.  相似文献   

We examined the well‐documented and species‐rich dinoflagellate genus Ceratium Schrank in the northwest Mediterranean Sea as a possible model for marine phytoplankton diversity and as a biological indicator of global climate change. First, we investigated the influence of counting effort; we then documented temporal changes in Ceratium specific and infraspecific taxa over 2 years (2002 and 2003) in the Villefranche Bay based on a monthly net sampling. Finally, we tried to identify factors associated with shifts in biodiversity. The calculation of taxonomic diversity, regularity, and richness were highly dependent on counting effort. We determined that a minimal sample volume of ~70 L was needed to obtain a good estimation of species richness. The annual cycle was characterized by a seasonal trend of high winter species richness followed by low spring biodiversity. Infraspecific variability not only appeared to depend on water temperature but also seemed to be influenced by bottom‐up control and was strongly affected by top‐down control. Thus, the occurrence of high concentrations of salps (Thalia democratica) and copepods larger than 2 mm (Calanus helgolandicus) coincided with a drastic decrease of Ceratium abundance and diversity during spring 2003. Ceratium is sensitive to both abiotic and biotic factors and could prove to be a good candidate as a biological indicator of global change.  相似文献   

The anatomy of an insufficiently described species of heteronemertine, Cerebratulus hepaticus, is redescribed. The species is characterized by, inter alia, a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, neurochord cells in the brain, a dermis in the foregut region with no or few longitudinal muscle fibres which is separated from the outer longitudinal muscle layer by connective tissue. The taxon is compared with two other Cerebratulus species, C. fuscus and C. marginatus. The material was collected at Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Gherardi  M.  Giangrande  A.  Corriero  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):87-101
Polychaete assemblages associated to the sponge Geodia cydonium were investigated at two sampling sites in the Mediterranean Sea: Porto Cesareo Basin (Apulia) and Marsala Lagoon (Sicily), both characterized by sheltered hydrodynamic conditions. Samples were seasonally performed during 1997, in order to compare the assemblages coming from the two localities studied, considering separately the internal and external tissues of the sponge, and with the aim of evaluating the influence of sponge size on polychaete colonization. The examined sponge is characterized by a peculiar stratification of its tissues: an external thick and hard layer, the cortex, and an internal softer one, the choanosome. Statistical analysis showed that this was the main factor controlling polychaete assemblage, with the internal tissue, less rich and diversified, appearing impoverished with respect to the external layer. A similarity in species composition was observed between sites, even though some differences were evidenced in the abundance of some species, mainly reflecting differences in local environmental conditions. Species richness and density increased with the increasing sponge size. Such a situation is particularly evident at Porto Cesareo, where sponges are covered by an algal layer which is particularly rich on the largest specimens, thus suggesting that most of the species of polychaetes were linked more to the neighbouring environment than to the sponge itself.  相似文献   


Cordylecladia guiryi sp. nov. is described from the Mediterranean Sea, after a comparison of habit, morphology and reproduction with C. erecta, the only species of the genus. The species is characterized by the small dimension of its axes which arise single from the basal crust and by its habitat, growing epiphytically on Posidonia oceanica Delile leaves. Tetrasporangial and gametangial plants as well as the development of the carposporophyte have been studied in detail. The carpogonial branch is 4-celled and it is formed on a supporting cell that also bears a 3-celled auxiliary branch. Tetrasporangia are cruciately divided. The reproductive details confirm Sparling's view about the great variation existing in the organization of the procarp in members of this order.  相似文献   

Nino Mariotti 《Geobios》2003,36(5):603-623
About three hundred belemnite rostra were collected from lower Kimmeridgian beds of a structural high sequence cropping out at Mt. Nerone (Central Apennines, Pesaro Province, Italy). The belemnite fauna is composed mainly of new species. Nine species were recognised, ascribed to five genera, that include Hibolithes semisulcatus M?NSTER, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelus sp. cf. acuariformis RIEGRAF, 1981; Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp.; moreover a single specimen is treated in open nomenclature as Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. The stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic significance of the new fauna is discussed. The taphonomy of the belemnite-rich level is described, with reference to borings found on the belemnite rostra.  相似文献   

About three hundred belemnite rostra were collected from Lower Kimmeridgian beds of a structural high sequence cropping out at Mt. Nerone (central Apennines, Pesaro Province, Italy). The belemnite fauna is composed mainly of new species. Nine species were recognised, ascribed to five genera, which include Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelu0s sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981; Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp.; moreover a single specimen is treated in open nomenclature as Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. The stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic significance of the new fauna is discussed. The taphonomy of the belemnite-rich level is described, with reference to borings found on the belemnite rostra.La fauna a belemniti risulta composta quasi esclusivamente da specie nuove. Sono state riconosciute le seguenti specie: Hibolithes semisulcatusMünster, 1830; H. pignattii nov. sp.; Acutibelus sp. cf. acuariformisRiegraf, 1981, Belemnopsis neronensis nov. sp., Duvalia matteuccii nov. sp., D. nicosiai nov. sp., D. pallinii nov. sp., D. raymondi nov. sp. and Rhopaloteuthis massimoi nov. sp. Inoltre un esemplare è stato discusso con nomenclatura aperta come Belemnopseidae incertae sedis. Alcuni nuovi dati stratigrafici e paleobiogeografici sono stati analizzati ed integrati con i dati della letteratura. E’ stata anche esaminata la tafonomia del livello a belemniti e le perforazioni presenti sulla superficie dei rostri.  相似文献   

A total number of 40 potentially toxic microalgae and 5 taxa causing discolorations have been identified along the coasts of the Campania region (South Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). This number is based on results of over 20 years of research at a coastal station in the Gulf of Naples, 4 years of monitoring activity along the Campania coasts and of a series of scattered and sporadic observations. Several species of the recently erected genera Karenia and Takayama are reported for the first time in the area. Information on the period of highest abundances or most probable period of occurrence indicates the late spring and summer as the periods of maximum risk of harmful events. Despite the variety of potentially toxic species, no human health problems nor fish kills have ever been recorded in Campania. The reasons for this apparent paradox are probably to be found in the ecological factors that regulate the abundance, toxicity and spatial distribution of the potentially harmful species and reflect as well the relatively low number of aquaculture plants in the area.  相似文献   

The stonefly distribution and its relationship with habitat changes, based on stream physico chemical features, were investigated in two Mediterranean river basins (Guadaira and Guadalete, S Spain). Plecopteran nymph distribution varied along an elevation gradient. Both stonefly species richness and species diversity increased with altitude. Stoneflies were able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions but were absent from low altitude sites, temporary streams with high salinity values and high water temperature. A total of 13 stonefly species were found in the study area, from which Tyrrhenoleuctra minuta (Klapálek ) and Protonemura sp. were dominant. The most widespread species were Nemoura lacustris and Capnioneura mitis. Three distinct species assemblages were observed according to their distribution patterns, but with similar environmental preferences. Capnioneura petitpierreae and T. minuta showed preferences to low altitude sites, whereas C. mitis and N. lacustris were found throughout all sites. T. minuta and N. lacustris inhabited permanent and temporary sites, while the same species and C. mitis also were found in semipermanent streams. Temporally, most stoneflies were caught during winter (85.9%), especially at the low altitude sites.  相似文献   

Bick. A. 2001. The morphology and ecology of Dipolydora armata (Polychaeta, Spionidae) from the western Mediterranean Sea. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 177–187
The cosmopolitan spionid Dipolydora armata is a dominant species of epifauna on Thais haemastoma shells in the western Mediterranean Sea. Some characters, particularly number, thickness and arrangement of notopodial spines, were extremely variable among specimens. Three morphological forms were distinguished based on the general appearance of the bundles of spines; one form possesses at least one bundle of stout spines, whereas bundles of medium spines or thinner acicular spines characterise the other forms. Differences in prostomial shape, as well as in the extension and form of the caruncle, were artefacts (preservation or angle of observation). The present study supports D. rogeri as a junior synonym of D. armata. D. armata was regularly found on shells inhabited by hermit crabs ( Calcinus tubularis , Clibanarius erythropus ) and on damaged, empty shells. Abundance, dominance, size frequency, occurrence of larvae and occurrence of regenerated specimens varied, possibly as a result of fouling strategy and recurrent settlements.  相似文献   

The effects of particle concentration and season on the filtration rates of the freshwater clamSphaerium striatinum Lamarck were assessed by measuring clearance rates of small (2.02 μm) latex beads from dilute suspensions. Filtration rates decreased as particle concentration increased over a range of 2–64 mg 1−1, with rates decreasing in similar proportion for clams of all sizes. For a 1-mg clam, rates decreased from approximately 8.4 to 0.57 ml clam−1 h−1. Seasonal filtration rates for adult clams peaked during periods of greatest reproduction. The patterns for smaller clams are similar, though proportional changes in filtration rates differ for various sizes of clams. It is estimated that clams occupying 1 m2 of stream substrate removed about 3.67 gCa−1. This is equivalent to 0.0004% of the carbon that flows past them annually. Filter-feeding provided only 24% of the calculated energy needs of the population, suggesting that another mode of feeding (e.g. deposit-feeding) may provide an important energy source for these forms. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society.  相似文献   

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