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Various aspects of surface properties of the S-layer-carrying Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72 and of an S-layer-deficient mutant (strain PV72/T5) have been tested by adsorption assays on solid surfaces, electrostatic interaction chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The adsorption assays have shown that cell adhesion of the S-layer-carrying strain was less influenced by environmental changes than it was with the S-layer-deficient mutant. Electrostatic interaction chromatography indicated that both strains have positively and negatively charged groups exposed on the cell surface but the S-layer-carrying strain reveals more positively charged groups than does the S-layer-deficient mutant. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography showed that both strains have a hydrophilic surface but that the hydrophilic properties are more pronounced with the strain lacking an S-layer.  相似文献   

The structures, amino acid- and neutral sugar compositions of the crystalline surface layers (S-layers) of four selected strains each ofBacillus stearothermophilus andDesulfotomaculum nigrificans were compared. Among the four strains of each species a remarkable diversity in the molecular weights of the S-layer subunits and in the geometry and constants of the S-layer lattices was apparent. The crystalline arrays included hexagonal (p6), square (p4) and oblique (p2) lattices. In vitro self-assembly of isolated S-layer subunits (or S-layer fragments) led to the formation of flat sheets or open-ended cylindrical assembly products. The amino acid composition of the S-layers exhibited great similarities and was predominantly acidic. With the exception of the S-layers of two strains ofB. stearothermophilus (where only traces of neutral sugars could be detected), all other S-layer proteins seemed to be glycosylated. Among these strains significant differences in the amount and composition of the glycan portions were found. Based on this diversity interesting questions may be asked about the biological significance of the carbohydrate units of glycoproteins in prokaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The location of the covalently attached carbohydrate residue of the S-layer glycoprotein from Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 was determined by electron microscopical procedures after converting the hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrate chains into carboxyl groups by succinylation. The introduction of carboxyl groups was examined by labelling with polycationized ferritin (PCF; a net positively charged topographical marker for electron microscopy). Cyanogen bromide was used for activating vicinal hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrate chains which could then react with amino groups of amino carbonic acids or ferritin. The amount of covalently bound ferritin was determined by freeze-etching and UV-measurement. Both, succinylation experiments and covalent attachment of ferritin confirmed that at least a considerable portion of the carbohydrate residue must be located on the S-layer surface.  相似文献   

A strain of protease-producing Bacillus stearothermophilus has been isolated. Glycerol was the best carbon source for production whereas yeast extract was the best nitrogen source. The bacterium could grow up to 70°C but optimum protease production was at 60°C. Best initial pH for protease production was 5. Alkaline pH inhibited production. The enzyme was stable at 60°C for 18 h and was inhibited by EDTA, PMSF and HgCl2.The authors are with the Enzyme and Microbial Technology Group, Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia  相似文献   

The influence of growth temperature, media composition and cell age on the chemical composition of Bacillus stearothermophilus strain AN 002 has been determined. The total cellular protein decreased and the free amino acid content increased with growth temperature, in both exponential and stationary growth phase. The protein and free amino acid contents of cells were higher in the stationary phase than in the exponential phase, irrespective of growth temperature and media composition. The RNA content was only reduced in cells grown at 55° C. No significant variations were observed in the DNA and carbohydrate contents with respect to growth temperature and cell age. The total lipid and fatty acid compositions on the other hand varied as a function of growth temperature, cell age and media composition. Differences in the relative concentrations of even, odd and branched chain fatty acids were noticed. Novariation was observed in the antiiso and unsaturated fatty acids with respect to growth temperature. The unique variations in the fatty acid composition and total lipids at the growth temperature of 50° C and their variations in the stationary growth phase seem to be characteristic for B. stearothermophilus AN 002.  相似文献   

The calcium transport in resting vegetative cells of Bacillus stearothermophilus was studied by determining the retention of 45Ca in a membrane filter assay. The kinetics of death by vegetative cells, when suspended in buffer at 55°C, was also investigated. The calcium influx required the presence of an energy source, e.g. glucose-1-phosphate and the system exhibited saturation kinetics. The requirements for survival of the thermophilic cells reflected those of the calcium transport system. Thus, cells treated with nitrogen gas showed an increased thermal stability and a decreased efflux of calcium. The initial velocity of calcium influx correlated linearly with the survival of the cells after 1 min heating at 55° C. Lanthanum inhibited calcium influx and reduced survival. Magnesium did not inhibit calcium influx but could replace calcium as a stabilizing agent. The results suggest that the thermophilic cells are not intrinsically heat stable but survive due to a high cellular concentration of divalent ions.Abbreviations CFU colony forming units - CPM counts per min - NCA National canners association - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - PMS phenazine methosulfate  相似文献   

In order to achieve high level expression and to study the release of a protein capable of self-assembly, the gene encoding the crystalline cell surface (S-layer) protein SbsA of Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72/p6, including its signal sequence, was cloned and expressed in Bacillus subtilis. To obtain high level expression, a tightly regulated, xylose-inducible, stably replicating multicopy-plasmid vector was constructed. After induction of expression, the S-layer protein made up about 15% of the total cellular protein content, which was comparable to the SbsA content of B. stearothermophilus PV72/p6 cells. During all growth stages, SbsA was poorly secreted to the ambient cellular environment by B. subtilis. Extraction of whole cells with guanidine hydrochloride showed that in late stationary growth phase cells 65% of the synthesised SbsA was retained in the peptidoglycan-containing layer, indicating that the rigid cell wall layer was a barrier for efficient SbsA secretion. Electron microscopic investigation revealed that SbsA release from the peptidoglycan-containing layer started in the late stationary growth phase at distinct sites at the cell surface leading to the formation of extracellular self-assembly products which did not adhere to the cell wall surface. In addition, intracellular sheet-like SbsA self-assembly products which followed the curvature of the cell became visible in partly lysed cells. Intracellularly formed self-assembly products remained intact even after complete lysis of the rigid cell envelope layer.  相似文献   

The surface layer of Bacillus stearothermophilus strain NRS2004/3a was isolated and chemically characterized. The results of these initial studies lead to the conclusion that the cell surface protein is glycosylated.  相似文献   

Abstract Among eight strains of protein-producing Bacillus brevis , three morphological groups have been identified according to the structure of the cell walls.
  • (I)

    Cell wall consisting of a peptidoglycanlayer

  • (II)

    Two-layered cell wall consisting of a peptidoglycan-layer and an S-layer

  • (III)

    Three-layered cell wall consisting of a peptidoglycan-layer and two S-layers

Group I and group II cell walls have not been described yet for protein-producing bacteria. The S-layers observed in this study all had hexagonal symmetry and lattice constants of approximately 18 nm. The immunological relation between the S-layer proteins of the newly isolated B. brevis strains and those of B. brevis 47 has been examined using antisera against both S-layer-proteins of B. brevis 47. S-layers from protein-producing B. brevis strains, which were adjacent to the peptidoglycan-layer, were similar to each other, whether they were the outermost cell wall layer (group II) or not (group III). However, no similarity was found between these layers and the outermost S-layer of B. brevis 47 (group III).  相似文献   

During the bleaching of wood pulp for the paper industry, large amounts of chlorinated aromatic compounds are produced and released into the environment. These compounds are extremely toxic and are a major source of pollution. The paper and pulp industry is seeking for alternative methods for bleaching pulp. One such method involves the use of hemicellulases to release the colored lignohemicellulose. We have isolated and characterized several thermophilic bacteria which produce xylanases. One such strain, T-6, produced high levels of extracellular xylanase, free of cellulase and proteinase activities. Strain T-6 was classified as a strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus and was able to grow on defined medium containing xylose, methionine and asparagine at 65 °C. Xylanase activity was induced by either xylose or xylan; no activity was detected with other carbon sources, such as glycerol, acetate, lactose, glucose, maltose, fructose, mannose, galactose or sucrose. Xylanase constitutive mutants were obtained following mutagenesis and detection on p-nitrophenol -d-xylopyranoside containing agar plates. Xylanase T-6 was produced on large scale, and was purified and concentrated by a single adsorption-desorption step from a cation exchanger. The overall purification yield of a 1000 liter fermentation was 45%, resulting in a 98% pure enzyme. Xylanase T-6 was shown to partially remove lignin from unbleached pulp at 65 °C and pH 9.0, without loss in pulp viscosity. The enzyme-treated pulp was used to make handsheets that had higher brightness than untreated pulp.  相似文献   

Labelling experiments using a positively charged topographical marker for electron microscopy, polycationized ferritin, showed that the S-layers of two closely related clostridia Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 and C. thermosaccharolyticum D120-70 do not exhibit a net negative charge, as usually observed for bacterial cell surfaces. Chemical modification of reactive sites confirmed that amino and carboxyl groups are exposed on the S-layer surface of both strains. Amino-specific, bifunctional agents crosslinked both S-layer lattices. Studies with carbodiimides revealed that only the S-layer surface of C. thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 had amino and carboxyl groups closely enough aligned to permit electrostatic interactions between the constituent protomers. The regular structure of this S-layer lattice was lost upon converting the carboxyl groups into neutral groups by amidation. Disintegration of both S-layer lattices occurred upon N-acetylation or N-succinylation of the free amino groups. Adhesion experiments showed that in neutral and weakly alkaline environment whole cells of C. thermosaccharolyticum D120-70 exhibited a stronger tendency to bind to charged surfaces than whole cells of C. thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69, but showed a lower tendency to bind to hydrophobic materials.  相似文献   

The Gram-positive, mesophilic bacterium Paenibacillus alvei CCM 2051T possesses a two-dimensional crystalline protein surface layer (S-layer) with oblique lattice symmetry composed of a single type of O-glycoprotein species. Herein, we describe a strategy for nanopatterned in vivo cell surface co-display of peptide and glycan epitopes based on this S-layer glycoprotein self-assembly system. The open reading frame of the corresponding structural gene spaA codes for a protein of 983 amino acids, including a signal peptide of 24 amino acids. The mature S-layer protein has a theoretical molecular mass of 105.95 kDa and a calculated pI of 5.83. It contains three S-layer homology domains at the N-terminus that are involved in anchoring of the glycoprotein via a non-classical, pyruvylated secondary cell wall polymer to the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. For this polymer, several putative biosynthesis enzymes were identified upstream of the spaA gene. For in vivo cell surface display, the hexahistidine tag and the enhanced green fluorescent protein, respectively, were translationally fused to the C-terminus of SpaA. Immunoblot analysis, immunofluorescence staining, and fluorescence microscopy revealed that the fused epitopes were efficiently expressed and successfully displayed via the S-layer glycoprotein matrix on the surface of P. alvei CCM 2051T cells. In contrast, exclusively non-glycosylated chimeric SpaA proteins were displayed, when the S-layer of the glycosylation-deficient wsfP mutant was used as a display matrix.  相似文献   

Leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs) are exopeptidases that remove the N-terminal L-leucine from peptide substrates. Oxidative stability assay showed that the recombinant Bacillus stearothermophilus LAP II (rLAPII) was sensitive to oxidative damage by hydrogen peroxide at the elevated temperature. The H2O2-treated enzyme experienced obvious changes in the secondary structure when the oxidant concentration increased to 300 mM. To investigate the role of methionine residues on the oxidative inactivation, each of the five methionine residues in the rLAPII was replaced with leucine by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzymes with an apparent Mr of approximately 44.5 kDa were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and were purified to homogeneity by nickel-chelate chromatography. The specific activities for Met82Leu, Met88Leu, Met254Leu, and Met382Leu were similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, whereas a reduced activity was observed in Met136Leu. The 50% decrease in the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) for Met136Leu was caused by 47% decrease in kcat value. As compared with the wild-type enzyme, all mutant proteins were more sensitive to the oxidant, implying that the methionine residues of B. stearothermophilus LAP II are important for the protection of the enzyme from oxidative inactivation.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of Bacillus stearothermophilus TRS40 neopullulanase and its complexes with panose, maltotetraose and isopanose were determined at resolutions of 1.9, 2.4, 2.8 and 3.2A, respectively. Since the latter two carbohydrates are substrates of this enzyme, a deactivated mutant at the catalytic residue Glu357-->Gln was used for complex crystallization. The structures were refined at accuracies with r.m.s. deviations of bond lengths and bond angles ranging from 0.005A to 0.008A and 1.3 degrees to 1.4 degrees, respectively. The active enzyme forms a dimer in the crystalline state and in solution. The monomer enzyme is composed of four domains, N, A, B and C, and has a (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel in domain A. The active site lies between domain A and domain N from the other monomer. The results show that dimer formation makes the active-site cleft narrower than those of ordinary alpha-amylases, which may contribute to the unique substrate specificity of this enzyme toward both alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6-glucosidic linkages. This specificity may be influenced by the subsite structure. Only subsites -1 and -2 are commonly occupied by the product and substrates, suggesting that equivocal recognition occurs at the other subsites, which contributes to the wide substrate specificity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Leucine dehydrogenase (l-leucine: NAD+ oxidoreductase, deaminating, EC has been purified to homogeneity from a moderate thermophilic bacterium, Bacillus stearothermophilus. Am improved method of preparative slab gel electrophoresis was used effectively to purify it. The enzyme has a molecular mass of about 300,000 and consists of six subunits with identical molecular mass (Mr, 49,000). The enzyme does not lose its activity by heat treatment at 70° C for 20 min, and incubation in the pH range of 5.5–10.0 at 55° C for 5 min. It is stable in 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) containing 0.01% 2-mercaptoethanol at over 1 month, and is resistant to detergent and ethanol treatment. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidative deamination of branched-chain l-amino acids and the reductive amination of their keto analogs in the presence of NAD+ and NADH, respectively, as the coenzymes. The pH optima are 11 for the deamination of l-leucine, and 9.7 and 8.8 for the amination of -ketoisocaproate and -ketoisovalerate, respectively. The Michaelis constants were determined: 4.4 mM for l-leucine, 3.3 mM for l-valine, 1.4 mM for l-isoleucine and 0.49 mM for NAD+ in the oxidative deamination. The B. stearothermophilus enzyme shows similar catalytic properties, but higher activities than that from Bacillus sphaericus.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis produces various groups of active proteins, such as Cyt, Vip and Parasporin, in addition to the Cry protein. In this study we show S-layer proteins to be a new group of parasporal inclusions of B. thuringiensis . The S-layer consists of a two-dimensional lattice structure and is the outermost component of many archaeobacteria and eubacteria. The parasporal inclusion of B. thuringiensis strain CTC was found to be not a typical crystal protein encoded by the cry gene, but a proteinaceous inclusion encoded by the S-layer gene. Furthermore, the CTC-like strains (with their parasporal inclusions coded by the S-layer gene) are widely distributed and accounted for 25.4% of the B. thuringiensis strains tested. These strains constitue a new group of parasporal inclusions encoded by the S-layer gene of B. thuringiensis and shed new light on B. thuringiensis nontoxic strains.  相似文献   

The gross composition of the outer epidermal cell wall from third internodes of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown in dim red light, and the effect of auxin on that composition, was investigated using interference microscopy. Pea outer epidermal walls contain as much cellulose as typical secondary walls, but the proportion of pectin to hemicellulose resembles that found in primary walls. The pectin and hemicellulose fractions from epidermal peels, which are enriched for outer epidermal wall but contain internal tissue as well, are composed of a much higher percentage of glucose and glucose-related sugars than has been found previously for pea primary walls, similar to non-cellulosic carbohydrate fractions of secondary walls. The epidermal outer wall thus has a composition rather like that of secondary walls, while still being capable of elongation. Auxin induces a massive breakdown of hemicellulose in the outer epidermal wall; nearly half the hemicellulose present is lost during 4 h of growth in the absence of exogenous sugar. The percentage breakdown is much greater than has been seen previously for whole pea stems. It has been proposed that a breakdown of xyloglucan could be the basis for the mechanical loosening of the outer wall. This study provides the first evidence that such a breakdown could be occurring in the outer wall.M.S. Bret-Harte would like to thank Dr. Peter M. Ray, of Stanford University, for helpful discussions and for technical and editorial assistance, Dr. Winslow R. Briggs, of the Camegie Institude of Washington, for the use of experimental facilities and for helpful discussions, Dr. Wendy K. Silk, of the University of California, Davis, for helpful discussions and financial support, Dr. Paul B. Green for financial support, and Drs. John M. Labavitch and L.C. Greve, of the University of California, Davis, for performing the -cellulose analysis on short notice, in response to a request by an anonymous reviewer. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to M.S. B.-H., National Science Foundation Grant DCB8801493 to Paul B. Green, and the generosity of Wendy K. Silk (Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis) during the final writing.  相似文献   

Composite S-layer lipid structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Designing and utilization of biomimetic membrane systems generated by bottom-up processes is a rapidly growing scientific and engineering field. Elucidation of the supramolecular construction principle of archaeal cell envelopes composed of S-layer stabilized lipid membranes led to new strategies for generating highly stable functional lipid membranes at meso- and macroscopic scale. In this review, we provide a state of the art survey how S-layer proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides may be used as basic building blocks for the assembly of S-layer supported lipid membranes. These biomimetic membrane systems are distinguished by a nanopatterned fluidity, enhanced stability and longevity and thus, provide a dedicated reconstitution matrix for membrane-active peptides and transmembrane proteins. Exciting areas for application of composite S-layer membrane systems concern sensor systems involving specific membrane functions.  相似文献   

One of the obligate thermophilic bacteria, Bacillus stearothermophilus, was unable to grow at temperatures below 35° C. About 80% of the population in the bacterial culture died at the temperatures, and the same extent of loss in either of the activities of oxygen consumption or synthesis of protein or nucleic acid of the organisms was observed. With the progress of death of the organisms, reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide came to be oxidized by the organisms, enzymes such as fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase, when the organisms were washed with phosphate buffer, were leaked out of the organisms, and an increasing amount of ribonucleoprotein was released into the culture medium. The change of the membrane state was then suggested to be one of the possible causes for the death of the organisms at the temperatures.  相似文献   

Al-Awadi S  Afzal M  Oommen S 《Steroids》2005,70(4):327-333
The impact of chemical enhancers on the biotransformation of testosterone has been exploited. Application of crude cell concentrates to produce Bacillus stearothermophilus-mediated bioconversion of testosterone at 65 degrees C for 72 h has been examined. After incubation, the xenobiotic substrate was added to the concentrated whole cell suspensions. The enhancer molecules were included in the whole cell suspension. The resultant products, after extraction into an organic solvent, were purified by thin layer chromatography and identification was carried out through spectroscopic data. Five steroid metabolites 9,10-seco-4-androstene-3,9,17-trione, 5alpha-androstan-3,6,17-trione, 17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3,6-dione, 3beta,17beta-dihydroxyandrost-4-ene-6-one and 17beta-hydroxyandrost-4,6-diene-3-one were identified as biotransformation products of testosterone. A possible biosynthetic route for these bioconversion products is postulated.  相似文献   

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