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This review throws light on the natural occurrence and distribution of tricin (5,7,4′-trihydroxy-3′,5′-dimethoxyflavone) and its conjugated forms, as more common natural plant constituents than previously known. It examines the current literature dealing with its biosynthesis, regulation, biological significance, pharmacological effects, and potential role as a chemopreventive and anticancer agent. Because of its common occurrence in cereal grain plants and the wide spectrum of its health promoting effects, a metabolic engineering strategy is proposed to produce tricin in sufficient amounts for further experimentation, and increase its accumulation in wheat grain endosperm as a nutraceutical.  相似文献   

RINGS is a computer program for the general and rapid construction of ring skeletons. Prestored molecules are connected together by various operations, such as joining along one bond, fusion of one or more bonds, spiro joining, and carbon-bridge building. RINGS uses full 3D molecular structure information from the outset and offers the user full control of all geometrical features at each step of construction. The program is user-friendly, with a graphical man-machine interface (PLOT10-compatible) and extensive checking for possible input errors.  相似文献   

The drug scopolamine is important, among other uses, as a pre-anesthetic in surgery and childbirth, in ophthalmology and in prevention of motion sickness. Datura Metel of Asia and Africa has been regarded as the best source of it, but a pharmacognostic study, reported here, indicates that D. innoxia of Latin America is a possible industrial source.  相似文献   

The general secretory pathway: a general misnomer?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The term general secretory pathway (GSP) has been usurped and misused in the literature over the past few years. The concept of GSP is discussed from an historical perspective, and the definitions of the general export pathway (GEP), the main terminal branch (MTB) of the GSP, the unified GSP nomenclature and the type II, IV and V secretion pathways are also described to show how they have fuelled the confusion. By putting the record straight and using novel findings within the field of bacterial protein secretion, we hope to bring clarity to this area of science and prevent further promulgation of incorrect terminologies.  相似文献   

Summary Two isolates of Pleurotus ostreatus from North America and one from Germany are interbreedable. Under identical conditions at low temperatures, their fruiting bodies are hard to distinguish. However, shape and colour and several other characters vary with culture conditions. The American stocks fruit well at temperatures from 4 to 24 °C, the German ones only below 15 °C. Four types of hybrids between German and American Pleupotus were obtained: i) The whole fruiting process is temperature sensitive as in German Pleurotus. ii) It proceeds at 4–24 °C as in American stocks, iii) Fruiting initiation is insensitive but sporophore development is sensitive to elevated temperatures, iv) Primordia formation and initial sporophore development depend on temperatures below 15 °C, but pileus expansion and spore discharge continue above 20 °. The involvement of separate genes for the single developmental steps and the use of temperature sensitivity for commercial varieties are discussed. One sporeless strain, F42x11, with considerable fruiting bodies has been obtained. In intrastock di-mon-matings this character was dominant.  相似文献   

Glass-beads (diam. = 250 μm) were buried 10 cm deep in the sediment of a stream. After an exposure of eight weeks, bacterial densities on the beads varied between 2.7 × 105 and 2.4 × 107/cm2, and the length of the fungal mycelium between 0.2 and 5.3 mm/cm2. Bacterial densities did not show any correlation with the DOC content of the water, but were positively correlated with respiration on the beads. Fungal mycelium was negatively correlated with water temperature. Acid hydrolysis of stream-exposed beads released sugars and amino acids, whose combined carbon content exceeded that of the microbial cells by a factor of at least 4. Gut extracts of Gammarus tigrinus and Tipula caloptera released amino acids and sugars from stream-exposed beads.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses were tested: (1) microbial dephosphorylation of phytate in the presence of Ca2+ ions will result in the precipitation of hydroxyapatite-like crystals and (2) precipitation of calcium-phosphate crystals on and between sand-like particles can cause cementation. A growing culture of the dimorphic phytase-active yeast Arxula adeninivorans was introduced into a column filled with quartz particles and subsequently a liquid growth medium amended with calcium phytate was pumped through the column resulting in increased strength and stiffness of the quartz particle matrix. Environmental scanning electron microscope analysis combined with energy-dispersive X-ray measurement revealed cementation of the quartz particles by calcium-phosphate crystals. This microbial mineralization process could provide a novel approach to improving the mechanical properties like strength and stiffness of sandy soils.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase: a universal oxygen sensor?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
NADPH oxidase is classically regarded as a key enzyme of neutrophils, where it is involved in the pathogenic production of reactive oxygen species. However, NADPH oxidase-like enzymes have recently been identified in non-neutrophil cells, supporting a separate role for NADPH-oxidase derived oxygen species in oxygen sensitive processes. This article reviews the current literature surrounding the potential role of NADPH oxidase in the oxygen sensing processes which underlie hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, systemic vascular smooth muscle proliferation, carotid and airways chemoreceptor activation, erythropoietin gene expression, and oxytropic responses of plant cells.  相似文献   

Podophyllum peltatum, was reexamined for its potential use in the commercial production of podophyllotoxin, a lignan used in the semisynthesis of important anticancer drugs. A survey of the natural population of the American mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum, was conducted in order to identify high-yielding genotypes. Plants were collected from the eastern and central United States. The lignan content of leaf blades and rhizome material of the collected specimens was characterized by aqueous extraction followed by HPLC analysis. Podophyllotoxin and α-peltatin appeared most prominently among the lignans obtained. Leaf blades were generally richer in podophyllotoxin than rhizomes. Several high-yielding accessions were identified, the blades of which contained 4.0–5.6% podophyllotoxin. A negative correlation was observed between podophyllotoxin and peltatin content in the blades. The combination of high biosynthetic capacity and preferential accumulation of podophyllotoxin in leaves of mayapple makesthis plant an excellent candidate for agricultural production of podophyllotoxin.  相似文献   

α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH), a key regulatory enzyme within the Krebs cycle, is sensitive to mitochondrial redox status. Treatment of mitochondria with H?O? results in reversible inhibition of KGDH due to glutathionylation of the cofactor, lipoic acid. Upon consumption of H?O?, glutathione is removed by glutaredoxin restoring KGDH activity. Glutathionylation appears to be enzymatically catalysed or require a unique microenvironment. This may represent an antioxidant response, diminishing the flow of electrons to the respiratory chain and protecting sulphydryl residues from oxidative damage. KGDH is, however, also susceptible to oxidative damage. 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), a lipid peroxidation product, reacts with lipoic acid resulting in enzyme inactivation. Evidence indicates that HNE modified lipoic acid is cleaved from KGDH, potentially the first step of a repair process. KGDH is therefore a likely redox sensor, reversibly altering metabolism to reduce oxidative damage and, under severe oxidative stress, acting as a sentinel of mitochondrial viability.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(4):PL57-PL62
The alkaloid ibogaine is potentially useful to reduce craving for several drugs of abuse, but its mechanism of action is not known. In the current study, in vitro studies were conducted in order to determine the affinity of ibogaine for sigma receptors. Our results indicate that ibogaine has a relatively high affinity for σ2 receptors (Ki = 90.4 and 250 nM) and a significantly lower affinity for σ1 receptors (Ki = 9310 nM). These data suggest that ibogaine may have a higher affinity at σ2 receptors than any other known CNS receptor. Its low affinity for σ1 receptors also suggests that ibogaine may be a suitable lead compound for structure-activity relationship studies aimed at developing σ2-selective ligands.  相似文献   

Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) frequently metasta- sizes to bone. It is known that zoledronic acid is cytostatic to tumors, and everolimus, the inhibitor for mammalian target of the rapamycin, could inhibit many types of cancer. Herein, we evaluated the effect of zoledronic acid alone and in combination with everolimus on treating lung adenocarcinoma bone metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Mice treated with zoledronic acid in combination with everoli- mus had more apoptotic lung cancer cells and more cells were arrested in the G1/G0 phase. The phosphorylation of p70S6K was inhibited in the combination treatment group. Lung cancer cell invasion was also significantly inhibited in the group with combination treatment in vitro. Bone nuclear scans revealed more metastatic lesions in controls compared with those in the combination treatment group. Bone scans and radiographic images indicated that com- bination therapy significantly reduced bone metastasis. The moderate survival rate suggested that the drug com- bination was synergistic, which can delay NSCLC bone metastasis and prolong survival in vivo.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms by which plant cells sense sugar levels are not understood, but current models (adapted from models for sugar sensing in yeast) favour hexokinase as the primary sugar sensor. However, the hypothesis that yeast hexokinase has a signalling function has not been supported by more recent studies and the idea that hexokinase is involved in sugar sensing in plants has yet to be proven.  相似文献   

Binding of nonferrous metal ions to ferritin was compared to that of the phosphate-free or phosphate containing synthetic iron cores. The Scatchard plots for the synthetic cores reveal a high affinity site for Cd, Zn, Be, and Al, with KD in the range 10?5–10?7 M. Preloading the cores with phosphate increased the number of metal ions bound without altering the KD. The metal ions with smaller ionic radii (Be, Al) were bound in larger numbers than those with larger ionic radii (Cd, Zn). Ferritin isolated from soybean (Glycina max), horse spleen, and rat liver bound the metal ions in amounts larger than predicted from their iron core. Whereas the iron cores and their nonferrous metal ion complexes were insoluble, those in the protein shell remained in solution. Thus apoferritin precipitated with lower concentrations of aluminum than did holoferritin. Also, Al bound to apoferritin reduced the rate of iron loading into the protein.  相似文献   


Background: Mechanisms affecting invasiveness of non-indigenous species have received much attention. Few studies have investigated invasions by native plants. Invasive native species such as common ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) may become noxious weeds. They challenge farming and nature conservation by outcompeting fodder plants or rare herbs. One mechanism that can result in outcompeting plants is by allelopathy.

Aim: We evaluated the potential of J. vulgaris to suppress germination in common and rare grassland species by allelopathy.

Methods: In a germination chamber experiment, we exposed 22 species and J. vulgaris itself to ragwort leachate. We controlled for osmotic effects by germination tests in mannitol solution and water. We assessed germination percentage—time —synchrony and radicle length.

Results: Leachate reduced germination percentage, germination time, synchrony and radicle length. These effects were similar for J. vulgaris, indicating autotoxicity. Rare species germinated less than common species but were not more sensitive to the phytotoxic effects of J. vulgaris. Restraining effects of the leachate were similar to the mere osmotic effect.

Conclusion: Our results question allelopathy as the main driving mechanism behind J. vulgaris gaining dominance. However, the impact of J. vulgaris might depend on the composition of the invaded plant community due to species-specific effects.  相似文献   

In this paper a survey is given of the present knowledge of the medicinal value of May apple,Podophyllum peltatum, a plant which is common in the whole deciduous forest region of eastern North America. Intensive chemical, pharmacological and clinical research has shown that Podophyllum is a very valuable medicinal plant because it contains drugs which can effectively be used against certain virus and skin cancer diseases. The plant is so much in demand in the drug trade that selection of high yielding clones and cultivation might be contemplated. A review of the literature shows that surprisingly little is known yet about the flower biology, seed germination and productivity of this common plant. From various herbarium sources a distribution map has been compiled and the author tries to interpret this by comparing it with a number of climatic parameters. This might stimulate experimental work on the climatic requirements of May apple and it shows where optimum conditions exist for its eventual cultivation on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

Alcohol oxidase (AO) from the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris was isolated and investigated. Wide substrate specificity is characteristic for this enzyme. Unbranched primary alcohols are effectively oxidized by AO to aldehydes, including propargyl alcohol, 2-chloroethanol, 2-cyanoethanol, leading to important synthetic intermediates. AO was immobilized by covalent linking to macroporous cellulose activated by glutaraldehyde, yield of immobilization 80%. Presence of two izoenzymes of AO was suggested from the pH activity dependence.  相似文献   

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