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The taxonomic rank of subspecies remains highly contentious, largely because traditional subspecies boundaries have sometimes been contradicted by molecular phylogenetic data. The most complete meta-analysis to date, for instance, found that only 3% of traditional avian subspecies represented distinct phylogenetic lineages. However, the global generality of this phenomenon remains unclear due to this previous study's narrow geographic focus on continental Nearctic and Palearctic subspecies. Here, we present a new global analysis of avian subspecies and show that 36% of avian subspecies are, in fact, phylogenetically distinct. Among biogeographic realms we find significant differences in the proportion of subspecies that are phylogenetically distinct, with Nearctic/Palearctic subspecies showing significantly reduced levels of differentiation. Additionally, there are differences between island and continental subspecies, with continental subspecies significantly less likely to be genetically distinct. These results indicate that the overall level of congruence between taxonomic subspecies and molecular phylogenetic data is greater than previously thought. We suggest that the widespread impression that avian subspecies are not real arises from a predominance of studies focusing on continental subspecies in North America and Eurasia, regions which show unusually low levels of genetic differentiation. The broader picture is that avian subspecies often provide an effective short-cut for estimating patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity, thereby providing a useful tool for the study of evolutionary divergence and conservation.  相似文献   

Are ecological and evolutionary rules being dismissed prematurely?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, it has been suggested that the group of patterns known as the ecological and evolutionary rules are invalid and only of interest historically. Here, I briefly review evidence for the four most prominent patterns: Bergmann’s rule, Cope’s rule, Rapoport’s rule, and the latitudinal gradient in species richness. Although more comprehensive reviews exist for these patterns, the purpose of this paper is to highlight recent work illustrating the validity of each pattern, to question the conclusion that these patterns are only of historical interest, and to briefly explore possible connections between each of these patterns. I also recommend that meta‐analytical techniques, a group of statistical methods rarely used in ecology and evolution, need to be incorporated in future tests of general trends.  相似文献   

Shifts in climate regime have provoked substantial trophic‐ and species‐dependent changes within ecosystems. With growing concerns of present global warming, we examined potential lake ecosystem responses, natural hierarchy responses (i.e. immediate responses at lower system levels as opposed to delayed responses at higher system levels), and possible shifts among abiotic (physics, nutrients) and biotic (phytoplankton, zooplankton) system components. Specifically, we analyzed decadal data collected from Müggelsee, a lake in Berlin, Germany, for climate‐induced abiotic and biotic changes, their timing and type, and classified them as abrupt permanent, gradual permanent, abrupt temporary, or monotonic. We further categorized variable changes as a function of system hierarchy, including lake physics (ice, temperature, stratification), nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, silicate), plankton, and levels of integration (i.e. species, taxonomic groups, and total plankton). Contrary to current theory, data suggest abrupt responses did not occur in a hierarchy‐dependent manner, nor was a clear pattern observed among functional system‐based categories. Abrupt permanent changes were the most prominent response pattern observed, suggesting they may be driven by large‐scale climatic oscillations and by surpassed thresholds, as noted in previous case studies. Gradual changes coincided with affected abiotic parameters spanning an expansive time range; for example, climatic effects in spring preceded changes in nutrient limitation. Variables displaying no long‐term changes pointed to compensation processes caused by, e.g., simultaneously acting forces of warming trends and climate‐independent changes in trophic state. Nevertheless, the complexity of response patterns at the single system level manifested clear chronological regime shifts in abiotic and biotic parameters in spring and, to a lesser extent, in summer. With regard to projected global warming, the majority of currently unaffected system levels may face impending thermal thresholds, achievement of which would result in an accelerated shift in ecosystem state.  相似文献   

Improving our capacity for predicting range shifts requires improved theory exploring the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes and the (changing) environment. We introduce an individual‐based model incorporating simple stage structure and genetically determined resource allocation rules. Population dynamics are mediated by the resources available and the individual's genetics, and density dependence emerges solely as a consequence of resource levels decreasing as population density increases. Running the model for a set of stylised range‐expansion scenarios reveals the extent to which eco‐evolutionary processes can matter: spatial assortment of individuals possessing effective range expansion strategies (higher dispersal propensity, semelparity rather than iteroparity) can substantially accelerate range advance, and this is more important than the contribution of novel mutations arising during range expansion. In simulations of range expansion there is a greater risk of extinction when all individuals are given the mean strategy evolved in a stationary range. Additionally, our results demonstrate that the erosion of inter‐individual variability during a range‐shift can depress population abundance for lengthy periods, even after the climate has stabilised. Our theoretical results highlight the importance of accounting for inter‐individual variability in future predictive modelling of species' responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Liverworts, the most ancient group of land plants, form a range of intimate associations with fungi that may be analogous to the mycorrhizas of vascular plants. Most thalloid liverworts contain arbuscular mycorrhizal glomeromycete fungi similar to most vascular plants. In contrast, a range of leafy liverwort genera and one simple thalloid liverwort family (the Aneuraceae) have switched to basidiomycete fungi. These liverwort switches away from glomeromycete fungi may be expected to parallel switches undergone by vascular plants that target diverse lineages of basidiomycete fungi to form ectomycorrhizas. To test this hypothesis, we used a cultivation-independent approach to examine the basidiomycete fungi associated with liverworts in varied worldwide locations by generating fungal DNA sequence data from over 200 field collections of over 30 species. Here we show that eight leafy liverwort genera predominantly and consistently associate with members of the Sebacina vermifera species complex and that Aneuraceae thalloid liverworts associate nearly exclusively with Tulasnella species. Furthermore, within sites where multiple liverwort species co-occur, they almost never share the same fungi. Our analyses reveal a strikingly conservative ecological and evolutionary pattern of liverwort symbioses with basidiomycete fungi that is unlike that of vascular plant mycorrhizas.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,49(3):189-198
In this paper we present evidence for a tight linkage of calcium and auxin fluxes in corn coleoptile tissue. Imposed lateral gradients of auxin concentration induce a movement of calcium ions to the side of lower auxin concentration in the tissue. Imposing a lateral gradient of calcium concentration in turn leads to a movement of auxin to the side of lower calcium concentration. Whether these fluxes are using symplastic or apoplastic pathways or are transcellular cannot be decided from the results.Countercurrent fluxes of calcium ions and auxin could be demonstrated in polar transport experiments. This might be a further indication of a complex carrier system in the plasma membrane extruding auxin out of the cell with a concomitant calcium influx from the cell wall space into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Local adaptation through natural selection can be inferred in case the additive genetic divergence in a quantitative trait across populations (Q(st)) exceeds the neutral expectation based on differentiation of neutral alleles across these populations (e.g. F(st)). As such, measuring Q(st) in relation to neutral differentiation presents a first-line investigation applicable in evolutionary biology (selection on functional genes) and conservation biology (identification of locally adapted coding genes). However, many species, especially those in need of conservation actions, are not amenable for the kind of breeding design required to estimate either narrow- or broad-sense Q(st). In such cases, Q(st) has been approximated by the phenotypic divergence in a trait across populations (P(st)). I here argue that the critical aspect for how well P(st) approximates Q(st) depends on the extent that additive genetic effects determine variation between populations relative to within populations. I review how the sensitivity of conclusions regarding local adaptation based on P(st) have been evaluated in the literature and find that many studies make a anticonservative null assumption in estimating P(st) and/or use a nonconservative approach to explore sensitivity of their conclusions. Data from two studies that have provided a second, independent assessment of selection in their system suggest that P(st)-F(st) comparisons should be interpreted very conservatively. I conclude with recommendations for improving the robustness of the inferences drawn from comparing P(st) with neutral differentiation.  相似文献   

Non‐technical summaries of research projects allow tracking the numbers and purpose of animal experiments related to SARS‐CoV2 research so as to provide greater transparency on animal use. Subject Categories: Economics, Law & Politics, Pharmacology & Drug Discovery, Science Policy & Publishing

The COVID‐19 pandemic has accelerated biomedical research and drug development to an unprecedented pace. Governments worldwide released emergency funding for biomedical research that allowed scientists to focus on COVID‐19 and related drug and vaccine development. As a result, a flood of scientific articles on SARS‐CoV‐2 and COVID‐19 was published since early 2020. More importantly though, within less than 2 years, scientists in academia and industry developed vaccines against the virus from scratch: Several vaccines have now received regulatory approval and are being mass produced to immunize the human population worldwide.This colossal success of science rests in large part on the shoulders of animals that were used in basic and pre‐clinical research and regulatory testing. Notwithstanding, animal experimentation has remained a highly controversial and heated topic between advocates for research and animal rights activists. During the past decades, European policymakers responded to the debate by enacting stricter regulations, which inevitably has increased the bureaucratic hurdles for experimentation on animals. Scientists have for long spoken out against this additional burden, arguing that both basic and translational researches to improve human health crucially relies on animal experimentation—as the COVID‐19 pandemic aptly demonstrated (Genzel et al, 2020).  相似文献   

Social scientific and humanistic research on synthetic biology has focused quite narrowly on questions of epistemology and ELSI. I suggest that to understand this discipline in its full scope, researchers must turn to the objects of the field—synthetic biological artifacts—and study them as the objects in the making of a science yet to be made. I consider one fundamentally important question: how should we understand the material products of synthetic biology? Practitioners in the field, employing a consistent technological optic in the study and construction of biological systems, routinely employ the mantra ‘biology is technology’. I explore this categorization. By employing an established definition of technological artifects drawn from the philosophy of technology, I explore the appropriateness of attributing to synthetic biological artifacts the four criteria of materiality, intentional design, functionality, and normativity. I then explore a variety of accounts of natural kinds. I demonstrate that synthetic biological artifacts fit each kind imperfectly, and display a concomitant ontological ‘messiness’. I argue that this classificatory ambivalence is a product of the field’s own nascence, and posit that further work on kinds might help synthetic biology evaluate its existing commitments and practices.  相似文献   

The evolution of host range for insect herbivores involves many behavioral, physiological, and biochemical adaptations that often lead to locally specialized populations or species. Such specialization may be constrained by ecological factors (e.g., local host availability) or by evolutionary factors (e.g., phylogenetic divergence in behavioral, physiological, or biochemical detoxification enzymes; and potential inabilities to return to ancestral hosts). While insect adaptations to new hosts can be rapid, ancient detoxification systems may persist in some lineages of swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) for millions of years. Here, we test various species of specialized species/populations of Papilionidae (Lepidoptera) from North America and from Australia on an array of Australian host plant families in order to determine whether the current feeding constraints reflect loss of capabilities to recognize and use hosts other than their current (local) favorites. We selected two species of Lauraceae specialists (Papilio troilus L. and Papilio palamedes Drury) from North America and one locally specialized population of Papilio glaucus L. that only uses one plant species in the Magnoliaceae in Florida. We also examined three species/populations of Australian swallowtails for comparison, including the Monimiaceae‐specialized Graphium macleayanum moggana L. E. Couchman, the Rutaceae‐specialized Papilio aegeus Donovan, and the Annonaceae‐specialized Graphium eurypylus L. Our aim was to determine whether neonate larvae of these six specialists could survive on any plants other than their currently favored species. While the Lauraceae specialists could use nothing else and were thus evolutionarily constrained, the Magnoliaceae‐, Rutaceae‐, and Monimiaceae specialists all had common abilities to accept, feed, and grow on plants in the Lauraceae, Monimiaceae, Magnoliaceae, and Rutaceae families. Even the Annonaceae specialist was discovered using Magnoliaceae in the field, suggesting existence here also of both flexiblity in preferences and detoxification abilities and ‘ecological monophagy’.  相似文献   

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