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Luit Slooten  Adriaan Nuyten 《BBA》1983,725(1):49-59
Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores catalyze the formation of ADP-arsenate during illumination with ADP, Mg2+ and arsenate. The reaction was measured with (1) firefly luciferase, (2) a coupled enzyme assay involving hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and (3) a glass electrode. ADP-arsenate hydrolyzed spontaneously with rate constants ranging from 14 to 43 min?1. Magnesium, arsenate and phosphate accelerated hydrolysis of ADP-arsenate. From a comparison of the three methods, with ADP as the substrate, it is estimated that φR (i.e., the ratio between the quantum yields of ADP-arsenate and ATP for light emission from luciferase) is 0.19–0.23. Furthermore, arsenylation rates were 46–52% of phosphorylation rates in experiments with 30 μ M ADP and 0.8 mM arsenate or phosphate. Similarly, the Vapp for arsenylation of GDP or IDP was 47–59% of the Vapp for phosphorylation during measurements in the presence of 1 mM arsenate or phosphate. The Kapp(GDP) was higher during arsenylation than during phosphorylation; the Kapp(IDP) was about the same during arsenylation as during phosphorylation. It is suggested that a shift in the equilibrium of substrates and products on the enzyme, toward hydrolysis, is the main cause of the relatively low arsenylation rates.  相似文献   

It is shown that in bacterial chromatophores the pronounced changes in the free water content with a proton spin-spin relaxation time (T2) of 10?3—10?2 s does not influence the efficiency of electron transfer from the photosynthetic reaction centre to the membrane pool of secondary acceptors. An abrupt inhibition of this process occurs only after the loss of the water with faster proton spin-spin relaxation time (T2 of 10?4 s). The process is reversible. The water fraction in question is obviously bound to the chromatophore proteins and forms the primary hydration layer.  相似文献   

Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores associated with a planar phospholipid macromembrane by bivalent cations in the presence of quinone, N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) and ascorbate generate a transmembrane electrical potential difference in the light. Photoelectrical activity is also observed if chromatophores are preincubated with cytochrome c; the maximum values of responses are reached upon subsequent addition of ascorbate and menadion in the absence of bivalent cations and TMPD. The cytochrome c-dependent responses of the illuminated chromatophores are inhibited by Ca2+ and prevented by quinones. The possibility of cytochrome c (c2) translocation across the chromatophore membrane and the mechanism of charge transfer across the planar phospholipid membrane are discussed.  相似文献   

J. Oelze  M.D. Kamen 《BBA》1975,387(1):1-11
1. Respiration of chemotrophically and phototrophically grown Rhodospirillum rubrum is inhibited by 2-hydroxydiphenyl.2. Membrane-bound NADH oxidase and NADH: cytochrome c reductase are inhibited also. The inhibitor constant for both reactions (Ki) is 0.075±0.012 mM. NADH dehydrogenase is not inhibited significantly.3. The inhibition of succinate:cytochrome c reductase is associated for chemotrophic membranes with Ki = 0.22±0.03 mM and for phototrophic membranes with Ki = 0.49±0.09 mM. Succinate dehydrogenase is not affected by 2-hydroxydiphenyl.4. Cytochrome oxidase is inhibited only slightly.5. While NADH-dependent reactions in both phototrophic and chemotrophic membranes are inhibited maximally more than 95%, succinate-dependent reactions can be inhibited more than 95% only in chemotrophic membranes. In photo-trophic membranes the maximum inhibition of succinate-dependent reactions is about 70%.6. The type of inhibition in both cases 2 and 3 is non-competitive.7. While the reduction of b-type cytochrome is inhibited by 2-hydroxydiphenyl, the degree of ubiquinone reduction is not influenced. The data suggest that the site of inhibition is localized between ubiquinone and cytochrome b.8. Implications of these data for the respiratory electron transport system in R. rubrum are discussed.  相似文献   

Uri Pick  Mordhay Avron 《BBA》1976,440(1):189-204
The fluorescent dye 3,3-dipentyloxacarbocyanine (OCC) can be used as a fluorescence probe to measure transmembrane potentials across Rhodospirillum ruburm chromatophore membranes. A reversible fluorescence increase is observed in the light which is sensitive to inhibitors, permeable ions and uncouplers.Partial interchangeability between the electrical potential and the proton concentration gradient has been demonstrated by measurement of the fluorescence increase with OCC and the fluorescence quenching with 9-aminoacridine.OCC fluorescence changes can be induced also in the dark by injection of permeable salts and by rapid pH changes presumably indicating diffusion potentials. Using salt-induced diffusion potentials for calibrating the light signals and with several assumptions, the light-induced potentials were estimated as 170 mV for the maximal signal and 90–110 mV at the steady state.OCC has been shown to apparently increase the electrical conductivity of the chromatophore membrane, a fact which may be relevant to the mechanism of action of this probe.A red shift in the OCC absorption spectrum occurs when mixed with chromatophores, with a difference spectrum maximum at 495 nm. The absorption changes at 495 nm taking place in the light are similar in kinetics to the fluorescence changes. The absorbance spectrum of OCC in organic solvents is red shifted and the extent of the shift depends on the hydrophobicity of the medium. The difference spectrum compared to water in sec-butyl acetaten-hexane (3 : 1, v/v) with a dipole moment of 5 was nearly identical to that of chromatophore-associated dye.The uncoupling properties of OCC at high concentrations and some difficulties in calibration limit the usefulness of this probe for quantitative measurements of transmembrane potentials.  相似文献   

Extensive washing of chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas spheroides with dilute buffer results in a complete loss of the energylinked transhydrogenase activities of Rsp. rubrum but only a partial loss of the light-driven reaction in chromatophores of Rps. spheroides. It was not possible to reactivate the Rps. spheroides transhydrogenation with the Rsp. rubrum transhydrogenase factor nor with a protein fraction of Rps. spheroides isolated by procedures identical to that used for the isolation of the Rsp. rubrum transhydrogenase factor. The Rsp. rubrum factor is highly specific and cannot be replaced by a number of sulfhydryl compounds tested for reconstitution of Rsp. rubrum transhydrogenation. A published procedure for the isolation of a “transhydrogenase factor” from Rps. spheroides chromatophores yields a preparation having energy-dependent transhydrogenation when supplemented with dithiothreitol in the absence of added chromatophores.  相似文献   

The monohydroxycarotenoids formed by diphenylamine-inhibited cultures of Rhodospirillum rubrum have been investigated. Nine have been isolated and identified as 1-hydroxy-1,2-dihydrophytofluene (1), 1-Hydroxy-1,2,7′,8′,11′,12′-hexahydrolycopene (2), chloroxanthin (3), 1-methoxy-1′-hydroxy-1,2,1′,2′-tetrahydrophytofluene (4a), 1′-hydroxy-3,4,1′,2′,11′,12′-hexahydrospheroidene (5, 1′-hydroxy-3,4,1′,2′-tetrahydrospheroidene (6, 1′-hydroxy 1′,2′-dihydrospheroidene (7), rhodovibrin (8a) and monodeme thylated spirilloxanthin (9). 4a, 5 and 6 are novel carotenoids, and a definite structure has been assigned to 2 for the first time; the structure of 1 has been amended. The possible role of these carotenoids in spirilloxanthin biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and intracytoplasmic membranes were isolated from Rhodospirillum rubrum by equilibrium sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Immediately after the induction of photosynthetically active intracytoplasmic membranes, bacteriochlorophyll is incorporated predominantly into the cytoplasmic membrane. With increasing pigment concentrations the newly arising intracytoplasmic membranes become sites of preferential bacteriochlorophyll incorporation. During this process the infrared absorption band of the pigment shows a red shift. The shift is more pronounced with intracytoplasmic than with cytoplasmic membranes. Pulse-chase of cytoplasmic membrane proteins reveals that such proteins become constituents of intracytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

(1) Chromatophores were preilluminated in the presence of phenazine methosulphate or diaminodurene, and without phosphorylation substrates; next they were transferred to fresh medium and assayed for light-induced proton uptake, light-induced 9-aminoacridin fluorescence quenching, and photophosphorylation.(2) Preillumination in the presence of phenazine methosulphate or diaminodurene causes an inhibition of the photophosphorylation rate. The presence of ADP + MgCl2 + phosphate, or ADP + MgCl2 + arsenate during preillumination provides full protection against this effect.(3) Preilluminated chromatophores are leaky for protons. The leak is expressed as an accelerated dark decay, and a diminished extent of succinate-supported, light-induced proton uptake. The extent of light-induced 9-aminoacridin fluorescence quenching is also diminished.(4) The proton leak can be closed by oligomycin and by dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (at concentrations similar to those used to inhibit photophosphorylation), but not by aurovertin. Closure of the proton leak results in partial restoration of the photophosphorylation rate.(5) The inhibition of phosphorylation by oligomycin or dicyclohexyl carbodiimide is time-dependent. In untreated chromatophores, the time-dependence is determined by the extent of membrane energization. In preilluminated chromatophores, the time-dependence is determined in addition by the extent to which the proton leaks have been closed. The reasons for this are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The content of cytochrome c-420 in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores prepared by grinding with alumina is 5–10% of that in whole cells, and 20–40% in chromatophores by ‘French’ pressing.Flash-induced phosphorylation of various chromatophores which varied in cytochrome content from 7 to 40% is proportional to the cytochrome content. Extrapolating the cytochrome c-420 content to that observed in whole cells, a ratio ATPP+X? near 1 is calculated. At low flash intensity the phosphorylation per flash is proportional to flash energy.Photophosphorylation in flashes given after a time of several minutes is only slightly dependent on the number of flashes. If the flashes are spaced from 0.1 to 10 s, relative phosphorylation in the first flash is about 70% and in the second 90% of that observed in the following flashes. Proton binding is not affected by the cytochrome c-420 content and a ratio of H+P+X? of 2.3 was found.These results can be explained by a working hypothesis in which charge separation occurring at one reaction centre and the resulting electron transport mediated amongst others by c-420, results in the injection of two protons into an ATPase, this in contrast to a chemiosmotic mechanism, where the protons are released in the chromatophore inner space.  相似文献   

The aerobic photooxidations of reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and of reaction-center bacteriochlorophyll (P-870) have been investigated in membrane vesicles (chromatophores) isolated from a non-phototrophic Rhodospirillum rubrum strain. In aerobic suspensions of wild-type chromatophores, continuous light elicits an increase of the levels of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and of oxidized P-870, which reach steady-state values shortly after the onset of illumination. In contrast, light induces in mutant suspensions a transient increase of the levels of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and of oxidized P-870, which fall to low steady-state values within a few seconds. These observations suggest that the mutation has altered a redox constituent located on the low-potential side of the photochemical reaction center, between a pool of acceptors and oxygen.Since endogenous cyclic photophosphorylation is catalyzed by mutant chromatophores at normal rates, it appears that the constituent altered by the mutation does not belong to the cyclic electron-transfer chain responsible for photophosphorylation. However, the system which mediates the aerobic photooxidations and the cyclic system are not completely independent: endogenous photophosphorylation is inhibited by oxygen in wild-type chromatophores but not in mutant chromatophores; in addition, the inhibitor of cyclic electron flow, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide, enhances the aerobic photooxidation of reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol by chromatophores from both strains.These results support a tentative branched model for light-driven electron transfer. In that model, the constituent altered in the mutant strain is located in a side electron-transfer chain which connects the cyclic acceptors to oxygen.  相似文献   

Rhodospirillum rubrum strain F24.1 is a spontaneous revertant of nonphototrophic mutant F24 derived from wild-type strain S1. Strain F24 shows no detectable photochemical activity and contains, at most, traces of the photoreaction center polypeptides. Strain F24.1 has a phototrophic growth rate close to that of the wild-type strain (Picorel, R., del Valle-Tascón, S. and Ramírez, J.M. (1977) Arch. Biophys. Biochem. 181, 665–670) but shows little photochemical activity. Light-induced absorbance changes in the near-infrared, photoinduced EPR signals and ferricyanide-elicited absorbance changes indicate that strain F24.1 has a photoreaction center content of 7–8% as compared to strain S1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated F24.1 chromatophores shows the photoreaction center polypeptides to be present in amounts compatible with this value. Photoreaction center was prepared from strain F24.1 and showed no detectable difference with that of strain S1. It is concluded that strain F24.1 photosynthesis is due entirely to its residual 7–8% of typical photoreaction center.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction catalyzed by nitrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum has low activity and exhibits a lag phase. The activity can be increased by the addition of a chromatophore membrane component and the lag eliminated by preincubation with this component, which can be solubilized from chromatophores by treatment with NaCl. It is both trypsin- and oxygen-sensitive. Titration of the membrane component with nitrogenase and vice versa shows a saturation point. The membrane component interacts specifically with the Fe protein of nitrogenase, the interaction being ATP- and Mg2+-dependent.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the redox state of added NAD on the rates of anaerobic cyclic photophosphorylation which are supported by membrane vesicles isolated from Rhodospirillum rubrum. As the redox potential of NAD was lowered, the activity decreased according to a typical potentiometric titration. The Nernst plot showed an apparent midpoint potential (Eo) of ?350 mV and had a slope which corresponded to a two-electron transition. Besides, an almost identical potentiometric relationship was found to exist between the extent of light-elicited ATP formation in anaerobic suspensions of intact R. rubrum cells and the redox potential of intracellular NAD. These results suggest that physiological photophosphorylation in R. rubrum requires the oxidized form of a membrane-bound constituent (Eo = ?350 mV) whose redox state is controlled by the redox state of cytoplasmic NAD.  相似文献   

Ted Mar  Rafael Picorel  Gabriel Gingras 《BBA》1981,637(3):546-550
We investigated the rotational mobility of the photoreaction center in chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum by studying the photoinduced linear dichroism of absorption changes at 865 nm. The study was carried out in suspensions of chromatophores treated with ferricyanide in order to bleach their antenna bacteriochlorophyll and thus minimize depolarization by energy transfer. Very little depolarization of the photoinduced absorbance change at 865 nm was observed at room temperature for chromatophores immersed in a highly viscous medium over the time range 0–10 ms following an exciting light flash. In the light of independent evidence for transmembrane arrangement of the photoreaction center, we conclude that the photoreaction center protein is immobilized in the chromatophore membrane for at least 10 ms.  相似文献   

Luit Slooten  Adriaan Nuyten 《BBA》1981,638(2):305-312
(1) The ATPase enzyme in untreated chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum is in a low-activity state (designated as E°). It can be activated by application of a transmembrane Δ\?gmH+ generated by light-induced electron transport, or by application of acid-base jumps. (2) After rapid dissipation of the light-induced Δ\?gmH+, the active state of the ATPase enzyme decays (in the absence of added substrates or products) to a low-activity state (designated as E′), with a half-time of the order of 2–4 min. This state differs from E° in that E′ (but not E°) can be rapidly reactivated by addition of substrate, but only when the Mg2+ concentration is kept below 20–30 μM. Since this is characteristic of an activated enzyme containing tightly bound ADP (Slooten, L. and Nuyten, A. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 638, 313–326), it is suggested that release of endogenous, tightly bound ADP is one of the factors involved in activation of the ATPase enzyme.  相似文献   

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