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We have incubated cells from controls and subjects with receptor-defective androgen resistance with 3H-labelled testosterone (T), methyltrienolone (MT), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or mibolerone (MB) and studied the temperature dependence of the dissociation rate constants of these various androgen-receptor (A-R) complexes both within cells and after they were extracted from them. In control cells, Arrhenius plots for T-, MT-, DHT- and MB-R complexes were linear and formed a hierarchy of dissociation states with energies of state IV greater than III greater than II, greater than I, respectively. Relative to this hierarchy, the dissociation states of the MB-, DHT- and MT-R complexes in mutant cells were displaced to higher, androgen-inappropriate energies in a mutant-distinctive pattern. When extracted from cells control or mutant T- or MT-R complexes, and mutant (but not control) DHT- or MB-R complexes lowered their respective dissociation rates by undergoing state transitions in conformity with the hierarchy. Hence we propose that different A-R complexes reach different dissociative states by undergoing sequential transitions along a common pathway, and that these transitions are co-regulated both by the chemical characteristics of the bound androgen and by other cellular non-receptor factors.  相似文献   

Summary Hypoxanthine incorporation was studied in growing HPRT mutant cells by preincubating them with extracts from normal cells, HPRT mutant cells, and extracts of their lyophilized cell sediment. HPRT mutant cells showed no increase of hypoxanthine uptake after preincubation with extracts of mutant cells, whereas after preincubation with extracts from normal cells and lyophilized sediment of HPRT mutant cells the incorporation rate was increased. This effect could not be observed when normal cells were preincubated with extracts of lyophilized sediments of normal cell lines.Dedicated to Prof. H. Holzer on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

A fluorimetric, ETF-linked procedure to determine activities of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase in cultured human fibroblasts is described. The assay readily distinguishes between cell lines deficient in medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase, and controls, and may allow for the diagnosis of heterozygous carriers of these disorders. The method has been made feasible with the development of rapid and efficient procedures to isolate ETF, and offers several advantages over procedures that are currently employed.  相似文献   

The protease activity of cultured normal human skin fibroblasts was studied using the synthetic fluorigenic peptides, the modified protein 4-methylumbelliferyl-casein, the thiol inhibitors and the affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose. The majority of the activity to N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginyl-7-amido-4-methyl-coumarin and N-a-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-arginyl-arginyl-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin had a pH optimum of 6.0, and was thiol-dependent and inhibited by leupeptin and antipain. The activity toward N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginyl-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin represents both cathepsin B and cathepsin L, whereas the activity towards 4-methylumbelliferyl-casein represent only cathepsin L. Cathepsin H could not be detected when assayed with L-arginine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin substrate. Cathepsin D was present in comparatively small amounts when assayed with 4-methylumbelliferyl-casein. Activity towards 4-methylumbelliferyl-casein had pH optima at 3 and 6 and was stimulated by dithiothreitol. A proportion of the activity at pH 6.0 was not dependent on thiols and not inhibited by leupeptin, and had the general characteristics of a carboxyl proteinase. Over 70 per cent of the activity was in the lysosomal fraction and showed structure-linked latency. All the detectable protein emerged from the immobilized concanavalin A column and the fractions eluted by alpha-methyl-D-mannoside were significantly hydrolysed the synthetic peptides. Only that fraction which bound to concanavalin A was active towards 4-methylumbelliferyl-casein. Cathepsin B had no affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose due to the absence of glycoprotein content, unlike cathepsin L which showed a strong affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of arylsulfatase B in normal and mutant human skin fibroblasts was studied by metabolic labeling with radioactive amino acids, monosaccharides, or 32Pi and by specific immunoprecipitation followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Three major polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 47,000, 40,000, and 31,000 were found intracellularly and one of 64,000 in the medium. Pulse-chase labeling and uptake experiments showed that arylsulfatase B synthesized and secreted as a 64,000 precursor was intracellularly processed within less than 24 h via short lived intermediates to two different forms. Form I (chains of 47,000 and 11,500) was labeled earlier and was about twice as stable as form II (chains of 40,000 and 31,000). The secreted 64,000 precursor and the 40,000 chain of form II contained oligosaccharides resistant to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. In the other chains mainly cleavable and phosphorylated oligosaccharides were found. Arylsulfatase B activity was associated with the 64,000 precursor and with form I, but not with form II. Fibroblasts of four patients with the severe form of mucopolysaccharidosis type VI, which were deficient in arylsulfatase B activity, synthesized and secreted the 64,000 precursor at a normal rate. This precursor, however, had little if any catalytic activity and one of its mature forms (I) was rapidly degraded.  相似文献   

Cultured human skin fibroblasts from normal and glucosylceramidotic subjects are found to contain one beta-glucoside hydrolase as compared with multiple enzymes in other tissues. The fibroblast enzyme has an approximate molecular weight of 150,000 under isotonic conditions, as determined by gel filtration. It occurs as a large aggregate at low ionic strength. Ceramide, 4-methylumbelliferyl, and p-nitrophenyl beta-glucosides are active as substrates. The enzyme in whole cell homogenates is membrane-bound and is solubilized by a combination of Triton X-100 and sodium taurocholate. It has a pH optimum at 4.2 and no demonstrable divalent cation requirement. The cultured fibroblast beta-glucosidase displays close similarity to one of the forms of beta-glucosidase in human spleen, specifically that form which is affected in Gaucher's disease. 4-Methylumbelliferyl beta-glucosidase activity in homozygous fibroblasts from infantile and adult forms of Gaucher's disease are reduced to 9 and 14%, respectively, of normal fibroblast activity. The residual activity in the lipidotic cells shows increased heat lability, but cannot be distinguished from that in normal cells with respect to gel exclusion properties, Michaelis constant, and pH dependence.  相似文献   

Measurements of aggregation kinetics using couette viscometry show that freshly trypsinized skin fibroblasts from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have values of intercellular adhesiveness approx. 40% those of normal cells. If cells are allowed to recover from the effects of trypsinization (by incubation for 2 h at 37 degrees C in serum-containing medium) the intercellular adhesiveness of both cell types increases, and normal and Duchenne cells aggregate to the same extent. Exposure to the ionophore monensin during the recovery phase leads to suppression of recovery in both cell types, and this effect of the drug is greater in Duchenne fibroblasts. These results are discussed in relation to other data on the reported differential effects of trypsin and monensin on normal and Duchenne fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In order to study the intracellular localization of the proteolytic processing steps in the maturation of alpha-glucosidase and cathepsin D in cultured human skin fibroblasts we have used incubation with glycyl-L-phenylalanine-beta-naphthylamide (Gly-Phe-NH-Nap) as described by Jadot et al. [Jadot, M., Colmant, C., Wattiaux-de Coninck, S. & Wattiaux, R. (1984) Biochem. J. 219,965-970] for the specific lysis of lysosomes. When a homogenate of fibroblasts was incubated for 20 min with 0.5 mM Gly-Phe-NH-Nap, a substrate for the lysosomal enzyme cathepsin C, the latency of the lysosomal enzymes alpha-glucosidase and beta-hexosaminidase decreased from 75% to 10% and their sedimentability from 75% to 20-30%. In contrast, treatment with Gly-Phe-NH-Nap had no significant effect on the latency of galactosyltransferase, a marker for the Golgi apparatus, and on the sedimentability of glutamate dehydrogenase and catalase, markers for mitochondria and peroxisomes, respectively. The maturation of alpha-glucosidase and cathepsin D in fibroblasts was studied by pulse-labelling with [35S]methionine, immunoprecipitation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate and fluorography. When homogenates of labelled fibroblasts were incubated with Gly-Phe-NH-Nap prior to immunoprecipitation, 70-80% of all proteolytically processed forms of metabolically labelled alpha-glucosidase and cathepsin D was recovered in the supernatant. The earliest proteolytic processing steps in the maturation of alpha-glucosidase and cathepsin D appeared to be coupled to their transport to the lysosomes. Although both enzymes are transported via the mannose-6-phosphate-specific transport system, the velocity with which they arrived in the lysosomes was consistently different. Whereas newly synthesized cathepsin D was found in the lysosomes 1 h after synthesis, alpha-glucosidase was detected only after 2-4 h. When a pulse-chase experiment was carried out in the presence of 10 mM NH4Cl there was a complete inhibition of the transport of cathepsin D and a partial inhibition of that of alpha-glucosidase to the lysosomes. Leupeptin, an inhibitor of lysosomal thiol proteinases, had no effect on the transport of labelled alpha-glucosidase to the lysosomes. However, the early processing steps in which the 110-kDa precursor is converted to the 95-kDa intermediate form of the enzyme were delayed, a transient 105-kDa form was observed and the conversion of the 95-kDa intermediate form to the 76-kDa mature form of the enzyme was completely inhibited.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the LET and ion species dependence of the RBE for cell killing to clarify the differences in the biological effects caused by the differences in the track structure that result from the different energy depositions for different ions. Normal human skin fibroblasts were irradiated with heavy-ion beams such as carbon, neon, silicon and iron ions that were generated by the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) at the National Institute of Radiological Science (NIRS) in Japan. Cell killing was measured as reproductive cell death using a colony formation assay. The RBE-LET curves were different for carbon ions and for the other ions. The curve for carbon ions increased steeply up to around 98 keV/microm. The RBE of carbon ions at 98 keV/microm was 4.07. In contrast, the curves for neon, silicon and iron ions had maximum peaks around 180 keV/microm, and the RBEs at the peak position ranged from 3.03 to 3.39. When the RBEs were plotted as a function of Z*2/beta2 (where Z* is the effective charge and beta is the relative velocity of the ion) instead of LET, the discrepancies between the RBE-LET curves for the different ion beams were reduced, but branching of the RBE-Z*2/beta2 curves still remained. When the inactivation cross section was plotted as a function of either LET or Z*2/beta2, it increased with increasing LET. However, the inactivation cross section was always smaller than the geometrical cross section. These results suggest that the differences in the energy deposition track structures of the different ion sources have an effect on cell killing.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy was performed to study the biosynthesis of lysosomal beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) in normal and mutant human fibroblasts. Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies we show in normal cells precursor forms of beta-gal in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and in the Golgi apparatus throughout the stack of cisternae. In the lysosomes virtually all beta-gal exists as a high molecular weight multimer of mature enzyme. In the autosomal recessive disease GM1-gangliosidosis caused by a beta-gal deficiency and in galactosialidosis, associated with a combined deficiency of lysosomal neuraminidase and beta-gal, precursor forms of the latter enzyme are found in RER, Golgi and some labeling is present at the cell surface. The lysosomes remain unlabeled, indicative for the absence of enzyme molecules in this organelle. In galactosialidosis fibroblasts also no mature beta-gal is found in the lysosomes but in these cells the presence of the monomeric form can be increased by leupeptin (inhibition of proteolysis) whereas addition of a partly purified 32 kDa "protective protein" results in the restoration of high molecular weight beta-gal multimers in the lysosomes.  相似文献   

By studying the incorporation and esterification of non-lipoprotein, free [3H]cholesterol in normal and acid sterol ester hydrolase-deficient human fibroblasts, it was examined whether the esterification reaction of the lysosomal acid sterol ester hydrolase contributed to the formation of cellular [3H|cholesteryl esters. Both the normal and the acid sterol ester hydrolase-deficient cells incorporated exogenous, vesicle-derived free [3H]cholesterol linearly as a function of time. Also, the rate of [3H]cholesteryl ester formation was almost the same in normal and mutant fibroblasts, indicating that the apparent esterification activity of the acid sterol ester hydrolase in normal fibroblasts did not contribute to the formation of [3H]cholesteryl esters in intact cells. To examine whether the incorporated [3H]cholesterol was transported into the endoplasmic reticulum and esterified by the acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase, the rate of [3H]cholesteryl ester formation was measured in the presence or absence of the acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase-inhibitor 58-035 (Sandoz Inc.). Results showed that the formation of [3H]cholesteryl esters was reduced markedly when cells were co-incubated with the acyltransferase inhibitor. Maximal inhibition (i.e., 75%) was obtained at an inhibitor concentration of 1 μg/ml. Since the inhibitor 58-035 is very specific for acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase, this finding clearly shows that exogenous, exchangeable [3H]cholesterol can reach and mix with the intracellular substrate pool of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Heme content of normal and porphyric cultured skin fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Partial deficiencies in enzyme activities of the heme biosynthetic pathway have been demonstrated in cultured skin fibroblasts and other tissues from patients with protoporphyria (PP) and acute intermittent porphyria (AIP). We have quantitatively and qualitatively assessed the heme and free porphyrin content in cultured PP, AIP, VP (variegate porphyria, in which an enzymatic deficiency has not been identified), and normal skin fibroblasts during routine culture conditions in order to assess the overall metabolism of heme in these cells. The total heme concentration was not significantly different between control and porphyric lines; 189 +/- 15 pmoles/mg protein (mean +/- SEM) in controls, 154 +/- 17 in PP, 175 +/- 20 in AIP, and 181 +/- 81 in VP. The hemoprotein difference spectra were similar in all lines. Free porphyrins were not detected in any of the disorders. Despite partial deficiencies in enzyme activities of the heme pathway, porphyric fibroblasts thus maintain normal heme content during routine culture conditions without detectable porphyrin accumulation.  相似文献   

Antibodies raised against steroid sulfatase purified from human placenta were used to follow the biosynthesis of this enzyme in human skin fibroblasts. Steroid sulfatase is synthesized as a membrane-bound Mr-63 500 polypeptide with asparagine-linked oligosaccharide chains. Within 2 days, newly synthesized steroid sulfatase is processed to a mature Mr-61 000 form. The decrease in size is due to processing of the oligosaccharide chains, which are cleavable by endoglucosaminidase H in both the early and the mature form of steroid sulfatase. The processing involves mannosidase(s) sensitive to 1-deoxy-manno-nojirimycin. The half-life of the steroid sulfatase polypeptides is 4 days. Synthesis of steroid-sulfatase-related polypeptides and steroid sulfatase activity were not detectable in fibroblasts from four patients with X-linked ichthyosis.  相似文献   

Radiation cell survival data were obtained in vitro for three cell lines isolated from human tumours traditionally considered to be radioresistant--two melanomas and one osteosarcoma--as well as from a diploid skin fibroblast cell line. One melanoma cell line was much more radioresistant than the other, while the osteosarcoma and fibroblast cell lines were more radiosensitive than either. For cells growing exponentially, little potentially lethal damage repair (PLDR) could be demonstrated by comparing survival data for cells in which subculture was delayed by 6 h with those sub-cultured immediately after treatment. For the malignant cells in plateau phase, which in these cells might be better termed 'slowed growth phase', since an appreciable fraction of the cells are still cycling, a small amount of PLDR was observed, but not as much as reported by other investigators in the literature. The normal fibroblasts, which achieved a truer plateau phase in terms of noncycling cells, showed a significantly larger amount of PLDR than the tumour cells.  相似文献   

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