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Partially purified mRNA coding for the MOPC-315 heavy (alpha) or light (lambda 2) immunoglobulin chain was translated in a nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate containing 20 labeled amino acids. Radiolabeled precursor heavy and light chains, purified by immunoprecipitation and preparative gel electrophoresis, were subjected to Edman degradation. The labeled phenylthiohydantoin derivatives obtained in each degradative cycle were identified and quantitated by high pressure liquid chromatography. Both heavy and light chain precursor segments were hydrophobic in nature; however, they were not homolgous in sequence. To establish whether COOH-terminal proteolytic processing of the heavy chain might also be occurring during secretion, the cyanogen bromide peptides of the heavy chain precursor were compared to those of the mature secreted heavy chain. The results indicated that the COOH termini of the two chains were identical.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that some neuropeptides had a profound effect on in vitro Ig synthesis (especially IgA) and mitogen-driven murine lymphocyte proliferation. MOPC-315, an IgA-secreting plasmacytoma line, has been extensively used in studies of the regulation of IgA synthesis. In this report we show that the neuropeptide somatostatin (SOM) inhibits proliferation ([3H]thymidine uptake) of MOPC-315 and also inhibits IgA synthesis in vitro. MOPC-315 cells bind both fluorescent SOM and [125I]SOM specifically. On cytofluorimetric analysis, 68 +/- 6.8% (mean +/- SE, n = 7) of MOPC 315 cells labeled with fluorescent SOM and this staining was compatible by incubation with an excess of unlabeled peptide. Specific [125I]SOM binding increased linearly with cell concentration, was rapid and achieved equilibrium after 20 min at 4 degrees C. It was temperature-dependent, readily reversible, and under equilibrium conditions demonstrated a dissociation constant of 1.6 +/- 0.7 nM (mean +/- SE, n = 5). Scatchard analysis showed that MOPC-315 cells had 40,733 +/- 16,050 (mean +/- SE) binding sites for SOM per cell. The characteristics of the interactions of SOM with MOPC-315 cells suggest a specific receptor-mediated mechanism whereby this neuropeptide may modulate lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

Intravenously transplanted murine plasmacytoma MOPC-315 cells were separated from normal spleen cells from a tumour-bearing mouse by elutriation and characterized according to morphology, immunologic properties and clonogenicity. Morphologically, both lymphocytoid and plasmacytoid cells were separable by elutriation. Flow cytometry correlated DNA content and intracytoplasmic IgA content and demonstrated two distinct populations, both in cell cycle, but with markedly different cellular IgA levels. Density gradient separation characterized the lower-density cells with lower IgA content and higher clonogenicity. From these studies a model of cellular differentiation is proposed.  相似文献   

Total poly(A)-containing mRNA isolated from Xenopus spleens was translated in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate in vitro protein-synthesizing system. Approx. 1% of the radioactivity incorporated into the protein was precipitated by an antibody directed against adult Xenopus IgM. The immunoprecipitated proteins were characterized as IgM heavy and light chains by their molecular weight as determined by polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis The sequence variability of the synthesized light c hain proteins was analyzed by isoelectric focusing and shown to be indistinguishable from authentic Xenopus immunoglobulin light chain proteins derived from IgM. The data presented here identify Xenopus spleen mRNA as a potential source of a natural immunoglobulin mRNA population with which the development of the immune system can be studied.  相似文献   

We have investigated the in vivo co-translational covalent modification of nascent immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. Nascent polypeptides were separated from completed polypeptides by ion-exchange chromatography of solubilized ribosomes on QAE-Sephadex. First, we have demonstrated that MPC 11 nascent heavy chains are quantitatively glycosylated very soon after the asparaginyl acceptor site passes through the membrane into the cisterna of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nonglycosylated completed heavy chains of various classes cannot be glycosylated after release from the ribosome, due either to rapid intramolecular folding and/or intermolecular assembly, which cause the acceptor site to become unavailable for the glycosylation enzyme. Second, we have shown that the formation of the correct intrachain disulfide loop within the first light chain domain occurs rapidly and quantitatively as soon as the appropriate cysteine residues of the nascent light chain pass through the membrane into the cisterna of the endoplasmic reticulum. The intrachain disulfide loop in the second or constant region domain of the light chain is not formed on nascent chains, because one of the cysteine residues involved in this disulfide bond does not pass through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane prior to chain completion and release from the ribosome. Third, we have demonstrated that some of the initial covalent assembly (formation of interchain disulfide bonds) occurs on nascent heavy chains prior to their release from the ribosome. The results are consistent with the pathway of covalent assembly of the cell line, in that completed light chains are assembled onto nascent heavy chains in MPC 11 cells (IgG2b), where a heavy-light half molecule is the major initial covalent intermediate; and completed heavy chains are assembled onto nascent heavy chains in MOPC 21 cells (IgG1), where a heavy chain dimer is the major initial disulfide linked intermediate.  相似文献   

The ratfish,Callorhinchus callorhinchus, a representative of the Holocephali, has a natural serum hemagglutinin (M r 960 000), composed of heavy (M r 71000), light (M r 22 500), and J (M r 16 000) chains. To approach the mechanisms that generate diversity at this level of evolution, the amino terminal sequence of the heavy and light chains was determined by automated microsequencing. The chains are unblocked and have modest internal sequence heterogeneity. The heavy chains show sequence similarity with the terminal region of the heavy chain from the horned shark,Heterodontus francisci, and other species. In contrast to the heavy chain, the ratfish light chains display low sequence similarity with their shark kappa counterparts. However, their similarity with the variable region of the chicken lambda light chains is about 75%.  相似文献   

We have examined certain aspects of IgG biosynthesis by constructing hybrids between MPC11 (gamma2b, kappa) and MOPC 315 (alpha,lambda2) that have lost the ability to synthesize one or the other heavy chain. Cells express the three chains in a stable fashion, and both autologous (parental) and heterologous (nonparental) H and L chain pairs form and are secreted. The alpha H chain was found in polymeric form when associated with the heterologous kappa L chain. The lambda2 L chain covalently assembled to the heterologous gamma2b H chain. Surprisingly, autologous pairing was always favored over heterologous pairing in vivo by 5 to 10:1 in terms of rate of assembly. Similar ratios were maintained in the secreted protein. These results suggest that co-expression of particular H and L chain pairs is predetermined. Evolution presumably operates to improve antigen recognition as well as rate of assembly of active molecules.  相似文献   

Chain recombination experiments with a set of structurally and/or functionally related antibodies were performed to assess the role of the heavy (H) and light (L) chains in determining antigen specificity. The results demonstrated that specificity for hen egg white lysozyme vs two haptens (dinitrophenyl or galactan) is H chain determined and for one set of proteins could be attributed specifically to the H3 region. In contrast to hapten vs lysozyme specificity, when reassociated molecules derived from structurally unrelated antibodies that bound nonoverlapping epitopes on lysozyme were tested, localization of binding to a particular epitope on lysozyme could be predominated by either H or L chains. Furthermore, in some cases, unique specificities distinct from those of either parental antibody were formed. Replacement of the native L chain with an isotypically homologous L chain was more likely to restore high affinity protein binding than was replacement of a less related L chain. When isotypically homologous L chains were compared in association with the same H chain, fine specificity profiles were sensitive to substitutions in as few as two residues that could be attributed to somatic mutation. These results demonstrate that both affinity and specificity derive from very subtle interactions between H and L chains and provide examples of how VH assembly, VL-VH pairing, and somatic mutation could contribute to development and maturation of the specificity repertoire.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a comparative analysis of light chains associated with primary and secondary IgM, as well as with secondary IgG antibodies to fluorescein, undertaken in order to explore the relationship between light chain somatic hypermutation and the isotype switch. The data reveal a disparity in the frequency of somatic hypermutation of secondary IgM heavy versus light chains. Among 20 secondary IgM light chains, a mutation frequency of 1/777 nucleotides was defined. In contrast, our previous analysis of the heavy chains of these molecules had identified a mutation frequency of 1/129. Among 17 IgG-derived light chains, obtained from animals killed at the same time point as those from which the secondary IgM antibodies were obtained, we measured a mutation frequency of 1/77. Finally, analysis of 20 light chains derived from primary IgM antibodies revealed a mutation frequency of only 1/1192 nucleotides. These data demonstrate that, prior to the class switch, light chain mutation occurs at a frequency considerably lower than that measured for the associated heavy chain gene. Six additional apparent mutations in the secondary IgM antibody 95B3 were all shared with a set of IgG antifluorescein antibodies belonging to the Vkappa 34 family. It is suggested that these light chains represent the products of a previously uncharacterized germ line gene.  相似文献   

L W Bergman  W M Kuehl 《Biochemistry》1978,17(24):5174-5180
The initial glycosylation of MPC 11 gamma 2b heavy chains occurs quantitatively in vivo when the nascent heavy chains reach a size of approximately 38 000 daltons. Nonglycosylated, completed MPC 11 heavy chains cannot be glycosylated in these cells. Other classes of mouse heavy chains (i.e., mu, alpha, and gamma 1) also appear to be glycosylated as nascent chains; nonglycosylated, completed heavy chains cannot be glycosylated by the cell in any of these cases. In contrast, variant MPC 11 cells synthesizing a heavy chain with a carboxy-terminal deletion appear to glycosylate some heavy chains prior to chain completion and some heavy chains after chain completion and release from the polysomes. Similar to the variant MPC 11 cells, MOPC 46B cells (which synthesize a kappa light chain containing an oligosaccharide attached to an asparagine located 28 residues from the amino terminus) glycosylate the majority of light chains after prior to chain completion but also some light chains after chain completion and release from the polysomes. In addition, it appears that, although completed MOPC 46B light chains can be glycosylated if they are present in a monomeric form, they cannot be glycosylated if they are present in a covalent dimeric form.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins from the B lymphomas WEHI-231 and 2PK3 and from the plasmacytomas MPC-11 and MOPC-21 were radioiodinated in situ by the lactoperoxidase method and were subjected to two-dimensional (nonreduced, reduced) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Few heavily labeled membrane proteins were composed of disulfide-bonded subunits. One such protein (m.w. 200,000 intact and 116,000 reduced) shared some properties with the PC-1 alloantigen, although it was not conclusively identified. A second major disulfide-bonded protein (m.w. 200,000 intact and 95,000 reduced) has been identified previously as the receptor for transferrin. Membrane immunoglobulins of WEHI-231 (IgM) and 2PK3 (IgG2a) had the expected subunit structure, whereas membrane immunoglobulin was not detected on MPC-11. In contrast, surface IgG1 of MOPC-21 appeared to consist almost entirely of hybrid molecules containing one membrane gamma 1 chain and one secretory gamma 1 chain. This hybrid IgG molecule appeared to exist in both monomeric and dimeric forms. It is concluded that i) the synthetic and assembly mechanisms of secretory and membrane IgG1 are shared; ii) there are no special mechanisms to prevent pairing of membrane and secretory gamma 1 chains; iii) the presence of one hydrophobic tail is sufficient for membrane insertion of gamma 1 chains; and iv) the C-terminal extension cysteine residues of membrane gamma 1 chains in hybrid IgG molecules are either unpaired or may allow the formation of hybrid IgG dimers.  相似文献   

Summary The anticancer chemotherapeutic drugs melphalan (L-phenylalanine mustard; L-PAM), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), methotrexate (MTX), and daunorubicin (DAU) were tested for their toxic activity against MOPC-315 tumor cells in vitro. L-PAM, 5-FU, and DAU had a marked toxic effect whereas MTX did not affect the rate of thymidine incorporation in the tumor cells. L-PAM (7.5 mg/kg) induced permanent regression of large s.c. MOPC-315 plasmacytoma tumors, 5-FU (200–250 mg/kg) induced transient regression of MOPC-315 tumors with reappearance starting on the 6th day after the 5-FU injection and DAU (5 mg/kg) was not effective. L-PAM treatment restored the cytotoxic potential of spleen cells of tumor-bearing mice against target MOPC-315 tumor cells whereas spleen cells from tumor-bearing mice treated with 5-FU were unable to mount a cytotoxic response.L-PAM and 5-FU were also assayed for their effect in vitro on induction of suppressor T cells by ConA. L-PAM treatment in vitro markedly reduced the induction of suppressor T cells by ConA whereas 5-FU had no effect. It is suggested that anticancer chemotherapeutic drugs can be classified in immunopromoting (L-PAM as prototype) and nonimmunopromoting (5-FU as protoype) on the basis of their effect in vivo on established tumors and their effect on induction of suppressor T cells by ConA.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA for immunoglobulin light chain K41 from mouse myeloma tumour cell line MOPC41, when injected into living frog oocytes, is translated into a protein resembling light chains. Frog oocytes can therefore translate a messenger RNA for a protein synthesized on membrane-bound polysomes.  相似文献   

Our previous results have shown that staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) induces a population(s) of T cells which has the capacity to suppress the antibody response of splenocytes in vitro. In the present report we have attempted to investigate the effect of SEB-primed cells on the secretion of antibody by the plasmacytoma cell line MOPC-315. We have found that the secretion of antibody by MOPC-315 is significantly reduced in as little as 24 hr of coculture with the suppressor cells. The suppressive activity is not antigen- or isotype-specific, since the antibody secretion by both MPC-11 and HOPC1 plasmacytomas are also inhibited by the SEB-primed cells. In addition, we have found that the SEB-primed cell population which inhibits the antibody production by the MOPC-315 cell line expresses the Lyt-1+,2- and Thy-1+ cell surface markers. The apparent relationship between the SEB-primed suppressor cell population and the population which inhibits a conventional antibody response is discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that, as a consequence of low-dose melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard (l-PAM) therapy, the hitherto immunosuppressed spleen cells from BALB/c mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor (in contrast to spleen cells from normal mice) acquire the ability to generate a greatly enhanced anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response upon in vitro stimulation with MOPC-315 tumor cells. Here we show that the catecholamines norepinephrine, epinephrine, and isoproterenol suppressed the in vitro generation of anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity by spleen cells from mice that had just completed the eradication of a large MOPC-315 tumor following low-dosel-PAM therapy (l-PAM TuB spleen cells), as well as by spleen cells from normal mice. In contrast to the marked suppression obtained with catecholamines, the cholinergic agonist carbachol had no effect on the in vitro generation of splenic anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity. The inhibitory effect of the catecholamines was mimicked by the membranepenetrating analog of cAMP, dibutyryl-cAMP, and by cholera toxin at concentrations that stimulate the endogenous production of cAMP. The -adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol did not block norepinephrine-induced inhibition of the generation of anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxicity by either normal orl-PAM TuB spleen cells. Since the curative effectiveness of low-dosel-PAM therapy for MOPC-315 tumor bearers requires the participation of CD8+ T cells that exploit a CTL response in tumor eradication, it is conceivable that norepinephrine may reduce the therapeutic outcome of low-dose chemotherapy by inhibiting the acquisition of CTL activity.  相似文献   

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