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1. GTP and GMP-P(NH)P (guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate) were observed to increase the stimulation of neural adenylate cyclase by dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) and noradrenaline. 2. GMP-P(NH)P had a biphasic effect on the enzyme activity. 3. Preincubation of membranes with GMP-P(NH)P activated the enzyme by a process dependent on time and temperature. Catecholamines increased the speed and the extent of this activation. 4. Membrane fractions contained high- and low-affinity sites for GMP-P(NH)P binding: this binding was due to protein(s) of the membrane preparations. 5. Low-affinity-site binding of GMP-P(NH)P appeared to be related to the stimulatory effect on the adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

1. Preincubation of luteal membranes with human choriogonadotropin results in the formation of an activated state of adenylate cyclase which is not reversed by washing and which is limited only by the absence of guanine nucleotides, whereas preincubation with GTP yields only a partially activated adenylate cyclase which requires the presence of both GTP and human choriogonadotropin during assay to demonstrate maximal activity. 2. Preincubation of luteal membranes with GTP and human choriogonadotropin does not lead to a synergistic increase in wash-resistant activity. 3. Luteal membranes that had been preincubated with GTP and hormone exhibited a decreasing rate of cyclic AMP synthesis during the adenylate cyclase assay incubation; addition of GTP during the assay incubation reversed the decrease. 4. Membranes that had been preincubated in the absence of guanine nucleotide and hormone showed a `burst' phase of cyclic AMP synthesis when GTP was present in the assay incubation and a `lag' phase with p[NH]ppG (guanosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]triphosphate) present in the assay. The presence of human choriogonadotropin with either nucleotide in the assay incubation eliminated the curvatures in plots observed with guanine nucleotides alone. 5. Luteal adenylate cyclase was persistently activated by preincubation with p[NH]ppG alone or in combination with human choriogonadotropin; the activation caused by p[NH]ppG alone was still increasing after 70min of preincubation, whereas that caused by p[NH]ppG in the presence of hormone was essentially complete within 10min of preincubation. 6. Luteal adenylate cyclase that had been partially preactivated by preincubation with p[NH]ppG was slightly increased in activity by the inclusion of further p[NH]ppG in the adenylate cyclase assay incubation, but more so with p[NH]ppG and hormone. Human choriogonadotropin alone caused no further increase in the activity of the partially stimulated preparation unless p[NH]ppG was also added to the assay incubation. 7. GTP decreased the activity of adenylate cyclase in membranes that had been partially preactivated in the presence of p[NH]ppG; the decrease in activity was greater when GTP and hormone were present simultaneously in the assay. 8. The results indicate that stable activation states of adenylate cyclase can be induced by preincubation of luteal membranes in vitro with human choriogonadotropin or p[NH]ppG, and that in the presence of p[NH]ppG the hormone may accelerate events subsequent to guanine nucleotide binding. Stable activation of luteal adenylate cyclase by prior exposure to GTP is not achieved. The involvement of GTPase activity and of hormone-promoted guanine nucleotide exchange in the modulation of luteal adenylate cyclase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes isolated from hypophysectomized rats were treated with 0.1 M Lubrol-PX, a nonionic detergent, and centrifuged at 165,000 × g for 1 hour. Adenylate cyclase activity remaining in the supernate had a specific activity that was at least equal to that of the particulate enzyme. The activity of the solubilized, non-sedimentable adenylate cyclase, as well as the membrane bound enzyme, was increased by GTP, ITP, and GMP-PCP at 10?4 M. The activity of the solubilized, non-sedimentable enzyme increased linearly with GTP from 10?6 to 10?4 M but there was no further increase in the activity of the solubilized enzyme with 10?3 M GTP. In contrast, the particulate liver membrane enzyme activity increased exponentially with GTP from 10?6 to 10?4 M and was further increased by 10?3 M GTP. These data indicate that GTP, ITP or GMP-PCP have direct effects on solubilized adenylate cyclase. This effect is in addition to a role of nucleotides in modifying membrane structure (16).  相似文献   

Extracellular cAMP induces the activation of adenylate cyclase in Dictyostelium discoideum cells. Conditions for both stimulation and inhibition of adenylate cyclase by guanine nucleotides in membranes are reported. Stimulation and inhibition were induced by GTP and non-hydrolysable guanosine triphosphates. GDP and non-hydrolysable guanosine diphosphates were antagonists. Stimulation was maximally twofold, required a cytosolic factor and was observed only at temperatures below 10 degrees C. An agonist of the cAMP-receptor-activated basal and GTP-stimulated adenylate cyclase 1.3-fold. Adenylate cyclase in mutant N7 could not be activated by cAMP in vivo; in vitro adenylate cyclase was activated by guanine nucleotides in the presence of the cytosolic factor of wild-type but of not mutant cells. Preincubation of membranes under phosphorylation conditions has been shown to alter the interaction between cAMP receptor and G protein [Van Haastert (1986) J. Biol. Chem. in the press]. These phosphorylation conditions converted stimulation to inhibition of adenylate cyclase by guanine nucleotides. Inhibition was maximally 30% and was not affected by the cytosolic factor involved in stimulation. In membranes obtained from cells that were treated with pertussis toxin, adenylate cyclase stimulation by guanine nucleotides was as in control cells, whereas inhibition by guanine nucleotides was lost. When cells were desensitized by exposure to cAMP agonists for 15 min, and adenylate cyclase was measured in isolated membranes, stimulation by guanine nucleotides was lost while inhibition was retained. These results suggest that Dictyostelium discoideum adenylate cyclase may be regulated by Gs-like and Gi-like activities, and that the action of Gs but not Gi is lost during desensitization in vivo and by phosphorylation conditions in vitro.  相似文献   

We report that the adenylate cyclase system in human platelets is subject to multiple regulation by guanine nucleotides. Previously it has been reported that GTP is either required for or has little effect on the response of the enzyme to prostaglandin E1. We have found that when platelet lysates were prepared in the presence of 5 mM EDTA, GTP lowered the basal and prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity when the enzyme was assayed in the presence of Mg2+. The basal and prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activities were also increased by washing, which presumably removes endogenous GTP. The analog, guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate mimics the inhibitory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity but it stimulates basal enzyme activity. The onset of the inhibitory effect of GTP on the adenylate cyclase system is rapid (1 min) and is maintained at a constant rate during incubation for 10 min. GTP and guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate were noncompetitive inhibitors of prostaglandin E1. An increase in the concentration of Mg2+ gradually reduces the effect of GTP while having little influence on the effect of guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate. Neither the substrate concentration nor the pH (7.2–8.5) is related to the inhibitory effect of guanine nucleotides. The inhibition by nucleotides was found to show a specificity for purine nucleotides with the order of potency being guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate > dGTP > GTP > ITP > XTP > CTP > TTP. The inhibitory effect of GTP is reversible while the effect of guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate is irreversible. The GTP inhibitory effect was abolished by preparing the lysates in the presence of Ca2+. However, the inhibitory effect of guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate persisted. Substitution of Mn2+ for Mg2+ in the assay medium resulted in a diminution of the inhibitory effect of GTP on basal activity and converted the inhibitory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated activity to a stimulatory effect. At a lower concentration of Mn2+ (less than 2 mM) guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate inhibited prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, but at a higher concentration of Mn2+, it caused an increase in enzyme activity exceeding that occuring in the presence of prostaglandin E1. In the presence of Mn2+, dGTP mimics the effect of GTP and is 50% as effective as GTP. Our data suggest that the inhibitory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase is mainly due to its direct effect on the enzyme itself, whereas the stimulatory effect of GTP on prostaglandin E1-stimulated adenylate cyclase is due to enhancement of the coupling between the prostaglandin E1 receptor and adenylate cyclase. These studies also indicate that the method of preparation of platelet lysates can profoundly alter the nature of guanine nucleotide regulation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes of hypophysectomized rats were purified, treated with 0.1 m Lubrol-PX and centrifuged at 165,000g for 1 h. The detergent solubilized 50% of the membrane protein; adenylate cyclase activity was present in the supernatant fraction. Optimal substrate concentration of the soluble enzyme was 0.32 mm ATP. Basal activity of 25 preparations of the solubilized enzyme ranged from 124 to 39 pmol cyclic AMP/mg protein/10 min. The solubilized enzyme retained the same sensitivity to activation by guanyl nucleotides as was present in the membrane preparation from which it was derived. Relative sensitivity of the solubilized enzyme with 0.1 mm nucleotides or -side was GDP > GTP > GMP > guanosine; GMP-PNP = GMP-PCP > ITP > GTP. GTP, GMP-PCP, GMP-PNP and other nucleotides were hydrolyzed by phosphohydrolases present in liver membranes that were solubilized with Lubrol-PX along with adenylate cyclase. The presence of the ATP regenerating system in the adenylate cyclase assay also aided in maintaining guanyl nucleotide concentrations. The degree of adenylate cyclase activation by guanyl nucleotides was not related to the sparing effects of nucleotides on substrate ATP hydrolysis. These findings demonstrate that activation of adenylate cyclase by nucleotides is a consequence of a nucleotide-enzyme interaction that is independent of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Certain tumour cells contain activated ras genes that code for 21 000 dalton proteins (p21). These proteins associate with the inner face of the plasma membrane and bind guanine nucleotides specifically. In order to determine whether p21s have functions similar to other GTP binding proteins, we investigated the regulation, by guanine nucleotides, of adenylate cyclase (AC) activity in membrane preparations isolated from fibroblasts (C127) transformed by a temperature sensitive mutant of Kirsten sarcoma virus (Ts 371). The degree of AC stimulation by GMP P(NH)P increased when these cells were shifted from the permissive temperature (33 degrees C) to the non-permissive temperature (39 degrees C). This effect was more pronounced at low Mg++ and low GMP P(NH)P concentrations. AC stimulation remained unchanged in rat fibroblasts infected with a temperature sensitive mutant of Rous Sarcoma virus. AC activity was depressed in C127 cells infected with wild type KiMSV. Our data illustrate the feasibility of correlating alterations in the AC system with ras gene expression and using such experimental approaches to elucidate the physiological functions of the p21 proteins.  相似文献   

Na+ has been implicated as a requirement for the inhibition of adenylate cyclase by hormones and neurotransmitters. This study examines effects of salt concentration on neuroblastoma plasma membranes that occur in the absence of an inhibitory hormone. The adenylate cyclase response to stimulatory agonists (GTP plus PGE1 (3), PGI2 or PGE2) was influenced by NaCl. As the [NaCl] increased to 150 mM, an increase in maximal activity and a decrease in apparent affinity was observed. At concentrations above 150 mM, NaCl decreased prostaglandin affinity and progressively decreased maximal activation. The GTP requirement was not altered by 30 or 150 mM NaCl in the presence of PGE1 or PGI2. The rate of Gpp(NH)p stimulated activity increased as the [NaCl] was increased in the assay. This increased rate was conserved when membranes activated in the presence of Gpp(NH)p and NaCl were reassayed in the absence of guanine nucleotide or salt. The salt evoked rate increase was proportionally greater at submaximal MgCl2 concentrations. The concentration requirement for Mg2+ was reduced by salt for adenylate cyclase in the presence of GTP or Gpp(NH)p. However, the enzyme stimulated by hormone exhibited a Mg2+ requirement that was low in the absence of salt and could not be further reduced by increased [NaCl]. Alternative monovalent cations (150 mM Li+, K+, Cs+, but not choline or tetramethylammonium) and anions (SO4=) substituted for NaCl. The observed effects were reversible upon washing the membranes and neither ouabain nor tetrodotoxin altered the response. These effects may result from a conformational alteration of a protein particularly sensitive to neutral salts in the assay.  相似文献   

Many macrophage functions such as chemotaxis, phagocytosis, enzyme secretion, and cytotoxicity are influenced by intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels, but the regulatory mechanisms involved are poorly defined. We have developed methods that allowed us to study the activation of AC in isolated guinea pig (g.p.) macrophage membranes. AC in these membrane preparations could be stimulated approximately twofold by guanine nucleotides. We could not obtain any hormonal activation of membrane-bound AC in the absence of guanine nucleotides. In the presence of GTP, however, the hormones isoproterenol and PGE1 elicited an additional threefold rise in AC activity, which subsided after approximately 15 min. As little as 10(-8) M concentrations of these two hormones induced significant elevations of AC activity. Replacement of GTP by its nonhydrolyzable analogue Gpp(NH)p resulted in a persistent hormone-independent activation of AC, and addition of hormones enhanced this level of activation. Thus, GTP-ase activity is present in macrophage membrane preparations and serves to regulate AC activation. Hormonal stimulation of AC was receptor mediated, because the effect of the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, but not PGE1, was inhibited by the beta-adrenergic blocker propranolol. In addition, the potency series of PG corresponded to that observed for stimulation of cAMP production in intact g.p. macrophages, i.e., PGE1 = PGE2 greater than PGA1 greater than PGF2 alpha. AC activation by PG in the membrane preparation was inhibited by an alpha-adrenergic agonist, thus demonstrating one means for down regulating cAMP production in g.p. macrophages. Our studies also showed that certain hormones (e.g., beta-adrenergic agonists, PG) can exert their effect on cAMP production by stimulation of membrane-bound AC, whereas other agents such as lectins or arachidonic acid require additional intracellular components to elevate cAMP levels in macrophages. The mechanism of activation of AC by hormones in g.p. macrophage membranes appears to fit the model of a ternary complex, the components of which include the hormone receptor, AC, and guanine nucleotide regulatory protein, which transmits the signal from the receptor to AC.  相似文献   

The particulate fraction prepared after homogenization of planaria Polycelis tenuis in a buffer containing 3 mM EDTA and 15 mM 2-mercaptoethanol possesses an adenylate cyclase activity which was enhanced two-fold by serotonin and 20-fold by the nucleotide analog guanosine 5'-(beta-gamma-imino)triphosphate, Gpp(NH)p; when present together, the two activators exhibited a marked synergistic effect. The effect of serotonin was dose dependent, with a KA of 2 micrometer and a Hill coefficient of 0.4. In the presence of 10 micrometer Gpp(NH)p, these values became 45 nM and 1.5, respectively. The effect of serotonin was due to an increase in the maximal velocity of the enzyme and was specifically inhibited by methiotepin. The effect of methiotepin was half-maximal at 0.2 micrometer in the absence of Gpp(NH)p and at 5.0 micrometer in its presence. Planaria thus appear to be the lowest organisms in which guanine nucleotides are active upon adenylate cyclase. As serotonin is normally present in planaria, it is postulated that a serotonin-dependent regulation of adenylate cyclase activity plays a physiological role in this species.  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine actived guanylate cyclase in particulate fraction of cerebral cortex of rat. Activation was most remarkable in crude mitochondrial fraction. When the crude mitochondrial fraction was subjected to osmotic shock and fractionated, guanylate cyclase activity recovered in the subfractions as assayed with hydroxylamine was only one-third of the starting material. Recombination of the soluble and the particulate fractions, however, restored guanylate cyclase activity to the same level as that of the starting material. When varying quantities of the particulate and soluble fractions were combined, enzyme activity was proportional to the quantity of the soluble fraction. Heating of the soluble or particulate fraction at 55 degrees for 5 min inactivated guanylate cyclase. The heated particulate fraction markedly activated guanylate cyclase activity in the native soluble fraction, while the heated soluble fraction did not stimulate enzyme activity in the particulate. The particulate fraction preincubated with hydroxylamine at 37 degrees for 5 min followed by washing activated guanylate cyclase activity in the soluble fraction in the absence of hydroxylamine. Further fractionation of the crude mitochondrial fraction revealed that the factor(s) needed for the activation by hydroxylamine is associated with the mitochondria. The mitochondrial fraction of cerebral cortex activated guanylate cyclase in supernatant of brain, liver, or kidney in the presence of hydroxylamine. The mitochondrial fraction prepared from liver or kidney, in turn, activated soluble guanylate cyclase in brain. Activation of guanylate cyclase by hydroxylamine was compared with that of sodium azide. Azide activated guanylate cyclase in the synaptosomal soluble fraction, while hydroxylamine inhibited it. The particulate fraction preincubated with azide followed by washing did not stimulate guanylate cyclase activity in the absence of azide. The activation of guanylate cyclase by hydroxylamine is not due to a change in the concentration of the substrate GTP, Addition of hydroxylamine did not alter the apparent Km value of guanylate cyclase for GTP. Guanylate cyclase became less dependent on manganese in the presence of hydroxylamine. Thus the activation of guanylate cyclase by hydroxylamine is due to the change in the Vmax of the reaction.  相似文献   

A calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase was purified 3000-fold from bovine cerebral cortex using DEAE-Sephacel, calmodulin-Sepharose, and two heptanediamine-Sepharose column steps. The purified enzyme activity was stimulated by calmodulin, forskolin, 5'-guanylyl imidodiphosphate, and NaF. The molecular weight of the protein component was estimated as 328 000 with a smaller form of Mr 153 000 obtained in the presence of Mn2+. The most highly purified preparations contained major polypeptides of 150 000, 47 000, and 35 000 daltons on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels. Photoaffinity labeling of the preparation with azido[125I]iodocalmodulin gave one product of 170 000 daltons on SDS gels. It is proposed that the catalytic subunit of the calmodulin-sensitive enzyme is 150 000 +/- 10 000 daltons and that the enzyme exists as a complex of one catalytic subunit and the stimulatory guanyl nucleotide regulatory complex. These data are consistent with the previous report that the catalytic subunit of this enzyme has a molecular weight of 150 000 +/- 10 000 [Andreasen, T.J., Heideman, W., Rosenberg, G.B., & Storm, D.R. (1983) Biochemistry 22,2757].  相似文献   

Spontaneous transformation of RL-PR-C hepatocytes leads to alterations in the adenylate cyclase complex which include a lower than normal basal level of activity, a loss of sensitivity to exogenous GTP, and a decreased sensitivity to isoproterenol. Both normal and transformed membranes possess substantial GTPase activity. Treatment of transformed hepatocyte membranes with either isoproterenol plus GMP or with cholera toxin, under conditions that displace tightly bound GDP, restored the GTP effect on adenylate cyclase, and eliminated the lag in the activation by guanyl-5'-yl-imidodiphosphate. Such pretreatment also enhanced guanine nucleotide effects on the adenylate cyclase of normal hepatocytes. These results are explainable on the basis that transformation increases adenylate cyclase-associated GTPase activity, and increases occupancy of nucleotide regulatory sites by inactive or inhibitory guanine nucleotides, e.g., GDP. Seemingly, both catecholamines and cholera toxin promote an exchange reaction at the regulatory sites, resulting in clearance of these sites of inhibitory nucleotides.  相似文献   

Spontaneous transformation of RL-PR-C hepatocytes leads to alterations in the adenylate cyclase complex which include a lower than normal basal level of activity, a loss of sensitivity to exogenous GTP, and a decreased sensitivity to isoproterenol. Both normal and transformed membranes posses substantial TGPase activity. Treatment of transformed hepatocyte membranes with either isoproterenol plus GMP or with cholera toxin, under conditions that displace tightly bound GDP, restored the GTP effect on adenylate cyclase, and eliminated the lag in the activation by guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate. Such pretreatment also enhanced guanine nucleotide effects on the adenylate cyclase of normal hepatocytes. These results are explainable on the basis that transformation increases adenylate cyclase-associated GTPase activity, and increase occupancy of nuceotide regulatory sites by inactive or inhibitory guanine nucleotides, e.g., GDP. Seemingly, both catecholamines and cholera toxin promote an exchange reaction at the regulatory sites, resulting in clearance of these sites of inhibitory nucleotides.  相似文献   

Adenosine caused a dose-dependent stimulation of adenylate cyclase in homogenates from rat striatum and tuberculum olfactorium (200 and 300% stimulation by 100 muM adenosine). The effect of adenosine was not antagonized by haloperidol. Subcellular fractionation suggested that adenosine stimulates a different adenylate cyclase than dopamine. Basal adenylate cyclase activity in freshly prepared homogenates was reduced by dialysis and by the addition of adenosine deaminase. Basal adenylate cyclase activity was enchanced by papaverine and dipyridamole, but reduced by theophylline and isobutylmethylxanthine. The results are compatible with the opinion that endogenous adenosine is capable of activating adenylate cyclase in these areas of the rat brain.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin, or peptide A1 from the toxin, activates adenylate cyclase solubilized from rat liver with Lubrol PX, provided that cell sap, NAD+, ATP and thiol-group-containing compounds are present. The activation is abolished by antisera to whole toxin, but not to subunit B.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity was studied in comparison with that of guanine nucleotide-stimulated cyclase activity. The distributions of these activities were similar among the crude fractions but differed among the purified subsynaptosomal fractions. The specific activity of Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated cyclase was highest in a light synaptic membrane fraction, which has few, if any, postsynaptic densities, whereas that of guanine nucleotide-stimulated cyclase was highest in a heavier synaptic membrane fraction rich in postsynaptic densities. These results suggest that the Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated cyclase has, at least in part, a different cellular or subcellular location than the guanine nucleotide-stimulated cyclase.Abbreviations used CaM calmodulin - GppNHp guanosine 5-(,-imino) triphosphate  相似文献   

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