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Strains ofKlebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella terrigena, Enterobacter agglomerans andAzospirillum lipoferum were compared as diazotrophic inoculants in association withPoa pratensis andTriticum aestivum. Each strain colonized both plants in numbers ranging from 104 to 107 bacteria per root, and electron microscopy and immunofluorescence staining of inoculated roots revealed bacteria mainly on root hairs. Indirect immunofluorescence with specific antifimbriae antibodies showed that the enteric bacteria expressed their fimbria in both associations. All associations were positive in an acetylene reduction test but only in half of them was atmospheric nitrogen transferred to the plant. In the inoculated plants, variable effects in the dry matter and N yields in both hosts were observed and no correlation was found between dry matter, nitrogen content or the amount of fixed nitrogen. In infected plants, the number of root hairs and lateral roots increased and the length of the zone of elongation decreased. The changes in root morphology were more evident in associations with enteric bacteria than with Azospirillum. The results give further evidence on the importance of bacterial adhesion in associative N2 fixation and suggest that bacteria-induced physiological changes in plant roots may be more important than the amount of nitrogen transferred to the plant.  相似文献   

A hyper-thermostable, alkaline lipase from a newly-isolated, mesophilic Pseudomonas sp. was optimal at pH 11 and at 90 °C. It had a half-life of more than 13 h at 90 °C. It was activated by 30% when heated at 90 °C for 2 h. The enzyme had a greater affinity for mustard oil (K m=40 mg ml–1) than for olive oil (K m=140 mg ml–1).  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in bioorganic fertilizers as part of sustainable agricultural practices to alleviate drawbacks of intensive farming practices. N2-fixing and P-solubilizing bacteria are important in plant nutrition increasing N and P uptake by the plants, and playing a significant role as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in the biofertilization of crops. A study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of two N2-fixing (OSU-140 and OSU-142) and a strain of P-solubilizing bacteria (M-13) in single, dual and three strains combinations on sugar beet and barley yields under field conditions in 2001 and 2002. The treatments included: (1) Control (no inoculation and fertilizer), (2) Bacillus OSU-140, (3) Bacillus OSU-142, (4) Bacillus M-13, (5) OSU-140 + OSU-142, (6) OSU-140 + M-13, (7) OSU-142 + M-13, (8) OSU-140 + OSU-142 + M-13, (9) N, (10) NP. N and NP plots were fertilized with 120 kg N ha–1 and 120 kg N ha–1 + 90 kg P ha- for sugar beet and 80 kg N ha–1 and 80 kg N ha–1 + 60 kg P ha–1 for barley. The experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with five replicates. All inoculations and fertilizer applications significantly increased leaf, root and sugar yield of sugar beet and grain and biomass yields of barley over the control. Single inoculations with N2-fixing bacteria increased sugar beet root and barley yields by 5.6–11.0% depending on the species while P-solubilizing bacteria alone gave yield increases by 5.5–7.5% compared to control. Dual inoculation and mixture of three bacteria gave increases by 7.7–12.7% over control as compared with 20.7–25.9% yield increases by NP application. Mixture of all three strains, dual inoculation of N2-fixing OSU-142 and P-solubilizing M-13, and/or dual inoculation N2-fixing bacteria significantly increased root and sugar yields of sugar beet, compared with single inoculations with OSU-140 or M-13. Dual inoculation of N2-fixing Bacillus OSU-140 and OSU-142, and/or mixed inoculations with three bacteria significantly increased grain yield of barley compared with single inoculations of OSU-142 and M-13. In contrast with other combinations, dual inoculation of N2-fixing OSU-140 and P-solubilizing M-13 did not always significantly increase leaf, root and sugar yield of sugar beet, grain and biomass yield of barley compared to single applications both with N2-fixing bacteria. The beneficial effects of the bacteria on plant growth varied significantly depending on environmental conditions, bacterial strains, and plant and soil conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The technique of15N isotope dilution was used to verify that nitrogen was fixed and transferred to the plant byKlebsiella pneumoniae strain Pp in association withPoa pratensis orTriticum aestivum. Surface sterilized, sprouting seeds were inoculated withK. pneumoniae and grown in sand in modified Leonard jars. Potassium nitrate enriched with15N was used to provide N concentrations ranging from 10–40 mg Nl–1 nutrient solution. After 10–18 weeks the shoots and roots were analyzed separately for dry matter, N content, total N, and atom %15N excess. The acetylene reduction technique was used to test for the presence of N2-fixing organisms on the roots. The data from15N isotope dilution demonstrated that up to 33.8% of N in the shoots ofP. pratensis and 15.9% in those ofT. aestivum were derived from associative N2 fixation byK. pneumoniae. In most experiments the dry matter yield, N content, and total N yield of the shoots ofP. pratensis were increased byK. pneumoniae inoculation, whereas inoculation had no significant effect on the dry matter yield, N content or total N of the shoots ofT. aestivum.  相似文献   

The addition of combined nitrogen to substrate at an appropriate rate can stimulate N2-fixation thus inreasing the efficiency of the Alnus-Frankia symbiosis. To examine how nitrogen additions can effect the peformance of different pairs of symbionts, growth and time course of N2-fixation were studied in plants supplied with NH4NO3. Two cloned ofAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., propagatedin vitro, were inoculated with two strains ofFrankia (AVP3d and ACN14a) and grown in a greenhouse. Calcined montmorillonite (TotfaiceR) was used as growth substrate. Six N treatments were made up of varied amounts of NH4NO3 supplied in one single addition shortly before inoculation. Weekly measurements of shoot height and repeated measurements of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) performed on intact root systems were used to monitor the development of the symbioses. Nitrogen treatments containing from 0.10 to 0.68 mg N g−1 dry substrate stimulated N2-fixation as well as growth. The relative performance of the two clones was different according to N treatment; one clone showed a greater benefit from the nitrogen input. Our results support the recommendation that selection of symbionts according to performance should be carried out with an input of combined nitrogen. This can provide optimum conditions for the development of each pair of symbionts.  相似文献   

The relationship between ammonium assimilation and ammonium export has been studied in free-living, N2-fixing Rhizobium sp. 32H1. After 55 to 67 h of microaerobic growth under a gas phase of 0.2% O2 – 1.0% CO2 – 98.8% Ar high levels of nitrogenase were observed concomitant with a slightly adenylylated glutamine synthetase (GSI) and some glutamine synthetase (GSII) activity. However, after growth of 89 h, or longer, GSI became adenylylated and the level of GSII had decreased. When the gas phase was shifted to 0.2% O2 – 1.0% CO2 – 98.8% N2, a lag was observed before ammonium export could be detected in the 55 to 67 h cultures. No lag in ammonium export was observed in the cultures previously grown for 89 h. The onset of ammonium export in the 55 to 67 h cultures was found to correlate with the adenylylation state of GSI. There appeared to be no correlation between the level of GSII and the export of ammonium. Neither an increase in the adenylylation level of GSI nor ammonium export was observed when the 55 to 67 h cultures were maintained under the Ar gas mixture.Abbreviations GOGAT Glutamate synthase - GS glutamine synthetase - BES [N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid] - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - MES [2-(N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid]  相似文献   

Selection and evaluation of microbial strains for their antifungal activity in natural environments is time- and energy-consuming. We have adapted a PCR-based method to avoid these inconveniences. Soils that are naturally suppressive to plant disease were chosen as a source of antibiotic-producing bacteria. The screening was performed by means of PCR amplification using degenerate primers corresponding to peptide synthetase genes. Amplification fragments were obtained using template DNA from the rhizosphere of three different soybean fields. In order to assay their potential utility in pathogen control, several Bacillus strains were analysed for their in vitro antifungal activity by testing growth inhibition of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Four Bacillus sp. isolates gave a positive amplification signal, and three of them had an inhibitory effect on S. sclerotiorum growth, whereas two strains that failed to give an amplification signal did not inhibit fungal growth. These results show that PCR-based techniques could be useful to assess the presence of strains with potential use as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Mucilages from the root tips of axenically-grown maize and from a bacterium (Cytophaga sp.) isolated from the rhizosheaths of field-grown roots, were immobilized by drying onto nylon blotting membrane. The mucilage plaques remained in place through repeated rewettings and histochemical treatments. Staining of the plaques showed that both mucilages included acidic groups, and 1,2 diols (the latter notably fewer in bacterial mucilage). Bacterial mucilage plaques stained strongly for protein, plant mucilage was unstained. Plaques of both mucilages bound soil particles strongly if soil was applied to wet mucilage and then dried. Bound soil was not lost with rewetting. Dry weight and densitometer measurements showed that bacterial mucilage bound about 10% more soil than the same surface area of root-cap mucilage. Pretreatment of plaques with periodate oxidation eliminated most soil binding by root-cap mucilage but this was completely reversible by reduction with borohydride. Soil binding to bacterial mucilage was unaffected by periodate but much diminished by borohydride pretreatment (partially restored by subsequent oxidation). Neither pretreatment with cationic dyes nor preincubation in pectinase, pectin methylesterase or protease affected subsequent soil binding by the mucilage plaques. Pretreatment of root-cap mucilage plaques with lectins specific for component sugars also did not alter soil binding. It is concluded that mucilages of both plant and bacterial origin can contribute to the adhesion and cohesion of maize rhizosheaths, but each by a different mechanism. Binding by root-cap mucilage depends on 1,2 diol groups of component sugars, that of bacterial mucilage does not, and is likely to be protein mediated. ei]Section editor: R O D Dixon  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates were measured over an annual cycle in meadows of the seagrass Z. noltii and uncolonised sediments of the Bassin d'Arcachon, south-west France, using both slurry and whole core techniques. Measured rates using the slurry technique in Z. noltii colonised sediments were consistently higher than those determined in isolated cores. This was probably due to the release of labile organic carbon sources during preparation of the slurries. Thus, in colonised sediments the whole core technique may provide a more accurate estimate of in situ activity. Acetylene reduction rates measured by the whole core technique in colonised sediments were 1.8 to 4-fold greater, dependent upon the season, in the light compared with those measured in the dark, indicating that organic carbon released by the plant roots during photosynthesis was an important factor regulating nitrogen fixation. In contrast acetylene reduction rates in uncolonised sediments were independent of light.Addition of sodium molybdate, a specific inhibitor of sulphate reduction inhibited acetylene reduction activity in Z. noltii colonised sediments by > 80% as measured by both slurry and whole core techniques irrespective of the light regime, throughout the year inferring that sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) were the dominant component of the nitrogen fixing microflora. A mutualistic relationship between Z. noltii and nitrogen fixing SRB in the rhizosphere, based on the exchange of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen is proposed. In uncolonised sediments sodium molybdate initially severely inhibited acetylene reduction rates, but the level of this inhibition declined over the course of the year. These data indicate that the nitrogen fixing SRB associated with the Zostera roots and rhizomes were progressively replaced by an aerobic population of nitrogen fixers associated with the decomposition of this recalcitrant high C:N ratio organic matter.Acetylene and sulphate reduction rates in the seagrass beds showed distinct summer maxima which correlated with a reduced availability of NH 4 + in the sediment and the growth cycle of Z. noltii in the Bassin. Overall, these data indicate that acetylene reduction (nitrogen fixation) activity in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii was regulated both by release of organic carbon from the plant roots and maintenance of low ammonium concentrations in the root zone due to efficient ammonium assimilation.Nitrogen fixation rates determined from acetylene reduction rates measured by the whole core technique ranged from 0.1 to 7.3 mg N m–2 d–1 in the Z. noltii beds and between 0.02 and 3.7 mg N m–2 d–1 in uncolonised sediments, dependent upon the season. Nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii was calculated to contribute between 0.4 and 1.1 g N m–2 y–1 or between 6.3 and 12% of the annual fixed nitrogen requirement of the plants. Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation therefore represents a substantial local input of fixed nitrogen to the sediments of this shallow coastal lagoon and contributes to the overall productivity of Z. noltii in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Sandy alluvial soils in a floodplain supporting a native stand ofCasuarina cunninghamiana Miq. produced about three times as many nodulated seedlings and more than twice as many nodules per nodulated seedling on roots of baitedCasuarina spp. than did clay loam red earth soils from the adjacent valley slope. Moist and well-aerated subsurficial alluvial sands had the greatest nodulation capacity of all the soils sampled. For all topographic positions, soil samples from depths greater than 20 cm promoted 76% more nodulated Casuarina seedlings than samples from the surficial 20 cm.Seedlings of three provenances ofC. cunninghamiana, together with seedlings ofC. glauca Sieb. ex Spreng.,C. cristata F. Muell ex Miq. andC. obesa Miq. developed significantly more nodules per pot and nodules per nodulated seedling in soils from this locale than seedlings of twoCasuarina equisetifolia Forst. provenances. Seedlings of two provenances ofAllocasuarina torulosa (Ait.) L. Johnson had fewer than 1% nodulated seedlings, a significantly lower level by far than that ofCasuarina seedlings.A. torulosa provenances also had significantly fewer nodulated seedlings per pot and nodules per nodulated seedling than all Casuarina hosts excepting one poorly-nodulated provenance ofC. equisetifolia.Nodulated seedlings of allCasuarina species had the capacity to fix atmospheric N2, as indicated by acetylene-reduction capability. The presence of yellow cladodes and low rates of acetylene reduction per plant forC. cristata Miq. suggest that this association was poorly effective.  相似文献   

Experimental findings indicate that, in terrestrial ecosystems, nitrogen cycling changes under elevated partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (pCO2). It was suggested that the concentration of N in plant litter as well as the amount of litter are responsible for these changes. However, for grassland ecosystems, there have been no relevant data available to support this hypothesis. Data from five years of the Swiss FACE experiment show that, under fertile soil conditions in a binary plant community consisting of Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L., the concentration of litter N does not change under elevated atmospheric pCO2; this applies to harvest losses, stubble, stolons and roots as the sources of litter. This is in strong contrast to the CO2 response of L. perenne swards without associated legumes; in this case the above-ground concentration of biomass N decreased substantially. Increased symbiotic N2 fixation in T. repens nodules and a greater proportion of the N-rich T. repens in the community are regarded as the main mechanisms that buffer the increased C introduction into the ecosystem under elevated atmospheric pCO2. Our data also suggest that elevated atmospheric pCO2 results in greater amounts of litter, mainly due to increased root biomass production. This study indicates that, in a fertile grassland ecosystem with legumes, the concentration of N in plant litter is not affected by elevated atmospheric pCO2 and, thus, cannot explain CO2-induced changes in the cycling of N. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of two Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains (D344 and Urbana), on the frequency and intensity of infection by a VAM fungal Glomus sp. and the effect of VAM on biomass production by nodulating plants were tested in soybean growing in a soil containing low levels of accessible P and N. During the initial stage of vegetative growth, mycorrhiza frequency in roots inoculated with the two rhizobial strains did not differ. However, during flowering it was 178% higher in roots with the strain D344 than in the presence of the strain Ubrana. At final harvest (green pods) the VAM frequency did not differ in the presence of either strain. VAM positively affected biomass production, foliar concentrations of P, Zn and Cu, and number and dry matter yield of pods, but did not increase concentrations of total N and K. In nonmycorrhizal plants total nitrogenase activity (not nodule mass) and growth were higher with the rhizobial strain Urbana. The greatest nitrogenase activity, growth and yield occurred in the presence of the VAM fungus, and did not differ for plants with different strains of rhizobia.  相似文献   

It is not clear to what extent genetic, environmental and measurement factors are responsible for the commonly reported decline in nitrogenase activity with the onset of pod-filling in grain legumes. We address this question by observing nitrogenase activity and assimilate partitioning throughout the life span of an indeterminate variety of common bean (GN 1140) under controlled-environment and field conditions. Nitrogenase activity per plant was maintained well into pod-filling in GN 1140 under high-light conditions in growth cabinets. In contrast, plants exposed to a gradual reduction in light intensity during early reproductive growth had a decline in nitrogenase activity on a whole plant basis with the onset of pod-filling. However, the decline was due to an inability to maintain nodule growth, rather than a decrease in specific nitrogenase activity. Under field conditions, acetylene reduction assay of root crowns appeared to indicate a rapid decline in nitrogenase activity with the onset of pod-filling in GN 1140. This decline was not correlated with the water status of the soil or the plant. In contrast, acetylene reduction activity of root cores taken from outside the root crown region (non-crown) and N accumulation by above-ground biomass during pod-filling suggested that whole plant nitrogenase activity was maintained longer than that indicated by root crown assays. We conclude that although the occurrence of a decline in nitrogenase activity with the onset of pod-filling in grain legumes can be genetically determined, in many cases the decline can be the result of growing conditions and improper measurement techniques.  相似文献   

The Middle East is at the southeastern borderline of the range of the subterranean amphipod Niphargus. The review of new and published data identified two new species and set the guidelines for the future research in the area. The genus in this part of the world seems to be insufficiently studied. The taxonomic status of Niphargus valachicus, population identified as N. spoeckeri and some populations, identified as N. nadarini, need to be reviewed. According to present data, we expect the highest diversity in Western Turkey. The eventual new records of the genus in the Middle East can be expected from those areas where even the longest periods of drought in the recent geological history did not affect the water supply.  相似文献   

Summary Two varieties of sugarcane, and nodulated and non-nodulated soybean isolines, were planted in a soil previously mixed with15N-labelled plant material. 45 days was allowed to elapse before planting, to permit initiation of organic matter mineralization. Plants were grown for 60 days, then harvested, dried, weighed and analysed for total N. Analysis of soil samples pre-incubated in the laboratory was carried out to evaluate ammonium and nitrate from added organic matter. Dry weights of the soybean isolines were similar, but total N was higher for the nodulated line. Both sugarcane varieties showed similar weight and total N. Nitrogen derived from applied organic matter (NdfOM) was higher in non-nodulated soybean than in all other plants. Although there is the possibility of different15N availabilities between species, nitrogen derived from fixation (Nfix) was calculated based on the15N enrichment of the non-nodulating soybean. Nfix was 72% for nodulating soybean and ranged from 19 to 39% for different parts of sugarcane plants, despite high levels of available-N. Nitrogen derived from soil was calculated by difference. NdfOM was lower in roots than in upper parts (leaves+stalks) of plants. Use of15N labelled organic matter seems a useful approach to the longer term measurement of N2-fixation.IAEA Project BRA/5/009-CENA.  相似文献   

During vegetative regrowth of Medicago sativa L., soil N, symbiotically fixed N2 and N reserves meet the nitrogen requirements for shoot regrowth. Experiments with nodulated or non-nodulated plants were carried out to investigate the changes in N flows originating from the different N sources and in xylem transport of amino acids during regrowth. Exogenous N uptake, N2 fixation and endogenous N remobilization were estimated by 15N labelling and amino acids in xylem sap were analysed. Removal of shoots resulted in great declines of exogenous N flows derived either from N2 or from NH4NO3 during the first week of regrowth, thereafter recovery increased linearly. Mineral N uptake as well as N2 fixation occurred mainly between the 10th and 18th day after removal of shoots while exogenous N assimilation in intact plants remained at a steady level. Nitrogen remobilization rates in defoliated plants increased by at least three to five-fold, especially during the first 10 days following shoot removal. Compared to control plants, contents of amino acids in xylem sap, during the first 10 days of regrowth, were reduced by about 72% and 82% in NH4NO3 grown and in N2 fixing plants, respectively. Asparagine was the main amino acid transported in xylem sap of both treated plants. Its relative contents during this period significantly decreased from 75% to 59% and from 67% to 36% respectively in non-nodulated plants and in nodulated ones. This decline was accompanied by compensatory increase in the relative contents of aspartate and glutamine.  相似文献   

Summary Non-nodulatedalnus glutinosa plants were grown for 6 weeks in nutrient solutions using 3 combined-N treatments (NO3; NO3/NH4; and NH4) at a total N level of 4 meq.l–1, and growth was ccmpared with nodulated plants at zero N (N2 fixation). Of the combined-N sources, 100 per cent NH4 resulted in the highest dry matter yields when the solution pH was adjusted daily atc. 6. The dry matter yield was lowest with NO3.During the first 3 weeks, the yield of the N2-fixing plants was as high as that of the NH4 plants, but fell relatively behind during the second 3-week period. These effects could be attributed to higher initial N contents and higher shoot:root ratios, respectively, in the N2-fixing plants. Specific rates of N acquisition in the root were of a comparable order of magnitude for the combined-N and zero-N treatments.When NO3 was taken up, it was almost completely reduced in the roots. Regardless of N source there was a large excess of cations (C) relative to inorganic anions (A) in the plants, which was presumed to be balanced by an equivalent amount of organic anions (C-A). The relatively small differences in generation of organic anions for the various modes of N supply indicated the relative importance of the proton pump when NH4 or N2 was the N source. Proton or hydroxyl-ion effluxes, calculated on the basis of plant analyses, were generally in good agreement with measured excretion values. The acidity generation with N2 fixation amounted toc. 0.5 meq H+.mmol–1 Norg, which was distinctly higher than the range of 0.1–0.2 mentioned by Raven and Smith43 for dinitrogen-fixing plants.Without pH adjustment, specific rates of cation uptake and carboxylate generation were strongly depressed as the acidity increased, when NO3/NH4, NH4 and N2 were the N sources. Growth ofAlnus glutinosa appeared to be still normal at a pH ofc. 2.8. During the final 3 weeks, only the NH4 plants ceased growing at a pH of 2.6.  相似文献   

N-fixing trees facilitate the growth of neighboring trees of other species. These neighboring species benefit from the simple presence of the N fixation symbiosis in their surroundings. Because of this phenomenon, it has been hypothesized that a change in atmospheric CO2 concentration may alter the role of N-fixing trees in their environment. It is thought that the role of N-fixing trees in ecosystems of the future may be more important since they may help sustain growth increases due to increased CO2 concentration in nitrogen limited forests. We examined: (1) whether symbiotically fixed N was exuded from roots, (2) whether a doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration would result in increased organic N exudation from roots, and (3) whether increased temperature or N availability affected N exudation from roots. This study analyzed exudation of dissolved organic N from the roots of seedlings of the N-fixing tree Robinia pseudoacacia L. in a full factorial design with 2 CO2 (35.0 and 70.0 Pa) × 2 temperature (26 or 30 °C during the day) × 2 N fertilizer (0 and 10.0 mM N concentration) levels. Trees with no other source of N except N fixation exuded about 1% to 2% of the fixed N through their roots as dissolved organic N. Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations did not, however, increase N exudation rates on a per gram belowground biomass basis. A 4 °C increase in temperature and N fertilization did, however, significantly increase N exudation rates. These results suggest that exudation of dissolved organic N from roots or nodules of N-fixing trees could be a significant, but minor, pathway of transferring N to neighboring plants in a much more rapid and direct way than cycling through death, decomposition and mineralization of plant residues. And, while exudation rates of dissolved organic N from roots were not significantly affected by atmospheric CO2 concentration, the previously observed CO2 fertilization effect on N-fixing trees suggests that N exudation from roots could play a significant but minor role in sustaining increases in forest growth, and thus C storage, in a CO2 enriched atmosphere.  相似文献   

In August and September 2001, Kuwait Bay, a semi-enclosed embayment of the Arabian Gulf, experienced a massive fish kill involving over >2500 metric tons of wild mullet (Liza klunzingeri), due to the bacterium Streptococcus agalactiae. In the Bay, this event was preceded by a small fish kill (100–1000 dead fish per day) of gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) in aquaculture net pens associated with a bloom of the dinoflagellate Ceratium furca. Sea bream were found to be culture positive for S. agalactiae, but did not show any visible signs of disease. Unusually warm temperatures (up to 35 °C) and calm conditions prevailed during this period. As the wild fish kill progressed, various harmful algae were observed, including Gymnodinium catenatum, Gyrodinium impudicum, and Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum. Cell numbers of G. catenatum and G. impudicum exceeded 106 l−1 in some locations. All fish tested below the limits of detection for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and brevetoxins. Clams (Circe callipyga) were positive for PSP but at levels below regulatory limits. Nutrient concentrations, both inorganic and organic, were highly variable with time and from site to site, reflecting inputs from sewage outfalls, the aquaculture operations, a high biomass of decomposing fish, and other sources. It is hypothesized that many factors contributed to the initial outbreak of the bacterial disease, including unusual warm and calm conditions. The same factors, as well as enriched nutrient conditions, also apparently were conducive to the subsequent HAB outbreaks. The detection of PSP, while below regulatory limits, warrants further monitoring to protect human health.  相似文献   

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