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To fulfill the increasing need for large-scale genetic research, we have developed a new solid-phase single base extension (SBE) protocol on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for multiplex SNP detection using adapter polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products as templates. Extension primers were covalently immobilized on the MNPs, and allele-specific extension took place along the stretch of target DNA for one-color ddNTP incorporation. The MNPs with fluorophores were spotted on a glass slide to fabricate a “bead array” to discriminate their genotypes. Eight SNP loci of three DNA samples were interrogated, and the experiment demonstrated that it is an efficient method for large-scale SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

A novel method for genotyping microsatellite alleles using primer extensions and mass spectrometry analysis has been developed. Following PCR amplification of the target region, a genotyping primer, with its 3′ end directly flanking the microsatellite repeats, was extended by a mixture of dNTPs complementary to the nucleotides composing the microsatellite. The length and molecular weight of extended primers vary with the number of repeats present in the allele(s) under examination. The weights of extension products were determined using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS) and used to identify genotypes on the basis of differential primer extension. This is a platform that is not gel based and is amenable to multiplexing and automation. The technique enables identification of heterozygous progeny in which alleles differ by a single trinucleotide repeat. The method is illustrated by genotyping a polymorphic microsatellite identified in an intron of the barleyMlo gene.  相似文献   

Using an empirical panel of more than 20 000 single base primer extension (SNP-IT) assays we have developed a set of statistical scores for evaluating and rank ordering various parameters of the SNP-IT reaction to facilitate high-throughput assay primer design with improved likelihood of success. Each score predicts either signal magnitude from primer extension or signal noise caused by mispriming of primers and structure of the PCR product. All scores have been shown to correlate with the success/ failure rate of the SNP-IT reaction, based on analysis of assay results. A logistic regression analysis was applied to combine all scored parameters into one measure predicting the overall success/failure rate of a given SNP marker. Three training sets for different types of SNP-IT reaction, each containing about 22000 SNP markers, were used to assign weights to each score and optimize the prediction of the combined measure. c-Statistics of 0.69, 0.77 and 0.72 were achieved for three training sets. This new statistical prediction can be used to improve primer design for the SNP-IT reaction and evaluate the probability of genotyping success for a given SNP based on analysis of the surrounding genomic sequence.  相似文献   

A VeraCode‐allele‐specific primer extension (ASPE) method was applied to the detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV)‐DNA. Oligonucleotide primers containing HPV‐type‐specific L1 sequences were annealed to HPV‐DNA amplified by PGMY‐PCR, followed by ASPE to label the DNA with biotinylated nucleotides. The labeled DNA was captured by VeraCode beads through hybridization, stained with a streptavidin‐conjugated fluorophore, and detected by an Illumina BeadXpress® reader. By using this system, 16 clinically important HPV types (HPV6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68) were correctly genotyped in a multiplex format. The VeraCode‐ASPE genotyping of clinical DNA samples yielded identical results with those obtained by validated PGMY‐reverse blot hybridization assay, providing a new platform for high‐throughput genotyping required for HPV epidemiological surveys.  相似文献   

A sensitive and highly reproducible multiplexed primer extension assay is described for quantitative mutation analysis of heterogeneous DNA populations. Wild-type and mutant target DNA are simultaneously probed in competitive primer extension reactions using fluorophor-labeled primers and high fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerases in the presence of defined mixtures of deoxy- and dideoxynucleotides. Primers are differentially extended and the resulting products are distinguished by size and dye label. Wild-type:mutant DNA ratios are determined from the fluorescence intensities associated with electrophoretically resolved reaction products. Multiple nucleotide sites can be simultaneously interrogated with uniquely labeled primers of different lengths. The application of this quantitative technique is shown in the analysis of heteroplasmic point mutations in mitochondrial DNA that are associated with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Li JG  Liljedahl U  Heng CK 《Genomics》2006,87(1):151-157
This study demonstrates an array-based platform to genotype simultaneously single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and some short insertions/deletions (indels) by the integration of the universal tag/anti-tag (TAT) system, liquid-phase primer extension (LIPEX), and a novel two-color detection strategy on an array format (TATLIPEXA). The TAT system permits a universal chip to be used for many applications, and the LIPEX simplifies the sample preparation but improves the sensitivity significantly. More importantly, all SNPs and some short indels can be interrogated in a single reaction with only two fluorescent ddNTPs. The concept of TATLIPEXA is demonstrated for nine SNPs (eight point mutations and one single-base insertion), and genotypes obtained show a remarkable concordance rate of 100% with both DNA sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Moreover, TATLIPEXA is able to provide quantitative information on allele frequency in pooled DNA samples, which could serve as a rapid screening tool for SNPs associated with diseases.  相似文献   

Discrimination of Alu insertions is a useful tool for geographic ancestry analysis, and is usually performed by Alu element amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis. Here, we have developed a new fluorescence-based method for multiple Alu genotyping in forensic identification. Allele frequencies were determined in 70 Japanese individuals, and we selected 30 polymorphic Alu insertions. Three primers were designed for each Alu locus to discriminate alleles using the 3-6 bp differences in amplicon sizes. Furthermore, we classified the amplification primers for the 30 loci into three different sets, and PCR using each set of primers provided 10 loci fragments ranging from 50 to 137 bp. Based on population data, the probability of incorrectly assigning a match was 3.7×10(-13). Three independent amplifications and subsequent capillary electrophoresis enabled the sensitive genotyping of small amounts of DNA, indicating that this method is suitable for identifying individuals of Japanese ethnicity.  相似文献   



SNP genotyping typically incorporates a review step to ensure that the genotype calls for a particular SNP are correct. For high-throughput genotyping, such as that provided by the GenomeLab SNPstream® instrument from Beckman Coulter, Inc., the manual review used for low-volume genotyping becomes a major bottleneck. The work reported here describes the application of a neural network to automate the review of results.


We describe an approach to reviewing the quality of primer extension 2-color fluorescent reactions by clustering optical signals obtained from multiple samples and a single reaction set-up. The method evaluates the quality of the signal clusters from the genotyping results. We developed 64 scores to measure the geometry and position of the signal clusters. The expected signal distribution was represented by a distribution of a 64-component parametric vector obtained by training the two-layer neural network onto a set of 10,968 manually reviewed 2D plots containing the signal clusters.


The neural network approach described in this paper may be used with results from the GenomeLab SNPstream instrument for high-throughput SNP genotyping. The overall correlation with manual revision was 0.844. The approach can be applied to a quality review of results from other high-throughput fluorescent-based biochemical assays in a high-throughput mode.  相似文献   

Dense genetic linkage maps have been constructed for the human and mouse genomes, with average densities of 2.9 cM and 0.35 cM, respectively. These genetic maps are crucial for mapping both Mendelian and complex traits and are useful in clinical genetic diagnosis. Current maps are largely comprised of abundant, easily assayed, and highly polymorphic PCR-based microsatellite markers, primarily dinucleotide (CA)n repeats. One key limitation of these length polymorphisms is the PCR stutter (or slippage) artifact that introduces additional stutter bands. With two (or more) closely spaced alleles, the stutter bands overlap, and it is difficult to accurately determine the correct alleles; this stutter phenomenon has all but precluded full automation, since a human must visually inspect the allele data. We describe here novel deconvolution methods for accurate genotyping that mathematically remove PCR stutter artifact from microsatellite markers. These methods overcome the manual interpretation bottleneck and thereby enable full automation of genetic map construction and use. New functionalities, including the pooling of DNAs and the pooling of markers, are described that may greatly reduce the associated experimentation requirements.  相似文献   

In the future, analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should become a powerful tool for many genetic applications in areas such as association studies, pharmacogenetics and traceability in the agro-alimentary sector. A number of technologies have been developed for high-throughput genotyping of SNPs. Here we present the simplified GOOD assay for SNP genotyping by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI). The simplified GOOD assay is a single-tube, purification-free, three-step procedure consisting of PCR, primer extension and phosphodiesterase II digestion followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Due to the application of charge-tag technology, no sample purification is required prior to the otherwise very impurity-sensitive MALDI analysis. The use of methylphosphonate containing primers and ddNTPs or α-S-ddNTPs together with a novel DNA polymerase derived from Thermotoga maritima for primer extension allow the fluent preparation of negatively charge-tagged, allele-specific products. A key feature of this polymerase is its preference for ddNTPs and α-S-ddNTPs over dNTPs. The simplified GOOD assay was run with automatic liquid handling at the lowest manageable volumes, automatic data acquisition and interpretation. We applied this novel procedure to genotyping SNPs of candidate genes for hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility of genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by primer extension and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using three polymorphisms of current interest to our group (an A/G polymorphism in the proneurotensin gene and A/G and T/C polymorphisms in the 5HT2a receptor gene), we show that robust signal is obtained using this simple analytic method which has the added advantages that sample loading and analysis are essentially automated, analytic time is brief, and no further purification step after primer extension is required. We also show that all stages of the HPLC-primer extension genotyping can be multiplexed which, together with automation, suggests that this system may be suitable for linkage studies based upon emerging SNP maps. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

Current methods used to genotype point mutations in Plasmodium falciparum genes involved in resistance to antifolate drugs include restriction digestion of PCR products, allele-specific amplification or sequencing. Here we demonstrate that known point mutations in dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthase can be scored quickly and accurately by single-nucleotide primer extension and detection of florescent products on a capillary sequencer. We use this method to genotype parasites in natural infections from the Thai-Myanmar border. This approach could greatly simplify large-scale screening of resistance mutations of the type required for evaluating and updating antimalarial drug treatment policies. The method can be easily adapted to other P. falciparum genes and will greatly simplify scoring of point mutations in this and other parasitic organisms.  相似文献   

Multiplexing genotyping technologies usually require as many probes as genetic variants. Oligonucleotides that span multiple loci--loci spanning probes (LSProbes)--hybridize to two or more noncontiguous DNA sequences present in a template and can be used to analyze multiple variants simultaneously. The intervening template sequence, omitted in the LSProbe, creates a bulge-loop during binding. Melting temperatures of the probe, monitored by fluorescence reading are specific to the presence or absence of the mutations. We previously described LSProbes as a molecular haplotyping tool and apply here the principle to genotype simultaneously three mutations of the beta-globin gene responsible for the corresponding hemoglobinopathies. Analysis with both labeled and unlabeled LSProbes demonstrate that the four possible alleles studied (WT, HbS, HbC, and HbE) are identifiable by the specific melting temperatures of the LSProbes. This demonstrates that, in addition to their haplotyping capabilities, LSProbes are able to genotype in a single step, loci 58 nucleotides apart.  相似文献   

Multiplex genotyping of PCR products with MassTag-labeled primers.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A simple mass spectrometric based assay, the PinPoint assay, has previously been described for typing single nucleotide polymorphisms. The identity of a polymorphism is determined by mass differences of single base extended genotyping primers as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. A simple method for multiplexing the assay is described, employing multiple primers with 5'oligo(dT) sequences (MassTags) which serve to mass discriminate the peaks of multiple extended and non-extended primers. The assay is extremely rapid and requires no labeling reagents.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The optimization of the primer design is critical for the development of high-throughput SNP genotyping methods. Recently developed statistical models of the SNP-IT primer extension genotyping reaction allow further improvement of primer quality for the assay. RESULTS: Here we describe how the statistical models can be used to improve primer design for the assay. We also show how to optimize clustering of the SNP markers into multiplex panels using statistical model for multiplex SNP-IT. The primer set failure probability calculated by a model is used as a minimization function for both primer selection and primers clustering. Three clustering algorithms for the multiplex genotyping SNP-IT assay are described and their relative performance is evaluated. We also describe the approaches to improve the speed of primer design and clustering calculations when using the statistical models. Our clustering decreases the average failure probability of the marker set by 7-25%. The experimental marker failure rate in the multiplex reaction was reduced dramatically and success rate can be achieved as high as 96%. AVAILABILITY: The primer design using statistical models is freely available from www.autoprimer.com.  相似文献   

This study provides a new version of the arrayed primer extension (APEX) protocol adapted to the 'array of arrays' platform using an instrumental setup for microarray processing not previously described. The primary aim of the study is to implement a system for rational cost-efficient genotyping where multiple singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and individuals are genotyped on each microarray slide. Genotyping results are collected across 185 healthy Danish subjects and 76 SNPs on chromosome 3q13.31, because linkage to atopic disease phenotypes have been suggested in the Danish population. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) results from the experimental data are used in a novel comparison to baseline data defined by the international HapMap SNP database. Comparison on the LD results reveals a strong linear correlation irrespective of LD measure considered: R2 (D') = 0.73 and R2(r2) = 0.54. In conclusion, our results show that this setup is strong enough to support high-throughput genotyping, and these observations support that the HapMap genotype resource is important for defining SNP panels aimed at gene mapping in local subpopulations from Europe.  相似文献   

By testing DNA pools rather than single samples the number of tests for a case-control association study can be decreased to only two for each marker: one on the patient and one on the control pool. A fundamental requirement is that each pool represents the frequency of the markers in the corresponding population beyond the influence of experimental errors. Consequently the latter must be carefully determined. To this aim, we prepared pools of different size (49-402 individuals) with accurately quantified DNAs, estimated the allelic frequencies in the pools of two SNPs by primer extension genotyping followed by DHPLC analysis and compared them with the real frequencies determined in the single samples. Our data show that (1) the method is highly reproducible: the standard deviation of repeated determinations was +/-0.014; (2) the experimental error (i.e., the discrepancy between the estimated and real frequencies) was +/-0.013 (95% C.I.: 0.0098-0.0165). The magnitude of this error was not correlated to the pool size or to the type of SNP. The effect of the observed experimental error on the power of the association test was evaluated. We conclude that this method constitutes an efficient tool for high-throughput association screenings provided that the experimental error is low. We therefore recommend that before a pool is used for extensive association studies, its quality, i.e., the experimental error, is verified by determining the difference between estimated and real frequencies for at least one marker.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Multi-dimensional Automated Clustering Genotyping Tool (MACGT) is a Java application that clusters complex multi-dimensional vector data derived from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping experiments using mini-sequencing based microarray chemistries such as arrayed primer extension (APEX). Spot intensity output files from microarray experiments across multiple samples are imported into MACGT. The datasets can include four channels of intensity data for each spot, replica spots for each SNP probe and multiple probe types (APEX and allele-specific APEX probes) on both DNA strands for each SNP. MACGT automatically clusters these multi-dimensionality datasets for each SNP across multiple samples. Incorporation of additional array datasets from known samples that have previously validated SNP genotype calls allows unknown samples to be automatically assigned a genotype based on the clustering, along with numerical measures of confidence for each genotype call. Calling accuracy by MACGT exceeds 98% when applied to genotyping data from APEX microarrays, and can be increased to >99.5% by applying thresholds to the confidence measures.  相似文献   

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