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客家人的红细胞血型分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对父母双方上溯三代均为客家人的广东梅县200名 (其中男89人,女111人) 健康学生进行了红细胞血型ABO,MNSs,Rh,Kidd,Duffy,Diego,Xg,Lewis及P等系统的分布调查。结果显示,客家人的基因频率S=0.0250,NS=0,pl=0.0917和Fyb=0.0300,都是汉族人群中最低的。其它基因频率为r=0.6632,p=0.1863,q=0.1505;m=0.5250,n=0.4750,MS=0.0250,Ms=0.5000,Ns=0.4750,s=0.9750;C=0.6575,D=1.0000,E=0.1515,CDe=0.6226,cDE=0.1200,cDe=0.2189,CDE=0.0389;JKa=0.4642,JKb=0.4881,JK=0.0477;Fya=0.9700;Dia=0.0202,Dib=0.9798;Xga=0.3633,Xg=0.6367;P2=0.9083。发现了国内第二例Jk(a-b-)表型,未发现MNS型,NS型,NSs型,CCDEE型,CcDEE型,Fy(a-)型和Rho(-)型。Le(a+b-)型29人,Le(a+b+)型2人,Le(a-b+)型67人,Le(a-b-)型102人。客家人与国内19个群体的遗传距离计算结果表明,与客家人遗传距离最近的是福建汉族、湖南苗族、贵州汉族及广西侗族,其次为河南汉族、黑龙江汉族、陕西汉族,福建畲族及上海汉族,而与云南白族、辽宁满族、甘肃汉族、广西瑶族、广西壮族、内蒙汉族及四川彝族的遗传距离较远。与客家人遗传距离最远的是湖南土家族、海南苗族及海南黎族。  相似文献   

Spectrin, a major protein constituent of mammalian red blood cell membrane preparations, has been localized on the inner surface of human red blood cell membranes by techniques that utilized specific ferritin-conjugated antibodies and fixation of membranes shortly after hemolysis so as to allow penetration of the ferritin-antibody labels. The labeling of spectrin was shown to be specific by the following criteria. (a) Nonhomologous ferritin-conjugated antibodies did not specifically bind to either membrane surface. (b) Blocking the membrane-bound spectrin with excess unconjugated antispectrin antibodies prevented ferritin-antibody labeling. (c) Removal of spectrin by treating the membrane preparation with a low ionic strength buffer containing ethylenediaminetetraacetate and β-mercaptoethanol prevented labeling by specific ferritin-conjugated antibodies.  相似文献   

肾性贫血红细胞膜蛋白巯基结合位置性质的ESR研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用四种不同链长的马来酰亚胺氮氧自由基标记物研究了慢性肾衰竭(CRF)贫血病人红细胞膜蛋白巯基结合位置的性质。从所得的ESR波谱计算了弱、强固定化成分之比(W/S)。结果表明,由M(Ⅰ)、M(Ⅱ)和M(Ⅲ)标记病人红细胞膜所得的W/S值都比标记正常人红细胞膜得到的W/S位高(P<0.05),这说明慢性肾衰竭贫血病人红细胞膜蛋白的巯基结合位置的构象发生了变化;用M(Ⅳ)标记正常人红细胞和病人红细胞所得到的ESR波谱都只含有弱固定化波谱,没有强固定化波谱。得出的这个结果将为探讨CRF贫血的发病机理提供理论证据。  相似文献   

The lead salt method introduced by Wachstein and Meisel (12) for the cytochemical demonstration of ATPase activity was modified and used to determine sites of activity on red cell ghost membranes. Preliminary studies showed that aldehyde fixation and standard concentrations of the capture reagent Pb(NO3)2 resulted in marked inhibition of the ATPase activity of these membranes. By lowering the concentration of Pb2+ and incubating unfixed red cell ghosts, over 50% of the total ATPase activity, which included an ouabain-sensitive, Na-K-activated component, could be demonstrated by quantitative biochemical assay. Cytochemical tests, carried out under the same conditions, gave a reaction product localized exclusively along the inner surfaces of the ghost membranes for both Mg-ATPase and Na-K-ATPase. These findings indicate that the ATPase activity of red cell ghosts results in the release of Pi on the inside of the ghost membrane at sites scattered over its inner aspect. There were no deposits of reaction product on the outer surface of the ghost membrane, hence no indication that upon ATP hydrolysis Pi is released outside the ghosts. Nor was there any clear difference in the localization of reaction product of Mg-ATPase as opposed to that of Na-K-ATPase.  相似文献   

调查了102名云南阿昌族的ABO,NNSs,Rh和P系统的红细胞血型,结果表明,阿昌族的基因频率p(0.3874)是迄今国内调查过人群中的最高值,E(0.2459)和CDe(0.6936)基因或染色体频率较高,而S(0.0686)和P1(0.1089)频率较低;Ms(0.5950)连锁率高于Ns(0.3353);未发现SS和Rh(-D)阴性表现型。  相似文献   

24种红细胞血型抗原在黑龙江省赫哲族人群中的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对3代均为赫哲族的黑龙江省同江县街津口乡和八叉乡的94人进行了10个红细胞血型系统(ABO、Rh、MNSs、Duffy、Kidd、Lutheran、Diego、P、Kell、Lewis)共23种抗原分布的调查,结果显示,基因频率q(0.2223)〉p(0.1692),m(0.6011)〉n(0.3989),为我国北方人群特点。其它基因频率为,r=0.6085;S=0.0691,s=0.9309,M  相似文献   

汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了汞化合物对红细胞膜作用的光谱变化,观察了膜蛋白的荧光和磷光,膜上DPH的荧光偏振和ANS与红细胞膜的结合,以及他们与汞产生红血球溶血的关系。 在5P7.5缓冲液中红细胞膜蛋白的荧光随HgCl_2 Hg(AC)_2和PCMB的浓度加大而降低,表现为快和慢双相变化的过程,其淬灭作用的大小为HgCl_2>Hg(AC)_2PCMB,这是由于膜上形成了不发荧光的R—Trp—Hg~ 络合物以及能量从Trp转移到R—S—Hg~ 络合物上。HgCl_2对膜蛋白磷光的作用也是随汞离子浓度加大而降低,但磷光/荧光比则是增加的。标记红细胞膜的DPH偏振度是随HgCl_2浓度增加,表明膜流动性是随汞离子浓度加大而降低。标记膜上的ANS的荧光强度随HgCl_2和Hg(AC)_2的浓度加大而增加,这是由于ANS与膜的结合数随汞离子浓度加大而增加的缘故。上述各种变化是与汞离子对红血球溶血的作用一致的。  相似文献   

The effects of several commonly employed fixatives on the three-dimensional conformations of two soluble proteins and the protein of intact red blood cell membranes have been studied by means of circular dichroism measurements in the spectral region of the peptide absorption bands. The fixatives used produced significant and parallel conformational changes in all of the proteins, in the increasing order: glutaraldehyde; OsO4; glutaraldehyde followed by OsO4; and KMnO4. The last two treatments obliterated most of the helical character of the proteins. The significance of these observations to the preparation of specimens for electron microscopy is discussed.  相似文献   

Saline incubation extracts of mature erythrocytes were assayed in vivo by a variety of techniques in order to study their ability to modify the proliferation of maturing erythroid cells. Using comparable extracts from granulocytes and lymphocytes, the specificity of the effect of the red cell extract for erythroid cells was confirmed by measurement of autoradiographic labelling indices, radio-iron incorporation and spleen colony growth. The erythroid cells were found to be very sensitive to the effects of the extract, as little as 10 μg per mouse producing a maximum effect on iron incorporation. It was found that the extract does not block erythroid cell proliferation completely but simply lengthens the cell cycle, mainly by increasing the G1 phase of the cycle. There was no effect on the committed erythroid precursor cells. The in vivo activity, specificity and non-toxicity to the cells, together with the cells' sensitivity to red cell extract suggest, therefore, that this inhibitor may play a physiological role in the control of red cell production.  相似文献   

高三尖杉酯碱对兔红细胞膜钙调蛋白的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本实验显示高三尖杉酯碱能在>5μg/ml浓度以上抑制兔红细胞膜上钙调蛋白活性(P<0.05).推测高三尖杉酯碱能通过影响癌细胞钙调蛋白活性干扰细胞钙代谢和减少阿霉素和长春新碱的抗药性.  相似文献   

1. There are 7 well-established red-cell antigen (blood group) loci. The R-O system has 3 phenotypes, R, O and i, identified by the ‘naturally occurring’ antibodies, anti-R and anti-O. The R and O substances are also present in soluble form in some body secretions. The expression of R and O is controlled by a dominant gene I, epistatic in effect, at an independent locus from that of R. The systems, A, C, M-L, B, D and X-2 are identified by means of ‘immune-type’ antibodies, and several of the loci have multiple alleles. An isoenzymic form of serum alkaline phosphatase is associated with the R-O system. The frequency for the genes at the various loci has been determined in a limited number of breeds. 2. Some sheep red cells have high K+ and low Na+ concentrations (HK type, or Key), others have low K+ and high Na+ concentrations (LK type or Kea). Two other rare forms exist; Key type which is HK but with lower than normal K+ values, and Kep type which has approximately equal Na+ and K+ concentrations. The red cells of foetuses and newborn lambs have high K+ levels irrespective of their potassium genotype. HK cells have 3–4 times greater (Na+-K+)-activated ATPase activity, a 3–4 times increased rate of active K+ transport and a larger number of ouabain-binding sites than LK cells. Antigen M is present on homozygous HK and heterozygous LK red cells, and antigen L is present on homozygous and heterozygous LK red cells. Sensitization of LK cells with anti-L stimulates active K+ transport and ATPase activity and exposes a larger number of ouabain-binding sites in these cells. Anti-M has no effect. The red cells of newborn lambs only show weak L and M antigen activity. It is postulated that L antigen inhibits cation transport in LK cells by masking the pump sites on the membrane. Immature red cells in LK-type sheep have a high rate of active K+ transport and yet have L antigen present. No satisfactory explanation for this has yet been advanced. There is no conclusive evidence that the potassium types have any significance from the point of view of adaptation or sheep breeding. The potassium-gene frequencies are known for a large number of breeds. 3. Two allelic genes, Hb4 and HbB control 3 haemoglobin phenotypes, A, AB, and B. Foetal haemoglobin (HbF) is present in foetuses and newborn lambs. Sheep with HbA also synthesize small amounts of another haemoglobin (HbC) and under conditions of severe anaemia, synthesis of HbC takes over from that of HbA. No change in HbB is observed in anaemia. A rare haemoglobin (HbD) has been found in 3 Yugoslavian sheep. Hbs A, B, C and F differ in their physicochemical properties; they share the same alpha chains but their non-alpha chains differ in a number of amino acids. HbD differs from HbA in one amino acid in the alpha chain. Certain genetic aspects are discussed. There is some evidence that sheep with HbA are less fertile than those with HbB. The gene frequencies for Hb are known for a large number of breeds. 4. Two isoenzymic forms of carbonic anhydrase are found in red-cell lysates and these are controlled by a pair of allelic autosomal genes, producing 3 phenotypes, CAF, CAFS and CAS. Only a few breeds have been studied but CAF is apparently quite rare. 5. An unidentified protein, designated ‘X’ is present in electrophoretic separations of haemolysates from some sheep. Its presence is dominant to its absence. Polymorphism at this locus is present in all breeds so far studied. 6. A deficiency of reduced glutathione (GSH) in red cells is found in some sheep and is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder. Sheep with this deficiency have lower red-cell K+ and Naf concentrations than normal and it is suggested that the HK GSH-deficient sheep may be Ked type sheep. This deficiency has so far only been found with certainty in one breed of sheep. 7. In sheep twin chimeras, admixture of red-cell antigens, haemoglobin and ‘X’ protein types has been found. Various aspects of chimerism, which occurs only rarely in sheep, are discussed. 8. The significance of the genetic variation is discussed in the light of the physiology and immunology of the red cell and of the sheep itself.  相似文献   

健康SD雄性大鼠,体重250—300g,麻醉、气管插管,用人工呼吸机经气袋供气,自发吸入氧浓度为9%的氧氮混合气,用SMUP-PC生物信号处理系统处理左心室功能。结果:(1)急性低氧经动脉血气分析可见PaO2下降(P<0.01),pH值升高(P<0.05),PaCO2稍下降(P>0.05),左心室功能各指标如LVP,HR,Vmp,±dp/dtmax,Vce40,Vmax,L0、等均下降;血液流变学指标如全血粘度(高、低切值及其还原值)升高,红细胞滤过指数(IF)升高;复氧后上述各指标恢复正常。(2)静脉注射心得安(0.5mg/Kg)后,使急性低氧诱发的左心室功能各指标更加明显下降,而血液流变学各值不再明显上升;静脉注射酚妥拉明(3mg/Kg)后,使急性低氧诱发的血液流变学各值上升不明显。(3)石炭酸破坏双侧颈动脉窦区后也可致低氧诱发的左心室功能各指标进一步下降,而血液流变学指标也不再明显上升。结果提示:急性低氧可引起左心室功能下降和全血粘度升高,红细胞变形能力降低,复氧后可恢复;交感神经活动及颈动脉窦区化学感受性反射可能对抗低氧诱发的左心室功能的下降,促进血粘度的升高。  相似文献   

探索以图像分析技术,在无扰、在位、实时的情况下,对单个活态红细胞的多个力学参量:弯曲模量KC、剪切模量μ及切向与弯曲模量之比ε等进行非侵入性连续动态测定的新方法。以该技术对红细胞在不同外部条件(温度、氧分压、渗透压)下的力学参量进行动态监测,不但揭示出有关变量条件对细胞各个力学参量的影响。还证明了本技术适于对细胞的各种生理和病理过程进行连续监测。  相似文献   

One non-saturable and two saturable transport systems were demonstrated for taurine in rat brain slices. One of the saturable systems, designated β, is characterized by a high asnity for taurine and a low transport capacity, while the other, designated ω, by a low affinity and a high transport capacity. 2,4-Dinitrophenol inhibited the saturable transport of taurine non-competitively, while hypotaurine. β-alanine, γ-aminobutyric acid, N-methyl-taurine and L-cysteic acid inhibited transport competitively. It is thus inferred that the hypothetical carrier sites of taurine at cell membrane recognize to an equal degree strongly ionized electropositive and electronegative ends of an acceptable molecule separated by two or three carbon atoms. Two is the minimal and also the optimal carbon chain length in an acceptable molecule.  相似文献   

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