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Dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy received an initialsaturating fluence of red (R) light (R1), followed at intervalsby further R pulses (R2 and R3). R2 was given at different timesafter R1. R2 was used to scan the subsequent 72 h period. The initial exposure to R (R1) initiated a circadian rhythmin the flowering response to the scanning R exposure (R2). Thephase of the rhythm was shifted by the second exposure to R(R2) and the sensitivity of the phase-shifting response variedwith the time of giving the R2 pulse. The direct response toR2 (i.e., the magnitude of flowering produced in the absenceof a scanning R2 exposure) also varied in sensitivity. WhenR2 was given 4h after R1, the phase-shift was achieved by anexposure of 20 s (sufficient to establish 20–25% Pfr/P)but more than 80 s was required to saturate the direct floweringresponse at this time. When given 16 h after R1, 80 s of R2(sufficient to establish 55% Pfr/P) was required for the phase-shift,whereas the maximum promotion of flowering was produced by only5 s R. These differences in fluence-response relationships indicatethat the direct flowering response to a dark interruption withR and the effect of such an interruption to phase-shift theunderlying rhythm are distinct processes. (Received April 30, 1986; Accepted November 11, 1986)  相似文献   

The axial growth of de-coated cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicumWallr.) seeds, whose axes were divided into 4 zones, was examinedin relation to the temperature-dependent shift of the effectof C2H4 on germination. At 23?C, where both C2H4 and CO2 stimulatedgermination, CO2 promoted the axial growth at the radicle tipzone, whereas C2H4 promoted growth in the proximal portion ofthe axis. At 33?C, C2H4 inhibited germination, and stronglysuppressed the growth at the radicle tip, whereas the effectof CO2 did not change. The inhibition of growth at the radicletip zone was alleviated by O2 enrichment, which also reversedthe inhibition of germination. It is thus apparent that thetemperature-dependent shift of the action of C2H4 is associatedwith a temperature-dependent responsiveness of the radicle tipzone to C2H4. Growth of the radicle tip zone was sensitive toNaN3, whereas the proximal portion was sensitive to benzohydroxamicacid, an inhibitor of alternative respiration, suggesting thatthere may be an increase in the operation of the alternativerespiration path along a gradient of axial tissue from the tiptowards the cotyledonary side. The effects of CO2 and C2H4 arediscussed in relation to the different respiratory activitiesin each axial zone of cocklebur seeds. (Received May 9, 1986; Accepted November 6, 1986)  相似文献   

Intracellular accumulation of inorganic carbon (Ci) and itsfixation in photosynthesis were investigated using siliconeoil layer filtering centrifugation technique with the cellsof Chlorella vulgaris 11h grown under ordinary air. Both CO2and HCO3 were transported into the cells from the reactionmedium and accumulated in the cells, but the rate of transportwas much faster for the former than the latter. 14C-fixationfrom the total transported Ci was much more efficient when CO2was added in the external medium than when HCO3 was added.This indicates that CO2 and HCO3 were not converted tothe common compound in the cells during the initial period ofphotosynthesis. Accumulation of Ci into the cells was much lesssusceptible to low temperature than its fixation. Accumulationof Ci was also observed in the dark. Ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitorof carbonic anhydrase (CA), inhibited the fixation of accumulatedCO2 in the cells, suggesting that CA enhanced the supply ofCO2 to the reaction site of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylasein the stroma. Mechanism for transport and fixation of Ci duringphotosynthesis in low-CO2 cells of C. vulgaris 1lh was proposedfrom these results. (Received March 19, 1986; Accepted June 26, 1986)  相似文献   

A nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii was successfullygrown in a specially designed system with constant partial pressuresof N2O (0.2 atm) and O2 (0.2 atm) in a nitrogen-free liquidmedium. Reduction of N2O proceeded with the evolution of N2in the gas phage. Large nitrogen isotope fractionation was found for both processes,reduction of N2O to N2 and N2O-fixation. The kinetic isotopefractionation factors of these reactions were at most 1.039and 1.034, respectively. Furthermore, an unexpected inverseisotope effect (organic-N, the end-product, is more enrichedin 15N than N2, the intermediate) strongly suggested that N2Owas directly assimilated within the bacterial cells. Simultaneousassimilation of N2O and N2 was also confirmed by using a 15Ntracer technique. Three independent pathways were demonstrated for the nitrogenfixing system investigated in this study: (1) a direct reductionof N2O to ammonium (apparently 8-electron reduction), (2) reductionof N2 to ammonium (6-electron reduction) and (3) N2O reductionto N2 (2-electron reduction). 3 Present address: Department of Environmental Sciences, Facultyof Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima730, Japan 4 Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty ofScience, Toyama University, Gofuku, Toyama 930, Japan (Received June 18, 1986; Accepted December 16, 1986)  相似文献   

The initial products of 14CO2 assimilation were determined understeady state illumination of leaves of Flaveria trinervia, aC4 dicot of the NADP-mialic enzyme subgroup. Leaf age influencedthe partitioning of 14CO2 between the C4 cycle and the reductivepentose phosphate (RPP) pathway. An estimated 10 to 12%of theCO2 entered the RPP pathway directly in leaves about 20% fullyexpanded, whereas CO2 was apparently fixed entirely throughthe C4 pathway in leaves 75% or more expanded. This partitioningpattern was attributed to the bundle sheath compartment in youngleaves having a relatively high conductance to CO2 (i.e., beingsomewhat leaky). Of the initially labelled C4 acids, the proportion that wasmalate, relative to aspartate, increased continuously duringleaf expansion (from 60 : 40 to 87 : 13 at full expansion).Concurrently, there was an increase in the whole leaf activityof NADP malate dehydrogenase and a decrease in the activitiesof aspartate and alanine aminotransferases. Low chlorophylla/b values were observed in young leaves, which may coincidewith an enhanced capacity for non-cyclic electron transportin the bundle sheath chloroplasts of such tissue. Both enhancedaspartate metabolism and direct fixation of CO2 in the bundlesheath could provide a greater sink for utilization of photochemicallyderived NADPH in the bundle sheath of young leaves. Such metabolicchanges are discussed in relation to a possible decrease inCO2 conductance of the bundle sheath during leaf development. (Received March 4, 1986; Accepted June 25, 1986)  相似文献   

The cells of Dunaliella tertiolecta grown under ordinary air(low-CO2 cells) had a well developed pyrenoid with many morestarch granules than those grown under air enriched with CO2(high-CO2 cells). The chloroplast was located close to the plasmamembranein low-CO2 cells, while that in high-CO2 cells was located inthe inner area of the cells. Chloroplast envelope was electronicallydenser in low-CO2 cells than in high-CO2 cells, while the oppositeeffect of CO2 was observed for the plasmamembrane. 2On leave from Institute of Biology, University of Novi Sad,Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. (Received November 7, 1985; Accepted March 5, 1986)  相似文献   

Short-term exposure of spinach plants to 250 ppb H2S at a photonfluence rate of 35µmol m–2s–1 (within the400–700 nm range) in the ambient air did not affect invitro nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the leaves. Likewise,H2S exposure did not significantly affect in vivo NRA measuredunder anaerobic conditions. In vivo NRA of untreated plantswas apparently inhibited in the presence of oxygen. However,shortterm H2S exposure increased in vivo "aerobic" NRA up tofive fold of that of untreated plants. H2S induced increaseof in vivo "aerobic" NRA depended on the sulfide concentration.After 24 hours of exposure maximal increase (two to five fold)of in vivo NRA "aerobic" was observed at 220 ppb H2S. It isproposed that H2S inhibited NADH oxidizing enzymes, which resultedin an increase in NADH supply to nitrate reductase (NR) in thepresence of oxygen. It was unlikely that the increase in invivo "aerobic" NRA in sulfide exposed plants was due to an alteredcompetition between mitochondrial respiration and NR since leafrespiration was not affected by an exposure to 250 ppb H2S (Received February 12, 1986; Accepted June 27, 1986)  相似文献   

Ion efflux during excitation of Nitella axilliformis was measuredconductometrically. In medium lacking Ca2+ but with 0.1 mM MgCl2,the duration of the action potential and the total efflux weremuch larger than those in APW, while the efflux rate, givenas the total efflux divided by the duration, was about halfof that in APW. (Received September 4, 1986; Accepted November 25, 1986)  相似文献   

Pyrophosphate:D-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase waspurified over 700-fold from germinating cucumber (Cucumis sativuscv. Fletcher) seeds. The purified enzyme has a specific activityof 5.2 µmol.min–1.mg protein–1 in the presenceof 1 µM fru-2,6-P2. The pH optima is similar for boththe forward and reverse reactions (pH 7.5–7.8). Magnesium,manganese and cobalt activate the enzyme, with the highest affinitybeing for magnesium. The enzyme exhibits normal Michaelis-Mentenkinetics in both the presence and absence of fru-2,6-P2. Half-maximumactivation of the enzyme was obtained with 35 nM fru-2,6-P2.Fru-2,6-P2 stimulates activity by increasing Vmax and increasingthe affinity for fru-6-P, fru-1,6-P2 and PPi. Phosphate causesnoncompetitive inhibition with respect to both fru-6-P and PPi.On the basis of the steadystate substrate interaction and Piinhibition data a sequential ternary complex mechanism is proposed. (Received April 28, 1986; Accepted July 9, 1986)  相似文献   

The pH changes in the blue-green alga (cyanobacterium) Anabaenacylindrica caused by addition of ammonia were investigated using31P NMR spectroscopy. A pH shift of 0.9 or more was observedwhen 30 nM NH4OH was added to the cell suspension, but no significantcellular pH change was observed with 50 mM NH4CI, a concentrationhigh enough to stimulate dark CO2 fixation of this alga. Thechange in cellular pH does not seem to cause ammonia-inducedstimulation of dark CO2 fixation. (Received June 22, 1985; Accepted January 10, 1986)  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for the previous finding of a transientpeak of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) in maize leaves duringinduction of photosynthesis [Usuda (1985) Plant Physiol. 78:859] was assessed. The transient peak in RuBP level during photosyntheticinduction was eliminated when a solution of NaHCO3 was vacuum-infiltratedthrough vascular tissues. These results indicate that a limitedsupply of CO2 to RuBP carboxylase is responsible for the transientpeak of RuBP. The possibility of a non-autocatalytic build-upof RuBP during the initial phase of induction is discussed. (Received January 13, 1986; Accepted March 14, 1986)  相似文献   

The effect of propyl-gallate (PG) and benzohydroxamic acid (BHAM),inhibitors of cyanide-resistant, alternative respiration path(AP), on germination were examined using after-ripened upperand lower cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds pre-soakedat 23?C for various periods. Germination was strongly suppressedby PG or BHAM at concentration above 2 mM. However, germinationwas enhanced by low concentrations of PG or BHAM (0.25 or 0.5mM) which reduced some portions of AP operation. Similarly,the high temperature-induced germination of pre-soaked upperseeds was promoted by the same low concentration range of PGor BHAM, in which PG and BHAM were effective only when appliedat the start of high temperature incubation. The inhibitionof germination by C2H4 at high temperature occurred only whenseeds were exposed to C2H4 during the earlier period of hightemperature incubation, and delayed application tended to promotetheir germination, although most of germinated seeds did notexhibit the normal germination behaviour of predominant radicleprotrusion. If the upper seeds had been subjected to a short-timepre-soaking, the inhibition of high temperature-induced germinationby C2H4 was prevented by the low concentrations of PG or BHAM,although the germination restored was mostly an abnormal, predominantlycotyldonary growth, suggesting that the germination inhibitionby C2H4 may be involved in some step of axial growth or in thegrowth of some specific axial zone. The lower concentrationsof PG or BHAM were promotive to the axial growth even at 33?C.Based on these results, the involvement of AP in cocklebur seedgerminaton is discussed in relation to the differential growthof axial and cotyledonary tissues. (Received May 2, 1986; Accepted October 27, 1986)  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon transport during photosynthesis of cyanobacteriumAnabaena variabilis grown under ordinary air was investigatedby supplying 14CO2 or H14CO3 solution to three differentstrains. Both CO2 and HCO3 were accumulated within thealgal cells. In the cell suspension from which dissolved inorganiccarbon had been depleted by pre-illumination, CO2 was transportedand accumulated faster than HCO3. When the concentrationof HCO3 injected into the cell suspension of A. variabilisM3 was 25 times as high as that of CO2 (the expected ratio atequilibrium at pH 7.8), the initial rates of fixation of bothinorganic carbon species were practically the same. On the otherhand, when 14CO2 or H14CO3 was added under steady statephotosynthetic conditions, both carbon species were transportedat similar rates. The ratio of fixed to transported carbon measuredafter the initial 5 s was only 23–27% regardless of thecarbon species supplied. This percentage is much lower thanthat reported for Chlorella cells. 1 To whom reprint requests should be addressed (Received June 30, 1986; Accepted December 16, 1986)  相似文献   

Effects of C2H4 and CO2 on respiration of pre-soaked upper cocklebur(Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds during a pre-germinationperiod were examined in relation to effects of the two gaseson germination. At 33?C, cocklebur seed germination was greatlystimulated. This high temperature-stimulated germination wasseverely inhibited by C2H4, but not by CO2, although both gasesstimulated germination at 23?C. C2H4 promoted seed respirationat 23?C, but its promotive effect decreases with increasingtemperature and disappeared at about 35?C, while CO2 stimulatedrespiration regardless of temperature. CO2 augmented the operationof the CN-sensitive, cytochrome path (CP) regardless of temperature,resulting in an increase in the ratio of the CP flux to a CN-resistant,alternative path (AP) flux. On the other hand, C2H4 augmentedthe operation of both paths, particularly of the AP, at 23?C,where it promoted germination. However, at 33?C where germinationis suppressed by C2H4, C2H4 preferentially stimulated respirationvia the AP, thus leading to an extremely high ratio of AP toCP. The inhibitory effect of C2H4 on germination at 33?C disappearedcompletely in enriched O2, under which conditions CP is knownto be augmented. At 23?C, CO2 and C2H4 acted independently incontrolling seed respiration, but they were antagonistic at33?C. The independent action appeared when the AP flux was verylow relative to the CP flux, while the antagonism appeared whenthe AP flux had risen. This differential action of the two gasesat different temperatures was also observed in the ATP level,adenylate pool size and energy charge of the axial tissues.These results suggest that the germination-controlling actionsof both CO2 and C2H4 are fundamentally manifested through themodification of respiratory systems. However, the germination-inhibitingeffect of C2H4 at 33 ?C was not removed by inhibitors of AP,and there was little difference in the adenylate compounds betweenthe C2H4-treated and non-treated seeds at 33?C. Therefore, thephysiological action of C2H4 can not be explained only in termsof regulation of the respiratory system. (Received January 24, 1986; Accepted November 17, 1986)  相似文献   

Cytochrome aa3 was found to occur in Halobacterium halobiumat an early exponential phase of growth. Some of its spectralproperties were determined with a solubilized membrane fractionof the bacterium. Cytochrome c oxidizing activity of the cytochromeaa3 was not dependent on salt concentration, but decreased steeplywith increasing buffer concentration of the reaction mixture,just as the activity of cytochrome aa3 from non-halophilic bacteria. (Received July 4, 1986; Accepted October 17, 1986)  相似文献   

Affinity for inorganic carbon in photosynthesis of Euglena gracilisZ was higher in the cells grown in ordinary air than in thosegrown in 4% CO2. The cells grown in ordinary air accumulatedinorganic carbon in the cells to the level far in excess ofthat expected from passive diffusion due to pH gradient acrossthe cell surface membrane. (Received April 5, 1986; Accepted June 25, 1986)  相似文献   

The effects of GA3, GA4 and GA9 and their methyl esters on darkspore germination and antheridium formation of the ferns Lygodiumjaponicum and Anemia phyllitidis were investigated. Althoughall induced both germination and antheridium formation in Lygodium,only the gibberellins induced these effects inAnemia. (Received August 28, 1986; Revision received November 14, 1986. )  相似文献   

Two pectic fractions were extracted along the growth gradientof the mung bean hypocotyl. The first one (PF1) contained pectinssoluble in boiling water and characterized by low uronic acids/cationsratio, high esterification degree and high neutral sugars/acidicsugars ratio. The second one (PF2) contained pectins insolublein boiling water characterized by high uronic acids/cationsratio, low esterification degree, very low neutral sugar contentand a high selectivity for calcium. Water soluble pectins werepresent in all the wall area whereas the other ones were detectedmainly in the middle lamella. The PF1/PF2 ratio was high infast growing tissues but low in mature, slowly growing tissues.The development of the cell wall exchange properties along thegrowth gradient was related to the changes observed in the PF1/PF2balance. (Received July 31, 1985; Accepted January 20, 1986)  相似文献   

Copper and zinc resistant cells of Nicotiana plumbaginifoliawere selected using unmutagenized cell suspensions in mediumcontaining normally lethal concentrations of CuSO4 or ZnSO4.Both resistances were retained for thirty cell doublings withoutselection pressure. The Cu resistant cells were 10-times andthe Zn resistant cells were 6-times as resistant as the wildtype cells. The Zn resistant cells were also somewhat resistantto AlCl3 in comparison with the wild type cells, while the Curesistant cells were also somewhat resistant to ZnSO4 and AlCl3.The uptake of Cu by the Cu resistant cells and Zn by the Znresistant cells was higher than that of the wild type cells. (Received April 21, 1986; Accepted June 30, 1986)  相似文献   

Mn2+ was required for the electron donating reaction from H2O2,but not for that from diphenylcarbazide (DPC), in the PS IIreaction center complex which was prepared from spinach chloroplastsby Triton X-100 extraction. The reaction center complex showeda high activity of 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) photoreductionin the presence of DPC, but a low activity with H2O2. The H2O2-supportedDCIP photoreduction was suppressed by EDTA and enhanced by asmall amount of Mn2+. Ca2+ and Mg2+ could not replace Mn2+.The activation by Mn2+ and its binding showed two binding sitesof Mn2+ in the reaction center complex, with high (1.5?107 M–1)and low (1 ? 106 M–1) binding constants. (Received November 8, 1986; Accepted April 10, 1987)  相似文献   

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