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Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase exhibits maximal activity when Zn(2+) fills the M1 and M2 metal sites and Mg(2+) fills the M3 metal site. When other metals replace the zinc and magnesium, the catalytic efficiency is reduced by more than 5000-fold. Alkaline phosphatases from organisms such as Thermotoga maritima and Bacillus subtilis require cobalt for maximal activity and function poorly with zinc and magnesium. Previous studies have shown that the D153H alkaline phosphatase exhibited very little activity in the presence of cobalt, while the K328W and especially the D153H/K328W mutant enzymes can use cobalt for catalysis. To understand the structural basis for the altered metal specificity and the ability of the D153H/K328W enzyme to utilize cobalt for catalysis, we determined the structures of the inactive wild-type E. coli enzyme with cobalt (WT_Co) and the structure of the active D153H/K328W enzyme with cobalt (HW_Co). The structural data reveal differences in the metal coordination and in the strength of the interaction with the product phosphate (P(i)). Since release of P(i) is the slow step in the mechanism at alkaline pH, the enhanced binding of P(i) in the WT_Co structure explains the observed decrease in activity, while the weakened binding of P(i) in the HW_Co structure explains the observed increase in activity. These alterations in P(i) affinity are directly related to alterations in the coordination of the metals in the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Four independent mutations were introduced to the Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase active site, and the resulting enzymes characterized to study the effects of Glu as a metal ligand. The mutations D51E and D153E were created to study the effects of lengthening the carboxyl group by one methylene unit at the metal interaction site. The D51E enzyme had drastically reduced activity and lost one zinc per active site, demonstrating importance of the position of Asp(51). The D153E enzyme had an increased k(cat) in the presence of high concentrations of Mg(2+), along with a decreased Mg(2+) affinity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. The H331E and H412E enzymes were created to probe the requirement for a nitrogen-containing metal ligand at the Zn(1) site. The H331E enzyme had greatly decreased activity, and lost one zinc per active site. In the absence of high concentrations of Zn(2+), dephosphorylation occurs at an extremely reduced rate for the H412E enzyme, and like the H331E enzyme, metal affinity is reduced. Except at the 153 position, Glu is not an acceptable metal chelating amino acid at these positions in the E. coli alkaline phosphatase active site.  相似文献   

Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (iPGM) has been previously identified as a member of the alkaline phosphatase (AlkP) superfamily of enzymes, based on the conservation of the predicted metal-binding residues. Structural alignment of iPGM with AlkP and cerebroside sulfatase confirmed that all these enzymes have a common core structure and revealed similarly located conserved Ser (in iPGM and AlkP) or Cys (in sulfatases) residues in their active sites. In AlkP, this Ser residue is phosphorylated during catalysis, whereas in sulfatases the active site Cys residues are modified to formylglycine and sulfatated. Similarly located Thr residue forms a phosphoenzyme intermediate in one more enzyme of the AlkP superfamily, alkaline phosphodiesterase/nucleotide pyrophosphatase PC-1 (autotaxin). Using structure-based sequence alignment, we identified homologous Ser, Thr, or Cys residues in other enzymes of the AlkP superfamily, such as phosphopentomutase, phosphoglycerol transferase, phosphonoacetate hydrolase, and GPI-anchoring enzymes (glycosylphosphatidylinositol phosphoethanolamine transferases) MCD4, GPI7, and GPI13. We predict that catalytical cycles of all the enzymes of AlkP superfamily include phosphoenzyme (or sulfoenzyme) intermediates.  相似文献   

The function of arginine residue 166 in the active site of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Two mutant versions of alkaline phosphatase, with either serine or alanine in the place of arginine at position 166, were generated by using a specially constructed M13 phage carrying the wild-type phoA gene. The mutant enzymes with serine and alanine at position 166 have very similar kinetic properties. Under conditions of no external phosphate acceptor, the kcat for the mutant enzymes decreases by approximately 30-fold while the Km increases by less than 2-fold. When kinetic measurements are carried out in the presence of a phosphate acceptor, 1.0 M Tris, the kcat for the mutant enzymes is reduced by less than 3-fold, while the Km increases by more than 50-fold. For both mutant enzymes, in either the absence or the presence of a phosphate acceptor, the catalytic efficiency as measured by the kcat/Km ratio decreases by approximately 50-fold as compared to the wild type. Measurements of the Ki for inorganic phosphate show an increase of approximately 50-fold for both mutants. Phenylglyoxal, which inactivates the wild-type enzyme, does not inactivate the Arg-166----Ala enzyme. This result indicates that Arg-166 is the same arginine residue that when chemically modified causes loss of activity [Daemen, F.J.M., & Riordan, J.F. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 2865-2871]. The data reported here suggest that although Arg-166 is important for activity is not essential. The analysis of the kinetic data also suggests that the loss of arginine-166 at the active site of alkaline phosphatase has two different effects on the enzyme. First, the binding of the substrate, and phosphate as a competitive inhibitor, is reduced; second, the rate of hydrolysis of the covalent phosphoenzyme may be diminished.  相似文献   

Essential arginyl residues in Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
F J Daemen  J F Riordan 《Biochemistry》1974,13(14):2865-2871

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) from a North Atlantic marine Vibrio bacterium was previously characterized as being kinetically cold-adapted. It is still unknown whether its characteristics originate locally in the active site or are linked to more general structural factors. There are three metal-binding sites in the active site of APs, and all three metal ions participate in catalysis. The amino acid residues that bind the two zinc ions most commonly present are conserved in all known APs. In contrast, two of the residues that bind the third metal ion (numbered 153 and 328 in Escherichia coli AP) are different in various APs. This may explain their different catalytic efficiencies, as the Mg2+ most often present there is important for both structural stability and the reaction mechanism. We have mutated these key residues to the corresponding residues in E. coli AP to obtain the double mutant Asp116/Lys274, and both single mutants. All these mutants displayed reduced substrate affinity and lower overall reaction rates. The Lys274 and Asp116/Lys274 mutants also displayed an increase in global heat stability, which may be due to the formation of a stabilizing salt bridge. Overall, the results show that a single amino acid substitution in the active site is sufficient to alter the structural stability of the cold-active Vibrio AP both locally and globally, and this influences kinetic properties.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli thioredoxin is a small disulfide-containing redox protein with the active site sequence Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys-Lys. Mutations were made in this region of the thioredoxin gene and the mutant proteins expressed in E. coli strains lacking thioredoxin. Mutant proteins with a 17-membered or 11-membered disulfide ring were inactive in vivo. However, purified thioredoxin with the active site sequence Cys-Gly-Arg-Pro-Cys-Lys is still able to serve as a substrate for thioredoxin reductase and a reducing agent in the ribonucleotide reductase reaction, although with greatly reduced catalytic efficiency. A smaller disulfide ring, with the active site sequence Cys-Ala-Cys, does not turn over at a sufficient rate to be an effective reducing agent. Strain in the small ring favors the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. Alteration of the invariant proline to a serine has little effect on redox activity. The function of this residue may be in maintaining the stability of the active site region rather than participation in redox activity or protein-protein interactions. Mutation of the positively charged lysine in the active site to a glutamate residue raises the Km values with interacting enzymes. Although it has been proposed that the positive residue at position 36 is conserved to maintain the thiolate anion on Cys-32 (Kallis & Holmgren, 1985), the presence of the negative charge at this position does not alter the pH dependence of activity or fluorescence behavior. The lysine is most likely conserved to facilitate thioredoxin-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The ATP synthases of eubacteria and eukaryotes possess a conserved tyrosine (beta 331) that is labeled by ATP analogs and is believed to be at the catalytic site. In this report, this tyrosine was replaced by Phe, Ser, Cys, Gly, and Ala in an attempt to determine its role in catalysis. Each of the beta 331 mutant strains assembled an ATP synthase. Membranes from the beta 331-Ser, -Cys, -Ala, or -Gly strains showed strongly attenuated ATP hydrolysis and ATP-driven proton-pumping activities. The beta 331-Phe membranes showed nearly normal ATPase and functional proton pumping. A new purification procedure yielding highly active unc+ F1 (ATPase rates greater than 1000 s-1) allowed rapid isolation of soluble F1-ATPases. Kinetic analyses of purified enzymes confirmed that the structural and functional properties of beta 331-Tyr can be substituted by Phe but not effectively by Ser, Cys, Ala, or Gly. Since all of the beta 331 mutant enzymes catalyzed measurable ATP hydrolysis, it is clear that beta 331-Tyr is not directly involved in the bond making-breaking steps of catalysis. The ability of the beta 331-Phe enzyme to rapidly bind and hydrolyze ATP, and the results with other beta 331 mutant enzymes, suggests that a residue with an aromatic character is required at this position.  相似文献   

The function of aspartic acid residue 101 in the active site of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase was investigated by site-specific mutagenesis. A mutant version of alkaline phosphatase was constructed with alanine in place of aspartic acid at position 101. When kinetic measurements are carried out in the presence of a phosphate acceptor, 1.0 M Tris, pH 8.0, both the kcat and the Km for the mutant enzyme increase by approximately 2-fold, resulting in almost no change in the kcat/Km ratio. Under conditions of no external phosphate acceptor and pH 8.0, both the kcat and the Km for the mutant enzyme decrease by approximately 2-fold, again resulting in almost no change in the kcat/Km ratio. The kcat for the hydrolysis of 4-methyl-umbelliferyl phosphate and p-nitrophenyl phosphate are nearly identical for both the wild-type and mutant enzymes, as is the Ki for inorganic phosphate. The replacement of aspartic acid 101 by alanine does have a significant effect on the activity of the enzyme as a function of pH, especially in the presence of a phosphate acceptor. At pH 9.4 the mutant enzyme exhibits 3-fold higher activity than the wild-type. The mutant enzyme also exhibits a substantial decrease in thermal stability: it is half inactivated by treatment at 49 degrees C for 15 min compared to 71 degrees C for the wild-type enzyme. The data reported here suggest that this amino acid substitution alters the rates of steps after the formation of the phospho-enzyme intermediate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Endonuclease VIII from Escherichia coli is a DNA glycosylase/lyase that removes oxidatively damaged bases. EndoVIII is a functional homologue of endonuclease III, but a sequence homologue of formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg). Using multiple sequence alignments, we have identified six target residues in endoVIII that may be involved in the enzyme's glycosylase and/or lyase functions: the N-terminal proline, and five acidic residues that are completely conserved in the endoVIII-Fpg proteins. To investigate the contribution of these residues, site-directed mutagenesis was used to create seven mutants: P2T, E3D, E3Q, E6Q, D129N, D160N, and E174Q. Each mutant was assayed both for lyase activity on abasic (AP) sites and for glycosylase/lyase activity on 5-hydroxyuracil, thymine glycol, and gamma-irradiated DNA with multiple lesions. The P2T mutant did not have lyase or glycosylase/lyase activity but could efficiently form Schiff base intermediates on AP sites. E6Q, D129N, and D160N behaved essentially as endoVIII in all assays. E3D, E3Q, and E174Q retained significant AP lyase activity but had severely diminished or abolished glycosylase/lyase activities on the DNA lesions tested. These studies provide detailed predictions concerning the active site of endoVIII.  相似文献   

The reversible, noncovalent binding of inorganic phosphate to Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase at pH 8 has been examined by equilibrium dialysis at two temperatures and two ionic strengths. Binding occurs with a stoichiometry of two phosphate ions per dimeric enzyme molecule and a single dissociation constant that is not very sensitive to temperature or ionic strength. These results contradict published evidence for anti-cooperative binding of inorganic phosphate to alkaline phosphatase. Reasons are presented for believing that the apparent anti-cooperativity reported by other workers is artifactual.  相似文献   

1. The stability of the tetrameric form of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase was examined by analytical ultracentrifugation. 2. The stopped-flow technique was used to study the hydrolysis of nitrophenyl phosphates by the alkaline phosphatase tetramer at pH7.5 and 8.3. In both cases transient product formation was observed before the steady state was attained. Both transients consisted of the liberation of 1mol of nitrophenol/2mol of enzyme subunits within the dead-time of the apparatus. The steady-state rates were identical with those observed with the dimer under the same conditions. 3. The binding of 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl phosphonate to the alkaline phosphatase tetramer was studied by the temperature-jump technique. The self-association of two dimers to form the tetramer is linked to a conformation change within the dimer. This accounts for the differences between the transient phases in the reactions of the dimer and the tetramer with substrate. 4. Addition of Pi to the alkaline phosphatase tetramer caused it to dissociate into dimers. The tetramer is unable to bind this ligand. It is suggested that the tetramer undergoes a compulsory dissociation before the completion of its first turnover with substrate. 5. On the basis of these findings a mechanism is proposed for the involvement of the alkaline phosphatase tetramer in the physiology of E. coli.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of three mutants of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase with catalytic activity (k(cat)) enhancement as compare to the wild-type enzyme is described in different states. The biological aspects of this study have been reported elsewhere. The structure of the first mutant, D330N, which is threefold more active than the wild-type enzyme, was determined with phosphate in the active site, or with aluminium fluoride, which mimics the transition state. These structures reveal, in particular, that this first mutation does not alter the active site. The second mutant, D153H-D330N, is 17-fold more active than the wild-type enzyme and activated by magnesium, but its activity drops after few days. The structure of this mutant was solved under four different conditions. The phosphate-free enzyme was studied in an inactivated form with zinc at site M3, or after activation by magnesium. The comparison of these two forms free of phosphate illustrates the mechanism of the magnesium activation of the catalytic serine residue. In the presence of magnesium, the structure was determined with phosphate, or aluminium fluoride. The drop in activity of the mutant D153H-D330N could be explained by the instability of the metal ion at M3. The analysis of this mutant helped in the design of the third mutant, D153G-D330N. This mutant is up to 40-fold more active than the wild-type enzyme, with a restored robustness of the enzyme stability. The structure is presented here with covalently bound phosphate in the active site, representing the first phosphoseryl intermediate of a highly active alkaline phosphatase. This study shows how structural analysis may help to progress in the improvement of an enzyme catalytic activity (k(cat)), and explains the structural events associated with this artificial evolution.  相似文献   

The roles of invariant residues at the active site of transaldolase B from Escherichia coli have been probed by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzymes D17A, N35A, E96A, T156A, and S176A were purified from a talB-deficient host and analyzed with respect to their 3D structure and kinetic behavior. X-ray analysis showed that side chain replacement did not induce unanticipated structural changes in the mutant enzymes. Three mutations, N35A, E96A, and T156A resulted mainly in an effect on apparent kcat, with little changes in apparent Km values for the substrates. Residues N35 and T156 are involved in the positioning of a catalytic water molecule at the active site and the side chain of E96 participates in concert with this water molecule in proton transfer during catalysis. Substitution of Ser176 by alanine resulted in a mutant enzyme with 2.5% residual activity. The apparent Km value for the donor substrate, fructose 6-phosphate, was increased nearly fivefold while the apparent Km value for the acceptor substrate, erythrose 4-phosphate remained unchanged, consistent with a function for S176 in the binding of the C1 hydroxyl group of the donor substrate. The mutant D17A showed a 300-fold decrease in kcat, and a fivefold increase in the apparent Km value for the acceptor substrate erythrose 4-phosphate, suggesting a role of this residue in carbon-carbon bond cleavage and stabilization of the carbanion/enamine intermediate.  相似文献   

S A Berger  P R Evans 《Biochemistry》1992,31(38):9237-9242
Six active site mutants of Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase have been constructed and characterized using steady-state kinetics. All but one of the mutants (ES222) have significantly lower maximal activity, implicating these residues in the catalytic process. Replacement of Asp127, the key catalytic residue in the forward reaction with Glu, results in an enzyme with wild-type cooperative and allosteric behavior but severely decreased Fru6P binding. Replacement of the same residue with Tyr abolishes cooperativity while retaining sensitivity to allosteric inhibition and activation. Thus, this mutant has uncoupled homotropic from heterotropic allostery. Mutation of Asp103 to Ala results in an enzyme which retains wild-type Fru6P-binding characteristics with reduced activity. GDP, which allosterically activates the wild-type enzyme, acts as a mixed inhibitor for this mutant. Mutation of Thr125 to Ala and Asp129 to Ser produces mutants with impaired Fru6P binding and decreased cooperativity. In the presence of the activator GDP, both these mutants display apparent negative cooperativity. In addition, ATP binding is now allosterically altered by GDP. These results extend the number of active site residues known to participate in the catalytic process and help to define the mechanisms behind catalysis and homotropic and heterotropic allostery.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidases are integral membrane proteins that function to remove signal peptides from secreted and membrane proteins. These enzymes carry out catalysis using a serine/lysine dyad instead of the prototypical serine/histidine/aspartic acid triad found in most serine proteases. Site-directed scanning mutagenesis was used to obtain a qualitative assessment of which residues in the fifth conserved region, Box E, of the Escherichia coli signal peptidase I are critical for maintaining a functional enzyme. First, we find that there is no requirement for activity for a salt bridge between the invariant Asp-273 and the Arg-146 residues. In addition, we show that the conserved Ser-278 is required for optimal activity as well as conserved salt bridge partners Asp-280 and Arg-282. Finally, Gly-272 is essential for signal peptidase I activity, consistent with it being located within van der Waals proximity to Ser-278 and general base Lys-145 side-chain atoms. We propose that replacement of the hydrogen side chain of Gly-272 with a methyl group results in steric crowding, perturbation of the active site conformation, and specifically, disruption of the Ser-90/Lys-145 hydrogen bond. A refined model is proposed for the catalytic dyad mechanism of signal peptidase I in which the general base Lys-145 is positioned by Ser-278, which in turn is held in place by Asp-280.  相似文献   

1. Reduction of a 19s immunoglobulin M with 3mm-mercaptoethanol or 0.05-0.5mm-dithiothreitol followed by alkylation gave sedimentation patterns indicating products compatible with structures consisting of one, two, three, four and five 7s sub-units. This supports the concept of a five-sub-unit structure for immunoglobulin M. 2. Reduction with 0.125mm-dithiothreitol or 20mm-cysteine produced 7s sub-units that could not be dissociated into chains in m-propionic acid. 3. By labelling (with iodo[2-(14)C]acetic acid) the thiol groups liberated during reduction with 0.125mm-dithiothreitol, it was possible to identify the tryptic peptides involved in the disulphide bridges that link the 7s sub-units together (inter-sub-unit bridges). 4. By further reducing and labelling (with iodo[2-(14)C]acetic acid) the 7s sub-units produced by 0.125mm-dithiothreitol, it was possible to identify tryptic peptides derived from intra-sub-unit bridges. 5. Sub-units produced by reduction with 20mm-cysteine proved to be unsuitable for distinguishing between inter-sub-unit bridges and intra-sub-unit bridges. 6. The possible arrangement of the interchain disulphide bridges was deduced.  相似文献   

Signal sequence of alkaline phosphatase of Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The amino acid sequence of the signal sequence of phoA was determined by DNA sequencing by using the dideoxy chain termination technique (Sanger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74:5463-5467, 1977). The template used was single-stranded DNA obtained from M13 on f1 phage derivatives carrying phoA, constructed by in vitro recombination. The results confirm the sequence of the first five amino acids determined by Sarthy et al. (J. Bacteriol. 139:932-939, 1979) and extend the sequence in the same reading frame into the amino terminal region of the mature alkaline phosphatase (Bradshaw et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 78:3473-3477, 1981). As was predicted (Inouye and Beckwith, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74:1440-1444, 1977), the signal sequence was highly hydrophobic. The alteration of DNA sequence was identified for a promoter mutation that results in the expression of phoA independent of the positive control gene phoB and in insensitivity to high phosphate.  相似文献   

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