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Plasma carnitine and acetyl-carnitine levels at different times of the day   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An interest in both biochemical and clinical carnitine investigation has recently developed. A more complete and extensive study is obtained if acetyl-carnitine as well as carnitine are investigated. This research, using an improved and simplified method for carnitine and acetyl-carnitine determination in the same sample (1 ml) without radioisotopic tracer use, investigates if there are the same differences in their plasma levels at different times of the day. The sample was eluted in a chromatographic column (55 X 15 mm) containing Sephadex G-25M with phosphate buffer (25 mmol/l, pH 7.4). The fraction containing acetyl and free carnitine was divided and employed separately for two assays. The carnitine assay uses an enzymatic reaction catalyzed by carnitine acetyl-transferase (CAT) and measurements are carried out spectrophotometrically. The calibration curve shows r = 0.987 and sensitivity at 5 mumol/l (reference plasma values: 38 +/- 3 mumol/l in 9 subjects). The acetyl-carnitine assay is carried out concentrating the sample by lyophilization and then measuring the enzymatic coupled reactions catalyzed by CAT, malate dehydrogenase and citrate synthase fluorimetrically. The calibration curve gives r = 0.991 and sensitivity at 1.4 mumol/l (reference plasma values: 2.8 +/- 0.3 mumol/l in 9 subjects). Both assay methods are measured at the end point. The carnitine and acetyl-carnitine measured in the plasma of 6 normal subjects at different times of the day vary respectively from 28 to 37 mumol/l and from 1.1 to 5.2 mumol/l in agreement with plasma free fatty acid (FFA) variation from 230 to 779 microEq/l.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The 24-hour rhythm of mitoses was identical in the thymus lymphocytes of 30-day rats in control and in experimental animals 4 hours after injection of hydrocortisone. In the control rats the number of degenerating lymphocytes failed to alter in the course of 24 hours. Four hours after the hydrocortisone injection of degenerated cells increased sharply; however, the rate of the lymphocyte destruction was more significant at night and early in the morning than during the day and the evening.  相似文献   

The observations were performed in autumn in 100 rats at the age of 1 month. The animals were trained in a horizontal treadmill with the speed 40 m/min, beginning with 3 min/day and gradually increasing the time up to 30 min. The control animals were not trained, the test animals were trained either once a day (at 7 a. m., 3 p. m., 11 p. m.), or three times a day and the total loading was equal to a single loading. The animals were weighed daily. Elongation of the bones, increase in their mass and in the body mass were different at training during different time of the day and the effect was not similar in different bones. Certain sexual differences of the training effect were revealed.  相似文献   

This study examined how time of day affects thermoregulation during cold-water immersion (CWI). It was hypothesized that the shivering and vasoconstrictor responses to CWI would differ at 0700 vs. 1500 because of lower initial core temperatures (T(core)) at 0700. Nine men were immersed (20 degrees C, 2 h) at 0700 and 1500 on 2 days. No differences (P > 0.05) between times were observed for metabolic heat production (M, 150 W. m(-2)), heat flow (250 W. m(-2)), mean skin temperature (T(sk), 21 degrees C), and the mean body temperature-change in M (DeltaM) relationship. Rectal temperature (T(re)) was higher (P < 0.05) before (Delta = 0.4 degrees C) and throughout CWI during 1500. The change in T(re) was greater (P < 0. 05) at 1500 (-1.4 degrees C) vs. 0700 (-1.2 degrees C), likely because of the higher T(re)-T(sk) gradient (0.3 degrees C) at 1500. These data indicate that shivering and vasoconstriction are not affected by time of day. These observations raise the possibility that CWI may increase the risk of hypothermia in the early morning because of a lower initial T(core).  相似文献   

The white male Wistar rats were exposed to hypokinesia during 10 days. Essential oppression of the mitotic division of hepatocytes in the rats' liver at the hypokinesia was revealed. The cellular division was exposed to the daily oscillations. The quantity of mitoses prevailed in the day and evening. In these conditions the quantity of binucleate cells increased as compared with the control. The deficit of mitoses stipulates the delay of postnatal weight of liver at the hypokinesia. Binucleate hepatocytes are the analog of the polyploid cells and their large population compensates for the increased organism's need in liver function in the experiment.  相似文献   

Analysis of the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in the human blood taken from normal female donors was made at 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. The morning rate of exchange is shown to be less than the evening one. The influence of physiological state of the organism on the sister chromatid exchange is suggested.  相似文献   

Simultaneous determination of aldolase fructose-1-phosphate activity in the liver and blood plasma of experimental rats gives possibility to judge of histohaematic permeability of liver barriers. The presence and advancement of the pathological process in liver is characterized by acid maltase activity. Normalization of histohaematic barrier permeability is observed after ultrasonic action of 0.2 wt/cm2 intensity on the liver area in experimentally induced immunological hepatitis.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of moderate hypothermia on the mitotic activity of albino rat corneal epithelium. The animals were cooled by the contact method for one hour to 28 degrees C; such procedure was conducted at 6 a.m., at noon, and at 6 p.m.; the epithelial reaction to cooling proved to depend on the time, the greatest suppression of mitotic activity (14-fold) occurring at daytime 3 hours after the cooling. A tendency to normalization of cell division was observed 6 and 12 hours after the cooling. The number of mitoses decreased 3 hours after the evening cooling, no changes in the mitotic activity in 3 and 6 hours after the morning cooling; cell division was found to be suppressed in 12 hours.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats housed under the conditions of 12L : 12D, 24 +/- 1 degree C and free access to food and water received isotonic sodium chloride solution or cortisol in doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg, respectively. Daily stress or cortisol injections in the morning or evening are the synchronizers of 11-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion rhythm. Morning stress leads to the increase of the 12-hour rhythm. On the contrary, evening stress or cortisol administration during maximal endogenous secretion of corticosteroids are associated with the elevation of circadian periodicity. Exogenic changes in the rhythmic organization of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system are followed by activation of adaptive processes involved in the normalization of the initially modified glucocorticoid rhythm.  相似文献   

Quantitative changes in jejunal goblet cells were studied in control and whole body irradiated rats using PAS-Alcian blue staining of crypt sections. A circadian dependence was observed when control animals were killed at different times during the light/dark cycle. Irradiation with 3 Gy produced a 2–3-fold increase within 36 h in goblet cells relative to controls, followed by a reduction to very low levels. There was a return to pre-treatment levels later than was observed for the columnar cells. The present results on the pattern of response of goblet cells and those of brush border enzyme activity are consistent with the hypothesis that ionizing radiation can influence differentiation. In fact during the first hours after irradiation an early induction of differentiation is evident while during the early repopulation phase columnar cells prevailed relative to the goblet cells. Only at later times were normal differentiation patterns seen. Groups of animals exposed to the same dose of radiation at different times of the day showed similar general patterns of behaviour even if the group irradiated at midnight showed a more marked and longer lasting injury.  相似文献   

Transposition of ampicillin Tn1 transposon is repressed under normal conditions and occurs with low frequency (10(-4) per cell). Treatment of Escherichia coli cells with 22 c+mytomycin C, nitrosoguanidine and UV light induced transposition of Tn1 into different replicons. The degree of induction depended upon the strain of bacteria and the replicon which the transposon was inserted into. Mutation recA did not influence spontaneous translocation of the transposon but fully repressed induction of transposition during the period of mutagen treatment. In the present paper, the connection of inducible transposition process with the recA and lexA inducible functions of E. coli is discussed.  相似文献   

A fifty-year study of water-electrolyte metabolism, the condition of the water medium of the body, and hormonal regulation during space flights and the postflight period or their on-ground modeling (hypokinesia, bed rest, immersion, etc.) has shown the important role of water-salt homeostasis in adaptation of the human and animal body to weightlessness. It has been revealed that, in weightlessness, the conditions for the development of a negative balance of a liquid (hydrohydration) and basic electrolytes are created. After termination of long space flights, attributes of the development of adaptive reactions, compensating for the loss of extracellular liquid volume come to light. In order to assess the state of the kidneys and water-electrolyte metabolism in cosmonauts and investigators, functional load tests, and special methods of diagnostics were developed. This is the basis for the research aimed at improving the scheme of correction of the water balance of the body of cosmonauts at different stages of a flight.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in epidermal basal cell-cycle progression in hairless mouse skin have been repeatedly demonstrated. A dose of 10 mg/animal hydroxyurea (HU), given to inhibit DNA synthesis was injected intraperitoneally to two groups of hairless mice. One group was injected at 10.00 hours MET, when the cell-cycle progression and cell division rate are relatively high, and another group was injected at 20.00 hours, when the same variables are at minimum values. Various cell kinetic methods--[3H]TdR autoradiography, DNA flow cytometry and the stathmokinetic method (Colcemid)--were used to study HU-induced alterations in cell kinetics. Hydroxyurea (HU) immediately reduced the labelling index (LI) to less than 10% of controls when injected at both times of the day, and higher then normal values were observed 8 hr later. A subsequent decrease towards normal values was steeper in the 20.00 hours injected group. The proportion of cells with S-phase DNA content was transiently reduced in both series, but the reduction was less pronounced and control values were reached earlier in the series injected at 10.00 hours. The observed alterations in LI and fraction of cells in S phase were followed by comparable alterations in the fraction of cells in G2 and in the mitotic rate. Hence the changes in G2 and mitotic rate are easily explained as consequences of the previous perturbations in the S phase. The time-dependent differences in the cell kinetic perturbations caused by HU in the S phase may be explained by a circadian-phase-dependent action of HU on the influx and efflux of cells to and from the S phase, respectively. At 10.00 hours the efflux of cells from S is most heavily inhibited; at 20.00 hours the influx is predominantly blocked. Hence, when physiological flux is high HU mainly blocks the efflux from S, but when flux normally is low, HU mainly blocks the entrance to S. Within 20 hours after the HU injection, the cell kinetic variables had approached the unperturbed circadian pattern.  相似文献   

The effects of 100 micrograms, i.m. of the analog ACTH 1-17 administered at 0800 and 1800 on the secretion of cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone have been studied in normal subjects: 8 male and 8 female. The group as a whole and the males had significantly greater absolute and percent increments in plasma cortisol after administration at 1800. In the females, there was only a greater percent increment in cortisol after the evening administration. The heptadecapeptide always significantly stimulated serum aldosterone, with no difference between the two times of administration. In the females, ACTH 1-17 significantly stimulated testosterone, with a more protracted secretion after the evening administration. In the males, there was always a significant testosterone decrease after the administration of the drug, with no difference between morning and evening. In conclusion, 100 micrograms i.m. of the analog ACTH 1-17 stimulates cortisol secretion more when given during the circadian nadir of plasma cortisol, but only in men. ACTH 1-17 increases testosterone in women and decreases it in men, whereas it seems to increase aldosterone secretion in both sexes.  相似文献   

Induction and growth of soybean callus cultures were influenced by NaCl, especially at the highest concentration tested (150 mM). Protein content was raised as NaCl was increased in the Murashige and Skoog medium. Total sulfhydryl group (-SH) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations were also increased in NaCl treated cultures. The affinity (Km) of glutathione reductase (GR) for oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was gradually increased as NaCl level was raised in the medium. The GSH/GSSG ratio was raised significantly as the result of GR activity. The increase in GR activity may constitute an adaptive response of soybean callus to NaCl. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of a nap opportunity during the daytime realized at different times of day on physical and mental performance. Eighteen physically active males (age: 20.5 ± 3.0 years, height: 175.3 ± 5.9 cm, body-mass: 70.0 ± 8.6 kg) were tested under four experimental conditions: no-nap condition, nap at 13h00, nap at 14h00 and nap at 15h00. All nap durations were of 25-min and all tests were performed at 17h00. They performed a 5-m shuttle run test, which generated measures of the highest distance (HD) and total distance (TD). The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded after each of the six sprints in the 5-m shuttle run test. Vigilance was measured using a digit cancellation test. The results showed that TD at 17h00 was 4% greater after a nap at 14h00 than in the no-nap condition (+28 m, p < .05) or after the nap at 13h00 (+29 m, p < .05). HD was 8% higher (+9 m, p < .001) after a nap at 14h00 than in the no-nap condition and 7% higher after nap at 15h00 than in the no-nap condition (+7 m, p < .05). In addition, HD was 6% higher after nap at 14h00 (+7 m, p < .01) and 5% higher after nap at 15h00 (+9 m, p < .01) than HD after a nap at 13h00. Napping at 13h00 had no effect on physical performance at 17h00. No significant differences were observed between RPE and vigilance scores in the nap and no-nap conditions. In conclusion, napping for 25 min at 14h00 and 15h00 produces meaningful improvements in responses during repeated short-term maximal exercise tests performed at 17h00. Napping at 13h00 does not. Vigilance, as measured using a digit cancellation test, and RPE scores are not influenced by any of the nap opportunities.  相似文献   

Differences in the DNA synthesis dynamics (according to the label index-LI) and those of mitotic activity (MA) in the mesothelium of the rat parietal peritoneum have been studied after burn performed at 9 AM, or at 9 PM. A number of peculiarities in the regeneration character are dependent on the day time of the operation. Immediately after the PM operation inhibition of both DNA synthesis and MA is manifected more distinctly and lasts longer, but then activation of the processes occurs more intensively the LI and MA values are greater than after the AM operation. Drop in the LI and MA takes place also with a greater rate after the PM operation, but their absolute values are kept higher up to the 7th day. Despite the fact that the reaction after the AM operation is comparatively weak, it is more rhythmical: against the background of general dynamics the fluctuations are more distinctly manifested, their period is nearly similar to the circadian. Increase in the proliferative activity is accompanied with a widening of the zone, where the dividing cells are situated. After the PM operation the wavy character of the process is expressed only in the pattern of the spatial organization of the regenerating mesothelium: nearly at regular intervals the area of the MA distribution becomes widen or narrow in turn. Thus, the LI and MA dynamics in the regenerating mesothelium depend on the circadian phase of the organism's state at the moment of the operation.  相似文献   

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