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Parent–offspring conflict predicts that offspring should demand a greater parental investment than is optimal for their parents to deliver. This would escalate the level of offspring demand ad infinitum, but most of the models on the evolution of parent–offspring communication predict that begging must be costly, such costs limiting the escalation and defining an optimal level of begging. However, empirical evidence on this issue is mixed. A potential begging cost that remains to be accurately explored is a decrease in immunocompetence for offspring begging fiercely. This study experimentally analyses this cost in house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings. A group of nestlings was forced to beg fiercely for a prolonged time while a control group begged at low levels, both groups receiving the same quantity of food. At the same time, the nestling response to an antigen (phytohaemagglutinin) was measured. Nestlings forced to beg fiercely showed a reduction in immunocompetence with respect to control chicks, but the two groups showed no difference in growth rate. The largest and the smallest nestlings in each brood showed a similar response to the treatment. These results strongly suggest a trade-off between begging and immunocompetence in this species. This trade-off may be a consequence either of resources from the immune system being reallocated to begging behaviour, or of adaptive immunosuppression in order to avoid oxidative stress. Steroid hormones are proposed as mediators of such a trade-off.  相似文献   

Although the impact of nest-dwelling ectoparasites on nestlings in altricial birds is relatively well documented, little information is available on the fitness consequences of bird–ectoparasite systems with limited ectoparasite transmission between parents and their offspring. In this particular context we tested the hypothesis that parental infestation by a haematophageous field ectoparasite, the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus , in a hole-breeding passerine bird, the great tit Parus major , ultimately leads to the reduction of nestling quality. Observational data of a long-term study show that 15 days after hatching, nestlings' body condition (body mass corrected for body size) was negatively associated with the tick load of the mother, while no association was found with tick load of the father. A field experiment was conducted to test if adult infestation by ticks leads to a reduction in offspring quality. The field experiment consisted of a two by two factorial design: neither, one or both parents were infested with a high tick load (12 nymphs) when nestlings were eight days old. Four days after manipulation of the parents, the effect of the treatment on nestlings' health was assessed by measuring haematological and biochemical parameters. Body condition of nestlings was monitored from three days after hatching, until seven days after tick manipulation of the parents. Although parental tick manipulation resulted in successful tick feeding, nestlings' health parameters were not affected. We therefore suggest that the negative association between nestling condition and parental tick load does not reflect a causal effect of parasites, but either reflects a common environmental factor affecting parental infestation levels and offspring condition, or reflects parental quality. We propose different explanations why this association is expressed in female parents only.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry may impair locomotion but may also reflect intrinsic phenotypic quality. I tested whether fluctuating asymmetry of adult Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica negatively influenced offspring quality, by estimating the relationship between parental asymmetry and offspring size, condition and immunocompetence during three breeding seasons. Controlling for timing of breeding, brood size and the size of a secondary sexual character (tail length), wing and outermost tail feather asymmetry of male and female parents was not significantly correlated with offspring size, condition and immunocompetence. This was the case in spite of clear differences in nestling quality among years. In addition, parents with extreme asymmetries due to tail feather damage (not representing fluctuating asymmetry) did not have nestlings of lower quality than parents with undamaged tail feathers. These results indicate that there is only a weak relation between parental asymmetry and offspring quality.  相似文献   

In birds, asynchronous hatching typically leads to lower growth and survival of last-hatched chicks. However, all crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, chicks grow at the same rate, although first-hatched chicks can be as much as seven times heavier than last-hatched chicks at the end of hatching. We examined the delivery and distribution of food to 18 rosella broods by videotaping feeds and simultaneously recording mass changes in the nestbox using a digital balance. Parents visited the nest infrequently and delivered loads of up to 25% of their body weight during a feeding visit. Male rosellas consistently delivered larger loads and consequently had higher feeding rates (g/h) than females. Parents distributed food between chicks by direct regurgitation in a series of up to 51 food transfers. Overall, chicks of all hatching ranks received equal numbers of transfers, but parents differed in how they distributed food within the brood. Males fed first-hatched chicks more than last-hatched chicks, whereas females distributed food equally to all chicks. Selective feeding of small chicks might be costly to females since they delivered food more slowly than males and spent more time in the nestbox. Thus female rosellas may invest more in current reproduction than males. Parents also distributed food differently to male and female chicks. Large males were fed more than all other nestlings, while female nestlings were fed equally irrespective of size. This study confirms that complex patterns of parental allocation occur in wild populations. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We examined cellular immunity of adult tree swallows feeding nestlings under variable weather conditions. Birds received an injection of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), which causes a local swelling, reflecting the strength of T-cell-mediated immunocompetence. There was a negative relationship between the immune response and the number of nestlings in the brood (range 3-6 young) which suggests that parental effort suppresses the immune function. However, there was also a strong effect of ambient temperature and food abundance (aerial insects) on immune response. Parents that received the PHA injection during cold weather and at low food abundance showed a suppressed immune response compared to birds treated during more favourable conditions. They also lost more body mass during the 24 h inoculation period, and their offspring showed reduced growth. When controlling for ambient temperature and food abundance in a multivariate analysis, there was no longer any significant effect of brood size on the parents' immune response. Three of 39 pairs deserted their broods after PHA injection. All three desertions took place when the mean ambient temperature fell below 13°C. The PHA response is known to have both heritable and environmental components; our study emphasizes its condition-dependency. Previous studies of other passerine birds have shown that high levels of parental effort may have an immunosuppressive effect. Our study indicates that weather conditions may override the effects of natural variation in parental effort, and that the PHA response is particularly influenced by short-term fluctuations in energy balance.  相似文献   

As fitness returns during a breeding attempt are context-dependent, parents are predicted to bias their food allocation within a brood from poor towards good condition nestlings when environmental conditions deteriorate. We tested this prediction in the Alpine swift and the European starling, two migratory bird species, by modifying an ultraviolet (UV) visual signal of condition in nestlings and exploring how parents allocate food to their young as the season progresses. We show in both species that: (i) UV light reflected by the body skin of offspring positively correlates with their stature (i.e. body mass and skeletal size) and (ii) parental favouritism towards young with more UV reflective skin gradually increases as the season progresses. Early-breeding parents supplied food preferentially to UV pale (i.e. small stature) nestlings, whereas late-breeding parents favoured UV bright offspring (i.e. large stature). These results emphasize that parents use UV signals of offspring condition to adjust their feeding strategies depending on the ecological context.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanism underlying the cost of reproduction may consist of immunodepression caused by increased parental effort. Here, we report effects of experimental manipulation of clutch size on T-lymphocyte cell-mediated immune response in female pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. Parents with reduced broods provisioned at lower rates than those caring for control and enlarged broods three days after hatching. Parents caring for enlarged broods provisioned nests at higher rates 13 days after chick hatching than those feeding control and reduced broods. Females with enlarged broods weighed less than females with control or reduced broods. No effect of experimental treatment on nestling mass and size was found. The response to the injection of phytohaemagglutinin in the wing-web of females decreased with increasing brood size and with increasing provisioning rate when the chicks were three days old, when controlling for the negative effect of female mass on response. The T-lymphocyte cell-mediated response decreased from the reduced to the control, and from this to the enlarged group, when controlling for female mass. This effect of experimental manipulation of clutch size was significant and consistent with a trade-off between maternal effort and immunocompetence.  相似文献   

When resources are limited, parents should decide the optimal number, size, and sex of progeny, and offspring should decide the optimal allocation of resources to different costly functions, such as growth and immunity. We manipulated clutch sizes of Eurasian kestrels by one egg to estimate possible cumulative effects of incubation and chick rearing costs on parental body condition, feeding effort, and offspring viability. No obvious effects of clutch size manipulations on feeding effort were found while feeding effort was adjusted to the original clutch size. Enlarged and control nests suffered from higher nestling mortality than reduced nests, and chicks of the enlarged group were in poorer body condition than chicks of the reduced group. Controlling for body mass, male chicks exhibited lower cell-mediated immunity assessed by a cutaneous hypersensitivity response than females, but only in treatments suffering from food restrictions, as indicated by chick starvation. These novel results reveal inter-sexual differences in physiological strategies in early life, suggesting sex-related differences in susceptibility to disease and consequently in survival prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

We investigate the trade-off between reproductive effort, health status and T-lymphocyte acquired immunity in female and nestling barn swallows Hirundo rustica using a brood size manipulation experiment. Maternal and total feeding effort increased with experimental brood size. Parents did not fully compensate for the increased food demand of the enlarged broods and as a consequence the per capita feeding rate of nestlings decreased with increasing experimental brood size. Body mass and a measure of T-cell mediated immunity in 12 days old nestlings also decreased with increasing experimental brood size. Different leucocyte concentrations and the heterophile/lymphocyte ratio – an index of stress – of nestlings did not change in relation to experimental brood size, suggesting that within brood competition did not affect stress to nestlings. The brood size manipulation had a significant effect on maternal T-cell mediated immunity, measured by the phytohemagglutinin skin test, but not on maternal body mass, haematocrit or differential or total white blood cell counts. Our results seem to support the prediction that under mild work stress females respond first by reducing the energetically expensive acquired immunity. Different leucocyte types and the heterophile/lymphocyte ratio appear less sensitive to parental workload.  相似文献   

Parent-offspring conflicts lead the offspring to evolve reliable signals of individual quality, including parasite burden, which may allow parents to adaptively modulate investment in the progeny. Sex-related variation in offspring reproductive value, however, may entail differential investment in sons and daughters. Here, we experimentally manipulated offspring condition in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) by subjecting nestlings to an immune challenge (injection with bacterial lipopolysaccharide, LPS) that simulates a bacterial infection, and assessed the effects on growth, feather quality, expression of morphological (gape coloration) and behavioral (posture) begging displays involved in parent-offspring communication, as well as on food allocation by parents. Compared to sham-injected controls, LPS-treated chicks suffered a depression of body mass and a reduction of palate color saturation. In addition, LPS treatment resulted in lower feather quality, with an increase in the occurrence of fault bars on wing feathers. The color of beak flanges, feather growth and the intensity of postural begging were affected by LPS treatment only in females, suggesting that chicks of either sex are differently susceptible to the immune challenge. However, irrespective of the effects of LPS, parents equally allocated food among control and challenged offspring both under normal food provisioning and after a short period of food deprivation of the chicks. These results indicate that bacterial infection and the associated immune response entail different costs to offspring of either sex, but a decrease in nestling conditions does not affect parental care allocation, possibly because the barn swallow adopts a brood-survival strategy. Finally, we showed that physiological stress induced by pathogens impairs plumage quality, a previously neglected major negative impact of bacterial infection which could severely affect fitness, particularly among long-distance migratory birds.  相似文献   

Parent Palestine sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) feed on flower nectar that is not fed to their nestlings. This phenomenon provided a unique opportunity to manipulate self-feeding rates of parent birds independently of the rate at which they feed arthropod prey to their offspring. Based on provisioning models, we predicted that parents would invest more in their young as the energy content of their own food increased. From our earlier work, we also predicted that the levels of sex-specific activities of males and females would differ as the energy content of their food increased. Sunbird pairs with two or three nestlings were provided with feeders containing a low-, medium- or high-concentration sucrose solution. As the sugar concentration increased, the females delivered arthropods at a greater rate to their nestlings, removed proportionally more faecal sacs and spent longer at the nest, while the males increased their mobbing effort. Nestling food intake and body mass, but not tarsus length or bill size, were larger in small broods than in large broods, and increased with increasing feeder sugar concentration. These results imply that increasing the energy content of food consumed by parent sunbirds allows them to increase the rate at which other foods are delivered to their young and to increase other parental care activities as well. The results also add credence to the idea that behavioural decisions reflect life-history trade-offs between parental self-feeding and investment in current young.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds such as the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus, rear only one chick at a time but may breed many times in their lives; parents should thus limit food delivery to the chick in keeping with the balance between current and future reproductive output. Yet procellariiform chicks accumulate large quantities of lipid, which may provide a buffer against pronounced and unpredictable variation in food provisioning, resulting in part from an inability of parents to regulate food supply to the nest. We switched chicks between nests to examine the roles of parents and offspring in controlling food delivery. The serial autocorrelation in age-specific body masses for unmanipulated chicks decreased from 0.61 (P< 0.01) to 0.35 (NS) over a period of 15 days and remained nonsignificant thereafter. By contrast, the serial autocorrelation for switched chicks increased from 0.64 (P< 0.01) to 0.83 (P< 0.001) and the serial cross-correlation rose from 0.23 (NS) to 0.50 (P< 0.05). These results supported both chick determination and parental determination models of food provisioning, indicating that chicks conveyed information about their nutritional status, which parents acted upon by adjusting their rate of food delivery. We discuss these results in relation to the optimization of nestling lipid reserves and parental foraging effort. We suggest that information conveyed by the chick's begging intensity serves to reduce the provisioning rate to well-fed chicks, but parents cannot or do not increase food provisioning to poorly fed chicks. Such adjustment of food provisioning does not refute the hypothesis that nestling obesity provides a buffer against highly variable food delivery. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Tinne S  Rianne P  Marcel E 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):165-173
Given the available empirical evidence on the benefits and costs associated with immune defence, a role for the immune system in the trade-off between current and future reproduction has been predicted. This hypothesis was studied in a free-living population of great tits (Parus major) by examining the effects of male removal on the immunocompetence, body condition, and recapture probability in the widowed females and their nestlings. Furthermore, we investigated whether growth and its relation to immunocompetence were affected in the nestlings. For a short-lived species such as the great tit, one could predict that widowed females will compensate for the lack of any male assistance in feeding of their chicks and that they consequently might jeopardize their own health. However, we did not find any negative effects of male removal on body mass or condition, nor on humoral immunocompetence against sheep red blood cells in the widowed females by the end of the feeding period. In contrast, we observed significantly reduced body mass and size as well as a reduced T-lymphocyte cell-mediated immune response (expressed as the thickness of the swelling to a subcutaneous injection with phytohemagglutinin) in the experimental nestlings compared to the control nestlings. In addition, the experimental nestlings showed a tendency for a reduced chance to be found breeding the following year. Furthermore, our results showed that in the experimental nestlings, which suffered from unfavourable growth conditions, tarsus length was inversely related to cell-mediated immunocompetence, whereas in control nestlings this relationship was significantly positive. The relationship between cell-mediated immunity and body condition was found to be significantly positive in the experimental nestlings while in control nestlings there was no relationship between both variables. The latter finding suggests different priorities of investment in body condition between different growth conditions.  相似文献   

The amount of food delivered by parents to their chicks is affected by various life history traits as well as environmental and social factors, and this investment ultimately determines the current and future fitness of parents and their offspring. We studied parental provisioning behaviour in the Vinous-throated Parrotbill Paradoxornis webbianus, a species with an unusual social system that is characterised by flock-living, weak territoriality and variable nesting dispersion. Parental provisioning rate had a positive influence on chick mass gain, suggesting that provisioning rate is an effective measure of parental investment in this species. Males and females fed nestlings at approximately the same rate, and no other carers were observed at nests. Parents coordinated provisioning rates so that they mostly fed chicks synchronously. However, the extent to which parents coordinated provisioning was associated with their social environment, synchrony being positively related to local breeding density and negatively to nearest neighbour distance. The rate at which parents provisioned nestlings showed the same relationships with social measures, being greatest at higher density and when neighbours were closer. Visit rate was also related to chick age, but not to brood size, brood sex ratio, extra pair paternity, laying date, temperature, parents’ body characters, time of day or year. We conclude that a breeding pairs’ social environment plays an important role in determining parental investment, probably through its effects on the opportunities that parents have for foraging with conspecifics.  相似文献   

Many bird species face seasonal and spatial variation in the availability of the specific food required to rear chicks. Caterpillar availability is often identified as the most important factor determining chick quality and breeding success in forest birds, such as tits Parus spp. It is assumed that parents play an important role in mediating the effect of environment on chick development. A reduction in prey availability should therefore result in increased foraging effort to maintain the amount of food required for optimal chick development. To investigate the capacity of adults to compensate for a reduction in food supply, we compared the foraging behaviour of Blue Tits Parus caeruleus breeding in rich and poor habitats in Corsica. We monitored the foraging effort of adults using radiotelemetry. We also identified and quantified prey items provided to nestlings by using a video camera mounted on the nest. We found that the mean travelling distance of adults was twice as great in the poor habitat as it was in the rich. Despite the marked difference in foraging distance, the proportion of optimal prey (caterpillars) in the diet of the chicks and the total biomass per hour per chick did not differ between the two habitats. We argue that relationships between habitat richness, offspring quality and breeding success cannot be understood adequately without quantifying parental effort.  相似文献   

The trade-off between parents feeding themselves and their young is an important life history problem that can be considered in terms of optimal behavioral strategies. Recent studies on birds have tested how parents allocate the food between themselves and their young. Until now the effect of food consumption by parent birds on their food delivery to their young as well as other parental activities has rarely been studied. I have previously shown that parent Palestine sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) will consume nectar and liquidized arthropods from artificial feeders. However, they will only feed their young with whole arthropods. This provided a unique opportunity to experimentally manipulate the food eaten by parents independent of that fed to their offspring. Here, I hypothesized that parents invest in their current young according to the quality of food that they themselves consume. Breeding pairs with two or three nestlings were provided with feeders containing water (control), sucrose solution (0.75 mol) or liquidized mealworms mixed with sucrose solution (0.75 mol). As food quality in feeders increased (from water up to liquidized mealworms mixed with sucrose solution): 1) Parents (especially females) increased their food delivery of whole arthropod prey to their young. 2) Only males increased their nest guarding effort. Nestling food intake and growth rate increased with increasing food quality of parents and decreasing brood size. These results imply that increasing the nutrient content of foods consumed by parent sunbirds allow them to increase the rate at which other foods are delivered to their young and to increase the time spent on other parental care activities.  相似文献   

Studies of hatching asynchrony have rarely assessed the effect of parental investment strategies on the development of intra-brood hierarchies using indicators of nestling quality. The influence of hatching asynchrony and other variables related to parental investment on immunocompetence was evaluated measuring T-cell mediated immune response in broods of red-billed choughs ( Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax ), a large long-living passerine with a pronounced sexual size dimorphism. The results showed that T-cell mediated immune response depends on parental effects as shown by the differences between broods on hatching asynchrony. Male nestlings were both heavier and larger than female nestlings, but there was no effect of hatching order on these traits, nor on sex differences in immunocompetence. Differential investment strategy in relation to laying order did not favour older offspring or either of the sexes. Successful reproduction in this species might be so unpredictable and infrequent that strategies of parental investment in the brood could have evolved to attempt to maximize the survival of all nestlings by avoiding within-brood hierachies of size, body condition, and immunocompetence.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 675–684.  相似文献   

The most critical assumption of communication models regarding parent–offspring conflict is that food solicitation displays of genetic offspring are honest signals to elicit beneficial parental care. A critical requirement of honesty is the reliable change of perceivable aspects of begging calls with physiological needs. We experimentally tested whether and how the acoustic structure and begging call rate of individual Grey Warbler Gerygone igata nestlings change with hunger level and age. We also examined a rarely documented component of chick begging calls, namely the temporal dynamics of acoustic modulation after nestlings heard parental feeding calls. Begging call structure narrowed in frequency range and, surprisingly, decreased in amplitude as chick hunger levels increased. We also found that begging calls changed with chick age, with the frequency increasing and the duration decreasing for older chicks. These results indicate that the acoustic properties of nestling Grey Warbler begging calls are complex and may be used to signal several aspects of nestling traits, including hunger level and age (or size, a correlate of age). Overall, begging calls of Grey Warbler chicks appear to be honest, implying that parents are likely to benefit from relying on the acoustic features of their progeny’s calls which predict chick need. Our results have important implications regarding the reliability and information content of nestling solicitation signals for the brood parasite shining cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus exploiting Grey Warbler parental care, in that these begging‐call mimetic specialist cuckoos might also need to match closely the dynamics of acoustic features of their host chicks’ calls.  相似文献   

In broods of great egrets Ardea alba and other birds with siblicidal nestlings, the first-hatched brood members generally secure far more food than do their juniors. This feeding advantage could be caused by parental favoritism, or by seniors attacking and thereby dominating their juniors. We investigated these possibilities by comparing how fathers and mothers allocated food among their offspring when chicks were free to fight versus when they were physically separated by a Plexiglas barrier. When free to fight, dominant nestlings received significantly more food than did their subordinates. When nestlings were separated, mothers, but not fathers, delivered significantly more food per meal to the β (second-ranked) chick than to other nestlings. This is the first experimental evidence of differential feeding by parents in a species with aggressive nestlings.  相似文献   

The offspring of birds and mammals solicit food from their parents by a combination of movements and vocalizations that have come to be known collectively as 'begging'. Recently, begging has most often been viewed as an honest signal of offspring need. Yet, if offspring learn to adjust their begging efforts to the level that rewards them most, begging intensities may also reflect offsprings' past experience rather than their precise current needs. Here we show that bird nestlings with equal levels of need can learn to beg at remarkably different levels. These experiments with hand-raised house sparrows (Passer domesticus) indicated that chicks learn to modify begging levels within a few hours. Moreover, we found that the begging postures of hungry chicks in natural nests are correlated with the average postures that had previously yielded them parental feedings. Such learning challenges parental ability to assess offspring needs and may require that, in response, parents somehow filter out learned differences in offspring signals.  相似文献   

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