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A method is described for rearing the offspring of wild-captured Pacific bonito. Six basic stages of post-embryonic development were determined based on ontogenetic changes in morphology and behaviour. Each stage corresponded with a different food source preference, related to the development of new swimming and predatory behaviours. A controlled environment is required to study the processes underlying development of those behaviours adeptly performed by bonito and other scombrids, including high-efficiency swimming and visually guided predation on other advanced species.  相似文献   

We report here the prevalence of parasitism by water mites (Arrenurus sp.) and terrestrial mites (Leptus killingtoni) on parthenogenetic Ischnura hastata (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from the Azores islands. Leptus killingtoni was only found on the island of Pico, and the prevalence of infestation was highly variable among the different ponds studied, ranging from 0 to 41%. Leptus killingtoni was observed on three of the four odonate species from the archipelago: I. hastata, I. pumilio, and Sympetrum fonscolombii, all of them new hosts for this species. Aquatic mites have been found parasitizing I. hastata females on the island of São Miguel. The prevalence of mite parasitism by Arrenurus sp. on I. hastata was very low, ranging from 12% (2003) to 1% (2008), and in most of the studied ponds, no mites were found attached to females. Although I. hastata coexists with a sexual congener species in the Azores (I. pumilio), they are syntopic in only a small fraction of ponds. Therefore, a comparison between I. hastata and I. pumilio was insufficient to test the predictions of the Red Queen Hypothesis, and further research on parasitism rates in both species needs to be done. In any case, the low prevalence of mite parasitism found in the Azores, coupled with the fact that most of the populations in the archipelago are almost free from competitors and predators, could explain the persistence of these I. hastata parthenogenetic populations, despite their low levels of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Cheumatopsyche brevilineata (Iwata) is a filter‐feeding caddisfly without distinct or distinguishable cohorts. In a semi‐natural channel, we reared fourth and fifth instar larvae of C. brevilineata in individual cages with hourly recording of water temperature. We calculated the individual growth rate from the wet‐weight gain of each larva, and the development rate from the ratio of larvae that progressed to the next instar or pupal stage during each rearing experiment. We analyzed the linear regressions of growth (increase in size) and development (physiological and morphological progression toward maturity) rates against the statistical parameters of water temperatures during each rearing period, i.e. mean and given percentiles of water temperatures. We presumed that the most appropriate parameter of water temperature to explain larval growth and development would show a peak value of the determination coefficients (r2) in the linear regressions. There were highly significant regressions in the growth rates for fourth and fifth instar larvae and in development rates for fourth instar larvae against every statistical parameter of water temperature, but not in the development rates for fifth instar larvae. For the growth of fourth and fifth instar larvae, we could not specify the most appropriate parameters of water temperatures, because we observed no clear peaks in the determination coefficients. For the development of fourth instar larvae, this parameter could be the 65th percentile value, where the development zero temperature and effective degree‐days were 11.1°C and 56 degree‐days, respectively.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism and sex ratios in dragonflies (Odonata)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual size dimorphism and biased sex ratios are common in animals. Rensch's rule states that sexual size dimorphism (SSD) would increase with body size in taxa where males are larger than females and decrease with body size in taxa where females are larger. We tested this trend in dragonflies (Odonata) by analysing body size of 21 species and found support for Rensch's rule. The increase in SSD with increasing size among species can be explained by sexual selection favouring large males. We also estimated the slope of the relationship between sex ratio and size ratio in populations of the 21 species. A negative slope would suggest that the larger sex suffers from high mortality in the larval stage, consistent with riskier foraging. The slope of this relationship was negative, but after correcting for phylogentic non-independence with independent contrasts the relationship was no longer statistically significant, perhaps because of phylogenic inertia or low sample size.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 507–513.  相似文献   

A three-year investigation was carried out on the life cycle of Aeshna cyanea (Müller, 1764) (Odonata, Aeshnidae) in temporary freshwater pools in Central Italy. The instars were discriminated by size and scatter plot, based on measurements of labium length, head width, metafemur length, forewing-pad length and total larval body length. The prolarvae instar was derived by Dyar's law. The mean increase value index between following and previous instar was between 1.26 and 1.33 for isometric variables, and around 1.96 for the wing-pad allometric variable. A. cyanea entered diapause mainly at the F-2 instar, placing it almost intermediate between the Southern Spain populations, which usually overwintered in the F-3 instar, and those of England and Central Europe, who spent their last winter in F-1. A. cyanea appeared to be a `summer species', as defined by Corbet (1962), and the population we studied had a semivoltine life cycle.  相似文献   

Larval development of hyolithids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The larval development of hyolithids is inferred to have been closely similar to that of primitive gastropods. A trochophore-like larva produced a swollen initial conch and a convex operculum. The initial conch was either subsphaerical and smooth or fusiform with a pointed apex and growth lines. This is taken to indicate an initial development within egg covers or free-living, respectively. A pelagic veliger phase followed. preceded by hatching in the first case. Veliger shells are similar to adult ones. Metamorphosis (transformation of veliger into benthic adult animal) in both hyolithids and gastropods was accompanied by an increase in mortality.  相似文献   

The morphology and development of immature stages of the solitary internal parasitoid Coptera occidentalis were studied within the pupae of their factitious host, Ceratitis capitata. Parasitoid eggs are of the hymenopteriform type. Three larval instars are described. The first instar is of the mandibulate type bearing prominent submandibular appendages and a pair of terminal lobes on the last abdominal segment. The terminal lobes are covered with cuticular spines. The integument also bears cuticular spines arranged in paired dorsal welts on each of body segments V--IX. The second and third instar larvae are hymenopteriform with simple mandibles, reduced submandibular appendages and smooth integument. The third instar has an open tracheal system with three pairs of spiracles on segments II--IV. Considerable variation in development rates of parasitoid immature stages and high percentage of superparasitism were observed. Parasitoid eggs nearly doubled in size during the 96-h incubation. Development from egg to pupa took minimum 25 days and emergence of imagines started on day 42 after parasitization. Superparasitism was recorded in 56% of the examined hosts. The average number of eggs/host was 5.04 (range 1--22). Supernumerary occurrence of successive larval instars per one host was also observed.  相似文献   

Larvae of some species of damselflies respond to chemical cues of fish predators but, while larvae of many species are thought to detect prey through vision, there is little evidence that larvae respond to visual cues of predator presence. This laboratory study indicated larval Ischnura verticalis behaviours are affected by visual cues and, to a much lesser extent, chemical cues of fish; there was no significant interaction between the effects of visual and chemical cues. Responses to chemical cues of fish did not depend on whether fish were fed I. verticalis larvae versus commercial fish food. Larvae were more active in the spring than the fall when they were likely in diapause. Results suggest larvae can use vision to detect large, active predators but can also detect predators through olfaction when visual cues are unreliable.  相似文献   

The eggs, early larvae and juveniles of the sharpnose pufferfishCanthigaster valentini are described, based on material collected in Great Barrier Reef waters. Eggs were obtained in the field by divers and reared in the laboratory. The eggs are spherical, strongly adhesive, 0.68–0.72 mm in diameter, possess a dense cluster of small oil droplets, and hatch around sunset 3 to 5 days after fertilization. Newly hatched larvae have a small yolk sac, pectoral fin folds, 17 myomeres (6 pre-anal, 11 post-anal) and measure 1.30–1.40 mm in notochord (standard) length. The eggs ofC. valentini differ from those of other tetraodontids in being much smaller and having a longer incubation time. The larvae can be distinguished from other tetraodontid larvae by pigmentation, myomere count and size at hatching. Growth is most rapid during the first day of larval life. Age determinations (based on otolith microstructure) of field collected juveniles, both pelagic and newly settled, indicate a pelagic phase of between 64 and 113 days for this species. This estimate appears consistent with the extended pelagic juvenile stages observed in other tetraodontiform fishes and could indicate thatC. valentini can delay settlement for some time after becoming competent to settle at a minimum age of 64 days.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effects of prey density and temperature on the feeding and development rates of several late instars of the larvae of three common European damselflies ( Lestes sponsa (Hansemann), Coenagrion puella (L.) and Ischnura elegans van der Linden) were investigated in a laboratory experiment.
2. Functional responses were used to estimate maximum feeding rates. Maximum feeding rates were compared between species, instars and temperatures by expressing prey consumption in terms of prey biomass consumed per unit predator biomass. Lestes was capable of feeding at almost twice the rate of either Coenagrion or Ischnura.
3. Higher feeding rates led to faster development rates and there was an interaction between species and temperature. With the exception of those with very low feeding rates, larvae maintained at higher temperatures, but similar feeding rates, developed faster. Under similar conditions of temperature and feeding rate, Lestes larvae developed faster than larvae of either Coenagrion or Ischnura.
4. Faster development rates at similar rates of food intake were achieved at the cost of reduced size-increases between instars.
5. The differences in the responses of the three species are discussed in the light of their respective life histories, and with reference to a recent model of population regulation in damselflies.  相似文献   

In the mouse, allelic dosage of the paternally expressed gene coding for insulin-like growth factor II (Igf2), from null to bi-allelic, results in dose-dependent growth, an effect which appears to be fully established during a discrete period of embryogenesis that then persists throughout life. Here, we specifically quantify the influence of Igf2 allelic dosage on the proportionality of regional embryonic growth rather than overall growth. Remarkably, preservation of allometric growth ratios between head and body regions were observed throughout development, irrespective of the range of overall growth phenotype (60-130% of wild type). Evaluation of log-log plots suggests that each allele of Igf2 expressed corresponds to the equivalent of 2-4 days of relative growth. Igf2 is predominantly expressed in extra-embryonic mesoderm (E7.5-E8.25), 24 h before alterations in cell number are known to occur in embryos with disruption of the paternally expressed allele. We hypothesized that the preservation of proportionality may result from modification of extra-embryonic development and subsequent alteration of systemic nutritional supply. Morphological analyses of chorio-allantoic and placental development between E9 and E9.5 appeared Igf2 independent. This suggests either an intrinsic but systemic Igf2-dependent activity within the embryo or a more complex developmental mechanism accounts for the proportional phenotype. Allelic IGF2 expression is subject to stochastic variation in humans, with 10% of the population estimated to be functionally bi-allelic. Evaluation of allometric growth of normal and pathological human embryos, suggest intra-uterine growth phenotypes associated with altered IGF2 imprinting are also likely to be proportionate.  相似文献   

Developmental instars of four species of mosquitoes have been analyzed for growth and synthesis of biomass with respect to their caloric content of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates for each instar of Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens of the subfamily Culicinae, and Anopheles albimanus, and An. gambiae of the subfamily Anophelinae. The diameter of the thorax grows during the intermolt, reflecting continuous increase in biomass because it correlates significantly with the larval synthesis of total protein, lipids, and carbohydrates. For Ae. aegypti the fourth instar was sexed to disclose the sex-specific synthetic potential. In Ae. aegypti the protein increased in linear proportion with larval body size, whereas lipid synthesis followed a significant, exponential regression, which was clearly steeper in male larvae and most pronounced in the last instar. When normalized for size, the size-specific protein and lipid contents showed minimal levels of 0.25 and 0.1, respectively, regardless of standard or crowded rearing conditions. The rate of lipid synthesis in Ae. aegypti was determined by incubating fourth instar larvae with (14)C-acetate and estimating the lipids. The rate was highest in the early larvae and decreased towards the end shortly before pupation; in male larvae incorporation was twice the rate of female larvae. Cx. pipiens reached the largest body sizes of all species tested, with protein and lipids increasing linearly with size. Their minimal levels of size-specific caloric contents were around 0.35 for protein and 0.25 for lipids. Anopheles also showed a linear relationship between larval size and caloric protein and lipid contents. Their minimal threshold levels in size-specific contents were 0.35 for protein and 0.2 for total lipids, similar to Culex, but slightly higher than in Aedes. Starvation of Ae. aegypti larvae and subsequent feeding partially improved their lipid contents, but never to the levels of non-starving, optimal controls. Conversely, well-fed final instars exposed to complete starvation showed a tremendous reduction of the protein and lipids contents in the surviving imagines, accompanied by 73% mortality. These results demonstrate the biosynthetic plasticity and the significance of the phagoperiod in Ae. aegypti during the final fourth instar for growth. The characteristic differences between these two subfamilies in their larval physiology are discussed in relation to ecological factors as encountered in the field under natural conditions, and in relation to our earlier findings on the reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

Larval development and settlement of whale barnacles have not previously been described, unlike intertidal barnacles. Indeed, the mechanisms of the association between barnacles and whales have not been studied. Here we describe the larval development and settlement of the whale barnacle, Coronula diadema, and possible involvement of a cue from the host in inducing larval settlement. Eight-cell stage embryos were collected from C. diadema on a stranded humpback whale, incubated in filtered seawater for 7 days, and nauplius larvae hatched out. When fed with Chaetoceros gracilis, the nauplii developed to stage VI, and finally metamorphosed to the cypris stage. The larval development looked similar to that of intertidal barnacles with planktotrophic larval stages. The cyprids did not settle in normal seawater, but did settle in polystyrene Petri dishes when incubated in seawater with a small piece of skin tissue from the host whale. This strongly suggests the involvement of a chemical cue from the host whale tissue to induce larval settlement.  相似文献   

Ismail  W.A.  Al-Abdul-Elah  K.  Al-Yamani  F. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,385(1-3):87-105
The sex ratio of the fish used in this study, was 1:1.5 females to males. Natural spawning of the keelback mullet, Liza carinata, in captivity was possible and occurred between December and February. The mean fertilized egg diameter of L. carinata was 0.8±.051 mm. Hatching took place after 36 h at 23°C. The mean total length of the just-hatched larvae was 2.0±0.179 mm. Larval developmental stages, growth, and morphological changes of L. carinata were described on the basis of a series of specimens (391 in total) reared from days 1 to 89 after hatching. Details of the larval developmental stages were drawn and photographed, with special reference being taken of morphological transformations. Larvae completed yolk absorption on the sixth day after hatching, and opened their mouths on day 4. Notochord flexion started on the sixteenth day at 5.0 mm total length. Transformation from larval to juvenile stage occurred between days 30 and 51 after hatching. The maximum size of larvae and the minimum size of juveniles which appeared during the transitional period were 19 and 9.9 mm TL, respectively. By day 51, all the larvae had changed into juveniles with a mean TL of 29.3±6.429 mm. The juveniles started to change into young adults with three anal spines by day 88 at a TL of 62 mm. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the developmental stages of the hake Merluccius hubbsi is described. Fish larvae and post-transitional juveniles were collected in the Nor-Patagonian area from 1989 to 2004. The opening of the mouth and the pigmentation of the eyes are coincident with yolk resorption, finishing the yolk-sac stage. This species presents pigmentation on the head, trunk and tail typical of gadiform larvae. Pectoral fin development is completed during the transformation stage. The post-transitional juvenile stage begins when the fin-ray complements are complete and squamation begins. The fins become fully formed in the following sequence: pelvic fins, first dorsal fin, second dorsal and anal fins together, caudal fin and pectoral fins. The caudal complex is totally developed in larvae of 22·0–23·0 mm standard lengths ( L S) and all vertebral elements are first observed in larvae of 8·5 mm L S. The rate of development of M. hubbsi observed in this study could be faster than the rates reported for other species of Merluccius by different authors.  相似文献   

Larval development of certain gamete-spawning scleractinian corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryogenesis and larval development were documented in 19 species of hermatypic scleractinians which release gametes during the summer coral spawning season on the Great Barrier Reef. Cleavage of fertilized eggs began approximately 2 h after spawning in all species, and gave rise to blastulae after 7–10 h. Endoderm formation in Platygyra sinensis was by invagination, and this appeared to occur in all species studied. All species observed at 36 h after spawing were mobile and full mobility was reached by 48 h. Settlement of planulae placed in aquaria occurred between 4 and 7 days after fertilization. These results suggest that larval corals produced by most gamete-releasing coral species are likely to be dispersed away from the parent reef.  相似文献   

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