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<正>国家重点新产品国家火炬计划国家高新技术示范企业东方生工发酵装备业的领跑者见证实力体现价值高等院校北京大学、清华大学、首都师范大学、北京科技大学、北京联合大学、中国农业大学、天津轻工业学院、天津医科大学、哈尔滨工业大学、八一农垦大学、东北大学、江南大学、南京农业大学、南京师范大学、中国矿业大学、上海交通大学、华东师范大学、浙江大学、浙江工业大学、山西大学、厦门大学、集美大学、福建师范大学、福建农林大学、山东大学、山东海洋大学、青岛海洋大学、青岛大学、烟台大学、中山大学、深圳大学、华南理工大学、广西大学、西北大学、西北农林科技大学、云南大学、湖南大学、合肥工业大学、东南大学、南京林业大学……  相似文献   

青凤蝶又名绿青凤蝶、樟青风蝶,在国内已知分布于江苏、江西、云南、广东、贵州、广西、浙江、四川、湖北、湖南、西藏、海南、台湾、香港、福建(三明、永安、南平、福州、宁化、沙县、尤溪、将乐、建宁、诏安、东山、云霄、龙岩、长汀、漳平、武平、建阳、建瓯、浦城、宁德、连江、闽侯);  相似文献   

《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(4):337-337
顾问:(按照姓氏笔划排序)丁明孝、于恩庶、方荣祥、王宇、王新武、卢天林、田波、华朝安、庄辉、朱宗涵、齐义鹏、朱宇同、张礼璧、张权一、张远志、张楚瑜、李河民、李钟铎、陈秀珠、陈焕春、陈鸿珊、俞永新、洪涛、赵恺、闻玉梅、候云德、耿运祺、郭仁、郭辉玉、陶佩珍、康来仪、章以浩、龚人雄、曾毅、谢天恩、廖延雄、薛凤举名誉主任委员:朱关福主任委员:邵一鸣副主任委员:张霆(常务)、祝庆余、金奇、高福、袁正宏、金宁一、邱并生、胡志红、胡远杨、张晓燕委员:(按照姓氏笔划排序)丁翠、孔宪刚、王哲、王佑春、江丽芳、阮力、严延生、…  相似文献   

上海市生物医学工程学会第三届理事(扩大)会议于1992年4月10日在科学会堂召开。出席会议的有丁文祥、邹祥英、薛伯卿、王威琪、徐智章、张燕秋、高忠华、方祖祥、秦家楠、唐树森、邱蔚之、刘景昌、曹源康、郑一仁、王晓光、石锡光、宋冠英、孙爱贞、苏肇伉、张泽琦、夏栋标、邱济堂、叶椿秀、曹厚德、张兆进、严樑、蔡胜平、李家骝、赵馥霖、郑瑞卿、沈天真、  相似文献   

石美鑫、陈明进、高学书、徐家裕、王威琪、陈俊强、陈艺生、楼鸿棣、龚道敦、孙复川、陈星荣、邓振秋、曹世龙、胡诞宁、秦治纯、高忠华、张镜人、周呜峦、}淘事细、施锦祥、谢丽娟、朱德鑫、张伯纳、李祖根、秦家楠、孙志良、俞宽祥、吴文豹、丁文祥、章开平、张泽琦、靳宝华  相似文献   

1992年5月23—25日在上海细胞生物学研究所召开了三届理事会第六次会议,出席会议的理事有王亚辉、左嘉客、贾敬芬、翟中和、薛绍白、周郑、白永延、宋今丹、杨抚华、黄祥辉、毛树坚、仝允栩、叶敏、李公岫、李文安、张小云、张中益、徐永华、郭畹华、段金玉、黄立。许智宏、陶松贞、邹恩洺、杜德林、陈惠民、楼定安、陈瑞阳、郭秀芳、丰美福、林月婵因事或因病请假。荘孝僡、姚鑫、罗士韦、罗登出席了会议。学会秘书处乔以炯也出席了会议。  相似文献   

1982年和1988年,中国国务院分别审定公布了两批列为中国国家公园的名单,这两批国家公园共85个,总面积4.4万平方公里。 它们是:黄山、泰山、庐山、华山、衡山、恒山、嵩山、峨嵋山、九华山、普陀山、五台山、武夷山、雁荡山、千山、井冈山、天柱山、崂山、钟山(南京市)、武当山、鸡公山、青城山、骊山、麦积山、缙云山、武陵源、丹霞山、清源山、三清山、龙虎山、云台山、天台山、西樵山、贡嘎  相似文献   

近年来,《遗传》的封面设计受到广大读者和专家的好评,每期的“封面人物”既介绍了遗传学家的生平与贡献,又回顾了那段历史,给人以启发和教益。2003年以来,陆续介绍过的国际著名遗传学家有孟德尔、摩尔根、魏斯曼、贝特森、德弗里斯、高尔顿、约翰逊、科赛尔、莱文、沃森、克里克、麦克林托克、木原均、瓦维洛夫、穆勒、莫诺、科恩伯格、杜布赞斯基、尼伦伯格、李景均、兰德斯坦纳、艾弗里、比德尔、德尔布吕克、莱德伯格、穆利斯、徐道觉、蒋有兴、桑格、伯内特、泰明、伯格等。2007年,还将陆续介绍伯格、波特、本则尔、克里斯蒂安娜、利川…  相似文献   

CN101720830A 一种生物多糖药茶饮料 本发明涉及一种生物多糖药茶饮料制备。该饮料含有绿茶、山楂、板蓝根、金银花、香菇、茯苓、银耳、甘草、黄豆、维生素(C、B1、B2、B6、B12)、叶酸。经挑选、清洗、破碎、湿润、接种、培养、煎煮、萃取、过滤、调配、灌装、杀菌等工艺步骤而制成。  相似文献   

木耳木耳(Auricularia auricula[L.ex Hook.] Underwood)别名有光木耳、黑木耳、黑耳、云耳、木蛾、耳子、木茸、木蕈、木菌、木(土从)、树鸡等。木耳的分布极广,北京、天津、河北、山西、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、上海、江苏、安徽、浙江、福建、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、陕西、甘肃、四川、贵州、云南等省区都有出产,但以四川、贵州的最为著名。  相似文献   

The simple-septate basidiomycetes: a synopsis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The simple-septate basidiomycetes comprise more than 8,000 species that show a high morphological and ecological heterogeneity. To gain insight in the phylogenetic relationships within this group, we compared several ultrastructural features such as septal pore apparatus, form, and behavior of the spindle pole bodies, types of host–parasite interaction, presence or absence of colacosomes, symplechosomes, atractosomes, and cystosomes as well as nuclear rDNA sequences coding for small- and large-subunit rRNA. Based on our integrated analysis, we propose a new classification system for the simple-septate basidiomycetes with the subphylum Pucciniomycotina and the classes Agaricostilbomycetes, Atractiellomycetes, Classiculomycetes, Cryptomycocolacomycetes, Cystobasidiomycetes, Microbotryomycetes, Mixiomycetes, and Pucciniomycetes. We also propose the pucciniomycotinous taxa Cystobasidiales, Erythrobasidiales, Helicobasidiales, Mixiales, Naohideales, Pachnocybales, Spiculogloeales, and Kondoaceae and the new subphyla Agaricomycotina (equivalent to the current Hymenomycetes) and Ustilaginomycotina (equivalent to the current Ustilaginomycetes).  相似文献   

A review of the literature on unusual metals as carcinogens was carried out. The metals covered are some of the rare earths, copper, silver, gold, mercury, germanium, tin, antimony, lead, platinum, palladium, aluminum, titanium, niobium, manganese, scandium, yttrium, indium, rhodium, and gallium.  相似文献   

At one spectrum extreme, Astrobiology conjectures that for exoplanets with Goldilocks conditions, terrestrial-like life is inevitable. Moreover, it is envisaged that via panspermia, terrestrial-like life and its precursors are transferred among galaxies, stars, and within solar systems via transiting comets, asteroids, and planetoids. In addition, expelled stars, which have solar systems, it is inferred, transfer life as well. However, at the other extreme, we propose a paradigm shift that on some planets, subject to non- Goldilocks conditions, metal machine life could arise, ab initio, and evolve viruses, intelligence, and civilizations, conjointly. Accordingly, intelligent mechanized civilizations could readily and efficiently commence space exploration. Furthermore, as a counter paradigm shift, such civilizations could experiment and produce non-metallic life, based on carbon and other non-metal elements, under suitable conditions, related to Goldilocks life. Even a single example of validated interstellar or intergalactic communication received on the Earth would support the existence of life elsewhere. However, the communication platform should not be restricted to electromagnetic radiation. Other platforms should be included as well - one such example, which would require sophisticated technology, is neutrino communication. This is the case for any advanced civilization, be it metal-machine based, biological-based, and carbon-based. In sum, civilizations based on machine life, would be highly productive due to the longevity and hardiness of machine life. However, significant caveats are raised in this brief report, because possibly dissimilar psychologies and intelligence may lead to conflicts between metal machine life and biological life, inter-paradigm conflict.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of groups within Gobioidei is examined with molecular sequence data. Gobioidei is a speciose, morphologically diverse group of teleost fishes, most of which are small, benthic, and marine. Efforts to hypothesize relationships among the gobioid groups have been hampered by the prevalence of reductive evolution among goby species; such reduction can make identification of informative morphological characters particularly difficult. Gobies have been variously grouped into two to nine families, several with included subfamilies, but most existing taxonomies are not phylogenetic and few cladistic hypotheses of relationships among goby groups have been advanced. In this study, representatives of eight of the nine gobioid familes (Eleotridae, Odontobutidae, Xenisthmidae, Gobiidae, Kraemeriidae, Schindleriidae, Microdesmidae, and Ptereleotridae), selected to sample broadly from the range of goby diversity, were examined. Complete sequence from the mitochondrial ND1, ND2, and COI genes (3573 bp) was used in a cladistic parsimony analysis to hypothesize relationships among the gobioid groups. A single most parsimonious topology was obtained, with decay indices indicating strong support for most nodes. Major phylogenetic conclusions include that Xenisthmidae is part of Eleotridae, and Eleotridae is paraphyletic with respect to a clade composed of Gobiidae, Microdesmidae, Ptereleotridae, Kraemeriidae, and Schindleriidae. Within this five-family clade, two clades are recovered. One includes Gobionellinae, which is paraphyletic with respect to Kraemeriidae, Sicydiinae, Oxudercinae, and Amblyopinae. The other contains Gobiinae, also paraphyletic, and including Microdesmidae, Ptereleotridae, and Schindleriidae. Previous morphological evidence for goby groupings is discussed; the phylogenetic hypothesis indicates that the morphological reduction observed in many goby species has been derived several times independently.  相似文献   

1. Acetylcholine receptors were initially defined as nicotinic or muscarinic, based on selective activation by two natural products, nicotine and muscarine. Several further nicotinic agonists have been discovered from natural sources, including cytisine, anatoxin, ferruginine, anabaseine, epibatidine, and epiquinamide. These have provided lead structures for the design of a wide range of synthetic agents.2. Natural sources have also provided competitive nicotinic antagonists, such as the Erythrina alkaloids, the tubocurarines, and methyllycaconitine. Noncompetitive antagonists, such as the histrionicotoxins, various izidines, decahydroquinolines, spiropyrrolizidine oximes, pseudophrynamines, ibogaine, strychnine, cocaine, and sparteine have come from natural sources. Finally, galanthamine, codeine, and ivermectin represent positive modulators of nicotinic function, derived from natural sources.3. Clearly, research on acetylcholine receptors and functions has been dependent on key natural products and the synthetic agents that they inspired.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the caryophyllidia-bearing dorids are studied, based on the examination of the type species of all the genera previously described. The phylogenetic hypothesis supports that the caryophyllidia-bearing dorids are a monophyletic group and the sister group of the clade formed by Astemnotus Ehrenberg, 1831 and Halgerda Bergh, 1880. Several genera previously considered as valid or regarded as uncertain are here synonymized: Peronodoris Bergh, 1904, Trippa Bergh, 1877, Phlegmodoris Bergh, 1878, Petelodoris Bergh, 1881, Kentrodoris Bergh, 1876, Audura Bergh, 1878, Centrodoris P. Fischer, 1883, Anisodoris Bergh, 1898, Awuka Er. Marcus, 1955, Rhabdochiia P. Fischer, 1883, Boreodoris Odhner, 1939, Dictyodoris Bergh, 1880, Gravieria Vayssiere, 1912, Aporodoris Ihering, 1886. The following genera are regarded as valid: Astemnotus, Atagema J.E. Gray, 1850, Jorunna Bergh, 1876, Platydoris Bergh, 1877, Diaulula Bergh, 1878, Rostanga Bergh, 1879, Halgerda Bergh, 1880, Baptodoris Bergh, 1884, Gargamella Bergh, 1894, Alloiodoris Bergh, 1904, Sclerodoris Eliot, 1904, Taringa Er. Marcus, 1955, Thorybopus Bouchet, 1977. The new genus Nophodoris is described based on two new species from New Caledonia deep waters. Two additional new species from New Caledonia belonging to the genera Atagema and Gargamella are also described. Nomenclatural and taxonomic problems are discussed, and several type species, neotypes and lectotypes are selected.  相似文献   

This study describes a method for predicting and classifying oxygen-binding pro- teins. Firstly, support vector machine (SVM) modules were developed using amino acid composition and dipeptide composition for predicting oxygen-binding pro- teins, and achieved maximum accuracy of 85.5% and 87.8%, respectively. Sec- ondly, an SVM module was developed based on amino acid composition, classify- ing the predicted oxygen-binding proteins into six classes with accuracy of 95.8%, 97.5%, 97.5%, 96.9%, 99.4%, and 96.0% for erythrocruorin, hemerythrin, hemo- cyanin, hemoglobin, leghemoglobin, and myoglobin proteins, respectively. Finally, an SVM module was developed using dipeptide composition for classifying the oxygen-binding proteins, and achieved maximum accuracy of 96.1%, 98.7%, 98.7%, 85.6%, 99.6%, and 93.3% for the above six classes, respectively. All modules were trained and tested by five-fold cross validation. Based on the above approach, a web server Oxypred was developed for predicting and classifying oxygen-binding proteins(available from http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/oxypred/).  相似文献   

Foliar nutrient levels of broad-leaved tropical trees: A tabular review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Foliar nutrient levels (N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, B), of about 40 tropical and subtropical broad-leaved trees, are listed and classified as deficient, low, intermediate, high, and toxic in each case according to the interpretation and evaluation of the reviewed author(s).  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

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