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Waterbirds are often observed to move between different wintering sites within the same winter—for example, in response to food availability or weather conditions. Within-winter movements may contribute to the spreading of diseases, such as avian influenza, outside the actual migration period. The Common Pochard Aythya ferina seems to be particularly sensitive to infection with the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 and, consequently, could play an important role as vectors for the disease. We describe here the within-winter movements of Pochards in Europe in relation to topography, climate, sex and age. We analysed data provided by the Euring data bank on 201 individuals for which records from different locations from the same winter (December–February) were available. The distances and directions moved within the winter varied markedly between regions, which could be ascribed to the differing topography (coast lines, Alps). We found no significant differences in terms of distances and directions moved between the sexes and only weak indications of differences between the age classes. In Switzerland, juveniles moved in more westerly directions than adults. During relatively mild winters, winter harshness had no effect on the distances travelled, but in cold winters, a positive relationship was observed, a pattern possibly triggered by the freezing of lakes. Winter harshness did not influence the directions of the movement. About 41% (83/201) of the Pochards that were recovered at least 1 km from the ringing site had moved more than 200 km. A substantial number of birds moved between central/southern Europe and the north-western coast of mainland Europe, and between the north-western coast of mainland Europe and Great Britain, whereas no direct exchange between Great Britain and central/southern Europe was observed. Within-winter movements of Pochards seem to be a common phenomenon in all years and possibly occur as a response to the depletion of food resources. This high tendency to move could potentially contribute to the spread of bird-transmitted diseases outside the actual migration period.  相似文献   

On the sample of 43 gamma-ray and neutron-induced inversion or translocation exchanges with the vestigial (vg) phenotype, the molecular cytogenetic analysis of distribution of exchange breakpoints on the molecular map of Drosophila vg region (subsection 49D3-4 on the polytene chromosome 2R) was performed using hybridisation in situ technique. Simultaneously, PCR-assay of DNA alterations in all exons and introns (except for intron 4) of the vg gene for 18 mutants with exchange breakpoints outside of the gene was carried out. The results obtained by these molecular genetic techniques have shown that 1) radiation-induced breaks under chromosome exchanges with the vg phenotype were regularly located inside of the vg gene (19 cases out of 43 studied ones or 44.2%) passing through the large introns; 2) breakpoints were frequently flanked by deletions of the gene as whole (3 exchanges) or of its major part (3 exchanges); 3) many of the breaks (18/43 or 41.8%) are situated outside (distal or proximal) of the gene although such mutants have got the vg phenotype; 4) 2/3 (12/18 or 66.7%) vg mutants with the breakpoint outside of gene show the intragenic DNA lesions (microdeletions, microinversions) occurring obviously independently and simultaneously with the neighbor chromosome breaks; 5) only each third vg mutant with break outside of the gene (6/18 or 33.3%) have the unchanged gene subregions under study and presents obviously the result of "position effect" which appear to manifest itself for a distance of 2-30 kb (more near and farther locations of the proximal and distal breakpoints, respectively, relative to the vg gene). Our findings showing regular induction of the multiple genetic lesions (chromosome breaks and mutations of the adjacent genes) on the both ends of chromosome exchange induced by single track produced by gamma-rays or neutrons were discussed as a scientific basis for the conceptually new approaches to the assessment of both genetic damage numbers in the cell genome with chromosome exchange (the multiple genetic lesions) and radiation genetic risk (our molecular genetic approach showing the need for an increase of risk levels at least on a factor of 3 for the heritable chromosome alterations detected by the ordinary cytogenetic monitoring).  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU), the most frequent inborn error of metabolism (1/15,000 live births), is an autosomal recessive condition caused by phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency. Despite early and strict dietary control, some PKU children still exhibit behavioral and cognitive difficulties suggestive of a partly prenatal brain injury. The reported variability between the cognitive and clinical phenotypes within the same family raises the question of modifying genes in PKU. We suggest here that monoamine oxidase type B, MAOB, an enzyme degrading phenylethylamine, a very toxic metabolite of phenylalanine, could act as a modifying gene since a variant enzymatic activity of MAOB in PKU patients with similar phenylalanine levels would result in different phenylethylamine levels and different clinical outcomes. Finally the report of low MAOB, and consequently expectedly high phenylethylamine levels in neonates is consistent with a phenylethylamine-mediated brain injury possibly causing irreversible damages in PKU newborns prior to onset of the low protein diet.  相似文献   

Early models of the regulation of initiation of DNA replication by protein complexes predicted that binding of a replication initiator protein to a replicator region is required for initiation of each DNA replication round, since after the initiation event the replication initiator should dissociate from DNA. It was, therefore, assumed that binding of the replication initiator is a signal for triggering DNA replication. However, more recent investigations have revealed that in many replicons this is not the case. Studies on the regulation of the replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage lambda demonstrated that, once assembled, the replication complex can be inherited by one of the two daughter plasmid copies after each replication round and may function in subsequent replication rounds. Since this DNA-bound protein complex bears information about specific initiation of DNA replication, this phenomenon has been called "protein inheritance." A similar phenomenon has recently been reported for oriJ-based plasmids. Moreover, the current model of the initiation of DNA replication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae proposes that the origin recognition complex (ORC) remains bound to one copy of the ori sequence (the ARS region) after initiation of DNA replication. Thus, it seems plausible that protein inheritance is not unique for lambda plasmids, but may be a common phenomenon in the control of DNA replication, at least in microbes.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of deleterious mutations in a hybrid zone maintained by selection against hybrids. In such zones, linkage disequilibria among hybrid depression loci, resulting from a balance between migration and selection, are crucial in maintaining the barrier because they allow each locus, in addition to its own selection coefficient, to cumulate indirect selective effects from other loci. Deleterious alleles produce heterosis and increase by this means the effective migration rate in structured populations. In a hybrid zone, they therefore contribute to decrease linkage disequilibria as well as the barrier to gene flow imposed by hybrid depression. However, deleterious mutations have no effect: (i) when selection against hybrids is weak, because linkage disequilibria are small even without heterosis in this case, or (ii) when selection against hybrids is so strong that it overwhelms heterosis. On the other hand, with moderate selection against hybrids, the decrease in the strength of the barrier due to heterosis may reach detectable levels, although it requires relatively small population sizes and/or migration rates. The effect is expected to be small and only within small genomes where loci are tightly linked can it become strong. Nevertheless, neglecting mutational load may to some extent obscure the estimations of selective parameters based either on artificial F1 crosses or on cline characteristics.  相似文献   

The patterns of sexual dimorphism as well as the differences in amount between the populations were studied on a sample of 162 male and 159 female left femora, which were classified as Zulu, Sotho, Xosa and South Africans of European extraction. Multivariate analyses revealed that even adjacent African tribes exhibit a different pattern of sexual dimorphism, but there were similarities between Zulu and European femora. Furthermore, relative size differences, i.e. shape, discriminated more clearly between the sexes than did absolute size. Bicondylar width yielded a statistically significant higher degree of sexual dimorphism in Europeans when compared to African populations. This finding was interpreted in terms of the biomechanical demands on the femur under different living conditions. On the other hand, sexual dimorphism of femoral length did not differ among the populations. This was unexpected since femoral length correlates highly with stature, which was reported to show a lesser degree of sexual dimorphism in Africans than in Europeans. Detailed analyses of the results of the present study led to suggest that different living conditions may affect bones in complex ways of which linear growth is only one aspect.  相似文献   

Newborn infants in endemic areas are markedly resistant to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Consequently, severe disease is rare during the first few months of life, and infections tend to be low density and relatively asymptomatic during this period. Although this is generally ascribed to passively transferred immunity, attempts to identify the targets and mechanisms of this protection have been unsuccessful. The implications of the hypothesis that the progression from resistance through susceptibility and back to resistance during infancy and early childhood reflects the gradual acquisition of IgG to variant surface antigens (VSAs), while protection from maternal VSA-specific IgG steadily fades, are discussed here.  相似文献   

Molecular machines orchestrate the translocation and entry of pathogens through host cell membranes, in addition to the uptake and release of molecules during endocytosis and exocytosis. Viral cell entry requires a family of glycoproteins, and the structural organization and function of these viral glycoproteins are similar to the SNARE proteins, which are known to be involved in intracellular vesicle fusion, endocytosis and exocytosis. Here, we propose that a family of bacterial membrane proteins that are responsible for cell-mediated adherence and entry resembles the structural architecture of both viral fusion proteins and eukaryotic SNAREs and might therefore share similar, but distinct, mechanisms of cell membrane translocation. Furthermore, we propose that the recurrence of these molecular machines across species indicates that these architectural motifs were evolutionarily selected because they provided the best solution to ensure the survival of pathogens within a particular environment.  相似文献   

Finding specific RNA motifs: function in a zeptomole world?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a new method for estimating the abundance of any modular (piecewise) RNA motif within a longer random region. We have used this method to estimate the size of the active motifs available to modern SELEX experiments (picomoles of unique sequences) and to a plausible RNA World (zeptomoles of unique sequences: 1 zmole = 602 sequences). Unexpectedly, activities such as specific isoleucine binding are almost certainly present in zeptomoles of molecules, and even ribozymes such as self-cleavage motifs may appear (depending on assumptions about the minimal structures). The number of specified nucleotides is not the only important determinant of a motif's rarity: The number of modules into which it is divided, and the details of this division, are also crucial. We propose three maxims for easily isolated motifs: the Maxim of Minimization, the Maxim of Multiplicity, and the Maxim of the Median. These maxims together state that selected motifs should be small and composed of as many separate, equally sized modules as possible. For evenly divided motifs with four modules, the largest accessible activity in picomole scale (1-1000 pmole) pools of length 100 is about 34 nucleotides; while for zeptomole scale (1-1000 zmole) pools it is about 20 specific nucleotides (50% probability of occurrence). This latter figure includes some ribozymes and aptamers. Consequently, an RNA metabolism apparently could have begun with only zeptomoles of RNA molecules.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated killing: a common mechanism?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J D Young  Z A Cohn 《Cell》1986,46(5):641-642

With great interest we have read the study of Liu et al.(2018) revealing the role of RNA binding protein 24 (RBM24) on global alternative splicing and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in mice. As suggested previously, deficiency of Rbm24 causes embryonic lethality limiting the functional analyses (Yang et al., 2014). To circumvent this limitation the authors generated cardiac specific Rbm24 deficient mice and showed that homozygous deletion of Rbm24 at postnatal stage leads to rapidly progressive DCM and heart failure (Liu et al., 2018).  相似文献   

A cursory glance at old textbooks of plant pathology reveals that the diseases which are the current scourge of agriculture in many parts of the world are a different set from those that were prominent 50 or 100 years ago. Why have these new diseases arisen? The traditional explanations subscribe to the "nature abhors a vacuum" principle-that control of one disease creates the condition for the emergence of a replacement-but does little to explain why the new pathogen succeeds. The emergence of a new disease requires a series of conditions and steps, including the enhanced fecundity of the new pathogen, enhanced survival from season to season, and spread around the world. Recently, evidence was obtained that wheat tan spot emerged through a lateral gene transfer event some time prior to 1941. Although there have been sporadic and persistent reports of lateral gene transfer between and into fungal plant pathogens, most examples have been dismissed through incomplete evidence. The completion of whole genome sequences of an increasing number of fungal pathogens no longer allows such proposed cases of lateral gene transfer to be dismissed so easily. How frequent are lateral gene transfers involving fungal plant pathogens, and can this process explain the emergence of many of the new diseases of the recent past? Many of the apparently new diseases are dependant on the expression of host-specific toxins. These are enigmatic molecules whose action requires the presence of plant genes with products that specifically encode sensitivity to the toxin and susceptibility to the disease. It is also notable that many new diseases belong to the fungal taxon dothideomycetes. This review explores the coincidence of new diseases, interspecific gene transfer, host-specific toxins, and the dothideomycete class.  相似文献   

While many reports indicate that voluntary modification of skin temperature is possible and may be useful in the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon, little attention has been paid to the ecological validity of training skin temperature increases when a considerable amount of vasodilation of digital vessels may already exist (room temperature, 22-24 degrees C). Patients with Raynaud's vasospastic attacks may benefit from learning to avoid attacks when they are impending by voluntarily vasodilating the vessels of their digits under conditions when vasoconstriction has begun. The results in 14 patients with primary and secondary Raynaud's phenomenon indicated that (a) patients learned to voluntarily increase digital skin temperatures in a "cooling" environment during documented vasoconstriction, and (b) there was a 31% decrease in the occurrence of vasospastic attacks following such learning. These data suggest that a new methodology may be useful in the biofeedback treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon, but further research is needed to determine the specific mechanism(s) involved, and the limits to its usefulness.  相似文献   

Annexins are a family of proteins generally described as Ca(2+)-dependent for phospholipid binding. Yet, annexins have a wide variety of binding behaviors and conformational states, some of which are lipid-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent. We present a model that captures the cation and phospholipid binding behavior of the highly conserved core of the annexins. Experimental data for annexins A4 and A5, which have short N-termini, were globally modeled to gain an understanding of how the lipid-binding affinity of the conserved protein core is modulated. Analysis of the binding behavior was achieved through use of the lanthanide Tb(3+) as a Ca(2+) analogue. Binding isotherms were determined experimentally from the quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of annexins A4 and A5 by Tb(3+) in the presence or absence of membranes. In the presence of lipid, the affinity of annexin for cation increases, and the binding isotherms change from hyperbolic to weakly sigmoidal. This behavior was modeled by isotherms derived from microscopic binding partition functions. The change from hyperbolic to sigmoidal binding occurs because of an allosteric transition from the annexin solution state to its membrane-associated state. Protein binding to lipid bilayers renders cation binding by annexins cooperative. The two annexin states denote two affinities of the protein for cation, one in the absence and another in the presence of membrane. In the framework of this model, we discuss membrane binding as well as the influence of the N-terminus in modifying the annexin cation-binding affinity by changing the probability of the protein to undergo the postulated two-state transition.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is a dominantly inherited cancer syndrome. Germline mutations in five different mismatch repair (MMR) genes, MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, MLH3, and PMS2 are linked to HNPCC. Here, we describe two colon cancer families in which the index patients carry missense mutations in both MSH2 and MSH6. The MSH2 mutation, I145M, is the same in both families, whereas the MSH6 mutations are different (R1095H and L1354Q). The families do not fulfil the international criteria for HNPCC, one family comprising two and the other family four colon cancer patients, all in one generation, resembling a recessive rather than dominant inheritance characteristic of HNPCC. The tumors of the index patients showed microsatellite instability. Functional analysis was performed to determine which one of the mutations could primarily underlie the cancer susceptibility in the families. MSH2 and MSH6 are known to form a heterodimeric complex (MutSalpha) responsible for mismatch recognition. The interaction of each mutated protein with its wild-type partner and with its mutated partner present in the colon cancer patient, and the MMR function of the mutated MutSalpha complexes were determined. Since none of the three mutations affected the MSH2-MSH6 interaction or the function of MutSalpha in an in-vitro MMR assay, our results suggest that alone the mutations do not cause MMR deficiency typical of HNPCC. However, our results do not exclude the possible compound pathogenicity of the two mutations.  相似文献   

Shoot inversion induction of ethylene production was found in inverted shoots of corn, peas, soybean, sunflower, tomato, andPharbitis nil. The increases in ethylene production were found to range from two- to threefold in soybean to eightfold in corn and sunflower. The occurrence of peaks of ethylene production ranged from 16 h following shoot inversion in corn to 72 h inPharbitis. That the enhanced ethylene production was due to activation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase is supported by the finding of increased ACC content in inverted shoots of all species tested. Shoot inversion inhibition of elongation was found in inverted shoots of pea, soybean, sunflower, tomato, andPharbitis nil. This inhibition is thought to be mediated via increased ethylene production in the inverted shoots. That shoot inversion induction of ethylene is not a persistent effect is supported by the finding that ethylene synthesis could be terminated by reorientation of shoots to the upright position and could be reinitiated by the subsequent inversion of the shoots. The effects of shoot inversion on the enhancement of ethylene production and on the inhibition of elongation of the inverted shoot appear to be general phenomena.  相似文献   

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