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UV-irradiated plasmids (pNPV B and pBSCATSV) were transfected into RBCF-1 cells derived from a goldfish (Carassius auratus) and into a xeroderma pigmentosum (group A) cell line, XP20SSV. The frequency of stable neor transformation by pNPV B decreased in a dose-dependent manner. However, in spite of large differences in UV sensitivity detected in the colony formation assay, the dose-response curves of RBCF-1 cells and XP20SSV cells were almost the same. The photorecovery (PR) of transforming activity of UV-irradiated plasmids was confirmed in RBCF-1 cells but its extent was much smaller than that observed in the survival assay. The expression of the transfected cat (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; CAT) gene after 24-h incubation in the dark was much more sensitive to UV irradiation when compared with the stable transformation assay. The extent of PR of cat gene expression in RBCF-1 cells was high and comparable with that of the survival assay. The CAT value of RBCF-1 cells transfected with UV-irradiated plasmids relative to that of unirradiated controls increased as incubation time in the dark after transfection became longer. This suggests that the UV lesions on the plasmids transfected in the RBCF-1 cells were repaired in the dark. The cat gene expression of UV-irradiated plasmids in XP20SSV was very low and independent of incubation time after transfection.  相似文献   

Irradiating the plasmid pSV2-gpt with UV (254 nm) doses up to 200 J m-2 caused a dose-dependent increase in the yield of Gpt+ transformants when the plasmid was introduced into human cells by calcium phosphate coprecipitation. UV doses greater than 1 kJ m-2 were required to reduce the efficiency of transformation below that obtained with unirradiated DNA.  相似文献   

Repair of UV-irradiated plasmid DNA microinjected into frog oocytes was measured by two techniques: transformation of repair-deficient (delta uvrB delta recA delta phr) bacteria, and removal of UV endonuclease-sensitive sites (ESS). Transformation efficiencies relative to unirradiated plasmids were used to estimate the number of lethal lesions; the latter were assumed to be Poisson distributed. These estimates were in good agreement with measurements of ESS. By both criteria, plasmid DNA was efficiently repaired, mostly during the first 2 h, when as many as 2 x 10(10) lethal lesions were removed per oocyte. This rate is about 10(6) times the average for removal of ESS from repair-proficient human cells. Repair was slower but still significant after 2 h, but some lethal lesions usually remained after overnight incubation. Most repair occurred in the absence of light, in marked contrast to differentiated frog cells, previously shown to possess photoreactivating but no excision repair activity. There was no increase in the resistance to DpnI restriction of plasmids (methylated in Escherichia coli at GATC sites) incubated in oocytes; this implies no increase in hemimethylated GATC sites, and hence no semiconservative DNA replication. Plasmid substrates capable of either intramolecular or intermolecular homologous recombination were not recombined, whether UV-irradiated or not. Repair of Lac+ plasmids was accompanied by a significant UV-dependent increase in the frequency of Lac- mutants, corresponding to a repair synthesis error frequency on the order of 10(-4) per nucleotide.  相似文献   

We describe a method for labeling cultured endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) by letting the cells grow for three days in culture medium containing a low concentration of the fluorescent carbocyanine dyes DiI and DiO. We show that good labeling can be obtained with considerably lower concentrations (2.5 micrograms/ml) than has previously been described. With optimal concentration the labeling is very strong and seems to label all membranous structures in the cells. It was possible to clearly distinguish differentially pre-labeled cells both in coculture and seeded on denaturated vascular grafts. The cells remain fluorescent for more than seven days and may be passaged with retained proliferative capability. We suggest that DiI/DiO-labeling using dye-containing medium may be used for several cell types and is applicable in tissue culture and in the detection of implanted cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Unscheduled DNA repair synthesis was measured autoradiographically in cultured rainbow trout gonad (RTG) and human fibroblast (HF) cells following exposure to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), 3,4-benzopyrene (BP), 1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene (DBA), 1,2-benzanthracene (BA) and pyrene (PY) activated with S9 prepared from rainbow trout liver. S9 from rainbow trout injected with Arochlor 1254 or an oil extract was compared with S9 from Fischer rats injected with Arochlor 1254 for the ability to activate AFB1 and cause DNA repair in RTG and HF cells. All three types of S9 activated AFB1, but the measured DNA repair response was greater in the HF cells. A significant grain count response was found following exposure of HF cells to fish S9-activated BP. Using assay conditions which enhance fish cell grain counts, a significant level of DNA repair was also found in RTG cells exposed to fish S9-activated BP. Marginal but statistically significant amounts of DNA repair were elicited in HF and RTG cells exposed to rainbow trout S9-activated BA and DBA, but no response was detected following PY exposure. Fish S9 was found to be able to activate a series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and cause DNA repair synthesis in both fish and mammalian cells. The magnitude of the repair response roughly parallels the carcinogenic potential of the PAHs. These results elicit trans species and phyla comparisons which help to validate fish as models for aquatic carcinogenesis research, and also demonstrate PAH DNA-damaging effects on fish DNA, adding further credence for studying the effects of these chemicals on aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Asynchronous populations of rat hepatoma cells (H4) in log-phase growth survived a 3-hour exposure to cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine), and RNA antimetabolite, in a simple exponential fashion with a 'DO' of 43.8 microM/l. When cordycepin-treated cells were exposed to X-irradiation, the resultant survival levels were much lower than one would expect were the agents simply additive. Patterns of X-ray survival of cells treated with cordycepin were dependent on drug concentration, the predominant effect being to decrease the DO of the X-ray survival curve. The increased sensitivity of cells exposed to cordycepin to subsequent X-ray treatment persists for longer than 4 hours after drug administration. Although immediate cordycepin post-treatment of X-irradiated cells is less effective than pre-treatment, the interaction is still significant. Cordycepin treatment did not appear to reduce split-dose recovery or to inhibit the rejoining of single-strand breaks as measured by DNA sedimentation in alkaline-sucrose gradients.  相似文献   

The Brd-U differential staining technique was utilized to examine the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) by fluorescent ligt in human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR-90). Exposure of these cells in media to fluorescent light resulted in an increase in SCE frequencies from a background level of 8.5 SCE/cell to 20.5 SCE/cell. Cellular replication kinetics were also inhibited by fluorescent light exposure. Exposure of cells to fluorescent light in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) resulted in a two-fold increase in SCE levels and incresed inhibition of cell replication, indicating that culture media may have a protective effect. Determinations of SCE frequencies with blocking filters indicated that the fluorescent light wavelengths responsible for SCE induction were in the near-ultraviolet spectrum between 300 and 390 nm. Culturing cell sin media that had been exposed to fluorescent light resulted in a significant increase in SCE levels, 14.5 ± 1.5 vs. 7.5 ± 0.65, demonstrating the contribution of media photoproducts to SCE induction. The role of media photoproducts was further reinforced by finding a significant decline in fluorescent light induced SCE in cells cultured in medium deficient in three known photosensitizers (phenol red, tetracycline and riboflavin) for 2–3 weeks prior to exposure.Since SCE have been shown to be a sensitive indicator of DNA damage, these results indicate that fluorescent light can induce genetic damage in human cells. These findings are also of importance to investigators culturing cells in laboratories with fluorescent illumination.  相似文献   

Summary The question of whether induction of the SOS response in Escherichia coli increases the efficiency of excision repair was addressed by measuring repair of UV-damaged nonreplicating lambda phage DNA in previously irradiated bacteria. Prior UV irradiation of lex + bacteria enhanced both the rate of regeneration of infective phage DNA (about 10-fold) and the rate of cyclobutane dimer removal early in repressed infections. Indirect induction of SOS-regulated repair activities by the nonreplicating irradiated phage DNA itself seemed negligible. Prior bacterial irradiation reduced the frequency of recombination (loss of a tandem chromosomal duplication) of nonreplicating UV-irradiated DNA. In this respect UV-stimulated recombination of nonreplicating DNA differs from RecF-dependent recombination processes that are stimulated by increased SOS expression.Surprisingly, prior UV irradiation of lexA3 bacteria caused a small but reproducible increase in the regeneration of infective phage DNA.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a method for labeling cultured endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) by letting the cells grow for three days in culture medium containing a low concentration of the fluorescent carbocyanine dyes DiI and DiO. We show that good labeling can be obtained with considerably lower concentrations (2.5 g/ml) than has previously been described. With optimal concentration the labeling is very strong and seems to label all membranous structures in the cells. It was possible to clearly distinguish differentially pre-labeled cells both in coculture and seeded on denaturated vascular grafts. The cells remain fluorescent for more than seven days and may be passaged with retained proliferative capability. We suggest that DiI/DiO-labeling using dye-containing medium may be used for several cell types and is applicable in tissue culture and in the detection of implanted cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The effect of hydroxyurea on DNA repair replication has been studied in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Mitotic cells were treated with UV irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate or nitrogen mustard and incuated in the presence of each of the 4 [3H]deoxyribonucleosides plus BrdUrd and FdUrd for 2 h. The amount of repair replication was quantitated on CsCl gradients and similar values were obtained for each nucleoside. In all cases addition of HU during the incubation period increased these values approximately 2-fold. Following MMS treatment, pool sizes for each of the nucleosides were estimated by varying the amount of exogenously supplied nucleoside. They were found to be insensitive to the addition of HU and it is concluded that the increased incorporation of [3H]deoxyribonucleosides in the presence of HU reflects an increased amount of repair replication.  相似文献   

X-irradiation (500 rads) was found to enhance the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity of three cell lines. Radiation followed by induction with benz (a) anthracene (5–15 μg/ml) produced a synergistic effect on AHH. These effects were highly significant and were observed most dramatically with a hamster tumor cell line, A(Tl)Cl-3,a nd to a lesser extent in secondary hamsters embryo cells and mouse C3H/10T12 CL8 cells.  相似文献   

The UV radiation survival of several Escherichia coli K12 strains was measured after pretreatment of the cells with dithiothreitol (DTT). In DNA repair-competent cells (AB1157), UV survival was enhanced (ER = 1.2) after pretreating cells for 1.0 h using 10 mmol dm-3 DTT and then incubating the cells for 1.5 h in buffer before UV irradiation. Similar experiments using the excision repair mutant, AB1886uvrA6, or the recombination repair and SOS-deficient mutant, AB2462recA, strains did not show enhanced UV survival. None of the E. coli strains tested were protected against UV killing by simultaneous treatment with DTT (10 mmol dm-3). These results, and the fact that incubation in chloramphenicol removed the wild-type response in DTT-pretreated, UV-irradiated cells, suggest that the observed UV radioprotection was a result of inducible enzymatic repair processes such as recA-dependent repair. The proposed stimulus for inducible repair in these cells is DNA damage caused by intracellular hydroxyl radicals arising from thiol oxidation. The involvement of oxygen radicals in the induction pathway is supported by results that showed superoxide dismutase and catalase could inhibit a portion (one-third) of the inducible repair.  相似文献   

A correlation has been shown between a reduced rate of movement of UV-irradiated neuroblastoma cells from G1 into S phase, an essential increase of cells in S phase while progressing through the cell cycle, and a defect in free DNA synthesis on a damaged template. These indices may reflect one and the same cell response to the UV light.  相似文献   

Cetiedil, a drug that is reported to block K+-channels, substantially increases the conductive C1- permeability of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The permeability was monitored by volume changes in cells treated with gramicidin to increase the cation permeability. Under this circumstance, increases in Cl- conductances result in volume changes detectable by electronic sizing, with the direction determined by the gradients of the permeating ions. In NaCl or KCl media, swelling occurs, but in N-methylglucamine chloride, shrinking. The increases in Cl- conductance could also be measured as an increased 36Cl- flux or by changes in membrane potential (measured by fluorescence of a potential-sensitive dye) toward the Cl- equilibrium potential. The effect of cetiedil was concentration dependent, with maximal effect at 50 microM. The anion specificity for the conductance was NO3- greater than Cl- = Br- much greater than SO4-2 or isethionate. A number of other drugs that influence transport activities had no effect on Cl- conductance. The cetiedil effect on Cl- conductance was observed in one other cell line, but was absent in several other cell types. The cetiedil-induced Cl- conductance in CHO cells appears to involve a different pathway than that induced by exposure to hypotonic medium.  相似文献   

Excision repair and patch size in UV-irradiated bacteriophage T4.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We determined the average size of excision repair patches in repair of UV lesions in bacteriophage T4 by measuring the photolysis of bromodeoxyuridine incorporated during repair. The average patch was small, approximately four nucleotides long. In control experiments with the denV1 excision-deficient mutant, we encountered an artifact, a protein(s) which remained bound to phenol-extracted DNA and prevented nicking by the UV-specific endonucleases of Micrococcus luteus and bacteriophage T4.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA), which reduces the rate of cell proliferation in S91 mouse melanoma clone C2 cells, was found to stimulate the expression of their melanotic phenotype. RA treatment also induced the extension of long cellular processes. The RA effects on melanogenesis included stimulation of tyrosinase activity and augmentation of cellular melanin content to levels 3- to 4-fold higher than in untreated cultures at similar cell densities. These effects became apparent after 48 hours of exposure to 10(-5) M RA and increased thereafter. Half-maximal stimulation in cells treated for 6 days occurred at 5 X 10(-7) M RA. Although the degrees of melanogenesis enhancement by RA (10(-5) M) and by alpha-melanocyte stimulatory hormone (2 X 10(-7) M) were similar, the former did not alter the intracellular cAMP level, whereas the latter induced a transient 4-fold increase. In high-passage (p28) cells, as well as in low-passage cells (less than p10) treated with tyrosinase inhibitor phenylthiocarbamate, melanin synthesis was suppressed in the absence and presence of RA, yet the ability of RA to inhibit cell proliferation was not compromised. In the presence of the tumor promotor phorbol myristate acetate (greater than 5 X 10(-9) M) melanin synthesis in control as well as in cells exposed to RA was dramatically inhibited. Phorbol which is not active in tumor promotion had no effect on melanogenesis. In addition to RA, other retinoids, such as 13-cis-retinoic acid, retinyl acetate, the TMMP analog of RA and the phenyl analog of RA, but not the pyridyl analog of RA or retinyl palmitate, also inhibited cell growth and enhanced melanin synthesis.  相似文献   

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