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Cyclophosphamide (CP) is one of the widely used anticancer agents; however, it has serious deleterious effects on normal host cells due to its nonspecific action. The essential trace element Selenium (Se) is suggested to have chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic efficacy and currently used in pharmaceutical formulations. Previous report had shown Nano-Se could protect CP-induced hepatotoxicity and genotoxicity in normal Swiss albino mice; however, its role in cancer management is still not clear. The aim of present study is to investigate the chemoprotective efficacy of Nano-Se against CP-induced toxicity as well as its chemoenhancing capability when used along with CP in Swiss albino mice against Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells. CP was administered (25 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) and Nano-Se was given (2 mg Se/kg b.w., p.o.) in concomitant and pretreatment schedule. Increase levels of serum hepatic marker, hepatic lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and chromosomal aberration in CP-treated mice were significantly (P < 0.05) reversed by Nano-Se. The lowered status of various antioxidant enzymes in tumor-bearing mice after CP treatment was also effectively increased by Nano-Se. Administration of Nano-Se along with CP caused a significant reduction in tumor volume, packed cell volume, viable tumor cell count, and increased the survivability of the tumor-bearing hosts. The results suggest that Nano-Se exhibits significant antitumor and antioxidant effects in EAC-bearing mice. The potential for Nano-Se to ameliorate the CP-evoked toxicity as well as to improve the chemotherapeutic effect could have beneficial implications for patients undergoing chemotherapy with CP.  相似文献   

RhoA and RhoC GTPases share 92% amino acid sequence identity, yet play different roles in regulating cell motility and morphology. To understand these differences, we developed and validated a biosensor of RhoC activation (RhoC FLARE). This was used together with a RhoA biosensor to compare the spatio-temporal dynamics of RhoA and RhoC activity during cell protrusion/retraction and macropinocytosis. Both GTPases were activated similarly at the cell edge, but in regions more distal from the edge RhoC showed higher activation during protrusion. The two isoforms differed markedly in the kinetics of activation. RhoC was activated concomitantly with RhoA at the cell edge, but distally, RhoC activation preceded RhoA activation, occurring before edge protrusion. During macropinocytosis, differences were observed during vesicle closure and in the area surrounding vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are plant photoreceptors that perceive red and far-red light. Upon the perception of light in Arabidopsis, light-activated phytochromes enter the nucleus and act on a set of interacting proteins, modulating their activities and thereby altering the expression levels of ~10% of the organism’s entire gene complement. Phytochromeinteracting factors (PIFs) belonging to Arabidopsis basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) subgroup 15 are key interacting proteins that play negative roles in light responses. Their activities are post-translationally countered by light-activated phytochromes, which promote the degradation of PIFs and directly or indirectly inhibit their binding to DNA. The PIFs share a high degree of similarity, but examinations of pif single and multiple mutants have indicated that they have shared and distinct functions in various developmental and physiological processes. These are believed to stem from differences in both intrinsic protein properties and their gene expression patterns. In an effort to clarify the basis of these shared and distinct functions, we compared recently published genome-wide ChIP data, developmental gene expression maps, and responses to various stimuli for the various PIFs. Based on our observations, we propose that the biological roles of PIFs stem from their shared and distinct DNA binding targets and specific gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

The docking protein p130Cas is a prominent Src substrate found in focal adhesions (FAs) and is implicated in regulating critical aspects of cell motility including FA disassembly and protrusion of the leading edge plasma membrane. To better understand how p130Cas acts to promote these events we examined requirements for established p130Cas signaling motifs including the SH3-binding site of the Src binding domain (SBD) and the tyrosine phosphorylation sites within the substrate domain (SD). Expression of wild type p130Cas in Cas -/- mouse embryo fibroblasts resulted in enhanced cell migration associated with increased leading-edge actin flux, increased rates of FA assembly/disassembly, and uninterrupted FA turnover. Variants lacking either the SD phosphorylation sites or the SBD SH3-binding motif were able to partially restore the migration response, while only a variant lacking both signaling functions was fully defective. Notably, the migration defects associated with p130Cas signaling-deficient variants correlated with longer FA lifetimes resulting from aborted FA disassembly attempts. However the SD mutational variant was fully defective in increasing actin assembly at the protruding leading edge and FA assembly/disassembly rates, indicating that SD phosphorylation is the sole p130Cas signaling function in regulating these processes. Our results provide the first quantitative evidence supporting roles for p130Cas SD tyrosine phosphorylation in promoting both leading edge actin flux and FA turnover during cell migration, while further revealing that the p130Cas SBD has a function in cell migration and sustained FA disassembly that is distinct from its known role of promoting SD tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3) has been reported to be involved in the development of several human cancers. However, the biological significance of GOLPH3 in glioma progression remains largely unknown. In this study, we report, for the first time, that downregulation of GOLPH3 led to clear reductions in glioma cell migration and invasion. In addition, downregulation of GOLPH3 inhibited the expression of the small GTPase RhoA as well as cytoskeletal reorganization, which are both required for glioma cell migration. Furthermore, we found that the observed reductions in glioma cell migration and RhoA level could be rescued by RhoA overexpression. Taken together, these results show that GOLPH3 contributes to the motility of glioma cells by regulating the expression of RhoA.  相似文献   

Trophoblast giant cells are instrumental in promoting blood flow towards the mouse embryo by invading the uterine endometrium and remodelling the maternal vasculature. This process involves the degradation of the perivascular smooth muscle layer and the displacement of vascular endothelial cells to form trophoblast-lined blood sinuses. How this vascular remodelling is achieved at the molecular level remains largely elusive. Here, we show that two placenta-specific cathepsins, Cts7 and Cts8, are expressed in distinct but largely overlapping subsets of giant cells that are in direct contact with maternal arteries. We find that Cts8, but not Cts7, has the capacity to mediate loss of smooth muscle alpha-actin and to disintegrate blood vessels. Consequently, conditional ubiquitous overexpression of Cts8 leads to midgestational embryonic lethality caused by severe vascularization defects. In addition, both cathepsins determine trophoblast cell fate by inhibiting the self-renewing capacity of trophoblast stem cells when overexpressed in vitro. Similarly, transgenic overexpression of Cts7 and Cts8 affects trophoblast proliferation and differentiation by prolonging mitotic cell cycle progression and promoting giant cell differentiation, respectively. We also show that the cell cycle effect is directly caused by some proportion of CTS7 localizing to the nucleus, highlighting the emerging functional diversity of these typically lysosomal proteases in distinct intracellular compartments. Our findings provide evidence for the highly specialized functions of closely related cysteine cathepsin proteases in extra-embryonic development, and reinforce their importance for a successful outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), a major non-collagenous matrix protein of odontoblasts, is proteolytically cleaved into dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). Our previous studies revealed that DSPP null mice display a phenotype similar to human autosomal dominant dentinogenesis imperfecta, in which teeth have widened predentin and irregular dentin mineralization resulting in sporadic unmineralized areas in dentin and frequent pulp exposure. Earlier in vitro studies suggested that DPP, but not DSP, plays a significant role in initiation and maturation of dentin mineralization. However, the precise in vivo roles of DSP and DPP are far from clear. Here we report the generation of DPPcKO mice, in which only DSP is expressed in a DSPP null background, resulting in a conditional DPP knockout. DPPcKO teeth show a partial rescue of the DSPP null phenotype with the restored predentin width, an absence of irregular unmineralized areas in dentin, and less frequent pulp exposure. Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis of DPPcKO molars further confirmed this partial rescue with a significant recovery in the dentin volume, but not in the dentin mineral density. These results indicate distinct roles of DSP and DPP in dentin mineralization, with DSP regulating initiation of dentin mineralization, and DPP being involved in the maturation of mineralized dentin.  相似文献   

Background: Several Rho GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs) are implicated in tumor progression through their effects on Rho GTPase activity. ARHGAP21 is a RhoGAP with increased expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and with a possible role in glioblastoma tumor progression, yet little is known about the function of ARHGAP21 in cancer cells. Here we studied the role of ARHGAP21 in two prostate adenocarcinoma cell lines, LNCaP and PC3, which respectively represent initial and advanced stages of prostate carcinogenesis. Results: ARHGAP21 is located in the nucleus and cytoplasm of both cell lines and its depletion resulted in decreased proliferation and increased migration of PC3 cells but not LNCaP cells. In PC3 cells, ARHGAP21 presented GAP activity for RhoA and RhoC and induced changes in cell morphology. Moreover, its silencing altered the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and cytoskeleton organization, as well as the endothelin-1 canonical pathway. Conclusions: Our results reveal new functions and signaling pathways regulated by ARHGAP21, and indicate that it could contribute to prostate cancer progression.  相似文献   

ATRX is a chromatin remodeler, which is mutated in ATRX syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder. ATRX mutations that alter histone binding or chromatin remodeling activities cluster in the PHD finger or the helicase domain respectively. Using engineered mouse embryonic stem cells that exclusively express ATRX protein with mutations in the PHD finger (PHDmut) or helicase domains (K1584R), we examine how specific ATRX mutations affect neurodifferentiation. ATRX PHDmut and K1584R proteins interact with the DAXX histone chaperone but show reduced localization to pericentromeres. Neurodifferentiation is both delayed and compromised in PHDmut and K1584R, and manifest differently from complete ATRX loss. We observe reduced enrichment of PHDmut protein to ATRX targets, while K1584R accumulates at these sites. Interestingly, ATRX mutations have distinct effects on the genome-wide localization of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), with PHDmut and ATRX knockout showing reduced PRC2 binding at polycomb targets and K1584R showing loss at some sites and gains at others. Notably, each mutation associated with unique gene signatures, suggesting distinct pathways leading to impaired neurodifferentiation. Our results indicate that the histone binding and chromatin remodeling functions of ATRX play non-redundant roles in neurodevelopment, and when mutated lead to ATRX syndrome through separate regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

Little is known of the intracellular machinery that controls the motility of newborn neurons. We have previously shown that the proneural protein Neurog2 promotes the migration of nascent cortical neurons by inducing the expression of the atypical Rho GTPase Rnd2. Here, we show that another proneural factor, Ascl1, promotes neuronal migration in the cortex through direct regulation of a second Rnd family member, Rnd3. Both Rnd2 and Rnd3 promote neuronal migration by inhibiting RhoA signaling, but they control distinct steps of the migratory process, multipolar to bipolar transition in the intermediate zone and locomotion in the cortical plate, respectively. Interestingly, these divergent functions directly result from the distinct subcellular distributions of the two Rnd proteins. Because Rnd proteins also regulate progenitor divisions and neurite outgrowth, we propose that proneural factors, through spatiotemporal regulation of Rnd proteins, integrate the process of neuronal migration with other events in the neurogenic program.  相似文献   

CXCR4 and CXCR7 have distinct functions in regulating interneuron migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling is critical for cortical interneuron migration and their final laminar distribution. No information is yet available on CXCR7, a newly defined CXCL12 receptor. Here we demonstrated that CXCR7 regulated interneuron migration autonomously, as well as nonautonomously through its expression in immature projection neurons. Migrating cortical interneurons coexpressed Cxcr4 and Cxcr7, and Cxcr7(-/-) and Cxcr4(-/-) mutants had similar defects in interneuron positioning. Ectopic CXCL12 expression and pharmacological blockade of CXCR4 in Cxcr7(-/-) mutants showed that both receptors were essential for responding to CXCL12 during interneuron migration. Furthermore, live imaging revealed that Cxcr4(-/-) and Cxcr7(-/-) mutants had opposite defects in interneuron motility and leading process morphology. In?vivo inhibition of Gα(i/o) signaling in migrating interneurons phenocopied the interneuron lamination defects of Cxcr4(-/-) mutants. On the other hand, CXCL12 stimulation of CXCR7, but not CXCR4, promoted MAP kinase signaling. Thus, we suggest that CXCR4 and CXCR7 have distinct roles and signal transduction in regulating interneuron movement and laminar positioning.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in the K-ras gene are genetic alterations frequently found in human carcinomas, particularly in pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Mutation of the K-ras gene is thought to be an early and important event in pancreatic tumor initiation, but the precise role of the mutant K-Ras proteins in neoplastic progression is still unknown. In the present study, we have characterized the influence of oncogenic K-Ras on the phenotype and on the signal transduction of epitheloid PANC-1 pancreatic carcinoma cells by generating PANC-1 cell clones, which stably express EGFP(enhanced green fluorescent protein)-K-Ras (V12). EGFP-K-Ras (V12)-expressing cells exhibited a more fibroblastoid cellular phenotype with irregular cell shape and disorganized cytokeratin filaments. Moreover, these cells showed a marked enhancement of their migratory and invasive properties. Stable expression of EGFP-K-Ras (V12) down-regulated the activity of Rac1 and RhoA, resulting in reduced subcortical actin filaments and stress fibers, which might contribute to the epithelial dedifferentiation. Characterization of the activity of mitogen-activated protein kinases revealed that EGFP-K-Ras (V12) enhanced the activity of p38, but did not affect the activities of the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade and JNK. While inhibition of either MEK or JNK activity had no effect on EGFP-K-Ras (V12)-induced migration, inhibition of p38 activity markedly reduced EGFP-K-Ras (V12)-induced migration. Collectively, the results suggest that oncogenic K-Ras enhances the malignant phenotype and identify the mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 as a target to inhibit oncogenic K-Ras-induced pancreatic tumor cell migration.  相似文献   

Pioneer longitudinal axons grow long distances parallel to the floor plate and precisely maintain their positions using guidance molecules released from the floor plate. Two receptors, Robo1 and Robo2, are critical for longitudinal axon guidance by the Slit family of chemorepellents. Previous studies showed that Robo1−/−;2−/− double mutant mouse embryos have disruptions in both ventral and dorsal longitudinal tracts. However, the role of each Robo isoform remained unclear, because Robo1 or 2 single mutants have mild or no errors. Here we utilized a more sensitive genetic strategy to reduce Robo levels for determining any separate functions of the Robo1 and 2 isoforms. We found that Robo1 is the predominant receptor for guiding axons in ventral tracts and prevents midline crossing. In contrast, Robo2 is the main receptor for directing axons within dorsal tracts. Robo2 also has a distinct function in repelling neuron cell bodies from the floor plate. Therefore, while Robo1 and 2 have some genetic overlap to cooperate in guiding longitudinal axons, each isoform has distinct functions in specific longitudinal axon populations.  相似文献   

Raji cells expressing syndecan-1 (Raji-S1) adhere and spread when plated on heparan sulfate-binding extracellular matrix ligands or monoclonal antibody 281.2, an antibody directed against the syndecan-1 extracellular domain. Cells plated on monoclonal antibody 281.2 initially extend a broad lamellipodium, a response accompanied by membrane ruffling at the cell margin. Membrane ruffling then becomes polarized, leading to an elongated cell morphology. Previous work demonstrated that the syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domain is not required for these activities, suggesting important roles for the syndecan-1 transmembrane and/or extracellular domains in the assembly of a signaling complex necessary for spreading. Work described here demonstrates that truncation of the syndecan-1 extracellular domain does not affect the initial lamellipodial extension in the Raji-S1 cells but does inhibit the active membrane ruffling that is necessary for cell polarization. Replacement of the entire syndecan-1 transmembrane domain with leucine residues completely blocks the cell spreading. These data demonstrate that the syndecan-1 transmembrane and extracellular domains have important but distinct roles in Raji-S1 cell spreading; the extracellular domain mediates an interaction that is necessary for dynamic cytoskeletal rearrangements whereas an interaction of the transmembrane domain is required for the initial spreading response.  相似文献   

Previously, we and others have shown that RhoA and ROCK signaling are required for negatively regulating integrin-mediated adhesion and for tail retraction of migrating leukocytes. This study continues our investigation into the molecular mechanisms underlying RhoA/ROCK-regulated integrin adhesion. We show that inhibition of ROCK up-regulates integrin-mediated adhesion, which is accompanied by both increased phosphotyrosine signaling through Pyk-2 and paxillin and inappropriate membrane protrusions. We provide evidence that inhibition of ROCK induces integrin adhesion by promoting remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Furthermore, we find that ROCK regulates membrane activity through a pathway involving cofilin. Inhibition of RhoA signaling allows the formation of multiple competing lamellipodia that disrupt productive migration of monocytes. Together, our results show that RhoA/ROCK signaling promotes migration by restricting integrin activity and membrane protrusions to the leading edge.  相似文献   

A P Otte  R T Moon 《Cell》1992,68(6):1021-1029
The restricted ability of embryonic tissue to respond to inductive signals is controlled by a poorly understood phenomenon, termed competence. In Xenopus, dorsal ectoderm is more competent than ventral ectoderm to become induced to neural tissue. We tested whether the Xenopus protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes alpha and beta have a role in neural induction and competence. We found that PKC alpha is predominantly localized in dorsal ectoderm, whereas PKC beta is uniformly distributed. Overexpression of PKC beta conveys a higher propensity for neural differentiation to both dorsal and ventral ectoderm, but their difference in competence remains. However, ectopic expression of PKC alpha elevates the level of neural competence of ventral ectoderm to that of dorsal ectoderm. These data indicate that different PKC isozymes have distinct roles in mediating both neural induction and competence.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key enzyme in lipoprotein metabolism, and has been hypothesized to exert either pro- or anti-atherogenic effects, depending on its localization. Decreased plasma LPL activity is associated with the high triglyceride (TG);-low HDL phenotype that is often observed in patients with premature vascular disease. In contrast, in the vessel wall, decreased LPL may be associated with less lipoprotein retention due to many potential mechanisms and, therefore, decreased foam cell formation. To directly assess this hypothesis, we have distinguished between the effects of variations in plasma and/or vessel wall LPL on atherosclerosis susceptibility in apoE-deficient mice. Reduced LPL in both plasma and vessel wall (LPL(+/-)E(-/-)) was associated with increased TG and increased total cholesterol (TC) compared with LPL(+/+)E(-/-) sibs. However despite their dyslipidemia, LPL(+/-)E(-/-) mice had significantly reduced lesion areas compared to the LPL(+/+)E(-/-) mice. Thus, decreased vessel wall LPL was associated with decreased lesion formation even in the presence of reduced plasma LPL activity. In contrast, transgenic mice with increased plasma LPL but with no increase in LPL expression in macrophages, and thus the vessel wall, had decreased TG and TC and significantly decreased lesion areas compared with LPL(+/+)E(-/-) mice. This demonstrates that increased plasma LPL activity alone, in the absence of an increase in vessel wall LPL, is associated with reduced susceptibility to atherosclerosis.Taken together, these results provide in vivo evidence that the contribution of LPL to atherogenesis is significantly influenced by the balance between vessel wall protein (pro-atherogenic) and plasma activity (anti-atherogenic).  相似文献   

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