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Polycomb proteins are required for maintenance of silent chromatin states via histone H3 Lys27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) in animals, but homologs are not found in plant genomes. Using a DamID-chip method, we found that the Arabidopsis thaliana chromodomain-containing protein LHP1 colocalizes with H3K27me3 genome-wide. The LHP1 chromodomain also binds H3K27me3 with high affinity, suggesting that LHP1 has functions similar to those of Polycomb.  相似文献   

Edwards CR  Dang W  Berger SL 《Biochemistry》2011,50(48):10473-10483
Histones undergo post-translational modifications that are linked to important biological processes. Previous studies have indicated that lysine methylation correlating with closed or repressive chromatin is absent in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, including at H4 lysine 20 (K20). Here we provide functional evidence for H4 K20 monomethylation (K20me1) in budding yeast. H4 K20me1 is detectable on endogenous H4 by western analysis using methyl-specific antibodies, and the signal is abrogated by H4 K20 substitutions and by competition with H4 K20me1 peptides. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we show that H4 K20me1 levels are highest at heterochromatic locations, including subtelomeres, the silent mating type locus, and rDNA repeats, and lowest at centromeres within euchromatin. Further, an H4 K20A substitution strongly reduced heterochromatic reporter silencing at telomeres and the silent mating type locus and led to an increase in subtelomeric endogenous gene expression. The correlation between the location of H4 K20me1 and the effect of the H4 K20A substitution suggests that this modification plays a repressive function. Our findings reveal the first negative regulatory histone methylation in budding yeast and indicate that H4 K20me1 is evolutionarily conserved from simple to complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Histone H3 and H4 gene deletions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The genome of haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two nonallelic sets of histone H3 and H4 genes. Strains with deletions of each of these loci were constructed by gene replacement techniques. Mutants containing deletions of either gene set were viable, however meiotic segregants lacking both histone H3 and H4 gene loci were inviable. In haploid cells no phenotypic expression of the histone gene deletions was observed; deletion mutants had wild-type growth rates, were not temperature sensitive for growth, and mated normally. However, diploids homozygous for the H3-H4 gene deletions were slightly defective in their growth and cell cycle progression. The generation times of the diploid mutants were longer than wild-type cells, the size distributions of cells from exponentially growing cultures were skewed towards larger cell volumes, and the G1 period of the mutant cells was longer than that of the wild-type diploid. The homozygous deletion of the copy-II set of H3-H4 genes in diploids also increased the frequency of mitotic chromosome loss as measured using a circular plasmid minichromosome assay.  相似文献   

Leucine uptake by Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by three transport systems, the general amino acid transport system (GAP), encoded by GAP1, and two group-specific systems (S1 and S2), which also transport isoleucine and valine. A new mutant defective in both group-specific transport activities was isolated by employing a gap1 leu4 strain and selecting for trifluoroleucine-resistant mutants which also showed greatly reduced ability to utilize l-leucine as sole nitrogen source and very low levels of [14C]l-leucine uptake. A multicopy plasmid containing a DNA fragment which complemented the leucine transport defect was isolated by selecting for transformants that grew normally on minimal medium containing leucine as nitrogen source and subsequently assaying [14C]l-leucine uptake. Transformation of one such mutant, lep1, restored sensitivity to trifluoroleucine. The complementing gene, designated LEP1, was subcloned and sequenced. The LEP1 ORF encodes a large protein that lacks characteristics of a transporter or permease (i.e., lacks hydrophobic domains necessary for membrane association). Instead, Lep1p is a very basic protein (pI of 9.2) that contains a putative bipartite signal sequence for targeting to the nucleus, suggesting that it might be a DNA-binding protein. A database search revealed that LEP1 encodes a polypeptide that is identical to Sac3p except for an N-terminal truncation. The original identification of SAC3 was based on the isolation of a mutant allele, sac3-1, that suppresses the temperature-sensitive growth defect of an actin mutant containing the allele act1-1. Sac3p has been previously shown to be localized in the nucleus. When a lep1 mutant was crossed with a sac3 deletion mutant, no complementation was observed, indicating that the two mutations are functionally allelic.  相似文献   

The Gef1 protein of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Gef1p) has amino acid homology to the voltage-gated CLC chloride channel family. It has been postulated that it provides the compensatory transport of Cl- anions to the lumen of the Golgi thereby regulating the pH of this compartment. Using GEF1 fusion with heterologous promoter we obtained a yeast strain highly overproducing Gef1p. The electrophysiological properties of the microsomal fraction obtained from this strain were measured using lipid bilayer system. Our data indicate that Gef1p is associated with the chloride channel activity. This anion-selective channel has a unitary conductance of 42 pS when measured in symmetrical 600/600 mM TEA-Cl solutions, is voltage-dependent, and closes at high negative voltages.  相似文献   

Chromatin remodeling at promoters of activated genes spans from mild histone modifications to outright displacement of nucleosomes in trans. Factors affecting these events are not always clear. Our results indicate that histone H3 acetylation associated with histone displacement differs drastically even between promoters of such closely related heat shock genes as HSP12, SSA4, and HSP82. The HSP12 promoter, with the highest level of histone displacement, showed the highest level of H3 acetylation, while the SSA4 promoter, with a lower histone displacement, showed only modest H3 acetylation. Moreover, for the HSP12 promoter, the level of acetylated H3 is temporarily increased prior to nucleosome departure. Individual promoters in strains expressing truncated versions of heat shock factor (HSF) showed that deletion of either one of two activating regions in HSF led to the diminished histone displacement and correspondingly lower H3 acetylation. The deletion of both regions simultaneously severely decreased histone displacement for all promoters tested, showing the dependence of these processes on HSF. The level of histone H3 acetylation at individual promoters in strains expressing truncated HSF also correlated with the extent of histone displacement. The beginning of chromatin remodeling coincides with the polymerase II loading on heat shock gene promoters and is regulated either by HSF binding or activation of preloaded HSF.  相似文献   

Craven RJ  Petes TD 《Genetics》2001,158(1):145-154
Mec1p is a cell cycle checkpoint protein related to the ATM protein kinase family. Certain mec1 mutations or overexpression of Mec1p lead to shortened telomeres and loss of telomeric silencing. We conducted a multicopy suppressor screen for genes that suppress the loss of silencing in strains overexpressing Mec1p. We identified SCS2 (suppressor of choline sensitivity), a gene previously isolated as a suppressor of defects in inositol synthesis. Deletion of SCS2 resulted in decreased telomeric silencing, and the scs2 mutation increased the rate of cellular senescence observed for mec1-21 tel1 double mutant cells. Genetic analysis revealed that Scs2p probably acts through a different telomeric silencing pathway from that affected by Mec1p.  相似文献   

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