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The use of membrane proteins as chromatographic stationary phases for the quantitation of biospecific interaction between the proteins and solutes is reviewed. This method is one among the few where a membrane protein is immobilized for repeated analyses of solute binding. To our knowledge, five transmembrane proteins have been immobilized in chromatographic matrices: the glucose and nucleoside transporters from human red blood cells, the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from rat brain and a recombinant P-glycoprotein. Proteoliposomes and membrane vesicles have thereby been entrapped in size-exclusion beads, such as Superdex 200, and membrane proteins have been adsorbed on 'immobilized artificial membrane' monolayers of lipid analogs grafted to silica beads. Encouragingly, immobilized glucose transporter and P-glycoprotein showed constant interactant affinities for months. Analysis is done in the frontal mode at equilibrium because there is no separation between bound and free ligand. Both the affinity constant, which generally coincides with the corresponding constant determined by use of nonchromatographic methods, and the amount of active binding sites are obtained. The method has been successfully applied to functional analysis of membrane proteins in cells or reconstituted in lipid mono- or bilayers, screening of low-molecular interactants, investigation of protein-protein interaction and studies of effects of physico-chemical parameters on solute-protein interaction. The analyses require sensitive detection of the analyte and matching between amount of binding sites and affinity.  相似文献   

Jacalin, a lectin from the jackfruit Artocarpus integrifolia, has been known as a valuable tool for specific capturing of O-glycoproteins such as mucins and IgA1. Though its sugar-binding preference for T/Tn-antigens is well established, its detailed specificity has not been elucidated. In this study, we prepared a series of mucin-type glycopeptides using human glycosyltransferases, that is, ST6GalNAc1, Core1Gal-T1 and -T2, beta3Gn-T6, and Core2GnT1, and investigated their binding to immobilized Jacalin by frontal affinity chromatography (FAC). As a result, consistent with the previous observation, Jacalin showed high affinity for T-antigen (Core1) and Tn-antigen (alpha N-acetylgalactosamine)-attached peptides. Furthermore, we here show as novel findings that (1) Jacalin also showed significant affinity for Core3 and sialyl-T (ST)-attached peptides, but (2) Jacalin could not bind to Core2, Core6, and sialyl-Tn (STn)-attached peptides. The results were also confirmed by FAC using p-nitrophenyl (pNP)-derivatized saccharides. In conclusion, Jacalin binds to a GalNAcalpha1-peptide, in which C6-OH of alphaGalNAc is free (i.e., Core1, Tn, Core3, and ST), whereas it cannot recognize a GalNAcalpha1-peptide with a substitution at the C6 position (i.e., Core2, Core6, and STn). These findings provide useful information when applying jacalin for functional analysis of mucin-type glycoproteins and glycopeptides.  相似文献   

Galectins are widely distributed sugar-binding proteins whose basic specificity for beta-galactosides is conserved by evolutionarily preserved carbohydrate-recognition domains (CRDs). Although they have long been believed to be involved in diverse biological phenomena critical for multicellular organisms, in only few a cases has it been proved that their in vivo functions are actually based on specific recognition of the complex carbohydrates expressed on cell surfaces. To obtain clues to understand the physiological roles of diverse members of the galectin family, detailed analysis of their sugar-binding specificity is necessary from a comparative viewpoint. For this purpose, we recently reinforced a conventional system for frontal affinity chromatography (FAC) [J. Chromatogr., B, Biomed. Sci. Appl. 771 (2002) 67-87]. By using this system, we quantitatively analyzed the interactions at 20 degrees C between 13 galectins including 16 CRDs originating from mammals, chick, nematode, sponge, and mushroom, with 41 pyridylaminated (PA) oligosaccharides. As a result, it was confirmed that galectins require three OH groups of N-acetyllactosamine, as had previously been denoted, i.e., 4-OH and 6-OH of Gal, and 3-OH of GlcNAc. As a matter of fact, no galectin could bind to glycolipid-type glycans (e.g., GM2, GA2, Gb3), complex-type N-glycans, of which both 6-OH groups are sialylated, nor Le-related antigens (e.g., Le(x), Le(a)). On the other hand, considerable diversity was observed for individual galectins in binding specificity in terms of (1) branching of N-glycans, (2) repeating of N-acetyllactosamine units, or (3) substitutions at 2-OH or 3-OH groups of nonreducing terminal Gal. Although most galectins showed moderately enhanced affinity for branched N-glycans or repeated N-acetyllactosamines, some of them had extremely enhanced affinity for either of these multivalent glycans. Some galectins also showed particular preference for alpha1-2Fuc-, alpha1-3Gal-, alpha1-3GalNAc-, or alpha2-3NeuAc-modified glycans. To summarize, galectins have evolved their sugar-binding specificity by enhancing affinity to either "branched", "repeated", or "substituted" glycans, while conserving their ability to recognize basic disaccharide units, Galbeta1-3/4GlcNAc. On these bases, they are considered to exert specialized functions in diverse biological phenomena, which may include formation of local cell-surface microdomains (raft) by sorting glycoconjugate members for each cell type.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin has been used in a one-step preparative method to isolate the major sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A) from the human erythrocyte membrane. The conditions for isolation and purification of the sialoglycopeptide included low concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of relatively high salt concentration. This medium caused complete solubilization of the membrane but still allowed almost quantitative binding of the sialoglycopeptide to wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose. The eluted protein from such affinity systems was found to be chemically comparable to glycophorin A, as prepared by other procedures.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to summarize developments in the use of quantitative affinity chromatography to determine equilibrium constants for solute interactions of biological interest. Affinity chromatography is an extremely versatile method for characterizing interactions between dissimilar reactants because the biospecificity incorporated into the design of the affinity matrix ensures applicability of the method regardless of the relative sizes of the two reacting solutes. Adoption of different experimental strategies, such as column chromatography, simple partition equilibrium experiments, solid-phase immunoassay, and biosensor technology, has led to a situation whereby affinity chromatography affords a means of characterizing interactions governed by an extremely broad range of binding affinities--relatively weak interactions (binding constants below 10(3) M(-1)) through to interactions with binding constants in excess of 10(9) M(-1). In addition to its important role in solute separation and purification, affinity chromatography thus also possesses considerable potential for investigating the functional roles of the reactants thereby purified.  相似文献   

Analyses of specific interactions between solutes and a membrane protein can serve to characterize the protein. Frontal affinity chromatography of an interactant on a column containing the membrane protein immobilized in a lipid environment is a simple and robust approach for series of experiments with particular protein molecules. Regression analysis of the retention volumes at a series of interactant concentrations shows the affinity of the protein for the interactant and the amount of active binding sites. The higher the affinity, the fewer sites are required to give sufficient retention. Competition experiments provide the affinities of even weakly binding solutes and the non-specific retention of the primary interactant. Hummel and Dreyer size-exclusion chromatography allows complementary analyses of non-immobilized membrane materials. Analyses of the human facilitative glucose transporter GLUT1 by use of the inhibitor cytochalasin B (radioactively labeled) and the competitive substrate D-glucose (non-labeled) showed that GLUT1 interconverted between two states, exhibiting one or two cytochalasin B-binding sites per two GLUTI monomers, dependent on the membrane composition and environment. Similar analyses of a nucleoside transporter, a photosynthetic reaction center, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and a P-glycoprotein, alternative techniques, and immobilized-liposome chromatographic approaches are presented briefly.  相似文献   

Global analyses of protein phosphorylation require specific enrichment methods because of the typically low abundance of phosphoproteins. To date, immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) for phosphopeptides has shown great promise for large-scale studies, but has a reputation for poor specificity. We investigated the potential of IMAC in combination with capillary liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for the identification of plasma membrane phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis. Without chemical modification of peptides, over 75% pure phosphopeptides were isolated from plasma membrane digests and detected and sequenced by mass spectrometry. We present a scheme for two-dimensional peptide separation using strong anion exchange chromatography prior to IMAC that both decreases the complexity of IMAC-purified phosphopeptides and yields a far greater coverage of monophosphorylated peptides. Among the identified sequences, six originated from different isoforms of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase and defined two previously unknown phosphorylation sites at the regulatory C terminus. The potential for large-scale identification of phosphorylation sites on plasma membrane proteins will have wide-ranging implications for research in signal transduction, cell-cell communication, and membrane transport processes.  相似文献   

We study a reaction-diffusion model in a binary environment made of habitat and non-habitat regions. Environmental heterogeneity is expressed through the species intrinsic growth rate coefficient. It was known that, for a fixed habitat abundance, species survival depends on habitat arrangements. Our goal is to describe the spatial configurations of habitat that maximise the chances of survival. Through numerical computations, we find that they are of two main types - ball-shaped or stripe-shaped. We formally prove that these optimal shapes depend on the habitat abundance and on the amplitude of the growth rate coefficient. We deduce from these observations that the optimal shape of the habitat realises a compromise between reducing the detrimental habitat edge effects and taking advantage of the domain boundary effects. In the case of an infinite-periodic environment, we prove that the optimal habitat shapes can be deduced from those in the case of a bounded domain.  相似文献   

A fast method for the screening of a large number of immobilized dyes for the purification or binding of proteins called dye-ligand centrifugal affinity chromatography, is described. The ease and speed of this method is demonstrated by screening 65 immobilized dyes for the binding of purified goat IgG. Two immobilized dyes (Drimarene Blue K-R and Drimarene Rubine R/K-5BL) with a high affinity for goat IgG were found to bind specifically the Fc-fragment of the IgG.  相似文献   

Galectins, a group of β-galactoside-binding lectins, are involved in multiple functions through specific binding to their oligosaccharide ligands. No previous work has focused on their interaction with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). In the present work, affinities of established members of human galectins toward a series of GAGs were investigated, using frontal affinity chromatography. Structurally-defined keratan sulfate (KS) oligosaccharides showed significant affinity to a wide range of galectins if Gal residue(s) remained unsulfated, while GlcNAc sulfation had relatively little effect. Consistently, galectins showed much higher affinity to corneal type I than cartilageous type II KS. Unexpectedly, galectin-3, -7, and -9 also exerted significant affinity to desulfated, GalNAc-containing GAGs, i.e., chondroitin and dermatan, but not at all to hyaluronan and N-acetylheparosan. These observations revealed that the integrity of 6-OH of βGalNAc is important for galectin recognition of these galactosaminoglycans, which were shown, for the first time, to be implicated as potential ligands of galectins.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin has been used in a one-step preparative method to isolate the major sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A) from the human erythrocyte membrane. The conditions for isolation and purification of the sialoglycopeptide included low concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of relatively high salt concentration. This medium caused complete solubilization of the membrane but still allowed almost quantitative binding of the sialoglycopeptide to wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose. The eluted protein from such affinity systems was found to be chemically comparable to glycophorin A, as prepared by other procedures.  相似文献   

Immobilized Metal-Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) represents a relatively new separation technique that is primarily appropriate for the purification of proteins with natural surface-exposed histidine residues and for recombinant proteins with engineered histidine tags or histidine clusters. Because the method has gained broad popularity in recent years, the main recent developments in the field of new sorbents, techniques and possible applications are discussed in this article. Advantages of the method and new prospects are described as well as the problems and concerns that appear when the method is to be used for production of pharmaceutical-grade proteins.  相似文献   

A new method of affinity chromatography, termed membrane filtration affinity chromatography (MFAC), has been developed and applied to purify HCG from urine. By filtrating urine through ZBM (HCG in urine would bind to the antibody on ZBM) and by dissociating the HCG from the antibody on ZBM in purified form, we developed the MFAC and purified HCG from urine of pregnant women by MFAC. The purified HCG showed a single band in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. ZBM (1 cm(2)) could harvest 90.3 microg HCG, which showed immunoactivity of 8554 IU/mg. The rate of recovery was 87%. CONCLUSION: MFAC with ZBM is an effective method, which is much easier and cheaper than conventional affinity chromatography for purification of proteins from solution, especially from highly diluted solution.  相似文献   

A number of possible affinity adsorbents for transketolase (sedoheptulose-7-phosphate:D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphateglycolaldehydetransferase, EC were prepared. The behaviour of the enzyme from Candida utilis and from Baker's yeast on columns of these and of Blue Sepharose CL-6B was examined, together with the behaviour of the contaminating enzyme, ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase (EC A procedure for removing bound thiamine pyrophosphate by dialysis against EDTA was developed. The competitive inhibition of transketolase by oxythiamine and neopyrithiamine was measured and the Ki values obtained of 1.4 and 4.3 mM, respectively, were compared with the affinity of adsorbents prepared from these two inhibitors. Adsorbents containing bound thiamine pyrophosphate were relatively ineffective but those containing epoxy-linked neopyrithiamine and D-ribose 5-phosphate adsorbed the enzyme at pH 7.4 and it could be eluted in a specific manner.  相似文献   

The cell surface glycoproteins of goat epididymal maturing spermatozoa have been investigated using lectins as surface probes that interact with specific sugars with high affinity. Concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) showed high affinity for mature cauda epididymal sperm agglutination, whereas RCA2, kidney beans lectin and peanut agglutinin caused much lower or little agglutination of the cells. The mature sperm exhibited markedly higher efficacy than the immature caput epididymal sperm for binding both ConA and WGA, as evidenced by sperm agglutination and the binding of the fluorescence isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled lectins. FITC-ConA binds uniformly to the entire mature sperm surface whereas FITC-WGA binds to the acrosomal cap region of the head. The FITC-RCA2 mainly labelled the posterior head of mature cauda sperm. However, no WGA-specific glycoprotein receptors could be detected in sperm plasma membrane (PM) by WGA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The data implied that the epididymal sperm maturation is associated with a marked increase in the ConA/WGA receptors and that WGA receptors may be glycolipids rather than glycoproteins. Analysis of the ConA receptors of cauda sperm PM identified by ConA-Sepharose affinity chromatography and subsequent resolution in SDS-PAGE demonstrated the presence of five glycopolypeptides of different concentrations (98, 96, 43, 27 and 17 kDa) of goat sperm membrane. The immunoblot of these ConA-specific glycopeptides with anti-sperm membrane antiserum showed that 98- and 96-kDa receptors are immunoresponsive.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of adenoviral vectors for gene therapy clinical trials necessitates the development of processes suitable for large-scale and commercial production of adenovirus. Here, we evaluated a novel purification process combining an anion-exchange chromatography and an immobilized metal affinity membrane chromatography for the purification of recombinant adenovirus. Adenovirus was initially purified from clarified infectious lysate by anion-exchange chromatography using Q Sepharose XL resin and further polished using a Sartobind IDA membrane unit charged with Zn2+ ions as affinity ligands. The metal affinity membrane chromatography efficiently removed residual host cell impurities that co-eluted with adenovirus during the previous anion-exchange chromatography step. The metal affinity membrane chromatography also separated defective adenovirus particles from the infectious adenovirus fraction. Furthermore, the metal affinity membrane chromatography showed an improved yield, when compared with a conventional bead-based metal affinity chromatography. The purity and specific activity of the adenovirus prepared using this two-step chromatography was comparable to those of adenovirus produced by the conventional CsCl density centrifugation. Therefore, our data provide an improved method for the purification of adenoviral vectors for clinical applications.  相似文献   

Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) is widely used to estimate the extent of α1,6-fucosylated oligosaccharides and to fractionate glycoproteins for the detection of specific biomarkers for developmental antigens. Our previous studies have shown that Aspergillus oryzae lectin (AOL) reflects the extent of α1,6-fucosylation more clearly than AAL. However, the subtle specificities of these lectins to fucose linked to oligosaccharides through the 2-, 3-, 4-, or 6-position remain unclear, because large amounts of oligosaccharides are required for the systematic comparative analysis using surface plasmon resonance. Here we show a direct comparison of the dissociation constants (Kd) of AOL and AAL using 113 pyridylaminated oligosaccharides with frontal affinity chromatography. As a result, AOL showed a similar specificity as AAL in terms of the high affinity for α1,6-fucosylated oligosaccharides, for smaller fucosylated oligosaccharides, and for oligosaccharides fucosylated at the reducing terminal core GlcNAc. On the other hand, AOL showed 2.9-6.2 times higher affinity constants (Ka) for α1,6-fucosylated oligosaccharides than AAL and only AAL additionally recognized oligosaccharides which were α1,3-fucosylated at the reducing terminal GlcNAc. These results explain why AOL reflects the extent of α1,6-fucosylation on glycoproteins more clearly than AAL. This systematic comparative analysis made from a quantitative viewpoint enabled a clear physical interpretation of these fucose-specific lectins with multivalent fucose-binding sites.  相似文献   

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