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Most birds have specific habitat requirements for breeding. The vegetation structure surrounding nest-sites is an important component of habitat quality, and can have large effects on avian breeding performance. We studied 13 years of Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus population data to determine whether characteristics of vegetation structure predict site occupancy, laying date and number of eggs laid. Measurements of vegetation structure included the density of English Oak Quercus robur, European Beech Fagus sylvatica, and other deciduous, coniferous and non-coniferous evergreen trees, within a 20-m radius of nest-boxes used for breeding. Trees were further sub-divided into specific classes of trunk circumferences to determine the densities for different maturity levels. Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we reduced the total number of 17 measured vegetation variables to 7 main categories, which we used for further analyses. We found that the occupancy rate of sites and the number of eggs laid correlated positively with the proportion of deciduous trees and negatively with the density of coniferous trees. Laying of the first egg was advanced with a greater proportion of deciduous trees. Among deciduous trees, the English Oak appeared to be most important, as a higher density of more mature English Oak trees was associated with more frequent nest-box occupancy, a larger number of eggs laid, and an earlier laying start. Furthermore, laying started earlier and more eggs were laid in nest-boxes with higher occupancy rates. Together, these findings highlight the role of deciduous trees, particularly more mature English Oak, as important predictors of high-quality preferred habitat. These results aid in defining habitat quality and will facilitate future studies on the importance of environmental quality for breeding performance.  相似文献   

CapsuleFood independently affects both laying date and clutch size, suggesting that seasonal decline in clutch size is related to a decrease in food availability.

Aim To test the effect of food abundance on laying date and clutch size of the White Stork and identify the cause of seasonal decline in the number of eggs laid.

Methods During 1991 and 1996 we recorded clutch size and laying date of pairs breeding next to rubbish dumps (food abundant and constant throughout the breeding season) and birds breeding far from rubbish dumps (using natural food sources).

Results In 1991 there was no difference in mean laying date between pairs nesting at rubbish dumps and control pairs. Clutch size was significantly larger at rubbish dump nests. In contrast, mean laying date was earlier in control pairs in 1996 and there was no significant differences in clutch sizes, even when controlling for laying date effect.

Conclusion The results support the hypothesis that food availability independently affects both laying date and clutch size. The seasonal decline in clutch size close to rubbish dumps was negligible (1991) or much smaller than in the control zone (1996) suggesting that a progressive deterioration of natural food sources is the most probable reason for a decline in clutch size as the season advances.  相似文献   

Summary Different mechanisms proposed to explain the intra-seasonal decline in clutch size of Lesser Snow Geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) were tested at the La Perouse Bay colony, Manitoba, Canada. Ovary examination of females collected after laying revealed that the actual number of eggs produced per female decreased over the laying period. This finding eliminates nest-parasitism, partial clutch predation and renesting attempts as sufficient explanations for seasonal clutch size decline. Follicular atresia induced by reserve depletion was also rejected since its occurrence was similar among early and late nesters. The decline in clutch size was observed within age-classes, and therefore age effects on clutch size and laying date per se do not account for the observed relationship. Clutch size and laying date were respectively positively and negatively correlated with the amount of nutrient reserves in females at the onset of laying, and also covaried within individuals observed breeding in several seasons. Laying date repeatability was estimated at 0.22. It is postulated that the seasonal decline in clutch size results mainly from a positive feed-back of female's nutrient reserves on the hormones controlling ovary development. Hatching synchrony or shortness of the breeding season may be the ultimate factors responsible for the intra-seasonal clutch size decline in Lesser Snow Geese.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that breeding terns are sensitive to food supply and that their reproductive effort could be substantially affected by the availability and access to resources. In this study we examined reproductive parameters in the whiskered tern Chlidonias hybrida in relation to food supply during the courtship feeding period (food brought by males to females) over a 2-year period (2004–2005). We also studied whether the condition of the nestlings [body condition index (BCI)] was related to a proxy of the reproductive investment of the adults (the clutch size) during a season of food shortage. Behavioural observations showed a decrease in the intensity of male courtship feeding between years (2004 > 2005), and a strong shift in the relative abundance of the two prey groups (invertebrates/fish; invertebrate prey dropped from 88.0 to 49.3%) brought by males. This change in food delivery rates did not result in a delay in laying, but there was a significant difference in mean clutch size between years (2.71 ± 0.49 eggs in 2004 and 2.05 ± 0.78 eggs in 2005) without any within-year variation in relation to the laying dates. The egg size (volume and length) was related to the year (2004 < 2005), suggesting a trade-off in the quantity and the quality of eggs between the two seasons. We also found no evidence that the investment in a large clutch affected nestling BCI in the course of the food shortage season. Since many pairs (about 60%) interrupted breeding during the incubation stage, we assumed that parents that succeeded in rearing nestlings in these conditions were probably ‘high-quality’ individuals. Our results therefore showed that whiskered terns are sensitive to the varying food conditions they experienced throughout the courtship period. The diversity of prey types could be a key factor in the reproductive investment of this tern species.  相似文献   

We studied egg size variation of Tengmalm's owls in western Finland during 1981–1990. The owls fed on voles whose population fluctuated in a predictable manner: low (1981, 1984, 1987, 1990), increase (1982, 1985, 1988) and peak (1983, 1986, 1986) phases of the cycle occurred every third year. Eggs were largest in the increase phase of the vole cycle, even though that voles were more abundant and egg-laying started earlier in the peak phase than in the increase phase. This suggests that owls invest mostly in egg size when vole abundance increases along with survival chances of offspring. Territory quality and female age had no effects on egg size, but egg size decreased with laying data in the increase phase of the vole cycle. Egg size was significantly positively related to the male age in the increase phase, but the opposite relationship was significant in the peak phase of the vole cycle. The partners of adult males also decreased their egg volume from the increase to the peak phase, whereas the partners of yearling males produced their largest eggs in the peak phase of the vole cycle. This suggests the importance of experience in prevailing food fluctuations. Possibly male Tengmalm's owls can adjust the intensity of courtship feeding not only in relation to the food abundance on their territories at the time of egg laying, but also to the survival prospects of their offspring. Phenotypic plasticity seems to play a substantial role, as the egg size repeatabilities of individual females and partners of individual males were low. Obviously, under cyclic food conditions, predictability and inter-generational trade-offs are important to life history traits.  相似文献   

The factors explaining interspecific differences in clutch investment in precocial birds are poorly understood. We investigated how variations in clutch characteristics are related to environmental factors in a comparative study of 151 extant species of ducks, geese and swans (Anseriformes). Egg mass was negatively related to clutch size in a phylogenetic regression, a relationship that was much stronger when controlling for female mass. Nest placement was related to both egg size and clutch size, with cavity-nesting species laying more but smaller eggs. Egg size was positively correlated with incubation period and with female mass, and also with sexual size dimorphism (i.e. male mass relative to that of the female). Clutch size was not related to female mass. Species with long term pair bonds laid smaller clutches and larger eggs. The size of the breeding range was strongly positively correlated with clutch size and clutch mass, and its inclusion in multivariate models made other biogeographical variables (hemisphere, breeding latitude or insularity) non-significant. The small clutches in insular species appear to be a product of small range size rather than insularity per se. Our results suggest there is an evolutionary trade-off between clutch and egg size, and lend support to Lack’s resource-limitation hypothesis for the waterfowl.  相似文献   

On the evolution of clutch size and nest size in passerine birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1989,79(3):300-305
Summary I examined the hypothesis that the clutch size of some altricial birds may be limited by over-crowding of the nestlings in the nest, by comparing data on different species of European passerines. Large-sized birds build, relative to the body, larger nests than small-sized birds, both as regards the inner and the outer nest widths and as regards edge breadth; only inner nestcup depth did not change relatively to body size. Nest size also varied in relation to nesting place. Birds with open nests built off the ground had a rather narrow nestcup, whereas those with a domed nest, or which nest in a cavity, had a wide nestcup. When only open-nesters were compared, birds nesting on, or close to, the ground tended to have a wider nestcup than birds nesting above the ground. Inner nestcup width was correlated with the amount of mosses and lichens used in building the nest; the more of such materials the narrower the nestcup. The three variables: standardised body size, nesting place, and type of nesting material used accounted for 92% of the overall variation observed in inner nestcup width. When controlling for adult body size, clutch size was positively correlated with the size of the nestcup. A multiple regression analysis showed that relative nestcup depth, nest site, and type of nesting materials used, accounted for 64% of the overall variation in clutch size.  相似文献   

Summary Early and late season clutch parameters were examined over a three year period in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi. Precipitation levels were monitored throughout the study. In the early and late season of 1984 and the early season of 1986 precipitation levels approximated long-term mean levels of precipitation. In 1985 a severe winter drought occurred. Clutch size was positively related to body size in all samples in every year. In 1984 and 1986, egg size was not related to clutch size, whereas, in 1985 egg size was negatively related to clutch size. In 1985, females produced large clutches of small eggs early in the season and small clutches of large eggs late in the season. In 1984, no seasonal changes in egg or clutch size occurred. In the late season of 1986, females produced the largest clutches and the smallest eggs of all the samples, but egg and clutch size were not statistically different from the early season egg and clutch size of 1986. Total clutch dry weight, an estimate of total clutch energy, was not different in any of the six sampling periods. These data do not support current adaptationist models that attempt to explain the control of clutch and egg size in lizards. It is argued in this paper that egg and clutch size may vary in response to past environments that affect a female's physical condition, as well as, current resources that may be important for maintenance and reproduction. Egg and clutch size appear to be plastic traits selected to respond to proximal environmental variation, whereas, the investment of total dry matter/clutch has been optimized.  相似文献   

Torti VM  Dunn PO 《Oecologia》2005,145(3):486-495
Many recent studies have shown that birds are advancing their laying date in response to long-term increases in spring temperatures. These studies have been conducted primarily in Europe and at local scales. If climate change is a large-scale phenomenon, then we should see responses at larger scales and in other regions. We examined the effects of long-term temperature change on the laying dates and clutch sizes of six ecologically diverse species of North American birds using 50 years of nest record data. As predicted, laying dates for most (four of six) species were earlier when spring temperatures were warmer. Over the long-term, laying dates advanced over time for two species (red-winged blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus and eastern bluebirds, Sialia sialis). Laying date of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) also advanced with increasing temperature when the analysis was restricted to eastern populations. Neither laying date nor clutch sizes changed significantly over time in the remaining species (American coot, Fulica americana, killdeer, Charadrius vociferous, and American robin, Turdus migratorius), an unsurprising result given the lack of increase in temperatures over time at nest locations of these species. This study indicates that the relationship between climate change and breeding in birds is variable within and among species. In large-scale analyses of North American birds, four of seven species have shown advances in laying dates with increasing temperature (including song sparrows in the east). These variable responses within and among species highlight the need for more detailed studies across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Antioxidants are powerful protectors against the damaging effects of free radicals that constitute the inevitable by-products of aerobic metabolism. Growing embryos are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of free radicals produced during rapid growth, and mothers of many species provide protection against such damage by allocating antioxidants to their eggs. Birds living in radioactively contaminated areas use dietary antioxidants to cope with the damaging effects of radiation, but females also allocate dietary antioxidants to eggs, potentially enforcing a physiological trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductive investment. Here we tested whether female great tits Parus major breeding in radioactively contaminated study areas near Chernobyl allocated less dietary antioxidants to eggs, and whether such reduced allocation of dietary antioxidants to eggs had fitness consequences. Concentrations of total yolk carotenoids and vitamins A and E were depressed near Chernobyl compared to concentrations in a less contaminated Ukrainian study area and a French control study area, and all antioxidants showed dose-dependent relationships with all three dietary antioxidants decreasing with increasing level of radiation at nest boxes. These effects held even when controlling statistically for potentially confounding habitat variables and covariation among antioxidants. Laying date was advanced and clutch size increased at nest boxes with high dose rates. Hatching success increased with increasing concentration of vitamin E, implying that hatching success decreased at boxes with high levels of radiation, eventually eliminating and even reversing the higher potential reproductive output associated with early reproduction and large clutch size. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that radioactive contamination reduced levels of dietary antioxidants in yolks, with negative consequences for hatching success and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Non-random sex allocation in relation to parental, ecological and phenological factors has been investigated in several correlational studies of birds, mostly based on few breeding seasons and relatively small sample sizes, which have led to different results. We investigated sex ratio of nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) in relation to adult sex ratio, laying date, clutch size, colony size and meteorological conditions in a sample of 553 broods (>2200 nestlings) during 10 years. At the population level, nestling sex ratio varied among years and deviated from parity in two years. Sex ratio among adults did not predict offspring sex ratio in the current or the following year. At the within-family level, the proportion of sons increased with laying date in large clutches, did not vary among clutches of intermediate size, and tended to decline with laying date in small clutches. Large colonies harbored more sons. The proportion of males increased with temperature during laying whereas the effects of temperature during the pre- or post-laying periods and that of rainfall were non-significant. These patterns of variation of offspring sex ratio did not differ between years. Thus, we identified several potential causal sources of variation in barn swallow offspring sex ratio, including temporal, phenological and ecological factors. The observation of an association of offspring sex with temperature during laying is novel for birds and may be mediated by effects on maternal steroid hormones profile. The ecological and evolutionary implications of present findings are discussed in the light of adaptive sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Glanville fritillary butterfly ( Melitaea cinxia ) females lay up to 10 clutches of 50–300 eggs in their lifetime. Clutch size is an important life-history trait as larval group size affects survival throughout larval development.
2. Two experiments were carried out in a large population cage in the field to investigate the life-history and environmental correlates of clutch size.
3. Clutch size decreased with the cumulative number of eggs laid previously, increased with both female body weight and the number of days between consecutive clutches.
4. Genotypic differences among females in the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase had a significant influence on clutch size, partly because females of particular genotypes were able to initiate oviposition earlier in the day and thereby take advantage of the most favourable environmental conditions for oviposition.
5. Factors influencing clutch size were partly different in two summers, indicating the modulating effect of prevailing environmental conditions on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

We examined long-term (1943–2003) variability in laying dates and clutch sizes in a Finnish population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, and analysed whether potential changes were explained by changes in climatic factors at the wintering area in Africa, at migration route or at breeding grounds. Among-year variation in both mean and skewness of laying dates increased, which for mean laying date appeared to be explained by variability of temperatures at the breeding grounds and for skewness by variable temperature trends along the migration route. Pied flycatchers bred earlier in warm springs, but despite a warming trend in pre-laying temperatures, the laying dates tended to delay. Laying dates became continuously later in relation to the phenology of the environment. Mean clutch size decreased with time when mean laying date was controlled for, but the climatic factors did not appear to explain the decrease. The advancement of spring phenology may have shifted some food sources needed for egg-laying, thus leading to later laying and smaller clutches. Variation in clutch size increased when wintering conditions were favourable so that clutch size distribution was skewed with a tail of small clutches when there had been lot of rainfall (more vegetation and insects) in the wintering area. We suggest that when ecological conditions during winter were good, the tail of small clutches represented low-quality individuals that were not able to breed after bad winters. Our analyses demonstrate that measures of spread and symmetry give different information about population level changes than means, and thus complement the understanding of the potential influences of climate change on populations.  相似文献   


The age at first breeding and the influence of age on laying date, clutch size, and egg size of white-fronted terns were studied at the Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand, between 1971 and 1976. Of the 134 banded birds recovered breeding at Kaikoura, 63% were marked as nestlings at Kaikoura; the remainder came from colonies within 104 km. The bird is extremely capricious in its choice of nesting locality, and there are indications that it is not consistently philopatric. A small number bred as 3-year-olds, but the majority did not commence breeding until after they were 6 years old. Most pairs (73%) were of partners with an age difference of 1 year or less. Laying date and egg size varied with the age of the parent, but clutch size showed no significant change in relation to age. Mean egg volume did not vary between one-egg and two-egg clutches, but in two-egg clutches the first egg laid was significantly the larger in length, breadth, and volume. Single-egg clutches were the most common, but as the season progressed the proportion of two-egg clutches increased. There was no significant seasonal change in egg size.  相似文献   

We compared the breeding phenology and clutch size of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in three Spanish areas that differed in feeding habitat, breeding environmental conditions and the distribution and availability of different nesting sites (cliffs or artefacts). The variation in the timing of laying seemed to be related to differences in climatic conditions determined by the altitude. The variation in clutch size was associated with the different use that Choughs made of the feeding areas because of the contrasting availability and distribution of their nesting sites. Within southeastern Madrid, clutch size of the Chough decreased and its variance increased at high nest densities on cliff sites, suggesting that density dependence in fecundity arises from habitat heterogeneity rather than by interference. At high densities, individuals, territories, nest sites or a combination of these may differ in quality, thus promoting differences and increasing the variance in the initial investment of reproductive effort. The syncronization of the onset of laying at increased breeding densities suggests that social influences arising from communal foraging or avoidance of predation by early warning and predator swamping may be acting also. We suggest that nest-site availability and distribution have a major influence on the social organization of Choughs through their breeding and foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper reviews the importance of constraint assumptions to the predictions of static optimality models of insect clutch size. This allows us to identify predictions that distinguish between models embodying different constraints on female oviposition behaviour and hence to determine which resources or other factors limit clutch size evolutionarily. We conclude that while some models may be distinguished using qualitative criteria, others require the testing of quantitative predictions. In a companion paper (Wilson 1994) these models are tested using the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus.  相似文献   

A population of booted eagles (Hieraaetus pennatus) consisting of 21–29 pairs was studied for 7 years (1998–2004) in a forested mountainous region of southeastern Spain. The average egg-laying time was 25 April (earliest 31 March, latest 26 May). Sixty-eight percent of territorial pairs produced eggs, and 81% of reproductive pairs successfully raised at least one offspring. Mean clutch size was 1.91 eggs, and 84% hatched. The survival rate of chicks was high, with only 17% dying. The major known cause of nestling mortality was predation, mainly by the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo). The mean number of flying offspring was 0.91 per territorial pair, 1.29 per reproductive pair and 1.65 per successful pair. All population breeding parameters analysed were density independent, but most showed a significantly negative relationship with mean laying date.  相似文献   

Nest size has been suggested to be a sexually selected traitindicating parental ability of both males and females. To testwhether a female's reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch sizeand starting incubation) change in relation to experimentalmanipulation of nest size, as would be predicted if nest sizeis a sexually selected signal reflecting the male's parental quality, we manipulated nest size in a population of monogamousmagpies before laying by adding or removing about 20 cm oflarge sticks in the roof of magpie nests. On the one hand,we found that clutch size of reduced nests was smaller thanthat of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, clutch size was significantly related to nest size after manipulation, whichindicates that females adjust clutch size to the final sizeof the nest, nest size thereby being a good candidate for asexually selected trait. On the other hand, number of eggshatched during the first day is hypothesized to be related to the expected available resources during nestling growth, andsubsequent nestlings hatched are likely to die due to broodreduction if resources are not sufficient to raise well-developednestlings. Nest size is hypothesized to inform females abouta male's willingness to invest in reproduction, and we foundthat in broods of experimentally reduced nests, females startedto incubate earlier in the laying sequence than they did inbroods of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, in experimentallyreduced nests, fewer nestlings hatched during the first day,and the difference in body mass between the first and the fourthnestling hatched increased. This result is in accordance withthe hypothesis that the female's decision of when to start incubationin the laying sequence is mediated by nest size, a sexuallyselected trait signaling parental quality. We discuss alternativeexplanations for the results such as the possibility that nestsof different treatments may differ in their thermoregulationproperties or in their protection against predators.  相似文献   

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